Gypsy Rose Blanchard Wave of Hate from Nick Supporters ... She Feels It's Unfair!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting bombarded with criticism from Nick Godejohn supporters -- it's been going on since she got out of prison, but Gypsy feels the haters aren't giving her a fair shake.

Sources close to Gypsy Rose tell TMZ ... she's been inundated with folks expressing negative feelings toward her, because she's now free -- whereas Nick's serving a life sentence for murdering her mother Dee Dee.

We're told that fact of Gypsy's situation is one over which she feels a lot of guilt to this day.

Still, our sources say Gypsy feels it's not right she's being branded a murderer by some of these overzealous Nick fans ... and the reason for that is because she didn't actually carry out the act of taking her mother's life. Remember, Nick was the one who stabbed Dee Dee, and Gypsy was convicted of second-degree murder -- basically, for masterminding the slaying.

With that in mind, Gypsy also thinks it's strange Nick is getting sympathy from folks who want to see him freed. We're told she believes he enjoyed stabbing her mother 17 times, so the fact he's got a group of backers is sorta ass-backwards.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence, but was released on parole last month, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

Our sources tell us Gypsy feels like she tried to help Nick in his 2018 trial by testifying she came up with the plan to kill Dee Dee, because it was the only way she could escape her mother's abuse. She feels her testimony was the right thing to do to clear her conscience, and we're told doing so helped her forgive herself.

Now, we're told Gypsy has NO feelings towards Nick ... she doesn't want to communicate with him and she's trying to leave their past behind and move forward with her new life.

Our sources say Gypsy doesn't hate Nick, but she doesn't love him or feel sad for him either -- she just doesn't feel anything for him ... good or bad.

Some of the same folks attacking Gypsy online say Nick should be freed too ... but we're told she feels his punishment fits the crime. Our sources say Nick told Gypsy in text messages, before Dee Dee's murder, he was going to enjoy killing her mom ... and Gypsy feels her ex is a danger to society who needs extreme mental health care while behind bars.

Bottom line ... she's done her time, and Gypsy doesn't understand the continued criticism.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard recibe el odio de los seguidores de Nick Godejohn y lo considera injusto

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ha sido bombardeada por el odio de los partidarios de Nick Godejohn desde su salida de la cárcel y ella siente que está recibiendo un trato injusto.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy Rose le dicen a TMZ que ha estado experimentando sentimientos negativos hacia ella desde que fue puesta en libertad. Todo porque ella es la que ha asegurado su libertad, mientras que Nick está cumpliendo una cadena perpetua por asesinar a su madre Dee Dee.

Nos informan que la situación de Gypsy es un hecho por el que se siente muy culpable hasta el día de hoy.

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy siente que no es correcto que esté siendo tildada de asesina por algunos de los fans de Nick, y la razón de ello es que en realidad ella no le quitó la vida de su madre... recordemos que Nick fue quien apuñaló a Dee Dee y Gypsy fue condenada por asesinato en segundo grado, básicamente por ser la autora intelectual del crimen.

Nos dicen que Gypsy también piensa que es extraño, Nick está recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que quiere verlo en libertad. Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella cree que disfrutó de matar y apuñalar 17 veces a su madre, por lo que el hecho de que él tenga un grupo de seguidores es inaudito.

Recordemos que Nick fue declarado culpable de asesinato en primer grado y condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional, mientras que Gypsy fue condenada a 10 años pero salió en libertad condicional tras cumplir 8 años de prisión.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gypsy siente que trató de ayudar a Nick en su juicio penal de 2018 al testificar que ideó el plan para matar a Dee Dee porque era la única manera de escapar del abuso de su madre y nos dicen que Gypsy siente que su testimonio fue lo correcto en ese momento para limpiar su conciencia, lo que la ayudó a perdonarse a sí misma y seguir adelante.

Ahora, nos dicen Gypsy NO tiene sentimientos hacia Nick... ella no quiere comunicarse con él y ella está tratando de dejar su pasado atrás y seguir adelante con su nueva vida.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy no odia a Nick, pero no lo ama o se siente triste por él tampoco... ella simplemente no siente nada hacia él, bueno o malo, y punto.

