David Eason, Jenelle Evans 'You Could Die Right Now' ... 'You're a F***ing Piece of S***'


Jenelle Evans has lost custody of her kids, largely because her husband, David Eason, has created an abusive environment at home ... and this video seems to be evidence of that.

We're told the video was shot sometime this year at the family's North Carolina home. You hear a baby in the background as David launches, saying, "You could die right now for all I give a f***. You're a f***ing piece of s**t. You're the biggest f***ing piece of s*** I know."

You then see him flip off the camera operator and walk away.

From all we know, hardly anyone was allowed in the family home, and it appears Jenelle is behind the camera and the comments are directed at her.

As we reported, the judge in the custody case has stripped Jenelle and David of custody for the time being, after concluding David and Jenelle have put the kids at risk.

We're told one of the things that came out during the hearing was that 4-year-old Kaiser was terrified to go to David and Jenelle's home because he was terrified of David and had been mistreated by him.

One source said squarely, "It's all David's fault."

Jenelle has steadfastly stood behind David, and now they must attend parenting classes, counseling and weekly drug testing before there's any hope of them regaining custody.

The video is a glimpse into what appears to be a very turbulent home life.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Lose Custody of Their 3 Kids ... At Least For Now

Jenelle Evans and David Eason suffered a major court defeat Tuesday, when a judge ruled they will not regain custody of their 3 children ... and they will have virtually no face-to-face contact for the time being.

After 4 days of explosive testimony, in which Jenelle, David, Kaiser's dad Nathan Griffith and others testified about problems in the home, the judge decided there were serious issues with Jenelle and David that put the children at risk.

The trigger for the hearing was David killing the family dog earlier this month. As we reported, Child Protective Services ordered 4-year-old Kaiser to stay with Nathan, 9-year-old Jace with his grandma, Barbara, and 2-year-old Ensley also with Barbara.

Sources connected to the case tell TMZ, for the time being, Jenelle and David can see their kids only once a week for an hour with supervision.

As one source put it, "It's all David's fault."

Another source says the judge laid out a number of steps Jenelle and David must take in order to regain custody, including parenting classes, counseling and weekly drug testing.

And yet, another source told us Kaiser was "extremely fearful" of going back to the family house and claimed he was mistreated by David. His concerns were brought up in court and we're told affected the judge's decision.

As for Jenelle, one source says she was "stunned" by the ruling and believed she would walk out of court Tuesday with her kids. Instead, she walked out with David.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Leave Court Without Kids ... After Tense Custody Hearing


3:20 PM PT -- Jenelle and David just walked out of court without saying a word to anyone, and they left without their children.

7:30 AM PT -- We now have inside information in the custody case. Sources connected to the case tell TMZ, this is actually the 4th hearing, and so far Jenelle and David have been shut down by the judge. We're told their lawyer has been arguing Child Protective Services can only keep the couple away from the 3 kids for a very limited period of time, but the judge has said the only issue is what's in the best interests of the kids, and if David poses a danger to them.

We're told in the case of 4-year-old Kaiser, his dad, Nathan Griffith, is fighting for custody because he believes Eason has mistreated him. Nathan currently has physical custody after the child was removed from Jenelle's home. Our sources say Nathan wants Jenelle to visit Kaiser, but only if David isn't around. She has rejected that offer but does FaceTime with her son.

Jenelle has asked that Kaiser be removed from Nathan's home and placed with a friend, but no evidence has been presented that Nathan poses a danger to Kaiser so he continues to have custody.

All 3 kids are currently in court ... it's the only time Jenelle has been able to see them since they were removed from the family home after David brutally killed the family dog.

The hearing starts at 2 PM ET, so stay tuned.

Jenelle Evans and David Eason are back in a North Carolina courthouse fighting to get custody of their children -- but the fact they're doing it together might be their biggest hurdle.

We got the couple Wednesday morning on their way into the Columbus County Courthouse where there's a hearing scheduled to discuss the 3 kids CPS removed last week -- 4-year-old Kaiser, 9-year-old Jace and 2-year-old Ensley -- after David bludgeoned and then shot and killed the family dog, Nugget.


David and Jenelle were in this same courtroom last week, but had to leave without their kids ... who are now all staying with various extended family members, including Jenelle's mother, Barbara.

Based on everything we're hearing from various people involved in the case ... Jenelle has a choice: stay with David or get back her kids.

We asked Jenelle about making that choice on her way into court -- she did not respond.

We're waiting to see what happens in the hearing.

Originally Published -- 6:35 AM PT

'Teen Mom 3' Star Mackenzie McKee Mom Rips Neighbor for Dog Report ... Swears Hank 'Never in Danger' from Storms

"Teen Mom 3" star Mackenzie McKee's neighbors have a grudge, and that's the only reason they called animal control claiming her dog was abandoned -- at least, according to Mackenzie's mom.

Angie Douthit tells TMZ ... the neighbors got pissed in the past about Mackenzie's Harlequin Great Dane, Hank, getting loose in their yard, which caused hard feelings between the households.

