Farrah Abraham Nothing Illegal Going On W/ New BF ... Leave CPS Out Of It!!!


Farrah Abraham says her relationship with a new boyfriend she met via OnlyFans is legit and not an escort situation ... telling us there's nothing seedy going on and folks need to back off.

The former "Teen Mom" star tells TMZ ... she's serious about dating her new man and seeing where their relationship goes by keeping him out of the limelight, and he's not paying her for her companionship, as some folks online are claiming.

Farrah says her social media is being flooded with negative, hateful comments since posting a collage of photos and videos with her new BF from a Thanksgiving trip to Turks and Caicos.

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Some folks are taking issue with Farrah leaving her teenage daughter behind to go on an overseas trip with a mystery man over the holidays ... threatening to call CPS on her.

But, Farrah says her daughter would never go on a couples birthday trip with her, and the kid always has a caretaker when she's out of town. In other words, no reason to call CPS. Farrah says her daughters safety is high priority and she abides by all laws as a responsible parent.


TMZ broke the story ... Farrah made her new BF sign an NDA after meeting him on OF and then matching on a dating app, as she tries to take extra steps to make sure he isn't using her for fame for online clout.

Farrah says her new boo had no issue signing the NDA ... and she clears the air on the nature of her relationship and claps back at her critics.

FARRAH ABRAHAM Met New BF On OnlyFans!!! Makes Him Sign NDA

Farrah Abraham's taking another shot at love, courtesy of her OnlyFans page -- where she first linked with her boo -- but she's taking steps to make sure he isn't using her for fame for online clout.

After posing a collage of Thanksgiving clips with the mystery guy -- set to the tune of Doja Cat's "I wanna show you off" -- the ex-"Teen Mom" star confirms the new romance started in 2021 when they communicated on OF ... but really got serious this year when they matched on a dating app.

Farrah tells us she's enjoying getting to know her man, now that she's overhauled her dating habits following 3 months of training with a dating/relationship coach. She's aiming for zero drama this time around, after a string of questionable flings ... hence making the new guy sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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As of now, she isn't too worried as her BF isn't a public figure. All she'll say about him is they are similar in age and he works in tech, business sales and marketing ... and he purchased a second home near to where she lives after they went official in late September.

Farrah did add that her new squeeze is sober, and they're "inspiring each other" and deepening their connection through meditation, swimming and travel.


The reality star, and mother to 14-year-old Sophia, says she's holding off till winter break before introducing him to her family ... but is grateful they first got to know each other as friends.

All this is a far cry from last year ... when she called off her brief fling with guitarist Mack Lovat after venting that "sometimes people turn into monsters with the press."

FARRAH ABRAHAM Conoce a su nuevo novio en OnlyFans Lo hace firmar un acuerdo de No Divulgación

Farrah Abraham se está dando otra oportunidad para el amor, cortesía de su página de OnlyFans, donde se conectó con su chico, pero está tomando medidas para asegurarse de que no la esté utilizando por fama o ganar notoriedad en línea.

Después de publicar un collage de clips de Acción de Gracias con el chico misterioso, acompañado con la canción "I Wanna Show You Off" de Doja Cat, la ex estrella de "Teen Mom" confirma que el nuevo romance comenzó en 2021, cuando se comunicaron en OnlyFans… pero se volvió serio este año cuando coincidieron en una aplicación de citas.

Farrah nos cuenta que está disfrutando de conocer a su hombre, ahora que ha renovado sus hábitos de citas después de 3 meses de entrenamiento con un coach de citas/relaciones. Buscando evitar el drama en esta ocasión, después de una serie de relaciones cuestionables… de ahí que haya hecho que el nuevo chico firme un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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Hasta ahora, no está demasiado preocupada, ya que su novio no es una figura pública. Todo lo que dirá sobre él es que son similares en edad, trabaja en tecnología, ventas y marketing, y compró una segunda casa cerca de donde ella vive después de que oficializaron su relación a finales de septiembre.

