'Sandlot' Star Marty York Mom Posted About BF's Mental Health ... Expressed Concern Week Before Being Murdered

The mother of "The Sandlot" star Marty York shared her concerns online not long before she was murdered ... speaking out about the mental health of her boyfriend -- the man Marty believes killed her.

Marty's mom, Deanna Esmaeel, wrote in a schizophrenia support group on Facebook earlier this month, asking, "Anyone else here have spouse or significant other with schizophrenia .. mine doesn't trust me and accuses me of cheating constantly."

She went on to claim she's been on the receiving end of name-calling and him "becoming physical for no reason" ... referring to her boyfriend, Daniel James Walter.

Deanna also left a comment last week on someone's post, who asked how others deal with the abuse coming from a schizophrenic partner.

She replied, "You will learn to see a pattern in his behavior. When you see the pattern initiate put in earplugs or headphones and turn up the music. Don't listen. Keep smiling."

She told the anonymous asker the abusive reactions weren't reflective of their partner's feelings, adding, "I get mine to smoke pot as cannabis actually stops the episode and redirects it."

TMZ broke the story, Deanna was found dead Thursday inside her home, with the Del Norte County Sheriff's Office -- where she was a deputy -- putting out an alert to help track down Walter.

PD said Walter was a suspect, but officers were only able to locate his car ... although he was later captured in Oregon.

Marty spoke out after the killing, saying, "Last night my mother was murdered by a man she was seeing. Right now there is a nationwide manhunt." He urged anyone with info to call the cops -- noting he felt he would "physically maul" Walter if he found him before police did.

2Pac's Brother Mopreme Shakur Diddy Told Me, Personally ... He Was Not Involved in Pac's Murder

Tupac Shakur's brother Mopreme says Diddy called him personally to deny involvement in the Las Vegas murder, and while folks like 50 Cent continue to fuel that rumor ... it sounds like Mopreme still wants an official verdict.

On Monday, Pac's bro was back in the hot seat for "Art Of Dialogue" -- the same platform where Tupac murder suspect Keefe D told on himself -- and Mopreme dug into his memory vault to recall the Diddy phone call.

At the time, they hadn't met, but Mo says the Bad Boy mogul knew exactly who he was and what he was about -- and wanted to tell him "man-to-man" the killing wasn't on his hands.

Mopreme says Diddy dialed him "sometime in the 2000s" ... which aligns with the 2008 Los Angeles Times story written by Chuck Philips that implicated Diddy in Tupac's murder.

The Times eventually retracted the story after the FBI reports it cited were found to be falsified.

Mopreme admits finding answers behind Pac's death has been a chore, and doesn't know what to make of Diddy's phone call to him.

For what it's worth, Keefe has previously claimed Diddy was orchestrating behind the scenes. It's unclear what he'll say in court now, should he actually stand trial for Tupac's murder.

50 Cent hasn't seemed to care whether Diddy's involvement is fact or fiction, and has been riling up fans with jabs on social media and onstage.

Muelle de Santa Mónica Hombre amenaza con una bomba Se subió a la rueda y fue detenido por la policía

Una salvaje escena ocurrió en el famoso muelle de Santa Mónica, un hombre que dice estar armado con una bomba se subió a la icónica rueda antes de ser finalmente detenido.

La loca escena tuvo lugar el lunes por la tarde, cuando un hombre le dijo a la gente que tenía una bomba y comenzó a subir por la rueda de la fortuna.

Encaramado en el muelle

El Departamento de Policía de Santa Mónica dice que el hombre escaló la atracción turística y le gritó a los oficiales del muelle, aunque estos no pudieron distinguir lo que estaba diciendo, ya que estaba en medio del lugar.

Los espectadores vieron con horror cómo se produjo el enfrentamiento y no pasó mucho tiempo hasta que los helicópteros comenzaron a dar vueltas alrededor del lugar.

La rueda se paró y la gente se quedó atascada por unos minutos. Luego tuvieron que ser rescatados por un camión del Departamento de Bomberos de Santa Mónica.

