North West ¡¡Muestra los nuevos brillantes de sus dientes!!

La hija de Kim Kardashian, North West, tiene nuevos diamantes en sus dientes, tal vez inspirada en el nuevo trabajo dental de su padre, y los está mostrando en TikTok.

La chica de 10 años compartió las selfies el miércoles en la cuenta conjunta que tiene con su mamá y que Kim subtituló con el comentario: "Las cosas que hace mi hija en mi teléfono, jaja".

North aparece separando sus labios para mostrar más de cerca su deslumbrante nueva joyería dental, apenas unas semanas después de que mostrara otra tanda de dientes parecidos en un video cerca de Navidad.

La foto fue acompañada junto a otras imágenes que muestran una pincelada de su vida con sus amigos y primos: una cena Hibachi, viajes a Disneyland y Universal Studios, su práctica de baloncesto, además de una selfie con Kim.

Los gustos de North no son tan diferentes de los de sus padres Kim y Kanye West. Una fuente le dice a TMZ que Ye también se realizó implantes permanentes en sus dientes por $850K con el Dr. Thomas Connelly, el dentista detrás de las transformaciones en las sonrisas de Post Malone, Lil Yachty y Odell Beckham.

Nos dicen que definitivamente NO se quitó todos los dientes para reemplazarlos con las dentaduras de titanio de $850K, como algunos informes han afirmado.

Kim también ha mostrado su propia colección de implantes dentales en las redes sociales a lo largo de los años, sobre todo como parte de su campaña de 2021 KKW Beauty.

Mientras tanto, la celebrity ha estado ocupada en TikTok, compartiendo con los fans un recorrido por su oficina SKKN, repleta de portadas de revistas en sus paredes y maniquíes.

¡También revela que toda su oficina está personalizada Rick Owens, lo que es presumir demasiado!


Kim Kardashian's daughter North West has a new diamond grill -- perhaps inspired by Dad's new dental work -- and she's showing it off on TikTok.

The 10-year-old's blingin' selfie was uploaded Wednesday to her joint account, which she shares with her mom ... and Kim captioned the sparkling reveal with, "The things my daughter makes on my phone, haha."

North pulls her lips apart to give an up-close look at her dazzling new dental jewelry ... just weeks after she showed off another grill from a vid around Christmas time.

The snap was nestled among a montage of images offering a further glimpse of her life with her pals and cousins -- a Hibachi dinner, trips to Disneyland and Universal Studios and basketball practice ... plus, a Kim selfie thrown in for good measure.

The North apple isn't falling far from Kim and Kanye West's trees ... a source tells TMZ Ye is also rocking a cool new $850K permanent grill by Dr. Thomas Connelly, the dentist behind Post Malone, Lil Yachty and Odell Beckham's smile transformations.

We're told he definitely did NOT remove all his teeth to replace them with the $850K titanium dentures ... as some reports have claimed.

Kim's also shown off her own collection of grills on social media over the years -- most notably as part of her 2021 KKW Beauty campaign.

Meanwhile, Kim's also been busy on TikTok ... giving fans a tour of her SKKN office, complete with magazine covers adorning the wall and mannequins

She reveals her entire office is custom Rick Owens ... which is a major flex!

Kim K, Mariah Carey, Doja Cat Satisfy Sushi Craving At Nobu Malibu

Kim Kardashian, Mariah Carey and Doja Cat all showed up to get their sushi fix at Nobu Malibu ... as two of the celebs sat with each other with the third nearby, but seemingly worlds apart.


TMZ obtained video of the famous trio dining at two separate but close tables Sunday, inside the restaurant on the beautiful California coastline.

In one video, Kim and Mariah are seated side by side with their kids at one table. We're told the women were engaged in a pretty intense chat as their little ones played with each other. Of course, they all enjoyed their yummy pieces of sushi prepared with that Nobu touch.

Meanwhile, in another vid, Doja is seen chowing down with her peeps at the other table right next to Kim and Mariah.

