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OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney's explosive tirades against her BF escalated significantly when she was under the influence of drugs -- though it was Christian Obumseli himself who'd provide her with an easy supply.

OF star Patrycia "Paty K" Kratiuk witnessed it firsthand ... telling us on "TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story," airing on FOX Monday night at 9/8 Central, how she saw Christian offer up drugs to CC on a platter, urging her to do a line of coke.

Though, it wasn't a shock to Patrycia -- her manager warned her of Courtney's wild ways ahead of their first meet-up in Palm Springs for an OF content shoot ... telling her she was heavily into drugs/alcohol, and advising her to leave as soon as they finished filming together.

Fellow OF model Kristina Santa backs Patrycia's claims ... saying Christian would appear to get a kick out of Courtney being a "little f***ed up" -- this info shedding chilling new light into their violent relationship, and indicating the toxicity between them may have been a two-way street.

Kristina adds, on the surface, they gave the illusion of being a perfect couple ... but things went from 0 to 100 real quick when drugs and alcohol were involved.

But, it was Courtney's drug-fueled rages that always reached boiling point ... with Christian solely being the target of her temper. As you know ... she stabbed him to death in the Miami condo they shared on April 3, 2022, after getting wind he was flirting with other girls during an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" premieres Monday, 9/8c on FOX.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney Called Christian Obumseli N-Word ... Parents Say She Said it So He'd Leave Her

a desperate attempt
TMZ Studios

OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney hurled a racial slur at her boyfriend mid-argument ... and her parents say she did it to get now-deceased boyfriend Christian Obumseli to leave.

We spoke to Courtney's parents, Deborah and Kim Clenney, for a new 'TMZ Investigates' airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX ... when the question of a slur Courtney used during an argument with Christian came up.

Miami Herald

As we previously reported ... Christian secretly recorded Courtney calling him the n-word repeatedly during a fight months before she killed him in the Miami condo where they lived together.

The audio's brutal to hear ... and also explainable according to CC's parents -- who are now facing criminal charges for allegedly illegally accessing Christian's computer after he was killed.

We spoke to them before the arrest -- they have never spoken publicly before -- and they told us Courtney said she needed to use such a horrible slur because she was trying to get Christian to leave, with her mom Deborah claiming Courtney said no "self-respecting Black man would stick around after being called that name."

Deborah went on to say Courtney liked Christian partly because he was Black ... and she doesn't think their daughter would have been prosecuted if she were Black or if Christian were white.

Clenney pled not guilty to second-degree murder after stabbing her boyfriend in the chest ... her parents tell us she will plead self-defense.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" airs Monday 9/8c on FOX.

Bill Maher on Kanye West He's 'Charming Antisemite' ... But I'm Not Giving Him Air Time

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Bill Maher says Kanye West's antisemitism and appeal to young people is a dangerous mix ... which is why Kanye's appearance on Bill's podcast won't ever see the light of day.

We talked to Bill for a new "TMZ Investigates" airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX -- examining how Kanye's legacy as one of the most influential hip hop artists of all time is impacted by his public outbursts and hateful remarks -- and Bill says Kanye's views are way too problematic for him.

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Bill tells us the biggest problem with Kanye is how he uses his massive platform to spread antisemitic propaganda ... as BM puts it, Ye's spreading the fertilizer for antisemitism to grow.

While Bill tried to have a meaningful dialogue with Kanye, bringing him in for a two-hour conversation on the "Club Random With Bill Maher" podcast, Bill says he ultimately decided against airing the episode because he didn't want to amplify Kanye's nasty rhetoric.

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Bill sums up his experience with Kanye this way ... Ye's a "charming antisemite."

The Kanye doc airs Monday evening on FOX at 9/8c ... as part of our "TMZ Investigates" series on Fox Monday nights ... and you won't wanna miss this.

Kanye West Cancel Culture Won't Take Down Ye ... Consensus Among Celebs

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Kanye West is free to spew antisemitic hate because at this point it's safe to say he will never be canceled ... at least that's the feeling among some people in entertainment.