Algunas de las mismas personas que atacan a Gypsy en línea dicen que Nick debería ser liberado también, pero nos dicen que ella siente que su castigo se ajusta al crimen. Nuestras fuentes dicen que Nick le dijo a Gypsy en mensajes de texto antes del asesinato de Dee Dee que iba a disfrutar de matar a su madre y Gypsy siente que su ex es un peligro para la sociedad y necesita atención de salud mental extrema, mientras que está detrás de las rejas.

En pocas palabras... ella ha pagado su condena y Gypsy no entiende las críticas continuas.

Jam Master Jay Run-DMC DJ's Slaying ... Murder Trial Starts Jan. 29

The trial for 2 men charged with murdering hip hop legend Jam Master Jay of the trailblazing group Run-DMC is all set to begin ... more than 20 years after the pioneering DJ was killed.

Jury selection began last week from a pool of more than 500 prospective candidates -- the process is scheduled to be completed by January 22, and the trial will begin one week later.

The murder of Run-DMC DJ Jam Master Jay has been a mystery for nearly 2 decades ... but 2 men are finally in custody for the crime, TMZ has confirmed.

Jay was shot to death on October 30, 2002, in a recording studio in Queens, and now federal prosecutors are indicting  Ronald Washington and Karl Jordan, Jr. for the crime.

Karl Jordan Jr. and Ronald Washington are the defendants who were indicted back in August 2020.

Prosecutors charged a third defendant, Jay Bryant, in July 2023 and his trial will commence sometime in 2025.

Jay was shot and killed in October 2002 inside a Queens recording studio he owned and operated.

Run-DMC and Jay are credited for being one of the biggest influences on hip hop's progression, and they're the first rap group to go platinum.

Sam Haskell Jr. Pleads Not Guilty in Triple Murder Case Continues to be Shirtless

Sam Haskell Jr. is officially denying culpability in his triple murder case this week -- and the guy continues to go shirtless before a judge ... this as officials have fears of self-harm.

The murder suspect had an appearance in court Friday in Los Angeles, where he and his lawyers officially entered not guilty pleas to the 3 counts of murder Haskell is facing. Also of note ... the fact he was trotted out in front of everybody with his bare chest exposed again.

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Remember, he was rocking the same sorta look when he first appeared in court last month ... something correctional officers relegated him to because of what they said were suicidal thoughts he was expressing.

Now, more than a month later of his being in custody ... he's still shirtless, something his lawyers griped about Friday -- claiming their client has not indicated he intends self-harm upon himself. Despite this, hizzoner denied Sam a shirt ... offering a self-harm vest instead.

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Doesn't sound like Sam took the judge up on that ... and now, he's due back in court next month. It's unclear what exactly he's wearing behind bars, but when he's appeared in court ... he's been shirtless both times.

Remember, prosecutors allege Sam killed his wife, Mei, as well as her parents Yanxiang and Gaoshan. TMZ obtained surveillance video that appeared to show Haskell dumping something off at a dumpster shortly before he was arrested.

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He remains in custody without bail.

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Mariska Hargitay S.A. Survival Story ... Gets Praised by Advocacy Groups

Mariska Hargitay revealed this week that she's a survivor of sexual assault -- something a number of orgs advocating on behalf of victims are singing her praises over, for good reason.

The actress penned a gut-wrenching piece for People this week detailing her experience -- which detailed what she says was an outright rape committed by someone she considered a friend in her 30s. She doesn't specify when it happened, but she does remember it vividly.

She says, "I tried all the ways I knew to get out of it. I tried to make jokes, to be charming, to set a boundary, to reason, to say no. He grabbed me by the arms and held me down. I was terrified. I didn’t want it to escalate to violence. I now know it was already sexual violence, but I was afraid he would become physically violent. I went into freeze mode, a common trauma response when there is no option to escape. I checked out of my body."

Afterward, Mariska says she erased this incident from her narrative and tried forgetting it -- although, this issue is still very clearly near and dear to her heart ... evidenced in the fact that she founded the Joyful Heart Foundation, a nonprofit aimed at helping SA survivors.

Of course, there's also the fact she's been playing Det. Olivia Benson on 'Law & Order: SVU' for years now ... and her character is constantly out to catch predators of this nature as well.

