'The Simpsons' Don't Get All Choked Up About Gag's Return!!! Showrunner Calls Ending Bit a 'Mistake'


Homer Simpson will continue to strangle Bart on "The Simpsons" ... with the showrunner telling TMZ the "gag" was never really going to end.

Here's the deal ... the iconic cartoon just premiered its 36th season ... and besides confusing fans by calling the episode the series finale -- it wasn't -- the episode peppered in shock value when Homer strangled Bart ... a bit most assumed was purposely ended last year.

In an episode that aired last November ... a character noted Homer's firm handshake -- to which he responded ... "See, Marge, strangling the boy paid off." He then follows up and says ... "Just kidding, I don’t do that anymore. Times have changed."

Kamala Harris Didn't Surprise 'Simpsons' Comic-Con Fans ... Old Clip Resurfaces

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Kamala Harris didn't make a new video appearance at Comic-Con Saturday despite reports ... with sources telling TMZ it's an old, resurfaced clip.

According to reports  ... 'Simpsons' creator Matt Groening introduced Harris' clip -- saying it came from a super fan -- at the end of the show's panel Saturday.

VP Harris apparently then appeared in the clip ... quoting a popular "Treehouse of Horror" -- the name for "The Simpsons" Halloween specials -- episode from years ago which centered around the 1996 election between then-Prez Bill Clinton and Republican nominee Bob Dole.

'Simpsons' Creator Matt Groening Ex-Employee Sues ... You Didn't Prevent My Sexual Assault!!!


"The Simpsons" creator Matt Groening is getting dragged to court ... as he's being sued over an alleged sexual assault involving two people who worked for him and his wife.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, a woman named Giavanna Scotto claims she used to work as Matt's house manager at his Santa Monica estate a few years back, and she says complaints about sexual harassment at the hands of a fellow coworker fell on deaf ears.

In her suit, Scotto claims the sexual harassment started early in her tenure ... she says a male coworker aggressively grabbed her butt and breasts, and kissed her on the mouth multiple times ... all without her consent, she alleges.

'THE SIMPSONS' WRITER Al JEAN BRAGS, We Predicted KAMALA'S Presidential Run!!!

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"The Simpsons" writer Al Jean is boasting Kamala Harris' sudden emergence as the likely Democrat nominee for Prez is the latest in a string of pretty nutty predictions.

On Sunday, Al Jean posted on X ... showing a side-by-side pic of Lisa Simpson in a Kamala-like outfit from a 2021 episode, writing "@TheSimpsons "prediction" I'm proud to be a part of."

The 2021 episode, "Bart to the Future," shows Lisa becoming president -- the same year KH was sworn in as the first female VP of the United States.

'Simpsons' Slam Fake Trump Assassination Prediction ... We Don't Joke Like That!!!

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Whoever created a fake 'Simpsons' image, falsely suggesting the show predicted Donald Trump would be assassinated is drawing the ire of the show's head honcho, who calls it a sick move.

The drama kicked off shortly after Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on the ex-Prez -- a social media user posted a doctored animated image of Trump from "The Simpsons," showing him in a casket with the caption, "First time I've seen a 'Simpsons' prediction fail."

Now, this entire premise is based on misinformation (more on that in a minute) ... but "The Simpsons" showrunner Matt Selman is still slamming the image in the strongest possible terms.

'The Simpsons' Writer Shocked Cypress Hill/Symphony Gig Happening Now ... Our Gag's 28 Years Old!!!


A fan-favorite 'Simpsons' gag from nearly 30 years ago is about to become a real life event -- courtesy of Cypress Hill -- and the writer who came up with the joke tells TMZ, he's freaking out ... in a good way.

The west coast rap legends -- B-Real, Sen Dog and DJ Muggs -- just announced plans to perform with the London Symphony Orchestra ... a concert idea born from the 1996 'Simpsons' episode, “Homerpalooza.”

On the show, Cypress Hill forgets all about the gig, because, well ... the "Insane in the Membrane" crew got high, of course.

'The Simpsons' We Didn't Name Duff After Rocker!!! GN'R Dude Was Certain

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Guns N' Roses bassist Duff McKagan is convinced "The Simpsons" named Springfeld's fave brew after him, but his theory is flat, 'cause Duff Beer was coined for a whole different reason ... TMZ has learned.

Here's the deal ... the rocker recently told Stereogum he is, indeed, Duff Beer's namesake ... going so far as to say the show reached out back in the day to clear it, and he's bent out of shape he got cut out of merch profits. DMK repeated this belief in his autobiography, too.

But, 'Simpsons' OG producer-writer Jay Kogen tells TMZ Duff's dead wrong for 2 reasons ... one of which he's gonna find very upsetting.

First, Jay says there actually wasn't any deep reasoning behind choosing the name Duff.

'Simpsons' Showrunner Show Didn't Predict Diddy Slams Viral Image as AI Fake

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"The Simpsons" may have a reputation for making pop culture predictions that come to fruition, but in the case of Diddy's downfall, the Fox cartoon made no such prophecy.

