Paseo por la naturaleza en Nochebuena con la familia de Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sanchez

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez aterrizaron en Miami justo a tiempo para la Navidad, pero su "País de las Maravillas Invernal" parece un día normal de verano... basta con echarle un vistazo a sus atuendos.

La pareja fue a dar un paseo con los miembros de su familia el domingo en un parque cerca de su propiedad en Indian Creek Island, que ahora es la base de Bezos después de dejar atrás Seattle a principios de este año. Parece que están disfrutando bastante ya que se les vio muy felices.

tomando aire fresco

Además, estaban vestidos como si fuera junio en lugar de diciembre, suponemos que tiene que ver con el clima en Florida, ya que es bastante caliente durante todo el año por lo que puede salirse con la suya con esto.

Lauren llevaba un top que dejaba al descubierto sus tonificados brazos y hombros, mientras que Jeff mostraba sus piernas en pantalones cortos. Por supuesto, también llevaban gafas de sol, de hecho, toda la familia las llevaba. Es notable la vibra que desprenden como unidad.

Recordemos que Jeff y Lauren estuvieron en el Caribe la semana pasada disfrutando de una escapada de vacaciones juntos, pero parece que querían estar de vuelta en los Estados Unidos para la víspera de Navidad.

Han sido unas semanas salvajes para ellos, donde han estado navegando en alta mar y celebrando cumpleaños con amigos estilosos y dinero de sobra. Sin embargo, ahora podemos verlos en un ambiente más discreto.

Ciertamente, se ven con los pies en la tierra y felices, mentalizados en su matrimonio por venir. Debe ser agradable ser estos dos en el nuevo año ya que tienen todo un mundo por conquistar.

Felices excursiones.

Bezos & Sanchez Nature-Filled Xmas Eve Stroll ... Back in Town After Vacay

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez touched down in Miami just in time for Christmas -- but their "Winter Wonderland" looks like a regular summer day ... just peep their walking attire.

The couple went for a stroll with their family members Sunday at a park near their Indian Creek Island property -- which is now Bezos' home base after leaving Seattle behind earlier this year. Looks like they're enjoying it out there ... 'cause they had some pep to their step.


Plus, they were dressed like it was June rather than December ... which we suppose comes with the territory in Florida -- it's pretty warm all year round, so they can get away with this.

Lauren was rocking a top that exposed her toned arms and shoulders ... whereas JB was showing off his legs in shorts. Of course, they were sporting shades too ... the whole fam was in fact. Talk about a power family -- that's the kind of vibe they give off as a unit.

Remember, Jeff and Lauren were just in the Caribbean last week enjoying a little holiday getaway together ... but it seems they wanted to be back stateside for Xmas Eve/Xmas.

It caps off a wild past few weeks for them, where they've been sailing the open seas and ringing in birthdays with friends in style ... with flash and cash to spare. Seeing them in a more low-key environment here seems to be them finally coming down off a year-long high.

They certainly look grounded and in lockstep unison ... telegraphing their marriage to come. It must be nice to be these two going into the new year -- they got a whole world to conquer.

Happy (hiking) trails, y'all.

Un nuevo video muestra a los pasajeros a bordo de un crucero varado

luchando contra las olas

Pasajeros aterrorizados se preparan para el impacto en un nuevo video del MS Maud, un crucero acosado por vientos rápidos y enormes olas que causan un corte de energía.

Se puede ver a los turistas, vestidos con chalecos salvavidas, agarrándose a las mesas y echando miradas horrorizadas por la habitación mientras las olas, algunas de unos 18 metros de altura, sacuden el crucero.

Una persona le grita a los demás que se suban al suelo del barco, alegando que es más seguro que sentarse en las mesas.

El video también muestra como las violentas olas levantan al barco en el aire antes de dejarlo caer en picada en el cañón entre las olas.

El MS Maud perdió potencia el jueves en el Mar del Norte, al este de Gran Bretaña y al norte de Dinamarca.

Twitter / @BylinesEast

Los más de 260 pasajeros recibieron la orden de agacharse tras el apagón. Los barcos de rescate daneses llegaron al lugar 40 minutos después.