Mariska has been getting praised for sharing her experience, but there are some advocacy groups in this space that wanna show her more love and appreciation ... including the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network and the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

Reps for all 4 orgs tell TMZ that Mariska coming forward continues to strip away the stigma of victims feeling afraid or ashamed to come forward and speak their truth ... noting what she's doing here is helpful to countless other people out there in the world.

Scott Berkowitz of RAINN says, "Mariska Hargitay has already done so much for survivors of sexual violence through her career and her foundation. To now share her personal story is another brave and important act, and we stand by her and all survivors who take this step."

All the groups here tell us just about the same thing -- that Mariska's recounting echoes so much of what victims go through collectively ... and that talking about it encourages others to do the same. With someone as high-profile as her speaking out, it helps pave the way.

As MH says herself, "The experience was horrible. But it doesn’t come close to defining me, in the same way that no other single part of my story defines me. No single part of anyone’s story defines them."

La historia de Mariska Hargitay sobre las agresiones sexuales es elogiada por grupos de defensa de los derechos humanos

Mariska Hargitay ha revelado esta semana que ha sobrevivido a una agresión sexual, algo por lo que varias organizaciones de defensa de las víctimas la alaban, y con razón.

La actriz escribió esta semana un desgarrador artículo para People en el que detalla su experiencia: lo que ella dice que fue una violación cometida por alguien a quien consideraba un amigo a los 30 años. No especifica cuándo ocurrió, pero lo recuerda vívidamente.

Ella dice: "Traté de todas las maneras posibles de salir de ahí. Intenté hacer bromas, ser encantadora, poner un límite, razonar, decir que no. Me agarró por los brazos y me sujetó. Estaba aterrorizada. No quería que llegara a la violencia. Ahora sé que ya era violencia sexual, pero temía que se volviera violento físicamente. Entré en modo de congelación, una respuesta traumática habitual cuando no hay opción de escapar. Salí de mi cuerpo".

Después, Mariska dice que borró este incidente de su narrativa y trató de olvidarlo, aunque este tema sigue siendo algo muy importante para ella... evidenciado que ella fundó la Fundación Joyful Heart, una organización sin fines de lucro destinada a ayudar a los sobrevivientes de asalto sexual.

Por supuesto, también está el hecho de que ella ha estado interpretando a Olivia Benson en 'Law & Order: SVU' desde hace años y su personaje también está constantemente tratando de atrapar a los depredadores de esta naturaleza.

Mariska ha sido elogiada por compartir su experiencia, pero hay algunos grupos de defensa en este espacio que quieren sumarse, incluyendo el Centro Nacional de Recursos contra la Violencia Sexual, la Alianza de la Ciudad de Nueva York contra el Asalto Sexual, la Red Nacional de Violación, Abuso e Incesto y la Coalición del Estado de Nueva York contra el Asalto Sexual.

Representantes de las 4 organizaciones le dicen a TMZ que Mariska sigue despojando el estigma de las víctimas que sienten miedo o vergüenza de presentarse y decir su verdad.

Scott Berkowitz de RAINN dice: "Mariska Hargitay ha hecho mucho por los supervivientes de la violencia sexual a través de su carrera y su fundación. Compartir ahora su historia personal es otro acto valiente e importante y la apoyamos a ella y a todas las supervivientes que dan este paso".

Todos los grupos nos dicen lo mismo, que el relato de Mariska se hace eco de lo que las víctimas sufren colectivamente y que hablar de ello anima a otros a hacer lo mismo. Que alguien de tan alto nivel como ella hable, ayuda a allanar el camino.

Como dice la propia Mariska: "La experiencia fue horrible. Pero ni de lejos me define, del mismo modo que ninguna otra parte de mi historia me define. Ninguna parte de la historia de nadie le define". Bien dicho.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Sits For First Post-Prison Release Interview ... Claims She Didn't Want to Have to Kill Mom

ABC News


8:32 AM PT -- We got Gypsy Rose Blanchard out in NYC today where she arrived to tape an interview for "The View." She walked alongside her husband, Ryan Scott Anderson, and was surrounded by a camera crew and security.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard is opening up about her time in prison, telling the world she feels out of sorts now that she's free while claiming she only killed her mom, Dee Dee, to get out of her precarious situation.

