Kim K, J Lo and Ben Celebs Pop Up At LA Lakers Game

Kim Kardashian and her son, Saint, sat courtside at the Los Angeles Lakers game Saturday night, leading a small group of big celebs who showed up for the event.

As per, Kim looked stunning in a tight white t-shirt and black leather pants while parked alongside 8-year-old Saint at Arena in downtown LA.

At one point, Kim posed for paparazzi by putting her arm around her little guy who was dressed in his Lakers jersey, leaving no doubt as to who he was rooting for.

Kim was also snapped chatting with some fans and Saint even flashed a peace sign for the camera!

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck enjoyed their courtside seats, watching the matchup while holding each other's hands. The couple seemed pretty chill as they hung out with Ben's 12-year-old son, Samuel.

And that's not all ... singers Bad Bunny was also in the crowd to see the Warriors and Lakers take it to the hoop.

And in the world of sports, tennis legend Novak Djokovic was front and center to see the Warriors take the W, 128-121.

After the game, J Lo gave Bunny a little hug as Ben shook hands with some of the Golden State players.

It was a winning night for the stars ... even if some of them looked a little exhausted as the night went on. 😅

Chris Appleton Está saliendo con un graduado de Harvard Luego del divorcio...

Chris Appleton ha dado vuelta la página de su ex marido Lukas Gage, y ahora está saliendo con un nuevo novio que no tiene vínculos con Hollywood.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que el peluquero de celebridades, conocido por ser uno de los mejores amigos de Kim Kardashian, ahora está saliendo casualmente con un tipo normal, que resulta ser un bombón llamado Frederico.

Los dos fueron fotografiados por primera vez en público durante el fin de semana de los Oscar en el famoso Chateau Marmont de Los Ángeles.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la pareja se llevó bien después de cruzar caminos a través de amigos en común hace aproximadamente un mes, y ahora están manteniendo las cosas relajadas y viendo hacia dónde los lleva, más o menos como todo el mundo cuando está saliendo con alguien nuevo.

Nos dice que después de la separación de Lukas, Chris estaba abierto a probar algo completamente diferente y es un cambio bienvenido que no esté saliendo con alguien de Hollywood.

Aunque no está claro en qué campo trabaja Frederico, es un sabelotodo, pues nos dicen que es un graduado de Harvard, así que pueden asumir que tiene una carrera bastante sólida por delante.

¡Chris definitivamente se siente bien en esta nueva etapa y parece que Frederico está encajando bien con su círculo! Nos dicen que incluso se reunió con algunos de los amigos de Chris, que le están dando su pulgar de aprobación.

Como ya informamos, Chris puso fin a su relación con Lukas en noviembre, solo 6 meses después de su rápida boda en Las Vegas en la Little White Chapel oficiada por Kim K. Chris alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de la ruptura. La pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial.

Disfrutando mi soltería!!!

Chris y Lukas están siguiendo con sus vidas después de la separación. Lukas se metió de lleno en Hinge en enero para encontrar un nuevo amor, aunque ahora dice que está muy bien disfrutando de sí mismo.

Todo es cuestión de amor propio, ¿verdad?


Chris Appleton has moved on from his ex-hubby Lukas Gage ... and is now dating a new guy who has no ties to Hollywood.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the celeb hairdresser, known famously for having Kim Kardashian as his client/BFF, is now casually dating a regular dude -- who happens to be a bona fide hottie -- named Federico.

The two were first photographed in public together during Oscars weekend at L.A.'s famous Chateau Marmont.

Our sources tell us the pair hit it off after crossing paths through mutual friends about a month ago, and right now they're keeping things laid-back and just seeing where it takes them -- pretty much how everyone rolls when they're vibing with someone new.

We're told after Chris' split from Lukas, he was open to something completely different and this is a welcomed change he’s not dating someone in the Hollywood scene.

While it's unclear exactly what field Federico works in, he's a smarty pants as we're told he's a graduate of Harvard ... so one can assume he has a pretty solid gig career-wise.

Chris is definitely feeling good about moving forward, and it sounds like Federico's fitting right in with his crew -- we're told he's even met some of Chris' pals, who are giving him a thumbs up!