Alrededor de una hora después del incidente, el hombre empezó a bajar de su percha en la rueda de 85 pies de altura, mientras aparentaba comunicarse con las fuerzas del orden.

Al final, el hombre fue detenido y los policías dijeron que no encontraron ninguna bomba.

Santa Monica Pier Man Makes Bomb Threat ... Climbs Ferris Wheel, Gets Arrested

Wild scene at the famous Santa Monica Pier ... a man claiming to be armed with a bomb climbed the iconic Ferris wheel before ultimately being taken into custody.

The crazy scene played out Monday afternoon at the tourist attraction ... with cops saying it all started when the guy told folks he had a bomb on him, and then started climbing the carnival ride.


The Santa Monica Police Department says as the man scaled the Ferris wheel, he was shouting at officers down on the pier ... but they couldn't make out what he was saying as he hung out in the middle of the spoke.

Shocked onlookers watched in horror as a standoff ensued, and it didn't take long for helicopters to start swirling overhead.

The Ferris wheel stopped and folks who were on the ride became stuck ... and they had to be rescued by a Santa Monica Fire Department cherry picker truck.

About an hour into the affair, the guy started climbing down from his perch on the 85-foot tall ride ... appearing to communicate with law enforcement.

Ultimately, the guy was arrested ... and cops say they did not find any bombs.

SAVANNAH CHRISLEY CON SU NUEVO NOVIO en el concierto de Zach Bryan

Savannah Chrisley
muy rápido

Savannah Chrisley parece que está muy feliz con su nuevo novio porque se les pudo ver muy pegados en un concierto de Zach Bryan. Incluso usaron ropa combinada.

La estrella de "Chrisley Knows Best" y su nuevo novio, el ex jugador de fútbol universitario Robert Shiver, tuvieron una cita en Alabama el Sábado. Besos y abrazos en la sección VIP mientras que Zack estaba en el escenario.

Durante todo el espectáculo, Savannah mantuvo una mano ya sea en la espalda de Robert o en uno de sus bolsillos traseros y él hizo lo mismo.

Savannah también parece ser una de esas chicas que les encanta hacer juego con su novio porque ella y Robert llevaban la misma chaqueta de Zach Bryan

Esta relación es bastante nueva, Savannah reveló el mes pasado que se estaba viendo con Robert, quien es conocido principalmente por dos cosas: jugar al fútbol para la Universidad de Auburn y sobrevivir a la presunta trama de asesinato por encargo de su ex esposa.

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El rodeo también parecía ser una especie de cita doble; el hermano menor de Savannah, Grayson, también estaba allí con su novia.

¡Todos felices!

SAVANNAH CHRISLEY Packs On PDA with New BF ... Sporting Matching Jackets

Savannah Chrisley

Savannah Chrisley looks like she's super into her new boyfriend ... because they were all over each other at a Zach Bryan concert, and wearing matching outfits to boot.

The "Chrisley Knows Best" star and her new boo, former college football player Robert Shiver, packed on the PDA at an Alabama rodeo Saturday .... kissing and hugging in the VIP section while Zach was on stage.

Throughout the show, Savannah kept a hand either on Robert's back or in one of his back pockets ... and he did the same with her.

Savannah also seems like one of those girls who love coordinating fits with their dude because she and Robert were rocking matching Zach Bryan merch.

This relationship is fairly new ... Savannah revealed last month she was talking to Robert, who is mainly known for 2 things ... playing football for Auburn University and surviving his ex-wife's alleged murder-for-hire plot.

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The rodeo appeared to be a double date of sorts, too ... Savannah's younger brother, Grayson, was also there with his girlfriend.

Yeehaw, y'all!!!

Pasajero extraviado de crucero Ex mujer cree que sigue vivo Su familia lo quiere de vuelta

La exesposa de Kevin McGrath, el pasajero del crucero Carnival que desapareció misteriosamente durante un viaje a las Bahamas, no cree que esté muerto. De hecho, nos dijo que su familia solo quiere que vuelva a casa sano y salvo.