Blanchard sat down for her first interview that aired Friday on "Good Morning America" after her release last week from Missouri's Chillicothe Correctional Center, where she served 7 years of her 10-year sentence.

In the wide-ranging interview, Blanchard first reminisced about what it was like to step out of the penitentiary after so many years, saying she "felt a little bit like I was dropped in a different world because you don't realize how much you're restricted in prison."

She added, "I felt like I was in a black-and-white world and I just stepped into technicolor. It was amazing."

Gypsy then discussed what led to her incarceration, accusing Dee Dee of abuse for subjecting her to unnecessary surgeries and parading her around in a wheelchair with a feeding tube when she wasn't even sick.

Medical professionals determined that Blanchard was a victim of a condition known as "Munchausen syndrome by proxy," where a parent tries to gain sympathy by falsely claiming their child is ill.

Blanchard told 20/20" co-anchor and ABC's senior national affairs correspondent Deborah Roberts that life with her mom in Springfield, MO, was similar to prison, which was actually less restrictive. She said, "Honestly [it] wasn't that much of a difference. But I also had more freedom in prison than I ever had with my mother."

Roberts then showed Blanchard a photo of herself when she was younger, prompting the now 32-year-old to respond, "I don't even associate with that little girl anymore. Like, I know that's me. But at the same time, that isn't me anymore."

Blanchard said she didn't think her mom was a "monster" despite public perception, explaining, "She had a lot of demons herself that she was struggling with. I didn't want her dead. I just wanted out of my situation. And I thought that was the only way out."

She also addressed her co-defendant and former boyfriend in the case, Nicholas Godejohn, who was convicted of fatally stabbing Dee Dee on Blanchard's orders and is currently serving a life term. Blanchard said, "I'm sure that we both have a lot of regrets. All I can really say is that I did my time. He's doing his time for his part. And I wish him well on his journey."


One regret Blanchard didn't have while behind bars was regularly listening to music from her "inspiration" Taylor Swift, who got her through the toughest of times.

Originally Published -- 7:21 AM PT

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Se sienta para su primera entrevista tras ser liberada... Afirma que no quería tener que matar a su madre

Gypsy habla sobre todo
ABC News


8:32 AM PT -- Tenemos a Gypsy Rose Blanchard hoy en Nueva York, donde llegó para grabar una entrevista para "The View". Caminaba junto a su marido, Ryan Scott Anderson, y estaba rodeada por un equipo de cámaras y seguridad.

Gypsy en el centro de atención

Gypsy Rose Blanchard se está abriendo sobre su tiempo en la cárcel, diciéndole al mundo que se siente algo incómoda ahora que está libre y asegurando que solo mató a su madre, Dee Dee, para salir de su precaria situación.

Blanchard se sentó para su primera entrevista que se emitió el viernes en "Good Morning America", después de haber sido liberada la semana pasada del Centro Correccional Chillicothe de Missouri, donde cumplió 8 años de su condena de 10.

En la amplia entrevista, Blanchard recordó por primera vez cómo fue salir de la penitenciaría después de tantos años, diciendo que "me sentí un poco como si me hubieran dejado caer en un mundo diferente, porque no te das cuenta de lo mucho que estás restringido en la cárcel".

Y añadió: "Me sentí como si estuviera en un mundo en blanco y negro y acabara de entrar en technicolor. Fue increíble".

Gypsy habló entonces de lo que la llevó a su encarcelamiento, acusando a Dee Dee de haber abusado de ella por someterla a cirugías innecesarias y hacerla desfilar en una silla de ruedas con una sonda de alimentación cuando ni siquiera estaba enferma.

Los profesionales médicos determinaron que Blanchard era víctima de una enfermedad conocida como "síndrome de Munchausen por poderes", en la que un padre intenta ganarse la simpatía afirmando falsamente que su hijo está enfermo.

Blanchard dijo a la reportera de 'GMA' Deborah Roberts que la vida con su madre en Springfield, Missouri, era similar a la prisión, aunque esta última era en realidad menos restrictiva. "Sinceramente, no había tanta diferencia. Pero también tuve más libertad en la cárcel de la que jamás tuve con mi madre", dijo.

