Landon, hijo de Travis Barker Tengo un leve síndrome de Tourette ... Describe sus tics

Finalmente se abre...

El hijo de Travis Barker, Landon, está hablando abiertamente sobre su vida con el síndrome de Tourette, algo que nadie parecía saber hasta ahora.

El influencer de 20 años compartió su viaje este lunes, después de que un fan en TikTok especulara que podría tener el trastorno. En el video que compartimos más arriba, Landon detalló que tiene un leve caso de Tourette, que fue diagnosticado cuando era un niño.

Landon recordó cuando experimentó el síndrome de Tourette por primera vez en preescolar, después de que una profesora lo acusara de poner los ojos en blanco en frente de ella. El hijo de Travis, que comparte con Shanna Moakler, explicó que la mirada en blanco fue finalmente diagnosticada como un tic, un síntoma de la condición neurológica.

Luego describió otros tics, que incluyen sacudir la cabeza de un lado para otro y mover la mandíbula repetidamente, cosas que hace cuando está nervioso o ansioso.

Sobre por qué decidió compartir su diagnóstico ahora, Landon dijo que solo tenía ganas de compartir su verdad y desde entonces los fans lo han aplaudido por su franqueza.

Landon ha estado abriéndose mucho sobre su vida personal en las últimas semanas, después de haber confirmado la separación de la TikToker Charli D'Amelio en febrero.

En ese momento, Landon le dijo a los fans que él y Charli se separaron en buenos términos y que se estaban tomando un tiempo para centrarse en sí mismos.

De todos modos, es información interesante sobre Landon aquí. ¡Nunca lo habríamos imaginado!

Travis Barker's Son Landon I Have Minor Tourette Syndrome ... Describes His Tics


Travis Barker's son, Landon, is opening up about his life with Tourette syndrome ... which nobody seemed to know about until now.

The 20-year-old influencer shared his health journey Monday -- this after a fan on TikTok speculated he may have the disorder. As Landon detailed in the video above ... he has a minor case of Tourette's -- which he says he was initially diagnosed with as a child.

Landon recalled first experiencing Tourette's back in preschool ... after a teacher accused him of rolling his eyes at her. Travis' son -- whom he shares with Shanna Moakler -- explained the eye-rolling was eventually diagnosed as a tic ... a symptom of the neurological condition.

He went on to describe his tics -- which also include jerking his head to the side and moving his jaw repeatedly -- stuff he'll do when he says he's nervous or anxious.

On why he decided to share his diagnosis now ... Landon said he just felt like sharing his truth -- and fans have since applauded him for his candor.

Landon has been opening up about his personal life quite a bit in recent weeks ... having previously confirmed his split from TikToker girlfriend Charli D'Amelio in February.

At the time ... Landon told fans that he and Charli split on good terms -- as they're taking time to focus on themselves.

Anyway ... interesting little tidbit about Landon here. Never would've guessed!

L.A. Clippers Teens Break into New Arena, Post Mayhem Vids ... Cops Search for Suspects

TikTok / @shawty_grandmaa

This is not the headline NBA Clippers owner Steve Ballmer envisioned when he sunk $2 billion into building a brand new state-of-the-art arena.

Cops are on the lookout for the 2 male teenagers who broke into the Intuit Dome -- which is still under construction in Inglewood, CA -- and ran around the place like they owned it ... shooting hoops, climbing on scaffolding and spraying fire extinguishers.

They pulled off the brazen caper last week, recording the whole thing ... and proudly posted it on TikTok, which is likely what will get them busted.

The video shows them climbing a construction crew's ladder at night to gain entry, and then strolling around the empty hallways and bleachers. When they found an unfinished basketball court, they decided to take a few shots.

They did all of this while showing their faces, and, as a result, Inglewood Mayor B has since identified the pair and their parents. Butts told ABC 7, "It will be very clear to these young men -- and to people who are TikTok followers -- that you have a moment of TikTok greatness followed by a little bit of misery. And so we don’t play around with these things.”

It's unclear if cops have made contact with the suspects yet, or what their punishment might be.

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The Clippers started work on the dome in September 2021, and it's set to open in August ... and in addition to being the Clippers' new home court, it will be a concert venue. In fact, Usher is slated to be the first performer this summer.

