Las fotos navideñas de la familia Kardashian

Las Kardashians y las Jenners no son de las que se alejan de las cámaras, ¡especialmente cuando se trata de fotos familiares de Navidad!

TMZ investigó y descubrió algunas fotos familiares del diciembre pasado y es increíble ver a Khloe, Kourtney, Kim, Rob, Kendall y Kylie en sus días de juventud posando con Santa Claus y Kris Jenner.

Naturalmente, hay algunos trajes de Navidad súper lindos, como suéteres a juego con renos, árboles de Navidad y regalos, además de algunos pijamas de franela tradicionales. ¡Ah, y no te olvides de los lazos en el pelo!

Las fotos muestran lo mucho que los hijos de Kris han crecido con los años y es muy dulce ver la alegría y las sonrisas en sus caras durante las fiestas cuando eran niños, todos recordamos lo que se siente.

Échale un vistazo a la galería para un paseo por el carril de la memoria de bastón de caramelo.

Kim K Think About This ... I Got My Brain on Display for Xmas!!!

Instagram / @kimkardashian

Kim Kardashian has her medulla oblongata at the forefront of her mind for the holidays -- and the reason is she got a wacky gift ... a life-sized replica of her noodle!

The reality star posted a couple videos over the weekend showing off this Christmas present she says she received from a company called Prenuvo -- which does full-body scans, and which actually hosted Kim and some other family members to do a diagnostic screening.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Looks like they used the imaging they got of her brain, and sent her a 3D model of it for the holidays ... and from what we can tell, Kim's impressed with the thoughtful gesture.

Kim actually worked with Prenuvo earlier in the year, and encouraged people to plunk down for the company's scan ... noting it could detect something you might not normally catch. The only problem, for some, is that it's pricey -- about $2,500 per scan.

Might not be something everyone can afford, but Kim sure sounds thankful she got it done.


Considering the huge empire she's built herself of late -- it goes to show that she's putting that big brain of hers to good use. Now, she has something to remember that ... literally.

Kendall Jenner Paseando en solitario y con estilo en Aspen Una vez más sin Bad Bunny

Kendall Jenner ha estado paseando sola desde hace algún tiempo, incluyendo este último viaje a Aspen, donde por cierto se ve muy bien, pero igual nos hace preguntarnos, ¿dónde diablos está Bad Bunny?

La supermodelo está pasando el rato con amigos y luciendo un montón de atuendos de moda en la lujosa ciudad de Colorado este fin de semana, como el que llevaba el viernes por la noche mientras paseaba por la calle.

Parece que aquí estaba con sus amigos Lauren Pérez y David Waltzer y se veía contenta, sonriendo de oreja a oreja y disfrutando de su compañía, mientras los fotógrafos disparaban con sus cámaras desde lejos.

Más temprano el viernes, estuvo paseando en un crucero también.

Nada nuevo aquí. Kendall va a Aspen cada año, ya sea con la familia o con sus amigos, pero cuanto más tiempo pasa sin su novio, más personas han empezado a preguntarse si terminaron. Francamente, ha pasado un buen tiempo desde que no los vemos juntos.

Bad Bunny fue visto y fotografiado por última vez en público a mediados de noviembre, no mucho después de que Kendall fuera filmada haciendo una especie de anuncio en las calles de Los Ángeles. En esa oportunidad, Bad Bunny estaba pasando el rato con un amigo y definitivamente tratando de mantener un bajo perfil, con una capucha cubriéndole la cara.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

No ha sido visto desde entonces y con las vacaciones encima, muchos están especulando que Bad Bunny y Kendall Jenner podrían haberse separado, especialmente a la luz de un post bastante críptico que ella compartió alrededor de esas fechas.

El 14 de noviembre, Kendall publicó una foto de un atardecer con el comentario: "Lo que está destinado para mí, simplemente me encontrará". Como se pueden imaginar, la gente inundó sus comentarios preguntando si ella y Bad Bunny seguían juntos, pero ninguno ha comentado nada al respecto oficialmente.

Recuerden, la última vez que nosotros (o cualquier otra persona) los vio juntos fue justo después de Halloween, cuando llegaron a tomar desayuno cerca del Hotel Beverly Hills después de una buena fiesta la noche anterior. Fueron vistos yéndose juntos en un coche y rehuyendo las cámaras.