No es un mal tipo...

Addison Thomas le dijo a TMZ que en el fondo siente que Kevin aún está vivo y en algún lugar, a pesar de que su paradero sigue siendo desconocido un mes después de que se cayera de la nave y desapareciera del mapa.

Aun así, Addison cree que todavía es difícil despertar cada mañana y no sabe dónde está Kevin, ya que no es propio de él que abandone a su familia y a sus hijos, nos dijo.

Addison dice que mantuvo una buena relación con Kevin después de su separación. Él siempre llamaba para saber sobre sus hijos, algo que se perdió desde su desaparición.

TMZ dio la noticia, Kevin estaba en libertad condicional cuando desapareció el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo. Estaba a bordo de un crucero que iba de Miami a las Bahamas, pero desapareció sin dejar rastro y provocando una búsqueda de la Guardia Costera que finalmente fue cancelada.

Kevin estaba en problemas legales después de ser declarado culpable de agresión con agravantes en Tennessee en 2022. Addison dijo que amenazó con matarla a ella y a sus hijos una noche, y terminó siendo condenado a 6 años de libertad condicional supervisada.

A pesar de ese incidente, Addison defiende a su ex, diciendo que no es un mal tipo y que además es un veterano que luchó por su país y ama a su familia.

En cuanto a por qué querría desaparecer... Ella no cree que esté relacionado con sus problemas legales. Addison hizo hincapié en que Kevin no es una persona peligrosa y dice que tiene un mensaje para él si él si es que está allá afuera.

MISSING CARNIVAL CRUISE PASSENGER Ex-Wife Believes He's Still Alive ... Family Wants Him Home

The ex-wife of Kevin McGrath, the missing Carnival cruise passenger who mysteriously vanished during a Bahamas trip, doesn't think he's dead ... telling us his family just wants to see him come home safe.


Addison Thomas tells TMZ ... deep down she feels Kevin is still alive somewhere, even though his whereabouts remain unknown a month after he fell off the ship and the map.

Even so, Addison says it's still difficult waking up every morning wondering where Kevin is ... telling us it's not like him to abandon his family or his children.

Addison says she maintained a good relationship with Kevin after their split, telling us he would always call to check on their kids ... something they've been missing since his disappearance.

TMZ broke the story ... Kevin was on probation when he vanished over Labor Day weekend, disappearing from a cruise from Miami to the Bahamas without a trace and sparking a Coast Guard search that was ultimately called off.

Kevin was in legal trouble after pleading guilty to aggravated assault in Tennessee in September 2022 -- Kevin threatened her and their kids one night -- and he ended up getting sentenced to 6 years of supervised probation.

Despite that incident, Addison defends her ex, saying he's not a bad guy ... he's a veteran who fought for his country and loves his family.

As for why he'd potentially go on the run -- she doesn't think it's related to his legal issues. Addison emphasized Kevin's not a dangerous person, and she has a message for him if he's out there.

YNW MELLY Acusado de manipulación de testigos Su equipo dice que los fiscales están desesperados

YNW Melly ahora tiene su propio cargo de manipulación de testigos, al igual que su coacusado YNW Bortlen, en el juicio de doble asesinato, pero sus abogados creen que los fiscales solo están tratando de encubrir los problemas de su caso.

Los fiscales confirmaron a TMZ Hip Hop que sorprendieron a Melly con el cargo de manipulación de testigos el miércoles en el condado de Miami-Dade, solo un par de días después de acusar a Bortlen de la misma falta.

El equipo de Melly está programado para comparecer ante el tribunal el viernes, en cuya audiencia van a argumentar que los fiscales han estado ocultando pruebas clave sobre el investigador principal del caso.

El abogado de Melly, Raven Liberty reaccionó a la nueva acusación, diciéndonos: "Este es un intento transparente y desesperado de la oficina del Fiscal del Estado para distraer al público de la deposición de un Asistente del Fiscal del Estado que acusó al detective principal de este caso y al fiscal principal de delitos graves, falsificando y encubriendo pruebas perjudiciales para el caso del estado".