As part of our new documentary on Kanye -- premiering Monday at 9/8c on FOX -- we asked Bill Maher, The Game and Angela Yee if cancel culture will ever come for Ye ... and the answer is a resounding "NO" -- for several reasons.

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Bill says the Angel of Death seems to simply pass over Kanye's house ... pun intended .. because others in Hollywood have had their careers derailed for much less egregious behavior.

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The Game says it's all about Kanye's mentality ... telling us Ye doesn't fear cancel culture and thus can't fall victim ... no matter what he says, about Jewish people or otherwise.

For Angela, Kanye's already blown way past the line in the sand and at this point he would have to do something truly horrific, like committing a crime for example, to truly be canceled.


"TMZ Investigates: Kanye West Unhinged But Unstoppable" airs Monday night at 9/8c on FOX.

Kanye West La cultura de la cancelación no te derribará Ye ... Consenso entre famosos

No importa la cultura de la cancelación
TMZ Studios

Kanye West es libre de vomitar todo el odio antisemita que desee porque a estas alturas es casi seguro decir que nunca será cancelado, al menos ese es el sentimiento entre algunas personalidades del mundo del entretenimiento.

Como parte de nuestro nuevo documental sobre Kanye, que se estrena el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX, le preguntamos a Bill Maher, The Game y Angela Yee si la cultura de la cancelación vendría alguna vez por Ye y la respuesta es un rotundo "NO", por varias razones.

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Bill dice que el Ángel de la Muerte parece simplemente pasar por encima de la casa de Kanye, lo que es un juego de palabras porque otros en Hollywood han visto sus carreras descarriladas por un comportamiento mucho menos atroz.

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De la boca de KAnye

The Game dice que todo recae sobre la mentalidad de Kanye. Nos dice que Ye no tiene miedo de la cultura de la cancelación y, por lo tanto, no puede ser víctima. No importa lo que diga sobre el pueblo judío o de cualquier tipo.

Para Angela, Kanye ya ha sobrepasado los límites y en este punto tendría que hacer algo realmente horrible, como cometer un crimen, por ejemplo, para ser realmente cancelado.

Disculpa "artificial"

"TMZ Investiga: Kanye West Unhinged But Unstoppable" se emite el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX.

Kim Kardashian y Kanye West Expertos en sicología opinan sobre la crianza de sus hijos

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Viene con ello
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Los arrebatos de Kanye West han llevado a algunas personas a cuestionar su aptitud como padre, incluso algunos se han preguntado si Kim Kardashian debería poner límites en las interacciones de su exmarido con sus 4 hijos, aunque otros dicen que sería indignante restringirle los encuentros con ellos.

Como saben, Ye ha soltado numerosos comentarios antisemitas, ha dicho que se identifica con Adolf Hitler y que teme el "adoctrinamiento" judío de sus hijos. Se opone también a que los niños vayan a una "escuela judía".

Ahora en un nuevo TMZ Investiga, que se emitirá el lunes en FOX a las 9/8 central, diversos expertos en psicología y amigos de Kanye compartirán sus pensamientos sobre cómo la pareja está cuidando de sus hijos.

Uno de ellos es el Dr. Kevin Cokley, profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Michigan, quien piensa que Kim necesita sentar a sus hijos y tratar de hacerles entender que pueden amar a su padre sin aprobar todo lo que dice.

Otros, entre ellos The Game, dicen que es absurdo preocuparse por Kanye y sus hijos. Game dice que Kanye los ama más de lo que se ama a sí mismo.

Aunque algunos pueden querer que Kim le prohíba a Kanye ver a sus dos hijos y dos hijas, sobre todo porque lucha con un trastorno de bipolaridad, el psiquiatra Dr. Kyle Smith dice que una persona no puede proteger a sus hijos de todo.

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Smith dice que siempre y cuando Ye no está poniendo en peligro a los niños no es diferente de otros padres que tienen prejuicios, y eso es un grupo grande.

