North West Makes Directorial Debut With 'Old Town Road' Music Vid


Feast your eyes on the star power to come that is North West -- who just dropped her first music video for Lil Nas' smash hit, "Old Town Road." Gotta say, the kid's got talent.

Kim Kardashian posted the video to social media Tuesday, captioning it ... "What we do on maternity leave.... Directed and Choreographed by North." The home video starts out with North filming her mom inside their home but then takes center stage herself.

Donning a cowboy hat and an outfit that kinda looks Jessie-esque a la "Toy Story," North busts out some sweet moves ... and gets some pretty nice close-ups along the way.

Look, it's obviously not supposed to be a serious music video -- the real one for 'OTR' is dropping Friday -- but it's a helluva first step for North, who's proven to be quite the artiste ... and certainly not one to shy away from the camera. That much she's made clear.

It's interesting ... North seems to be following in the footsteps of another young famous tyke who's been making some artistic waves herself -- Beyonce's daughter, Blue Ivy. It was recently revealed that Blue helped choreograph one of Beyonce's Coachella dance numbers, as seen on the new Netflix doc about the build-up to the show.

Talented kiddos right here.

Kylie Jenner Mama's Launching Her Own Baby Biz!!!

Kylie Jenner's expanding her business empire ... she's getting into the baby biz!!!

According to docs obtained by TMZ ... Kylie's filed trademarks for "Kylie Baby" and it seems as if she's gearing up to launch a baby line that'll cover just about everything your average baby mama's gonna need with a new little one in tow.

In docs, "Kylie Baby" wants to crank out baby furniture ... like cribs, bouncers, changing tables and baby walkers. She's also diving into the non-medicated skin care prep side of things with skin moisturizers, lotions and creams.

That's not all ... Kylie wants to cover you with her own line of linens, swaddling blankets and crib jumpers. Tryna store breast milk? She wants to cover ya too with breast storage bottles and even breast pumps.

There's also plans to slap the "Kylie Baby" name on strollers, children's car seats and diaper bags.

Kim Kardashian Blowback Over Prison Reform Credit is Due, But Too Much?!?

Kim Kardashian is getting backlash from people within the prison reform movement who think she's getting too much credit for helping free non-violent inmates ... and the lawyers Kim's working with are getting an earful.

Kim's attorney, Brittany K. Barnett, joined us on "TMZ Live" and talked about the people working behind-the-scenes to free prisoners who feel like their hard work is being overlooked by Kim's association with prison reform. Brittany says the blame is not on Kim ... it's on the media.


As we've reported ... Kim is footing the bill while Barnett and lawyer MiAngel Cody of The Decarceration Collective lay the groundwork to free prisoners who received Draconian sentences for drug offenses. Together, their 90 Days of Freedom campaign has freed 17 men and women over the past few months, reuniting them with their families after years behind bars.

Brittany -- who also believes the media has unfairly made it look like Kim is shouldering the effort -- tells us there's been a lot of grousing within many of the advocacy groups ... she says lots of folks believe the media is placing too big a focus on Kim just because she's a celeb, and they feel the media is overlooking their efforts which have spanned decades.

The blowback against Kim was big enough for Brittany and MiAngel to address it on social media ... saying, "we are two Black women lawyers ... we do this for the CULTURE, the CAUSE, and the CODE." But, in our convo, Brittany says they are 3 women working together, Kim included.

To be fair, Kim's doing more than just throwing money around. She's also lobbying on behalf of the movement, had a sit down with President Trump in the White House and often deals directly with Jared Kushner. Not everyone can gain that kind of access to powerful people.

Bottom line ... Brittany tells us she's too busy getting people out of prison to worry about who gets the credit.

Kim & Kanye Surrogate Gives Birth ... Baby #4 is Here!!!

9:36 AM PT -- Sources close tell us baby #4 was born Thursday and weighed 6 lb. 9 oz.

5/10 9:05 AM PT -- The new baby West has arrived. Kim just tweeted, "He's here and he's perfect!" She continued, "He's also Chicago's twin lol I'm sure he will change a lot but now he looks just like her."

