What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Okay, Kendall Jenner ... WITH THE HAIR FLIP!!! Yeah, you already know it's lights, camera, action when KJ is in sight, but do you have what it takes to cross into these differences with this supermodel, who's ready to put up a fight?!

Even on a rainy day in the Big Apple, Kenny made quite the statement earlier this week, when she looked "Bad and Boujee Bunny" in a yellow trench coat paired with a grey crewneck tee. Can you find the discreet changes in the two shots?

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Kendall Jenner photos!**

Caitlyn Jenner Didn't Mean to Shade Kim K ... 'Calculated' Comment Not What It Seems

Caitlyn Jenner wasn't trying to fire shots at Kim Kardashian when she said the mogul "calculated" her way to fame -- in fact, her comments were part of a bigger convo, where she spoke proudly of Kim.

Here's the deal, Caitlyn's featured in the trailer for the upcoming docuseries, "House of Kardashian," which dives deep into the family's rise to fame. In the first look, which came out last week, Caitlyn says, "Kimberly calculated from the beginning, 'How do I become famous?'"

While it seemed like a dig, sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ ... her use of the word "calculated" wasn't the best choice, but it's already been relayed to Kim she didn't mean it as a diss.

We're told the explanation given to Kim, after the trailer dropped, was that Cait's words were edited to come off more controversial than they actually were... it's a promo, after all.

One source added, Caitlyn's proud of Kim, and thinks what was shown in the 40-second clip isn't reflective of her actual intentions when she sat down to discuss her ex-wife and children.

Caitlyn was only a contributor on the Sky-produced series, so she has no creative control over what makes it into the final edit from her interview ... but we're told she agreed to talk with producers, intending to be a positive voice to defend her family's legacy.

BTW, we're told Cait and Kim are on good terms after the dust settled. If anyone understands the power of editing it's the Kardashians, so ... no harm, no foul.

Caitlyn Jenner No quise criticar a Kim K.... Lo de "calculado" no es lo que parece

Caitlyn Jenner no estaba tratando de disparar contra Kim Kardashian cuando dijo que la magnate "calculó" su camino a la fama. De hecho, sus comentarios fueron parte de una conversación más grande, donde habló con orgullo de Kim.

Caitlyn aparece en el trailer de la próxima docuserie, "House of Kardashian", que se sumerge en el ascenso a la fama de la familia. En el adelanto que salió a la luz la semana pasada, Caitlyn aparece diciendo: "Kimberly calculó desde el principio: "¿Cómo me hago famosa?"".

Aunque parecía una indirecta, fuentes cercanas a Caitlyn dicen a TMZ el uso de la palabra "calculado" no fue la mejor opción, pero ya le transmitió a Kim que no quiso criticarla.

Nos dicen que la explicación que le dio a Kim, después de que el trailer fue liberado, es que sus palabras fueron editados para que sonaran más controvertidas de lo que realmente eran. Se trata de una promoción, después de todo.

Una fuente añadió, que Caitlyn está orgullosa de Kim y piensa que el clip de 40 segundos no refleja realmente lo que quiso decir cuando se sentó a hablar de su ex esposa e hijos.

Caitlyn solo fue una colaboradora en la serie producida por Sky, por lo que no tiene control creativo sobre la edición final de su entrevista, pero nos dicen que accedió a hablar con los productores, con la intención de ser una voz positiva para defender el legado de su familia.

Por cierto, nos han contado que Cait y Kim están en buenos términos después de que las cosas decantaran. Si alguien entiende el poder de la edición son las Kardashian, así que... no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Khloe Kardashian Comparte su experiencia con el cáncer de piel

Khloe Kardashian ha decidido abrir las puertas de su vida privada, particularmente para contarnos de su experiencia con el cáncer de piel y las secuelas y cicatrices que le dejó.

La menor de las hermanas Kardashian publicó varias fotos en las redes sociales el martes que documentan la eliminación de algunos melanomas en la mejilla que, según ella explica, le han dejado una hendidura en su rostro, algo que ella muestra con orgullo.