As we reported ... Chris called it quits with Lukas in November, just 6 months after their quickie Vegas wedding at the Little White Chapel officiated by Kim K. Chris listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split. The couple did have a prenup.


Chris and Lukas are making moves post-split ... Lukas went all-in and hopped on Hinge in January to find new love -- but now he says he's all about dating himself.

It's all about self-love, right?

Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la órbita de Bianca... Para apoyar los sueños de North

Kim Kardashian y Bianca Censori volvieron a encontrarse esta semana, ya que ambas fueron al set Rolling Loud de Kanye West, donde participó la joven North.

La familia Kardashian-West se veía muy cercana y relajada el jueves por la noche para la actuación de Ye y compañía en el festival de música de Los Ángeles, y North también estaba lista para hacer lo suyo en la canción "Talking" de "Vultures 1" junto a su padre.

Al igual que hace unos días en San Francisco, Kim estaba allí para apoyar a North. Llegó al evento en un SUV en el que iba de pasajero, similar a la forma en que llegó Bianca.

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Unidas por Kanye
Instagram / @djpharris

Por el momento no hay evidencia visual de que Kim haya estado con Bianca de la forma en que las vimos juntas el martes para la fiesta de escucha en San Francisco, en donde estuvieron prácticamente hombro con hombro, pero no hay duda de que estaban al alcance la una de la otra, ya que obviamente tenían acceso al backstage.

Hablando de North, sabemos que recibió tratamiento de A-Lister toda la noche, estrechando la mano de sus fans (sí, también adultos) con su séquito de amigos apoyándola.

Saludando a los fans

Hay otro video que muestra a North aparentemente haciendo una entrevista con alguien tras bambalinas y mientras ella responde a las preguntas, se puede ver a Kim observándola no muy lejos. Así que sí, Mama Oso está manteniendo un ojo vigilante sobre ella.

Miss Miss Westie

Obviamente, Ye está muy involucrado con North en este momento. Recientemente, ella anunció que está trabajando en su propio álbum ("Elementary School Dropout") y hemos escuchado que está trabajando duro en el estudio con Kanye guiándola. Parece que se lo están tomando muy en serio.

Es interesante que Kim siga apareciendo por su hija. Se pueden imaginar que debe sentir algo de conflicto con todo esto a causa de las muchas controversias de Kanye.

Pero a pesar de eso, está aquí apoyando a North, y al hacerlo, se codea con Bianca, que ahora es la madrastra de todos sus hijos con Ye. No hay ninguna señal de que haya mala sangre entre ellas. Ambas se ven muy civilizadas.

Una cosa que sabemos con certeza, sin embargo, es que Kim definitivamente no es tan audaz para vestirse como Bianca, y estamos seguros de que quiere que siga siendo así. Bianca ha estado luciendo algunos trajes bastante atrevidos últimamente.

En cualquier caso, Kim K y Bianca juntas se está convirtiendo en algo regular y con la aventura de North en la música, esta será probablemente su realidad en el futuro previsible.

¡Jueguen limpio, todo el mundo!

Kim Kardashian Back in Bianca's Orbit at RL ... Supporting North's Dreams

Kim Kardashian and Bianca Censori were once again in the same space -- as they both descended upon Kanye West's Rolling Loud set ... where young North was in the mix.

The Kardashian-West family was looking very blended and kumbaya Thursday evening, where Ye and co. were scheduled to perform at the L.A. music festival ... and where North was also set to do her thing for the 'Vultures' song she's on with her dad, called "Talking."

Just like a few days ago in San Francisco -- Kim was there for North ... rolling into the event in an SUV, where she was riding passenger ... similar to how Bianca arrived in her own car.

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Instagram / @djpharris

There's no visual evidence thus far that Kim was standing next to BC the way she was on Tuesday for the SF listening event -- where they were shoulder-to-shoulder -- but there's no doubt they were within reach of one another ... as they obviously had backstage access.

Speaking of North, she was getting the A-list treatment the whole night -- shaking hands with fans of hers (yes, including adults) with her entourage of friends behind her.


There's another video that shows North seemingly doing an interview with someone behind the scenes -- and as she's answering questions ... you can see Kim looking on not too far away. So yes, Mama Bear is keeping a watchful eye over her and Kanye's daughter.

