Kylie Jenner está recibiendo apoyo de las organizaciones judías en Estados Unidos por su post pro-Israel en redes sociales y esas mismas organizaciones están destrozando a los que la avergonzaron para que borrara el post.

Este es el asunto; Kylie compartió y luego borró un post de StandWithUs tras el mortal ataque terrorista de Hamás el fin de semana, volviendo a publicar una imagen de la bandera israelí con la leyenda, "Ahora y siempre, estamos con el pueblo de Israel!".

Luego de toneladas de reacciones en los comentarios, Kylie finalmente borró el post de su Instagram.

Roz Rothstein, cofundador y CEO de StandWithUs, le dijo a TMZ que mientras que la organización se complace con la acción de Kylie, "Es una lástima que algunas personas no pueden expresarse con honestidad debido a la intensa presión y la intimidación por parte de simpatizantes de Hamás".

Kylie no fue ni mucho menos la única celebridad que expresó su apoyo a Israel tras el atentado terrorista del 11-S, Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman y Mark Hamill también salieron enérgicamente a favor de los israelíes.

Es por eso que la gente del Comité Judío Americano dice que eso es una guerra en toda regla y que es un momento para utilizar a las celebridades para el bien.

El portavoz de AJC Richard Hirschhaut le informa a TMZ que Kylie "hizo lo correcto y actuó con el corazón con su post inicial" y ella "debe ser aplaudida por hablar".

En cambio, el AJC dice que Kylie se convirtió en "un tema de desprecio vicioso y feo" y la organización espera que ella ponga el post de nuevo en su IG porque "el poder de los medios sociales y el poder de la celebridad se necesita desesperadamente en este momento en que Israel está en guerra y bajo el ataque de una organización terrorista que es bárbara, inhumana e inmoral".

horror en israel

Además de Kylie, el AJC hace un llamando a "personas influyentes de todo el mundo para demostrar coraje y aumentar la moral mediante el apoyo a Israel".

La organización judía dice que los terroristas de Hamás están utilizando las redes sociales para mostrar su "absoluta barbarie" y cree que las celebridades con grandes seguidores deben utilizar sus plataformas para contraatacar con mensajes de amor, apoyo y solidaridad con Israel.

En resumen, para el AJC: "Si alguna vez hubo un momento para mostrar a tus seguidores quién eres y qué defiendes, es éste".

Kylie Jenner Jewish Orgs Back Her Pro-Israel Post ... 'Acted With Her Heart'

Kylie Jenner is getting support from Jewish organizations in America for her pro-Israel social media post ... and those same orgs are ripping those who shamed her into deleting that post.

As we've reported, Kylie shared and then deleted a post from StandWithUs on Sunday morning, following the deadly Hamas terrorist attack ... she reposted an image of the Israeli flag with the caption, "Now and always, we stand with the people of Israel!"

But, following tons of backlash in the comments, Kylie pretty quickly 86'd the post.

Roz Rothstein, co-founder and CEO of StandWithUs, tells TMZ ... while the org is pleased Kylie reposted their account in the first place, "It's a shame that some people cannot express themselves honestly because of intense pressure and intimidation by Hamas sympathizers."

Kylie was far from the only celeb expressing support for Israel in the wake of the 9/11-type terrorist attack ... Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman and Mark Hamill also came out strong for Israel.

The folks over at the American Jewish Committee say the now full-blown war between Israel and Hamas provides a moment where celebrity can be used for good.

AJC spokesman Richard Hirschhaut tells TMZ  ... Kylie "did the right thing and acted with her heart with her initial post" and she "should be applauded for speaking up and speaking out."

He says the exact opposite happened, as Kylie became "a subject of vicious and ugly scorn" ... but he hopes she puts the post back on her IG, because "the power of social media and the power of celebrity is desperately needed at this moment when Israel is at war and under attack by a terrorist organization that is barbaric, inhumane and immoral."


In addition to Kylie, the AJC is calling for "influencers across the spectrum to demonstrate moral courage and amplify moral clarity by supporting Israel's high moral ground."

The Jewish org says Hamas terrorists are using social media to show their "sheer barbarity" ... and it feels celebs with large followings should use their platforms to push back with messages of love, support and solidarity with Israel.

Bottom line for the AJC ... "If there ever was a moment to show your followers who you are and what you stand for, this is it."


Caitlyn Jenner parece decidida a pasar el resto de su vida sola. Asegura que el romance no está en sus futuros planes.

La ex atleta olímpica habló sobre su vida amorosa en una entrevista con The Times, diciendo que no está saliendo en este momento y que no tiene ningún problema en mantenerse así.

