'Bachelor' Juan Pablo I'm NOT That Guy From That Show ... That Made Me Famous

Juan Pablo is trying to lose the giant tool label he earned on "The Bachelor" -- but JP banning people from mentioning the show around him during a PAID appearance ... ain't gonna get it done.

Here's an idea -- stop appearing places, stop talking ... and we'll forget you much faster.

Juan Pablo Who Needs 'The Bachelor'??? I'm Famous Without It

"The Bachelor" star Juan Pablo is already suffering from delusions of grandeur -- insisting he's big enough to host major nightclub events around the country ... WITHOUT mentioning his claim to fame, because that's exactly what he demanded.

TMZ has obtained the flier for Juan's upcoming club appearance at The Pool After Dark in Atlantic City on March 29th -- and NOWHERE on the flier does it mention "The Bachelor."

Looking at it, you'd think Enrique Iglesias canceled and the club was forced to hire a cheap replacement.

And it's no accident -- sources tell us, Juan specifically instructed the casino NOT to associate him with "The Bachelor" in any press releases or fliers.

And his ludicrous demands didn't end there -- we're told Juan agreed to a 15-person meet-and-greet on the condition no one asked about his reality show stint. Same rule goes for reporters looking for interviews.

Best part -- he's getting around $20,000.

Oh yeah, Nikki -- whom JP ultimately settled on by the end of the show -- will be there too. That is, if they're still together.

'Bachelor' Juan Pablo He's Just Not That Into You

Nikki Ferrell, girl, we hate to break it to you ... but Juan Pablo is NOT feeling it.

First, he refused to tell you he loved you during ABC's finale of "The Bachelor" ... despite Chris Harrison's repeated questions.

Then this weekend in the Dominican Republic, you kissed him at a wedding reception you guys were at. You're clearly into it ... he is CLEARLY NOT.

When this goes South ... don't say we didn't warn you.

'Bachelor' Juan Pablo Publicity Blackout EES OK, I'm Done with This Crap

"Bachelor" star Juan Pablo has told Warner Bros. he won't do ANY post-season publicity for the show ... and for its part the studio is saying good riddance.

Sources connected with the show and the studio tell TMZ ... Juan Pablo outright refused to appear on "Good Morning America" Tuesday, and made it clear he was done with publicity of any sort for the show.

Our Warner Bros. sources say that's just fine with them, because they think he damages the "Bachelor" franchise because of his d-baggery.

And even GMA wasn't fighting to get Juan Pablo on the show.

As for the show itself ... we're told producers grew to HATE Juan Pablo, and it appears the feeling was mutual.


Lawyer 'Bachelorette' Boss Stunned She's Leaving for Dating Show

New "Bachelorette" Andi Dorfman has stunned her boss -- the D.A. of Fulton County -- by bailing in the middle of a murder trial to appear on a TV show ... but he's grudgingly giving her a shot at stardom.

TMZ obtained the letter written by Fulton County D.A. Paul Howard Jr., who calls her request "highly unusual."

Truth be told ... most law firms and prosecutors' offices would give someone like Andi her walking papers, because they would normally view the request as flaky. But Howard grudgingly agreed to take her back, calling her "a valued member of the DA's office." She's also hot.

But two strings attached. Her leave will be unpaid. And, she has until May 31st to come back. After that, she's just another professional reality star.

He ended his letter with, "Wish you best of luck."

'The Bachelor' Lawyer Vanishes in Court To Become New Bachelorette


There's been a mysterious disappearance in a notorious murder caper in Atlanta ... and TMZ has put the pieces together and the missing person ... IS THE NEW BACHELORETTE!

There have been rumors Andi Dorfman -- the smoking hot lawyer lady who dumbed herself down to impress "Bachelor" Juan Pablo -- will become the next "Bachelorette".

So here's our smoking gun that it's true. Andi is currently in the middle of a murder trial in Atlanta and she has mysteriously just taken a leave of absence -- and no one in the Fulton County D.A.'s Office will say why.

Here's the thing. We've now confirmed that Andi is indeed this summer's "Bachelorette."

So case closed.


Ex-Virgin Sean Lowe Smiling and Banging Like a Champ

Sean Lowe's face says it all ... he's finally having sex -- a big deal for the former 'Bachelor' who claimed he was a "born again" virgin.

Yeah ... we're thinking guys can't actually be one of those, right? Women, on the other hand ...

Ex-Bachelor Smiling Like a Virgin ... Who Just Got Laid

It's official ... Mt. Sean Lowe has erupted -- the ex 'Bachelor' is walking around with a grin that can only mean he finally cleared his pipes by losing his alleged virginity a few weeks after getting married.

Lowe couldn't contain his joy at LAX on Thursday ... exactly 18 days after tying the knot with Catherine Giudici.

The 30-year-old insurance salesman and fitness model claimed he was saving himself for marriage.

So ... 18 days later. Still smiling ear-to-ear? Way to go, Catherine.

Shayne Lamas in a Coma Loses Baby

UPDATE: 2:23 PM PT ... Shayne's husband, Nik Richie, just went on the record with TMZ, telling us, "Shayne had a life-saving emergency surgery. She is on a ventilator system and is in a sedation-induced coma. Her vital signs are now currently stable."

Tragedy has struck the Lamas family -- Lorenzo Lamas' daughter Shayne (famous for her stint on "The Bachelor") has just lost her baby from a freak pregnancy complication ... and she's in a coma.

TMZ broke the story last month -- Shayne and her husband Nik Richie (founder of TheDirty.com) were pregnant with their second child. Shayne was 16 weeks along.