Miss Miss Westie

Obviously, Ye himself is deeply invested in North right now -- she recently announced she has her own album coming out ("Elementary School Dropout") ... and we've heard she's hard at work in the studio with Kanye guiding her. Sounds like they're all taking it seriously.

It's interesting that Kim continues to show up for her daughter -- ya gotta figure she might feel somewhat conflicted over all this ... on account of Kanye's many controversies.

Despite that, however, she's out here backing up North -- and in doing so, she's rubbing shoulders with Bianca -- who's now the stepmother of all her children with Ye. There's no indication there's any bad blood between Kim and Bianca ... on its face, they're civil.

One thing we know for certain, though ... Kim definitely isn't as bold a dresser as Bianca -- and we're sure she wants to keep it that way. BC's been in some pretty wild outfits lately.

In any case ... KK and Bianca showing up near each other is becoming a regular thing -- and with North diving into music ... that's probably their reality for the foreseeable future.

Play nice, everybody!

Kanye West's Pal Ye & Bianca Madly in Love ... They'll Probs Have Many Babies!!


Kanye West's longtime friend and confidant says Ye is happier than ever being married to Bianca Censori -- so much so, in fact, he might be ready to be a papa all over again!

We got a member of Ye's inner circle, Justin LaBoy, Tuesday at LAX ... where we chopped it up about his buddy and Bianca for a little bit. We were wondering how the couple feels about her family being ticked off lately, but he spilled some other tea.

Remember, her father came out and said he didn't appreciate his son-in-law parading his daughter around France in barely any clothing ... this after several wild outfits she rocked.

You can tell Justin doesn't wanna go there ... saying he doesn't like to speak on his buddy's wife -- but he does say he loves her, and can tell she's perfect for his good pal.

The reason? Justin tells us he's actually never seen Kanye happier than he is right now.

Justin also says Bianca's enjoying herself too -- clearly addressing the speculation from Kanye's critics that he's keeping her against her will, or brainwashing her.

Finally, we touch on something Ye himself is alluding to in recent songs -- saying "another baby is my end goal" ... which most listeners heard as a reference to Bianca.

Justin himself had some thoughts about that when we asked if Kanye was being serious -- and according to him ... he absolutely is. JLB says he thinks a "bunch of babies" are on the way for them.

Bianca's only 29, so if she's inclined to have kids ... this could be prime baby-making time. As you know, Ye already has 4 children with Kim Kardashian.

Considering Ye and Bianca are going strong well over a year into their relationship ... it might be Yeezy baby season after all!

Kylie Jenner Se niega a hablar de Timothée... y de su cambio de estilo

Kylie Jenner no quiso hablar de su novio Timothée Chalamet en una nueva entrevista de alto perfil y que también abordó la suposición de que él la ha hecho cambiar de estilo.

La magnate de la belleza habló con el NYT el jueves sobre una amplia gama de temas y, por supuesto, el tema de su relación con Timbo salió en la conversación, aunque muy brevemente, porque estaba claro que Kylie no quería ahondar en su vida privada.

El entrevistador le señala que muchos de sus fans se sorprendieron el año pasado cuando publicó una foto con un vestido blanco que gritaba "cottagecore", con muchos diciendo que aparentemente había cambiado su estilo por Timmy.

Le preguntaron a Kylie si había visto alguno de esos comentarios, a lo que ella respondió que "no", explicando que solo lee los comentarios en los post vinculados a sus negocios.

Luego fue citada diciendo: "No sé cómo me siento al respecto". El reportero señala que Kylie se estaba poniendo incómoda a medida que surgían más preguntas sobre Timothée Chalamet y luego dijo: "Simplemente no quiero hablar de cosas personales".

Es interesante, Kylie y Timmy son bastante privados, pero llegaron juntos a los Globos de Oro como pareja, lo que parecía confirmar que eran oficiales públicamente. Por supuesto, habían sido vistos antes de eso besándose y acurrucándose en diferentes eventos.

Desde entonces, sin embargo, no hemos visto mucho de ellos juntos. Hay que considerar que Tim ha estado ocupado promocionando "Dune 2" con el resto de sus coprotagonistas, por lo que objetivamente ha estado ocupado.

