Britney Spears Wade Robson Affair Way More Serious Than a Kiss ... Claims 'Everytime' Songwriter

Britney Spears and Wade Robson had a much deeper affair than what Britney claims in her memoir, so says Britney's former songwriting partner ... who tells us Justin Timberlake found a long breakup letter Britney wrote to Wade which blew the whole thing up.


Annet Artani -- who helped write "Everytime" with Britney in 2003 -- appeared on TMZ Live Friday ... and she dropped a bombshell.

While we know Britney confesses to cheating on JT in her "Woman in Me" memoir, saying she and Robson made out at a bar while she was still dating Justin ... Artani remembers things much differently.

The songwriter says things were much more serious with Britney and Wade than just a one-night makeout sesh. In fact, she claims Britney had written a 14-page breakup letter to Robson which she hid in her makeup bag.

As Annet says ... you don't write a lengthy letter to someone you only kissed.

Shockingly, Artani claims, Justin ended up finding the breakup letter before Britney could give it to Wade ... and Justin learned all about their affair, calling it quits with Britney a short time later.

Remember, Justin's "Cry Me a River" dropped on the heels of his split with Britney -- with reports claiming the song was about her cheating on the singer. Britney released "Everytime" a short time later ... many believe the song served as Britney's apology to Justin.


Britney Spears y Wade Robson tuvieron un romance mucho más profundo de lo que Britney afirma en sus memorias, según dice su ex compositora, quien asegura que Justin Timberlake encontró una larga carta de ruptura de Britney a Wade que incendió las cosas.

Mucho más que un beso

Annet Artani, quien ayudó a escribir "Everytime" con Britney en 2003, apareció en TMZ Live este viernes y reveló la primicia.

Aunque sabemos que Britney confiesa haber engañado a Justin en sus memorias "Woman in Me", en donde cuenta que ella y Robson se besaron en un bar mientras todavía salía con Justin, Artani recuerda las cosas de manera muy diferente.

La compositora dice que las cosas fueron más serias que solo un par de besos. De hecho, dice que Britney habría escrito una carta de ruptura de 14 páginas a Robson que escondió en su bolso de maquillaje.

Como dice Annet, nadie escribe una larga carta a alguien que solo ha besado.

Sorprendentemente, Artani afirma que Justin terminó encontrando la carta antes de que Britney se la entregara a Wade. Se enteró de todo el romance y puso fin a su relación con ella poco tiempo después.

Recuerden, "Cry Me a River" de Justin se lanzó muy cerca de su ruptura con Britney, con informes que afirman que la canción trataba de su engaño a la cantante. Britney lanzó "Everytime" poco después y muchos creen que sirvió como disculpa a Justin.

Holocaust Survivor 'Inhuman' Hamas Just Like Nazis ... I Won't Leave Israel!!!


A Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust -- and is currently living in Israel -- is getting terrible flashbacks amid the attacks by Hamas ... a group she calls "inhuman," and horrifyingly reminiscent of the Nazis of her childhood.

90-year-old Lucy Lipiner joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," along with her daughter, Rena Lipiner Katz ... and said she can't even begin to comprehend why Jewish people have been persecuted so frequently for centuries now.

Lucy arrived in NYC from Poland in 1949 when she was 16 years old, having survived the horrors of the Holocaust ... and she lived in the Big Apple up until last month when she moved to Israel to join her daughter and other family members.

Despite the destruction and horror of the Hamas attack of October 7 -- and the subsequent rocket volleys between Israel and Gaza -- Rena tells us why she and her mom are staying put.


We also spoke with Ken Wetcher, another survivor of the Holocaust ... and he echoes Lucy's beliefs that the Hamas attacks hold disturbing similarities to the Nazi party's killings of Jewish people nearly 90 years ago.

NYT's Kashmir Hill AI Firm Already Has Your Face & Data ... Push Back Or Kiss Privacy Goodbye!!!


Pairing facial recognition with AI is a dream come true for law enforcement, but it could also be a nightmare for privacy as we know it -- which is why an author says it might be time to pump the brakes on the technology.

