"The Bachelor" Moves on -- Next!

Last season's "The Bachelor" hunk, Navy Lt. Andy Baldwin, called off his engagement to Tessa Horst last month, and yesterday he was seen in an L.A. park, snuggling with Miss Iran, Sepideh Haftgoli -- who misses Iran?! Small world -- she's dated David Schwimmer. Just friends?! This video is top secret -- no sound!

The Bachelor Moves on -- Next!

Mistah Baldwin has previously dated model and triathlete Lokelani McMichael, actress Karla Jensen and Kerry Phyillaier, who appeared as a contestant on a different season of "The Bachelor." Does he only date women with hard to pronounce names? He's also escorted swimsuit model Jessiqa Pace. Whew! This man has been busy -- he has made his dating life a contact sport! Playa please!

Lieutenant Baldwin's Ten-Hour Tour

Former "Bachelor" Andy Baldwin strapped on some spandex to compete in an ultimate test of endurance: the Kentucky Ironman. That's one hot triathlete!

The Navy Lieutenant was one of 1,800 competitors who attacked the grueling, three-part endurance race -- consisting of a 2.4-mile swim in the Ohio River, a 112-mile bike course through greater Louisville and a 26.2-mile run to the finish line celebration at Fourth Street Live.

Andy carried his "Bachelor" prize, Tessa Horst, across the finish line, completing the race in a respectable 10 hours and 2 minutes -- about an hour and a half behind the winner.

Although Andy and Tessa have called off their engagement, they remain together and are "very much in love."

News Flash: Another "Bachelor" Engagement Called Off!

Hunky Navy Lt. Andy Baldwin is once again a confirmed "Bachelor!"

One week after ABC announced their newest Frankenbachelor candidate, Baldwin and his Season 10 bride of "Bachelor", Tessa Horst, have called off their sham marriage. No way!

Baldwin tells In Touch, "When the fantasy wore off and the reality set in, we both realized that we weren't ready to be engaged"-- especially with the cameras gone! The relationship is allegedly still on, but Tessa is holding off on moving to Hawaii to be near the cardboard muscle man. Alo-HA!

At least TomKat can rest knowing they still have the most contrived marriage in Hollywood.



Latest Frankenbachelor Created!

Like cockroaches, Fidel Castro and Nic Cage's career, "The Bachelor" series just will not die! It's alive!

For the 11th season of the fauxality show, ABC has electrified 34-year-old bar owner Brad Womack -- the next hunky buffoon to set women's rights back 40 years! A rose for your integrity?!

Starting September 24 -- and following in the kinda-hot-kinda-not, white bread footsteps of Alex Michel, Aaron Buerge, Andrew Firestone, Bob Guiney, former NFL QB Jesse Palmer, Byron Velvick, Jerry O'Connell's brother, Travis Stork, "Prince" Lorenzo Borghese and Navy Lt. Andy Baldwin -- Womack will get his chance to wine, dine and swine his way through 25 desperate, fame-seeking single wannabe bimbo brides! Ah, the sanctity of marriage.

Meanwhile, gay marriage is legal only in Massachusetts.



Bachelorette Pops One Out

For those of you sitting on pins and needles for word of "The Bachelorette's" birth, here it is. *sound of one gasp*

Celebrity Baby Blog has reported that Trista Sutter and husband Ryan welcomed their first child, a boy, last night via C-section, after a failed induction/stalled labor. Too much info?

The little bachelor, Maxwell Alston, weighed in at 5 lbs., 3oz., born four weeks early due to Trista's pregnancy complications of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Everybody's okay now! No word yet if Maxwell will be appearing on "A Baby Story."

The "Bachelor's" Battle of the Bulge

Former "Bachelor" Andy Baldwin attempted to fill out a pair of spandex bike shorts! Grower not a shower?

The smokin' hot Navy Lieutenant turned reality star tried out his boxing skills Tuesday on Venice Beach and, sadly, didn't exactly pack a punch!

As to where his ABC-contracted fiancee Tessa Horst was -- don't ask, don't tell!



"Bachelor" in a Speedo

"Bachelor" hunk Lt. Andy Baldwin's ripped six pack and mankini-clad bod prove he really is a navel officer! All hands on deck!

The Navy lieutenant competed in a swim contest in Hawaii on Saturday and ... oh who cares! Just go back to looking at Baldwin's bulging muscle, and all his wet spandex glory!



Lt. Andy Gets Randy, Sandy

Whoa! PDA alert! "Officer and a Gentleman" Lt. Andy "Bachelor" Baldwin and fiancee Tessa Horst enjoyed a romantic day at the beach in Hawaii this weekend.

Lots of skin, splashing and smooching. Horst was proudly sporting her Chopard diamond engagement ring. It's this type of "lovebird" display that encourages nausea in the masses.

It doesn't look like the happy couple minded the presence of paparazzi -- no, they didn't mind at all -- they actually called photogs in advance to let them know where they would be and when! How convenient!

Heidi and Spencer would be proud.



Why the F Aren't We Watching "The Bachelor?!?"

Salivation can be an involuntary response.

Enjoy this Pavlovian photo of U.S. Navy Lieutenant Andy Baldwin, aka "The Bachelor" from the find-me-a-wife ABC show ... seen exercising in Central Park in NYC.

The reality show dreamboat is an undersea specialist in diving. Oh, really.

He's also a triathlete ... and a doctor.




"Bachelor" Babe Reveals Her Twin Strategies

"The Bachelor: Rome" premiered last week and there's already one contestant that is not only standing out, but occasionally falling out too.

Erica is yet another example of that classic reality TV character -- the blonde airhead. But she is smart enough to utilize her best assets, which happen to be located on her chest.

"I have another strategy," Erica told an interviewer. "And they're sitting right here with me. My girls."

Some of this footage may not air on ABC's reality show, but we got our hands on it, and felt we needed to share. After all, there's plenty to go around.




"The Bachelor's" Ditz Princess

"The Bachelor" premieres tomorrow night on ABC and TMZ has already picked our favorite Bachelorette, Erica.

Check out these clips of Erica as she tries to win over Prince Lorenzo Borghese -- she compares herself to Princess Di, talks to herself in the mirror and confuses "The Beauty and the Beast" with "The Little Mermaid." It's classic!!!

"The Bachelor" premieres Monday October 2 at 9PM ET/PT on ABC