Luego Roberts le mostró a Blanchard una foto de sí misma cuando era más joven, lo que llevó a la ahora chica de 32 años a responder: "Ya ni siquiera me asocio con esa niña. Sé que soy yo. Pero al mismo tiempo, ya no soy más esa".

Blanchard dijo que no creía que su madre fuera un "monstruo" a pesar de la percepción pública y explicó: "Ella misma tenía muchos demonios con los que estaba luchando. No la quería muerta. Solo quería salir de mi situación. Y pensé que era la única salida".

También se refirió a su coacusado y exnovio en el caso, Nicholas Godejohn, quien fue condenado por apuñalar mortalmente a Dee Dee por orden de Blanchard y actualmente cumple cadena perpetua. Blanchard declaró: "Estoy seguro de que ambos nos arrepentimos de muchas cosas. Lo único que puedo decir es que yo cumplí mi condena. Él está cumpliendo su condena por su parte. Y le deseo lo mejor en su viaje".

Un arrepentimiento que Blanchard no tuvo mientras estuvo entre las rejas fue escuchar regularmente la música de Taylor Swift, la que la ayudó a superar los momentos más difíciles.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard No Contact Allowed With Ex-BF ... Strict Parole Guidelines

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is banned from having any contact with the former flame she enlisted to kill her mom ... at least not while she remains on parole.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Gypsy's parole conditions bar her from talking to Nick Godejohn, the ex-boyfriend who was convicted of murdering her mother, Dee Dee.

She also can't email, text, write or communicate with him through any third-party

Remember ... Godejohn is serving a life sentence for killing Dee Dee as part of a fatal plot to help Gypsy escape her mother's clutches. The slaying resulted in a second-degree murder conviction for Gypsy, who was recently released on parole after spending 7 years in prison.


Gypsy is now home in Louisiana with her husband Ryan Scott Anderson, and some of her other notable parole conditions include completing an outpatient mental health program.

The good news for Gypsy is she's not confined to house arrest.

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As we've told you ... Gypsy is catching up on what she missed during her time behind bars ... going shopping, spending time with family, chowing down on fast food and having lots of sex with her husband.

So it's onwards and upwards for Gypsy ... no use in reminiscing about Nick!!!

La madre de Casey Anthony sufre un ataque de pánico al responder preguntas sobre su nieta

en aprietos
A&E & Lifetime

La madre de Casey Anthony sufrió un ataque de pánico mientras estaba en el banquillo... y fue tan grave que tuvo que abandonar una entrevista sobre su nieta fallecida.

Cindy Anthony sufrió un ataque de ansiedad durante una entrevista que le hicieron para el documental de A&E y Lifetime, "Los padres de Casey Anthony: La prueba del detector de mentiras", que se estrena esta noche y ella dice que está convencida de que su hija —Casey— sabe lo que le pasó a Caylee de 3 años de edad en 2008.

Cindy comienza a llorar durante la conversación, se lleva la mano al pecho y tiene que salir de la habitación, alegando que está teniendo un ataque de pánico... su marido, George, rápidamente va con ella para ayudar a calmarla.

Sin embargo, parece que el ataque no desapareció, ya que George le recomienda que acuda a un hospital mientras la tumba en el suelo para intentar que se relaje. Solo hemos visto un clip en este punto, por lo que no está claro qué tan grave se puso.

luchando por responder
A&E & Lifetime

Como informamos, George se emocionó durante la prueba del detector de mentiras en otro avance del documental, luchando por responder si ocultó o no el paradero de su nieta, algo que Casey afirmó.

Recordemos que Caylee desapareció en junio de 2008 y su cuerpo fue encontrado meses después, Casey dijo durante su juicio en 2011 que George se deshizo del cuerpo de Caylee y dijo el 2022 que escenificó su muerte para que pareciera que era culpa de Casey.

No están claros los detalles de cómo fue que los padres pasaron las pruebas del detector de mentiras, pero esto será revelado el jueves por la noche.

