ABRAHAM LINCOLN ENTRADAS DEL DÍA DEL ASESINATO Subastadas por ¡Un Cuarto de Millón de Dólares!

Dos entradas para el Teatro Ford para la noche del asesinato de Abraham Lincoln se han vendido por una fortuna.

Las 2 entradas de balcón de primera fila están en muy buenas condiciones e hicieron 262.500 dólares a través de una subasta el fin de semana. La fecha dice "14 de abril 1865" y específicamente dicen que es para el "Teatro Ford" en Washington DC.

Quienquiera que fuera el propietario de las entradas habría estado sentado en la sección D en los asientos 41 y 42. Eso les habría puesto en el lado opuesto a los asientos del balcón de Lincoln, dándoles una vista sin obstáculos al asesinato del ex presidente.

Como ustedes saben, John Wilkes Booth —que era un actor— utilizó su conocimiento del espacio del teatro para colarse en la cabina de Lincoln durante el 3er acto de "Nuestro Primo Americano", disparándole en la cabeza justo al lado de la Primera Dama Mary Todd, días después de la Guerra Civil terminó.

Por cierto, no quedan muchas entradas de aquella fatídica noche: se sabe que una de ellas está en la Biblioteca Houghton de Harvard y es sólo la mitad de la entrada completa. El de Harvard se utilizó incluso para verificar las entradas de balcón que se vendieron en la subasta.

Por supuesto que estas entradas son raras y sabemos que vale la pena el precio, pero aquí está el truco, usted podría haber conseguido el mismo asiento en el momento por sólo 75 centavos... Hablando de inflación.

Sharon Tate Manson Murder House Front Door Auctioned at $127k

The front door to the home where Sharon Tate was infamously murdered by Charles Manson's cult has sold at auction ... and the highest bidder put a big chunk of change down for the piece of dark history.

The door was sold courtesy of Julien's Auctions ... after 40 bidders vied for the unique find. The high bid was $127k. It was projected to fetch somewhere between $2,000 and $4,000.

Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor recorded an album in the Cielo Drive house in 1992 -- long after the grizzly 1969 murders.

Trent ended up taking the door with him before the place was demolished. He took it to his New Orleans recording space but left it behind in 2004 when he relocated his studio.

From there, a doctor bought Trent's recording space and pulled the door out of the trash when he learned about its history. The door was then purchased from the doctor by a man named Christopher Moore in 2017. Eventually, the door made its way to Julien's Auctions.

No word on who bought the door, but it will certainly be quite the conversation piece.

Sharon's sister, Debra, told us she was disgusted the door was being sold ... saying it should be destroyed, given its macabre history.


La puerta principal de la casa donde Sharon Tate fue infamemente asesinada por el culto de Charles Manson se ha vendido en una subasta, y el mejor postor puso una gran cantidad de dinero por la pieza de la historia oscura.

La puerta fue vendida por cortesía de Julien's Auctions después de que 40 postores compitieran por el hallazgo único. La oferta más alta fue de $ 127k. Se preveía un precio de entre 2.000 y 4.000 dólares.

Trent Reznor de Nine Inch Nails grabó un álbum en la casa de Cielo Drive en 1992 mucho después de los asesinatos de 1969.

Trent acabó llevándose la puerta antes de que el lugar fuera demolido. Se la llevó a su espacio de grabación de Nueva Orleans pero la dejó atrás en 2004 cuando trasladó su estudio.

A partir de ahí un médico compró el espacio de grabación de Trent y sacó la puerta de la basura cuando se enteró de su historia. Un hombre llamado Christopher Moore compró la puerta al médico en 2017. Finalmente la puerta llegó a la subasta de Julien.

No se sabe quién compró la puerta pero sin duda será un tema de conversación.

La hermana de Sharon, Debra, nos dijo que estaba disgustada de que la puerta se vendiera diciendo que debería ser destruida debido su macabra historia.

Prófugo irrumpe en una casa Se roba un rifle y el residente... abre fuego

La persecución del prófugo de Pensilvania ha dado un giro inesperado, al parecer, el asesino irrumpió en una casa y le dispararon mientras robaba un rifle.

El lunes por la noche, Danelo Cavalcante forzó la entrada de su casa en East Nantmeal Township, un pequeño pueblo en la zona rural de Pensilvania, según Fox 29 Philadelphia.

El medio de comunicación informó de que el residente sacó una pistola y disparó 7 tiros a alguien que encajaba con la descripción de Cavalcante. El ladrón se dio a la fuga, pero no antes de llevarse el rifle del calibre 22 del interior de la casa.