She says because of the past aggression they made sure Hank wouldn't get loose while Mackenzie was on a 6-day cruise in the Bahamas. Angie says she and her father were in charge of Hank and visited him every day to feed him and make sure he had plenty of water -- but insists the neighbors were just looking for any way to make Mackenzie look bad.

Angie says her dad covered the top of the pen with a huge tarp on the first day to make sure Hank wouldn't get wet in the rain. She says a few days later, they noticed someone had placed a wood pallet in the pen.

As we first reported ... the neighbors admit doing that so Hank wouldn't have to sit in mud. Angie, however, says the wood pallet might have done more harm because it was splintery.

She also says the neighbor's social media photo of all the poop in the pen is misleading ... because Great Dane's just poop a lot. Plus, she claims the mud made it look worse than it is.

As we reported ... animal control removed the dog Monday. Mackenzie told us that was only done due to tornado warnings in the area. Angie says she and her father were prepared to move Hank into the basement if a tornado had actually struck.

Witnesses claim Hank had been crying for 4 days, but Angie claims families in Miami, Oklahoma leave their dogs outside all the time and even in the rain.

As for Mackenzie ... she'll have to pay $80 to animal control for boarding the dog. Her return flight from the Bahamas was delayed, but she's planning to pick up Hank on Wednesday.

Nessa Confronts 'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans ... For Trashing Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick's girlfriend, Nessa, called out 'Teen Mom' star Jenelle Evans TO HER FACE -- and made her cry -- over an anti-Kaepernick post Evans put on social media.


Nessa was hosting the "Teen Mom 2" reunion when she decided to put Evans on the hot seat about her Nike protest ... which Jenelle started last year after Nike used Kap in an ad campaign.

In the social media post, Jenelle wrote ... "I will not be buying Nike anymore. Chris Kyle’s wife wrote a huge letter about how she feels and I couldn’t agree more. HER husband actually DID sacrifice A LOT. Nike should change their 'motto' immediately. Nike needs a new PR person pronto."

Fast forward to the reunion ... when Nessa told Jenelle straight up:

"You posted hateful comments on social media about my family, about my man Colin Kaepernick."

Evans played dumb ... saying, "I posted them? When did I post it?"

Don't worry, Nessa had the receipts and read them out loud for Jenelle, who continued to play dumb.

"I’ve never seen that ... I honestly have no idea who your boyfriend is, or husband."

Nessa fired back again ...

"He’s been on set. This is an open, healthy conversation I would like to have with you," Nessa added.

"Please understand something. My man used his platform to peacefully protest systemic oppression in this country, specifically police brutality against black people. Men, women and children dying, wrongfully dying, and people who are doing this are not being held accountable."

"That is the issue. It has nothing to do with military men, military women, okay? Because they fought for our constitution to peacefully protest. I would have appreciated if you had contacted me. I would have been more than happy to have a healthy conversation."

Back to Jenelle ... who started to cry and stormed off the set.

"I don’t know anything about your husband, I swear to God."

"I’m done with this bullsh*t. This is exactly why I didn’t f*king want to come here. This is about my storyline and you want to bring up your issues. You want to bring up ‘Teen Mom’ to bring up your issues?! I’m not doing doing this, you got your show.”

Ex-'Teen Mom' Star Mackenzie McKee Animal Control Took My Caged Dog ... And I'm PISSED!!!

Another 'Teen Mom' star is in hot water for alleged mistreatment of her dog, but Mackenzie McKee is insisting the animal wasn't abused and animal control only stepped in due to the threat of tornadoes.

The former "Teen Mom 3" star tells TMZ ... her neighbor in Miami, OK unnecessarily reported her for leaving Hank, her Harlequin Great Dane, alone in the backyard while she went on a cruise in the Bahamas.

Mackenzie says it's total BS that anyone thought she abandoned Hank. She says her mom and other family members were tending to the dog every day and Hank's pen was cleaned out daily.

As for pictures that surfaced showing dog feces throughout the pen ... Mackenzie claims the picture was taken right after Hank pooped. On Monday, the neighbor called animal control, which removed the dog -- but Mackenzie says that was because there had been tornado warnings in the area.

We've called animal control to confirm Mackenzie's side of the story ... but we're waiting to hear back.

Witnesses, however, paint a very different picture. We're told the neighbors called animal control because there was a storm Sunday and felt bad for Hank. They claim he had been crying for 4 days and whimpering outside without any decent cover from rain. We're told the neighbors added a wood pallet so Hank would avoid sitting in mud.

This, of course, is the latest incident involving animal control and a 'Teen Mom.' As you know by now ... Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, is under investigation for animal cruelty for fatally shooting her French bulldog. The fallout since has been immense ... Jenelle's kids have since been taken away from her but she continues to stand by him.

Jenelle Evans Stands by Her Man ... Shopping Trip with David


Jenelle Evans and David Eason are sticking together -- very publicly, actually -- and now that their kids have been removed from their house, they're tending to home improvements.