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Algunos han sugerido que están separados y aunque ella se negó a hablar sobre él en esta entrevista, hay otras señales de que Kylie y Timothee todavía van en serio, si es que la nueva promoción de la quinta temporada de "Kardashians" significa algo. Está increíblemente "Dune-codificada".

Kylie no habló de Tim, pero sí abordó el escrutinio que ha recibido toda su vida por su apariencia. En esta misma entrevista dice: "Son solo años y años de no sentir que mi cara o mi apariencia son aceptadas. No hay nada que puedan decir ahora que me haga daño".

Suena como que Kylie está lanzando escudos a su alrededor para proteger su humanidad, lo que es comprensible. Ella está bajo la lupa constantemente, y al parecer, siempre bajo fuego.

En términos de dónde están las cosas con Tim, ella está guardándose los detalles.

Kylie Jenner Refuses to Talk About Timothée ... Including 'Changed' Style

Kylie Jenner didn't want to talk about her boyfriend, Timothée Chalamet, in a new high-profile interview -- and that includes punting on the issue of him "changing" her style.

The beauty mogul spoke to the NYT Thursday about a wide range of topics -- and, of course, the topic of her relationship with Timbo came up in conversation ... albeit, very briefly ... 'cause it was clear Kylie didn't wanna delve into her private life.

The interviewer is pointing out that a lot of KJ's fans were taken aback last year when she posted a shot of herself in a white dress that screamed "cottagecore" -- with many apparently saying her fashion sensibility had switched up ... and some attributing that to Timmy.

Kylie was asked if she'd seen any of those comments, to which she replied, "no" -- explaining she only reads feedback on posts tied to her businesses.

She was then quoted as saying... "I don’t know how I feel about that." The reporter notes that Kylie was getting uncomfortable as more questions about TM were being brought up, and she then said ... "I just don’t want to talk about personal things."

It's interesting ... Kylie and Timmy are fairly private as it is, although they hit the Golden Globes together as a couple -- which seemed to be them officially going public. Of course, they'd been spotted out before that ... making out and showing PDA at different events.

Since then, however, we haven't seen much of them together -- granted, though, Tim's been busy promoting 'Dune 2' with the rest of his costars ... so he's objectively been busy.

Some have suggested they're actually split up -- and while she was mum on talking about him in this chat ... there are other signs Kylie and Timothee are still going strong, if the new 'Kardashians' promo for Season 5 is any indication. It's incredibly 'Dune'-coded.

Kylie didn't discuss Tim ... but she did address the scrutiny her appearance has gotten throughout her life. She says in this same interview ... "It's just years and years of not feeling like my face or looks are accepted. There's nothing anyone could ever say now that would hurt me."

Sounds like Kylie's throwing up shields around her to protect her humanity -- which is understandable ... she's under a microscope constantly, and seemingly is always under fire.

In terms of where things stand with her and Tim ... she's playing her cards close to the vest.

Kanye West Le dice a Kim K... Saca a mis hijos del "sistema" escolar!!!

Kanye West sigue quejándose de la escuela de sus hijos y ahora está exigiéndole públicamente a su ex esposa Kim Kardashian que los saque lo antes posible.

El rapero y productor publicó un nuevo post en IG el miércoles por la noche, que ya borró, donde nombra explícitamente a Kim y le dice que saque a sus cuatro hijos de la lujosa escuela privada a la que asisten.


Su pie de foto era igual de revelador. Este decía: "A estas alturas todo el mundo sabe lo que "el sistema" es, es la palabra clave por la que el sistema me apartó de mis hijos".

Kanye West continuó diciendo: "Cuando el sistema recluta atletas, evita trabajar con los que tienen a sus padres en sus vidas porque son más difíciles de manipular. Mis dos mayores saben quién es su papá".

Kanye sonaba firme en su postura aquí, pero como hemos dicho, rápidamente lo borró, probablemente después de una llamada de Kim y sus abogados, suponemos. Sin embargo, es bastante obvio que esto representa en un 100% cómo se siente y sí parece que de nuevo se está inclinando hacia el antisemitismo.

Sabemos de hecho que Kanye ha despotricado contra las escuelas de "adoctrinamiento judío" y también que se ha quejado de que sus hijos vayan a una institución que él considera que es exactamente esto.