"TMZ Investiga Kanye West: Unhinged But Unstoppable" se emite el lunes 9/8 Central.

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Psychology Experts Weigh In on Kim & Ye's Child-Rearing

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TMZ Studios

Kanye West's outbursts have led some people to question his fitness as a parent ... even wondering if Kim Kardashian should put guardrails on her ex-husband's interactions with their 4 kids, while others say it would be outrageous to curtail Ye's interactions with his children.

As you know ... Ye's spouted off numerous antisemitic comments -- saying he identifies with Adolf Hitler, fears Jewish "indoctrination" of his children, and is opposed to the kids going to a "Jewish school."

Now, in a new TMZ Investigates on FOX Monday night at 9/8 central ... experts in psychology, Kanye's friends, and others share their thoughts on how the couple is raising their kids.

One such expert is Dr. Kevin Cokley -- a Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan -- who thinks Kim needs to sit their kids down and try to get them to understand they can love their father without approving of everything he says.

Others, including The Game, say it's absurd to worry about Kanye and his kids ... Game says Kanye loves them more than he loves himself.

Though some may want Kim to stop Kanye from seeing their two sons and two daughters -- especially as he struggles with bipolar disorder ... psychiatrist Dr. Kyle Smith says a person can't shield their kids from everything.

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Smith says as long as Ye's not endangering the children ... Kanye is no different than other parents who have prejudices ... and that's a big group.

"TMZ Investigates: Kanye West: Unhinged But Unstoppable" airs Monday 9/8 Central.

Taylor Swift Man Busted Near Her NYC Townhouse ... Twice In Three Days!!!

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1/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- The NYPD says the guy who got dragged away in a police car Monday has been arrested and booked on stalking and harassment charges.

The department says, "Officers were approached by multiple complainants who pointed out an emotionally disturbed male acting erratically at the location. Once officers observed the male harassing multiple complainants, they took him to custody without further incidents; no injuries were reported." The dude's name is David Crowe -- and he's apparently from Seattle.

Taylor Swift had the same dude who was busted at her place this weekend show up on her doorstep AGAIN this week -- and best believe ... cops showed up to handle it.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the man who was cuffed and hauled away Saturday while trying to access Taylor's NYC townhouse had the gall to swing by her pad yet again on Monday, something her security team and surrounding neighbors immediately noticed.

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We're told the head of Taylor's security immediately called cops when the dude arrived, and our sources say everyone reported the same thing ... namely, that he was just lurking.

Of course, considering what just happened a couple days ago with this fella ... that's a huge problem. We're told NYPD officers eventually arrived to the scene, but couldn't immediately find the man -- however, it didn't take long to track him down ... he was around the corner.

Our sources say they found less than a block away from Taylor's residence -- and that's where this interaction with the cops went down, with officers once again throwing him in handcuffs and into the back of one of their police cruisers.

No question about it ... we're told this is, in fact, the same dude from Saturday-- but we're not sure at this point what's gonna happen to him, or if charges are being pressed either.

You'll recall ... when he was originally picked up, cops say they found him fiddling with Taylor's front door, in what police perceived as an attempt to enter without authorization.

When they ran him in their system, they found there was an open warrant for his arrest -- this pertaining to a separate case from 2017 when he failed to show up to court.

It goes without saying ... him coming back to the scene so soon after all that is troubling, to say the least -- and ya gotta figure law enforcement will be a little stricter this time around.


Then again, we know celebs have had a hard time achieving successful deterrents from these sorts of people who appear to be obsessed with them ... with the criminal justice system often failing to protect them from potential danger.

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As you know ... Taylor has had a long, documented history with stalkers in her own career ... including one who was previously arrested for trying to get into her Manhattan pad a few years back. Unclear if this guy is that, but already ... he's not setting a good precedent.

Our new documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis," airs Monday at 9/8c on FOX ... and we break down Taylor's stories and more.

Originally Published -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Taylor Swift Un hombre es arrestado cerca de su casa en NYC ... Dos veces en 3 días!!!

