Khloe Kardashian Reveals She Had COVID ... 'That S**t is Real'

Khloe Kardashian contracted COVID-19 earlier this year -- and the symptoms were so bad, Kris Jenner called every doctor she could think of for help.

Khloe's diagnosis is included in a new "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" trailer ... where she says she quarantined in her room because the symptoms were "really bad for a couple of days." She says she was vomiting, shaking and had hot and cold flashes. She said she also got some terrible headaches and her chest burned from all the coughing.

The clip shows the family tension as they waited for Khloe's results -- Kim said, "I mean, my gut tells me she does, just because she's so sick. And, that really scares me for her, 'cause I can tell that she's now getting scared and that she's really nervous about it."

This is not the first time Kim's had a scary encounter with the potentially deadly disease. Kanye West revealed back in July during a Forbes interview he contracted the virus and suffered from similar symptoms. Earlier this month, Kim revealed Kanye got sick around the same time Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced their diagnosis back in March.

Kim said taking care of Kanye was scary at the time because the virus and its effects were largely unknown to the population. She said taking care of Kanye included changing his sheets while wearing gloves and a face shield.

Khloe's urging fans to follow precautions and stay safe. She's clearly back to her old self ... after recently hitting up Kim's 40th birthday extravaganza on a private island.

Kim Kardashian 40th Bday Celebration ... Private Island and Villas On Me!!!

Kim Kardashian did it BIG for her big 4-0 ... renting out a private island for a week of birthday celebrations.

The bday getaway was super lavish ... our sources say Kim flew 40 of her closest friends and family on a Boeing 777 to the private isle, where they were handed keys to their own private villas on the beach.

@tracyromulus / Instagram

Kim's guest list included ... Kris, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall, La La Anthony, Corey Gamble, NBA studs Devin Booker and Tristan Thompson, plus Scott and Mason Disick. We're told Kanye West was not present for Kim's actual birthday -- he had some work commitments -- but Yeezy joined the trip for the final few days.

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Our sources say Kim picked out an island that hadn't seen any COVID cases ... and she asked all her guests to quarantine for 2 weeks before the trip and get multiple tests. Smart and safe.

In addition to private beachfront villas, we're told Kim hooked her guests up with Skims pajamas, KKW Beauty products, GoPro's, waterproof disposable cameras and lots of other island essentials. Now that's hospitality!

Our sources say Kim and co. spent the entire week dancing, whale watching, swimming in lagoons, kayaking, snorkeling, playing volleyball and enjoying outdoor dinners right on the sand. Like we said -- lavish.

We're told Kim even treated everyone to a private screening of "This is 40" on the beach.

Kim got a sweet surprise herself ... sources say she was treated to an hour-long birthday video tribute featuring her four kids, old childhood friends, family members, work associates and celeb pals like Cher, Jennifer Lopez, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

Danny Trejo Let's Give Felons Voting Rights ... And Trump's No Kim K!!!


Danny Trejo wants voting rights restored to felons who've paid their debt to society, but while they're on the inside ... he thinks Kim Kardashian's doing more to help than President Trump.

We got the actor -- who spent years in various prisons back in the day -- at Trejo's Cantina in Hollywood, and asked him if prisoners should be allowed to vote from behind bars, or while on probation or parole.

Danny says ex-inmates should be allowed to vote, along with people being held in county jails before they've been convicted. He's staunchly in favor of states -- like Florida has done -- restoring voting rights to folks who complete their prison bids.

As for prison reform's impact on the election -- Danny scoffs at President Trump tooting his own horn. Despite, the fact POTUS signed the First Step Act into law ... Trejo doesn't think he deserves all the credit.

Instead, he says Trump's just standing on the shoulders of people like Kim K ... and while he's overlooking one HUGE issue for America's overcrowded prisons.

Kim Kardashian How in the World is She 40 Years Old?!? Aging Like Fine Wine

Your eyes and mind are not deceiving you ... Kim Kardashian is turning 40, and to celebrate, here are 40 of her best hot shots. Not that ya needed an excuse.

Yes, Kim K is celebrating the milestone bday Wednesday, which might have some of you wondering where in the hell the time goes. Thankfully, this gallery should help ease the sting of Father Time ... and just about anything else that's got ya down, really.

Check out the pics for the best possible hump day celebration most of us will muster today. It's a sweet stroll down memory lane that definitely includes Kim dressed to the nines.


BTW, a huge shout-out and big thank you to Paris Hilton for introducing Kim K to the rest of the world back in August 2006 as they sauntered into the Hyde nightclub in WeHo. Unforgettable moment ... even if you're not Tara Reid.

Happy birthday, Kim!!!

Kourtney Kardashian's 2020 Hot Shots

Kourtney Kardashian is one hot mama and the 41-year-old mother of three has been bringing the heat this year ... both on and off the screen!

