Amber Portwood Alleged Machete Incident on Audio ... Argument on Video

Amber Portwood alleged machete incident with her baby daddy was captured on audio -- and it's pretty terrifying to listen to, as Amber can apparently be heard hacking at a door.
Without A Crystal Ball

10:11 AM PT -- A rep for Amber tells TMZ, "These recordings, obtained without Amber's knowledge and disseminated without her consent, serve as a painful reminder of a challenging and complicated time in her life she would like to move on from. Her full focus continues to remain on reaching a move favorable custody agreement for her son, James."

Amber Portwood alleged machete incident with her baby daddy was captured on audio -- and it's pretty terrifying to listen to, as Amber can apparently be heard hacking at a door.

Video and audio of the entire blowout between the "Teen Mom OG" star and Andrew Glennon from this past 4th of July has surfaced, and it gives you a sneak peek as to what led up to the alleged shoe throwing and machete wielding from Amber.

Amber Portwood Ring Footage
Without A Crystal Ball

Ring video that the family has set up in their home shows Andrew and Amber getting ready to head out with their 1-year-old son, James, to catch fireworks. But, the family has to turn around after leaving in their car due to a main road being closed ... which pissed off AP.

You can then hear Amber unloading on Andrew, telling him to STFU after he chastises her for being ill-prepared every 4th of July. The argument escalates after they head out in the car yet again, after which the family comes back to the house for a 2nd time.

This is where s*** kinda hits the fan ... as you can see and hear Amber threatens to toss a bunch of Andrew's stuff out on the street, and then you hear Andrew ask if she chugged a bunch of her meds in one sitting ... the implication being she's threatening to kill herself.

At this point, Andrew gets behind a door -- supposedly while holding their son -- and you hear Amber demanding he open the door. Then comes the hacking -- 3 strikes, from what Andrew says is a machete. Amber seems to acknowledge it is, in fact, a machete.

Amber Portwood

As you know ... Amber copped a plea deal in the DV case -- pleading guilty to domestic battery and intimidation, this after initially denying any such machete attack.

She and Andrew are currently locked in a custody battle over the kid -- he wants to move to Malibu, but she's trying to prevent that by any means.

Jenelle Evans Spotted with Ex-BF Nathan ... Amid David Divorce

Jenelle Evans is trying to get back to enjoyable mom duties in wake of her nasty split with David Eason ... and part of those duties include spending time with her ex-BF, Nathan.

The former "Teen Mom 2" star visited a bowling alley/roller arena in Tennessee this week with a couple of her kids -- we're told the youngest two, 5-year-old Kaiser and 2-year-old Ensley -- for some roller skating, bowling, bumper cars and arcade games.

Jenelle's baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, was also on hand ... and a source tells us the two did a routine kid drop-off at the location. Jenelle and Nathan have Kaiser together.

We're told Jenelle appeared to be in very good spirits, and she had no issue snapping a pic with an employee.

As we reported ... Jenelle got a restraining order against David after telling the court, "I am scared for my life and my children's well-being." She cited his recent threats and history of violence as examples and a judge agreed ... granting the order prohibiting Eason from contacting Jenelle and her children.

This went down just days after she announced she was leaving him and their North Carolina home and plans to file for divorce. We're told she wants full custody of Ensley, too ... and is willing to battle in court if it comes to that.

Jenelle Evans' Ex Nathan Happy She Left David Eason ... My Son's Much Safer Now!!!

Jenelle Evans isn't the only one fearful for her children's well-being in the presence of David Eason ... her ex is too, and he's relieved she finally left him.

Sources close to Nathan Griffith -- the father of Jenelle's 5-year-old son, Kaiser -- tell TMZ ... he's happy if Jenelle's happy ... and if that takes no longer being under the same roof as David, then he's all for it.

We're told Nathan was constantly worried about Kaiser's safety due to Eason's track record of violent and disturbing behavior. That's why Nathan attempted to get primary custody from Jenelle ... although, she ultimately retained it.

Our sources say Nathan thinks Jenelle is a good mom, and now that he has some peace of mind ... he's perfectly fine with her having Kaiser. We're told he also hopes co-parenting with her will be easier with David out of the picture.

As we reported ... Jenelle got a restraining order against David after telling the court, "I am scared for my life and my children's well-being." She cited his recent threats, history of violence and stockpile of weapons as examples and a judge agreed ... granting the order prohibiting Eason from contacting Jenelle and her children.

Jenelle Evans Wins Restraining Order Against David ... 'I Am Scared for My Life'

Jenelle Evans is afraid for her life and the lives of her kids ... and that's because she says her estranged husband, David Eason, is off-the-rails violent.