Khloe compartió orgullosamente el nombre del doctor que la ayudó: "Para aquellos que no saben que pasé un susto con un cáncer de piel en mi cara. Mi ángel @garthfischermd es en quien confié para extirpar el tumor. El Dr. Fischer está fuera de este mundo ¡Fabuloso!".

Y continuó diciendo que el equipo médico no sólo eliminó completamente el cáncer, sino que se aseguró de dejar la menor cicatriz posible, algo que Khloe agradece muchísimo.

Lo que sigue es una revelación honesta, en la que cuenta que tenía una pequeña "mancha" en la cara, que terminó en una cirugía que incluyó algunos puntos y cuidados. Ella muestra todo y dice que prefiere lidiar con una ligera hendidura en su rostro que con el cáncer.

La abolladura que queda en ese lugar, dice Khloe es el pequeño precio que tuvo que pagar por su salud. Y escribe: "Definitivamente no me quejo, porque prefiero tener una hendidura que un melanoma. Estoy tan increíblemente agradecida de todos los médicos que me ayudaron y me siguen ayudando en mi viaje con el cáncer de piel."

Al parecer hubo más trabajo, incluso después de su operación. Khloe dice que consiguió retocar su mejilla con la aprobación de su médico y parece bastante feliz con los resultados.

La razón por la que Khloe está publicando esto es para crear conciencia. En sus mensajes, está animando a la gente a hacerse un chequeo temprano y con frecuencia, y no avergonzarse. Sólido mensaje, y sin duda está sentando un precedente que ella esté siendo han honesta como es.

Khloe Kardashian Shares Skin Cancer Journey ... Reveals Face Indentation

Khloe Kardashian is peeling back the curtain on her private life -- opening up on her skin cancer journey ... and showing the aftermath, battle scars, and all.

The youngest Kardashian sister posted several photos on social media Tuesday that documented the removal of some melanoma on her cheek -- which she says has now left an indentation ... something she bares proudly.

KK shouts out the doc who worked on this for her, writing ... "For those who do not know I had a skin cancer scare on my face. My angel @garthfischermd is who I trusted with removing the tumor. Dr Fischer is out of this world Fabulous!"

She goes on to say that the medical team not only completely removed the cancer, but made sure to leave as little scarring as possible -- which Khloe is clearly appreciative of.

What follows is an honest revelation of where Khloe was -- with a small "spec" of melanoma on her face -- and where she ended up afterward ... which included some gnarly stitches. She shows it all, saying she'd rather deal with a slight ding in the armor than freaking cancer.

Khloe says the depression that remains in that spot is a small price to pay for her health. She writes, "I am definitely not complaining because I would rather have an indentation than melanoma any day. I am so incredibly grateful to all the doctors who helped and continue to help me with my skin cancer journey."

There was more work done, apparently, even after her operation ... Khloe says she got her cheek filled with her doctor's approval, and she seems pretty happy with the results.

The reason Khloe is even posting this is to raise awareness. In her posts, she encourages folks to get themselves checked out early and often ... and not to be ashamed.

Solid message ... and it certainly sets a precedent that she's being as transparent as she is.

Kim Kardashian 'Hanging Out' with Odell Beckham Jr

Kim Kardashian has started up a new friendship with NFL superstar Odell Beckham Jr. ... hanging out thanks to a group of mutual friends, TMZ has confirmed.

Sources connected to the pair tell us while Kim's not seriously dating anyone at the moment, she's absolutely open to finding love again if she finds the right person. However, the source insists OBJ is strictly a friend, and they've got a few mutual friends in common.

People was first to report the pair was "hanging out" ... noting OBJ and his longtime girlfriend Lauren Wood split. Our sources say the two actually broke up at the beginning of this year. Beckham and Wood welcomed their son, Zydn, in February 2022.