Farrah añadió que su nueva pareja está sobria, y se están "inspirando mutuamente" profundizando su conexión a través de la meditación, la natación y los viajes.

La estrella de reality, y madre de Sophia de 14 años, dice que está esperando a las vacaciones de invierno antes de presentárselo a su familia… pero está agradecida de que primero se conocieron como amigos.

Todo esto contrasta bastante con el año pasado… cuando canceló su breve relación con el guitarrista Mack Lovat después de desahogarse diciendo que "a veces la gente se convierte en monstruos con la prensa".

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Son in Hospital, Under CPS Care ... After Running Away Again

The teenage son of "Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans is hospitalized after running away once again, and this time Child Protective Services is taking custody of Jace ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Jenelle's 14-year-old son ran away from his grandmother's home Saturday, and wasn't found until 11:45 PM Sunday. Jace had previously run away from Jenelle's home several times and was placed under the care of Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

Our sources say Jace is now in a hospital, and CPS will place him in foster care as he's run away so many times.

Our sources say Jace, was recently busted for vaping at his school ... and when grandma found out, she took away his phone. We're told Barbara had been advised by Jenelle, CPS and the foster care team not to give Jace a phone in the first place, but she thought he could handle it.

When Barbara took the phone away as punishment, we're told Jace split, prompting this latest search for the teen.

Running away has become a trend with Jace ... as we've reported, this is at least the fourth time he's run away from home ... including the time in September when he slipped out a window on the same day Jenelle's husband, David Eason, is accused of roughing him up.

Remember ... Jace spent most of his childhood in Barbara's care, but Jenelle regained custody earlier this year, only for him to run away from home a bunch of times, and end up at Barbara's house again.

As we told you a couple weeks ago, Jace is keeping his distance from Jenelle and David.

Our sources say CPS officials are exasperated by the case -- they're worried about Jace, but at this stage, if he gets in any more trouble, he could end up in a juvenile detention facility.

Estrella de "Teen Mom" Su hijo está en el hospital y bajo cuidado de protección infantil

El hijo adolescente de la estrella de "Teen Mom", Jenelle Evans, se encuentra hospitalizado después de huir nuevamente y esta vez los Servicios de Protección Infantil (CPS) están tomando la custodia de Jace, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el hijo de 14 años de Jenelle se escapó de la casa de su abuela el sábado y no fue encontrado hasta las 11:45 PM del domingo. Jace ya se había escapado de la casa de Jenelle varias veces y fue puesto bajo el cuidado de su madre, Barbara.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ahora Jace está en un hospital y los servicios de protección infantil lo colocarán al cuidado de un tercero, luego de haberse escapado tantas veces.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jace fue arrestado recientemente por fumar a través de un vaporizador en su escuela y cuando la abuela se enteró, le quitó su teléfono. Nos cuentan que Barbara había sido aconsejada por Jenelle, los servicios de protección social y el equipo de cuidado de crianza, que no le dieran un teléfono a Jace en primera instancia, pero ella pensó que podía manejarlo.

Cuando le quitó el teléfono como castigo, Jace se separó, lo que provocó esta última fuga y la posterior búsqueda del adolescente.

Huir se ha convertido en una tendencia para el chico, como hemos informado, esta es al menos la cuarta vez que lo hace, incluyendo la vez una en septiembre cuando se deslizó por una ventana el mismo día en que el marido de Jenelle, David Eason, fue acusado de maltratarlo.

Recuerden, Jace pasó la mayor parte de su infancia al cuidado de Barbara, pero Jenelle recuperó la custodia a principios de este año. Desde entonces se ha escapado un montón de veces, lo que llevó a que terminara en la casa de Barbara de nuevo.