Así que sí, su referencia no muy sutil a lo que él considera "el sistema" va más allá de solo el lenguaje codificado, es básicamente un megáfono y ha expresado sus emociones muy abiertamente.

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Tiempo de calidad con North en Dubái

Lo que es interesante aquí, sin embargo, es el hecho de que Ye está señalando a dos de sus hijos específicamente y sugiriendo que aman a su padre, a saber, North West y Saint West. Hemos visto a North pasando mucho tiempo con su padre últimamente y Saint también aparece por aquí y por allá de vez en cuando.

Normalmente, no vemos a los niños más pequeños Chicago y Psalm con su padre, y él ha admitido que Kim tiene a sus hijos alrededor del 80% del tiempo de la custodia.

TMZ investiga
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Suena como que Ye está refunfuñando por eso y tal vez siente que no tiene tanto control como le gustaría.

Kanye West Tells Kim K ... Take Our Kids Outta 'System' School!!!

Kanye West continues to gripe about where his kids go to school -- publicly demanding his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, take them out ASAP ... and he's dog-whistling again.

The rapper/producer threw up a new IG post Wednesday night and he name-dropped Kim explicitly with a strong request ... namely, calling her out and telling her to take their 4 children out of the ritzy private school they all go to.


His caption was just as telling -- with Ye adding, "At this point everybody knows what "the system" is code word for 👀 I was removed from my dad by the system and the system removed me from my children."

KW continued ... "When the system drafts athletes they avoid working with those who have their father in their life because they are harder to manipulate. My two oldest know they daddy is."

Kanye sounded firm in his stance here, but like we said ... he quickly yanked this down -- probably after a call from Kim and her lawyers, we presume. Still, it's pretty obvious this is 100% how he feels ... and yes, he again seems to be leaning into antisemitism.

We know for a fact that Kanye has railed against "Jewish indoctrinated" schools... and we also know he's griped about his kids going to an institution he considers to be exactly this.

So, yeah -- his not-to-subtle reference to what he considers "the system" is beyond just coded language ... it's basically a bullhorn, and he's wearing his sentiments on his sleeve.

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What's interesting here, though, is the fact that Ye is pinpointing two of his kids specifically and suggesting they love their dad ... namely, North West and Saint West. We've been seeing North hang out with her dad a lot lately -- and Saint pops up here and there too.


We don't normally see the 2 youngest children, Chicago and Psalm, with their dad these days -- and he's already admitted that Kim has their kids about 80% of the time regarding custody.

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Sounds like Ye's grumbling about that, and perhaps feeling not as in control as he'd like.

We covered the drama on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kim Kardashian Wrong Pic for Death Row Inmate ... Ivan Cantu, Proj. Mngr.???

Kim Kardashian does great work in criminal justice reform -- but in trying to shed light on one important case ... she mistakenly highlighted a guy who's got nothing to do with this.

The reality star flubbed Monday when she posted the wrong photo of death row inmate Ivan Cantu -- accidentally uploading an image of Ivan A. Cantu ... a project manager from New York.

TMZ spoke with Ivan about the social media mix-up -- and the planner tells us he learned of the error from his family. Understandably, he initially thought they were kidding ... as it's his 60th birthday. We're sure this wasn't the birthday surprise he expected!

In any case ... Ivan says he understands that someone from Kim's team likely shared the incorrect image by mistake ... although, he wouldn't say no to an apology since his photo was sent out to Kim's 364 million followers -- that's what he told us anyway.

The SKIMS founder has since taken down the mistaken post and replaced it with a local newspaper op-ed shedding light on the case. The mother of four has spoken out in support of the imprisoned Ivan -- who is currently incarcerated in Texas -- on more than one occasion.

Back in January ... Kim shed light on Ivan's case -- highlighting that the prisoner has always maintained his innocence in the 2000 murders of his cousin, James Mosqueda, and his cousin's fiancée, Amy Kitchen.

TMZ Studios

He is currently set to be executed on Wednesday after a prior execution date in April 2023 was canceled amid an appeal -- so obviously, this is a very serious matter.