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are about to be the proud parents of a brand spankin' new baby boy -- their surrogate's in labor!!!

Kourtney and Kris Jenner taped an episode of 'Ellen' Thursday with all of the Kardashian kids ... including Kim and Kanye's. Kourtney acknowledged Kim was supposed to be on the show but couldn't make it because there were urgent matters to attend to ... i.e., labor! And, get this, we're told Kris didn't even know.

Our sources say Mom and Dad were at the hospital Thursday night with the surrogate. Don't know for sure if they'll be in the delivery room, but she was the last time around for the birth of Chicago.

As we reported ... KW and KK hired a new surrogate to carry their fourth kid to term -- not because they were dissatisfied with the last one ... she was simply unavailable. The woman -- who was in her early 20s -- had her own child this past December ... less than 12 months after popping out baby Chicago. As a result ... the couple had to go with another surrogate.

This new surrogate's profile never became clear ... but ya gotta imagine Mom and Dad went with someone who was equally capable.

Kim and Kanye used a leftover embryo they created to bring this newest baby to life. He'll join three siblings -- North, Saint and Chi -- as the sixth member of the family.

As you know ... Kim's got a full plate. Aside from studying to become a lawyer and running of beauty empire, she's dedicating much of her time to prison reform, helping first free Alice Marie Johnson and Matthew Charles. Just last week, she helped free a man given a life sentence.

We'll keep ya posted on when baby #4 pops out ... but here's an early CONGRATS!!!

Originally Published - 5/9 7:05 PM PT

Kim Kardashian Helping Ex-Con Get Fresh Start ... Tattoo Removal On Me!!!

Kim Kardashian is making house calls to some of the inmates she's recently helped free -- as one of them in North Carolina just discovered -- and she's pitching in to get their lives back on track.

This is pretty incredible -- Azaria Algarin's twin brother, Paul, got out of Central Prison in North Carolina on April 19 after serving 7 years, but while he was locked up he asked for Kim's address so he could send her a letter because he'd heard of the prison reform work she's been doing.

Azaria says she thought her bro was being ridiculous and it was a pipe dream that Kim would even read his letter, let alone respond. Turns out she did ... with a personal visit to meet him and his family.

Kim and Kanye West flew to Charlotte Tuesday -- the day after attending NYC's Met Gala -- to meet Paul, Azaria and their mom. She also brought a doctor to discuss removing Paul's face tattoos so he can have a fresh start post-incarceration. Kim and Kanye are covering the cost for the procedure.

Azaria's floored by the gesture, saying ... "Never in a million years did I think Kim would write him back (or even read his letter), fly in right after the met gala (not to mention her 4th baby is due at any minute), invest in our family & laugh / relate to us over the smallest things."

Azaria tells TMZ the group had lunch at The Lights Juicery & Cafe, then went to MedSpa nearby for Paul's first lasering session to remove his facial ink.

She says ... "I’m so proud of my brother for taking steps in the right direction," and she's grateful for Kim's involvement in "such a special day that I will forever cherish."

As we've told you, Kim's more popular than ever with prisoners and their families thanks to helping 17 inmates gain freedom over the last 3 months.

Kim Kardashian Wanted by Inmates ... Please, Hear Us Out & Get Us Out!!!

Kim Kardashian is more popular in prisons than ever -- and that's saying a lot -- because scores of inmates are reaching out now that word is out she can offer non-violent offenders a path to freedom.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Kim and her team of high-powered attorneys are now inundated with letters, calls, emails and social media messages from people who are incarcerated, or the relatives of prisoners. We're told they're all seeking help to get released.

It's no secret why. TMZ broke the story ... Kim successfully helped release 17 inmates in the last few months by funding the 90 days of Freedom campaign -- which is spearheaded by lawyers Brittany K. Barnett and MiAngel Cody of the Decarceration Collective.

The people they've been helping are inmates who were serving unduly long prison sentences -- many of them life -- for low-level drug offenses.

Barnett and Cody are utilizing the newly signed First Step Act as grounds for the releases.