Unclear who the group of mutual friends consists of or how Kim and OBJ linked -- Beckham is currently a wide receiver for the Baltimore Ravens. He played for the L.A. Rams in 2021 -- Kim went to a couple of the team's games -- at one point taking her son, Saint, to celebrate his birthday.

Kim's been publicly single since she and Pete split in August 2022 after about 9 months together ... and of course, she's been super busy as of late, balancing her life as a mom, and owner of a multi-billion-dollar brand in SKIMS.

That's a damn good looking friendship.

Stars With Sunsets ... It's About To Go Down!

As the summer nights begin to fade, shining stars are soaking up every last ray ... and with social media being quite the sunny sight to see ... these scenic shots will have your day made! So, sit back and look alive at these stars with sunsets!

Soaking up the sweet settings under the cotton candy skies, see sun-lit celebs like Rob Lowe and Kali Uchis taking it all in, and there's a glistening glow in Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian's eyes from the pink and orange sky!

Your beautiful views are just on the horizon ... see the sights with our glimmering gallery of stars under sunsets!

TRISTAN THOMPSON Solicita la tutela de su hermano menor tras muerte de su madre

Tristan Thompson ha tomado el relevo como cuidador de su hermano menor, tras la repentina muerte de su madre, y ahora está tomando medidas para hacer oficial su tutela.

En documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Tristan le está pidiendo a la corte ser el tutor de Amari Thompson. Los documentos afirman que Tristan asumió las responsabilidades de cuidado de Amari, de 17 años, tras la muerte de su madre Andrea en enero.

Los documentos también afirman que el padre de Tristan y Amari, Trevor, ha estado ausente de la vida del hermano menor, lo que deja a Tristan como el miembro más cercano de la familia y capaz de proporcionar el cuidado que necesita.

Amari tiene varios diagnósticos médicos que le incapacitan para cuidar de sí mismo, y Tristan tendrá que ayudarle con su día a día, así como con sus citas médicas.

Es más, los documentos dicen que Amari va a recibir aproximadamente 103.475 dólares como resultado de la muerte de Andrea, y será Tristan quien protegerá esa herencia de pérdidas o daños.

Como informamos, Khloe Kardashian y su familia corrieron a reunirse con Tristan en Canadá después de la muerte de Andrea. Khloe también abrió su casa temporalmente a Tristan y Amari después de que Tristan tuviera problemas con su techo causados por malas condiciones climáticas.

Tristan Thompson Files for Guardianship of Younger Brother After Mom's Sudden Death

Tristan Thompson has taken over as caregiver for his younger brother in the wake of his mom's death, and is now taking steps to make his guardianship official.

In legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Tristan's asking the court to become guardian of Amari Thompson. The documents state Tristan took over the responsibilities of care for 17-year-old Amari after their mother, Andrea, died in January.

The documents also state Tristan and Amari's dad, Trevor, has been absent from Amari's life -- leaving Tristan as his closest family member who is able to provide the care he needs.

Amari has several medical diagnoses that leave him unable to care for himself -- and Tristan will need to help him with his day-to-day as well as with his medical appointments.

What's more, the documents say Amari is set to receive approximately $103,475 as a result of Andrea's death ... and Tristan will protect that inheritance from loss or injury.

As we reported, Khloe Kardashian and her family raced to join Tristan in Canada after Andrea's death. Khloe also opened her home temporarily to Tristan and Amari after Tristan had issues with his roof caused by poor weather conditions.

Kim Kardashian Issues Plea To President Biden ... Help Us Prevent Another Armenian Genocide

Kim Kardashian is sending a message to President Joe Biden in the hopes of preventing another Armenian Genocide ... asking him to help cut ties with Azerbaijan.

In a Rolling Stone piece released Friday by Kim and Dr. Eric Esrailian, she starts by saying she and countless others like her are "descendants of Armenian Genocide survivors" ... saying she doesn't want to have to talk about yet another genocide in the future.

Kim goes on to talk about how "Azerbaijan has blockaded the only lifeline between the indigenous Christian Armenians of Artsakh" and the rest of the world since December, adding the war in Ukraine has meant some countries have had to rely on Azerbaijan for oil -- resulting in using "starvation as a weapon against the Armenian population in the region."