Antes de eso, eran prácticamente inseparables. Caminaban por L.A. juntos como una pareja en pleno derecho, luego de varios meses saliendo que se remontan a la primavera.

Si se terminó, fue genial mientras duró y sin duda se sentía como algo serio en comparación con todos los otros romances de Kendall en los últimos años. Parecía perdidamente enganchada de este chico.

Bad Bunny tiene una gran gira el próximo año y podría estar preparándola. Sin embargo, eso no impedirá que la gente siga cotilleando mientras tanto.

Como se suele decir, yo perreo sola por Navidad. O algo así, de todos modos.

Kendall Jenner Stylin' & Profilin' Solo in Aspen ... Month+ Without Bad Bunny

Kendall Jenner's been flying solo for a little while now, including this latest trip to Aspen where she's looking damn good -- which begs the question ... where the hell's Bad Bunny?

The supermodel is out in the ritzy Colorado city this weekend, where she's hanging with friends and rolling around town in a lot of very fashionable outfits -- like the one she was wearing Friday night as she cat-walked her way down the street.

Looks like she was with pals Lauren Perez and David Waltzer here, and she sure seemed happy ... smiling ear to ear and enjoying their company as photogs flashed away.

Earlier Friday, she was out and about as well ... cruising with a group and holding java.

Nothing new here, per se ... Kendall hits up Aspen every year -- whether it's with family or friends -- but the longer she goes without her boyfriend, the more people have started to wonder if they're off ... frankly, it's been quite a while since we've seen them together.

BB was last spotted/photographed in public back in mid-November ... not long after KJ was shot doing some kind of new snow ad in the streets of L.A. There, he was rolling with just a pal, and was definitely trying to maintain a low profile -- with his hood covering his face.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He hasn't been seen since ... and with the holidays upon us, many are speculating BB and KJ have split -- especially in light of a not-so-cryptic post she threw up around this time.

On Nov. 14, Kendall threw up a shot of sun setting ... and her caption read, "what’s meant for me, will simply find me." As you can imagine, people flooded her comments asking if she and Bad Bunny were dunzo -- but neither of them have commented on it officially.

Remember, the last time we (or anyone else) saw them side by side was right after Halloween ... when they hit up a breakfast joint near the Beverly Hills Hotel after a rager the night prior, where they were seen leaving together in a car -- shying away from cams.

Before that, they were practically inseparable ... walking all over L.A. together coming across as a full-blown couple -- this after months of dating going all the way back to the spring.

If it is over, it was great while it lasted ... and certainly felt like the real deal compared to all of Kendall's other romances over the years. She looked head over heels for this fella.

Granted, they could well still be an item -- BB has a big tour coming up next year, and might be prepping that. That ain't gonna stop people from gossiping in the meantime, though.

As they say ... yo perreo sola for Xmas. Something like that, anyway.

La estrella de "RHOSLC" Jen Shah quiere que Kim Kardashian la interprete en un posible biopic

De estrella de reality a la cárcel, Jen Shah tiene toda una historia que contar, y TMZ ha descubierto que ella espera que Kim Kardashian pueda contarla en una película biográfica.

Las conversaciones de la aventura en pantalla surgió cuando Emma Stone, en broma, puso en marcha una campaña para que se realizara el biopic de la estrella de "RHOSLC", luego de que un fan de toda la vida de "Real Housewives" le preguntara a la actriz en el estreno de Nueva York de "Poor Things": "¿que Housewife encajaría en una película dirigida por Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos es conocido por sus personajes inesperadamente extraños y excéntricos, y las pruebas y tribulaciones de Jen son más que suficientes para que Yorgos lleve su viaje a la gran pantalla, según la ganadora del Oscar Emma.

Jen rápidamente se enteró del apoyo de la estrella, cuando su manager Chris Giovanni le dijo a TMZ que estaba "alucinando por teléfono" de la emoción cuando la llamó a la cárcel para decirle el viernes por la mañana.

Chris nos dice Jen reconoció el respaldo de Emma para el proyecto como un honor, pero cuando se trata de quién le gustaría que la interpretara, menciona a Kim.

Chris dice que Jen no entró en muchos detalles acerca de por qué ella quiere a la Kardashian, pero no es ningún secreto que ella es una gran fan de la multimillonaria, recuerde que antes de su condena por fraude electrónico y lavado de dinero, dijo que quería abogado experto en Kim a unirse a su equipo legal.

