El Range Rover 2022 de Kim Kardashian está a la venta en Carfax... y parece bastante golpeado

El Range Rover de Kim Kardashian de hace un año y medio está a la venta en todo el país y parece que ha sufrido un accidente.

El anuncio de su antiguo carro, un modelo de plata 2022 que fue enchulado con llantas personalizadas y todo, apareció en un listado de Carfax esta semana ... y como se puede ver, está bastante magullado. Los parachoques están fuera y los airbags están desplegados.

Aparte de ser similar al carro Kim una vez condujo, la matrícula real coincide y TMZ ha comprobado los registros en DMV y aparece ella como propietario anterior.

Ahora, se está vendiendo todo el camino en la Florida por una empresa llamada Elite Motor Cars de Miami - que está utilizando Carfax para descargar esta cosa (dañado y todo) y que están pidiendo un paquete ... listado por poco menos de $100k. Así es... ¡puedes llevártelo por ese precio!

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo es que el carro terminó en un lote en Miami... tenemos respuestas para eso también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el vehículo había sido conducido por un ex empleado de Kim que tuvo un accidente en algún momento del año pasado... conduciendo solo.

Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido, pero que a raíz de eso Kim y compañía lo vendieron a un tercero que se hizo cargo y que ahora están aparentemente tratando de darle la vuelta.

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siempre con estilo

Recordemos que Kim ha conducido esta cosa por todo Los Ángeles durante todo el año pasado. Ella lo recibió como regalo de cumpleaños de su madre, Kris Jenner, en octubre de 2022 y luego lo personalizó en un lugar de la ciudad llamado Platinum Motorsports.

En ese momento, los informes tenían el carro por el valor de $125k. Parece que todavía vale mucho, incluso después de ser destrozado, al menos eso es lo que los nuevos propietarios sienten.

Veremos si alguien suelta el dinero, mientras tanto, conduzcan con cuidado.

Kim Kardashian 2022 Range Rover For Sale on Carfax ... Looks a Lil' Banged Up

Kim Kardashian's Range Rover from about a year and a half ago is all of a sudden hitting the open market all the way across the country -- and it looks like it's been in an accident.

The listing featuring her old ride -- a silver 2022 model that was pimped out with custom rims and all -- popped up on a Carfax listing this week ... and as you can see, it's pretty smashed up from front to back. The bumpers are off, and the airbags are deployed.

Aside from the similar look to the car Kim once drove, the actual license plate matches up too ... and TMZ checked DMV records as well on this, and she's listed as a previous owner.

Now, it's being sold all the way over in Florida by a company called Elite Motor Cars of Miami -- which is using Carfax to unload this thing (damaged and all) and they're asking for a bundle ... listing it for just under $100k. That's right ... you can take it as is for that price!

Now, as for how the hell KK's whip ended up on some random lot in Miami -- we have answers for that too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us the vehicle had been driven by a former Kim K staffer who got into an accident at some point last year ... driving solo.


We're told nobody was hurt, but that in the aftermath of that ... Kim and co. sold it to a 3rd party who took it over -- and who is now apparently trying to flip it.

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Remember, Kim has driven this thing pretty consistently all over L.A. throughout the past year and change. She received it as a birthday gift from her mom, Kris Jenner, in Oct. 2022 ... and then got it customized by a place here in town called Platinum Motorsports.

At the time, reports had this thing pegged in value at about $125k. Looks like it's still worth quite a lot even after getting wrecked -- at least that's how the new owners feel, anyway.

We'll see if anyone coughs up that kinda dough for this. In the meantime -- drive safe, y'all.


Dumb Blonde Podcast

Shanna Moakler ain't sparing any of her exes ... blasting Oscar De La Hoya over how their relationship ended.

The former Miss USA claims she was blindsided after watching Oscar on TV attending the Latin Grammy Awards in L.A. with his now ex-wife Millie ... telling Bunnie XO's on her 'Dumb Blonde' Podcast he told her he was going to NYC for a work trip at the time.

She says a lawyer came to her Bel-Air mansion the next day ... ordering her to move out with their baby daughter, Atiana immediately.

Shanna adds Oscar told her he wasn't happy she sued him for child support when they met up IRL a month later ... warning if she sued him for palimony, he wouldn't see her or the baby until she was 16 cause he had more money than God.

Oscar was true to his word ... Shanna says he didn't see his daughter until she was around 16.

They dated for 3 years from 1997 -- even getting engaged in the process.

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Meanwhile, Shanna dropped a further slew of relationship bombshells during the podcast.

She claimed that her ex, Travis Barker, was trolling her online when they were together and also slammed his new wife, Kourtney Kardashian's family ... again.


