Iraqi Death Scene Pics of Marines Burning Bodies Trigger U.S. Military Investigation [PHOTOS]

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The United States military is conducting a formal investigation into American soldiers burning the dead bodies of what appear to be Iraqi insurgents.

TMZ obtained 41 pictures that we're told were shot in Fallujah in 2004. Two pictures show a Marine appearing to pour gasoline or some other flammable on the remains of what officials believe are 2 insurgents. Two other photos show the bodies on fire. You then see charred remains.

Another photo shows a Marine crouched down next to a dead body and mugging for the camera.

Still another pic shows a Marine rifling through the pocket of the pants on a corpse.

We have not included all of the photos. Many are just too gruesome. There are well over a dozen bodies in the pics and some are covered with flies and one is being eaten by a dog.

We turned them all over to the Pentagon last week, and a Pentagon official tells us the pics have triggered a Marine Corps investigation.

We're told U.S. Central Command -- the organization in charge of military operations in the Middle East -- also reviewed the photos to determine if they had been previously brought to their attention and determined they had not.

Col. Steve Warren, Director of Press Operations for the Dept. of Defense, tells TMZ ... the pictures appear to show U.S. soldiers in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice ... which makes it a crime to mishandle remains.

There is no statute of limitations on the crime -- even if the soldiers are now private citizens ... they can still be prosecuted, which could land them behind bars.

Col. Warren tells TMZ, "The actions that are depicted in these photos are not in any way representative of the honorable, professional service of the 2 1/2 million service members who went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last decade."

Dougherty Gang Member XXX PHOTO SHOOT Before Bank Robbery

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Just days before the Dougherty Gang allegedly robbed a Georgia bank last week -- the lady of the bunch stripped down to her birthday suit for a hardcore XXX photo shoot.

29-year-old Lee Grace Dougherty -- a sometime professional exotic dancer -- was approached by some friends who host poker games ... who asked if she would waitress at their events and pose nude for their promotional materials. Lee obliged ... and over the past 6 weeks, she posed for a series of VERY revealing pictures which give the term "photo spread" a whole new meaning.

One person connected to the photo shoots tells us Lee posed for some of the photos as recently as July 29, less than a week before the bank robbery. We're told Dougherty was not paid for the "modeling" work.

Days later, Lee became an overnight celebrity outlaw when she and her two brothers allegedly shot a police officer ... robbed a bank ... and went on the run while in possession of some high-powered firearms.

The FBI said the siblings embarked on their terror trek following the Aug. 1 sentencing of Ryan Dougherty ... who was set to register as a sex offender and serve 12 years probation for sending nearly 400 sexually explicit text messages to an 11-year-old girl he met online.

The gang was eventually tracked down in Colorado -- and after a crazy gun battle with police, in which Lee was shot in the leg, all three of the siblings were taken into custody.

Gary Shirley from 'Teen Mom' Dropped $5,000 On 11- HOUR Stripper Bender

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"Teen Mom" baby daddy Gary Shirley went on a MARATHON strip club session earlier this summer ... TMZ has learned -- dropping $5,000 on 11 hours of boob-filled butt-flossy awesomeness.

We're told Gary made it rain at a 24-hour gentlemen's club in Miami -- unleashing a constant stream of cash from 1AM to 12PM. Count 'em. ELEVEN HOURS OF STRIPPERS.

According to sources inside the club, Gary kicked off the evening in the VIP area -- and then moved the action somewhere more private ... the champagne room.

We spoke to Gary, and he had no comment.