Kim is encouraging her followers to sign a petition that will encourage the District Attorney to withdraw Ivan's execution date.

Lionel Messi Walks Saint West Out On Field ... Kim K Freaks Out!!!

Inter Miami CF

Proud mama moment for Kim Kardashian ... her son, Saint West, got the ultimate VIP experience at the Inter Miami vs. L.A. Galaxy match -- escorting Lionel Messi to the field!!

The cool interaction happened prior to Sunday's contest at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson ... when the soccer G.O.A.T. and his teammates walked onto the pitch with a number of local youth players.

8-year-old Saint -- the oldest son of Kim K and Kanye West -- was the lucky one picked to walk with Messi ... and it's something the reality superstar said he'll never forget.

"Saint walking Messi out on the field tonight at the La Galaxy vs Inter Miami game!!!" Kim said after posting video of the walkout on X. "He is living the absolute dream!"

It's unclear if Messi chatted with the youngin at all ... but he looked happy with the company as he looked down at him.

The two seem to be getting pretty familiar with each other now -- as it's at least the second time they've crossed paths.

Back in July 2023, Kim shared a pic of her futbol-loving son with Messi after his Inter Miami debut ... which she dubbed the "Best day of their entire lives."

TMZ Studios

Safe to say these dudes are buddies at this point!!


No such thing as TMI for Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker ... 'cause they're letting us all know how special Valentine's Day was for them last year ... which ended with a baby.

KK shared a slew of IG snaps reminiscing on her Utah getaway with Trav in 2023 ... and while the pics seemed innocent enough, the Blink-182 drummer made it a point to tell fans that baby Rocky was conceived during that very trip.

"We made baby Rocky 🖤," Travis wrote in the comments -- but many fans weren't necessarily charmed ... urging him to keep their intimate deets to themselves.

While some were a little grossed out ... others acknowledged the admission was hardly surprising since there's no way Travis would be able to keep his hands off KK, considering how bangin' she looked in her teeny-weeny bikini. Plus, the timing of the birth makes sense.

It's no surprise they got it on and conceived a baby in this setting -- from the looks of it, the whole vibe was very lovey-dovey ... and perfect for doing it.

Safe to say, their relationship is rock solid ever since their 2022 marriage ... especially with little 3-month-old Rocky in the mix now.

They're clearly into reminiscing about their love fest -- and lord knows we've seen a lot of it over the years.

Kourt also shared insight into the lead-up to V-Day this year ... which was a joint family occasion with 6 heart-shaped cakes featuring names of both their kids.

TMZ Studios

All in all, it's reassuring to know that Rocky's origins stem from a special holiday. We're sure he'll love that fun fact when he's older. 😅

Kourtney y Travis Hicimos a Baby Rocky en San Valentín!!!

No hay tal cosa como demasiada información para Kourtney Kardashian y Travis Barker, pues la pareja le está contando a todo el mundo lo especial que fue el pasado Día de San Valentín para ellos, tan especial que terminó con un bebé.

Kourtney compartió una serie de fotos en IG recordando su escapada a Utah con Travis en 2023 y aunque las fotos parecían bastante inocentes, el baterista de Blink-182 hizo un punto para decirle a los fans que el bebé Rocky fue concebido durante ese mismo viaje.

"Hicimos a baby Rocky 🖤", escribió Travis en los comentarios. Aunque los fans no estaban necesariamente encantados y les pidieron que guardaran los detalles íntimos para ellos.

Aunque algunos estaban un poco asqueados, otros reconocieron que la admisión no era de extrañar, ya que no hay manera de que Travis fuera capaz de mantener sus manos lejos de Kourtney, teniendo en cuenta lo guapa que se veía en su bikini teen-weeny. Además, el momento del nacimiento tiene sentido.

No es raro que concibieran a un bebé en este entorno, por lo que se ve, todo el ambiente parece muy amoroso y perfecto para hacerlo.

Es seguro decir que su relación está sólida como una roca desde su matrimonio en 2022, especialmente con el pequeño Rocky de 3 meses en la pandilla ahora.

Ellos claramente quieren rememorar su romántica celebración y Dios sabe que hemos visto un montón de ellas en los últimos años.