We've reached out to reps for Oscar ... so far no word back.

Shanna Moakler recuerda su brutal ruptura con Oscar De La Hoya

el momento conmovedor
Dumb Blonde Podcast

Shanna Moakler está acusando a Oscar De La Hoya por cómo terminó su relación.

La ex Miss EE.UU. afirma que fue sorprendida después de ver a Oscar en la televisión asistiendo a los Grammy Latinos en Los Ángeles con su ahora ex esposa Millie, comentandole a Bunnie XO's en su pódcast "Dumb Blonde", que él le había dicho que iba a Nueva York por un viaje de trabajo en ese entonces.

Ella dice que un abogado llegó a su mansión en Bel-Air al día siguiente, ordenándole que se mude con su hija —Atiana— inmediatamente.

Shanna añade que Oscar le dijo que estaba bastante molesto con la demanda por manutención que le hizo ella cuando se reunieron un mes más tarde ... advirtiéndole que si ella le demandaba por pensión alimenticia, él no la vería ni al bebé hasta que tuviera 16 años porque tenía más dinero que nadie en la tierra.

Oscar fue fiel a su palabra, Shanna dice que no vio a su hija hasta que ella tenía alrededor de 16 años.

Salieron durante tres años a partir de 1997, incluso se comprometieron en el proceso.

Mientras tanto, Shanna dejó caer otra serie de polémicas de su relación durante el podcast.

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Afirmó que su ex, Travis Barker, la troleo en línea cuando estaban juntos y también criticó a la familia de su nueva esposa—Kourteney Kardashian— otra vez.

¿qué es lo que realmente está pasando?

Hemos contactado a los representantes de Oscar, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.


Kendall Jenner isn't exactly leaving the past in '23 ... she rang in the New Year with her ex Bad Bunny, which we knew, but now she's showing off pics of their trip.

Though there's no romantic reconciliation to see here, folks -- the model and rapper are clearly amicable exes were nestled amongst a large group of pals in the snap from a Barbados beach.

The whole group was there taking in the fireworks to celebrate the start of 2024.

Kendall only shared that one shot of her ex ... the rest in her IG gallery are smokin' hot bikini snaps.

The Bad Bunny images fully confirm what we reported last week -- there's a snap of him chatting with Kendall on the beach ... and in a clip shared by Kendall's pal, you can hear him wishing everyone, "Feliz Año Nuevo!" during the NYE extravaganza.


This comes after sources with direct knowledge told us the two remain close -- despite their recent breakup.


K and BB enjoyed a whirlwind romance ... kicking off things on a double date with good friends Justin and Hailey Bieber in Feb last year.

By April, TMZ got snaps of them on a horseback riding date .... before they made things official, cuddling up at Drake's show and doing a Gucci campaign together.


News of their breakup emerged last month -- but given how much time they're spending together, a reunion could be in the cards for the pair this year. Or not.


Shanna Moakler ain't just a scorned ex-wife, she's a heartbroken one ... reflecting on the one moment she was utterly blindsided by Travis Barker -- while coming for the Kardashians yet again.

Dumb Blonde Podcast

The ex-Miss USA is appearing on a new episode of Bunnie XO's "Dumb Blonde" podcast -- and in some teaser clips released ... Shanna claims she saw something that turned her world upside down -- this while setting up a video call on the drummer's computer as he underwent a blood transfusion at a burns unit after his 2008 plane crash.

She says she not only saw emails from loads of women ... but saw he was trashing her online and leaving nasty comments about what a shitty and terrible mother she was.

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Shanna immediately left the hospital and cried in her mother's arms for hours ... unable to wrap her head around her then-husband trolling her. It's not exactly clear how she pieced together Travis' alleged bashing -- but in any case, she seems certain it was him.

Now, Shanna also slams the Kardashians in the podcast -- though it's nothing new as she's frequently made her distaste for Travis' new wife, Kourtney, loud and clear.

In her latest rant, she doubles down on disliking the family ... insisting she's not in the minority 'cause there are loads of people 'who don't watch the show and don't give a f*** what Kim's doing with her a**." Nothing new there, Shanna stays hatin' on them.

Probably annoyingly for Shanna, Kourt made big news back in November ... welcoming her first child with Travis -- a baby boy named Rocky. TB himself seems happy, and has more than clearly moved on ... whereas Shanna looks to be holding on to the past for dear life.

Shanna Moakler Dice que Travis la troleaba en Internet... Y critica a las Kardashians DE NUEVO

Shanna Moakler no es solo una exesposa despechada, tiene el corazón roto cuando reflexiona sobre el momento en que fue totalmente sorprendida por Travis Barker y apunta a las Kardashians una vez más.

