Bobby Trendy: I'm the Next Rosie!

Rosie O'Donnell is ditching "The View" after this season -- and none other than celebufriend/designer Bobby Trendy is gunning for her spot.

Move Over Rosie, Trendy Gives His

TMZ spotted the train wreck taffeta-wrapped tastemaker outside Sugar last night, where he expressed his desire to join the daily gab-fest, telling our cameras, "I have many views and I love confrontation ... just give me a week on 'The View,' get the Trendy view." Wouldn't you just love to see Trendy sassing out Babwa or giving Joy a horrendous, pink-lace, tulle and rhinestone makeover? Maybe not.

Trendy then showed off his purported skills by commenting on current events, giving his glossy-lipped insight into Paris Hilton's upcoming jail stint.



Rosie: No More Rasslin' with Preggy Elisabeth

There'll be no more bullying Elisabeth Hasselbeck by Rosie O'Donnell -- and the cease-fire is all for the benefit of the Hasselbaby.

So proclaimed Rosie herself in her blog late last night. After yesterday's show, in which she and Hasselbeck traded heated words on their favorite verbal battleground -- the war in Iraq -- Rosie decided to back down, especially with Elisabeth three months pregnant. Or, as she put it, in her free-verse style:

on the view
u have seen my last hasselbeck spat
2 day was it
no more - its done

there is a new life
there - inside
and in the end -
what else matters

Today, unavoidably, the discussion turned to President Bush and Iraq, and Rosie's restraint was evident -- she just changed the topic. We'll see how long the pseudo-haiku-inspiring truce holds.



Danny DeVito's Pimp Juice

Actor, producer, director Danny DeVito can now add a new title to his resume -- Limoncello Head!

DeVito caused quite a buzz when he made a "groggy" appearance on "The View" after drinking "seven limoncellos" during a night out with George Clooney in November. Although the funnyman went on to say that his bubbly veneer on the chatter was a joke, he is now looking to turn a profit from his love of the lemon-flavored liqueur -- and unveiled Danny DeVito's Premium Limoncello. Cheers!

The 60 proof liqueur will hit stores by late summer and will retail for under $25. Soon everyone will be able to watch "The View" while "groggy!"

Elisabeth to Pop Out Rosie's Replacement?

Elisabeth Hasselbeck told the world today that she's three months pregnant -- which would bring her little baby Republican into the world just nearly in time to fill Rosie O'Donnell's Birkenstocks.

It was all smiles and confetti between E and her elders on "The View" this morning, when Hasselbeck proclaimed the happy news about her second baby, though Barbara Walters admitted that she nearly plotzed when Elisabeth told her she had something to say, following on the heels of Rosie's exit announcement last week.

This does raise the question of what happens in November, during all-important sweeps period, when the baby is due, because O'Donnell will be gone -- and Hasselbeck's baby will put her out for at least a few weeks. Could there be a Star on "The View's" horizon?

Alec Baldwin Gives His "View"

Alec Baldwin was welcomed with applause to a sitdown in a taped segment that aired on "The View" today, with Baldwin giving a heartfelt and somber tale of parental alienation that drove him to the boiling point.

Baldwin said that his "deep and endless frustration" in being unable to communicate with his daughter, Ireland, led him to misdirect his anger to the child, because he "can't address the other person in this dynamic," but stopped short of mentioning Kim Basinger.

The "30 Rock" star went on to address the topic of parental alienation and his frustration with a litigious and complicated custody battle. Baldwin said he was sorry for all those who were offended ... also mentioning how many people he'd heard from who had either been abused by a parent, or frustrated with an ex-wife, and those who were alienated from their children.

Tyra Busts on Rosie

Tyra Banks got a feel for what it's like to be on "The View' -- and what it's like to feel a "View" hostess.

Banks got couple handfuls of the soon-to-be-former "View" ringmistress during her visit with the "View"-isatas, copping a feel -- a rather long and grope-a-licious feel, we might add. This is one clip that Donald Trump will no doubt be keeping in his personal stash.