Como ya les contamos hace un par de semanas, Jace está manteniendo la distancia con Jenelle y David.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que los funcionarios de CPS están exasperados por el caso, preocupados por Jace, pero en esta etapa, si se mete en más problemas, podría terminar en una correccional de menores.

Janelle Evans Son Has No Contact With Her & David ... Best He's Been in Awhile

Jenelle Evans' teenage son, Jace, has been keeping his distance from his mom and her husband, David Eason ... and we're told the kid's happier now than he's been in a long time.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... 14-year-old Jace has zero contact with the "Teen Mom" star and David, as he's been living with Jenelle's mom, Barbara, while he remains under custody of Child Protective Services. Sources say Barbara also isn't in contact with Jenelle or David.

TMZ broke the story, David was charged with child abuse in a case involving Jace ... allegedly roughing up the teen and causing "marks on the right arm and left and right side of the neck," according to court docs.

The docs also say Jace's injuries weren't sustained by accident ... and the date of the alleged incident was the same day Jace slipped out his bedroom window and ran away from home.

We're told Jace is glad to be back living with his grandma ... and the place feels like home to him. Jenelle just regained custody of Jace earlier this year, so he's really spent most of his childhood in Barbara's care.

He also recently enrolled in a brand new school after being out for the past few months. You'll recall, he was reported as a runaway after getting in trouble at school back in August.

As for David, he's set to appear in court at the end of the month for the child abuse misdemeanor charges that were filed against him.


El hijo adolescente de Jenelle Evans, Jace, ha estado manteniendo la distancia de su madre y su marido, David Eason, y nos dicen que lo ha hecho muy feliz.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Jace tiene cero contacto con la estrella de "Teen Mom" y David en los últimos tiempos, ya que ha estado viviendo con la madre de Jenelle, Barbara, mientras permanece bajo la custodia de los Servicios de Protección Infantil. Las fuentes dicen que Barbara tampoco está en contacto con Jenelle y David.

TMZ publicó la historia, David fue acusado de abuso infantil en un caso en torno a Jace, de 14 años. Jace presentó "marcas en el lado izquierdo y derecho del cuello", según documentos de la corte.

Los documentos también afirman que las lesiones de Jace no fueron causadas por accidente y la fecha del presunto incidente fue el mismo día en que Jace se deslizó por la ventana de su habitación y se escapó de la casa.

Nos dicen que Jace está contento con estar de vuelta con su abuela, el lugar se siente como casa para él. También recientemente se matriculó en una escuela nueva luego de estar fuera durante los últimos meses. Recordemos que fue reportado como un fugitivo después de meterse en problemas en la escuela en agosto.

En cuanto a David, que está fijado para comparecer ante el tribunal a finales de mes por los cargos de delito menor de abuso infantil que se presentaron en su contra.


Hay más información acerca de la acusación de abuso infantil contra el marido de Jenelle Evan, David Eason, quien supuestamente maltrató a Jace de 14 años de edad.

Según documentos judiciales, obtenidos por TMZ, Eason está siendo acusado de infligir lesiones físicas en Jace, causandole "marcas en el brazo derecho y el lado izquierdo y derecho del cuello". Los documentos dicen que las lesiones no fueron accidentales.

Mientras que los documentos no explican exactamente lo que pasó, el momento en el que ocurrió del presunto incidente es interesante, indicando que todo se fue abajo el 28 de septiembre.

28 de septiembre es también la misma noche en la que Jace se escapó de casa, deslizándose por la ventana de su habitación hacia un bosque cercano. Es posible que Jace y David tuvieran algún tipo de intercambio antes de que Jace abandonara la propiedad. Recordemos que hay un video que tanto la policía como los servicios de protección infantil tienen en su poder, lo que podría haber llevado a la acusación.

Jace fue finalmente localizado gracias a la policía, aunque la desaparición del 28 de septiembre marcó su tercer incidente de fuga en aproximadamente un mes.

No parece que Jace esté actualmente bajo la custodia de Jenelle y creemos que está con su abuela, la madre de Jenelle, Barbara.