Eyewitnesses tell us the two parties never spoke or interacted during their hours-long meals. We're told that it didn't seem like there was any bad blood between Mariah/Kim and Doja ... they were just doing their own things at their tables.


In the end, Kim, Mariah and their kids got up and left the restaurant first. Doja stayed behind to hang a bit more and shoot the breeze.

While she seemed in good spirits, Doja has had an up-and-down week. First, it was announced the rapper will be one of the headliners at the 2024 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, which runs from April 12-14 and April 19-21.


Then her mother filed court documents accusing Doja's brother of physically and verbally abusing the artist.

Kylie Jenner Vuelve a la era 'King Kylie' con el cabello rosado

Kylie Jenner está volviendo a su era "King Kylie", ¡porque la Kardashian está comenzando el año con el pelo rosado de nuevo!

La magnate de la belleza y el maquillaje mostró su nuevo look en un clip de TikTok el martes, claramente sintiéndose bien con ella misma mientras posaba en su carro. En el pie de foto añadió que este año va a ser todo sobre las vibraciones de 2014.

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También compartió selfies en IG con el nuevo peinado y le preguntó a los fans si la recordaban y por supuesto que lo hicieron, pues dejaron un montón de comentarios emocionados sobre su look, que también ha revisitado en 2016 y 2018.

Kylie le debe mucho a su caballera rosada, la que significó el punto de inicio de su salto a la fama en Instagram una década antes, con sus rellenos de labios sumándose a la histeria colectiva que rodeó a la imagen de la entonces adolescente.

Aunque ha experimentado mucho con su peinado, las extravagantes salpicaduras de color pasaron a un segundo plano en el último año, mientras lucía un look de pelo castaño oscuro más natural.

Se puede argumentar que optó por este cambio para mantener las cosas frescas y picantes con su aclamado novio y actor de Hollywood, Timothée Chalamet. Sea cual sea la razón de este cambio, a sus fans les encanta. "King Kylie" es tendencia ahora mismo en Twitter.

Todo ese período de su pelo colorido ocurrió cuando estaba saltando a la fama y cuando la gente realmente llegó a conocerla por derecho propio como una KarJenner prometedora.

Vamos a decir esto, ella definitivamente está atrayendo un montón de atención de nuevo, y mostrando un poco de personalidad.

Hablando de estar en rosa, ¿eh?


Kylie Jenner is throwing it back to her "King Kylie" era ... cause she's rocking pastel pink hair again!

The beauty/makeup mogul showed off her new bubblegum-pink dye job in a TikTok clip Tuesday ... clearly feeling herself as she posed away in her car -- adding in the caption this year was all about rocking 2014 vibes.

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She also shared IG selfies of the new hairdo ... asking fans if they remembered her -- and sure enough, they did as they left thrilled comments over her comeback look, which she's also revisited in 2016 and 2018.

Kylie owes her candy-colored hair a lot ... it kickstarted her IG fame a decade earlier ... with her lip fillers adding to the mass hysteria surrounding the then-teenager's image the following year.

While she's experimented heavily with her hairstyle, the quirky splashes of color took a backseat over the last year ... as she sported a more natural dark brown hair look.

You could argue she might've opted for this to keep things fresh and spicy with her acclaimed Hollywood actor BF, Timothée Chalamet. Either way, whatever the reason is for the switch-up ... her fans are loving it online ... "King Kylie" is trending right now on Twitter.

This whole period of her rockin' colorful hair was a time when she was blowing up in fame -- and when people really got to know her in her own right as an up-and-coming KarJenner.

We'll say this ... she's definitely making a splash again, and showing off some personality.

Talk about being in the pink, huh?

Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber Ladies' Night At Lakers Game!!!

Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber left their men at home on Monday ... and then proceeded to have a helluva girls' night out at the Lakers game!!

The A-list duo -- sans Justin Bieber and Bad Bunny -- sat in courtside seats with friends as LeBron James and Co. took on the Oklahoma City Thunder ... and it seems there wasn't one moment where they weren't enjoying themselves.

