The TMZ Podcast: Killer Mike Arrested at Grammys & Taylor Ignores Celine Dion 😬

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Rapper Killer Mike was arrested outside Arena following the Grammy Awards after he was accused of battery to a security officer. Mike took home wins in all three categories he was nominated for including Best Rap Performance, Best Rap Album and Best Rap Song.

Taylor Swift's success continues as she won Album Of The Year for 'Midnights' ... but folks online called her out over an awkward interaction after appearing to ignore Celine Dion, who presented the award onstage.

Jay-Z defended Beyonce in his acceptance speech, questioning why she has been constantly snubbed for Album Of The Year despite holding the most Grammy awards in history.

Plus, retired porn star Lisa Ann was detained by NYPD at Matt Rife's Radio City comedy show for allegedly "using her phone."

Subscribe to the The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Eric Colley

OnlyFans Murder Case Courtney Clenney's Parents Charged with Illegally Accessing Victim's Computer

The parents of OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, the woman accused of murdering her boyfriend, were obsessed with trying to gain access to the dead man's computer and unlawfully accessed it ... so claim prosecutors in the murder case.

TMZ broke the story ... Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested Tuesday on felony charges of unauthorized access or excessive access to a computer. Their daughter, Courtney, was also charged with the crime.

According to the police affidavit, Courtney's dad, Kim, came into possession of Christian Obumseli's laptop shortly after Courtney stabbed him to death in April 2022.

Prosecutors obtained a series of text messages between Courtney's parents and her lawyers, which repeatedly reference the need to figure out Christian's password. There were more than 4,200 texts in the group chats between the parents and the lawyers.

Courtney had apparently provided a list of potential passwords and through trial and error over a week's time, they were able to figure it out. The password ended up being his birthday ... 0412.

Courtney's lawyer told the group not to actually access the computer, but Kim told the lawyer he had already accessed it and was "starting to poke around." He said he had not opened a file and didn't see anything.

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As we reported, the only thing on the hard drive was a cryptocurrency balance sheet. Prosecutors have not alleged -- at least not yet -- that Kim or Deborah deleted any content.

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Both Deborah and Kim will appear in Miami court via zoom Wednesday morning. They are living in Austin, TX and prosecutors are trying to extradite them to Miami, where their daughter sits in jail awaiting her murder trial.


OF Model Courtney Clenney Parents Arrested ... Alleged Evidence Tampering


4:40 PM PT -- According to online records, the Clenneys are facing unspecified felony charges from out of state -- but we're still working to confirm exactly what they've been dinged for.

The parents of Courtney Clenney -- the OnlyFans model who has been charged with murdering her boyfriend -- have been arrested themselves ... TMZ has learned.

Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested at their Austin, TX home Tuesday in connection with the murder case ... and we're told it has something to do with potential evidentiary tampering.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... the Clenneys were taken into custody by law enforcement in Travis County on a warrant out of Miami.

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The allegation, from what we understand, boils down to a laptop that belonged to Courtney's late boyfriend, Christian Obumseli, which our sources say remained in their Miami apartment after he was killed in an argument in 2022.

We're told Courtney's dad, Kim, went back to their unit to clear out her stuff in the aftermath ... and in the process, stumbled across this laptop -- which we're told had not been impounded as evidence when police first went through after the incident.

Our sources say Courtney gave her father the password, and he got in ... but found nothing but a crypto exchange on the hard drive. After that, we're told he notified Courtney's defense attorney about it ... and handed it off to the legal team.

At this point, our sources say they're still in custody ... and the exact charges are a bit unclear -- but we're told they have a bond hearing in court Wednesday.

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We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 4:08 PM PT


Travis Kelce It's True, I 'Love' Taylor Swift ... L-Bomb Confirmed

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It's A Love Story
The CW / Inside The NFL

Put all the speculation to rest -- Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are in love and they don't care who knows ... 'cause new audio proves the Kansas City Chiefs superstar shared his deep feelings for the singer right after the AFC Championship Game.

There was speculation about what exactly was said between the two after the Chiefs punched their tickets to the Super Bowl with a 17-10 win over the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday ... with many believing they dropped L-bombs, but the sound quality couldn't definitively confirm the exchange.

The "Inside the NFL" cameras came through in the clutch for all Tayvis fans just minutes ago ... releasing a clip where hot mics picked up the majority of their convo.

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Kelce is heard calling for his lady amid the postgame chaos ... saying, "Tay, I'm gonna enjoy with the guys, I love you," before leaning in for a kiss.