The reality star could be quoted for days for serving some scorching burns to her fam and will be deeply missed come the ending of ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians" which is set to wrap following the 20th season in early 2021.

It seems like even without the cameras rolling Kourt is no stranger to the drama as she made waves earlier this week when she snapped a selfie wearing a "Vote for Kanye" hat ... When not even Kim has endorsed her husband for prez!

This risky sister is def more recognized for the snaps (and bikinis) she typically posts ... And those are the ones we're bringing to the table. Take a look through our gallery of Kourtney Kardashian's hottest shots of 2020 to see what else this sexy sister has been up to!

Good luck keeping up!

Kim Kardashian Donates $1M Toward Armenia Conflict ... Siblings Join In As Well

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Kim Kardashian is putting her money where her mouth is on the conflict in Armenia -- she just announced she's dropping a fortune to aid in efforts on the ground ... part of an even larger investment on behalf of the entire family, TMZ has learned.

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney all just posted videos to raise awareness about an org they've partnered with called the Armenia Fund -- which aims to raise money for aid to help innocent people on the ground who are caught in the middle of the recent escalation.

Funds raised go directly to people in need of food, shelter, medical attention and other resources that are hard to come by at the moment. Clearly, the Kardashians are all in on the effort.

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While Kim, Khloe and Kourtney's videos were all pretty similar ... Kim's was especially noteworthy because she said she herself was ponying up a million dollars for the fund, encouraging others to donate what they could and to spread the word about the cause in general. Our sources tell us other OG Kardashian siblings -- Kourtney, Khloe and Rob --  also made sizable donations ... so a heck of a lot of money is going to be sent over for aid from them.

Khloe also made mention of the fact even if one feels removed from the conflict going on over there ... it doesn't take much to empathize with families who are suffering. She says now that she's a mother, she feels especially bad for the kids caught up in it.

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If you're unfamiliar, Armenia's decades-long dispute with neighboring Azerbaijan over a mountainous territory in between both countries has recently reignited. The conflict dates back to the '80s, and until this past summer ... there had been a ceasefire over the region.

In July, there were accusations of both sides firing upon the other ... and now, armed forces have been mobilized and tensions are running high. Other neighboring nations have gotten involved as well, including Turkey and Russia ... the former backing Azerbaijan, and the latter behind Armenia. Kim and co. -- who are of Armenian descent -- support the Armenian side.

North West Sticks It to Photogs in the U.K. ... Tagging Along w/ Dad

Kanye West is having himself a take-your-daughter-to-London weekend -- which is proving his little girl takes after her pops ... namely, that she experiences a slip of the tongue at times.

Ye and North are across the pond right now, where they're doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. On Friday, they attended Kim's SKIMS launch -- sans mama bear -- and come Saturday ... they were hitting up a fashion show in town and grabbing a bite in between.

That's where North let the paparazzi know how she felt about them hounding 'em -- shortly after lunching at a posh sushi spot, she flashed her tongue at a photog snapping pics from across the street. Dad saw the act, and playfully covered up her mouth with his hand.

It made for a sweet father-daughter moment -- which is great to see considering Ye's been having a bit of a rocky presidential season these past few months. Despite that, he hasn't lost sight of the end goal next month ... in fact, he and NW were both rocking "Vote Kanye" gear while they were out there hitting the town. So, clearly ... his heart's still in this race.


Time will tell if voters are with him ... but in the meantime, at least he's got his own flesh and blood firmly in his corner. Tongue out and all 😝

Kourtney Kardashian Not Pregnant ... 'KUWTK' Just a Tease!!!

Kourtney Kardashian is NOT carrying her fourth child with Scott Disick, despite some strong speculation she's pregnant.

As you know ... the trailer for "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" season 19 dropped last month, insinuating Kourtney and Scott are back together and she's having his baby.

Kourtney's recent Instagram post, featuring a shadow some eagle-eyed fans thought looked like a baby bump, kept the rumor mill churning ... but we've learned that's simply NOT the case.

Sources close to Kourtney tell TMZ ... she is not pregnant again and she's happy being a mother of 3. As for the 'KUWTK' scene, we're told it was taken out of context as a teaser.

Bottom line ... our sources say Kourtney and Scott are not together as a couple, they're just very good friends and co-parents.

Kris Jenner Calls BS on Security Guard's Sexual Harassment Suit

A security guard filed a lawsuit against Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian, claiming they sexually harassed him with sexual comments and overtures ... but Kris and Kourtney call it "fabricated and false fiction" by a disgruntled ex-employee.

Marc McWilliams claims he was hired in 2017 as a security guard to watch over Kris and the fam. He claims in May 2017, he became subject to "a pattern of unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances and other harassing misconduct" from Kris. Among his claims ... comments of "an overt sexual nature," comments about his physical appearance, comments about his sexual activities, and comments that he engage in a sexual relationship, among other things.