Kashmir Hill, a New York Times tech reporter, joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" to tell us about the facial recognition databases lurking in the shadows, how the technology works and what its implications are for the future.

Google and Facebook first developed facial recognition tech in early 2017, but Silicon Valley's major players didn't dare unleash it on the public ... though Kashmir says another company, Clearview AI, picked up the baton and pushed the boundaries.

Kashmir wrote a book about the topic, "Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup's Quest," and she says Clearview AI's database scraped the internet for photos of human faces -- without consent -- amassing 30 billion images and counting. Those numbers make it likely your face is already in their database.

There are some practical, and good, uses right now -- the tech is being used to solve crimes, and it was recently used to identify folks who stormed the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

However, Kashmir paints a picture of a dystopian future where the tech completely strips away privacy for everyone ... which, for example, could make for some embarrassing trips to the pharmacy.

It's not all doom and gloom, she explains why society doesn't have to lay down and let facial recognition tech change our lives for the worse.

Israel-Hamas Attacks NYC Tech Founder Fighting in Israel ... Scared, But Prepared to Finish Fight

The NYC tech founder who flew to Israel to help in the war against Hamas terrorists says the death and destruction are making for a terrifying fight ... but it's one he's determined to see through to the end.

Noy Leyb joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live," talking to us from Israel about his experience flying overseas and rejoining the Israel Defense Force -- after first enlisting when he was just 18 years old.


He says he's been going back to Israel for training over the years after completing his time in the IDF, so he wasn't completely out of practice Saturday when he saw the horrors unfolding and booked a flight.

We also talked with Noy about the level of fear he's feeling in such an uncertain time ... and despite all the gruesome happenings in the days since Hamas slaughtered innocent Israelis, Noy knows he and his brothers in arms are ready to fight until all of Hamas is "eliminated."

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As we reported, the war shows no signs of stopping ... with more than 2,200 deaths and 8,000 injured, so far.

Ataques en Israel y Hamas Fundador tecnológico de Nueva York se va a pelear a Israel

El fundador de una empresa de tecnología en Nueva York que voló hasta Israel para luchar contra los terroristas de Hamás dice que la muerte y la destrucción están haciendo de este combate uno aterrador... pero a pesar de eso está decidido a ser parte de él hasta el final.

Noy Leyb se unió a "TMZ Live" el miércoles, para hablar con nosotros desde Israel sobre su experiencia de volar al extranjero y volver a unirse a la Fuerza de Defensa de Israel (FDI), después de alistarse por primera vez cuando tenía 18 años.

Me fui a Pelear

Cuenta que ha estado volviendo a Israel para recibir entrenamiento en los últimos años, después de completar su tiempo en las FDI, por lo que no estaba completamente fuera de la práctica el sábado cuando vio los horrores que se desarrollaban y reservó un vuelo.

También hablamos con Noy sobre el miedo que está sintiendo en un momento tan incierto. A pesar de los horribles acontecimientos que han ocurrido desde que Hamás masacró a ciudadanos israelíes inocentes, Noy sabe que él y sus compañeros de armas están listos para pelear hasta que todo Hamás sea "eliminado".

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Emboscada en un kibutz

Como hemos informado, la guerra no muestra señales de detenerse, con más de 2.200 muertos y 8.000 heridos hasta ahora.

UFC's Natan Levy Hunkered Down in Israel Near Hamas Attacks ... 'These Are War Crimes'


UFC fighter Natan Levy says he's currently around 25-30 miles away from the heinous attacks Hamas is unleashing on his native Israel ... and the scene is horrifying.

The 32-year-old flew to Israel just a few days before the weekend wave of terror began ... and simply intended to spend time with his family at a cousin's wedding.

But, Tuesday on "TMZ Live," he told us about the moment all their plans changed, and they went into survival mode.

Natan said he and his family fled to a bunker as soon as they heard sirens in the area, but thought it was "just missiles" ... something that's, sadly, fairly common. Initially, they didn't realize the terrorists were invading on foot and killing civilians.

He adds, "What's happening -- it's not far from here. It's a war zone, and it's just by the hand of God I'm not there inside the war zone."

Citing the reports of Hamas beheading babies and burning others alive ... Natan said he's hoping Israel's severe retaliation continues.