La participación de Kim puede no ser demasiado descabellada, ella ha estado haciendo progresos serios en el negocio de la actuación. Ganando críticas muy favorables por "American Horror Story", impresionando tanto a su productor Ryan Murphy que la ha enganchado para su nueva serie basada en la famosa abogada de divorcios de celebridades, la reina de la disolución Laura Wasser.

Kim está reservada y ocupada, así que quién sabe si va a tener tiempo para un biopic. Sin embargo, Jen dice que no puede esperar para decirle a todas sus compañeras de prisión sobre Emma.

Aunque por ahora no se habla de una película biográfica, Chris nos dice que si las cámaras ruedan, Jen estaría lista para interrogar a cualquier actriz que se haga con el papel. Ha estado documentando su experiencia en la cárcel y ya ha escrito entre 100 y 150 páginas de notas.

JEN SHAH 'I WANT KIM K TO PLAY ME IN BIOPIC!' ... After Emma Stone Endorsement

From reality star to behind bars, Jen Shah has quite the life story to tell ... and TMZ has learned she's hoping Kim Kardashian can tell it in a biopic.

Talks of the on-screen venture emerged when Emma Stone facetiously kick-started a campaign for the 'RHOSLC' star's biopic ... after the longtime 'Real Housewives' fan was asked at the NYC premiere of "Poor Things" ... which Housewife was worthy of the film treatment by the flick's director Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos is known for taking on unexpectedly bizarre, eccentric characters -- and Jen's eyebrow-raising trials and tribulations are more than enough for Yorgos to bring her journey to the silver screen, according to Oscar-winner Emma.

Jen quickly caught wind of the A-list backing ... with her manager Chris Giovanni telling TMZ she was "freaking out over the phone" with excitement when he called her in prison to tell her Friday AM.

Chris tells us Jen acknowledged Emma's endorsement for the project as an honor ... but when it comes to who she'd actually like to play her ... that would be Kim K.

Chris says Jen didn't go into much detail about why she wants Kim ... but it's no secret she's a massive fan of the billionaire -- remember, before her sentencing for wire fraud and money laundering she said she wanted lawyer-in-training Kim to join her legal team.

Kim's involvement may not be too far-fetched ... she's been making serious headway in the acting biz -- earning rave reviews for "American Horror Story," impressing its producer Ryan Murphy so much he's snagged her for his new series, based on famous celebrity divorce lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser.

Kim's booked and busy ... so who knows if she'll have time on her hands for a Jen biopic ... but Jen says, nonetheless, she can't wait to tell all the ladies, AKA, her fellow prisoners, about Emma's fangirling.

While there's no real talk about a biopic for now, Chris tells us that if and when cameras do roll, Jen's ready to debrief whichever actress bags the role ... she's been documenting her prison experience and has already written 100-150 pages of notes.

Taylor Swift No Apology from Kim K Over Leaked 'Famous' Call with Kanye

There's a good reason Taylor Swift called out Kim Kardashian in TIME over a now 7-year-old phone call with Kanye West -- it's an incident for which Kim still has not apologized ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Kim has never said sorry to Taylor over the notorious "Famous" phone call between Taylor and Kanye in 2016 ... the one Kim and Ye released, attempting to show Taylor was cool with the song's racy line about her.

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Remember, at the time of the track's release, Taylor expressed outrage over Ye's lyric ... "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex // Why? I made that bitch famous." In response to Taylor's anger, Kim posted her version of the recorded phone call in an effort to prove Taylor understood exactly what the song would include.

However, the full unedited version of the recorded call eventually came out, and it became clear Kanye had not revealed he'd refer to Taylor as a "bitch."

Kanye West 2016

Our sources say Kim's never apologized to Taylor for the call -- and even after the Time article, it's still crickets.

Interestingly, we're told Taylor would actually accept an apology from Kim on this issue, even all these years later, but only under one specific condition ... it would have to be done publicly.

As one source put it to us, a public shaming calls for a public "I'm sorry."

Our sources say Taylor still feels like Kim and Kanye were in the wrong ... and she was dumbfounded when Kim doubled down on her position even after the full, unedited version of their call got published.

From Kim's POV -- which she made clear in tweets at the time, and in subsequent interviews -- the fact Taylor was looped in on the song, period, vindicated her and Kanye ... but we're told Taylor's position has always been about the use of the word "bitch."