She says we are past the point of "thoughts, prayers, or concern," outlining the conflict overseas, as well as the 2020 attacks on Armenians in Artsakh and a ceasefire agreement that she says wasn't upheld.

What's more, Kim, who is of Armenian descent, says the silence by governments across the globe has only been fueling the fire, and is now asking Biden to cut off foreign aid to Azerbaijan and boycott international events happening in the country.

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As we reported, Kim donated $1 million toward the conflict in Armenia in 2020, as conflicts were heating up -- sources told us Khloe, Kourtney and Rob all made sizeable donations, too.


For those unaware, the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia spans decades, and over the territory that lies between them.

Beyoncé Celebs Hail Queen at Bday Concert ... Serenaded by Diana Ross!!!

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Beyoncé celebrated her birthday with another packed L.A. concert ... one that was filled to the brim with celebs, and came with a surprise performance from the legendary Diana Ross.

The Beyhive was out in full force Monday night at SoFi Stadium to celebrate the singer's 42nd birthday -- with Kim & Khloé Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Corey Gamble, 10-year-old North, and 11-year-old Penelope Disick all showing up as one happy family.

The sold-out crowd, and perhaps Beyoncé, got an exciting surprise when Diana Ross hit the stage to sing "Happy Birthday" ... along with all the fans. Bey was rightfully emotional after Diana's gift -- shouting out, "Give it up for the queen!"

Other faces in the crowd included couples like Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, and Justin and Hailey Bieber -- and Adele, Winnie Harlow, Vanessa Bryant, Tom Sandoval, Scheana Shay, Keke Palmer, Zendaya, Chris Rock, Queen Latifah, Kerry Washington and even Meghan Markle all showed up for the big gig!


Beyoncé also brought out Kendrick Lamar to perform the remix of their collab, "America Has a Problem."

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As we reported, Kylie Jenner and  Timothée Chalamet were also at the concert -- goin' public with their relationship by packing on the PDA while in the VIP section.

Not a bad way to ring in a birthday, Bey. Looks like one she won't soon forget!!!

Beyoncé Celebridades saludan a la reina en su cumpleaños incluyendo Diana Ross

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Cumpleaños de Bey

Beyoncé celebró su cumpleaños con otro concierto en Los Ángeles, repleto de famosos y la actuación sorpresa de la legendaria Diana Ross.

Los fanáticos de Beyoncé estaban a todo pulmón la noche del lunes en el estadio SoFi para celebrar el cumpleaños número 42 de la cantante, con Kim y Kloé Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Corey Gamble, North, de 10 años y Penélope Disick de 11, juntos como una familia feliz.

El público, que agotó las entradas, y tal vez Beyoncé, se llevaron una emocionante sorpresa cuando Diana Ross subió al escenario para cantar feliz cumpleaños, junto con todos los fans. Bey se emocionó con razón con el regalo de Diana, exclamando: "¡Un aplauso para la reina!".

Entre la multitud, también se vieron los rostros de celebridades como Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez, Justin y Hailey Bieber, Adele, Winnie Harlow, Vanessa Bryant, Tom Sandoval, Scheana Shay, Keke Palmer, Zendaya, Chris Rock, Queen Latifah, Kerry Washington e incluso Meghan Markle, todos quisieron estar presentes para el gran concierto.

Kendrick en escena

Beyoncé también invitó al escenario a Kendrick Lamar para interpretar el remix de su colaboración, America Has a Problem.

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Besos en público

Como ya informamos, Kylie Jenner y Timothée Chalamet también estuvieron presentes en el concierto, haciendo pública su relación y mostrándose muy cariñosos en la sección VIP.

No es una mala forma de celebrar un cumpleaños, Bey. De seguro no lo olvidará pronto.