We're told Kim receives hundreds of letters each week -- not to mention the flood of letters and calls made to the attorney's offices as well -- and those numbers don't even come close to the social media tags Kim gets.

To be clear, this is not a rubber stamp process. On the contrary, our sources say Kim is setting aside time each night to sift through many of the inmates' stories -- and Brittany and MiAngel are doing the same. If Kim sees a case she feels strongly about, she brings to the team for further research.

When Kim started her mission, inmates referred to her as "The Princess of Prison Reform" ... we're told that nickname has stuck too.

TBH, since our post about Kim and the 90 Days of Freedom ... our own office phones have been blowing up with people trying to get in touch with her for prison help.

Safe to say ... she's opened the floodgates now.

Kim Kardashian Helped Free 17 Inmates in 90 Days ... Reuniting Them with Families

Kim Kardashian is helping free inmates at an amazingly high rate, and she's been doing it rather quietly ... until now.

We've learned Kim and her legal team helped 17 prisoners gain freedom over the last 3 months or so -- each of them having served years of life sentences without parole ... for low-level drug offenses.

It's all part of the 90 Days of Freedom campaign launched by Kim's lawyer, Brittany K. Barnett, in partnership with lawyer MiAngel Cody of The Decarceration Collective. The campaign puts the First Step Act -- signed by President Trump last year -- to work for prisoners who received Draconian sentences.

Kim is footing the bill while Barnett, who also co-founded the Buried Alive advocacy group, and Cody handle the lawyering. We're told Kim's been secretly funding the campaign over the past few months.

We've known about a few cases Kim's backed -- Jeffrey Stringer in Florida, Cyntoia Brown in Tennessee, Alice Marie Johnson in Alabama -- but now we know the list is much longer.

Here are a few examples:

Jamelle Carraway is back with his family after serving 11 years of a life sentence in federal prison.

Jamelle, who was 31 when he was arrested for cocaine possession, is living and working in Illinois as he makes the slow transition back to society.

Eric Balcom is back home in Florida, and seeing his mother for the first time in 16 years after serving hard time in federal prison.

He was convicted on a drug charge when he was 29, and was sentenced to life without parole.

Terrence Byrd is finally free after spending half his life -- 25 years -- in federal prison on drug possession charges. We're told he's been reunited with his 96-year-old grandmother, the woman who raised him.

Kim, Brittany and MiAngel aren't done working miracles, either -- we're told they're on top of several more cases.

Miss USA Cheslie Kryst Working to Free Inmates ... With Kim K's Lawyer

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Miss USA Cheslie Kryst is hard at work on a project that goes well beyond your typical beauty pageant agenda -- and it has her crossing paths with Kim Kardashian.

The new Miss USA was on "TMZ Live" Monday and told us she's working to free an inmate who's serving a life sentence for a low-level drug charge. She's working closely with Brittany K. Barnett -- the lawyer who just secured another prisoner's release ... with Kim's funding.

Cheslie, an attorney herself, tells us she and Brittany hope to do the same for someone in her home state of North Carolina by the end of this month.

As we reported ... Kim and Brittany just helped free Jeffrey Stringer, who served 22 years of a life sentence in Florida. Kim posted a celebratory shot of his family ahead of Stringer's release.

Now, Cheslie's hoping she can accomplish a similar mission close to home.

Kim's got a pretty amazing track record when it comes to this sort of thing ... helping Tennessee inmate Cyntoia Brown secure clemency, playing a key role in freeing Matthew Charles and Alice Marie Johnson, and taking her cause to the White House for a meeting with President Trump ... accomplishments Cheslie says should be celebrated.

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West No 4th Child Yet ... Despite Reports

11:01 AM PT -- Kim just shut the reports down too, saying, "Wait just saw news our baby boy came but that's not true! It's Met Monday, I'm in NYC. I would be at the hospital lol"

Kim Kardashian has 3 children, not 4, despite reports her surrogate has given birth.

There are stories circulating the surrogate just gave birth to a boy, a story that may have been fueled by one of Kim's posts Monday, in which she displayed a text from Kanye saying, "This is your life. Married with four kids. Get people out of jail. Cover of Vogue. Go to church every week with your family. Dreams come true."