Casey Anthony's Mom Panic Attack Under Questioning

A&E & Lifetime

Casey Anthony's mom suffered a panic attack while in the hot seat ... and it was so severe, she had to walk away from an interview about her late granddaughter.

Cindy Anthony's anxiety set in during an interview she did for the A&E and Lifetime doc, "Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test," which debuts tonight ... and she says she's convinced her daughter, Casey, knows what happened to 3-year-old Caylee in 2008.

Cindy starts crying during the convo, reaches for her chest and has to step out of the room, claiming to be having a panic attack ... her husband, George, quickly goes with her to help calm her down.

It seems the attack didn't go away, however -- as George recommends heading to a hospital as he lays her on the ground to try and get her to relax. We've only seen a clip at this point, so it's unclear just how serious it got.

A&E & Lifetime

As we reported, George got emotional during a lie detector test in another preview of the doc, struggling to answer whether or not he concealed his granddaughter's whereabouts -- something Casey claimed.

Remember, Caylee disappeared in June 2008 and her body was found months later -- Casey said during her 2011 trial that George disposed of Caylee's body, and she said in a 2022 doc that he staged her death to make it look like it was Casey's fault.

Unclear how well the parents passed their lie detector tests ... but safe to say that'll be revealed Thursday night.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Munchausen Org Condemns Mom's Murder But, Gypsy Will Help Thousands!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard being free will do more good than bad for those suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy -- so says an org focusing on the rare behavioral disorder.

Andrea Dunlop, Founder of Munchausen Support -- the only nonprofit dedicated to helping victims and families impacted by Munchausen by Proxy -- tells TMZ ... she wishes Gypsy healing and peace after everything she went through at such a young age, and can't wait to hear her perspective.

She adds, "While we don't condone her actions with respect to her part in her mother's murder, she has served her time and has every right to share her experience in her own words, and it will undoubtedly shed light on this little understood form of abuse to the millions of people who have been captivated by her story."


Dunlop also tells us Munchausen by Proxy is actually far more common than people might be aware of -- and they think Gypsy's unique POV will actually lead to thousands of others coming forward to share their own stories of survival ... obviously a positive result.

Some of these lesser-known cases are covered in Dunlop's podcast, 'Nobody Should Believe Me,' and the org says more will likely surface now that Gypsy's back on the outside, and ready to share her history with the condition.

Bottom line ... yes, Gypsy did a bad thing -- but now that she's paid her debt to society ... she can clearly become an invaluable resource for others who might be silently suffering in a similar situation.

Considering how vocal GRB's been thus far ... something tells us she'll do just that.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard recibe el apoyo de la Organización del Síndrome de Munchausen

Gypsy Rose Blanchard siendo libre hará más bien que mal para los que sufren de síndrome de Munchausen por poderes, al menos así lo dice una organización centrada en el raro trastorno de comportamiento.

Un representante de Apoyo Munchausen -la única organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a ayudar a las víctimas y a las familias afectadas por Munchausen por poderes- le dice a TMZ que desean que Gypsy mejore y que tenga paz después de todo lo que pasó a muy temprana edad.

Y añaden: "Aunque no aprobamos sus acciones con respecto a su participación en el asesinato de su madre, ella ha cumplido su condena y tiene todo el derecho a compartir su experiencia. Sin duda esto arrojará luz sobre esta forma poco conocida de abuso a los millones de personas que han quedado cautivadas por su historia".

Continúan diciéndonos que el Munchausen por poderes es en realidad mucho más común de lo que la gente cree, y dicen que la popularidad de Gypsy conducirá a que miles de personas compartan sus propias historias de supervivencia, obviamente un resultado positivo.

Algunos de estos casos menos conocidos están cubiertos en el podcast de la fundadora de Munchausen Support, Andrea Dunlop, "Nadie debería creerme", y la organizacón dice que es probable que más salgan a la superficie ahora que Gypsy está de vuelta en el exterior y lista para compartir su historia con la condición.

En pocas palabras, sí, Gypsy hizo algo malo, pero ahora que ha pagado su deuda con la sociedad, su visibilidad puede ser de gran ayuda para otras personas.