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lidiando con los haters

En cuanto a su parte, Jenelle lanzó una declaración en Instagram poco después de que TMZ  publicara la historia del cargo de abuso infantil menor de David. Evans escribió: "No confío en nadie a mi alrededor, No tengo ni idea de en qué ser humano puedo confiar más, ni siquiera en mi propia sangre".

Ella continúa: "Estoy siendo alimentada por todas estas historias diferentes de diferentes personas. Gente tratando de ponerse de mi lado, para luego traicionarme una y otra vez".

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Husband David Eason Allegedly Injured Her 14-Year-Old Son ... Led to Child Abuse Charge

We're now learning more about what led to the child abuse charge leveled against Jenelle Evan's husband, David Eason ... who allegedly roughed up Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace, leaving marks on his body.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Eason is being accused of inflicting physical injury on Jace ... causing "marks on the right arm and left and right side of the neck." The documents say the injuries weren't sustained by accident.

While the docs don't exactly explain what happened, the timing of the alleged incident is interesting ... stating the whole thing went down on September 28.

September 28 is also the same night Jace ran away from home, slipping out his bedroom window and into the woods nearby. It's possible Jace and David had some sort of exchange before Jace left the property. Remember, we were told there's video both cops and child protective services have in their possession ... which could've led to the charge.

Jace was eventually located, after cops got involved, though the September 28 disappearance marked his 3rd runaway incident in about a month.

It doesn't appear Jace is currently in Jenelle's custody, and it's believed he's with his grandmother, Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

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As for their part, Jenelle released a statement on Instagram shortly after TMZ broke the story of David's misdemeanor child abuse charge. Evans wrote, "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."

She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."

JENELLE EVANS Responds To Husband's Child Abuse Charge ... 'I Do Not Trust Anyone Around Me'

Jenelle Evans says she can't trust anyone in her life, not even her own family, and she's reeling in the wake of her husband being charged with child abuse.

The 'Teen Mom' star just broke her silence on the child abuse charge against David Eason in a case involving her 14-year-old son Jace ... going after police and the folks closest to her.

Jenelle says ... "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."

She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."

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Jenelle does not name names in her social media posts ... and she also takes aim at the North Carolina cops who oversaw the child abuse case saying ...



TMZ broke the story ... David was charged with a misdemeanor after Jace ran away from David and Jenelle's home back in September, prompting an investigation. It was the third time Jace had run away from home in about a month's time.

Remember ... Jenelle got custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara, earlier this year and he's David's stepson.

For his part, David's remained mum on the incident ... but now Janelle's speaking out.

JENELLE EVANS Responde A La Acusación De Abuso De Menores De Su Marido NO CONFIO EN NADIE A MI ALREDEDOR

Jenelle Evans dice que no puede confiar en nadie, ni siquiera en su propia familia, y se siente terrible a raíz de su marido siendo acusado de abuso infantil.

La estrella de "Teen Mom" acaba de romper su silencio sobre la acusación de abuso infantil contra David Eason en un caso que involucra a su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice: "No confío en nadie a mi alrededor. Ya no puedo confiar en ningún ser humano, ni siquiera en mi propia sangre".

Ella continúa: Es como si pasara siempre lo mismo. Gente tratando de ponerse de mi lado, para luego traicionarme una y otra vez".

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lidiando con los haters

Jenelle no da nombres en sus mensajes por redes sociales, y apunta a los policías de Carolina del Norte que supervisaron el caso de abuso infantil diciendo:



TMZ publicó la historia, David fue acusado de un delito menor cuando Jace escapó de su casa (y la de jenelle) en septiembre, lo que provocó una investigación. Era la tercera vez que Jace se escapaba de casa en el lapso de un mes.

Recordemos que Jenelle obtuvo la custodia de Jace de su madre, Barbara, a principios de este año y él es hijastro de David.

