Jenelle Evans & David Eason's Runaway Son ... Neglect & Assault Charges Almost Certain

Jenelle Evans and David Eason could soon be facing charges of assault and neglect in the ongoing saga with Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace … TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... they expect they'll wrap their investigation very soon, and just interviewed Jace this past week. Our sources say at this point, it appears charges will be filed for both neglect and assault.

What hasn't yet been determined, we're told, is whether both Jenelle and David will get hit with charges ... or if only one of them will face legal repercussions.

TMZ broke the story ... cops started treating Jace's situation as a possible case of neglect after the young teen ran away from home for a third time in about a month.

Cops say Jace told officers David had assaulted him and appeared to have visible marks on his neck and arm, making the investigation that much more serious. What's more, we’re told there's video of the alleged assault and cops have it in their possession.

David Eason is Jace's stepdad … Jenelle regained custody of the 14-year-old from her mother, Barbara, earlier this year. Barbara had stepped in years ago to take custody of Jace after Jenelle was unable to properly care for her son.


We reached out to Jenelle and David for comment ... so far, no word back.


El marido de Jenelle EvansDavid Eason— dice que la relación que tiene con el hijo de Jenelle —Jace— es algo que nadie más entiende, y comparte fotos juntos luego de supuestamente lastimarlo.

David subió fotos el miércoles de él pasando el rato con Jace (de 14 años), dando paseos en moto, jugando al baloncesto, saliendo de pesca y jugando al billar.

Agregó el siguiente mensaje en las fotos: "¡Nadie entiende nuestra relación y eso está bien porque no lo necesitan!".

TMZ publicó la historia, David y Jenelle están actualmente bajo investigación por negligencia infantil después de que Jace fue reportado como desaparecido la semana pasada. Lo encontraron poco después, pero ya había desaparecido otras dos veces antes de eso.

serias acusaciones

Jenelle lo atribuyó a Jace ser un adolescente rebelde, pero fuentes directas nos informan que están siendo investigados porque Jace supuestamente le dijo a la policía que David lo agredió.

Nos dijeron que Jace fue encontrado con marcas visibles en el cuello y el brazo. El presunto ataque se cree que han sido capturados en una cámara de seguridad. El material está ahora en posesión de la policía.

David también habló sobre las acusaciones de abuso, diciendo: "Los informes policiales han sido falsificados y la verdad ya es evidente para todos los involucrados".

'Teen Mom' David Eason Scoffs at Abuse Allegations ... Jace and I Have Tons of Fun

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, says the relationship he has with Jenelle's son, Jace, is something no one gets ... sharing photos of the 2 of them together after allegedly abusing him.

David uploaded snaps Wednesday of him hanging out with 14-year-old Jace -- doing things together like fixing up dirt bikes, playing basketball, catching fish, and shooting pool.

He captioned the photos, "Nobody understands our relationship and that's fine because they don't need to!"

TMZ broke the story, David and Jenelle are currently under investigation for child neglect after Jace was reported missing last week -- he was found soon after, but he had already gone missing 2 other times before that.


Jenelle chalked it up to Jace being a rebellious teen, but sources with direct knowledge told us they're being investigated because Jace allegedly told cops David assaulted him.

We were told Jace was found with visible marks on his neck and arm, and the alleged assault is believed to have been captured on a Ring camera -- the footage is now in the possession of police and CPS.

BTW, David also talked about the abuse allegations, saying, "Police reports have been falsified and the truth is already apparent to everyone involved."

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Suspected of Child Neglect After Jace's Latest Runaway

Ex-"Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans' oldest son has disappeared one too many times for authorities not to investigate the adults in his home -- which we're told they're now officially doing.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Jenelle and her husband, David Eason, are currently under investigation for child neglect after 14-year-old Jace's latest disappearance.

Remember, he was reported as a missing person last week ... and, thankfully, he was found soon after. However, he'd reportedly already gone missing twice before that -- something Jenelle has attributed to him just being a rebellious teen.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us it could be much more serious than that ... and the reason Jenelle and David are in investigators' crosshairs is because Jace apparently told cops David allegedly assaulted him.