Al final, el crucero llegó a Bremerhaven, Alemania, y un pasajero declaró al New York Post que la compañía de cruceros le pagaría los vuelos de los pasajeros a Londres, el destino original del barco.

Una escena aterradora, pero con final feliz

Stranded At Sea Cruise Ship Passengers Brace For Impact ... After Huge Wave Causes Ship To Stall


Terrified passengers brace themselves for impact in new video from the MS Maud, a cruise ship beset by fast winds and huge waves causing a power outage.

The would-be vacationers, clad in life jackets, can be seen gripping tables and flitting horrified glances around the room as waves, some reportedly 70 feet tall, buffeted the cruise liner.

One person yells out to others to get on the ship's floor, claiming it is safer than sitting at the tables.

The video also shows the insane waves lifting the ship high into the air before letting it plummet into the canyon between waves.

The MS Maud lost power Thursday in the North Sea, east of Great Britain and north of Denmark.

Twitter / @BylinesEast

The more than 260 guests were ordered to hunker down after the outage occurred, and Danish rescue ships were on the scene just 40 minutes later.

The cruise ultimately made it to Bremerhaven, Germany and one passenger told the New York Post the cruise line would pay for the passengers' flights to London, the ship's original destination.

A scary scene for sure, but one with a happy ending.

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas She Gets The Kids For Holidays ... He Might See Them, Too

Sophie Turner is back on mommy duty just in time for the holidays ... it's her turn to look after her two children as part of her child custody arrangement with Joe Jonas ... but a family reunion may be in the cards.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Sophie's got the kids through Jan. 7 ... which means she'll probably be celebrating Christmas and New Year's with Willa and Delphine over in London.

But, get this ... Joe is in England too -- he was recently spotted at London hot spot Chiltern Firehouse -- so it appears there's at least a decent chance Joe will get to see the kiddos on Xmas too.

Of course, the big question then becomes ... will Sophie and Joe spend time together with their daughters for the holidays, which are traditionally a family affair?

The girls have been with Sophie since Dec. 16 ... and they're allowed to travel with her in the United States and the United Kingdom ... but the kids have to be dropped back off to Joe in NYC on Jan. 7.

Remember ... Joe had the kids for Halloween and Thanksgiving, so the parents are splitting holiday duties under their temporary child custody agreement as they work through a divorce.

Meanwhile, Sophie was spotted making out with British aristocrat Peregrine Pearson earlier this month in London ... before she had the kids.

The best thing about divorce ... two Christmases!!!

Sophie Turner y Joe Jonas Ella tiene a las niñas para las fiestas Él podría estar con ellas también...

Sophie Turner está de vuelta en su deber de mamá justo a tiempo para las vacaciones y es su turno de estar con sus dos hijas como parte de su acuerdo de custodia con Joe Jonas, pero una reunión familiar puede estar en la mira.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sophie tiene a los niños hasta el 7 de enero, lo que significa que probablemente va a celebrar la Navidad y el Año Nuevo con Willa y Delphine en Londres.

Pero escuchen esto, Joe está en Inglaterra también y fue visto recientemente en Londres en Chiltern Firehouse, por lo que parece que hay al menos una posibilidad de que Joe vea a las niñas en Navidad también.

Por supuesto, la gran pregunta es, ¿pasarán Sophie y Joe tiempo juntos con sus hijas para las fiestas, que son tradicionalmente un asunto de familia?

Las niñas han estado con Sophie desde el 17 de diciembre y tienen permitido viajar con ella a Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, pero tienen que estar de vuelta con Joe el 7 de enero en Nueva York.

Recuerden, Joe tuvo a las niñas para Halloween y Acción de Gracias, por lo que los padres están dividiendo los deberes de vacaciones en virtud de su acuerdo temporal de custodia. Todo, en medio de su proceso de divorcio.

Mientras tanto, Sophie fue vista besándose con el aristócrata británico Peregrine Pearson a principios de este mes en Londres, antes de tener a las niñas.

Lo mejor del divorcio, ¡¡¡dos Navidades!!!

Mama June Taking Anna's Ashes On Holiday Trip To Disney World

After suffering the loss of Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, Mama June and the rest of her family are spending the holidays at the happiest place on earth ... and we're told Anna's remains are coming along, too.