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1/23/24 -- La policía de Nueva York dice que el tipo que fue arrestado en un carro de policía el lunes ha sido detenido y fichado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento.

El departamento dice: "Los agentes fueron abordados por múltiples denunciantes que señalaron que un hombre emocionalmente perturbado estaba actuando erráticamente en el lugar. Una vez que los agentes observaron al varón acosando a múltiples denunciantes, lo detuvieron sin más incidentes; no se registraron heridos". El nombre del tipo es David Crowe y al parecer es de Seattle.

El mismo tipo que fue arrestado en la casa de Taylor Swift este fin de semana apareció en su puerta de nuevo y por suerte los policías aparecieron para manejarlo.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el hombre que fue esposado el sábado por tratar de acceder a la casa de Taylor en Nueva York tuvo el descaro de pasar por su casa de nuevo el lunes, algo que su equipo de seguridad y vecinos alrededor advirtieron de inmediato.

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Arrestado por la policía

Nos dicen que el jefe de seguridad de Taylor inmediatamente llamó a la policía cuando el tipo llegó y nuestras fuentes dicen que todo el mundo informó de lo mismo, es decir, que estaba al acecho.

Por supuesto, esto es un gran problema, teniendo en cuenta lo que acababa de pasar hace un par de días con el tipo. Nos dicen que la policía de Nueva York llegó a la escena, pero no pudo encontrarlo inmediatamente. Al poco tiempo, lo localizaron a la vuelta de la esquina.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que se encontraba a menos de una cuadra de distancia de la residencia de Taylor, donde se enfrentó con la policía. Los agentes lo volvieron a esposar en la parte trasera de uno de sus carros de policía.

No hay duda de ello. Nos dicen que este es, de hecho, el mismo tipo del sábado, pero no estamos seguros de lo que va a pasar con él o si se están presentando cargos.

Ustedes recordarán, cuando lo atraparon por primera vez, los policías dijeron que lo encontraron tocando la puerta principal de Taylor, en lo que las autoridades percibieron como un intento de entrar sin autorización.

Cuando chequearon en su sistema, encontraron que había una orden de arresto abierta hacia él por un caso separado de 2017, cuando no se presentó ante el tribunal.

No hace falta decir que su regreso a la escena tan poco tiempo después del primer incidente es preocupante por decir lo menos y se tienen que imaginar que la aplicación de la ley será un poco más estricta esta vez.

Por otra parte, sabemos que las celebridades han tenido dificultades para lograr disuadir con éxito a este tipo de personas que parecen estar obsesionados con ellos. El sistema de justicia penal a menudo falla en protegerlos de un potencial peligro.

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Como ustedes saben, Taylor ha tenido una larga y documentada historia con acosadores en su propia carrera, incluyendo uno que fue arrestado previamente por tratar de entrar en su casa en Manhattan hace unos años. No está claro si es este tipo, pero no está sentando un buen precedente.

Nuestro nuevo documental, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis", se emite el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX, en donde desglosamos las historias de Taylor y más.

Publicado originalmente -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Stalker Chasers PI Hired to Track Obsessed Man ... Tied to Stirling and Swift

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The stalker problem in Hollywood has gotten so bad, that celebs are now having to hire PIs to track down these people to make sure they stay away ... including a famous violinist.

We did a ride-along with a seasoned vet in this industry -- a private investigator named Joe Dalu ... who was recently contracted by Lindsey Stirling to locate a man she claims has been stalking her and making her life a living hell.

Check out how Dalu explains this phenomenon to us in the car -- he says there are a lot of law enforcement agencies these days that don't want to serve stalkers with stay-away orders, out of fear of being attacked and harmed ... and as a result, there's no one left to do it.

That's where Joe comes in ... and you can see him doing the job here -- confronting a man who's alleged to be obsessed with Lindsey.

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BTW, this guy has ties to hounding Taylor Swift too -- he's been obsessed with her for more than a year -- which just speaks to the larger issue.