Kourt también compartió información sobre los preparativos para el Día V de este año: una reunión familiar con 6 pasteles en forma de corazón con los nombres de sus dos hijos.

TMZ investiga
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Con todo, es tranquilizador saber que los orígenes de Rocky se remontan a una fiesta especial. Estamos seguros de que le encantará cuando sea mayor. 😅

Kim Kardashian at Super Bowl LVIII Celeb-Packed Suite, But ... Looking Kinda Meh Next to Taylor's 👀

No shocker that Kim Kardashian locked down a luxury suite at the Super Bowl, and even had it filled with A-listers -- but what is surprising is how NOT lit it was compared to Taylor Swift's.

The photos showing off their respective suites are out, and we gotta say ... the KarJenner box -- at least for some parts of the game -- comes across as a little bit of a snooze fest when ya see the lively scene in T-Swift's area.

Check out the pics for yourself and we'll let you decide which suite feels like the better time.

In Kim's suite, there are people slumped over and leaning on their hands as if they're just running out the clock -- and one dude in there looks like he's about to take a long nap.

The opposite vibe was happening across the way at Tay Tay's suite ... where Blake Lively, Ice Spice, Miles Teller and a few other stars were losing their minds and celebrating a ton. Of course, Taylor herself was leading the charge on the partying ... pounding beers, etc.


Kim's suite was just as star-studded, of course, with Justin and Hailey Bieber and other KarJenner sisters, Russell Wilson and Ciara, La La Anthony, Texans QB C.J. Stroud, Winnie Harlow and Michael Rubin all attending, but things looked sorta quiet.

Now, this ain't a competition or anything -- but the differences are notable because of the history of bad blood between Taylor and Kim ... which, as we recently learned, is still fresh on T-Swift's mind, something she commented on in her TIME Person of the Year cover story.

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As we reported ... Taylor said she still feels like Kanye/Kim were wrong over the whole 2016 recorded-convo thing -- and even today, it sounds like she'd appreciate an apology.

One last thing we'll point out about the Super Bowl suites -- when the CBS broadcast went around highlighting the different stars at Allegiant Stadium, they conspicuously did NOT cut to the Kardashians and their whole crew. It was ... fairly noticeable.

El palco de Kim Kardashian parece aburrido Comparado con el de Taylor Swift

No es ninguna sorpresa que Kim Kardashian haya reservado un palco de lujo para ver el Super Bowl. Tampoco es raro que esté lleno de estrellas. Lo que sí es sorprendente es lo poco iluminado que estuvo en comparación con el de Taylor Swift.

Las fotos que muestran sus respectivos palcos y tenemos que decir que el de Kim parece a ratos un cementerio, sobre todo si lo comparamos con la fiesta que se vivía en el palco de Taylor.

Échale un vistazo a las fotos por ti mismo y te dejaremos decidir qué palco te parece que está pasando un mejor momento.

En el de Kim, hay gente sentada y apoyada como si estuvieran agotados todo el tiempo, incluso hay un tipo que parece estar a punto de tomar una larga siesta.

El ambiente opuesto se vivíoa en el palco de Tay Tay, donde Blake Lively, Ice Spice, Miles Teller y algunas otras estrellas estaban perdiendo la cabeza y celebrando. Por supuesto, la propia Taylor estaba a la cabeza de la fiesta, bebiendo cervezas, etc.

Kim también estuvo rodeada de estrellas, con Justin y Hailey Bieber y otras hermanas KarJenner, Russell Wilson y Ciara, La La Anthony, Texans QB C.J. Stroud, Winnie Harlow y Michael Rubin, pero las cosas parecían un poco más tranquilas.

Sabemos que esto no es una competencia ni nada, pero las diferencias son notables debido a la historia de mala sangre entre Taylor y Kim, que, como hemos sabido recientemente, todavía está fresco en la mente de Taylor, algo que ella comentó en su aparición en la portada del Times.

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Como informamos, Taylor dijo que todavía siente que Kanye y Kim estaban equivocados sobre el asunto del 2016, e incluso hoy en día, suena como ella apreciaría una disculpa.

Una cosa más... cuando la transmisión de CBS destacó las diferentes estrellas en el Estadio Allegiant, curiosamente NO nombraron a las Kardashians... fue bastante notable.

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