Swift replied by telling him how proud she is ... and there very well may have been an "I love you, too," but we can't say for sure.

Of course, there are several angles Swifties have been trying to dissect ever since the game ended ... with another vid also appearing to show Taylor saying "I love you" during an earlier interaction on the field.

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The internet detectives did the same thing to Tayvis' New Year's Eve celebration ... so now, after weeks of speculation, Swifties can finally get some rest before launching their Super Bowl prep.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Nicki Minaj #Bigfoot es tendencia tras el desprecio de Meg...

Nicki Minaj y Megan Thee Stallion se tienen en la mira después de intercambiar insultos en sus respectivas canciones, pero Nicki está cayendo bajo... apuntando particularmente las extremidades de Megan.

Todo comenzó el viernes, cuando Megan cumplió su promesa de seguir disparando a sus críticos desde el juicio de Tory Lanez, con una nueva canción titulada "Hiss" que continúa donde quedó su último single "Cobra". Además de atacar a los que la odian, también criticó a Nicki Minaj.

¡¡¡Meg comienza la canción arañando aún más a su ex-novio Pardison Fontaine y los fans piensan que luego pasó a lanzar críticas a Nicki Minaj y su marido Kenneth Petty!!!

Como hemos informado, Kenneth es un delincuente sexual registrado y Meg dejó que su serpiente (el tema del álbum) se hundiera profundamente: "Estos h**s no están enojados con Megan, están enojados con la Ley de Megan / Realmente no sé cuál es el problema, pero te garantizo y'all no quieren que empiece / Bitch, eres una p***y!!!"

Ley de Megan no es solo un buen nombre, es el nombre de la ley federal que hace que sea obligatorio que la información de los delincuentes sexuales sea pública, letras venenosas de hecho. Hay otra línea allí que menciona a R. Kelly y algunos creen que esto también podría ser algún tipo de referencia a Nicki, aunque la conexión no es del todo clara.

De todos modos, Nicki contraatacó inmediatamente después de que saliera la canción, poniéndole me gusta a varios tweets anti-Megan, incluyendo unos que se burlaban del tamaño de sus pies.

Nicki también mostró un adelanto de una nueva pista suya, que actualmente no tiene nombre, que grabó casi inmediatamente después de escuchar la nueva pista de Meg y algunas de las letras son absolutamente mordaces.

Una línea en particular llamó la atención de la gente. Nicki rapea, "Bad Bitch ella es como 6 pies, yo la llamo bigfoot // la perra se cayó, le dije levántate con tu pie bueno". Nicki también le ha estado poniendo me gusta a una tonelada de memes y fotos que representan los pies de Megan (parece que Nicki piensa que son bastante grandes).

Su desaire

El mayor golpe aquí, sin embargo, es el hecho de que Nicki se refiere al incidente en que Meg recibió un disparo de Tory Lanez, algo que le encanta escuchar a su base de fans, pero que algunos consideraron ir demasiado lejos.

De todos modos, a raíz de todo esto, #Bigfoot se convirtió en un trending topic en X y Nicki siseó de nuevo a Megan en IG. Como hemos dicho, su ida y vuelta ha sido brutal.

Megan publicó una historia en IG riéndose del drama que causó en línea, pero Nicki aseguró que ella tenía la última palabra (o risa) al ver su nombre siendo tendencia en Internet.

TMZ investiga
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Todas las señales apuntan a un verano calientes chicas, con Meg y Nicki continuando su disputa...

Nicki Minaj #Bigfoot Trends After Meg Diss ... MTS Unleashes on Barbie!!!

Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion are at each other's throats right now after trading shots on respective diss tracks -- but Nicki's going low ... swiping at MTS' extremities.

It all started on Friday, when Megan made good on her promise to continue to fire back at her critics from the Tory Lanez trial ... and released a new track titled "Hiss" that picked up where the last one, "Cobra," left off. While going off on haters, she also shaded NM.

Meg starts the song clawing into her ex-boyfriend Pardison Fontaine further (“He can't move on, can't let it go/He hooked, nose full of that Tina Snow) ... and fans think she went on to throw jabs below the belt at Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty!!!

As we’ve reported, KP is a registered sex offender and Meg let her snake bite sink deep … rapping, "These h**s don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law/I don't really know what the problem is, but I guarantee y'all don't want me to start/Bitch, you a p***y!!!"