McWilliams claims, among other things, Kris massaged his neck, shoulders, arms and back without his consent, caused her hand to rest on his thigh and groin, caused her pelvis to rub against his back and/or rear end, and claims she exposed portions of her body to him. He also claims she made "lewd suggestive, sexual, sexist, racist, homophobic and otherwise discriminatory comments at him and his co-workers."

He claims Jenner then engaged in a pattern of conduct "involving non-consensual physical contact" with him. He says he complained to the H.R. dept. of his security company but the complaints were ignored.

Kris' lawyer, Marty Singer, tells TMZ, "Kris categorically denies ever behaving inappropriately toward Marc McWilliams. The security guard worked outside the house and he never even went into Kris' house."

Singer goes on ... "Kris had very little interaction with him. After the guard was repeatedly caught sleeping in his car while on the job, the security company was asked not to assign him to work there in the future."

As for why he's suing Kourtney as well ... he claims she was also responsible for what he claims is retaliation.

Singer goes on to say ... "The guard never made any complaints to his employer about Kris until contriving this ludicrous claim." He adds, "Although Kourtney is named in the suit, she is not accused of doing anything improper with the guard, nor did she do so."

There's also this ... McWilliams was a founding member and a close friend of R. Kelly. The two founded the music group MGM in the late '80s and McWilliams was also listed as a part of the "Surviving R. Kelly" series.

As for Singer, he ends by saying ... "It is outrageous that anyone can sue anyone in America and believe there is no recourse when pursuing fictional and meritless claims. When Kris and Kourtney defeat this ridiculous, frivolous lawsuit they intend to immediately sue McWilliams and his attorneys for malicious prosecution."

McWilliams is suing for unspecified damages.

Kylie Jenner Bikini Voter Drive Works ... Gets Crazy 1500% Boost!!!

Kylie Jenner is flexing her political influence in a very impressive way ... turning your standard IG thirst trap into nearly 50,000 potential new registered voters!

TMZ's learned Kylie's smoke show bikini pics -- posted Monday -- are drawing huge traffic for She used the caption of those sexy shots to direct her nearly 200 million Instagram followers to hit up the site, and so many obeyed ... we're told it saw a whopping 1500% boost from traffic driven via Instagram.

There are more astronomical stats -- got over an 80% increase in total users of its voter registration and verification tool from the prior day. That all translates to more than 48,000 users going to the site through Kylie's IG post ... and ya gotta figure that number's still rising.

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By contrast ... only 2,900 users came to the registration verification tool via Instagram on Sunday out of 174k total users. So, there's clearly a very real Kylie effect working here.

Remember ... only around 138 million Americans -- out of 328 million -- voted in 2016. Now, more than 1 million have already cast ballots for this year's election ... the highest rate of early voting in U.S. history. For example, around this time 4 years ago, less than 10,000 people had voted.

Ya can't say Kylie hasn't done her part to get people to the polls. Aside from the pics this week ... she also implored fans back in June to NOT get distracted, and show up to the polls.

Unlike 2016, when Kylie revealed her support for Hillary Clinton ... she's yet to endorse a Presidential candidate. No offense to her brother-in-law, we're sure.

Kylie Jenner Warning Cosmetics Customers ... There's a 'Security Incident'

Kylie Jenner's cosmetics company blasted out an alarming email, letting its customers know there's been a security breach with Shopify -- the company that manages its e-commerce platform.

Kylie Cosmetics says Shopify informed them the "security incident" affected names, addresses, emails, product orders, and even the last four digits of the credit card for potentially impacted customers.

Shopify says less than 200 companies were hit in the breach, and its investigation found that it was the result of 2 rogue support team members engaging "in a scheme to obtain customer transactional records of certain merchants."

Shopify says it immediately shut down access to its network to those 2 individuals and is now working with law enforcement -- including the FBI -- in their "investigation of these criminal acts."

On the bright side ... Shopify confirms what Kylie's company email says -- full payment details were not compromised, and any orders placed on the Kylie Cosmetics site, at this time, are safe and secure.

Still, it sounds pretty serious, and Kylie Cosmetics says its customers' trust is all-important, so it's making an effort to be as forthcoming as possible.

Shopify -- one of the world’s leading commerce platforms, powering more than a million businesses worldwide -- claims ... "This incident was not the result of a technical vulnerability in our platform, and the vast majority of merchants using Shopify are not affected."

Nevertheless, the company insists it does not take these events lightly.

So, this could be a very big deal for many other companies besides Kylie's.

Kourtney Kardashian Surf Lesson Struggles ... Never Gonna Keep Me Down

Kourtney Kardashian gets knocked down, but she gets up again ... and again and again and again ... that's how her surf lesson went in Malibu.