La ruptura
Dumb Blonde Podcast

La ex-Miss Estados Unidos apareció en un nuevo episodio del podcast de Bunnie XO "Dumb Blonde", y en algunos clips liberados afirma que vio algo que puso su mundo al revés. Esto pasó mientras preparaba una videollamada en el computador del baterista mientras él se sometía a una transfusión de sangre luego de su accidente de avión en 2008.

Ella dice que no solo vio correos electrónicos de un montón de mujeres, sino que vio que la estaba destrozando en línea y dejando comentarios desagradables sobre la madre de mierda y lo terrible que era.

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Shanna inmediatamente abandonó el hospital y lloró en brazos de su madre por horas, incapaz de entender que su marido la estuviera acosando. No está claro cómo reconstruyó la supuesta paliza de Travis, pero en cualquier caso, parece estar segura de que fue él.

Ahora, Shanna también está criticando a las Kardashians en el podcast. Aunque esto no es nada nuevo, ya que con frecuencia ha dejado claro su disgusto por la nueva esposa de Travis, Kourtney.

En su última diatriba, ella redobla su aversión a la familia, insistiendo en que su opinión no es minoritaria "porque hay un montón de gente que no ve el programa y le importa un cara*** lo que Kim está haciendo con su a**". Nada nuevo, Shanna sigue odiándolas.

Aunque probablemente le molestó a Shanna, Kourt compartió una gran noticia en noviembre, cuando dio la bienvenida a su primer hijo con Travis, un niño llamado Rocky. El propio Travis parece feliz y más que claramente ha seguido adelante, mientras que Shanna parece estar aferrándose al pasado.

El juego de Kim Kardashian para móviles cierra después de una década

El juego de rol para móvil de Kim Kardashian está cerrando sus puertas virtuales, marcando el final de la aplicación casi una década después de que se puso en marcha.

Kim le dice a TMZ: "Estoy muy agradecida desde el fondo de mi corazón con todos los que han amado y jugado Kim Kardashian Hollywood los últimos 10 años. Este viaje ha significado mucho para mí, pero me he dado cuenta de que es hora de concentrar mi energía en otras pasiones. Quiero dar las gracias al equipo de Glu y a las muchas personas que han trabajado entre bastidores para que esto fuera un éxito. Estaré siempre inspirada por esta comunidad que hemos construido juntos".

Por cierto, la gente que entra en el juego de Kim y Glu Mobile, "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood", se encuentra ahora con una alerta sobre el próximo cierre del juego, diciendole a los jugadores que el juego "ya no ofrece compras dentro de la aplicación y ha sido retirado de las tiendas de aplicaciones".

Así es, ni siquiera puedes comprar el juego si estás interesado, porque ha desaparecido por completo de las tiendas de aplicaciones de Apple y Android.

Por suerte, el aviso dice que los jugadores pueden seguir utilizando las funciones del juego hasta el 8 de abril: "después de eso el juego será inaccesible. Gracias por apoyar Kim Kardashian: Hollywood". También tiene un temporizador de cuenta atrás, lo que lleva al cierre.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Kim y Glu se asociaron para lanzar el juego de 2014 que llevó a los jugadores a un viaje al estrellato de la lista vip, con el objetivo de ganar fans haciendo cosas como actuar, modelar, hacer apariciones en clubes y citas.

También tenía una moneda en el juego llamada K-estrellas, que ayudaría a los jugadores a progresar. La aplicación hizo $1.6 millones solo 5 días después de su lanzamiento el 27 de junio, a pesar de terminar con algunas críticas mixtas.

Ahora la verdadera pregunta... ¿Qué demonios haremos con todo este tiempo libre?

Kim Kardashian My Mobile Game's Closing Up Shop ... After 10 Years Of Playtime

Kim Kardashian's mobile roleplaying game is closing its virtual doors ... marking the end of the app nearly a decade after it went live.

Kim tells TMZ, "I'm so grateful from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has loved and played Kim Kardashian: Hollywood in the past 10 years. This journey has meant so much to me but I’ve realized that it’s time to focus that energy into other passions. I want to thank the Glu team and the many people behind the scenes who have worked diligently on making it a success. I will be forever inspired by this community that we built together."

BTW, folks logging on to Kim and Glu Mobile's game, "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood," have now been met with an alert about the game's upcoming shutdown -- telling players the game "no longer offers in-app purchases and has been removed from app stores."

That's right, ya can't even go get the game for yourself if you're now interested, because it's completely vanished from Apple and Android's app stores.