Anyway, the entire interaction here is part of a show airing Monday on FOX called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- kicking off a new series that'll start to air weekly. The show starts at 9/8c ... and you won't wanna miss this.

Lindsey Stirling y Taylor Swift Contratan a un agente especial para rastrear a su acosador

ninguna ayuda de la policía
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El problema de los acosadores en Hollywood se ha agravado tanto que los famosos tienen que contratar a detectives privados para rastrear a estas personas y asegurarse de que se mantengan alejadas... incluida una famosa violinista.

Hicimos un paseo con un veterano experimentado en esta industria, un investigador privado llamado Joe DeLu, quien fue contratado recientemente por Lindsey Stirling para localizar a un hombre que ella afirma que la ha estado acosando y haciendo de su vida un infierno.

Échale un vistazo a cómo DeLu nos explica este fenómeno. Dice que hay un montón de agencias de la ley estos días que no quieren involucrarse con los acosadores con órdenes de alejamiento por temor a sner atacados, y como resultado, no queda nadie para hacerlo.

Ahí es donde entra Joe. Se le puede ver haciendo su trabajo, enfrentándose a un hombre que supuestamente está obsesionado con Lindsey.

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Por cierto, este tipo también estuvo obsesionado con Taylor Swift durante más de un año, demostrando que es un problema aún más grande..

De todos modos, toda la interacción aquí es parte de un programa que se emite el lunes en FOX llamado "TMZ Investiga: Obsesionados y Peligrosos: La Crisis de los Acosadores de Hollywood", el inicio de una nueva serie que comenzará a emitirse semanalmente... no te lo querrás perder.

Bristol Palin Defends Arming Herself Against Stalkers ... The Law Doesn't Help!!!

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TMZ Studios

Sarah Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, has been hounded by stalkers for years -- and after little help from the criminal justice system ... she's taken matters into her own hands.

We talked to Bristol for a new documentary airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX -- delving into the horrors of famous people who've had to battle obsessed fans ... to the point their lives have been put at risk, including BP here -- whose history with this is well-documented.

The incidents for Bristol date back to the mid-2010s ... and they were all harrowing.

In the years since, Bristol hasn't shied away from the fact that she exercises her 2nd Amendment right to bear arms -- something she touches on here in our sit-down with her.

Check it out ... she describes the anxiety she lives with in the aftermath of everything she's gone through -- and explains why she feels protecting herself, her home and her family is absolutely essential in her daily life going forward.

Part of the reason she feels she needs to go to these extremes is because the law itself is simply too lenient when it comes to stalking -- and doesn't do enough to deter them.

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We get far more into the topic in the doc itself -- titled 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- and cover more stars who've dealt with this.

The show airs Monday evening on FOX at 9/8c. BTW ... this show launches our "TMZ Investigates" series on Fox Monday nights at 9 PM ET/8 Central.

Bristol Palin Defiende ir armada contra los acosadores... La ley no ayuda

Armada y lista
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La hija mayor de Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, ha sido hostigada por los acosadores durante años, y después de recibir poca ayuda del sistema de justicia penal, ella decidió tomar el asunto por sus propias manos.

Hablamos con Bristol para un nuevo documental que se emitirá el lunes a las 9 PM y 8PM Central en FOX, que profundiza en los horrores de los famosos que han tenido que lidiar con fans que se obsesionan con ellos a tal punto que sus vidas han estado en riesgo, incluyendo el caso de Bristol, cuya historia está bien documentada.

Los incidentes de Bristol se remontan a mediados de la década del 2010, y todos ellos fueron desgarradores.

En los años transcurridos desde entonces, ella no ha rehuido el hecho de que ejerce su derecho de la 2ª Enmienda de portar armas, algo que conversó con nosotros.

Echa un vistazo al video, en este ella describe la ansiedad con la que vive después de lo que pasó y explica por qué siente que protegerse a sí misma, su hogar y su familia es absolutamente esencial en su vida diaria.

Siente que tiene que llegar a estos extremos en parte porque la ley en sí es simplemente demasiado indulgente cuando se trata de acoso, y no hace lo suficiente para disuadirlos.