Los investigadores no pudieron confirmar si el hombre que se creía que era Cavalcante resultó herido, pero dijeron que sus zapatillas podrían haberse encontrado cerca. La policía considera ahora a Cavalcante armado y peligroso, y ha cerrado una escuela debido a la amenaza que representa.

TMZ publicó la noticia, Dog the Bounty Hunter podría unirse a las autoridades en su búsqueda masiva del asesino convicto que fue condenado a cadena perpetua luego de apuñalar mortalmente a su ex novia en 2021.

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el escape

Cientos de agentes que forman parte de un grupo especializado en fugitivos, están buscando a Cavalcante por todos los rincones del estado. Se han producido varios avistamientos la última semana, pero ninguno de ellos ha conducido a su captura.

Cavalcante se dio a la fuga el 31 de agosto cuando escaló un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por un tejado y saltó al suelo, ganando así su libertad.

Esperemos que sea sólo temporal.

Pennsylvania Escaped Prisoner Breaks Into Home, Steals Rifle ... Resident Opens Fire At Him

The manhunt for the escaped Pennsylvania prisoner Danelo Cavalcante just got a whole lot crazier … the killer reportedly broke into a house and got shot at while stealing a rifle.

On Monday night, Cavalcante forced his way inside the home in East Nantmeal Township, a tiny village in rural PA, according to Fox 29 Philadelphia.

The outlet reported the resident pulled a gun and fired 7 shots at someone who fit the description of Cavalcante. The burglar got the hell out of dodge, but not before he swiped the .22 Caliber rifle from inside the house.

Investigators could not confirm if the man believed to be Cavalcante was injured but said his sneakers might have been found nearby. Police now consider Cavalcante armed and dangerous, closing a school due to the threat he poses.

The frightening development comes as TMZ broke the story … Dog the Bounty Hunter might join authorities in their massive search for the convicted murderer, who was sentenced to a life term after fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in 2021.

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Hundreds of officers, part of a fugitive task force, are looking in every nook and cranny across the state for Cavalcante. There have been a number of sightings over the past week or so, but none of them have led to his capture.

Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, winning his freedom.

Let's hope that's only temporary.

Dog the Bounty Hunter Eyeing PA Inmate Manhunt ... Could Join Search Soon

Dog the Bounty Hunter wants to dive into the manhunt underway in Pennsylvania -- where a fugitive murderer is at large after a prison break -- but a few things need to happen first.

Sources close to the reality star tell TMZ that Dog's been monitoring the Danelo Cavalcante case for a while now -- pretty much ever since this guy broke out of prison almost 2 weeks ago -- and we're told he's actively keeping tabs on any developments.

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What that actually amounts to ... our sources say Dog has been making a lot of phone calls over the past several days -- both to law enforcement sources he knows in PA and contacts he has elsewhere -- in order to get up to speed on the situation.

The big takeaway here, though, is the fact we're hearing Dog is actually considering flying out to Chester County as early as this week to get boots on the ground in the search for Danelo.

However, before he actually does ... we're told Dog feels like he needs a better sense of the lay of the land, as it doesn't sound like he's all that familiar with that area, specifically. But, if he can get a proper plan together, our sources say he's likely to head out and start looking.

This story is growing by the day, 'cause it's insane. This dude -- who's a convicted murderer -- broke out of Chester County prison via crab-walk, and then fled into the surrounding wooded area ... namely, Longwood Gardens, which encompasses nearly 200 acres.

As we reported, a man believed to be Cavalcante broke into and stole a rifle from a PA home Monday night ... it's currently unknown if he's injured, but he's now considered armed and dangerous.

He's also been spotted a handful of times over the past week and change -- popping up in Ring doorbell cameras, plus eyewitness sightings -- but he's eluded the cops thus far. If Dog pulls the trigger, he might have a world-renowned human tracker hot on his tail too.

Dog el Cazarrecompensas, sigue de cerca el caso de pennsylvania y podría unirse a la búsqueda

Dog the Bounty Hunter quiere sumergirse en la cacería humana que está ocurriendo en Pennsylvania, donde un asesino fugitivo está en libertad luego de escapar de prisión. Sin embargo, algunas cosas tienen que suceder primero.

Fuentes cercanas a la estrella  telerealidad le informan a TMZ que Dog ha estado siguiendo el caso Danelo Cavalcante practicamente desde que se escapó de prisión, hace casi 2 semanas, y nos dicen que está activamente al tanto de cualquier novedad.

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la fuga

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Dog ha estado haciendo muchas llamadas telefónicas últimamente, tanto a fuentes policiales que conoce en Pensilvania como a contactos que tiene en otros lugares para ponerse al día.