Reesa Teesa de TikTok Ex estudia acciones legales... Por "Who TF Did I Marry"

El ex de Reesa Teesa está contando su versión de la saga viral que se ha tomado completamente TikTok, y aunque ha sido pintado de una manera, él dice que tiene una historia diferente y que podría terminar en los tribunales.

Jerome McCoy, que se hace llamar "Legion" en la ahora infame serie de videos de Reesa "Who TF Did I Marry", que tiene al menos 50 partes en este momento, le dice a TMZ que todo lo que Teresa Johnson (verdadero nombre de Reesa) declaró sobre él es falso.

Reesa hizo muchas acusaciones contra Legion, incluyendo mentiras acerca de su carrera, su familia y su riqueza, etc., y ahora él está contraatacando con sus propias acusaciones.

Legion afirma que él y Reesa estaban teniendo problemas de confianza en un momento dado y que ella trató de reconciliarse supuestamente con él, amenazando con "exponerlo" si no cumplía. Sugiere que no cedió y es por eso que todo esto está saliendo a la luz.

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No hace falta decir que el ex de Reesa está sintiendo el contragolpe de los videos de TikToks y afirma que está perjudicando su trabajo en el área de las relaciones públicas, que dice que hace para un hospital. En medio de toda esta vorágine, Legion nos dice que se reunió con unos abogados el lunes en el trabajo para discutir la adopción de medidas legales contra Reesa, a primera vista, parece que su empresa cree que podría haber sido dañado por su narración. Legion dice que apoya cualquier movimiento que puedan hacer.

No está claro si está considerando un abogado privado en este momento, pero sin duda está reflexionando sobre sus opciones. En resumen, Legion dice que no es la persona que ha sido retratada por Reesa y siente que ha sido agraviado por la historia que ha dicho.

No se puede negar que los videos de Reesa han sido un gran éxito en Internet. Un video acumula más de 11 millones de visitas en TikTok. La cuenta de Reesa también cuenta con casi 32 millones de "me gusta".

La actriz Danielle Pinnock, de la serie de televisión "Ghosts", ya se ofreció para interpretar a Reesa si la saga viral llega a tener una adaptación para la pantalla chica y algo nos dice que podría convertirse en una película o serie más adelante. De hecho, es así de salvaje.

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Conociendo a Hollywood, probablemente alguien ya está trabajando en el guion.

TikTok's Reesa Teesa Ex Weighing Legal Action ... Over 'Who TF Did I Marry'

Reesa Teesa's ex is telling his side of a viral TikTok saga that's taken the internet by storm -- and while he's been painted one way, he's got a different story ... which might end in court.

Jerome McCoy -- who goes by "Legion" on Reesa's now-infamous 'Who TF Did I Marry?' video series, which is at least 50 parts deep at this point -- tells TMZ ... everything Reesa, whose real name is Teresa Johnson, declared about him in her lengthy video series is false.

While Reesa made many allegations against Legion -- including claims that he fibbed about his career, family and wealth, etc. -- he's hitting back with accusations of his own.

Legion claims he and Reesa were having trust issues at one point -- and goes on to claim she attempted to reconcile with him while allegedly threatening to "expose" him if he did not comply ... and he suggests him not budging is why this is all coming out.

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It goes without saying ... Reesa's ex is feeling the backlash of the TikToks going viral and claims it's hurting his job in PR -- which he says he does for a hospital. Amid all this attention, Legion tells us he met with attorneys Monday at work to discuss taking legal action against Reesa -- on its face, it seems his company believes they mighta been damaged by her storytelling. Legion says he's supportive of any moves they might make.

Unclear if he's considering private counsel for himself at this point ... but he's certainly mulling his options right now. Bottom line ... Legion tells us the way he's been portrayed by Reesa is NOT who he is at all -- and he feels he's been wronged by the tale she's told.

There's no denying that Reesa's videos have been a huge hit online ... with one video garnering over 11 million views on TikTok. Reesa's account also boasts nearly 32M likes.

Actress Danielle Pinnock -- from the TV show 'Ghosts' -- has already pitched herself to play Reesa if the viral saga ever gets a small screen adaptation ... and something tells us this thing might just get made into a movie or show down the line. Indeed, it's that wild.