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El juez de circuito de Broward, John J. Murphy, tendrá la última palabra sobre si este asunto afecta o no al caso. Por ahora, está programado que la próxima semana comience la selección del jurado para el nuevo juicio.

YNW Melly Charged with Witness Tampering ... His Team Says Prosecutors 'Desperate'

YNW Melly now has his own witness tampering charge -- just like his co-defendant YNW Bortlen -- in their double-murder trial, but his lawyers think prosecutors are just trying to cover up problems with their case.

Prosecutors confirmed with TMZ Hip Hop ... they hit Melly with the witness tampering charge Wednesday in Miami-Dade County, just a couple of days removed from tagging Bortlen with the same charge.

Melly's team is set to appear in court on Friday for a hearing in which they'll argue prosecutors have been withholding key evidence about the lead investigator in the case.

Melly's attorney, Raven Liberty reacted to the added charge, telling us ... "This is a transparent and desperate attempt by the State Attorney's office to distract the public from the deposition of an Assistant State Attorney who accused this case's lead detective and lead prosecutor of felonies by falsifying and covering up evidence damaging to the state's case."

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Broward Circuit Judge John J. Murphy will ultimately have the final say on whether that matter impacts the case. For now, jury selection is scheduled to begin next week for the retrial.

Tupac Murder Suspect Keefe D Arraigned ... First Court Appearance


8:37 AM PT -- Well, that was anticlimactic ... Keefe D showed up, but the lawyer he hired couldn't make it to the hearing. The matter has been continued for another 2 weeks.

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Tupac's murder suspect, Keefe D, is showing his face in court for the first time in the Tupac murder case -- where he'll soon have a chance to respond to the charge against him.

Duane Davis -- who's been charged with one count of murder with use of a deadly weapon, plus a gang enhancement -- is due to appear in front of a judge Wednesday ... marking his initial public appearance since he was indicted and taken into custody last week.

He's being arraigned today, so he'll have the charge against him read out loud in open court ... and usually, a defendant pleads guilty or not guilty at this time.

As we reported ... Keefe's arrest came after a raid at his wife's home earlier this summer, when law enforcement busted into their Henderson, NV address and collected evidence. Now, the authorities clearly feel like they have enough to officially tie him to the crime.

Of course, as far as the public is concerned ... much of the mystery over who shot Tupac has long been resolved -- and a big part of that narrative has come from Keefe's own mouth. The guy's been doing interviews for years now, admitting to his involvement in the shooting.

According to Keefe ... his younger nephew, Orlando Anderson was the actual trigger man that night in '96 -- with Keefe riding passenger and supplying the weapon used. Orlando is now dead ... and so are the other 2 men who were said to have been in the car with them. Keefe is apparently the only living person from the car that night.

While prosecutors seem to acknowledge Keefe was likely not the one who pulled the trigger, they will argue Nevada law still applies to charge him with murder.

Keefe D had previously been implicated in Tupac's murder -- which, interestingly enough, got pieced together during the Notorious B.I.G. murder investigation. LAPD officials involved in that matter have said Keefe was given a proffer agreement to spill the beans and potentially avoid prosecution ... but it sounds like his many public statements eventually landed him on LVMPD's radar.


The only other living person who has direct knowledge of the murder is Suge Knight -- and he's made it abundantly clear to us that he won't cooperate with prosecutors here.

Members of Tupac's family have expressed both surprise, grief, and relief in the wake of the news ... as have others who knew Tupac back in the day, including Jada Pinkett Smith.

Tupac was only 25 when he was killed. And, even all these years later, the case draws interest.

Originally Published -- 8:20 AM PT

CHARLOTTE SENA El hijo del secuestrador lo repudia DEBERÍA MORIR

El hombre que presuntamente secuestró a Charlotte Sena, de 9 años, no tiene muchos defensores en su esquina. Incluso su propia carne y sangre dijo que el hombre debe morir.