Sin embargo, lo más importante es que Dog está considerando la posibilidad de viajar al condado de Chester esta misma semana para ayudar en la búsqueda de Danelo.

Sin embargo, nos informan que Dog necesita conocer mejor el terreno ya que no está familiarizado con la zona. Pero nuestras fuentes dicen que si logra desarrollar un plan adecuado, es probable que salga y empiece a buscar.

Esta historia crece día a día porque es una locura. Este tipo —que es un asesino convicto—escapó de la prisión del condado de Chester trepando como "cangrejo" y luego huyó hacia la zona boscosa de los alrededores (Longwood Gardens), que abarca casi 200 acres.

Como informamos, un hombre que se cree que es Cavalcante entró a una casa y robó un rifle el lunes por la noche. Actualmente se desconoce si está herido, pero ahora se considera armado y peligroso.

La semana pasada se le vio un montón de veces apareciendo en cámaras de seguridad de algunas casas, además de varios avistamientos de testigos. Sin embargo, ha sabido eludir a la policía hasta ahora. Si Dog aprieta el gatillo puede que también tenga tras de sí a un rastreador humano de fama mundial.


Charles Manson's hair and cremated remains are being used in a new exotic piece of art ... and it looks eerily similar to the famous mass murderer.

Ryan Almighty tells TMZ ... he and fellow artist Terry Barr -- who specializes in sculpting shrunken heads -- recently joined forces to create Manson art.

Ryan owns some of Manson's cremated remains and pieces of his hair ... both of which were gifted to him by a close friend of Manson's.

Once Terry sculpted the lifelike Manson head, Ryan added the remains in the eyes and attached grey hairs to the head.

Bad news for Manson followers ... the shrunken head isn't for sale, but Ryan says you can check it out at his private museum in Warren, PA.

Ryan has a history of using Manson's remains in his art ... even using ashes in a "Helter Skelter" tattoo for one Manson fanatic.

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It's dark, for sure, but it's not the first time people were obsessed with mass killers.

Gilgo Beach Murders Ex-Suffolk Co. Police Chief Arrested Attempting to Solicit Sexual Act


2:45 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources in Suffolk Co. tell us James Burke allegedly exposed his penis to a plain-clothed male park ranger around 10 AM Tuesday, and while touching himself, discussed oral sex with the ranger.


11:04 AM PT -- In all, Burke's been charged with attempting to solicit a sexual act, public lewdness, indecent exposure and criminal solicitation.

James Burke -- the former Suffolk County Police Chief heavily criticized for derailing the Gilgo Beach murders investigation due to his ties to sex workers -- has been arrested for attempting to solicit a sex act.

The Tuesday morning arrest at Suffolk County's Vietnam War Memorial is remarkable because Burke was known to frequent sex workers back when he was Chief in the Long Island, NY community -- from 2012 to 2015 -- and many believe that's why he bungled the investigation into the Gilgo Beach murders ... as all the victims were sex workers.

Burke was previously arrested in 2015 for beating up a suspect in custody, and he was eventually convicted and served 46 months in prison.

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Burke's mishandling of the case is just one of several failings we uncovered in the documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Gilgo Beach Serial Murders: Missed Warning Signs" ... streaming now on Hulu.

As we've reported, Rex Heuermann has been arrested and charged with 3 of the Gilgo murders, and he's the prime suspect in a 4th.

A total of 11 bodies have been uncovered on the Long Island beachfront.

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

Henry Ruggs Sentenced To 3-To-10 Years In Prison ... For DUI Crash


10:32 AM PT -- Henry Ruggs' attorneys, David Chesnoff and Richard Schonfeld, just released a statement following Wednesday morning's hearing ... promising that when the former football player is released from prison, "he will return to making positive contributions to his community."


"Mr. Ruggs has accepted responsibility for his actions, entered a guilty plea, and now been sentenced by the court," the lawyers said. "In court today Mr. Ruggs expressed his sincere sadness for the loss of Ms. Tintor and the impact that it has had on her loved ones."


They added that Ruggs "is prepared to serve his prison sentence."

Former NFL star Henry Ruggs has been sentenced to 3-to-10 years in prison over the 2021 car crash that resulted in the death of 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog.

The ex-Raiders wide receiver learned his fate just minutes ago inside a packed Las Vegas courtroom.

Ruggs, 24, showed up to the Wednesday morning proceedings in a navy suit and tie ... and issued an apology to Tintor's family right at the outset of the hearing.