Megan’s Law is not only a cool name flip, it’s the name of the federal law that makes it mandatory that registered sex offenders have their info made public … venomous lyrics indeed. There's another line in there that mentions R. Kelly, and some believe this too might be some sort of reference to Nicki -- although the connection isn't entirely clear.

Anyway, Nicki immediately went into attack mode after the song dropped, liking several anti-Megan tweets, including many that made fun of the size of her feet.

She also previewed a new track of her own -- which is currently unnamed -- that she recorded almost immediately after hearing Meg's new track ... and some of the lyrics are absolutely scathing.

One line in particular caught people's attention -- Nicki raps, "Bad bitch she like 6 foot, I call her bigfoot // the bitch fell off, I said get up on your good foot." Nicki has also been liking a ton of memes/pics that depict Megan's feet (which Nicki seems to think are quite large).

Nicki Fires Back

The bigger shot here, though, is the fact that Nicki is referencing Meg being shot by Tory Lanez -- something her fan base loved to hear, but which some have said goes too far.

Anyway, in the wake of all this ... #Bigfoot soon became a trending topic on X, and Nicki hissed back further at Megan on IG … clowning her flow to make the H-Town hottie sound like some sort of UGK wannabe. Like we said, their back-and-forth has been brutal.

Megan dropped an IG Story laughing at the drama she caused online but Nicki claimed to have the last laugh seeing her name trend online.

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All signs point to a hot girl summer ... with Meg and Nicki continuing to cook each other.

50 Cent Sued Wild Mic Toss Injured Me, Permanently!!! Radio DJ Wants Him to Pay

50 Cent dodging a criminal charge for decking a DJ with a microphone doesn't mean he's out of the woods ... 'cause he's now staring down the barrel of a hefty lawsuit.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the docs filed by Bryhana Monegain, the Los Angeles-based radio host for Power 106 who was hospitalized following 50's Final Lap Tour set inside the Arena on August 3, 2023.

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TikTok / @polyboy.steezy

According to the suit ... once 50 realized his mic was malfunctioning, he opted to throw it in the crowd, where Bryhana claims it struck her in the face and wrist ... resulting in severe and permanent injuries.

Her alleged injuries, specified in the docs, align with the story we broke at the time ... Bryhana says she suffered a concussion and a forehead laceration, among other bumps and bruises.

Bryhana's since returned to work at her afternoon radio slot, but says she continues to suffer from emotional distress over the incident.

She's suing for the wages she lost during her recovery, in addition to medical expenses and other damages.

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We know 50, through an attorney, had previously denied intentionally harming anyone -- but that was when he was being criminally investigated over this ... which he's now clear of.

He hasn't responded to this new suit just yet.


This is The Worst Podcast / Just Media House

Armie Hammer's recent fling has given us a glimpse into his bedroom "cannibalism" kinks -- you know, the ones that landed him in the center of sexual abuse allegations.

Comedian Brittany Schmitt makes it clear to her pal Brittany Furlan on "This is The Worst Podcast" that while things beneath the sheets were consensual between them, she's absolutely not negating the other accuser's experiences -- cause she, too, was disturbed by his actions.

She claims she met Armie this past August through sober friends in L.A. and they had a brief fling. She says straight off the bat Armie was open about the cannibalism claims levied at him -- explaining it to her as a "cycle of completion" and "I'm inside of you, so I want you to be inside of me" sorta thing.

Mind you, Schmitt doesn't sound bent outta shape about the biting at all, and according to her Armie was so into it, he'd push the limit sometimes -- but, she's clear, when she asked him to stop, he would.

Interestingly, she notes she was lucky to have a different experience from what his sexual assault accusers say they went through. Schmitt actually reiterates she's not shading them or questioning their experiences.

The Brittanys also had a good laugh about the fact Schmitt was down for Armie branding her ... on their first date. She says he gave her a hand tattoo, and put a matching one on himself.


Brittany says he also inked others, and even jokingly referred to his tattoo "artist" gig as "Cannibal-ink." Yes, you heard that right.

Brittany says they stopped talking the next month... admitting the brief fling started because she was in a dark place.

As for Armie ... the DA's office said in May 2023 he wouldn't be charged with rape because they couldn't "prove a non-consensual, forcible sexual encounter" in the Feb 2021 claims made by his ex, Effie Angelova.

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Armie shared a statement soon after ... saying he was looking forward to putting his life back together now that his name had been cleared.

Taylor Swift Man Busted Near Her NYC Townhouse ... Twice In Three Days!!!