Por su parte, David ha guardado silencio sobre el incidente, pero Janelle comenzó a hablar.

Jenelle Evans Husband Charged with Child Abuse In Case Involving 14-Year-Old Son

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, has been charged with child abuse in a case involving Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace.

We don't yet know the circumstances surrounding David's charges, but we do know the investigation was opened up after Jace ran away from home. The charge is a misdemeanor.

TMZ broke the story, Jace snuck out a window at David and Jenelle's home back in September ... running off into the woods and prompting a police response. Once he was located, cops started diving into the case as possible neglect as it was the third time Jace had run away in about a month's time.

While it's unclear exactly what happened, we're told there's video of an assault involving Jace ... and both cops and child protective services had the video in their possession.

Our law enforcement sources tell us while Jenelle hasn't yet been charged, there's a possibility she could eventually face charges as well. Jace is David's stepson.

It was earlier this year when Jenelle got custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara, who had cared for him from a young age as Jenelle was deemed an unfit parent.

You might remember the incident from 2019 when Eason shot and killed the family dog after it allegedly bit their young daughter in the face ... Eason was not charged for that incident.

We've reached out to a rep for Jenelle and David ... so far, no word back.

JENELLE EVANS Su marido es acusado de maltrato infantil en un caso relacionado con su hijo de 14 años

El marido de Jenelle Evans, David Eason, ha sido acusado de maltrato infantil en un caso que involucra al hijo de Jenelle, Jace, de 14 años.

Todavía no conocemos las circunstancias que rodean las acusaciones, pero sí sabemos que la investigación se abrió después de que Jace se escapara de casa.

El cargo corresponde a un delito menor.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jace se escabulló por una ventana en la casa de David y Jenelle en septiembre para huir hacia el bosque, lo que provocó una respuesta de la policía. Una vez que fue localizado, los oficiales comenzaron a bucear en el caso como posible negligencia, ya que esta era la tercera vez que Jace se escapaba en un mes aproximadamente.

Si bien no está claro qué pasó exactamente, nos dicen que hay un video de un violento altercado que implica a Jace y que está en manos de ambos policías y de los servicios de protección de menores.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Jenelle no ha sido acusada, pero existe la posibilidad de que eventualmente pueda enfrentar cargos. Jace es el hijastro de David.

Jenelle consiguió la custodia de Jace a principios de este año, de manos de su madre, Barbara, quien lo cuidó desde pequeño, cuando Jenelle fue considerada una madre no apta.

Es posible que recuerden el incidente de 2019 cuando Eason disparó y mató al perro de la familia después de que supuestamente mordiera a su pequeña hija en la cara. Eason no fue acusado por ese incidente.

Nos hemos comunicado con un representante de Jenelle y David, pero hasta ahora no hemos recibido respuesta.


Kailyn Lowry tiene un nuevo bebé en su vida y con él vienen todas las alegrías de la maternidad; incluyendo una bebida natural después del parto directamente desde el vientre.

nutritivo y delicioso

La estrella de 'Teen Mom' publicó un clip llamativo en las redes sociales el lunes mostrando la mezcla de su propia placenta vertida en un frasco de Mason con una pajita, claramente listo para beber y solo podemos suponer que lo hizo.

Ella no solo ingirió su propia placenta, además mostró diferentes obras de arte que hizo con las sobras de su útero.

Parece que ella y su amigo "el Picasso de placentas" tomaron precauciones al manipularla. Hicieron uso de guantes y otros equipos de protección. Kailyn describe de toda la experiencia: "Esta fue la segunda vez que llegué a trabajar con @lancasterplacentaco".

Esa es una empresa que ofrece servicios de encapsulación de placenta, que al parecer, es un gran negocio.

Todo esto viene luego del nacimiento de otro niño llamado Río. Ella comparte el bebé con su novio, Elijah Scott y Kailyn reveló la semana pasada que dio a luz el año pasado, manteniéndolo en secreto.