Kourtney paddled out looking to ride some waves in Malibu Sunday, and with the help of a surfing instructor and never-give-up attitude ... she had a great time wiping out over and over and over.

You can see Kourtney's clearly a beginner, but she finally stood up on the board and wouldn't let her struggles wipe a huge smile off her face.

Ya gotta admire her determination, and creativity -- check out the gallery to see all the different ways she fell off the board. Most importantly, though, Kourt didn't quit!

'90 DAY FIANCE' STAR Larissa Lima It Pays Big to Look Like Kylie Jenner!!!

"90 Day Fiance" star Larissa Lima spent a fortune to look like Kylie Jenner ... but her expensive makeover is already paying huge dividends.

Larissa showed off her new look, inspired by Kylie, last week with a one-hour lingerie show on the webcam app, CamSoda ... and we've learned those 60 little minutes hauled in more than $100,000 for the site.

Our sources tell us Larissa's show hit the six-figure mark thanks to people paying to view the sultry show and tipping ... and we're told she had 10 times the number of viewers CamSoda usually sees for the biggest XXX stars and Instagram hotties who host.

It's pretty impressive ... we're told Larissa's show had so much interest, it now ranks in the Top 5 all-time on CamSoda. Hat tip to Kylie!

As we first told you ... Larissa dropped a cool $72,000 for a bunch of cosmetic surgeries, going under the knife with Dr. Lane Smith in Sin City to try and come out looking like Kylie.

Larissa got a boob job, liposuction on her abs and waist and a fat transfer to her bottom ... plus botox, fillers and laser facials. The whole shebang, ya might say.

The people have spoken ... and it definitely pays to be a Kylie lookalike.

Terry Bradshaw I'm Alpha on Fam's TV Show, Like Kris ... But, Lemme Ask My Wife!!!


Terry Bradshaw says he's the undisputed Kris Jenner of his family's reality TV show ... but he still wants to double-check on his alpha status with his wife!!!

The 4-time Super Bowl champion joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday and we asked him who comes off as top-dog on "The Bradshaw Bunch," his family's new show, debuting tonight on E!.

Ya gotta see his answer because it's amazing ... Terry tells us he's probably going to be the alpha, but then looks off-camera to make sure his wife Tammy approves!

Hilarious, TB. Just hilarious.

'Bradshaw Bunch' follows Tammy, Terry, their 3 daughters and their significant others ... living on the family's Oklahoma ranch. The show is following in the footsteps of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" -- which, as you know, is ending next year -- and the NFL legend told us he's fully aware his fam might be coming along at the perfect time

Terry says this new 'Bunch' is gonna be chock-full of humor and good times ... 2 things the country needs right now. As for who's really the alpha?

Our guess is as good as Terry's, so watch and find out for yourself.

Caitlyn Jenner Joe Rogan's Trans Joke Falls Flat ... Inaccurate & Hurtful!!!


Caitlyn Jenner is angry at a joke Joe Rogan told about her transition, claiming it's simply transphobic and hurtful to the entire trans community.

Caitlyn's on "TMZ Live" Wednesday ... talking about Rogan's podcast last week, in which he recounted a bit he once told in 2016 about her transition ... and likened it to her being driven crazy by living with the Kardashian women, whom he calls "crazy bitches."

Joe broke down his joke-writing process to Tim Kennedy about the Caitlyn bit that he used in his Netflix special, "Triggered," explaining in his eyes some people are born trapped in the wrong gender, while and others become that due to their environment.

He joked Caitlyn might be the latter ... using the "he" pronoun and calling her "Bruce." Caitlyn's upset at that, but even more upset at Joe's characterization of her daughters.

Caitlyn takes her own shots at Joe -- who is super successful -- saying her daughters have done better in every department.

BTW, Caitlyn just launched her own YouTube channel. It's seriously worth a watch.

Anyway, as for whether she'd go on Joe's show, Caitlyn says she would.

'KUWTK' Season19 Kourtney and Scott Tease Baby #4!!!

The Kardashians are packing it in next year for "KUWTK" ... but they're going out with a bang, insinuating Kourtney and Scott Disick are back together and trying for baby #4.

The trailer for season 19 just dropped ... and it looks to be chock-full of drama. Among the moments ... pandemic, Tristan and Khloe rekindling their relationship, Kendall rebelling and Kourtney/Scott pregnancy rumors.

Check out Kourtney's reaction, or lack thereof. It's revealing, to say the least.

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Now it seems both Scott and Kourtney are not with anyone else at the moment, so some people thought the decks were cleared for another go at it ... especially since they've been hanging together, and sometimes without the kids.

We'd been hearing they are not getting back together, but the promo seems to suggest otherwise.

Considering Scott and Sofia were on-again, off-again for a while -- now officially off, probably forever -- we suppose something like this could make sense. Time will tell though 🤷🏽‍♂️