"I think we're going to have to attack -- they've left us no choice," he said. "Hopefully the least amount of civilians get hurt, but all of the blood is on their hands."

Thinking of the hundreds of hostages, Natan added ... "We've got to strike back. And we've got to get out as much people as we can out of there as fast as possible. Because the way they hold people hostage, it's not humane. It's crimes against humanity."

Israel at War U.S. Citizen Stranded with Her 3 Kids ... Hamas Rocket Strikes Nix All Flights Home


Israel has U.S. citizens trapped within its borders, including a mother of 3 who is doing everything she can to keep her young children safe as the Hamas attacks continue.

Daniella joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" from Jerusalem, where she's been forced to stay put -- with her 9-year-old, 6-year-old, and 2-year-old.

She says she's one thousands of Americans who went to Israel to celebrate the Jewish holiday, Simchat Torah, but now airlines have canceled all flights out of the area as Hamas missiles continue to fly through the sky above them.


Daniella says her family is really on their own in Israel -- the U.S. Embassy is currently closed, and she's now frantically searching for other ways to get out of the country that don't involve taking a plane.

She also says she's repeatedly had to take her children into bomb shelters amid the attacks ... adding she's been struggling to explain to the little ones why their world has been turned upside down.

As you know, Israel was first subject to terrorist attacks from Hamas over the weekend, with at least 900 fatalities being reported -- since then, Israel has responded with waves of air strikes as well, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring his country is "at war."

Arnold Schwarzenegger My New Book Paves Path To a Successful Life!!!


Arnold Schwarzenegger has accomplished a lot in his life -- and now, he wants to spread the wealth of knowledge he's gained over the years with anyone willing to listen ... and read.

We talked to the 'Terminator' Monday on "TMZ Live" about the release of his new book, "Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life," which hits bookshelves on Oct. 10. Arnold was kind enough to break down his thought process in this latest endeavor.

Check it out ... AS tells us this book was written to help people of all kinds, but especially for those who feel aimless and without purpose. For those folks, Arnold's got big-time tips.

For starters, he preaches a mantra that he's been living for years now -- namely, ya gotta have a vision for yourself and where you see your life headed. Of course, that includes setting goals, taking steps to achieve those and most importantly, putting in the work.

He tells us there'll always be haters and naysayers along the way who might try to deter you in whatever it is you're attempting to conquer -- and to them, Arnie says tune 'em out.

As he explains here, there were A LOT of people who told him he wouldn't succeed in showbiz ... but, as we all know, Arnold went on to become one of the biggest movie stars ever. The body builder-turned-actor-turned-politician says you gotta use what others consider a flaw to your advantage -- and to do that, it'll take a bit of creative thinking and ingenuity, plus major willpower.

Point is, anything's possible, and Arnold's here to guide people to that realization with his new book. Feel free to grab it now -- or listen to the audio book, which he recorded -- the guy's full of wisdom and inspiration!

President Biden's Dog Signs Commander Not Getting Proper Training ... Says Former Secret Service Dog Trainer


If President Biden's dog Commander, AKA the White House biter, really is getting training -- as the administration's claimed -- he's been getting the wrong kind ... that's according to a former Secret Service officer who's dealt with other First pooches.

Marshall Mirarchi worked in the Secret Service's K-9 division for a decade -- including when Biden was VP in the Obama administration -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to explain why he's not so sure Commander's legitimately graduated obedience school.

According to Marshall, dogs NEVER get past a point of no return -- even a recidivist like Commander -- when it comes to training. He says they can always be re-trained, although the amount of time it takes a dog to fall in line is a different story.

Regardless, Marshall thinks all signs point to Commander not getting the proper direction, and he tells us what can, and should, be done to get him White House-ready again.

He also addressed how difficult it is for WH staffers living and working with a dog that's, up to this point, very unpredictable.

As we reported, Commander was booted from the White House this week after reportedly biting a minimum of 11 people -- with at least 1 recent victim being sent to the hospital.

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BTW, we spoke with Marshall back in July -- when Commander had bitten 7 people over 4 months -- and he claimed again the dog could be re-trained ... but based on Marshall's lengthy experience, it sounds like someone dropped the ball.

