Former O'Jays Guitarist Remains Identified in Garbage Bag ... After Nearly 40 years


It's a long since cold case that's suddenly been solved -- human remains discovered back in the 80s in a garbage bag have finally been identified as Frank "Frankie" Little Jr. ... the guitarist and songwriter for the O'Jays.

In 1982, police found the bag behind a business in Twinsburg, Ohio. At the time, they could tell the person had been stabbed to death several years prior, but they were not able to figure out his identity.

It was only 2 months ago when a breakthrough came courtesy of DNA technology and a non-profit org. Police explained, "In October 2021, the DNA Doe Project provided the names of potential living relatives, who were able to provide Frank's name."

Police say, that a close relative [of Little's] provided a DNA sample, which was analyzed by a crime lab, and sure enough ... Frank's identity was confirmed.

Frank played with the O'Jays in the R&B group's early days ... writing several songs including "Pretty Words" and "Oh How You Hurt Me."

It wouldn't be until after his tenure that the group scored its biggest hits, including "Back Stabbers," "For the Love of Money" and "Love Train."

After his run with the O'Jays, he joined the U.S. Army, served 2 years in Vietnam and eventually went back to his hometown of Cleveland ... his last known residence.

Frank mysteriously disappeared in the mid-70s, but now that they've finally identified his remains ... authorities plan to continue investigating his death as a homicide. The hope is they'll be able to fill in some huge blanks for his family.

The O'Jays to Prez Trump For the Love of RiRi ... Here's a Song You Can Use at Rallies!!

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The O'Jays are reaching out to President Trump -- perhaps repairing their fractured relationship -- and giving him permission to use ONE of their songs at his rallies. Yes, it's a total troll.

We got Eddie Levert and Walter Williams -- OG members of the soul group -- out in NYC and asked what they made of Rihanna ripping into Trump for playing "Don't Stop the Music" at a recent rally. She later sent him a cease and desist letter.

Eddie and Walter get RiRi's outrage ... having already fired off their own warnings to Trump in 2016 for using "For the Love of Money" -- the old 'Apprentice' theme -- during his campaign. They did the same for their hit, "Love Train," and you gotta hear them describe what he wanted to do with it!

That's all water under the bridge, though, because Ed and Walt tell us they're willing to let him crank up their newest track, "Above the Law," whenever he wants ... even during his rousing rallies.

If he only heard the title, we suspect POTUS might be all in for using the song. However, we're guaranteeing he'll pass ... IF he listens to the lyrics or watches the music video.

Hint: It's not exactly 45-friendly.

Trump and The O'Jays -- they've come a loooong way since "The Apprentice."

O'Jays Sue Crown Royal You Embarrassed Us ... & Your Commercial SUCKS

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The O'Jays are going to WAR with the people behind Crown Royal Whiskey ... claiming the booze company ripped off the band's most famous song for a pathetic commercial that "humiliated" the group.

Two members of the band behind the hit "For Love of Money" (you know the song, 'Money, money, money, money ... MONNNNEYY) ... have filed a lawsuit claiming they never gave permission for the people behind Crown to use their tune in a recent TV spot featuring NBA legend Dr. J.


FYI -- the song was used as a background track ... while a rapper drops some custom rhymes to sell the booze.

But Walter Williams Sr. and Eddie Levert (founding members of the group) ... are PISSED -- claiming the rhyme is "humiliating and demeaning by reducing them to background singers."

They also take a shot at the rapper -- saying he's nothing more than a "poseur with limited ability to carry a tune" ... who performed a "self-aggrandizing childish rap."

Williams and Levert are now asking for more than $1 million in damages.