1/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- The NYPD says the guy who got dragged away in a police car Monday has been arrested and booked on stalking and harassment charges.

The department says, "Officers were approached by multiple complainants who pointed out an emotionally disturbed male acting erratically at the location. Once officers observed the male harassing multiple complainants, they took him to custody without further incidents; no injuries were reported." The dude's name is David Crowe -- and he's apparently from Seattle.

Taylor Swift had the same dude who was busted at her place this weekend show up on her doorstep AGAIN this week -- and best believe ... cops showed up to handle it.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the man who was cuffed and hauled away Saturday while trying to access Taylor's NYC townhouse had the gall to swing by her pad yet again on Monday, something her security team and surrounding neighbors immediately noticed.

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We're told the head of Taylor's security immediately called cops when the dude arrived, and our sources say everyone reported the same thing ... namely, that he was just lurking.

Of course, considering what just happened a couple days ago with this fella ... that's a huge problem. We're told NYPD officers eventually arrived to the scene, but couldn't immediately find the man -- however, it didn't take long to track him down ... he was around the corner.

Our sources say they found less than a block away from Taylor's residence -- and that's where this interaction with the cops went down, with officers once again throwing him in handcuffs and into the back of one of their police cruisers.

No question about it ... we're told this is, in fact, the same dude from Saturday-- but we're not sure at this point what's gonna happen to him, or if charges are being pressed either.

You'll recall ... when he was originally picked up, cops say they found him fiddling with Taylor's front door, in what police perceived as an attempt to enter without authorization.

When they ran him in their system, they found there was an open warrant for his arrest -- this pertaining to a separate case from 2017 when he failed to show up to court.

It goes without saying ... him coming back to the scene so soon after all that is troubling, to say the least -- and ya gotta figure law enforcement will be a little stricter this time around.


Then again, we know celebs have had a hard time achieving successful deterrents from these sorts of people who appear to be obsessed with them ... with the criminal justice system often failing to protect them from potential danger.

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As you know ... Taylor has had a long, documented history with stalkers in her own career ... including one who was previously arrested for trying to get into her Manhattan pad a few years back. Unclear if this guy is that, but already ... he's not setting a good precedent.

Our new documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis," airs Monday at 9/8c on FOX ... and we break down Taylor's stories and more.

Originally Published -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Kanye West & Bianca Censori Get Earful From Angry, Loud Rando ... 'You Ain't S*** Boy!!!'

scary confrontation

Kanye West and Bianca Censori had a very L.A. experience ... getting confronted by a random dude in the street, who was ready to rant and rave at a very high volume.

Ye and his wife were minding their own business Sunday on Melrose Place, when a bystander who seemed to come out of nowhere launched into an oddly personal tirade against KW as the couple walked back to their Range Rover.

Kanye and Bianca -- who was back to showing off her curves in a tight, body-hugging outfit --- appeared pretty alarmed by the outspoken man here ... who got somewhat close to them, and even blocked their path for a few moments as they were pulling out and leaving.

The guy seemed to have beef with Kanye ... yelling and repeating, "You ain't s***, boy!!!" The dude also told them they were in his territory and he kept saying things about Lucifer, the Devil and 666 while flashing some menacing hand signs.

Kanye let the guy have his say though ... he didn't drive off in a hurry -- instead cracking his window to get an earful once he was safely in the car with Bianca. There was no physical confrontation, thankfully, but Ye seemed content with letting the man blow off steam.

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Normies in L.A. are used to this sitch -- it happens all the time -- but you hardly see celebs have to deal with it ... especially someone like Kanye, who's prone to outbursts himself.

Anyway, check out the video ... sounds like Bianca's outfits aren't the source of anger here. With that said, it certainly was another eye-opening getup ... worthy of its own convo.

Country Singer Elle King Drunk Onstage For Dolly Parton Tribute ... Guts Cover Song

Country singer Elle King drunkenly played off-key at a concert celebrating Dolly Parton's 78th Birthday, forgetting the words to a cover song while cursing up a storm.

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Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

King hit the stage Friday night at the Grand Ole Opry after admittedly having one too many drinks – and was caught on multiple videos botching her tribute to Parton, while performing the music icon's tune, "Marry Me."

Check out the footage uploaded to TikTok ... King stands at a mic as she belts out the track, but her voice starts cracking and she forgets the lyrics.

King then confesses she doesn't know the words, pleading with the crowd not to tell Parton as she peppers them with foul language.