We're told that after this most recent fleeing attempt ... the kid was found to have visible marks on his neck and arm. Our sources also say the alleged assault is believed to have gone down at someone else's home, and there's Ring camera footage that police and CPS now have in their possession.


Of course, if there's any evidence of physical abuse ... the current investigation could lead to serious charges. For the time being, though, it's just an investigation for child neglect.

Jenelle had Jace with her first baby daddy, Andrew Lewis ... but we're told she has primary custody -- and has for years now. Some have questioned whether that should remain the case, amid all these troubling developments.

We've reached out to Jenelle and David for comment ... so far, no word back.


El hijo mayor de Jenelle Evans ha desaparecido demasiadas veces como para que las autoridades no investiguen a los adultos en el hogar.

Fuentes policiales le informan a TMZ que Jenelle y su marido, David Eason, están actualmente bajo investigación por negligencia infantil después de la última desaparición de Jace, de 14 años.

Recordemos que fue reportado como desaparecido la semana pasada, y afortunadamente fue encontrado poco después. Sin embargo, según los informes, ya había desaparecido dos veces antes de eso; algo que Jenelle ha atribuido a la idea de que solo es un adolescente rebelde.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que podría ser mucho más grave que eso. Jenelle y David están en la mira de los investigadores porque Jace aparentemente le dijo a la policía que David lo había agredido.

Nos informaron que en este reciente intento de huida se encontró que el chico tenía marcas visibles en el cuello y el brazo. Nuestras fuentes también dicen que todo ocurrió en la casa de alguien más, y que incluso hay imágenes capturadas por la cámara de la entrada de la casa donde se podría ver actividad policial.

Si hay alguna evidencia de abuso físico, la investigación podría dar lugar a cargos graves. Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que esto es solo una investigación por negligencia infantil por el momento.

Jenelle tenía a Jace con el primer papá del bebé, Andrew Lewis, pero nos informan que tiene la custodia primaria hace años. Algunos han cuestionado si eso sigue así luego tantos los acontecimientos preocupantes.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Jenelle y David, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Estrella de "Teen Mom" Hijo se escapa por una ventana... Reportado como persona desaparecida

La policía está tras la pista del hijo de 14 años de Jenelle Evans, Jace, después de que el adolescente supuestamente se escapara por una ventana en la noche.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que fueron llamados a la casa de la estrella de "Teen Mom" el jueves alrededor de las 8 PM. Jenelle le dijo a los oficiales que Jace se escabulló de la casa a través de una ventana y que no llevaba su celular con él.

Lo más aterrador es que la casa de Jenelle está rodeada de bosques y Jace se fue en la noche.

Han pasado cerca de 16 horas desde que Jace desapareció por primera vez, y todavía está afuera en algún lugar. Los policías nos dicen que ha sido añadido a una base de datos nacional de personas desaparecidas.

La fuga del jueves no es la primera vez que Jace desaparece. TMZ dio la noticia a principios de agosto cuando Jace desapareció después de la escuela y fue encontrado unas horas más tarde. También fuimos los primeros en contarles cuando desapareció de la casa de Jenelle a finales de agosto y localizado un poco después de eso también.

Jenelle ha calificado las fugas de Jace como las de un adolescente normal y enojado con sus padres, pero está claro que hay algo más pasando.

Historia en desarrollo ...

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Teenage Son Sneaks Out Window ... Reported as Missing Person

Police are on the hunt for Jenelle Evans' 14-year-old son, Jace, after the teen allegedly slipped out a window and into the night.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called to the "Teen Mom" star's home Thursday night around 8 PM about the missing teen. Jenelle told officers Jace snuck out of the home through a window, and didn't have a cell phone with him.

What's most frightening, Jenelle's home is surrounded by woods, and Jace left in the night.

It's been close to 16 hours since Jace first went missing, and he's still out there ... cops tell us he's been added to a nationwide database for missing persons.

Thursday's escape isn't the first time Jace has gone missing. TMZ broke the story in early August when Jace went missing after school, he was found a few hours late. We were also first to tell you when he went missing from Jenelle's home again in late August but was located shortly after that as well.