Aquí está su cita: "Estoy bien. Ni siquiera estoy cerca de buscar una relación. Nunca voy a tener una relación en el futuro. Simplemente no veo eso en mi vida. No es algo que estoy buscando". Caitlyn añade que está "muy soltera" y bastante contenta por el momento.

En cuanto a la soledad, Caitlyn dice está muy lejos de eso, citando a sus perros como buena compañía, por no hablar de su gran familia, con la que todavía está en buenos términos diciendo: "Cada noche de la semana podría ir a casa de alguien a cenar".

Caitlyn termina señalando que hace muchas cosas para mantenerse ocupada (pasatiempos y panoramas) y que ella está en el momento de su vida que se llama "diversión". Sin embargo, señala que otros capítulos pueden aparecer en el camino. En otras palabras, mantiene la mente abierta.

La última persona con la que se rumoreaba que Caitlyn había estado involucrada era Sophia Hutchins, pero desde entonces han disipado las especulaciónes diciendo que no hay "nada de nada".

Caitlyn Jenner I Won't Be In a Relationship Again ... Not In the Stars

Caitlyn Jenner is on track to spend the rest of her life by herself -- because romance just isn't in the cards for her ... so says CJ herself.

The former Olympian dished about her love life in an interview with The Times -- saying she's not dating right now ... and that she might not even date ever again, 'cause she apparently doesn't see or need that in her future going forward.

Here's her quote ... "I’m fine. I’m not even close to looking for a relationship. I’ll never have a relationship in the future. I just don’t see that in my life. I am not looking for that." Caitlyn adds she's "very single" and quite content with that status at the moment.

As far as loneliness, CJ says she doesn't experience it ... citing her dogs as good enough company -- not to mention her big family, with whom she suggests she's still on good terms with ... saying, "Every night of the week I could go to somebody’s house and have dinner."

Caitlyn ends her thoughts on her romantic life by noting she does a lot to keep herself busy -- hobbies and such -- and that she's simply in her "fun" chapter in life ... while noting other chapters may follow down the road. In other words, she's keeping an open mind.

The last person Caitlyn was rumored to have been involved with was Sophia Hutchins -- but they've since distanced themselves from that speculation ... saying there's no "hanky panky."

Of course, her other very famous relationship was with Kris Jenner -- with whom she had two children (Kylie and Kendall) ... and then there's Linda Thompson, they had kids too.

PUBLICA Y LUEGO BORRA SU APOYO A ISRAEL Otras celebridades se mantienen firmes

Kylie Jenner no pudo soportar el hate por apoyar a Israel. La celebridad publicó su apoyo hacia el país que acaba de soportar un ataque terrorista tipo 9/11, pero luego de que algunas personas la criticaron, ella borró el post.

Jenner compartió el post: "Ahora y siempre estamos con el pueblo de Israel, COMPARTE si estás con el pueblo de Israel mientras se enfrentan a una de las situaciones más aterradoras en muchos años. Miles de cohetes fueron disparados desde Gaza hacia los israelíes. Cientos de civiles han sido heridos y más de 300 asesinados. Terroristas se han infiltrado en Israel desde Gaza y hay informes no confirmados que soldados de las FDI han sido secuestrados y llevados a Gaza".

Algunos de los seguidores de Jenner comenzaron a poblar su Instagram con fotos de banderas palestinas e instaron a otros a dejar de seguirla. Al parecer, eso fue demasiado para Kylie, porque el post no aparecía por ninguna parte en su cuenta una hora más tarde.

Otras celebridades se mantienen firmes en su apoyo a Israel, incluyendo Sarah Silverman, Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer y Jamie Lee Curtis.

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rehenes en israel

Ahora hay una guerra en toda regla, con Hezbolá disparando misiles contra Israel desde el Líbano.

Israel ha jurado vengarse y ya está bombardeando partes de Gaza. Es una situación problemática para los israelíes porque hay docenas de rehenes israelíes que se encuentran ahora en Gaza, y Hamás los está utilizando como escudos humanos para frustrar el contraataque.

Kylie Jenner Posts, then Deletes Support for Israel ... Other Celebs Stand Strong After Terror Attack

Kylie Jenner apparently can't take the heat for supporting Israel, because she posted her support for the country that just endured a 9/11-type terrorist attack, but after some people criticized her she 86'd the post.