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Knowing Hollywood ... someone is probably already working on the screenplay.

Natalie Portman Las estrellas de cine ya no son tan importantes... Los jóvenes solo conocen YouTube!!!

Natalie Portman está viendo cómo el cine está perdiendo popularidad entre los jóvenes, y parece que tiene sentimientos encontrados al respecto cuando se refiere a su responsable.

La actriz se sentó con Vanity Fair a principios de esta semana para una entrevista, donde se abrió sobre la gran influencia que están teniendo las estrellas de redes sociales en los niños en comparación con las estrellas de cine tradicionales, como ella misma.

Portman dice que el cine se siente "mucho más de nicho" por estos días y que si le preguntas a alguien de la generación de sus hijos -ella tiene un niño de 12 años y otro de 7- tienden a conocer mucho más YouTubers y personas virales que actores.

Ahora, Natalie no está diciendo que esto sea necesariamente algo malo. Señala que la libertad para realizar películas en una época en la que el comercio no es la principal preocupación, mientras transitas la delgada línea de no hacer proyectos demasiado elitistas, requiere tener a la audiencia en mente.

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Además, Natalie dice que es genial que los niños de ciudades más remotas y pequeñas tengan acceso a grandes obras de arte en cualquier lugar, lo que ha llevado a que los actores tradicionales sean degradados, haciendo que Hollywood sea más inclusivo.

Esta liberación a la que Natalie se refiere en la industria del entretenimiento no está sentando bien a todo el mundo, sin embargo. Recuerden, Billie Eilish fue pillada hablando mal de los influencers invitados a los People's Choice Awards el pasado fin de semana.

No puedo con estos tiktokers

Por si no lo saben, Eilish estaba hablando con Kylie Minogue y, aunque trató de susurrar, se podía oír claramente que se estaba quejando de la cantidad de TikTokers en el evento. Ella no parecía muy feliz por su participación.

Billie podría querer hacer las paces con la presencia de influencers en eventos como este, pues parece que Natalie está convencida de que están aquí para quedarse, e incluso podrían estar tomando el control del mundo del espectáculo.

Natalie Portman Movie Stars Aren't a Thing Anymore ... Young'ns Only Know YT!!!

Natalie Portman is seeing declining popularity of film with young people ... and it seems like she's got mixed feelings about it -- pointing out the double-edged sword of its downfall.

The actress sat down with Vanity Fair earlier this week for an interview, and she opened up about the increased influence of social media stars on kids when compared to traditional movie stars, like herself.

Portman says film feels "much more niche" these days -- and notes if you ask someone in her kids' generation -- she's got a 12-year-old and a 7-year-old -- they tend to know way more YouTubers and viral people as opposed to actors.

Now, Natalie's not saying this is necessarily a bad thing ... she points out the freedom in making movies in an era when commerce isn't the chief concern, while also walking the fine line of not making projects that are too elitist -- saying ya gotta keep the audience in mind.

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Plus, Natalie says it's cool kids in more remote small towns now have access to great art anywhere, which has led to traditional gatekeepers being demoted -- making H'wood more inclusive.

This liberation Natalie's referring to in the entertainment industry isn't sitting well with everyone however ... remember, Billie Eilish got caught talking some smack about influencers being invited to the People's Choice Awards this past weekend.

talkin' tiktok smack

ICYMI ... Eilish was talking to Kylie Minogue and -- despite trying to whisper -- she could clearly be heard complaining about the number of TikTokers at the event. She seemed none too happy at their involvement.

Billie might want to make peace with influencers' presence at events like this ... 'cause it seems like Natlie's convinced they're here to say, and they may even be taking over showbiz.

The TMZ Podcast: Bryce Hall Claps Back at Billie Eilish 👏 & Travis Kelce Wants To Go Hollywood?

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

The controversial college student who was tracking Taylor Swift's private jet posted a lengthy letter to social media that his lawyers sent to her, claiming he's done "nothing unlawful."

Travis Kelce is reportedly eager to get involved in more avenues of entertainment, as the NFL star met with some top-level Hollywood executives about some potential projects in the reality scene.