Jenelle has chalked the runaways as Jace being a normal teenager, mad at his parents ... but there's clearly something more going on.

Do you think Jenelle Evans should still have custody of her child Jace after his 3rd attempt to run away? Vote below.

Story developing ...

Jenelle Evans Ex-Husband Suffers Apparent Overdose ... Terrifying 911 Audio!!!

Jenelle Evans' first husband suffered an apparent overdose at his home in North Carolina ... and his wife's frantic call to dispatchers is chilling.

TMZ obtained audio of the 911 call Courtland Rogers' wife placed Aug. 28 from their home in Wilmington, and she says Courtland is showing signs of an overdose ... describing him as being naked on the toilet while making concerning gurgling sounds.


Courtland's wife says he locked himself in the bathroom while she was out of the house with their kids ... but she broke down the door to find him unresponsive.

The dispatcher tells Courtland's wife to try getting him off the toilet, and lay him flat on his back on the floor, but he's too heavy for her to move and she resorts to trying CPR.

As Courtland's wife desperately tries to revive him, she screams for him to wake up ... and tells the dispatcher she's unsure what drugs he took and there's no Narcan available to resuscitate him.

Ultimately, paramedics arrive ... and that's when the call stops.

Our law enforcement sources say Courtland survived, and no drugs or paraphernalia were found on scene when authorities arrived.

Courtland  -- who was married to the former "Teen Mom" star from 2012 to 2014 -- has been open in the past about his drug abuse ... estimating he's overdosed 5 times, and admitting heroin's ruined his life.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Son Goes Missing Again, Cops Called

Jenelle Evans is dealing with every parent's nightmare -- her son Jace has gone missing twice in the last two weeks -- getting cops involved to help track him down.

Jenelle's manager, August Keen, tells us 14-year-old Jace left Jenelle's North Carolina home Monday to roam around their extensive property. After several hours without contact, Jenelle became worried and couldn't find her son ... forcing her to get the police involved.

Fortunately, we're told, Jace was located at a gas station about 10 minutes from Jenelle's home. However, we're told it's unclear if Jace was with friends or just wandered solo.

TMZ broke the story, cops were on the hunt for Jace earlier this month after he left school and couldn't be found. He was later located safely ... and Jenelle said the whole thing happened because she took Jace's phone away after he acted up in school.

Keen tells us Jace is now back home with Jenelle and her husband, David Eason, and the 3 are getting along without issue. We're told Jace just wants more freedom as he gets older, and is just a typical teen being a teen.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Mom Accuses Her of Taking Son Off Meds ... Triggering School Trouble

Barbara Evans is concerned for the well-being of her grandson -- who she had custody of for more than a decade -- and believes Jenelle Evans' decision to take him off ADHD meds might have led to his runaway incident.

Barbara tells TMZ 14-year-old Jace was put on the medication 7 years ago, and was regularly seeing a behavior specialist ... which had seemingly been working well for the teen.

However, Barbara says when Jenelle regained custody of Jace, back in March, Jenelle not only took him off the medication, but also ended his sessions with the behaviorist.

Jenelle denies part of Barbara's claim though, telling us, "Barbara has not been in contact with Jace since Monday. I have cut off contact with her as of 3 weeks ago. Barbara doesn't have any idea what is going on inside my home. Jace had a therapist appointment today on zoom at 10:30am … she hasn't even attempted to speak to Jace directly."

It's not clear if Jenelle booked the therapist appointment as a result of Jace's runaway, or if it was already planned.

TMZ broke the story, cops in North Carolina put out a runaway bulletin Tuesday for Jace after he took off from school. Luckily, he was found safe hours later, but the situation was scary for all involved.

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Jenelle told us, "Jace, got in trouble at school, we decided to take his phone away and that's when he decided to run off, Jace is a good kid and we're not dealing with anything that most families don't deal with while raising children."

Barbara says Jenelle's not talking to her, so she doesn't have any more info about why her grandson ran off -- but she squarely blames his issues at school on the lack of medication and therapy.