The cartoon's showrunner, Matt Selman, explained it all to TMZ after an "AI fake" of Diddy drawn as a 'Simpsons' character fleeing cops in a pink suit made the rounds online.

The TV producer tells TMZ ... "In the current era of digital misinformation, The Simpsons 'predictions' (or, more accurately, 'coincidences') have become meaningless. Any goofball can whip up an AI image based on a current event and say 'The Simpsons predicted it!' — and decent-but-easily-misled folks will believe it because they so very want it to be true."

'Simpsons' Star Harry Shearer Suggests Show's Gone Woke ... Over Recasting Black Role

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Woke culture has infiltrated "The Simpsons" -- at least that's what Harry Shearer seems to be suggesting after pointing out they replaced his Black character with an actual Black voice.

Shearer -- a white actor who voices over 20 characters on 'Simpsons,' including Dr. Hibbert, who's portrayed as Black on the show -- talked about where things stand with the long-running series and some recent changes they've made ... including accurate casting.

HS says he was notified a few years ago that he'd no longer be voicing Dr. Hibbert as he had for years -- instead, they hired Kevin Michael Richardson, who's Black, to do it.

Tim Long, productor de Los Simpson "Lo siento si la muerte de Larry te afectó..." "¡Ese era el punto!"


Un personaje de "Los Simpson" murió esta semana, provocando conmoción e indignación entre sus fans, y un productor dice que no esperaba menos de los incondicionales de la serie.

Tim Long, co-productor ejecutivo de la sitcom animada de larga duración, le dice a TMZ que el equipo creativo quería que la muerte de Larry golpeara duro a la audiencia, a pesar de que nunca tuvo un gran momento en el programa.

Por si no lo sabías, Larry fue un personaje de fondo en el show, apareciendo por primera vez en 1989 durante la temporada 1, y sobre todo aparece en la taberna de Moe cerca de Homero y sus amigos. De vez en cuando lanza una línea o dos.

'Simpsons' Producer Tim Long Sorry If Larry's Death Got to You ... That Was the Point!!!


"The Simpsons" killed off a longtime character this week, sparking shock and outrage among its fans ... and one producer says he expects nothing less from the show's diehards.

Tim Long, co-executive producer of the long-running animated sitcom, tells TMZ ... the creative team meant for Larry “The Barfly” Dalrymple's death to hit the audience hard -- even though Dalrymple never had a big moment on the show.

ICYMI ... Larry was a background character on the show, first appearing back in 1989 during season 1, and mostly showing up in Moe's Tavern near Homer Simpson and his friends. He occasionally throws out a line or two.

Prevent Child Abuse America aplaude a los Simpsons por detener el estrangulamiento


La decisión de "Los Simpson" de evitar que Homero estrangulara a su hijo Bart puede haber dividido a algunos fans de la serie... pero hay al menos una organización de prevención del maltrato infantil que está encantada.

La Dra. Melissa Merrick, CEO y Presidente de Prevent Child Abuse America, dice a TMZ que la decisión de la comedia de animación de reajustar sus prácticas internas después de 35 años en el aire demostrará representaciones responsables de la crianza positiva de los niños para millones de espectadores.

Merrick dice que su organización ha estado trabajando durante décadas para hacer cambios sustanciales en la forma en que hablamos, crear políticas y participar con grandes influyentes para ayudar a hacer un impacto en este tema y PCAA ha aprendido que se necesita todo tipo de socios: investigadores, medios de comunicación, otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro y particulares para detener el abuso ANTES de que comience.

Aplaudiendo a los creadores de la serie por reconocer su influencia en el cambio de la narrativa en torno al abuso, Merrick añade que establecen un poderoso ejemplo para otros en el entretenimiento y espera que otros en Hollywood tomen medidas para crear conciencia sobre el grave problema.

"Hace que me gusten aún más Los Simpson", añade.

Como ya informamos, en el tercer episodio de la temporada 35, titulado "McMansion & Wife", HS declaró que no volvería a asfixiar a su hijo de dibujos animados mientras conocía a su nuevo vecino.

A lo largo de la serie, Homero ha estrangulado a Bart en varias ocasiones y en uno de los episodios fue a terapia y se dio cuenta del daño que estaba causando al atacar a su hijo.

La decisión de Disney de retirar el controvertido gag de larga duración tuvo algunas reacciones de rechazo, pero probablemente sea una decisión acertada.



"The Simpsons" decision to stop Homer from strangling his son, Bart, may have divided some show fans ... but there's at least one child abuse prevention org that's thrilled.

Dr. Melissa Merrick, CEO and President of Prevent Child Abuse America, tells TMZ the animated comedy's decision to reset its internal practices after 35 years on-air will demonstrate responsible depictions of positive childrearing for millions of viewers.