Bryce Hall is clapping back at Billie Eilish after she was heard shading the TikTokers in attendance at the People's Choice Awards.

Plus, actor Frankie Muniz wrecked out in his first Daytona 500 race Monday night.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Derek Kaufman

Bryce Hall To Billie Eilish Sorry I Didn't Bow Down To You at PCAs ... Response To TikTok Diss

Bryce Hall is clapping back at Billie Eilish after she was heard wondering why a bunch of TikTok stars were at the People's Choice Awards ... sarcastically apologizing for her disgust.

The internet superstar responded to Billie on, where else, TikTok ... jokingly saying he was sorry for not acknowledging her greatness or bowing down to her at the award show they both attended.

TikTok / @brycehall

As we reported ... Billie was filmed chatting with fellow singer Kylie Minogue at Sunday's People's Choice Awards when cameras caught her pointing out that there was a bunch of TikTokers in the house.

Billie was clearly not a fan of the TikTok contingent ... which included Bryce, Tana Mongeau, Chris Olsen, Gigi Gorgeous, Alix Earle and James Charles ... among others.


Bryce says he and the rest of his TikTok pals were invited ... so Billie should direct her anger at the folks running the PCAs instead of the TikTok generation.

The response is dripping with sarcasm ... he also wipes away a fake tear and bows to Billie.

What's more, Bryce says he was a huge Billie supporter ... but now the incident has him rethinking his fandom, and he says he's not going to be posting TikToks with her music anymore.


Billie might be OK with that, though ... but it's pretty fascinating to see mainstream celebs and TikTok personalities clashing.

Billie Eilish no puede con todos los TikTokers En los People's Choice Awards


Billie Eilish parecía decir la verdad en los People's Choice Awards este fin de semana, preguntándose abiertamente por qué un montón de "estrellas" de redes sociales se estaban mezclando entre las verdaderas estrellas.

La cantante fue filmada charlando con Kylie Minogue tras bambalinas en la entrega de premios en Los Ángeles el domingo, y se le pudo escuchar señalando que había una tonelada de TikTokers en el edificio... algo que parecía no gustarle demasiado.

Billie estaba sentada junto a Kylie cuando hizo la observación, y una vez que se dio cuenta de que estaba siendo filmada, trató de ocultar cómo se sentía al respecto, sin éxito.

Se pudo escuchar a Billie señalando que había algunos TikTokers "por allí"... luego hace una mueca, sacude la cabeza y dice algo así como "no lo necesito". Ahora, en terminos de a quién se podría estar refiriendo Billie, solo hay un puñado de sospechosos.

Realmente no había una gran cantidad de personalidades de TikTok en el show, más bien parecía haber más gente de Hollywood (actores y músicos convencionales) que la gente viral.Tana Mongeau, Chris Olsen, Gigi Gorgeous, Alix Earle y James Charles fueron parte de las celebridades de redes sociales que se presentaron.

Eso es lo que hace que sus comentarios sean tan llamativos. Un pequeño puñado de TikTokers fue suficiente para molestar a Billie.

TikTok... el nuevo Hollywood directamente desde tu teléfono. Bienvenidos a la nueva era.

Billie Eilish What's With the TikTokers at People's Choice???

talkin' tiktok smack

Billie Eilish seemed to speak some truth at the People's Choice Awards this weekend -- namely, openly wondering why a bunch of social media "stars" were among real A-listers.

The singer was filmed chatting with Kylie Minogue behind the scenes at the award show in L.A. Sunday -- and she could be heard pointing out that there was a crap-ton of TikTokers in the building ... something she didn't look to be a huge fan of.

Watch ... BE was sitting next to KM when she made the observation -- and once she realized she was being filmed, she tried to cover up how she felt about it, unsuccessfully.


Billie could be heard noting there were some TikTok heads "over there" ... she then grimaces, shakes her head and says something to the effect of "I don't need it." Now, in terms of who exactly Billie might've been referring to, there's only a handful of suspects.

There really weren't a lot of TikTok/social media personalities on hand at the show -- and they did seem to be more filled with actual Hollywood types (mainstream actors/musicians) than viral people. But, among those who have a huge following ... Tana Mongeau, Chris Olsen, Gigi Gorgeous, Alix Earle, James Charles and maybe a couple more here and there.