But Sunday, at 7:35pm, law enforcement sources tell us paramedics were called and rushed to Nik and Shayne's OC home after Shayne collapsed. She was taken to the hospital.

When Shayne arrived, doctors determined she was bleeding internally around her uterus and the situation was dire. Doctors were stumped and brought in specialists to figure out what was causing the bleeding.

Shayne lost the unborn child during surgery.

We're told Shayne is currently in a coma and not breathing on her own. Doctors are optimistic about her recovery.

Nik and Shayne's dad Lorenzo are by her side.


'The Bachelor' Juan Pablo's No Homophobe ... Says Jilted Contestant

"The Bachelor" star Juan Pablo Galavis is not a hateful, homophobic butcher of the English language ... he's a sensitive, caring man who just can't express himself very well ... says a woman who just got booted off the show.

Chantel Forrest -- a black account manager -- tells TMZ she got to know Galavis well during her time on the show and says he would NEVER offend anyone because they're gay or a different color.

Galavis -- who's Venezuelan but born in the US of A -- told an interviewer gay people are more "pervert" than others ... then asserted the ol' language barrier defense.

Chantel says Galavis shouldn't be bashed for bad grammar.

"I was not offended by his comments at all," she tells TMZ. "They wouldn't have changed my opinion of him. I wouldn't change anything."

In other words ... she'd probably still sleep with him ... we're guessing.

Ex-Bachelorette I Should Never Have Done 'Bachelor' And I Definitely Wouldn't Sleep with Him

Former bachelorette Victoria Lima -- who was booted from "The Bachelor" last week -- tells TMZ, Juan Pablo's anti-gay comments are a HUGE turn-off ... so sleeping with him is out of the question.

Victoria tells us, "If I could do it again, I probably wouldn't go on the show with him being the Bachelor."

Victoria says if Juan Pablo asked her to sleep with him now ... she'd turn him down, and not just for the anti-gay comments. She says he's coming off as kind of a jerk on the show -- a real turn-off.

As we reported, Juan Pablo told a reporter ... he doesn't believe there should be a gay "Bachelor" because gays are perverted influences on children. He later apologized, saying he was quoted out of context ... and his English was bad.

Victoria's NOT on board ... calling the comments "thoughtless and inconsiderate."

She adds, "We should all have the same opportunities when it comes to finding love. Why shouldn't we have a gay bachelor? This is the 21st century, people."


Shayne Lamas 'Dirty' Deed Made Me Preggo ... Again

Shayne Lamas -- who decided to marry her hubby HOURS after meeting him at a drunken pool party -- is re-writing all the rules of marriage ... 'cause not only is she still with the dude ... they're still HAVING SEX.

We know that ... because sources close to Shayne tell us she's pregnant again.

We told you their story ... Shayne is a former winner of "The Bachelor" who fell in love with TheDirty.com founder Nik Richie 4 years ago at a wild Vegas pool party ... and hours later decided to get hitched.

NO ONE expected it to last. But Shayne and Nik are still going strong ... they have a 2-year-old daughter named Press -- and now we're told Shayne's 16 weeks pregnant with their 2nd baby.

Mazel tov.

Juan Pablo Galavis Gay 'Bachelor' Would Be Bad Influence on Kids


"The Bachelor"' star Juan Pablo Galavis apparently believes gays are more perverted than the average bear ... because he thinks putting a gay equivalent of him on the show would poison the mind's of children.

Juan Pablo raised some waxed eyebrows when he spoke to The TV Page saying "I don't think it is a good example for kids" ... and then said gay people are "more pervert in a sense."

Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo's gag reflex apparently isn't that good ... because he thinks the show would be too hard to watch if the star were gay.

So, we gotta ask ...

12:55 PM PT -- Warner Horizon Television and the show's executive producers just released a statement saying, "Juan Pablo’s comments were careless, thoughtless and insensitive, and in no way reflect the views of the network, the show’s producers or studio."

2:25 PM PT -- Juan Pablo posted an apology on his Facebook page saying his words were "taken out of context" (even though TV Page released the audio with the story) ... and he has nothing but respect for gay people.

Juan Pablo's Apology

Juan Pablo also says he didn't mean to call homosexuality "pervert" ... and blames the bad choice of words on his crappy English.

'Bachelor' Lawyer Chick Opening Statement ... Hell Yeah, I'll Play Dumb for Juan

Andi Dorfman isn't just another bimbo fighting for a rose on "The Bachelor" -- she's a bimbo with a law degree! Ok, maybe she's not a bimbo, but she definitely doesn't mind acting like one.

Exhibit A ...

'The Bachelor' Ditzy 'I Don't Read' Lawyer Kicks ASS In Court


Hot bachelorette Andi Dorfman REALLY sold herself short when she ditzily described herself as a lawyer who barely reads -- and TMZ has the proof ... video showing Andi kicking some ass in a huge murder trial involving a famous rapper and the Russian mob.

The court footage was shot Monday in Atlanta during a hearing for the trial of ex-mobster Mani Chulpayev, who's accused of playing a key role in the 2012 murder of rapper Lil Phat.

26-year-old Andi -- an Assistant District Attorney in the Fulton County DA's Office -- kills it.

Pretty shocking ... considering the way Andi presented herself on "The Bachelor" recently. "Legally Blonde" springs to mind -- and it raises the question ... Does a girl have to dumb herself down in order to attract a guy?


'Bachelor' Loser Begging for Juan More Shot


Kylie Lewis thinks she has what it takes to bag this season's 'Bachelor' -- Juan Pablo Galavis -- but claims producers wouldn't let her show off her goods.

One thing's for sure -- Kylie definitely made an impression ... as JPG canned her!