Our Kardashian sources say it's not so. That said, we're told the surrogate is expected to give birth sometime this week.

As you know, the 4th baby will join the brood, with 5-year-old North, 3-year-old Saint and 1-year-old Chicago.

Kim's gonna be juggling a lot of babies. She's in the throes of studying for the Baby Bar. And, she's knee deep in fighting for prison reform, and she's been extremely successful at it.

Originally Published -- 10:41 AM PT

Kim Kardashian I Make $1 Million ... FOR EACH INSTAGRAM POST!!!

11:11 PM PT -- An industry source tells us Kim actually pulls in $1 Million per Instagram post ... and it's likely her legal team will re-file the docs with an adjustment.

Kim Kardashian just filed legal docs revealing just how incredibly powerful and influential she is ... and that power and influence translates into insane cash.

Kim is embroiled in a lawsuit against Missguided USA clothing company, a fast fashion brand. She claims the company used her image to hawk its wares. The company apparently didn't respond to her claims, and she's now going in for a default judgment for $5 mil.

That's not why we're telling you about this. In the docs, Kim justifies the $5 mil by explaining her capacity to make big money. She says she gets between $300,000 and $500,000 FOR A SINGLE INSTAGRAM POST!!!

And, get this ... in the docs, she says she frequently turns down offers for that kind of money because she doesn't want to be associated with the brands.

As for the lawsuit, Kim says her brand is being damaged by Missguided USA associating itself with her.

It's no secret ... Kim can literally make a business by giving it a thumbs up. It's like Oprah, only arguably bigger.

Kim Kardashian Mission Accomplished ... Helps Free Another Inmate

Kim Kardashian and her legal team have helped free another inmate serving a life sentence for a low-level drug offense ... this time in Florida.

Kim made the announcement Friday, saying a prisoner named Jeffrey Stringer would be walking free and reunited with his family soon after serving 22 years of a life sentence.

She posted this shot of Jeffrey's family members, who are clearly thrilled he's been granted a reduced sentence after more than 2 decades behind bars.

Sources connected to the case tell us Jeffrey was convicted for drug possession when he was 25, but because he had 2 drug priors ... he got life under the federal three-strikes law.

His attorney, Brittany K. Barnett -- who Kim credited for securing Jeffrey's release -- tells TMZ ... they went to court and successfully argued he should be released under the First Step Act, which President Trump signed into law last year.

Barnett, who co-founded the Buried Alive advocacy group for inmates like Jeffrey, says his "case epitomizes the catastrophic effect of 3 strikes." We're told he'll be released on Monday.

While Barnett did the lawyering, it appears Kim foot the bill. As she put it, "It gives me such joy to fund this life saving work."

As you know ... Kim's been dedicating much of her time to prison reform, helping Tennessee inmate Cyntoia Brown secure clemency, and playing a major role in freeing Alice Marie Johnson and Matthew Charles. She's even taken her cause to the Oval Office, meeting with President Trump ahead of Alice's release.

She's also studying hard to become a lawyer, and co-starring in her pal, Paris Hilton's music videos.

Busy woman.

Originally Published -- 3:02 PM PT

Paris Hilton & Kim Kardashian Team Up for 'Best Friend's Ass' Vid ... 'Britney' There Too!!!


Everything's come full circle for Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian -- the former besties have solidified their BFF status once again ... thanks to their asses.

Kim was spotted Thursday outside Hollywood's Nightingale Plaza club, glammed up alongside Paris on the set of what looks to be the music video shoot for Hilton's new single with Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, "Best Friend's Ass."

Paris and Kim have both teased a secret project together on social media ... and now all signs point to it being this music vid.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Along with Kim, Paris was joined by "RuPaul's Drag Race" star and Britney Spears impersonator, Derrick Barry, who was decked out in full "I'm a Slave 4 U" attire.

There were also more drag queens, shirtless hunks and snakes on set ... lots of snakes.

The irony of Paris' new song title is strong. If you'll recall ... when she and Kim had their falling out more than a decade ago, she said she would not want a butt like the famous Kardashian, adding ... "It's gross! It reminds me of cottage cheese inside a big trash bag."