"To the parents and family of Ms. Tintor, I sincerely apologize for the pain and suffering my actions the morning of Nov. 2, 2021 have caused you, your family and those who knew Ms. Tina and Max," he said.

"I let my family, my teammates and those who believed in me down with my actions and hurt so many."

He added that there was "no excuse" for his actions.

A statement from Tintor's family was also read inside the courtroom ... before the judge made her ruling. Ruggs was then immediately remanded into custody.

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Ruggs was initially facing more than 50 years behind bars in the case after authorities accused him of drunkenly slamming his Corvette into the back of Tintor's Rav-4 in Vegas ... killing her and her golden retriever.

But, the former football player reached a deal with prosecutors back in May, agreeing to plead guilty to one felony count of DUI resulting in death and one misdemeanor count of vehicular manslaughter in exchange for a prison sentence that would not exceed 3-to-10 years.

Ruggs, who will now be eligible for parole following his third year in prison, was picked by the Raiders in the first round of the 2020 NFL Draft ... and had started 19 games in his two seasons with the team. The org. released him following the accident.

Originally Published -- 9:23 AM PT


The wife and children of alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex Heuermann are reeling in the wake of his arrest ... with all the crippling anxiety and sleeping difficulties you'd expect for a family suddenly thrust into a nightmare.

The suspected killer's wife, Asa Ellerup, says the couple's son and daughter are crying themselves to sleep.

Heuermann's wife revealed the toll the grisly allegations are taking on her family in an interview with the NY Post, telling the publication she often wakes up shivering from anxiety in the middle of the night.

As we reported ... Heuermann's family recently returned to the Long Island home where cops believe he gruesomely murdered his victims.

The couple's 33-year-old son, Christopher, got super emotional as he sat down on the front porch last week.

Now, Asa says the home is a complete mess as a result of a 12-day search by police ... and the couple's daughter, Victoria, feels like the family is being treated like animals.

rex heuermann house cops

Living and sleeping in that home under the gruesome circumstances seems like an impossibly traumatic situation -- but Heuermann's wife says they have nowhere else to go.

Among the alleged damage left by police ... cat litter boxes strewn about, a couch in shambles, a broken guitar, and some damaged collectibles.

Heuermann has been charged with 3 murders ... and investigators are digging into a theory he might have killed the victims in the home while his wife and kids were out of town.

He's pleaded not guilty and is due back in court Tuesday. His family has reportedly refused to visit him in jail.

GILGO BEACH MURDERS Suspect's Family Returns to Home Where Cops Think Killings Happened

The wife and children of alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex Heuermann are back at the family home on Long Island ... the very house cops believe might have been the scene of the grisly murders.

TMZ obtained these images of the suspected killer's wife, Asa Ellerup, and his 32-year-old son, Christopher ... looking somber as they returned to their Massapequa, NY home for the first time since Rex was taken into custody in connection with some of the Gilgo Beach killings.

Heuermann's wife and son milled around the front porch and then sat down on a bench together and, not shockingly, appeared to get emotional.

Police previously searched the home -- roughly 15 miles from Gilgo Beach -- and even dug up the backyard in their quest for any evidence linking Heuermann to the killings.

rex heuermann house cops

Investigators are digging into a theory Heuermann might have murdered victims in the home while his family was out of town.

Heuermann has so far been charged with 3 murders ... though 11 sets of human remains have been found at Gilgo, including those of multiple sex workers, a man, and a toddler.

There have been a lot of chilling details surfacing since Heuermann was arrested ... like the former escort who claims she went on a date with him while the murders were happening, with Heurmann allegedly bringing up the case in an oddly enthusiastic manner.

Weeks before Heuermann's family was allowed to return home, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani stopped by ... nosing around while cops sifted through potential evidence.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney Estate Claims Security Stood Outside Front Door ... Did Nothing During BF's Alleged Murder

OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney had security guards right outside her front door while she allegedly stabbed her boyfriend to death, but security did nothing about it ... so say the lawyers for the BF's estate.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, security at the luxury apartment building in Miami was notified about a fight going down inside the couple's unit on April 3, 2022 -- the same day Christian was killed.

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Attorneys repping Christian Obumseli's estate say guards knocked on their front door and even heard yelling coming from inside, but they just stood outside for 12 minutes and didn't do anything to break it up ... despite what they say was a long history of past disturbances and complaints from neighbors.

The estate claims by the time Courtney opened the door, security saw her and her dogs covered in blood with Christian lying unconscious on the floor.

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The estate insists the building and its security were well aware of Courtney and Christian's explosive relationship, saying the building got its first complaint about a domestic dispute between them back on move-in day in January -- months before the fatal incident -- and claim the building got flooded with complaints over time.