Jenner shared a post, "Now and always we stand with the people of Israel SHARE if you stand with the people of Israel as they face one of the most frightening situations in many years. Thousands of rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israelis, hundreds of civilians have been injured and more than 300 murdered, terrorists have infiltrated Israel from Gaza, and there are unconfirmed reports that IDF soldiers have been kidnapped and taken into Gaza."

Some of Jenner's followers started populating her Instagram with photos of Palestinian flags and urged others to unfollow her. Apparently, that was enough for Kylie, because the post was nowhere to be seen on her account an hour later.

Other celebs are standing strong in their support for Israel, including Sarah Silverman, Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer and Jamie Lee Curtis.

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There is a full-blown war now, with Hezbollah firing missiles at Israel from Lebanon.

Israel has vowed revenge and is already bombing parts of Gaza. It's problematic for the Israelis ... there are dozens of Israeli hostages who are now in Gaza, and Hamas is using them as human shields to thwart a counterattack.

Caitlyn Jenner Arrepentida por el comentario de Kris Empezó un drama familiar...

Caitlyn Jenner se arrepiente de los dramas familiares que causó por sus recientes comentarios sobre su relación con Kris Jenner, e incluso pidió disculpas por molestar a los clanes Kardashian y Jenner.

La cosa es más o menos así. Caitlyn estaba haciendo una gira de prensa en Londres por un nuevo documental sobre las Kardashians cuando se le preguntó acerca de su relación con Kris, en donde reveló que ya no hablan más y calificó de "triste" de todo el asunto.

Ningún contacto

Fuentes cercanas a Caitlyn le dicen a TMZ que el comentario causó tensión dentro de la familia y todas están con Kris sobre Caitlyn, incluidas sus hijas Kendall y Kylie.

Como resultado, nos dicen que Caitlyn está muy arrepentida y dispuesta a hacer lo que sea necesario para reparar las tensiones familiares.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Caitlyn estaba promocionando su próxima aparición en el tráiler de "House of Kardashian", una actuación por la que le pagaron, aunque la familia no estaba de acuerdo con su participación en el proyecto. Nuestras fuentes dicen que la intención de Caitlyn era salir en cámara para defender a la familia y hablar bien de ellos.

Caitlyn ha sido excluida del reality show de las Kardashians en Hulu, por lo que podría sentirse libre de tomar sus propias decisiones acerca de los proyectos en los que quiere participar, sin una "orden de mordaza" en contra de ella.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Caitlyn solo dijo la verdad sobre cómo son las cosas con Kris, pero ahora está arrepentida de haberlo hecho público.

Caitlyn Jenner Remorseful for Kris Comment ... Starting Family Drama

Caitlyn Jenner is regretting some family drama she caused over her recent comments about the current state of her relationship with Kris Jenner ... apologizing for upsetting the Kardashian and Jenner clans.

Here's the deal ... Caitlyn was doing a press tour in London for a new documentary on the Kardashians when she was asked about her relationship with Kris, revealing the two don't talk anymore and calling the whole thing "sad."


Sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ the comment caused tension within the whole family, and everyone is siding with Kris over Caitlyn ... including Caitlyn's daughters Kendall and Kylie.

As a result, we're told Caitlyn is extremely remorseful and is willing to do whatever it takes to mend the family divide.

Our sources say Caitlyn was promoting her upcoming appearance in the "House of Kardashian" trailer, a gig she was paid for ... and the family was not on board with her participating in the project. Our sources say Caitlyn's intention was to go on camera to defend the fam and speak highly of them.

Caitlyn has been excluded from the Kardashians reality show on Hulu ... and feels like she should be free to make her own decisions about what she chooses to be a part of ... without a "gag order" against her.

Our sources say Caitlin was just speaking the truth about how things are with Kris, but she's remorseful for putting it out in public.

Tristan Thompson Es criticado por la familia de su primer hijo... Solo está para sus hijos con Khloe

Tristan Thompson puede estar recibiendo elogios de la familia Kardashian por ser un buen padre, pero ciertamente no todos piensan lo mismo.

Tristan tiene un hijo de 6 años llamado Prince con Jordan Craig, y la hermana de Jordan, Kai, acaba de criticar a la ex estrella de la NBA, diciendo que es repugnante que Tristan no pueda aparecerse ni ser un "padre real" para Prince. Sin embargo, sí es capaz de hacer un montón de cosas buenas para los dos niños que tiene con Khloe Kardashian.

Kai continúa: "El hecho de que pueda llevar a otros niños a la escuela y a actividades en la misma ciudad, y que al mismo tiempo no vea ni hable con su propio hijo, a menos que sea para una fiesta o una oportunidad planeada, es atroz e inexcusable."