Cameras spotted Kendall sippin' from a custom cup with her 818 tequila logo on it ... and later, she and Hailey were seen jokingly flippin' off a fellow fan.

At one point, they were able to get their hands on a game ball too!

No word on why Justin and Bad Bunny couldn't make the game -- but, clearly, the girls didn't mind their absence.

Other celebs were at Arena taking in the action as well -- Dave Chappelle, Colin Jost and David Duchovny all had great chairs for the contest -- and, finally, L.A. was able to treat them to a W.

LeBron scored 25 points, while Anthony Davis logged 27, and the Lakers cruised to a 112-105 victory -- their first dub in nearly a week.

Seems the ladies might be a good luck charm for the team -- so, see ya'll back when the Lake Show takes on the Mavericks on Wednesday?!

Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber Noche de chicas en el partido de los Lakers

¡¡¡Kendall Jenner y Hailey Bieber dejaron a sus hombres en casa el lunes y luego procedieron a tener una noche de chicas en el partido de los Lakers!!!

El dúo de la lista A -sin Justin Bieber ni Bad Bunny- se sentó en primera fila junto a otros amigos, mientras LeBron James y compañía se enfrentaban a los Thunder de Oklahoma City y parece que no hubo momento en que no estuvieran disfrutando.

Las cámaras mostraron a Kendall bebiendo de un vaso personalizado con el logotipo de su marca de tequila 818 y más tarde, ella y Hailey fueron vistas bromeando con un fan.

¡En un momento dado, hasta pudieron tomar una pelota del juego también!

No se sabe por qué Justin y Bad Bunny no pudieron asistir al partido, pero claramente a las chicas no les importó su ausencia.

Otras celebridades que estuvieron en el Arena para ver la acción del equipo fueron Dave Chappelle, Colin Jost y David Duchovny, todos tenían grandes asientos para apreciar el juego y, finalmente, L.A. fue capaz de agasajarlos con una victoria.

LeBron anotó 25 puntos, mientras que Anthony Davis registró 27, y los Lakers pudieron ganar con 112-105, su primer triunfo en casi una semana.

Parece que las damas podrían ser un amuleto de la buena suerte para el equipo, así que, ¡¿nos vemos de nuevo cuando el Show de los Lakers se enfrente a los Mavericks el miércoles?!

Selena Gomez and Emily Blunt Keeping Secrets to Themselves ... After Lipreaders Ran Wild

Selena Gomez and Emily Blunt didn't take any chances at the American Film Institute awards Friday night ... covering up their mouths to thwart lipreaders with active imaginations.

The superstar actresses got together for a fun photo at the event where they hit the "speak no evil" pose -- a reference, no doubt, to some Golden Globes gossip sparked by everyone's favorite rumor mill ... social media.

Selena threw this pic up on her IG story and wrote, "We shall not speak lol."

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ICYMI ... during the Globes on Sunday night, Selena rushed over to talk to her close friends Taylor Swift and Keleigh Teller, Miles Teller's wife. Her expression screamed hot goss and lipreading "experts" immediately got to work cracking the code.

Some interpreted it as her gossiping about Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner ... even though SG later denied it, saying she was discussing two other pals of hers.

Now as for Emily ... she and husband John Krasinski hit the red carpet before the event and, through their smiles, JK seemed to say a word that sounded suspiciously like "divorce."

Of course, the internet went crazy. Blunt and Krasinski are a beloved couple and the thought of them divorcing threw corners of the internet into turmoil ... until a helpful TikToker pointed out he easily could've been complaining about the elements saying, "I can't wait til we're indoors."

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We gotta say ... that makes a whole lot more sense than talking about a pending divorce nonchalantly in front of dozens of red carpet cameras, especially if you're trying to keep it a secret. Their body language also didn't telegraph any trouble in paradise, FWIW.

Selena and Emily could've ended up telling each other what was really said in each convo last Sunday ... but eagle-eyed fans won't get another chance to figure it out, unfortunately.