Kim downplayed that in a GQ piece ... saying all rappers use that term, and that it was NBD -- and while this might sound like a lot of hair-splitting ... we're told Taylor still feels she was seriously wronged in the framing of all that, something she touched on in her TIME interview.


Again, we're told Taylor is still willing to bury the hatchet with Kim -- who has since divorced Kanye -- but at this point, our sources say the 2 women have no relationship.

Even more context to all this is, of course, Kanye's infamous tirade interrupting Taylor's 2009 VMAs acceptance speech -- an old feud that got relitigated with the phone call saga in 2016 ... and is now being reopened yet again in 2023.

Based on her current feelings about the whole mess, it's clear TS feels she deserves an apology -- but, luckily, she doesn't seem to be holding her breath for it.

MARK CUBAN EYES UP 'SHARK TANK' REPLACEMENT 'Kardashian Biz Partner Emma Grede Is Brilliant!'

Mark Cuban is bidding farewell to "Shark Tank" after 16 seasons ... and he's already circling the waters for his ideal successor.

The billionaire businessman tells TMZ that Emma Grede -- the co-founder of the Kardashians' fashion empires SKIMS and Good American - would be "insanely good" as a full-time Shark ... having guest-starred on the show before.

Mark heralds the 41-year-old as a brilliant entrepreneur ... with an extraordinary knack for helping companies grow with her experience.

What's more ... he's impressed with her natural ability to connect with others ... and says her television charisma also makes waves -- though, as of yet, auditions to find his replacement haven't begun.

Mark also gives us a splash of context on departing 'ST' -- which he first announced on the Showtime podcast "All The Smoke" Monday ... telling us his decision is rooted in wanting to hang out with his brood as he usually films every summer during family vacation.

He says at 14, 17, and 20, it's not long before they leave the nest ... so it's understandable he's cutting back.

As we previously reported ... Mark's also selling his majority stake in the NBA's Dallas Mavericks after buying the team in 2000 and overseeing the franchise's most successful run and only NBA title ... so the 'Tank' isn't the only thing Cuban's leaving behind.

Despite "Shark Tank" nibbling away at his personal time, he's cherished every aspect of the show ... from what it represents to the impact it's had on the next generation of entrepreneurs.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

KIM KARDASHIAN TRAE LA NAVIDAD… ¡¡¡Deslumbra Con Una Alocada Exhibición De Luces En Su Hogar!!!

Si la decoración navideña fuera un deporte, la casa de Kim Kardashian se clasificaría entre las mejores del año… esta vez, fue su deslumbrante exhibición de luces navideñas la que deja boquiabiertos a sus fans de redes sociales.

Instagram / @kimkardashian

Kim ofreció a sus 364 millones de seguidores de Instagram un vistazo de su decoración navideña de este año. Tiene una serie de árboles llenos de decenas, o incluso cientos de miles de luces a lo largo de su entrada hasta la puerta de seguridad.

A medida que la puerta se abre, se revelan aún más árboles, acompañados de muchas más luces, mientras suena "It's beginning to look a lot like christmas" en el video de Kim.

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Instagram / @kimkardashian

Por supuesto, no es la primera vez que Kim derrocha en sus decoraciones navideñas… fue hace solo unas semanas cuando mostró su casa momificada de $60 millones llena de decoraciones de Halloween por dentro y por fuera.

Kim tiene mucho en sus manos con 4 hijos, la gestión de su negocio y muchos otros compromisos, así que ella no es quien decora la casa… no obstante, luce bastante espectacular.

Kim Kardashian Bring on XMas ... Shows Off Insane Home Light Display!!!

If holiday decorations were a sport, Kim Kardashian's pad would rank among the best each year ... this time, it's her Christmas light display wowing fans on social media.

Instagram / @kimkardashian

Kim gave her 364 million followers on Instagram a quick peek at this year's holiday set up. She's got a bunch of trees filled with tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of lights lining her driveway and leading up to the security gate.

As the gate pulls back, even more trees -- and a bunch more lights -- are revealed and "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" plays over Kim's video.

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Instagram / @kimkardashian

Of course, it's not the first holiday Kim's pulled out all the stops for her decorations ... it was only a few weeks ago when she showed off her mummified $60 million home filled with Halloween decor inside and out.