According to the docs, Courtney even notified the building's general manager in late March that she had been recently diagnosed with "a severe borderline personality disorder."

The estate lawyers are saying the building should have known at that point that she was "extremely volatile and aggressive," adding that if they'd intervened sooner, Obumseli could have survived.

As we reported, Courtney was charged with second-degree murder months after Christian's death -- she's claimed she stabbed her boyfriend in self-defense.

Carlee Russell Boyfriend Pleads With Public ... Stop Bullying Her On Social Media

Carlee Russell's kidnapping story is slowly melting away and so is her mental health apparently ... 'cause her boyfriend is begging the public to cut out all the cyberbullying.

Thomar Lattrel Simmons was interviewed Saturday by the New York Post and made his desperate plea on behalf of Russell.

Simmons said, "The only thing I can say is, I want everyone to stop bullying her. I know what it seems like what she did. Just stop bullying on social media."

He continued, "Think about her mental health. She doesn’t deserve that. She doesn’t. Nobody deserves to be cyberbullied."

As we reported, Russell has come under intense scrutiny after she claimed she was abducted on the side of a highway while trying to help a child.

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She called 911 on June 13 and told the dispatcher she saw the toddler wandering along the interstate as she was driving home from work.

Russell promised to wait with the child until the police arrived, but, when the cops got there, Carlee was nowhere to be found and neither was the kid.

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Two days later, Russell returned home without so much as a scratch. Since then, police have investigated the incident and publicly stated they have not been able to verify Carlee's suspicious account.

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Hoover Police Department

As a result, Russell was recently fired from her job at a day spa in Birmingham, Alabama.

Gilgo Beach Murders Cops Think Suspect Killed in His Home ... While Family Was Gone

Investigators in the Gilgo Beach murders case are digging into a grisly theory -- the suspected serial killer might have murdered his victims in his family's home.

Rex Heuermann lives in Massapequa Park, NY, roughly 15 miles away from Gilgo Beach, and since the spring, detectives have been looking into whether any of the victims were killed there ... according to a source who spoke to CNN.

According to the report, the source claimed the disappearances went down during times when Heuermann's family was out of town, leading investigators to theorize he potentially lured victims to the home.

Investigators think Heuermann would've had a big advantage using his own home, where he'd more easily be able to access materials like burlap bags ... and as you know, the 4 bodies found over a decade ago were wrapped in burlap.

As we reported, Heuermann was taken into custody last week in connection with some of the killings -- a total of 11 sets of human remains have been found at Gilgo, which included multiple sex workers, a man, and a toddler.

A lot of chilling details have surfaced in the week since his arrest ... including an account from a former escort who claims she went on a "date" with Heuermann while the murders were happening. She says he brought up the Gilgo Beach killings and was oddly enthusiastic about it.

Carlee Russell Cops Clarify Details No Child Reported, She Walked Home

Cops are clarifying some things after Carlee Russell was recovered following a 48-hour period of her having gone missing ... and it sounds like they, too, have more questions.

Hoover PD issued a new statement with a handful of details they say they can elaborate on as the investigation continues -- the most important of which, it seems, is the fact that even now ... they say they haven't gotten any further reports about a wandering child.

Remember, this was at the crux of the case from the beginning -- Carlee called 911 on the night she disappeared ... telling dispatchers she saw a toddler walking by itself along a local highway at night, and reiterated that to family members as well before pulling over.

After that, she vanished ... only to turn up 3 days later, with not very many answers as to what happened to her -- other than her loved ones claiming she was kidnapped, that is.

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There's more info HPD is relaying in their new remarks ... including the fact that they say there's residential surveillance footage that apparently shows Carlee walking down the sidewalk in her neighborhood alone -- this before she showed up to her parents' front door.

The police are also clarifying reports -- citing dispatch chatter that went over the airwaves -- of Carlee having been transported to a hospital in an unconscious state. They say that's not true ... all that happened is that somebody called 911 reporting she was unresponsive -- but they say she was, in fact, awake and speaking when paramedics actually arrived.


One last important detail ... HPD says it's waiting for Carlee to be made available for a follow-up interview, claiming they've only been able to obtain a preliminary statement from her.

On its face, it sounds like they're somewhat suspicious themselves about this whole thing -- which echoes the growing public sentiment at this point ... people are raising an eyebrow.

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WBRC Fox 6 News

Thus far, her family members have stuck to the same story ... namely, that she escaped her abductors, and that she fought for her life. They've also scoffed at the notion that anybody would question what happened to her ... and yet, folks still have their doubts regardless.

We covered the story on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.