Travis Barker Leaves Hospital w/ Still-Preggo Kourt ... After Family Emergency

Travis Barker's family emergency appears to have been connected to his pregnant wife, Kourtney Kardashian -- as expected -- but she's still got their bun in the oven.

The Blink-182 rocker and eldest Kardashian sister were photographed leaving an LA-area hospital Saturday ... where they boarded a waiting SUV with some handlers and security guards in tow as well. As you can see, KK still looks very pregnant ... and she's on her feet.

More importantly, no sign of a newborn anywhere ... so, it looks like she hasn't popped yet -- which is what most people assumed had happened as far as the family emergency.

Remember, Travis' band announced a sudden postponement in their tour Friday while in Europe ... writing, "Due to an urgent family matter, Travis has had to return home to the States. The Glasgow, Belfast, and Dublin shows are being postponed. More information in regards to his return to Europe and rescheduled dates will be provided as soon as available."

No official reason was offered for Travis' departure ... but, obviously, the fact Kourtney is pregnant and quite far along came to most everyone's mind as a possible explanation.

Like we said, we still don't know what exactly went down or why Kourtney might've been in the hospital -- but, thankfully, she seems to be doing better now and heading home.

This is Kourt and Travis' first kid together ... they have children from previous relationships.

Shanna Moakler on Travis Barker Urgent Family Matter Doesn't Involve Our Kids ... But Sounds Like Big Deal


Shanna Moakler is narrowing down Travis Barker's "urgent family matter" that has Blink-182 postponing concerts ... she says the kids they have together are safe and sound.

The drummer's ex-wife told a photog in Los Angeles Friday that Travis' family issue doesn't involve their son or daughter, and she says tons of folks have been reaching out to her for clarity.

Shanna says whatever Travis is dealing with that forced him to leave scheduled tour stops in Europe and return to the United States ASAP must be serious ... and she's praying everything is good with Travis, his immediate family, Kourtney Kardashian and their pregnancy.

As we reported ... Blink-182 suddenly postponed three shows due to an unspecified "urgent family matter" involving Travis.

Kourtney's pretty far along in her pregnancy with their first child ... and Travis posted photos of a prayer room before the concert news broke ... though no one is saying what caused the postponement.

But, Shanna's reporting everything is good with her side of Travis' family ... so that narrows it down a bit.

Stay tuned ...

Blink-182 Tour Temporarily Postponed ... 'Urgent Family Matter' Involving Travis

Blink-182 has temporarily pulled the plug on 3 European concerts because Travis Barker had to leave to deal with an "urgent family matter."

The band was not specific, other than to say ... "Due to an urgent family matter, Travis has had to return home to the States. The Glasgow, Belfast, and Dublin shows are being postponed. More information in regards to his return to Europe and rescheduled dates will be provided as soon as available."

Hours before Blink-182 broke the news, Travis posted photos of a prayer room to Instagram, though it's unclear where he was or why he did so.

As you know, Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant and seems to be far along. Nevertheless, no one is saying what urgently caused the postponement.


Kourtney announced her pregnancy with a big sign at Blink's show back in June.

Hope everything's ok.

Kim Kardashian Not Concerned by Kanye West After Cheeky Wardrobe Mishap

Kim Kardashian isn't keepin' up with her former hubby, Kanye West ... because we've learned she isn't the least bit concerned about his recent wardrobe malfunction overseas.

Sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she isn't staying up to date on Ye and his personal business -- unless, of course, it's on the topic of co-parenting.

For those unaware, there were reports Kim was embarrassed and disturbed after Kanye's naked butt was exposed while on vacation with his boo, Bianca Censori ... but our sources say any talk about Kim being concerned is simply untrue.

We're told she sees Ye's crack slip as an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction, but sources note Kim wishes him and Bianca the best as they continue to enjoy their Italian getaway.

As we reported, Kanye and Bianca were on a water taxi in Venice on Monday when he likely felt a breeze from behind ... but he didn't seem to care, because he wasn't doing a lot of adjusting while taking a ride.

Sounds like Kim doesn't care about the cheeky mishap, either.

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