Luckily, the notice says gamers can continue to use the game's features until April 8 ... "after which the game will become inaccessible. Thank you for supporting Kim Kardashian: Hollywood!" It's also got a countdown timer, leading to the shutdown.

For those unaware, KK and Glu teamed up to release the 2014 game which took players on a journey to A-list stardom ... with the goal of gaining fans by doing things like acting, modeling, making club appearances, and dating.

It also had an in-game currency called K-stars that would help players progress -- and the app made $1.6 million just 5 days after its June 27 release, despite ending up with some mixed reviews.

Now the real question ... what the hell will we do with all this free time??

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Kim K, Help Me Promote Prison Reform!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard wants to meet with Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform ... and while a meeting has yet to happen, we're told Gypsy still wants to pick Kim's brain.

Sources close to Gypsy tell TMZ … she's open to working with Kim and feels they are a good fit because of her experience with the justice system and Kim's work on prison reform.

Our sources say Gypsy thinks Kim could provide guidance on how to navigate her newfound platform on social media, and use her voice to affect real change and advance her advocacy work.

Remember ... Gypsy tweeted at Kim back in November when she was still locked up, thanking Kim for recommending an HBO documentary about her case and saying, "maybe we should unite forces together to make real change with the justice system.

Since Gypsy’s release, our sources say Gypsy has not reached out to Kim and KK hasn't reached out to her ... but we're told the door is open for them to get together in the future.

When Gypsy shouted out Kim on social media, some folks accused her of starving for attention ... but our sources say GRB genuinely wants to use her platform for prison reform, and it's something she's going to focus on as she starts her new life after prison. Kim's one of the few people Gypsy follows, but KK's not following back as of now.

Kim's the one who actually got the ball rolling here ... a few years ago she highlighted Gypsy's 2017 HBO doc "Mommy Dead and Dearest" on a list of true crime documentaries she recommended to her followers.

Gypsy's already seen her plans to see Taylor Swift at a football game fizzle, so it will be interesting to see if she makes something happen with Kim.

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In the meantime, Gypsy's new docuseries, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," is set to air as a three-night event Jan. 5-7 at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

Kourtney & Travis Warming Up Their Winter ... Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Etc.

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are still in the Christmas spirit – showing off some new holiday snaps – and the two look more in love than ever!!!

The famous couple posted a bunch of photos on Instagram Thursday, portraying themselves in the hottest light despite the snowy backdrop at her family's annual Christmas Eve family soiree.

The images depict the lovebirds standing in a passionate kiss, holding hands as they take a stroll and riding together on a snow tube down a hill.

The happy mom wrote in the caption ... "Mom and Dad got snuggly in the snow on Christmas Eve."

Indeed, Kourt and Trav have been on a roll lately with their IG posts ... just a few days ago, Kourt uploaded images of herself in a sexy fur coat similar to the one she's wearing in her latest batch of photos.

She also wrote a message, offering advice to all pregnant women ... "When not much in the closet fits yet and the boobs are filled with milk, throw on a cozy coat."

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Before that, Kourt and Trav posted images of their newborn son, Rocky, who came into this world just last month.

The couple could not be in a better place right now.

Happy Holidays!!!

Scott Disick va a la playa con su ex Chloe Bartoli 17 años después de salir juntos

Scott Disick está disfrutando de las playas de arena con una mujer de su pasado, su antiguo amor, Chloe Bartoli, con quien salió hace 17 años.

Scott y Chloe se dieron un chapuzón en el agua juntos el miércoles en St. Barts, chapoteando en las olas para una cita de vacaciones.

Parece que son muy amigos y nos dicen que se alojan en la misma villa de lujo juntos, sin embargo, no está claro cuántas habitaciones hay allí. 👀

Además, nos informan que fueron vistos antes cenando en el mismo restaurante, por lo que está claro que hay algo que hacer aquí.

Como se sabe, Scott y la estilista de celebridades salieron en 2006, antes de que las cosas entre él y Kourtney Kardashian se pusieran serias. Scott y Chloe también fueron vistos descansando juntos en el sur de Francia en 2015, cuando Kourtney se preocupó de que él hubiera caído del vagón.

Chloe también ha sido previamente vinculada a Jared Leto, pero parece que está de vuelta en el radar de Scott.

Será interesante ver lo que viene de Scott y Chloe tiempo en el paraíso ... estad atentos.

Scott Disick Soaks In The Sun With Former Flame

Scott Disick is enjoying sandy beaches with a woman from his past ... his old flame, Chloe Bartoli, who he dated 17 years ago.

Scott and Chloe took a dip in the water together Wednesday in St. Barts, splashing away in the waves for a holiday rendezvous.