Jarrett Payton Taylor & Travis Are Real Deal ... I Saw Them Up Close!!!

Former NFL star Jarrett Payton has no doubts about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce bein' a couple ... and that's coming from the guy who got the viral video of them leaving the Chiefs game together.

Jarrett, the son of football legend Walter Payton, joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday to talk about his experience capturing Taylor and Travis leaving Kansas City's Arrowhead Stadium together ... and he's telling us why there's real chemistry between them.


Jarrett's quick clip has quite the story behind it -- he says he was on the field filming coverage for Chicago's WGN and was heading to the car when he was stopped by security and told to wait there while they dealt with something ... or someone.

Luckily, he says he was told to stay put in the hallway ... and the 2 strolled past him not long after that.

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He also thinks Travis gave him a bit of a look while walking out -- a total "come on, dude" kind of glance -- but Jarrett admits was like a kid in the candy store.

As you know, the internet's been going nuts over Taylor and Travis leaving together ... and the singer was also having a blast in a private box with Travis' mom, Donna, just hours before.

And for those of you who are convinced the 2 are an item, it sounds like Jarrett's right there with you on that one.

Do you think Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are the real deal, or just a PR stunt? Vote below.

Elon Musk's Neuralink Potential Cure for Brain Disorders, Paralysis ... Risks to Humanity Lurk, Too

Elon Musk's Neuralink is on the verge of beginning human testing, and the technology that could potentially help people suffering from all sorts of neurologic disabilities ... there's also potential for massive danger.

Dr. Marcello Ienca SEPTEMBER 2023

Dr. Marcello Ienca, a professor of artificial intelligence, joined us on "TMZ Live" to explain how Neuralink can advance medicine by light years ... tackling brain disorders that affect hundreds of millions of people, and even quadriplegia.

Dr. Ienca says the first human test groups will be patients living with paralysis, and he breaks down how it almost literally rewires the brain to do activities it previously couldn't.

However, there's also an alarming aspect that feels like an episode of "Black Mirror" -- Dr. Ienca says the Neuralink chip in someone's brain means a computer technically has access to their thoughts -- and if the computer has it, there's potential for other people around you to get it.

Yeah, think about it .. your spouse, coworker, neighbor and/or friend knowing all your thoughts. 😬

With the internet having a history of cybersecurity risks and privacy breaches, Neuralink comes with at least 1 red flag ... but Dr. Ienca points out why technology as revolutionary as this will always come with its share of risks.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Think Science Is Wack? Lemme Tell Ya About This Asteroid!!!


An asteroid the size of the Empire State Building has a slight chance of smashing into Earth, but Neil deGrasse Tyson says the fact scientists were able to recover samples of the space rock might be even bigger news.

Neil joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" ... talking us through NASA's remarkable mission to send a probe -- dubbed the OSIRIS-REx -- to collect rocks and dust off the ancient asteroid known as Bennu.

What's amazing is that probe launched from Earth 7 years ago, aiming to hit a moving target ... and now it's expected to land this weekend in Utah!!!

Neil wants to make sure everyone's aware of just how spectacular this is -- he's throwing a little jab at the science deniers out there, too.

BTW, a new report revealed Bennu could hit Earth around 2182, but the odds of it happening are currently about 1 in 3,000 ... so we're probably good. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Of course, marveling at humankind's scientific accomplishments puts new perspective on what a potential alien species might be able to do.

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Remember, governments and scientists around the world are taking UFO reports more seriously these days -- and Neil says there's plenty of reason to believe we're not alone in the universe.

But, check out his rationale for why they're probably not here among us.

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And, in case ya forgot, NdT was singin' the same tune last month when we talked to him. Bottom line ... he hasn't seen enough tangible evidence to change his mind about aliens.

Not yet, anyway.


que gran momento para estar vivo

Un asteroide del tamaño del Empire State Building tiene una pequeña posibilidad de estrellarse contra la Tierra, pero Neil deGrasse Tyson dice que el hecho de que los científicos fueran capaces de recuperar muestras de la roca espacial podría ser una noticia aún mayor.