Jenelle got a restraining order against David, claiming flatly, "Because of his recent threats, his history of violence, his erratic behavior and his large stockpile of weapons, I am scared for my life and my children's well-being."

Jenelle says David has physically and verbally abused her. She acknowledges what David belatedly acknowledged ... that he shot and killed the family dog after the animal nipped at their 2-year-old daughter.

As for the verbal abuse, Jenelle claims David said, "You can die for all I care. You're a piece of s**t. Biggest piece of s**t I've ever seen."

She also claims David insinuated he was going to kill himself if she didn't get back with him.

Under the temporary restraining order, obtained by E!, David is prohibited from having contact with Jenelle or her children.

David Eason Claims His Dog's Been Stolen!!! Calls Cops Amid Jenelle Drama

Jenelle Evans' estranged husband is in the midst of another dog scandal -- this time he claims one was stolen from his property.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... David Eason contacted the Columbus County Sheriff's Office Tuesday to report his dog missing, and he believes it was stolen. It's unclear who David thinks is responsible, but it's a decent bet he might point the finger at Jenelle.

As we've reported ... Jenelle threw in the towel on their marriage last week, saying, "that's what is best for me, and for my kids." She says she's left David and moved away from the family's North Carolina home.

We broke the story ... Jenelle's been taking care of their 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, since the split, and our sources say she's planning on going for full custody if their case goes to court.

However, we're told she wants David to have contact with their daughter because she believes he's a good dad.

As for the allegedly stolen dog ... David and Jenelle got a couple of new pups just months after he shot and killed the family dog for nipping at Ensley. Jenelle's said nothing about whether she took any pets when she bolted.

We've reached out to her and David ... no word back, so far.

Jenelle Evans Has Daughter After Split with David Eason ... Wants Full Custody

Jenelle Evans is taking care of her and David Eason's daughter in the wake of filing for divorce ... and she aims to keep it that way.

Sources close to the former 'Teen Mom' star tell TMZ ... she has the ex-couple's 2-year-old, Ensley, with her and will fight for full custody if their case goes to court.

We're told she believes she's the more fit parent of the two, based on David's troubling history ... which as you know includes shooting and killing the family dog because it nipped at the child.

Our sources say Jenelle doesn't intend to keep Ensley away from David. We're told she acknowledges he's a good dad and loves his daughter, so she wants them to have contact.

It's unclear how she feels about David regarding her 2 older children, to whom he's been a stepfather since they married in Sept. 2017. Fact is ... he really has no right when it comes to them. It would all be based on what Jenelle wants to do.

As we reported ... Jenelle threw in the towel on their marriage this week, saying, "that's what is best for me, and for my kids." We're told it's also because she believes she will not have a career in any field if she stays with David.

We broke the story ... Jenelle's already pitching MTV to get her old gig back.

Farrah Abraham Jenelle Leaving David Just for TV That Seems Wrong to Me

Farrah Abraham

Farrah Abraham is glad that Jenelle Evans is leaving what she considers to be a bad relationship with David Eason ... but isn't totally satisfied with the apparent motivations.

We got the fellow 'Teen Mom' alumna Saturday in L.A., where she weighed in on the big news that broke this past week ... Jenelle announcing that she's leaving David and would be proceeding with divorce. Farrah says that's great ... if she's doing it for the right reasons.

As far as FA is concerned, she tells us that herself and others have been trying to get Jenelle to split from David for a while -- but now that it's actually happening ... Farrah says she only sees an unflattering headline out of it. Namely, Jenelle wants back in with MTV.

TMZ broke the story ... Jenelle's vying for a spot back on the show that made her famous, and one of the reasons she called it quits was in hopes for a possible reality TV comeback.

We've been told Jenelle feels David was screwing her over financially and holding her back from potential deals, so with him gone ... she's hoping she can make some cash again.

Farrah doesn't like that rationale -- even though we know that's not the only reason Jenelle's splitting from David. Still, that seems to be all Farrah's hearing ... and she says Jenelle hopefully cut it off with David for way more important things ... like, ya know, the safety of her kids, which Farrah insinuates might be an afterthought here for JE.

She also believes Jenelle crawling back to the 'Teen Mom' well is a bit desperate, and kinda hacky all these years later. She's moved on ... sounds like she thinks Jenelle should too.

Jenelle Evans Take Me Back, MTV I Didn't Pull that Trigger!!!

Jenelle Evans is desperate for MTV to re-hire her on "Teen Mom," and the reason is simple -- her well has run dry.

Sources close to Jenelle tell TMZ ... she wasn't financially prepared for such a sudden split with the network when they dropped her after David killed the family dog. We're told while she did have a cosmetics line, it wasn't that successful and she needed the cash.