Sources connected to the family tell TMZ ... before Anna passed, they had all spoken about spending Christmas at Disney World in Orlando, Florida -- and that plan is going forward, because the fam has rented a house in the area and will spend the week together.

We're told the family has a small urn holding some of Anna's ashes, and they're planning on bringing it with them to the rental house ... so they feel like she is there.

Our sources say Mama June, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" and her boyfriend Dralin Carswell, Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird and her family, and Anna's daughter, Kaitlyn, will all be going to the Mouse House -- we're told Anna's ex-husband, Michael, got an invite for their kid, Kylee ... but no word back on if she'll be coming, too.

Obviously, Christmas is going to be a hard one for the girls after recently losing their mother ... and while there are no plans to bring Anna's ashes to the theme park, we're told Kaitlyn plans to wear her new necklace there, which contains some of her mom's remains.

As for the gifts, Anna said before she died that she wanted to give her kids iPads, and our sources say they were already gifted the tablets -- with the family wanting to fulfill one of Anna's final wishes.

As we reported, Anna died earlier this month from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma. The family showed up at her funeral in Georgia, and the plan was for Anna to be cremated after the memorial ... with her ashes being divided up and given to family members.

Jeff Bezos & Lauren Sanchez Checkin' Out 'Beautiful' Islands ... During Caribbean Vacay

The Spot Youth Center Saba Staff and Youths

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez seem to be checkin' out all that the Caribbean has to offer ... 'cause the happy couple has been doing some island hopping during their vacation.

On Thursday, Jeff and Lauren were spotted by locals touring Saba, a small island in the Dutch Caribbean.

Kemaul Lee, who runs an after-school activity center for kids on the island, tells TMZ ... once the word got out that the billionaire couple was making their way around, the kids were determined to go find the pair themselves.

We're told the group eventually found Jeff and Lauren hopping off a bus after touring the island ... and as they were making their way back to their yacht, Jeff told the kids and staffers their island was a beaut -- something everyone LOVED.

As we reported, JB and LS were enjoying some time in St. Barts earlier this week, after Lauren celebrated her 54th birthday ... but the 2 are definitely still on vacay mode.

Cardi B, Offset Sued For Failing To Pay Rent ... Allegedly Trashed Vacation Home

Cardi B and Offset are bein' taken to court over the Beverly Hills house they were renting ... 'cause they allegedly skipped out on rent and left the place trashed.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Cardi and Offset lived in the swanky pad starting in early 2022, but they bounced from the property in October -- without giving a notice.

According to the landlord, they were behind on rent and utility payments when they left.

Making matters worse, the owners say they found "significant property damage" once the couple left ... including permanent scratches in the tile floors, rugs, and curtains, broken furniture, holes in the walls, and burn marks on things like tables, counters, and cabinets.

They estimate the cost of damages to be around $85,000 ... and the landlord says they've tried multiple times to resolve the issue, but to no avail.

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The property drama comes on the heels of Cardi and Offset's relationship being on the ropes ... as you know, Cardi unleashed a profanity-laced tirade accusing Offset of treating her poorly and said they were no longer an item.

We reached out to Cardi B and Offset's reps for comment ... so far, no word back.

Cardi B, Offset Son demandados por no pagar el alquiler... Casa de vacaciones supuestamente destrozada

Cardi B y Offset están siendo llevados a juicio por la casa de Beverly Hills que estaban alquilando, ya que supuestamente se saltaron el alquiler y dejaron el lugar destrozado.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Cardi y Offset vivieron en el palacio desde principios de 2022, pero se fueron de la propiedad en octubre, sin dar un aviso.

Según el propietario, tenían atrasados la renta y el pago de los servicios básicos cuando se fueron.

Para empeorar las cosas, los propietarios dicen que encontraron "daños significativos en la propiedad" cuando se fue la pareja, incluyendo arañazos permanentes en los pisos de las baldosas, alfombras y cortinas, muebles rotos, agujeros en las paredes y marcas de quemaduras en cosas como mesas, mostradores y armarios.

Se estima que el costo de los daños es de alrededor de $85.000 y el propietario dice que han intentado resolver el problema varias veces, pero ha sido en vano.