Luego se centra en Kim, quien en un episodio reciente de "The Kardashians" dijo que Tristan era "tan buen amigo y tan buen padre."

Kai le dice a Kim: "No quiero pensar que eres así de insensible al hecho de que literalmente ignora a sus hijos. Genial que haya sido buen amigo contigo, pero consideremos a nuestras hermanas antes de tomar plataformas globales para defender el carácter de este hombre".

Kai también afirma que Tristan no ha pagado la matrícula de Prince ni la manutención de los hijos en un "tiempo muy largo".

Hay que tener en cuenta que Tristan también tiene un hijo con Maralee Nichols. No está claro con qué frecuencia ve a ese niño, pero sí se le ordenó que pague su manutención infantil. No se sabe si tiene otros hijos.

Tristan Thompson Slammed by First Son's Family ... Only Shows Up for His Kids with Khloe

Tristan Thompson may be getting praise from the Kardashian family for being a good dad, but it's certainly not that way across the board ... as he's now getting slammed by the aunt of his first son.

Tristan has a 6-year-old son named Prince with Jordan Craig ... and Jordan's sister, Kai, just unleashed on the former NBA star. Kai says it's disgusting Tristan can't show up and be a "real parent" for Prince yet he can do a bunch of nice things for the two kids he has with Khloe Kardashian.

Kai continues, "The fact that he can take other children to school and activities in the same city, yet never sees or speaks to his own son, unless it's for a party or planned photo opportunity, is appalling and inexcusable."

She then turns her focus to Kim, who on a recent episode of "The Kardashians" said Tristan was, "such a good friend and such a good dad."

Kai says to Kim, "I don't want to believe that you are this insensitive to the fact that he literally ignores his children. That's nice if he's been a good friend to you, but let's consider our sisters before taking to global platforms to defend this man's character."

Kai also claims Tristan has not paid for Prince's tuition or child support in a "very long time."

We should note ... Tristan also has a son with Maralee Nichols, it's unclear how often he sees that child, but he was reportedly ordered to pay child support. It's unknown if he has any additional kids.

Khloe and Tristan Living Under the Same Roof ... But She's Clear, Romance is Over


Khloé Kardashian has made clear to Tristan Thompson 2 things ... she wants him out of her house, but still in her life. Let us explain.

Khloe and Tristan are featured on Thursday's episode of "The Kardashians," and this scene does not seem staged at all, at least when it comes to feelings. Tristan's been repairing his home since the SoCal floods hit way back in January, and Khloe's let him stay with her until it's all fixed up, but it's clear her patience is running thin.

Khloe is prodding Tristan for a timeline on when the repairs will be completed, and he responds by saying he can't wait for her to see it when it's completed. Khloe then plays her hand, saying she as well can't wait. TRANSLATION: She wants him out.

KK is not harsh at all. In fact, she's the opposite, acknowledging she and Tristan will be joined at the hip for the rest of their lives because they share 2 kids together.


She makes it clear ... there's a bright line between having a romantic relationship with him again and keeping him in her life as a strong presence for their kids.

It's really a moving convo ... Khloe acknowledges the hurt Tristan has caused but is burying that for the sake of their kids.

Super mature, and exemplary parenting, for sure.

KYLIE JENNER Su nueva mansión toma forma ... Años de construcción

La mega-mansión de Kylie Jenner está empezando a tomar forma. Ya tiene el techo y un diseño más definido después de años desde que comenzara a construirse el proyecto.

Los 5 acres de tierra de Kylie finalmente tienen la estructura completa visible. Obviamente, todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer, pero de que han progresado, han progresado.

Kylie adquirió la propiedad por primera vez en 2020 por 15 millones de dólares y las obras comenzaron a principios del 21. Cuando la casa esté lista, según los informes, tendrá 15 dormitorios, así como una piscina infinita, un garaje subterráneo y una pista deportiva.

En cuanto a sus vecinos, Will Smith está súper cerca, al igual que las hermanas Kim, Kourtney y Khloe, así como su madre, Kris Jenner.

La propiedad mostró signos de progreso el mes pasado, cuando la construcción continuó hacia arriba... y el acompañante de Kylie sin duda será digno de la magnate del maquillaje.

Kylie Jenner Hidden Hills Home Takes Shape Years Into Construction

Kylie Jenner's mega-mansion is beginning to take shape ... getting a roof and true layout years after construction on the massive project first began.

Kylie's 5 acres of land finally has the full structure visible, sitting on top, with what might be a large garage attached to the side. Obviously, there's still a lot of work to be done, but progress is progress.