Water under the bridge, apparently. Can't wait to see the music vid!

Travis Scott Hennessy Slurpee, Tattoos for My 28th Bday!!!


Even Travis Scott's birthday shindigs know how to get into SICKO MODE ... where else ya gonna find a party with a Hennessy Slurpee machine and tattoo station?!

The rapper celebrated turning 28 on Tuesday night at Universal Studios where Kylie Jenner hosted a gas station-themed birthday party. Kendall, Kim, Kanye and a bunch of others turned up ... as Travis looked in awe walking into a room decorated to look exactly like a gas station all about him.

The coolest part ... definitely the Hennessy Slurpee machine. There was also a Nike booth and Travis' Jordan 1s were hanging all over the party. Travis and Kylie were all lovey-dovey before and after inking their bodies. You gotta check out the vid ... it was truly an epic party.


After the bash ... the crowd made their way over to Bootsy Bellows in WeHo where tons of other celebs came out. Quavo, 21 Savage, G-Eazy and NFL star Todd Gurley were among the attendees.

Legendary birthday parties ... it's kinda the Kardashian-Jenner's thing.

Khloe Kardashian True's Taking Her First Steps I'm One Proud Mama!!!


True Thompson is growing up right before our eyes ... because Khloe Kardashian's baby girl is taking her first steps, and it's all on video!!!

Khloe posted these super cute clips to her Instagram story on Sunday, cheering on True as she starts walking for the first time all on her own!

The family milestone went down in Khloe's house, with True booking it through the living room and the playroom. Guess it helps to have an NBA superstar for a father. Tristan Thompson's kid is already walking tall.

True is the youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner family ... with Khloe and Tristan putting their recent relationship drama aside earlier this month to celebrate True's 1st birthday party.

It's a huge weekend for the Kardashian-Jenner klan ... also on Sunday, Kim threw a CBD-infused baby shower celebrating the arrival of her 4th child with Kanye West.

But, this moment is all about True and we can already feel our hearts melting!

Kids ... they grow up so fast.

Kim Kardashian 4th Baby Shower Sooo CHILL ... CBD for Everyone!!!

Even on baby no. 4, Kim Kardashian's still finding ways to make baby showers unique -- and SUPER zen -- by loading up her GFs on CBD everything, baby!!!

Kim admitted during Saturday's event ... she was "freaking out" because she and Kanye West are expecting their newest baby's arrival -- by surrogate -- within a couple weeks. So, since she needed to chill out, Kim thought, "What better way to celebrate than to have a little CBD?"

As they say ... the crowd went wild. Guests -- including Paris Hilton -- got to concoct their own CBD-infused body oils and bath salts ... before chilling out with a sound bath.


Kim also gave all her peeps in attendance, blue Yeezy slides that even Paris rocked ... and there were blue accent decorations -- all celebrating baby #4, who, as we reported, is a boy.

She also might have dropped a BIG hint on the kid's name when she zoomed in on a name on the wall, Robert Harut (Armenian) means he has risen. Robert would also be a homage to her late dad.

North and her cousin, Penelope Disick were also there for the shower ... we're assuming they passed on the CBD and went with a juice box.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

When baby boy West arrives ... Kim and Kanye will have a strong poker hand ... 2 pairs -- 2 girls, North and Chicago, and 2 boys, Saint and ... TBA Kardashian-West.

Jordyn Woods Mother Talks 'Silver Lining' Over Kylie Jenner Fallout


Jordyn Woods and her mom, Elizabeth, stopped dead in their tracks with the question ... what's the silver lining over the whole Tristan/Khloe/Kylie mess?

We got the mother/daughter team Friday at LAX, and you can see Jordyn process the question and it's almost like she wants to answer but thinks the safest way to go is silence.

Momager Elizabeth is chattier ... heaping praise on Kris Jenner, proclaiming love for everyone and then addressing the silver lining question. Sounds like she's saying it gave them a greater connection to God.

The Kardashians have not budged after what they view is a deal-breaking betrayal.

Whatever works, right?