What's more, Barbara says she isn't looking to regain custody of Jace, as she's getting older and his behavior is too much for her to handle ... she just wants to make sure what happened Tuesday doesn't happen again.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Son Jace Located Safe ... After Runaway Report


3:45 PM PT -- August Keen, Jenelle’s manager tells us, "Jace has been found, and is safely at home with Jenelle and his family, thank you to the Brunswick Co. Sheriff's Department and to everyone else for their concerns.”


3:10 PM PT -- The Brunswick Co. Sheriff's Department says Jace has been located safe.


2:50 PM PT -- Jenelle Evans tells TMZ, "As a boy mom, kids can act up and rebel as I'm sure the majority of us all once did as kids too. Jace, got in trouble at school, we decided to take his phone away and that's when he decided to run off, Jace is a good kid and we're not dealing with anything that most families don't deal with while raising children, this has absolutely nothing to do with my situation with David, we do not argue in front of our children or fight in front of our kids. This is a teenage boy being a teenager mad that we decided to take his phone away."

A scary situation for "Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans, as cops are currently looking for her 14-year-old son, Jace, who has been reported as a runaway ... TMZ has learned.

Deputies with the Brunswick Co. Sheriff's Department in North Carolina put out an alert for a runaway juvenile. Officers say Jace was last seen leaving school around 2:45 PM Tuesday, wearing a gray sweatshirt with the writing "Classical Charter Schools of America."

Cops say Jace could also be wearing a navy shirt if he's no longer wearing the sweatshirt. Anyone with information in the area is asked to call 911.

Unclear what happened to cause Jace to run away, but we spoke to Jenelle's mom, Barbara, who tells she had a conversation with him Monday night and he seemed totally fine.

Barbara says she also reached out to Jenelle earlier Tuesday to see how she was doing -- Jenelle's been publicly feuding with her husband, David Eason -- but Jenelle allegedly told Barbara she didn't want to talk and to leave her alone.

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It was back in March when Jenelle got full custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara. Barbara got custody of Jace when he was much younger and Jenelle was unable to support him on her own -- with personal and legal issues.

Originally Published -- 2:22 PM PT

'TEEN MOM 2' NATHAN GRIFFITH Sister's 911 Call After Alleged Strangulation ... 'He Tried to Kill Me'


"Teen Mom 2" star Nathan Griffith's sister was begging for a police response after he allegedly roughed her up ... telling dispatchers he tried killing her with his bare hands.

TMZ obtained audio of the 911 call Griffith's sister placed on July 12 in Las Vegas ... and in her chat with the dispatcher, the woman says Nathan tried to strangle her before fleeing in his car.

As we first reported ... the police report says the responding officers observed visible red marks on the sister's neck and eyelids -- indicative of someone who was strangled -- and she told them Nathan grabbed her by the throat, pushed her down onto the floor and got on top of her.

Despite telling the dispatcher her brother had left, police say Nathan was still outside the home when they arrived ... yelling and denying he ever touched his sister. Ultimately, he was arrested for battery by strangulation.


We also obtained another 911 call Griffith's sister made earlier -- prior to the alleged strangulation -- and she told the dispatcher, Nathan is following her around in the home and making threats. It sounds like you can hear him in the background.

The 911 calls are alarming ... and cops also said Nathan made suicidal statements on his way to the Clark County Jail.

Nathan's got a kid with "Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans ... and he's had previous arrests for domestic violence and domestic battery by strangulation.

We covered Nathan's arrest on a previous episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Teen Mom 2' Nathan Griffith Sister Says He Strangled Her ... Allegedly Threatened Suicide During Vegas Arrest

Horrifying details surrounding the arrest of "Teen Mom 2" star Nathan Griffith ... allegedly strangling his own sister before making suicidal statements.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, Griffith's sister called Vegas cops Wednesday night to report the incident. Officers say when they arrived, Nathan was outside the home yelling, saying he never touched his sister ... he also allegedly smelled like booze.

However, when cops made contact with Griffith's sister, they observed visible red marks on her neck and redness on her eyelids -- indicative of someone who had been strangled.

Cops say Nathan's sister was scared and frantic as she described what happened -- alleging Nathan got pissed when she called him out for his aggressive past with his family and significant others.