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En el documental "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", cubrimos mucho más sobre las celebridades que han lidiado con esto.

El programa se emite el lunes en la noche en FOX a las 9 PM ET y 8 Central.

Logan Paul System Failed My Late Stalker ... After Apparent Suicide

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TMZ Studios

Logan Paul was once in the crosshairs of a man who seemed obsessed with him -- and who even broke into his home -- but he didn't realize the man took his own life ... until now.

We sat with the YouTuber-turned-boxer for a conversation about this dark chapter in his life -- namely, back in 2018 when a guy named Tahj Deondre Speight allegedly trespassed by making his way into Logan's house without authorization, which led to a confrontation.

LP ended up detaining Speight -- and he was ultimately arrested, charged, prosecuted and eventually jailed ... but at some point, he died -- and it appears it was via suicide.

Harvey actually broke this news to Logan in our interview ... and it's clear he was not aware of this development -- with the update hitting him hard on the spot. We ask the question ... did the system fail Speight by not getting him the help or resources he needed?

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Logan gives an honest answer, and somewhat surprisingly ... he says he has empathy for the man he once wrestled to the ground. It's an emotional response, and a heartfelt one too.

His full chat is part of a new show called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Logan Paul El sistema le falló a mi acosador... Después de un aparente suicidio

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Les falló el sistema
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Logan Paul estuvo alguna vez en la mira de un hombre que parecía estar obsesionado con él, y que incluso irrumpió en su casa, pero no sabía que el hombre se había quitado la vida.... hasta ahora.

Nos sentamos con el YouTuber convertido en boxeador para conversar sobre este capítulo oscuro de su vida. Esto es, cuando por allá por 2018, un tipo llamado Tahj Deondre Speight supuestamente entró sin autorización a su casa, lo que llevó a un enfrentamiento.

Logan Paul terminó deteniendo a Speight, quien finalmente fue arrestado, acusado, procesado y finalmente encarcelado, pero en algún momento murió y parece que fue a través del suicidio.

Harvey le dio la noticia a Logan en nuestra entrevista y está claro que él no estaba al tanto del suceso y la noticia le golpeó fuertemente. Nos preguntamos... ¿le fallo el sistema al no proporcionarle la ayuda o los recursos que necesitaba?

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Logan da una respuesta honesta, y algo sorprendente, dice que tiene empatía por el hombre con quien alguna vez luchó. Es una respuesta emotiva y sincera.

Su charla completa forma parte de un nuevo programa llamado "TMZ Investiga: TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", el comienzo de una serie semanal que se emitirá en FOX el lunes.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con

Stanford Prof. Dr. Garry Nolan All the Proof You Need On UFOs ... Look Who's Fighting for Disclosure in DC

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They're Going After The Truth

Sen. Chuck Schumer is one of a handful of lawmakers signaling a major shift in the U.S. government's approach to UFO reports -- further evidence people in power believe the truth needs to be uncovered.

The third part of the docuseries event, "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" examines who's leading the charge in Washington, DC, why they're doing it ... and what it means to the public.

Schumer and Sen. Mike Rounds introduced bipartisan legislation last year -- the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- to increase the government's transparency on reports of UAP activity, and it was passed last month.

Another critical voice in the fight for disclosure is Stanford Professor Dr. Garry Nolan, and he says the very public involvement of prominent lawmakers, particularly Schumer, proves UAP (or UFOs) are no longer a fringe issue.

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As Garry puts it in episode 3, available now on Tubi, Schumer wouldn't sponsor the NDAA and risk reputation -- especially in a presidential election year -- if he didn't believe there's something behind it.

Schumer was also a close friend of the late Sen. Harry Reid -- one of the trailblazers of the UFO movement -- and that's another reason he's pushing for transparency.

Filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell, who's been leading our investigation, says getting DC "pit bulls" on board could potentially take this search for answers to places he never before thought possible.

All 3 parts of "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" are streaming, for free, now on Tubi.