That's what makes her remarks so funny ... even with the small handful of TikTokers, it was still enough to rub Billie the wrong way -- and we gotta admit, she ain't really wrong here!

TikTok ... the new Hollywood right from your phone. Welcome to the new era, everyone.

'Angry Reactions' Oneya Johnson Arrested For Alleged Domestic Violence

Oneya Johnson -- better known as the influencer behind the "Angry Reactions" social media account -- has been arrested for an alleged domestic violence incident ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the 25-year-old viral star -- famous for his "angry reactions" -- was arrested on the evening of Monday, February 12 in Burbank, California after a woman called from a hotel to report an altercation.

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Cops say Johnson and the woman got into a verbal argument that turned physical at one point. It's unclear exactly what may have happened between them -- but it was enough to land him in jail.

We're told the woman did not need medical attention, but Oneya was still booked on a felony domestic violence charge. He posted $50,000 bail and was released.

Oneya's risen to fame on social media in the past few years because of clips where he reacts angrily to other videos.

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For example, Johnson will film himself watching people cook or perform other weird trends on social media -- for instance, in one clip a man eats a whole corn cob -- and he'll launch into intense rants or simply stare ahead with an angry expression.

It's all in good fun -- in these videos anyway -- and he's incredibly popular ... with Johnson having amassed more than 27 million followers on TikTok since first posting back in 2020.

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Johnson's next court date is set for March 5.

TikTok Star QUEENZZIELOCTHEVOICE Dead at 48 ... After Cancer Battle

Teresa Smith -- AKA, Queenzzielocthevoice, on TikTok -- has died after a tough battle with cancer ... TMZ has learned.

Teresa's daughter Yolundria Rooks, tells us the viral star -- famous covering Billie Eilish's 'What Was I Made For?' -- that her mom passed away at home Wednesday in Stockton, CA ... where we're told she was surrounded by family and loved ones.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

We're told Teresa had been dealing with ovarian cancer of late, and it had recently spread to her lungs. Yolundria says her mother didn't tell her family she had cancer till November 2023 when she was sick in the hospital ... adding she had been in considerable pain since.

She adds ... the coroner came to the home to get her mother's body ... and her family now wants to have Teresa's remains flown back to Macon, GA, to be buried next to her son Josiah -- which Yolundria is now raising money to cover the costs for on GoFundMe.

TikTok / @queenzziel0cthevoice

Yolundria writes, "It is with a heavy heart to announce that my mother The Icon, The Diva, Miss Teresa Smith also known as 'Queenzzielocthevoice' has suddenly passed away."

She adds ... "As the eldest child I will now be taking on full responsibility of all my younger siblings so anything that is donated beyond the funeral cost and expenses will be invested in them, their needs, and their future," she continued. "As I have to prepare and get ready to send my Queen home, I just want to thank all those who loved my mom!"

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Teresa enjoyed TikTok success after going viral for her cover of Billie's 'Barbie' song. She was also known for her catchphrase, "Be who you are for pride," and her bright-colored hair.

She was 48.


For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift Comparte un video de sus padres y Travis... En la fiesta después del Super Bowl!!!

En el club

Taylor Swift no solo se fue de fiesta con Travis Kelce y compañía después del Super Bowl, también llevó a sus padres, algo que captó en video y está compartiendo en las redes.

La estrella del pop compartió algunas imágenes el lunes por la noche de lo que fue la fiesta tras la gran victoria de los Chiefs en Las Vegas, cuando Tay Tay y el equipo completo se tomaron la ciudad y la tiñeron de rojo con las after-parties.


Resulta que Taylor llevó a su mamá y a su papá Scott y Andrea al menos a una parte de las celebraciones, algo que ella puso en exhibición en un impresionante video de TikTok.

Es una publicación extraña de T-Swift (hablaremos sobre esto más adelante), en donde aparece sentada en una sección privada de lo que parece ser Zouk en Resorts World detrás de la cabina del DJ, mientras se desplaza a su izquierda y graba a sus padres sentados en el sofá junto a ella, tomando sorbos de las bebidas y pasándolo bien.