Neil se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" y nos habló de la notable misión de la NASA de enviar una sonda (OSIRIS-REx) para recoger rocas y polvo del antiguo asteroide conocido como Bennu.

Lo sorprendente es que la sonda se lanzó desde la Tierra hace 7 años con el objetivo de alcanzar un objetivo en movimiento ¡¡¡y ahora se espera que aterrice este fin de semana en Utah!!!

Neil quiere asegurarse de que todo el mundo es consciente de lo espectacular que es esto. Además, aprovecha de lanzar un pequeño golpe a los negacionistas de la ciencia.

Por cierto, un nuevo informe revela que Bennu podría chocar con la Tierra en torno a 2182, pero las probabilidades de que esto ocurra son actualmente de 1 entre 3.000... así que probablemente estemos bien. 🤷🏽‍♂️

revelando al alien

Por supuesto, maravillarse con los logros científicos de la humanidad pone una nueva perspectiva sobre lo que una especie alienígena potencial podría ser capaz de hacer.

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Recordemos que los gobiernos y los científicos de todo el mundo están tomando los informes de ovnis más en serio estos días, y Neil dice que hay un montón de razones para creer que no estamos solos en el universo.

Sin embargo, échale un vistazo a su razonamiento de por qué probablemente no están aquí entre nosotros.

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hay que hacerse cargo de lo que uno dice

En caso de que lo hayas olvidado, nuestro amigo estuvo afirmando las mismas teorías mes pasado cuando hablamos con él.

'Million Dollar Listing' Fredrik Eklund Launches First AI Real Estate Expert!!!


Former "Million Dollar Listing" star Fredrik Eklund says his new AI real estate expert isn't here to take jobs from agents like himself -- instead, he says this tech can spark market growth.

Fredrik joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to introduce the world to Maya ... the world's first real estate guru completely powered by artificial intelligence. It's a product that took him and his team 18 months to get up and running, and he explained why he's so incredibly proud of what Maya can do.

He says Maya helps both sides of the housing market and even comes with her own personality -- and while you might think websites, like Zillow and Redfin, already simplify the home buying experience, Fredrik told us why Maya takes it to the next level.

Simply put ... the way you tour open houses is going to change dramatically in the next few years, and Fredrik believes Maya will be an integral part of that revolution.

AI has become a hot-button topic lately, with folks -- including Hollywood writers and actors -- worried the new tech will take peoples' jobs as it advances.

It might sound ironic for Fredrik to invent a tool that takes over some tasks that human agents have traditionally done for clients, but he fills us in on why he's not threatened by Maya. At least, not yet.


Un veterano condecorado con 40 años de experiencia nos cuenta cómo las misiones de combate cambiaron para siempre su función cerebral y afirma que su experiencia es un cuento con moraleja para todos los miembros de las fuerzas armadas y los médicos que los tratan.

Hablamos con el general Gregg F. Martin el martes en "TMZ Live" sobre sus memorias recién publicadas, "General Bipolar: My Forever War with Mental Illness" que narra su batalla personal. Como él explica, el trastorno bipolar en realidad puede desarrollarse con el tiempo.

La creencia generalizada es que la bipolaridad se hereda, pero el general Martin dice que no es tan sencillo. Dice que los médicos le dijeron que el gen del trastorno bipolar estaba latente en su cerebro hasta que las tensiones de las repetidas misiones de combate en Irak lo desencadenaron.

El General dice que sus episodios maníacos eran devastadores, y en algunos casos se creía literalmente Superman. No fue hasta que fue diagnosticado como bipolar 11 años después de salir de Irak que consiguió en los medicamentos adecuados y aprendió cómo el combate afecta a la bioquímica del cerebro.

El general Martin dice que no está solo. Muchos veteranos de este país han pasado por la misma situación, pero añade que el Departamento de Asuntos de los Veteranos es consciente y está atento a los síntomas del trastorno bipolar entre las tropas de combate.

Espera que su historia saque a la luz el problema y desestigmatice el tema de la salud mental en el ejército.

Bipolar General" está en las librerías de todo el mundo y también puede adquirirse por Internet.