Merrick says her organization has been working for decades to make substantial changes in how we talk about, create policy around and engage big influencers to help make an impact on this issue ... and PCAA has learned that it takes all kinds of partners – researchers, media, other nonprofits and individuals – to stop abuse BEFORE it starts

Applauding the show's creators for acknowledging their influence in changing the narrative around abuse, Merrick adds they set a powerful example for others in entertainment ... and hopes others in Hollywood will take steps to create awareness on the serious issue.

"It makes me like the Simpsons even more," she adds.

As we reported, in the 3rd episode of Season 35, titled "McMansion & Wife," HS declared he would not be choking his cartoon son anymore while meeting his new neighbor.

During the show's run, Homer has choked Bart on and off, with one episode seeing him go to therapy and learn about the harm he was causing by attacking his son.

Disney's decision to retire the controversial long-running gag drew some "gone woke" pushback ... but it's probably a decision for the best.

'Simpsons' Homer Stops Strangling Bart ... 'Times Have Changed'


Homer Simpson is done strangling his son, Bart, and it all has to do with modern sentiments, it seems -- a decision by showrunners that's strongly dividing fans.

The pivot away from child abuse (albeit, in animated form) is just now making the rounds -- coming to in the 3rd episode of Season 35, titled 'McMansion & Wife,' in which HS meets his new neighbor ... and declares that he won't be choking his cartoon son anymore.

The way this becomes revealed is through a handshake, which the neighbor points out as firm -- and then Homer responds ... "See, Marge, strangling the boy paid off." He then follows up and says ... "Just kidding, I don’t do that anymore. Times have changed."

Fans took this to be a not-so-subtle hint from Disney -- which owns the 'Simpsons' IP now -- that they were retiring the long-running gag ... which has been a staple joke for years.

Before this episode ... the new masters of 'The Simpsons' had actually already toyed with the idea of Homer evolving and refraining from strangling Bart ... with Season 22 featuring Homer going to therapy and learning the harm he was causing by attacking his son.

However, in the seasons since ... HS has choked Bart on and off, and the last time he did it in the show was back in 2019/2020. Now, however, it seems like the creators are acknowledging ... it's over for good.

Of course, with Homer hanging up his strangling ways ... there's some pushback, with a handful of folks saying 'The Simpsons' has "gone woke." Others, meanwhile, are praising it.

Homero ya no estrangulará a Bart en "Los Simpson" "los tiempos han cambiado"

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Homero Simpson ya no va a estrangular a su hijo. Los tiempos cambian, y los showrunners tomaron esta decisión que está dividiendo fuertemente a los fans.

El abuso infantil quedó en el pasado (en forma animada), llegando su fin en el tercer episodio de la temporada 35, titulado "McMansion & Wife", en el que Homero conoce a su nuevo vecino y declara que no va a estrangular a su hijo de dibujos animados nunca más.

La forma en que esto se revela es a través de un apretón de manos —que el vecino señala como firme— y luego Homero responde: "Ves, Marge, estrangular al niño valió la pena". Luego sigue y dice: "Es broma, ya no hago eso. Los tiempos han cambiado".

Los fans tomaron esto como una indirecta no tan sutil de Disney, que posee la propiedad intelectual de los "Simpsons", y que finalmente han retirado el clásico chiste.

Antes de este episodio, los nuevos directores de "Los Simpson" ya habían jugado con la idea de que Homero evolucionara y se abstuviera de estrangular a Bart, en la temporada 22, Homero fue a terapia y se dio cuenta del daño que estaba causando al atacar a su hijo.

Sin embargo, en las temporadas posteriores, Homero ha estrangulado a Bart una y otra vez. La última vez que lo hizo fue en 2019/2020. Ahora, sin embargo, parece que los creadores están reconociendo que el chiste se acabó para siempre.

Por supuesto, los comentarios son divididos. Un puñado de personas dice que "Los Simpson" se ha "vuelto woke". Otros, mientras tanto, alaban el cambio.

'The Simpsons' Episode Mocking Chinese Oppression Yanked from Disney+ Hong Kong

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An episode of "The Simpsons" that lasers in on oppression in China has mysteriously disappeared from Disney+ in Hong Kong ... but there are clues as to who caused it to be yanked.

The episode -- titled "Goo Goo Gai Pan" -- aired in 2005, chronicling the Simpsons' trip to China. One of the main plotlines .... Marge's sister, Selma, is there to adopt a baby, but the infant is yanked from her arms by a Chinese official.

In another scene, the fam visits Tiananmen Square ... the legendary scene of protest, violence and defiance. A sign in the Square reads, "On this site, in 1989, nothing happened."  It's a not-so-subtle dig at China trying to sanitize what actually went down.

Tibet is also part of the show -- where religious oppression reigned supreme at the hands of Beijing.

So, as for why the episode was 86'd ... nobody's talking, but the streamer just debuted in Hong Kong and it seems there may have been a precondition courtesy of the Chinese Government for entry -- scrub the episode.