él debería morir

El hijo adulto de Craig Ross Jr. (Joshua) estaba en la casa de Ross al norte del estado de Nueva York en Porter Corners el lunes, el mismo lugar que los investigadores visitaron. El chico habló en cámara sobre cómo se siente acerca de todo el caso.

Sorprendentemente, Joshua reniega completamente de su padre, diciendo que él y su hermana no quieren tener nada que ver con el tipo y no podría importarle menos si cayera muerto mañana.

Joshua dijo muchas cosas más, ve el clip por ti mismo, es bastante brutal.

Una cosa que queda clara es que la relación entre Ross Jr. y sus hijos es tensa y se están distanciando de él, especialmente después del secuestro.

Recuerdemos que la policía capturó a Ross Jr. durante la noche y lo acusó de secuestro en primer grado —entre otros delitos— en relación con la desaparición de Charlotte días de duración.

Charlotte desapareció durante un viaje con su familia, esto después de que fue vista por última vez en un paseo en bicicleta en Moreau Lake State Park. Una búsqueda masiva se puso en marcha luego de que ella nunca regresara para la cena y, afortunadamente, fue encontrada sana y salva el lunes.

Resulta que la policía dice la misma nota de rescate de Ross Jr. condujo a su captura. Pudieron encontrar la hubicación de la niña gracias a una muestra de ADN. La policía terminó encontrando a la niña en un armario de la cocina dentro de su camper remoto en Milton, New York.

Ross Jr. está en problemas ahora y parece que su familia no lo apoyará.

Tiroteo en fútbol juvenil Video muestra a joven de 11 años disparando a sus compañeros

Impactante registro

La policía dice que el video de vigilancia muestra el momento en que un jugador de fútbol americano juvenil de 11 años, disparó a dos de sus compañeros de equipo durante un altercado en una práctica en Florida el lunes, y las imágenes son impactantes.

En el clip, se ve a un niño corriendo hacia un vehículo estacionado, agarrar un arma de fuego desde el asiento del pasajero y luego dispararle a otro niño que estaba de espaldas.

Segundos más tarde, se puede ver a una mujer que intenta agarrar el arma de fuego de las manos del niño y que luego le llama la atención en el estacionamiento.

Según la policía, el incidente ocurrió alrededor de las 20:20 en el campo de fútbol del Northwest Recreation Complex en Apopka. Todo ocurrió después de que el niño de 11 años y otros dos jugadores de fútbol de 13 se enzarzaran en una discusión. Dicen que el niño hirió a los otros cuando empezó a disparar la única ronda de municiones, a uno le dio en la parte superior del cuerpo y a otro en un brazo.

Se espera que ambos niños se recuperen de sus heridas, una revelación sorprendente teniendo en cuenta lo alterada que se escucha la mujer que llamó al 911 tan solo unos segundos después del disparo.

Audio del 911

En el audio, la mujer dice ser la madre de uno de los niños y pide ayuda médica en repetidas ocasiones después de asegurar que su hijo recibió un disparo en la espalda.

La policía dice que cuando los agentes llegaron al lugar, detuvieron al niño de 11 años. Añadieron que desde entonces ha sido acusado de un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado.

"Nadie quiere arrestar a un niño de 11 años, de ninguna manera", dijo el jefe de policía de Apopka Mike McKinley sobre el asunto durante una conferencia de prensa el martes, "pero basándose en nuestra investigación creemos que esos cargos están justificados".

Un incidente aislado

La policía también dijo que los padres del niño podrían enfrentar cargos criminales si los funcionarios determinan que dejaron un arma en un lugar donde el niño podía alcanzarla.

Charlotte Sena Alleged Kidnapper's Son Disavows Him ... 'He Should Die'

The man alleged to have kidnapped 9-year-old Charlotte Sena doesn't have many defenders in his corner -- including his own flesh and blood, who says the guy should die.


Craig Ross Jr.'s adult son, Joshua, was at Ross' upstate NY home in Porter Corners Monday -- the same place investigators visited -- and actually talked on camera about how he feels about the entire case.

Shockingly, Joshua completely disavows his father, saying he and his sister want nothing to do with the guy -- and couldn't care less if he dropped dead tomorrow.