Of course, Ro isn't Banks' first bosom buddy: When the amply-breasted Katharine McPhee appeared on "The Tyra Banks Show," Tyra got a pretty good handle on the McJuggs to prove their naturalness.

Meawhile, Tyra also told Ro & Co. that it was multi-multi-millionaire rap mogul Russell Simmons -- and not her -- that skipped out on a check at the Brooklyn Diner in New York, as Gatecrasher had reported yesterday. Banks explained that she offered to pay, that Russell waved her off, and then -- next thing she knew -- she was being accused of dining-and-dashing. Never fear- Miss Tyra stopped by the Diner after her "View" taping and paid the bill... and left a $100 tip. She ain't cheap!

Baldwin Rivets Audience on "View"

TMZ has confirmed Alec Baldwin pre-taped "The View" today for a Friday airing, and it was an emotional scene.

Someone present recounts that Baldwin "was very heartfelt, apologetic and emotional." We're told the audience applauded multiple times as Baldwin discussed the events surrounding the voice mail.

On the show, Baldwin indicated he is interested in being released from his "30 Rock" contract. Sources tell TMZ, however, that if NBC does not release him he will fulfill his contractual obligations. We don't know how long those obligations run.

"30 Rock" has been renewed for next season.

UPDATE: NBC has issued a statement to TMZ that says "Alec Baldwin remains an important part of '30 Rock.' We look forward to having him continue his role in the show."

Baldwin in the Can?

Embattled actor Alec Baldwin just left the studios of "The View," after apparently taping a segment with Rosie & Co., which is set to air on Friday. TMZ's cameras were right there to catch Alec on his way out as he tried to cover his face with his hand and a pair of shades.

Earlier this morning, Rosie O'Donnell teased Baldwin's Friday appearance on today's show, telling the audience that he'd be talking about "parental alienation" -- and probably a certain venomous voice mail that TMZ obtained.

Smart Alec? Baldwin Does "The View"

How's this for a shocker?! -- Alec Baldwin will appear on "The View" this Friday!

Earlier in the week, Rosie said she was sympathetic to Baldwin in the wake of the incendiary voice mail he left for daughter Ireland.

Rosie announced on today's show that Alec called her and expressed interest in doing a phone-in segment on the topic of parental alienation. Somehow, the ladies convinced Baldwin to come into the studio. That'll be interesting.

It's True -- Rosie Will Leave "View!!"

TMZ has now confirmed the buzz that we exclusively reported last night: Rosie O'Donnell will announce on today's show that she is leaving "The View." And TMZ has confirmed that "View" honchos are already searching for her replacement.

Stay tuned!


Rosie to Sheryl Crow: "Have You Seen My Ass?"

The answer, presumably, is no -- but Rosie made her point, pooh-poohing Sheryl Crow for suggesting that we all use just one square of toilet paper per trip to the loo.

Crow made her comments on her blog last week, and Rosie took a moment on this morning's "The View" to express her incredulity at the supposedly enviro-friendly suggestion. "Have you seen my ass?!" bellowed Rosie, and Barbara Walters was good enough to warn viewers not to use their sleeves, another of Crow's helpful suggestions.

That's just about enough scatology and wipe-tech for one morning on that zany kaffeeklatsch.

Rosie and Babwa Sweep Imus Under Rug

Rosie O'Donnell and Barbara Walters did a little spring cleaning on "The View," awkwardly wiping clean their interview with Don Imus' wife Deirdre, removing any stain of the "nappy-headed hos" controversy and Don's subsequent firing by MSNBC and CBS Radio. Nifty!

Pretty-headed HOmemaker Deirdre had been scheduled for "The View" this past Monday, but in the wake of her husband's I-mess, as TMZ reported last week, she canceled all appearances related to her book, "Greening Your Cleaning." But there she was on today's show hawking the tidy tome.

Despite the fact that they talked about Imus-gate during the "Hot Topics" segment of the show, Rosie and Babwa didn't go there -- or anywhere near there with Deirdre herself -- except to mention that she'd been booked before her husband's troubles exploded. They just let Mrs. Imess do her cleaning ... and Rosie and Babs her bidding. Sparklingly clean!