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Soy una mujer soltera

El drama de la propiedad viene después de que la relación entre Cardi y Offset esté contra las cuerdas. Como saben, Cardi se descargó con el rapero en un furioso video en donde lo acusaba de tratarla mal y afirmaba que ya no estaban juntos.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Cardi B y Offset para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Bethenny Frankel My Vagina Set Off Airport Scanner!!!

Bethenny Frankel says her vagina was the topic of conversation at the airport ... because her private parts set off a TSA body scanner.

The 'Real Housewives of New York' star says she was going through the security checkpoint before her flight to Aspen when her vagina caused a delay.

Instagram / @bethennyfrankel

Bethenny says she was going through the scanner and it kept buzzing ... first she took off her shoes, then another beep, and by the time she was down to her final layers she was still beeping.

The culprit ... her vagina!!!

Bethenny says a scan showed a red square over her vagina, leading to a pat down from a TSA agent ... and some extra attention from the crowd behind her.

The reality TV star says her daughter Bryn was cracking up the whole time and even asked her if she stashed something inside.

Bethenny says there's nothing there and this has never happened before ... joking she must have been really excited for her Christmas vacation.

After the hiccup, Bethenny and Bryn made their flight ... and they made it to Aspen.

Holiday travel ... it's never easy.

Britney Spears Mom's Still Hopeful She'll Come Home for Christmas

Britney Spears hasn't yet scheduled a flight heading east for the holidays, but her mom still believes a last-minute Christmas miracle might happen in the 11th hour ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... there are still talks about Britney returning home for Christmas in Louisiana, where her mother Lynne Spears still resides.

Now, we're told official travel arrangements haven't necessarily been made at this point -- but our sources tell us Lynne and people in Britney's world feel like there's time on the table to make something happen ... and we've been assured Lynne herself is certainly hopeful.

It's unclear what exactly the holdup might be on Britney's end -- especially considering she just recently hosted Lynne here in L.A. for her 42nd birthday and appeared to be on great terms with her mom.

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Sounds like Lynne's leaving the ball in Britney's court ... and praying for some movement. BTW, she signaled this same feeling to us on camera not too long ago at LAX.

Whether Brit ends up jetting on over or not remains to be seen -- but our sources tell us ... everyone in this situation feels like Britney should realize she has one mother, and since they've already started patching things up ... they oughta be together for the holiday.

Fact is, people are stoked to see them rebuilding their relationship ... and want the momentum to keep on rolling. If there was ever a time to come together -- it really would be now.

La madre de Britney Spears aún tiene esperanzas de que vuelva a casa para Navidad

Britney Spears no ha reservado un boleto para las vacaciones todavía, pero su madre cree que un milagro de Navidad de última hora puede suceder... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que todavía hay conversaciones sobre Britney volviendo a casa en Louisiana para Navidad, donde reside su madre Lynne Spears y donde Brit creció.

Nos informan que no se han hecho arreglos de viaje, pero nuestras fuentes nos dicen Lynne y la gente en el mundo de Britney siente que hay tiempo para hacer que algo suceda y nos han asegurado que Lynne tiene esperanzas.

No está claro cuál es exactamente el retraso podría ser en el extremo de Britney - especialmente teniendo en cuenta que acaba de recibir Lynne aquí en Los Ángeles por su cumpleaños número 42 y parecía estar en grandes términos con su madre.

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en casa para las fiestas

Suena como que Lynne está dejando la pelota en el campo de Britney y orando por algún movimiento. Ella nos dio a entender este mismo sentimiento en cámara no hace mucho tiempo en LAX.

Si Brit termina apareciendo o no está por verse, pero sería bueno que se diera cuenta que tiene una madre que quiere pasar la navidad con ella.

El hecho es que la gente está encantada de verlas reconstruir su relación y quieren que las cosas sigan así. Si alguna vez hubo un momento para estar juntas... ese momento puede ser ahora.

Jonathan Majors Back in L.A. with Meagan Good ... After Guilty Verdict in NYC

Jonathan Majors has fled the Big Apple after his high-profile guilty verdict -- he's in Los Angeles, and he's still rolling with his ever-loyal GF Meagan Good.