Joshua has, even more, to say beyond that ... watch the clip for yourself, it's pretty brutal.

One thing that's clear from his sentiments -- the relationship between Ross Jr. and his kids is strained, and they're distancing themselves from him by a mile and a half ... especially in light of what he's been accused of carrying out.

Remember, cops took Ross Jr. into custody overnight and charged him with first-degree kidnapping -- among other crimes -- in connection to Charlotte's days-long disappearance.

Charlotte vanished into thin air during a camping trip with her family -- this after she was last seen on a bike ride in Moreau Lake State Park. A massive search got underway when she never returned for dinner ... and fortunately, she was found safe and sound on Monday.

As it turns out ... cops say Ross Jr.'s own ransom note led to his capture -- with DNA leaving a direct trail to his location -- and the police ended up finding the girl in a kitchen cabinet within his remote camper in Milton, NY.

Ross Jr. is in a world of trouble now ... and it sounds like his family won't be backing him.

Cops: Youth Football Shooting Video Shows 11-Year-Old Firing On Teammates


Cops say surveillance video shows the moment an 11-year-old youth football player shot two of his teammates during an altercation at a practice in Florida on Monday ... and the footage is shocking.

In the clip, you can see a boy race to a vehicle in a parking lot, grab a gun from the passenger-side seat, and then fire on another boy who had his back turned.

Seconds later, you can see a woman grab the firearm from the kid's grasp ... before appearing to chastise him in the parking lot.

According to cops, the incident happened at around 8:20 PM at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka ... after the 11-year-old and two other 13-year-old youth football players had gotten into an argument. They say when the child fired off the single round, it hit the others -- catching one in the upper body while clipping another in the arm.

Both boys are expected to recover from their injuries ... a surprising revelation, considering how frantic a woman was in a 911 call placed just seconds after the shot went off.


In the audio, you can hear a woman claiming to be the mother of one of the boys asking for medical help repeatedly after she says her son was shot in the back.

Cops say when officers got to the scene, they arrested the 11-year-old. They added that he's since been charged with one count of second-degree attempted murder.

"Nobody wants to arrest an 11-year-old, by any means," Apopka police chief Mike McKinley said of the matter during a press conference on Tuesday, "but based on our investigation we feel those charges are warranted."


Police also said the 11-year-old's parents could be facing criminal charges ... if officials determine they left a gun in a place where the child could reach it.

Tupac Murder Case Outlawz Rapper Says ... Pac Wouldn't Want Keefe D In Jail

Tupac Shakur's former artist and Outlawz rapper Napoleon agrees with the narrative Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis is only behind bars, and charged with Pac's murder, because he wouldn't stop running his mouth.

On Tuesday, Napoleon spoke to The Art Of Dialogue -- one of the platforms, coincidentally, where Keefe blabbed about his role in the Tupac case -- and he has little sympathy for Keefe's situation.

Napoleon says he never mustered enough interest to watch a full Keefe interview, but thinks clout-chasing got the best of the man, as he was openly bragging about riding in the car involved in Tupac's murder.

Keefe turned 60 in June, and Napoleon says not only is he too old to be cyber-banging, but reliving the events around Tupac's murder nearly 30 years after the fact is also a bum move.

Despite Keefe's self-incrimination, Napoleon says if Tupac had survived the shooting, he wouldn't want Keefe to rot in prison -- a sentiment echoed by Suge Knight, who was driving the BMW when he and Pac were shot.


Suge called TMZ from prison this week, and triple-downed on his refusal to rat out Keefe in any instance, in addition to denying Keefe's relative, the late Orlando Anderson, pulled the trigger.


Orlando was Keefe's nephew, and has long been believed to be the shooter, but he was killed in a 1998 shooting. Suge and Keefe are the last men standing among the 6 people involved in the 1996 shooting.

Tupac's own father is also discrediting Orlando as the shooter with a dash of conspiracy theory ... he's claiming the gov't killed his son and Keefe's just a pawn.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.