We're told Jenelle -- who has now split from David -- is trying to set up a meeting with the network in NYC.

Jenelle's pitch, we're told, is simple -- she was a ratings grabber when she was on the show, and although it may be for the wrong reasons, her profile is even higher after all the drama and legal troubles with David. People who knew nothing about "Teen Mom" know her.


She also plans to tell the network there should be a measure of fairness here ... she did nothing wrong. David was the problem, and now that she's jettisoned him, all should be good.

She wants back on the show stat ... in time for the holidays. She thinks a Thanksgiving and XMAS sans David would make for good TV.

As we reported ... Jenelle announced Thursday she filed papers to end her marriage to David.

Jenelle Evans Files for Divorce ... David's Screwing Up My Business

Jenelle Evans has thrown in the towel on her marriage ... because she's filed for divorce from David Eason.

The former 'Teen Mom' star said, "Nobody gets into a marriage expecting it to end but i know that's what is best for me, and for my kids. Today I've filed papers to start that process."

She doesn't say what caused her to end the marriage, but our sources tell us Jenelle believes she will not have a career in any field if she stays with David. She says she's looking out for her kids, knowing that she must provide for them.

We're told she also has come to realize her marriage to David was anything but healthy. As we extensively reported, David shot and killed the family dog after it nipped at their 2-year-old child, Ensley.

Children's Services investigated, the kids were temporarily removed from the home and there were challenges to custody in court. They eventually got the kids back, but MTV dropped Jenelle and she's had a hard time making her next business move ... in part because of her relationship with David.

They married in Sept. 2017 and were together 2 years before that.

Jenelle says, "I appreciate the support from everybody who has asked how I am. me and the kids are doing great. We need some time to be together. But you'll hear from us again soon."

This will be Jenelle's second divorce.

Amber Portwood Cops Plea Deal in Machete Case

Amber Portwood has a chance to avoid jail time in her domestic violence case after striking a plea deal ... TMZ has learned.

According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ ... the "Teen Mom OG" star has agreed to plead guilty to 2 felonies -- domestic battery and intimidation. As part of the deal, she'll get 906 days of probation and if she successfully completes it ... the domestic battery charge will be dismissed and the intimidation charge will be reduced to a misdemeanor.

Amber must also take 26 weeks of a Batterers' Intervention Program, submit to random urine and breath testing. She's also been ordered not to contact her ex-BF, Andrew Glennon, EXCEPT for arranging custody exchanges of their 1-year-old son, James.

TMZ broke the story ... Amber was busted back in July in Indianapolis after Andrew claimed she attacked him while he was holding their son. Andrew said she came after him with a machete during the attack.

At the time ... Amber temporarily lost custody of James -- and she's still locked in a custody battle with with Andrew, who wants to move to Malibu ... with their son. Amber's trying to pump the breaks on that.

Jenelle Evans' Ex Nathan Griffith My DWI Arrest is Bogus ... I Wasn't In The Car

Nathan Griffith
Arresting me for what???

Jenelle Evans' ex-BF, Nathan Griffith, has an excuse for why he shouldn't have been busted for DWI ... he says he wasn't even in his car when he got stopped by cops.

As we reported ... the "Teen Mom 2" star was arrested outside a grocery store last Thursday in North Carolina ... and now Nathan is calling his arrest BS.

Nathan tells us his keys were actually locked inside his vehicle and he was walking to meet friends at a restaurant when he got stopped by police, who he claims were responding to a report of a man sleeping in his car.

The way Nathan tells it ... he'd already been walking for 5 minutes when cops showed up and escorted him back to his vehicle. He says police grilled him about driving and sleeping in the car before administering a field sobriety test ... and ya gotta hear him describe the procedure.

We've reached out to law enforcement multiple times ... and we're still waiting on the police report.

Bottom line for Nathan ... he thinks he shoulda been popped for public intoxication not DWI.

Jenelle Evans' Ex Nathan Griffith Busted for DWI

Jenelle Evans' ex-BF, Nathan Griffith, now has legal problems of his own ... because he just got arrested for DWI.

The "Teen Mom 2" star was busted Thursday around 5:30 PM in Cary, North Carolina. Nathan was arrested outside a grocery store where he was handcuffed and taken into custody.

The 32-year-old, whose home address is listed in South Carolina, posted $10k bond and was later released. He's due in court next month.

As you know very well by now ... Nathan and Jenelle were in a nasty custody dispute this summer over their 5-year-old son, Kaiser. Nathan even got into it with Jenelle's hubby, David Eason, and it wasn't pretty.

Jenelle regained custody of Kaiser.

Farrah Abraham Squashes Beef w/ Jenelle Evans!!!