Normalmente, las noticias del bebé de Kailyn son públicas, pero esta vez dice que quería mantenerlo para sí misma y fuera de los focos. Le dijo a People: "Yo quería ser capaz de contar mi propia historia en mis propios términos y compartir la información que quería compartir en lugar de estar bajo la presión de una obligación contractual".

Kailyn tiene otros cuatro hijos: Creed, de 3 años, Lux, de 6, Lincoln, de 9, e Isaac, de 13 años. Su nuevo bebé se llama Rio.

En cuanto a la placenta... bueno, es algo que la gente hace, especialmente las mamás famosas.

'Teen Mom' Kailyn Lowry Makes Placenta Smoothie & Art After Birth of 5th Child

Kailyn Lowry has a new baby in her life, and with it comes all the joys of motherhood ... including a post-birth beverage that's au naturel, and straight from the womb.


The 'Teen Mom' star posted an eye-popping clip on social media Monday ... showing her blending up her own placenta and pouring into a Mason jar, complete with a straw -- which was clearly ready to drink ... and we can only assume she did.

She wasn't just going to ingest her own placenta, though ... it looks like Kailyn spread it around on paper as well, showing off different art pieces she made with her uterus leftovers.

We'll say this ... the placenta Picassos aren't half bad -- and it looks like she/her fam took precautions handling it, including using gloves and other protective gear. KL writes of the whole experience ... "This was the second time I got to work with @lancasterplacentaco."

That's a company that offers placenta encapsulation services ... apparently, it's big business.

Of course, all this placenta fun comes on the heels of her announcing that she welcomed another kid -- her fifth, a son named Rio. She shares the baby with her BF, Elijah Scott ... and Kailyn revealed last week that she gave birth last year, keeping it under wraps.

Normally, Kailyn's baby news is very public -- but this time around, she says she wanted to keep it to herself and out of the spotlight. She told People, "I wanted to be able to tell my own story on my own terms and kind of share what information I wanted to share instead of being within a contractual obligation or storyline."

Kailyn has 4 other children -- 3-year-old Creed, 6-year-old Lux, 9-year-old Lincoln and 13-year-old Isaac. Her newest bundle of joy is named Rio.

As for the placenta thing ... well, it's something folks do -- especially celebrity moms.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Gun Show w/ Kids ... Amid Possible Charges

Jenelle Evans and David Eason are possibly on the verge of being charged with child neglect -- and amid that scary reality ... here they are taking the family to a gun show.

The 'Teen Mom' star was spotted Sunday with her husband and two children hitting up an event in Wilmington, NC -- where firearms, knives and other weaponry were out on tables and up for grabs for gun enthusiasts ... the perfect place to bring your little ones.


Eyewitnesses tell us David was hanging with Jenelle's 9-year-old son, Kaiser, while she stayed near her and DE's 6-year-old daughter Ensley. The boys checked out a number of items -- knives, holsters and rifle scopes. As far as what they actually picked up -- we're told David appear to purchase a bullet-proof vest for himself, and a wooden battle ax for Kaiser.

Jenelle and Ensley were only there briefly, leaving about 20 minutes into the shopping spree -- the other child in their custody at the moment, 14-year-old Jace, was nowhere to be seen.

Jace's repeated runaway attempts have been at the center of a probe there -- where law enforcement officials are considering bringing charges against either Jenelle, David or both. In addition to Jace constantly fleeing the home, we've heard there've also been abuse claims.

As we reported ... the investigation is in the final stages, and our sources tell us criminal charges are likely. We've reached out to Jenelle and David -- but haven't heard back.

While they haven't responded to us ... Dave has telegraphed that everything's fine in the household -- recently posting a bunch of photos of him and Jace, and saying no one understands their relationship, suggesting they're close.


If that was the case, you'd figure Jace might've tagged along for this outing -- but he didn't.

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