Kylie first scooped up the property in 2020 for $15 million, and work began early '21. When everything is all said and done, it will reportedly have 15 bedrooms, as well as an infinity pool, an underground garage and a sports court.

As for her neighbors, Will Smith is super close, as are sisters Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe as well as her mom, Kris Jenner.

The property showed signs of progress last month when construction continued to go vertical ... and Kylie's pad will certainly be fit for a makeup mogul.

Semana de la Moda de París ¡¡¡Los looks más sexys se toman Francia!!!

La Semana de la Moda de París está oficialmente terminando y algunas de las modelos más populares del mundo estuvieron presente luciendo sus mejores looks.

Kendall Jenner se subió a la pasarela en Francia durante el espectáculo Le Défilé L'Oréal Paris en la Torre Eiffel, mientras que Kaia Gerber y Gigi Hadid lucieron atuendos de Valentino y Miu Miu durante las grandes pasarelas del encuentro.

El desfile de Mugler Womenswear, para la primavera- verano de 2024, contó con un par de pesos pesados: Helena Christensen lució un diseño único, mientras que Paris Hilton mostró sus tonificadas piernas sobre la pasarela.

Naomi Campbell también se robó las miradas en la ciudad de la luz, pavonéandose con un vestido de Alexander McQueen en el show SS24 en Le Carreau du Temple.

Las estrellas no solo estuvieron deslumbrando sobre el escenario. Rosalía y Kylie Jenner estuvieron entre la audiencia para el show de Acne Studios, Pamela Anderson y Christina Hendricks asistieron al evento de Vivienne Westwood, Kris Jenner y Corey Gamble estuvieron en el desfile de Le Defile - Walk Your Worth para apoyar a Kendall, y Andrew Garfield y Florence Pugh estuvieron hermanados de rosa en el show de Valentino.

Cate Blanchett incluso jugó a las escondidas con Robert Downey Jr. en el desfile de Stella McCartney, así que parece que se divirtieron en la gay Paree, a pesar de la plaga de chinches en la ciudad. Por favor, ¡dejen a los bichos en el extranjero!

Paris Fashion Week Hottest Looks Take Over France!!!

Paris Fashion Week is officially wrapping up ... and some of the most popular supermodels showed up and showed out while wearing hot new looks.

Kendall Jenner took to the runway in France during the Le Défilé L'Oréal Paris - Walk Your Worth show at the Eiffel Tower ... while Kaia Gerber and Gigi Hadid also put outfits from Valentino and Miu Miu on display during the grand dame of fashion weeks.

The Mugler Womenswear Spring/Summer 2024 show had a couple of heavy hitters step out -- Helena Christensen wore a unique fit, while Paris Hilton showed off her toned legs on the runway.

Naomi Campbell was also serving looks in the City of Light ... rocking an Alexander McQueen designer dress at the SS24 show at Le Carreau du Temple.

The stars weren't just working the stage -- Rosalía and Kylie Jenner were in the crowd at Acne Studios, Pamela Anderson and Christina Hendricks attended the Vivienne Westwood event, Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble hit up the Le Defile - Walk Your Worth show to support Kendall ... and Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh were twinning at Valentino.

Cate Blanchett even played keep-away with Robert Downey Jr. while in the audience at the Stella McCartney show ... so it looks like fun was had in gay Paree, despite a bedbug infestation in the city.

Please, leave the critters overseas!

Kim Kardashian Stuns In Gucci Bikini ... After Kendall and Bad Bunny's Campaign

Kim Kardashian isn't about to let Kendall Jenner have all the fun in Gucci, posing in a bikini after KJ and Bad Bunny starred in the latest campaign for the fashion giant.

Kim posted a series of night-cam-esque photos Monday -- showing off a shiny Gucci bikini while lounging in bed.

KK's snaps come after Kendall and Bad Bunny's latest gig for the fashion line's latest campaign, Gucci Valigeria.

The couple rocked big smiles while showing off their Gucci luggage -- and the shoot marked the two going Instagram official ... an announcement that wasn't all that surprising.

The timing of Kim's post is interesting, and it's something folks have already been sounding off on in the comments of her post.


Don't forget, Kim got into it with her other sister, Kourtney, on "The Kardashians" ... about how Kim's collab with Dolce & Gabbana had similarities to Kourtney's wedding with Travis Barker.

That disagreement ended up with a serious fight over the phone at the start of the show's latest season, with Kourtney saying she hates Kim and thinks she's a "f***ing witch."

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Unclear how Kendall feels about Kim's photo shoot ... but we certainly aren't complaining.

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