Farrah Abraham on Jenelle Beef

Farrah Abraham is retracting the claws and slipping on kid gloves for Jenelle Evans ... declaring their long-running feud is over.

We got Farrah out in Hollywood with her daughter, Sophia, and asked why she recently attended Jenelle's JE Cosmetics launch event. It's interesting because, as true 'Teen Mom' fans know, Farrah and Jenelle have been at each other's throats for a loooong time.

Farrah Abraham 7/11/19

In fact ... just a little over 2 months ago, there was some serious mud-slinging -- Farrah called Jenelle a bad mother and David a horrible man for killing the family dog. True to Jenelle form, she quickly fired back ... slamming Farrah as a prostitute.

But, somewhere along the way, Farrah and Jenelle let bygones be bygones. Seems it started with Farrah getting invited to Jenelle's event in NYC. So, why exactly did Farrah accept Jenelle's invite? Farrah says they've found common ground.

Farrah Abraham Apologizes for Gaffe ... 'Sophia Definitely Enjoyed 9/11'

Farrah Abraham

Farrah Abraham's never claimed to be a skilled orator, so it seems legit her referring to 9/11 as "7-Eleven" was an honest mistake ... but in her apology, she stepped in it again.

The former "Teen Mom 2" star was out in Hollywood Thursday with her daughter, Sophia, so we asked about the backlash over the video she posted at NYC's Freedom Tower ... specifically for her verbal slip-up 10 seconds in ... referring to 9/11 as 7/11.

Farrah apologizes for misspeaking and explains it away as a "blonde" moment, but insists she was being a good mom .... giving her daughter an important learning experience.

She also says her heart was in the right "space" ... adding  "Sophia definitely enjoyed 9/11."

As for Farrah taking heat for using the 2001 terrorist attack as a promotional tool for herself ... she's less apologetic.

The reality star tells us publicly sharing her experiences with her daughter is part of their life and she's going to keep it up. After all, she's got her sights set on the Walk of Fame ... for Sophia.

David Eason Cops Aware of Confession Video ... Case Could Reopen


1:01 PM PT -- David Eason might've just dug his own grave -- turns out, him fessing up to killing the family dog, Nugget, has caught attention of local authorities ... and it's possible they'll reopen the case against him.


Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... investigators at the Columbus County Sheriff's Department are well aware of David's interview with People, in which he confessed to killing Nugget after she bit their kid. Now, we're told the department is deciding whether to open a new probe into the killing and potentially charge him with animal cruelty.


It should be noted ... cops have NOT officially reopened the case, yet. However, we're told if they do go forward, it'll be a new case started from scratch ... and this interview will be a big part of it.

David Eason is finally admitting what we've all known -- he killed their family dog, but he's also justifying it ... and claiming he's distraught over having fatally shot the animal.

Jenelle Evans and her husband explained the notorious dog-killing incident, and David says it was really pretty simple, for him anyway. He told People his daughter's safety was in danger after Nugget bit their 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, multiple times, and he didn't want to give it up for adoption because it might have bitten another kid.

David said the law mandates an aggressive dog be euthanized ... so he decided to handle it himself. He at least appeared to get emotional talking about the act of killing the dog, and claimed he thinks about Nugget daily.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

For her part, Jenelle claims the whole ordeal was supposed to be a private family matter, but word somehow got out. Truth is ... the word got out mostly because Jenelle posted it.

She also goes to bat for David, saying he's learned a valuable lesson from all of this, and didn't mean to hurt so many people. Truth is ... she's got a new cosmetics line, and they need a PR comeback.

Originally Published -- 7:34 AM PT

'Teen Mom 2' Jade Cline I'm Not Jenelle's Replacement!!! I Have My OWN Great Story

Jade Cline

Jade Cline's not just coming off the bench to sub in for Jenelle Evans on "Teen Mom 2" -- she wants fans to be crystal clear ... she's bringing her own real, raw story lines.

We got the newest addition to the 'Teen Mom' fam Monday in NYC, along with her almost 2-year-old daughter, and asked what she wants people to know about her. Of course, she is replacing Jenelle on the second half of Season 9 -- but that's a technicality for Jade.

She says her story has plenty of twists that a lot of people will find relatable. Humbly, Jade says she is "a great mom," but like all moms ... she makes mistakes. She just learns from hers.

That might sound like a dig at Jenelle ... but fact is, Jade didn't fire any shots at her or her husband, David Eason. As we reported, MTV severed all ties with Jenelle in May after David killed the family dog.

What followed was an animal cruelty investigation, Jenelle and David losing custody of their kids, a court battle and the couple eventually regaining custody.

Season 9 of "Teen Mom 2" returns Tuesday night. Jade wouldn't crack when we asked about her relationship status. In other words, she's already a pro at teasing her show.

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