DeLay to Rosie -- We're Gonna "Destroy" You!

The attack dogs of the right wing have officially been unleashed on Rosie O'Donnell, this according to indicted former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

In a post on his blog,, titled "If the Left takes Imus, We'll take Rosie," the controversial DeLay calls on conservatives to "protest and demand" that Rosie get the boot from "The View." DeLay uses Imus-gate to demonstrate the "concerted strategy" of the left to, in his words, "unite to destroy."

Going further, DeLay issues a challenge to fellow right-wingers: "If Don Imus falls to the pleas of political correctness, we're taking Rosie O'Donnell down with him." Rosie shot back on her blog late last night, calling DeLay a "criminal" and telling him to "go away."

Meanwhile, Rosie and crew got a lesson in squatting from den mama Barbara Walters, who demonstrated the exercise in all its gluteal glory on this morning's "View." After an inspired squat session, Halle Berry came on and showed the ladies how it's really done.

Tarantino's Latest "a grindhouse version of 'The View' ": CSM

After "Kill Bill" and "Sin City" re-injected high kitsch into the American cinema, we here at City of Industry were particularly interested in what the critics would say about Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodgriguez's newest, critic-proof films: Rodriguez's "Planet Terror" and Tarantino's "Death Proof," which are being released as a double feature entitled "Grindhouse" -- this weekend on 2,624 screens.

By far, my favorite review of the directors' combined 3-hour slasher & zombie hodgepodge comes from the Christian Science Monitor's Peter Rainer, who writes of Tarantino's newest:

"Tarantino devotes a great deal of time to scenes of the women just sassing each other – at times it's like a grindhouse version of 'The View.' [but]...Tarantino may have moved beyond the grindhouse conventions he has routinely championed. The extended sequences with the women in 'Death Proof,' before the blood and the vroom-vroom set in, could be his newfound attempt to humanize his people instead of treating them as car-crash mannequins. He has such a good, loosey-goosey feeling for the back-and-forth jabber of girlfriends that you almost wish he had jettisoned the skidding U-Turns and just made a film about women hanging out."

That's an intriguing idea, and one that's especially timely given the untimely death of Bob Clark. Tthe director got his start with horror schlock like "Black Christmas" and raunchy comedies like "Porky's," but the media -- and the world -- remembers him far more fondly for directing that near-perfect holiday film, "A Christmas Story."

Better get to work on that enduring masterwork for grown-ups, Quentin: As Bob Clark's tragic demise reminds all of us, no one lives forever.

Dennis Miller: Rosie's "Trying to Get Whacked"

Rosie O'Donnell isn't as paranoid or as radical-minded as her recent rants might suggest -- she's just trying to get herself fired from "The View," according to Dennis Miller.

Miller provided his analysis of the Rosie situation on last night's "The O'Reilly Factor," branding O'Donnell and "The View" co-host Joy Behar a "Thelma and Louise" tag team of liberal orthodoxy which is threatening to scare Elisabeth Hasselbeck into oblivion. Miller suggested that Rosie wants an ownership stake in her own morning show -- which she currently does not have at "The View" -- and is trying as hard as she can to get her bosses to show her the door.

Helpfully, Miller suggested one way to really piss off her bosses at ABC and Disney: "Announce that one of her former lovers was Tinkerbell."



O'Reilly Blasts O'Donnell, Paper Brands Her "Tokyo Rosie"

Now she's not just "nutty," she's the enemy ... of WW2?!

Rosie O'Donnell felt Bill O'Reilly's wrath again last night on "The O'Reilly Factor," with Bill calling her "radical" and "dangerous," and suggesting, as a financial newspaper did, that she's spewing anti-American propaganda.

In his "Talking Points" segment last night, O'Reilly picked up the Investor's Business Daily's editorial calling O'Donnell "Tokyo Rosie," a reference to "Tokyo Rose," the nickname American GIs gave to Japanese women who broadcast anti-American messages over the airwaves during World War II.

As of this morning, Rosie had posted no response on her usual soapbox at