También grabó a Travis que se cruzó justo por delante e hizo una cara bobalicona.

Taylor escribió: "Dijeron que era una fiesta de familiares y amigos". Añadió: "ir de fiesta accidentalmente con tus padres es algo que todos deberían probar al menos una vez en su vida". Hasta ahora, su video tiene más de 18 millones de visitas, con un montón de likes.

Esto es interesante por un par de razones. Para empezar, parece ser la primera vez que Taylor publica algo de Travis en sus redes sociales oficiales, por lo que está reclamándolo 100% como su novio.

Más importante aún, este es un cambio importante para Taylor, ya que normalmente no publica mucho de su vida privada. Hasta ahora, casi nunca comparte algo como esto.

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Parece ser una persona totalmente nueva con el Sr. Kelce a su lado.

Taylor Swift Posts Vid of Parents, Travis ... In Club After Super Bowl!!!


Taylor Swift not only hit the club with Travis Kelce and co. after the Super Bowl -- but she was there with her parents too ... something she caught on camera and posted online.

The pop star threw up some behind-the-scenes footage Monday night showing off what she had gotten up to the night prior, this after the Chiefs' big win in Vegas ... after which Tay Tay and the team hit the town and painted the town red at after-parties.


As it turns out ... Taylor brought along her mom and dad -- Scott and Andrea -- for at least part of the festivities, something she put on display in an awesome TikTok video.

It's a rare upload for T-Swift (more on this later) and it shows her sitting in a private section of what looks to be Zouk at Resorts World behind the DJ booth ... as she pans to her left and records her parents sitting on the couch next to her, sippin' drinks and taking it all in.

She also recorded Travis who crossed right in front of her ... and he made a goofy face.

Taylor wrote ... "It's a friends and family party they said." She captioned her TikTok further by adding ... "accidentally going clubbing with your parents is something everyone should try at least once in their life." So far, her video has over 18 million views, with lots of likes.

It's interesting for a couple reasons -- for starters, this appears to be the first time Taylor has posted Travis on her official social accounts, so she's 100% claiming him now as the BF.

More importantly, though, this is a major change for Taylor ... as she normally doesn't give much of a peek into her private life. Until now, she'd hardly ever shared something like this.

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Just goes to show ... she seems to be a whole new person with Mr. Kelce by her side.


Bobbi Althoff Sonriente mientras habla por teléfono en Los Ángeles... Tras solicitud de divorcio

Bobbi Althoff estaba completamente absorta en su conversación mientras caminaba por Los Ángeles, apenas un día después de que se supiera sobre la separación de su marido Cory.

La famosa TikToker se veía muy casual en un suéter rosa y pantalones negros de Nike mientras disfrutaba de una hermosa mañana de Los Ángeles. Incluso la vimos con una pequeña sonrisa mientras charlaba con alguien por teléfono.

No ha sido la semana más fácil para Bobbi, con la noticia de su divorcio ayer. Sin embargo, parece que ella está poniendo su mejor cara para el resto del mundo.

Como informamos, Bobbi está a punto de convertirse en una mujer soltera después de que su marido de cuatro años, Cory, solicitara el divorcio citando "diferencias irreconciliables."

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La noticia sobre su matrimonio no parece ser exactamente un shock para Bobbi. Cory aludió como fecha de separación entre ellos el 4 de julio de 2023, y ella escribió sobre su ruptura en un elocuente post de Instagram ayer mismo.

Ella señaló que está pasando por un momento muy difícil, por lo que es agradable verla con una sonrisa en el rostro, incluso si solo es momentánea.

Por cierto, Cory está pidiendo la custodia física y legal conjunta de sus dos hijas, Isla, de 1 año, y Luca, de 3 años, aunque también marcó la casilla para bloquear la capacidad del tribunal de conceder la manutención del cónyuge a cualquiera de las partes.

Por supuesto, Bobbi ha dominado TikTok en el último año con su humor de estilo inexpresivo y entrevistas con grandes celebridades. Cory, en tanto, tampoco se queda atrás profesionalmente, con una posición ejecutiva en una importante empresa de tecnología.

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Cubrimos la separación de Cory y Bobbi en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.