Kim's got a lot on her hands with 4 kids, running her business and a bunch of other commitments, so she's not the one to decorate the house herself ... but it still looks pretty damn good.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kim Kardashian Coming to Netflix w/ Comedy Film ... After Studio Bidding War

Kim Kardashian is jumping from Hulu to Netflix -- at least for movies, anyway -- 'cause she sold a forthcoming comedy she'll star in to the streaming giant ... this after a ton of interest.

Deadline broke the news Sunday ... a new flick called "The Fifth Wheel" just got sold to Netflix after an apparent bidding war to snap up the rights among 5 different studios. In the end, Netflix made the winning offer ... although it's unclear how much they shelled out.

This film isn't written or shot yet ... Kim K and the 2 co-writers who came up with the concept -- Paula Pell and Janine Brito -- simply sold the idea ... and now they'll actually make it. Kim's gonna play the lead ... a "fifth wheel" among an ensemble of female actors.

The rest of the plot deets are being kept under wraps ... but word is, Pell and Brito immediately thought of Kim for this and pitched her. After she came aboard, they started hitting the town as soon as the actors' strike ended and collectively shopped it around.

Deadline says Kim's been present at a lot of the meetings, and her involvement spurred a lot of studios to open their doors and take the movie under consideration. BTW, she's not only gonna act in this thing ... but she'll produce as well, alongside Pell and possibly others.

Pell is a well-known and established TV comedy writer ... as is Brito. Pell's got a lengthier resume, with tons of 'SNL' credits. She also wrote the Amy Poehler/Tina Fey movie "Sisters." Paula also notably EP'd Judd Apatow's 'This Is 40.'

Considering Pell's extensive history with 'SNL' stars ... you can probably expect that same type of mid-2010s humor for this new movie -- just with a little Kim K star power twist.

Of course, the bigger takeaway here is the fact that Kim's diving further into the acting pool. She already had a run on 'AHS' this year ... plus all the other smaller roles she's done in the past. This would be an even greater flex, though ... her straight-up leading a comedy.

We'll see how it turns out ... Deadline says this got picked up by Netflix's "mid-budget" team -- and according to reports, Netflix is aiming to spend between $30-$80 million on those.


The empire grows, still.

Kris Jenner Fake 'KUWTK' House for Sale Again ... Price Goe$ Way Up!!!

The house Kris Jenner pretended to live at on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" is back on the market, and this time the owner's looking for a king's ransom to transfer the deed.

The Studio City home -- which was famously used for exterior shots of Kris's would-be mansion on the hit E! show -- is for sale once again ... only now, the value has experienced about 5 years worth of appreciation, so it's listed for $8,888,888.

That's quite a jump from what the current owner paid back in 2018, when they got it for $5.25 mil. If it sells for they get their asking price, that'll be more than a $3 million profit ... minus whatever they invested in the place, of course.

Considering the history of this swanky pad ... we'll see if that helps them hook a buyer in the near future, and more importantly, if it ends up going for listing.

Fact is, every time the home has hit the market -- which has been a lot over the past 9 years or so -- the numbers almost always end up fluctuating quite a bit when all the papers are signed.

For instance, while it sold for just over $5M in 2018 ... the asking price at the time was closer to nearly $8 mil at first, so the owner slashed their ask by a lot.

We'll see what the current title holder ends up accepting ... fact is, the housing market is rough right now, with interest rates through the roof and not nearly as much movement as there was 2-3 years ago during the pandemic.

As for the specs, it's a typical luxurious L.A.-area home -- 7 bedrooms, 9 baths and all the bells and whistles of fancy living. The question ... is it worth almost $9 million to snap up?!?

Just in case it wasn't clear from the top ... this was NOT Kris's actual house. They just used it to pose as her crib -- obviously, they didn't show her real home for security reasons.

Sarah Greenberg of Realty One Group West holds the listing.

JARED LETO Twinning with SCOTT DISICK ... 'We Might Be Related!!!'

Jared Leto is so here for people comparing him to Scott Disick ... he's practically crossing his fingers and hoping they're long-lost relatives, because who wouldn't want a dose of Kardashian drama in their life?

The Oscar winner finally responded to the long-standing familial rumors while he was on  Sirius XM’s TikTok Radio, and host Davis Burleson held up side-by-side images of Scott and Jared ... prompting the actor to gush, "Wow, Really? Lucky me. Thank you."