If you don't hear it clear as day ... it might not be what it seems, people!

Selena Gomez y Emily Blunt Se guardan sus secretos Luego que los lectores de labios se volvieran locos

Selena Gomez y Emily Blunt no se arriesgaron en los premios del American Film Institute el viernes por la noche, cubriendo sus bocas con las manos para frustrar a los lectores de labios de ponerse imaginativos.

Las actrices y superestrellas se reunieron para una divertida foto en el evento donde hicieron la pose en referencia, sin duda, a algunos de los chismes que surgieron en los Globos de Oro y se esparcieron por todas las redes sociales.

Selena lanzó esta foto en su historia de IG y escribió: "No vamos a hablar lol".

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Cotilleo en los Golden Globes

Por si se lo perdieron, durante los Globos del domingo en la noche, Selena se apresuró a hablar con sus amigas Taylor Swift y Keleigh Teller, la esposa de Miles Teller. Su expresión se convirtió en un chisme caliente y los lectores de labios "expertos" de inmediato se pusieron a trabajar para descifrar el código.

Algunos interpretaron que estaba cotilleando sobre Timothée Chalamet y Kylie Jenner... aunque Selena Gomez lo negó más tarde, diciendo que estaba hablando de otros dos amigos suyos.

Ahora en cuanto a Emily, ella y su esposo John Krasinski llegaron a la alfombra roja antes del evento y, a través de sus sonrisas, John pareció decir una palabra que sonaba sospechosamente como "divorcio".

Por supuesto, internet enloqueció. Blunt y Krasinski son una pareja muy querida y la idea de que se separen agitó a todo el mundo en Internet. Todo, hasta que un útil TikToker señaló que fácilmente podría haber estado quejándose: "No puedo esperar hasta que estemos adentro" (en el inglés tiene una semejanza con los sonidos de la palabra divorcio).

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Tenemos que decir que eso tiene mucho más sentido que hablar de un divorcio frente a decenas de cámaras en una alfombra roja, especialmente si estás tratando de mantenerlo en secreto. Su lenguaje corporal tampoco dejaba entrever ningún problema en el paraíso.

Selena y Emily podrían terminar diciendo que estaban hablando el domingo pasado, pero los fans con ojos de águila no tendrán otra oportunidad de averiguarlo, por desgracia.

Si no se escucha claro como el día, ¡puede que no sea lo que parece, gente!

Hot Babes In Cold Snow Guess Who!

These bodacious babes may be ice cold but they sure are keepin' things HOT in the snow -- shedding layers and strippin' down to pretty much nothin'! Put your celeb knowledge to the test and guess which chilly chick is on snow patrol!

Hollywood hotties like Kendall Jenner, Anitta and Kourtney Kardashian will send shivers down your spine with these sexy snow shoots as they drop trout in the dropping temps .... talk about a winter wonderland 😜!

Scroll through our gallery of stripped-down stars in the snow and see if you can guess the frosty babe before they melt away!

El Range Rover 2022 de Kim Kardashian está a la venta en Carfax... y parece bastante golpeado

El Range Rover de Kim Kardashian de hace un año y medio está a la venta en todo el país y parece que ha sufrido un accidente.

El anuncio de su antiguo carro, un modelo de plata 2022 que fue enchulado con llantas personalizadas y todo, apareció en un listado de Carfax esta semana ... y como se puede ver, está bastante magullado. Los parachoques están fuera y los airbags están desplegados.

Aparte de ser similar al carro Kim una vez condujo, la matrícula real coincide y TMZ ha comprobado los registros en DMV y aparece ella como propietario anterior.

Ahora, se está vendiendo todo el camino en la Florida por una empresa llamada Elite Motor Cars de Miami - que está utilizando Carfax para descargar esta cosa (dañado y todo) y que están pidiendo un paquete ... listado por poco menos de $100k. Así es... ¡puedes llevártelo por ese precio!

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo es que el carro terminó en un lote en Miami... tenemos respuestas para eso también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el vehículo había sido conducido por un ex empleado de Kim que tuvo un accidente en algún momento del año pasado... conduciendo solo.

Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido, pero que a raíz de eso Kim y compañía lo vendieron a un tercero que se hizo cargo y que ahora están aparentemente tratando de darle la vuelta.

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siempre con estilo

Recordemos que Kim ha conducido esta cosa por todo Los Ángeles durante todo el año pasado. Ella lo recibió como regalo de cumpleaños de su madre, Kris Jenner, en octubre de 2022 y luego lo personalizó en un lugar de la ciudad llamado Platinum Motorsports.

En ese momento, los informes tenían el carro por el valor de $125k. Parece que todavía vale mucho, incluso después de ser destrozado, al menos eso es lo que los nuevos propietarios sienten.

Veremos si alguien suelta el dinero, mientras tanto, conduzcan con cuidado.

Kim Kardashian 2022 Range Rover For Sale on Carfax ... Looks a Lil' Banged Up

Kim Kardashian's Range Rover from about a year and a half ago is all of a sudden hitting the open market all the way across the country -- and it looks like it's been in an accident.

The listing featuring her old ride -- a silver 2022 model that was pimped out with custom rims and all -- popped up on a Carfax listing this week ... and as you can see, it's pretty smashed up from front to back. The bumpers are off, and the airbags are deployed.

Aside from the similar look to the car Kim once drove, the actual license plate matches up too ... and TMZ checked DMV records as well on this, and she's listed as a previous owner.

Now, it's being sold all the way over in Florida by a company called Elite Motor Cars of Miami -- which is using Carfax to unload this thing (damaged and all) and they're asking for a bundle ... listing it for just under $100k. That's right ... you can take it as is for that price!

Now, as for how the hell KK's whip ended up on some random lot in Miami -- we have answers for that too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us the vehicle had been driven by a former Kim K staffer who got into an accident at some point last year ... driving solo.


We're told nobody was hurt, but that in the aftermath of that ... Kim and co. sold it to a 3rd party who took it over -- and who is now apparently trying to flip it.

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Remember, Kim has driven this thing pretty consistently all over L.A. throughout the past year and change. She received it as a birthday gift from her mom, Kris Jenner, in Oct. 2022 ... and then got it customized by a place here in town called Platinum Motorsports.

At the time, reports had this thing pegged in value at about $125k. Looks like it's still worth quite a lot even after getting wrecked -- at least that's how the new owners feel, anyway.

We'll see if anyone coughs up that kinda dough for this. In the meantime -- drive safe, y'all.


Dumb Blonde Podcast

Shanna Moakler ain't sparing any of her exes ... blasting Oscar De La Hoya over how their relationship ended.

The former Miss USA claims she was blindsided after watching Oscar on TV attending the Latin Grammy Awards in L.A. with his now ex-wife Millie ... telling Bunnie XO's on her 'Dumb Blonde' Podcast he told her he was going to NYC for a work trip at the time.

She says a lawyer came to her Bel-Air mansion the next day ... ordering her to move out with their baby daughter, Atiana immediately.

Shanna adds Oscar told her he wasn't happy she sued him for child support when they met up IRL a month later ... warning if she sued him for palimony, he wouldn't see her or the baby until she was 16 cause he had more money than God.

Oscar was true to his word ... Shanna says he didn't see his daughter until she was around 16.

They dated for 3 years from 1997 -- even getting engaged in the process.

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Meanwhile, Shanna dropped a further slew of relationship bombshells during the podcast.

She claimed that her ex, Travis Barker, was trolling her online when they were together and also slammed his new wife, Kourtney Kardashian's family ... again.


We've reached out to reps for Oscar ... so far no word back.

Shanna Moakler recuerda su brutal ruptura con Oscar De La Hoya

el momento conmovedor
Dumb Blonde Podcast

Shanna Moakler está acusando a Oscar De La Hoya por cómo terminó su relación.