They seem to be pretty chummy and we're told they're staying in the same luxury villa together -- unclear how many bedrooms are in there, though. 👀

And, get this ... we're also told they were seen earlier in the trip dining at the same restaurant, so there's clearly something going on here.

As you know, Scott and the celebrity stylist dated back in 2006, before things between him and Kourtney Kardashian got serious. Scott and Chloe were also spotted lounging together in the South of France in 2015, when Kourtney worried he'd fallen off the wagon.

Chloe's also been previously linked to Jared Leto ... but it seems she's back on Scott's radar.

It will be interesting to see what comes of Scott and Chloe's time in paradise ... stay tuned.

Kardashian Hot Shots 2023 The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

Need to add a dash of spice to your holiday season? Well, the KarJenners have you covered -- showing off their curves year around -- and what better time to recap on those sizzlin' hot bikini snaps than now?

After stripping down to teeny-tiny bikinis more than ever before, you'll be hoping Kim & Kourtney Kardashian shimmy down the chimney tonight ... with some Kylie Jenner to boot.

Sister Khloe Kardashian also earns her spot on Santa's naughty list this year ... just check out her in this tantalizing grey bikini.

Kendall Jenner also had a merry ol' time ... slipping her supermodel stats in a black two-piece -- clearly cheers-ing to herself looking like a snack.

We can't forget Kylie in this rhinestone-encrusted 2-tone bikini, making an appearance on our IG feeds back in Feb.

So, why not round out the year by adding some season's greeting to that bland Xmas meal ...

Kim Kardashian Mi turno de ir a Disney con Saint... Luego de que Kanye fuera con North

La familia se divierte en Disney

Kim Kardashian no está dejando que Kanye West sea el único padre que lleva a sus hijos a Disney, pues se llevó a Saint West al parque de diversiones solo un par de semanas después de que North West fuera con su papá.

Kim y Saint fueron a la Casa del Ratón para pasarlo bien el miércoles y TMZ obtuvo un video de ellos subiendo a algunas atracciones en Disney California Adventure Park.

Como se puede ver, Kim y Saint tenían los pies colgando en Silly Symphony Swings, girando alrededor y alrededor mientras sus sillas subían más y más alto.

Saint consiguió que sus zapatos Yeezy no salieran volando y a Kim no se le cayó el móvil. Hey, los dos son profesionales de Disney a estas alturas, al igual que Kanye y North.

Como les hemos contado, North estuvo en Disney con Kanye y su nueva esposa Bianca Censori a principios de este mes, cuando los vimos montando la Mansión Embrujada como una familia feliz.

Kim y Saint están en el otro parque de Disney en Anaheim, y chicos, también tenemos video de ellos haciendo cola para el Incredicoaster, con un par de amigos de Saint de companía.

Pero la gente que estaba allí dice que Kim, Saint y sus amigos se dieron la vuelta y salieron de la cola para la montaña rusa después de unos 10 minutos. Aunque no está claro si el paseo se cerró, uno de los niños no era lo suficientemente alto para entrar o alguien cambió de opinión acerca de subir a la montaña rusa.

En cualquier caso, los hijos de Kim y Kanye siguen disfrutando de sus días en Disney, y será interesante ver qué padre va con Chicago y Psalm.

Kim Kardashian My Turn For Disney Day With Saint ... After Kanye Goes With North


Kim Kardashian is not letting Kanye West be the only parent taking their kids to Disneyland ... she's there with Saint West a couple weeks after North West went with her daddy.

Kim and Saint hit up the Mouse House for some Disney fun Wednesday, and TMZ obtained video of them going on some rides at Disney California Adventure Park.

As you can see, Kim and Saint were swept off their feet on Silly Symphony Swings ... twirling around and around as their chairs got higher and higher.

Saint managed to keep his Yeezy shoes from flying off and Kim didn't drop her phone. Hey, they're both Disney pros at this point ... just like Kanye and North.

As we reported ... North was at Disneyland with Kanye and his new wife Bianca Censori earlier this month, when we saw them riding Haunted Mansion as a big happy family.

Kim and Saint are at the other Disney park in Anaheim, and folks we also got video of them getting in line for the Incredicoaster ... with a couple of Saint's buddies in tow.

But, folks who were there say Kim, Saint and his friends turned around and got out of line for the roller coaster after about 10 minutes ... though it's unclear if the ride shut down, one of the kiddos wasn't tall enough or someone had a change of heart about going on the coaster.

In any event, Kim and Kanye's kids are still getting their Disney days in ... and it will be interesting to see which parent goes with Chicago and Psalm.