The sister says Nathan grabbed her by the throat, pushed her down onto the kitchen floor and got on top of her -- releasing his grip at times to give her some oxygen before tightening his grip again -- while allegedly stating, "You're going to submit to me."

The claims and evidence were good enough for officers ... who arrested Nathan for battery by strangulation.

However, they say during transport Nathan was banging his head into a rear window and making suicidal statements ... and screaming and yelling while he was booked.

Nathan and Jenelle Evans have one child together, a son, but called off their engagement years ago.

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'Teen Mom 2' Nathan Griffith Busted In Vegas for Battery by Strangulation

Nathan Griffith can't seem to keep his hands off other people ... because he was just arrested AGAIN for a violent offense.

The former "Teen Mom 2" star was busted Wednesday in Las Vegas and booked into the Clark County Jail for battery by strangulation.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Vegas cops received a call around 9:15 PM and responded to a home where Nathan was staying. After conducting an investigation, officers placed Griffith in handcuffs for allegedly committing the battery against a family member.

Nathan is no stranger to the criminal justice system. He's been arrested before for serious crimes, such as domestic violence and domestic battery by strangulation.

From 2013 to 2015, Nathan appeared on the reality show, "Teen Mom 2," and was best known for his tumultuous relationship with cast member Jenelle Evans.

The two had a child together and got engaged, but the marriage was called off because of the friction between them.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

FARRAH ABRAHAM SOPHIA'S PIERCINGS ARE NO BIG DEAL ... She's Not Doing Drugs, Drinking, or Having Sex!!!


Farrah Abraham is defending her daughter's new face piercings ... she says there are trade-offs to raising a teenager and is glad her 14-year-old isn't experimenting with drugs, alcohol or sex.

The "Teen Mom" star tells TMZ ... she wants to support her daughter as best she can, and if that means signing off on lip and ear piercings she wanted for her birthday, so be it ... because Sophia could be doing a lot worse.

Sophia got lip and ear piercings for her 14th birthday ... but mom says she made sure professional piercers were involved ... and she says Sophia actually didn't end up getting all the piercings after a professional advised against it.

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While parents are blasting Farrah on social media ... she says some need to look in the mirror, because plenty of teens her daughter's age are already boozing, experimenting with drugs, dating and having sex ... things she considers way more dangerous than a piercing.

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Sophia got a septum piercing last year for her 13th birthday, which Farrah also defended ... but this time she's advanced to the lips and ears.

Still, Farrah says it's better than something permanent ... like tattoos, or you know, a baby ... and she thinks it's better if Sophia has some avenues to express herself, and she couldn't be more proud of her.

'Teen Mom' Star Nathan Griffith Arrested For Domestic Violence ... Allegedly Choked GF, Dragged Her Up Stairs

"Teen Mom" star Nathan Griffith, who has a son with Jenelle Evans, has been arrested for domestic battery after allegedly choking his girlfriend ... TMZ has learned.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Delray Beach, FL police responded to a domestic disturbance call Friday from Nathan's brother-in-law, William ... who claimed Nathan told him on the phone he "lost it" -- choked his girlfriend and dragged her up the stairs.

Cops say William told them Nathan then hung up, which prompted William to text the GF to ask if she was ok -- and she replied, "no."

Police say Nathan was uncooperative when they arrived, claiming they were fine ... and even told the officers William's on drugs and wasn't a reliable source.

Cops say they noticed several scratches on his neck and back, but Nathan told them they came from having sex with his girlfriend.

The docs say the girlfriend, who appeared to be recently crying, initially was uncooperative at first ... but eventually told cops Nathan had been physically aggressive with her. She added she couldn't explain the specifics, as she "blacked out," although she wouldn't clarify if that was from getting choked.

According to the report, she later shouted, "I'm 100 some pounds and he's 250 how in the hell am I supposed to get him off me."  Cops say they noticed bruising on her neck starting to appear ... and Nathan was eventually placed under arrest for domestic battery by strangulation.

"Teen Mom" fans remember Nathan and Jenelle had a tumultuous relationship -- eventually calling off their engagement amid cheating allegations. He announced he got married to May Oyola last year, but revealed things were not going well for the 2. It's unclear if they divorced.

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