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At one point, King even mocked the fans for purchasing tickets to the show, explaining, "I'm not even gonna (curses) lie … y'all bought tickets for this (curses), you ain't getting your money back."

One fan shouted a response, "I don't want it," prompting King to reply, "Good, 'cause you ain't getting it."

But, King wasn't done yet, adding, "I'll tell you one thing more … hi, my name is Elle King. I'm (curses), hammered."

Another fan posted a complaint on X about King, saying she "ruined the night with her horrible, drunk, and profane performance," while claiming "Parton would have been mortified."

Grand Ole Opry commented on the post, expressing that they "deeply regret and apologize for the language that was used during last night’s second Opry performance."


So far, King and Parton have not publicly addressed the matter. But Parton's sister, Stella, weighed in on the controversy, calling King a "hillbilly."

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Patrick Mahomes Bills Fans Pelt QB With Snowballs ... After Playoff Win

Patrick Mahomes was forced to make a speedy exit from Highmark Stadium on Sunday night ... this after angry Bills fans continuously chucked snowballs at his head.

The Kansas City star was trying to celebrate the Chiefs' 27-24 divisional round win in Buffalo ... but when he got close to the crowd, Bills Mafia made him run for cover.

Video from the game's broadcast showed the flying objects came so often, Mahomes actually had to jet from the area while defending his head with his hand.

When he eventually got near a stadium tunnel to get into his locker room, he had to evade a few more snowballs too.

Fortunately for the quarterback, it didn't seem any tagged him too hard -- and he didn't seem too annoyed by the situation either, wearing a big smile nearly the entire time.

But, one of his teammates, Drue Tranquill, certainly appeared to be more than bothered by the matter.

The KC linebacker wrote on his X page that he almost threw a snowball of his own at a fan who heaved one his way ... before he fired off a jab at Buffalo's diehards.

"Truth is," Tranquill said, "my four year old throws a meaner snowball than #BillsMafia."

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While the Chiefs escaped Buffalo unharmed ... they might have to face a similar issue this weekend -- they're slated to Baltimore in the AFC Championship on Sunday ... where snow could certainly be a possibility.

Taylor Swift Supporting Her Man in Buffalo ... Blowing Haters Kisses


5:52 PM PT -- Travis is clearly appreciative of his better half showing up to support him ... after he scored a TD, he seemed to blow a kiss and toss a "hand heart" up toward the suite where Tay's chilling with the fam.

His brother was freakin' stoked too ... though Jason went with a pretty different kind of celebration -- ripping off his shirt and downing a beer while the boos rained down on him!!!

3:17 PM PT -- So far, so good on the all-important "meeting" of the sibling ... Taylor and Jason look pretty comfortable chatting -- which makes you wonder if they've maybe hung out before.

Taylor Swift's landed in Buffalo and Bills Mafia is giving her a hard time ... but the pop star seems to be taking all the jeering in stride.

TS' beau's playing in chilly upstate New York this afternoon, and her arrival at Highmark Stadium received the requisite amount of fanfare ... lots of pictures, video and a little trash talk from the other team.

One fan screams out "Bills by a billion" and Taylor seemingly blows a smooch back to him in response ... pretty dang cool response for the megastar.

Tay's basically a pro at attending Chiefs games at this point ... she's been hitting them up regularly since September and even braved frigid temperatures to watch her man's first playoff game last week -- and seemed totally enthralled with him after.

X / @Leabonics

And, there's another relationship milestone Taylor's reaching tonight ... a public appearance with Jason Kelce, Travis' brother, who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles and was spotted landing in Buffalo earlier Sunday. She's already been spotted with JK's wife Kylie ... so it shouldn't be too long.

As far as we can tell ... Taylor spent a ton of time with Travis' mom, Donna, and even hung out with his dad, Ed, but she and Jason have never been spotted hanging out publicly -- which doesn't mean they haven't had a covert meeting over the last couple weeks.

Now, Chiefs fans might not be so stoked on Taylor's appearance at the game ... remember, she pulled up for the match back in December where the Bills won by just three points -- and Patrick Mahomes had something of a meltdown after the L.

Of course, Taylor didn't cause that loss by any means ... but sports fans are superstitious -- so you just know she's gonna take a lot of flak if Josh Allen's squad can pull out a win.

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The game's kicking off here at 3:30 PM PT ... so grab a seat and blast "Cruel Summer" in honor of the hottest couple around!!!

Originally Published -- 2:59 PM PT

Jeannie Mai Please Don't Enforce Prenup ... I Didn't Have Enough Time!