La ex Miss EE.UU. afirma que fue sorprendida después de ver a Oscar en la televisión asistiendo a los Grammy Latinos en Los Ángeles con su ahora ex esposa Millie, comentandole a Bunnie XO's en su pódcast "Dumb Blonde", que él le había dicho que iba a Nueva York por un viaje de trabajo en ese entonces.

Ella dice que un abogado llegó a su mansión en Bel-Air al día siguiente, ordenándole que se mude con su hija —Atiana— inmediatamente.

Shanna añade que Oscar le dijo que estaba bastante molesto con la demanda por manutención que le hizo ella cuando se reunieron un mes más tarde ... advirtiéndole que si ella le demandaba por pensión alimenticia, él no la vería ni al bebé hasta que tuviera 16 años porque tenía más dinero que nadie en la tierra.

Oscar fue fiel a su palabra, Shanna dice que no vio a su hija hasta que ella tenía alrededor de 16 años.

Salieron durante tres años a partir de 1997, incluso se comprometieron en el proceso.

Mientras tanto, Shanna dejó caer otra serie de polémicas de su relación durante el podcast.

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Afirmó que su ex, Travis Barker, la troleo en línea cuando estaban juntos y también criticó a la familia de su nueva esposa—Kourteney Kardashian— otra vez.

¿qué es lo que realmente está pasando?

Hemos contactado a los representantes de Oscar, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.


Kendall Jenner isn't exactly leaving the past in '23 ... she rang in the New Year with her ex Bad Bunny, which we knew, but now she's showing off pics of their trip.

Though there's no romantic reconciliation to see here, folks -- the model and rapper are clearly amicable exes were nestled amongst a large group of pals in the snap from a Barbados beach.

The whole group was there taking in the fireworks to celebrate the start of 2024.

Kendall only shared that one shot of her ex ... the rest in her IG gallery are smokin' hot bikini snaps.

The Bad Bunny images fully confirm what we reported last week -- there's a snap of him chatting with Kendall on the beach ... and in a clip shared by Kendall's pal, you can hear him wishing everyone, "Feliz Año Nuevo!" during the NYE extravaganza.


This comes after sources with direct knowledge told us the two remain close -- despite their recent breakup.


K and BB enjoyed a whirlwind romance ... kicking off things on a double date with good friends Justin and Hailey Bieber in Feb last year.

By April, TMZ got snaps of them on a horseback riding date .... before they made things official, cuddling up at Drake's show and doing a Gucci campaign together.


News of their breakup emerged last month -- but given how much time they're spending together, a reunion could be in the cards for the pair this year. Or not.


Shanna Moakler ain't just a scorned ex-wife, she's a heartbroken one ... reflecting on the one moment she was utterly blindsided by Travis Barker -- while coming for the Kardashians yet again.

Dumb Blonde Podcast

The ex-Miss USA is appearing on a new episode of Bunnie XO's "Dumb Blonde" podcast -- and in some teaser clips released ... Shanna claims she saw something that turned her world upside down -- this while setting up a video call on the drummer's computer as he underwent a blood transfusion at a burns unit after his 2008 plane crash.

She says she not only saw emails from loads of women ... but saw he was trashing her online and leaving nasty comments about what a shitty and terrible mother she was.

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Shanna immediately left the hospital and cried in her mother's arms for hours ... unable to wrap her head around her then-husband trolling her. It's not exactly clear how she pieced together Travis' alleged bashing -- but in any case, she seems certain it was him.

Now, Shanna also slams the Kardashians in the podcast -- though it's nothing new as she's frequently made her distaste for Travis' new wife, Kourtney, loud and clear.

In her latest rant, she doubles down on disliking the family ... insisting she's not in the minority 'cause there are loads of people 'who don't watch the show and don't give a f*** what Kim's doing with her a**." Nothing new there, Shanna stays hatin' on them.

Probably annoyingly for Shanna, Kourt made big news back in November ... welcoming her first child with Travis -- a baby boy named Rocky. TB himself seems happy, and has more than clearly moved on ... whereas Shanna looks to be holding on to the past for dear life.

Old news is old news!
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