Sirius XM TikTok Radio

Davis asked Jared if he, too, saw his uncanny resemblance to the 'KUWTK' star ... but Jared wasn't entirely convinced -- "It’s hard when you look at yourself. But they do say that people who look alike actually share a lot of DNA, sometimes."

Getting deep, the spiritual guru continued: "You know, if there’s someone like, 'Oh my god, you look exactly like this guy,' you actually might be related somehow."

Perhaps overestimating Lord Disick's net worth compared to his, Jared said it "would be nice" to have a rich relative!


Jared has actually crossed paths with members of the Kardashian-Jenner family before, even Scott's ex, Kourtney Kardashian -- but he's never met the man himself.

Hopefully, they'll link up soon -- and then we can move on to another look-alike mystery: the late, great Gene Wilder and "The Bear" star Jeremy Allen White! Seriously. What's the deal?

JARED LETO responde a las afirmaciones de que Scott Disick es su gemelo

Jared Leto está aquí para que la gente lo compare con Scott Disick y prácticamente está cruzando los dedos y esperando que sean parientes perdidos hace mucho tiempo, porque ¿quién no quiere una dosis de drama Kardashian en su vida?

El ganador del Oscar finalmente respondió a los rumores familiares de larga data mientras estaba en TikTok Radio de Sirius XM, y el anfitrión Davis Burleson mostró imágenes de Scott y Jared, lo que provocó que el actor dijera: "Wow, ¿En serio? Qué suerte tengo. Gracias".

Sirius XM TikTok Radio

Davis le preguntó a Jared si él también veía su asombroso parecido con la estrella de "KUWTK" (Keeping Up with the Kardashians), pero Jared no estaba del todo convencido, "Es difícil cuando te miras a ti mismo. Pero dicen que las personas que se parecen, en realidad comparten mucho ADN".

Profundizando, el gurú espiritual continuó: "Ya sabes, si hay alguien como, "Oh Dios mío, te ves exactamente como este tipo", en realidad podría estar relacionado de alguna manera".

Tal vez sobreestimando el valor neto de Lord Disick en comparación con el suyo, Jared dijo que "estaría bien" ¡tener un pariente rico!

Jared ha cruzado caminos con los miembros de la familia Kardashian/Jenner antes, incluso la ex de Scott, Kourtney Kardashian, pero nunca se reuniron.

Esperemos que se relacionen pronto y entonces podremos pasar a otro misterio de parecido: ¡el fallecido, gran Gene Wilder y la estrella de "El Oso", Jeremy Allen White! Ahora en serio. ¿No creen que son iguales?


Kendall Jenner ayudó a traer la nieve al soleado sur de California, bombeando un montón de nieve falsa en el set de su sesión de fotos.

Kendall fue vista en el set el martes para un nuevo proyecto desconocido, luciendo una falda, top, botas y una gran sonrisa en su rostro mientras tomaba el control de la manguera.

No está claro si el trabajo de nieve era parte del papel de Kendall en el rodaje, o si simplemente quería probar la tarea por sí misma, pero está claro que le encantó cada minuto.

Si te lo estabas preguntando, el novio de Kendall —Bad Bunny— no fue visto con ella en la sesión de fotos, pero la última vez que los vimos juntos fue tomando el desayuno cerca del Hotel Beverly Hills después de organizar una gran fiesta de Halloween.

Entre los muchos sombreros que Kendall lleva como modelo y empresaria, hay un montón de cosas que la joven de 28 años puede hacer, y le podemos añadir: "Hacer que nieve en Los Ángeles" a esa impresionante lista.

Kendall Jenner Spray Time in L.A.

Kendall Jenner helped to bring the snowfall to sunny southern California ... pumping a bunch of the fake stuff right onto the set of her photo shoot!

Kendall was spotted on set Tuesday for an unknown new project  ... rocking a skirt, top, boots and a big smile on her face as she took control of the hose.

Unclear if the snow job was part of Kendall's role in the shoot, or if she just wanted to try out the task for herself, but she's clearly loving every minute of it.

If you were wondering, Kendall's boo, Bad Bunny, wasn't spotted with her at the photo shoot ... but we last saw them together grabbing some breakfast near the Beverly Hills Hotel after hosting a massive Halloween party.

Between the many hats Kendall carries as a model and entrepreneur, there's a whole lot the 28-year-old can do -- and you can add "Make it snow in L.A." to that impressive list.

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