Jeannie Mai's requesting the court hold off on enforcing her prenup with Jeezy ... saying she didn't have enough time to review it before signing.

The talk show host filed the request Thursday afternoon in Fulton County Superior Court ... asking the judge to either deny Jeezy's motion to enforce the prenuptial agreement or at least hold off on enforcing it until the parties can exchange info about it.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, JM says the prenup process was so quick -- they started negotiating just five days before she walked down the aisle -- she doesn't think she was able to do her proper due diligence on the agreement.

Basically, she says she didn't go through Jeezy's financial disclosures with a fine-toothed comb to make sure she was getting a fair deal ... saying the truncated window "raises significant concerns about the adequacy and thoroughness of the due diligence process."


She's also kinda calling out Jeezy here ... saying she has "significant reservations" about her ex's financial disclosures. Her legal team says the rapper only handed over one personal financial statement with approximate taxes and insists she was legally entitled to a thorough examination of all documents.

We previously reported ... Jeezy filed for divorce from Jeannie back in September saying the marriage is "irretrievably broken." Jeezy seemingly implied he thinks Jeannie cheated on him in his music ... but she came out and denied any suspected infidelity.

In fact, Jeannie took it a step further -- outright suggesting he might've been the one who possibly cheated -- claiming he'd pay through the nose for it per the prenup if that did, in fact, turn out to be true.

Anyway, this divorce is quickly getting messy ... so stay tuned.

Jeannie Mai Por favor, no hagan cumplir el acuerdo prenupcial

Jeannie Mai le está solicitando al tribunal aplazar la aplicación de su acuerdo prenupcial con Jeezy, diciendo que no tuvo tiempo suficiente para revisarlo antes de firmarlo.

La estrella de la televisión presentó la solicitud el jueves por la tarde en el Tribunal Superior del Condado de Fulton, donde le pidió al juez que, o bien negara la moción de Jeezy para hacer cumplir el acuerdo prenupcial, o al menos aplace su aplicación hasta que las partes pueden intercambiar información al respecto.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Jeannie Mai dice que el proceso prenupcial fue tan rápido -comenzaron a negociar solo cinco días antes de que fuera camino al altar- que no cree que haya sido capaz de hacer una debida diligencia del acuerdo.

Básicamente, dice que no revisó detalladamente las declaraciones financieras de Jeezy para asegurarse de que estuviera recibiendo un trato justo. Dice que esto "plantea importantes dudas sobre la idoneidad y la exhaustividad del proceso de diligencia debida".

La otra cara...

También está un poco criticando a Jeezy aquí. Dice que tiene "reservas significativas" sobre las revelaciones financieras de su ex. Su equipo legal dice que el rapero solo entregó un estado financiero personal con los impuestos aproximados e insiste en que ella tenía derecho legal a un examen a fondo de todos los documentos.

Como informamos previamente, Jeezy solicitó el divorcio de Jeannie en septiembre, diciendo que el matrimonio estaba "irremediablemente roto". Jeezy dio a entender en su música que piensa que ella lo engañó, pero Jeannie ha negado cualquier sospecha de infidelidad.

De hecho, Jeannie fue un paso más allá y sugirió abiertamente que podría haber sido él quien la engañó, alegando que iba a tener que pagar por ello si lo hizo.

De todos modos, este divorcio se está complicando rápidamente, así que quédense atentos.

Malia Obama Stuns At Sundance ... I'm a Big Shot in Hollywood!!!

Malia Obama has come a long way from her childhood days in the White House ... 'cause she's now walking the red carpet at Sundance as a straight-up filmmaker.

The 25-year-old daughter of former president Barack Obama made her debut on the red carpet at the Park City, Utah annual event Thursday night.

Malia looked just stunning in her light blue button-down shirt, gray overcoat, gray scarf, black pants and shiny brown boots.

The former first daughter showed up for the premiere of her new short film, "The Heart," which she wrote and directed under the name Malia Ann. Turns out that Ann is her middle name, which appears in the credits.

Malia has said the movie is about "lost objects and lonely people and forgiveness and regret, but I also think it works hard to uncover where tenderness and closeness can exist in these things."

Sounds like a winner to us! Let's hope the Sundance jurors and audiences think so, too, when they go vote for their favorite flicks in each category.

As a side note ... Malia was just 10 when she moved into the White House during her dad's 8 year tenure as the 44th President of the Unites States from 2009 to 2017.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

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