Si tenemos en cuenta lo abierta que ha sido respecto al tema, podemos apostar que así será.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Kim K, Help Me Promote Prison Reform!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard wants to meet with Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform ... and while a meeting has yet to happen, we're told Gypsy still wants to pick Kim's brain.

Sources close to Gypsy tell TMZ … she's open to working with Kim and feels they are a good fit because of her experience with the justice system and Kim's work on prison reform.

Our sources say Gypsy thinks Kim could provide guidance on how to navigate her newfound platform on social media, and use her voice to affect real change and advance her advocacy work.

Remember ... Gypsy tweeted at Kim back in November when she was still locked up, thanking Kim for recommending an HBO documentary about her case and saying, "maybe we should unite forces together to make real change with the justice system.

Since Gypsy’s release, our sources say Gypsy has not reached out to Kim and KK hasn't reached out to her ... but we're told the door is open for them to get together in the future.

When Gypsy shouted out Kim on social media, some folks accused her of starving for attention ... but our sources say GRB genuinely wants to use her platform for prison reform, and it's something she's going to focus on as she starts her new life after prison. Kim's one of the few people Gypsy follows, but KK's not following back as of now.

Kim's the one who actually got the ball rolling here ... a few years ago she highlighted Gypsy's 2017 HBO doc "Mommy Dead and Dearest" on a list of true crime documentaries she recommended to her followers.

Gypsy's already seen her plans to see Taylor Swift at a football game fizzle, so it will be interesting to see if she makes something happen with Kim.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In the meantime, Gypsy's new docuseries, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," is set to air as a three-night event Jan. 5-7 at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Strip Club Offers Gainful Employment After Prison

Gypsy Rose Blanchard already has a titillating job offer on the table following her release from prison ... a strip club's hoping the ex-con would do her big reveal on its stage.

Dream Girls Detroit fired off a job offer to Gypsy ... the club wants to show it's there to help people who ran afoul of the law post-confinement.

The club's general manager, Dan Wilhelm, says, "We stand in solidarity with everyone who is showing support to Gypsy Rose as she embarks on her new life" ... adding the cash she can make will help her "get the tools needed to be able to live a quality life in the real world."

Job offer aside, Dream Girls is also looking to host a release party for the 32-year-old ... something they're calling "Let's Get Tipsy With Gypsy."

As you know, Gypsy was released from the Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO early Thursday morning -- and has already spent time shopping for shoes, posting selfies, and celebrating with family.

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She's also rented out a cozy Airbnb in Kansas City ... remember, she had tickets to the Chiefs' NYE game and was hoping to meet Taylor Swift, but she was unable to attend because her parole officer told her she had to leave the state.

Gypsy has a week to respond to Dream Girls' offers. No word if she'll be working the pole anytime soon.

le ofrecen trabajo a Gypsy Rose Blanchard en un club de striptease

Gypsy Rose Blanchard tiene una oferta de trabajo excitante sobre la mesa después de su salida de la cárcel... un club de striptease espera que la ex-convicta debute en su escenario.

Dream Girls Detroit le disparó una oferta de trabajo a Gypsy, el club quiere demostrar que está ahí para ayudar a las personas que vienen saliendo de prisión.

El gerente general del club, Dan Wilhelm, dice: "Solidarizamos con todos los que le muestran su apoyo a Gypsy Rose mientras se embarca en su nueva vida", añadiendo que el dinero en efectivo puede ayudarle a "obtener las herramientas necesarias para poder vivir una vida de calidad en el mundo real".

Dream Girls también está buscando organizar una fiesta de lanzamiento para la recién salida de 32 años, algo que están llamando "Let's Get Tipsy With Gypsy".

Como ustedes saben, Gypsy fue liberada del Centro Correccional de Chillicothe la madrugada del jueves y ya ha pasado el tiempo de comprando de zapatos, publicando selfies y celebrando con la familia.

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fuera de prisión

También ha alquilado un acogedor Airbnb en Kansas City, recordemos que ella tenía entradas para el juego de los Chiefs NYE y tenía la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift, pero no pudo asistir porque su oficial de libertad condicional le dijo que tenía que salir del estado.

Gypsy tiene una semana para responder a las ofertas de Dream Girls. No se sabe si va a trabajar en el poste pronto.