The embattled actor -- who was convicted on assault and harassment charges Monday in his Manhattan criminal trial -- touched down at LAX late Tuesday night WITH Meagan right by his side, along with at least one other person in his crew.

As you can see, they were going down a set of stairs from the jetway to the tarmac and a waiting car -- it's a common move celebs make to avoid cameras outside LAX.

No clear shots of their faces or anything like that -- these pics were taken from a distance -- but everything about the scene says MG is sticking by Majors' side even after he was found guilty.

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Mind you, she walked out with him after the jury returned its verdict ... with her head high.

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We didn't see Meagan with JM while he stepped out by himself in NYC Tuesday afternoon -- but she's obviously still with the guy.

It's possible he wanted to get out of town and lay low somewhere else -- but frankly, Hollywood might not be the best place for that. If anything, there's more photogs here than perhaps even in NY ... so unless he plans on hunkering down in a house, he'll be spotted plenty.

Maybe he's here to seek comfort from his famous pals ... or to start the work of rehabbing his rep, which has taken a hit. It is the holidays after all, the season of forgiveness.

Jonathan Majors Regresa a L.A. con Meagan Good... Tras ser declarado culpable en Nueva York

Jonathan Majors ha huido de la Gran Manzana a Los Ángeles, después de su público veredicto de culpabilidad y todavía está de la mano con su leal novia Meagan Good.

El asediado actor, que fue condenado por cargos de agresión y acoso el lunes en su juicio penal en Manhattan, aterrizó en LAX el martes por la noche con Meagan a su lado, junto con al menos otra persona de su equipo.

Como se puede ver, la pareja está bajando las escaleras y parece que volaron en privado porque no hay nadie más a su alrededor, excepto por un trabajador de la aerolínea.

No hay imágenes claras de sus rostros ni nada por el estilo, ya que estas fotos fueron tomadas desde lejos, pero todo en la escena indica que Meagan Good está al lado de Majors incluso después de haber sido declarado culpable.

Como recordarán, ella salió después del veredicto con la cabeza en alto.

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Majors dejando la corte

No vimos a Meagan con Jonathan Majors mientras anduvo paseando solo por Nueva York el martes por la tarde, pero obviamente todavía está con el chico.

Es posible que Jonathan haya querido salir de la ciudad y pasar desapercibido en otro lugar, pero francamente, Hollywood podría no ser el mejor lugar para eso. Es posible que haya incluso más fotógrafos aquí que en Nueva York, así que a menos que planee refugiarse al interior de una casa, será muy, muy visto.

Tal vez él está aquí para buscar consuelo de sus famosos amigos o para iniciar el trabajo de rehabilitación de su reputación, que ha recibido un duro golpe. Es temporada de fiestas, después de todo, la temporada del perdón.

Fantasia Airbnb is Full of BS ... Claims Host Tried to Give Her the Boot

An Airbnb host accused Fantasia of throwing a party and asked her and her family to vacate the rental property at midnight.

Fantasia took to X to voice her concerns over the dispute which occurred on Saturday Dec. 16.


She tweeted, "I don’t say much when people do me wrong, but I can’t stay quiet on how my family and I were just treated from a host with @Airbnb @airbnbhelp trying to kick my kids and I out at 12:00 midnight."

She detailed how they remained within the occupancy limits listed for the Airbnb, and included "they never said we weren’t allowed to have any company over!!"

This all while her 12-year-old son Dallas Xavier and friends were there to enjoy their night.

Fantasia also explained that there were obviously other parties that had taken place there ... "There were weights with balloon ribbon left in the garage from a previous party at the house."

Fantasia believes this was an instance of racial profiling and said, "The treatment we received was due to the color of our skin."

All she wanted was for her son and friends to have a good night, especially after she has been away traveling for "35+ days" promoting her upcoming movie, "The Color Purple."

Fantasia will star alongside Halle Bailey, H.E.R., and Ciara among others, which will come to theaters on Dec. 25.

Airbnb responded with a generic response regarding discrimination: "Hi Fantasia, Airbnb does not condone discrimination in any way. You can view our Nondiscrimination Policy here: Please send us a DM with the email address connected to your booking, so our team can follow up. Thank you."


She certainly will be in those DMs, not staying quiet.