The embattled couple took a trip to a Lowe's in North Carolina Sunday to pick up a shopping cart full of items ... looks like they've got a lot of chores planned.

David was dressed in all black, including a "Redneck Nation" t-shirt with a Confederate flag and the words "Family, Tradition, Heritage" on it. The "Family" part is interesting ... because theirs has been in turmoil since Eason shot and killed the family dog for nipping at their daughter.

Jenelle's wearing something interesting too -- her wedding ring. She's clearly showing she's standing by her husband despite the fact his actions have torn apart their family.

As we've reported ... Evans was fired from "Teen Mom 2" shortly after the dog killing incident, and her children have been removed from their custody under a judge's order.

She and David appeared together in court Thursday to fight to get the kids back, but it doesn't look like they were successful.

Eason didn't do anything to quell fears he's a dangerous dude while leaving the courthouse either ... he had a gun in plain sight on his dashboard as he drove away.

No sign he was packing heat on Sunday, but even if he wasn't ... we know Jenelle likes to travel while armed as well.

'Teen Mom' Star Kailyn Lowry We'll Be Fine Without Jenelle But Ratings Will Miss Her


Jenelle Evans was a huge draw for the 'Teen Mom' series, but the show can go without her and do just as well -- so says JE's former costar, Kailyn Lowry.

We got Kailyn at the Crosby Street Hotel Saturday in NYC, where she was hanging out with another reality TV star, Lindsie Chrisley. Our camera guy asked if Kailyn thought Jenelle being fired from 'Teen Mom' would hurt or help the show all things considered.

Check out Kailyn's answer -- she acknowledges Jenelle's value as a cast member, but also seems to be taking a slight shot by saying she was dragging the show's reputation down and that replacing her was the right move.

Lindsie chimes in on that sentiment too, saying there's a major difference between day-to-day drama that'd play well for TV ... and real-life criminal activity, which she seems to insinuate David Eason is guilty of by killing the family dog.


The aftermath of that decision has been devastating for Jenelle and her family -- not only was she booted from the show, but her kids have been removed from her custody under a judge's order.

She and David were just in court Thursday to fight to get the kids back, but it doesn't appear they've been returned at this point.

As to the idea of Kailyn herself assuming guardianship over Jenelle and David's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley ... well, she's got some thoughts on that too.

Jenelle Evans' Husband David Came to Court w/ Gun on the Dash ... Or So It Seems

Jenelle Evans and her husband, David Eason, showed up to court for their child services case with what appears to be a gun in plain sight on the dashboard of their car.

As we reported ... Jenelle and David went to court Thursday to fight a judge's order that removed three children from their home over the course of a week -- this, of course, following news that David had brutally killed the family dog when it nipped 2-year-old Ensley.

The kids were not returned to the couple by the end of it, and on their way out of the courthouse ... they got back into their vehicle, which looks like it was housing a pistol on the dash. You can make out what greatly resembles a firearm as they're driving away.


We pulled screenshots of this clip and heightened the resolution a bit -- there's no question in our eyes, the black object seen through the windshield seriously looks like a gun.

Seen at a different angle, the object still appears very much so like a gun. It sure doesn't seem like they were trying to hide it either ... the gun's openly on display, as you can see.

As we've pointed out in the past ... David is REALLY into guns, even going so far as to post multiple videos showing off his firepower after getting a visit from the Secret Service.

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There's even been an alleged incident in which David was accused of chasing a woman down who drove by his house and brandishing a pistol at her. She claimed he told her, "That's right. I got a gun, I will shoot you." David denied the woman's version of events.

Still, it doesn't look great that a guy who's had the authorities on edge about his violent temper shows up to court locked and loaded. One thing he's made clear ... he means business.

'Teen Mom' Filming Jenelle Evans' Replacement ... Jade Cline Steps Into Spotlight

MTV is moving quickly as it seeks a fresh start on its "Teen Mom" franchise ... the network is already filming with Jenelle Evans' replacement, Jade Cline.

Sources close to production tell TMZ ... 'Teen Mom' producers will be filming Kailyn Lowry's podcast in New York this weekend, where special guest Jade will officially announce a pretty poorly kept secret ... that she's stepping in for Jenelle.

The podcast is called, "Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry & Lindsie Chrisley" ... and MTV cameras will be rolling as the hosts sit down for an interview with Jade.

Our 'Teen Mom' sources tell us, show producers felt the podcast was the perfect way to announce Jenelle's replacement ... because Kailyn will also be costarring alongside Jade!!!

We're told the reveal will air next week ... which lines up with the "Teen Mom 2" reunion.


As you know ... MTV severed all ties with Jenelle in the wake of husband David Eason killing the family dog as punishment for nipping at their 2-year-old daughter. The dog's brutal death was the last straw in MTV's often tumultuous relationship with the couple.


Jenelle has been an empty nester as of late ... now that authorities have removed all her kids from her and David's home in the fallout from the dog murder. Jenelle and David were in court Thursday, fighting to get her children back.

As for Jade ... the 21-year-old is a mother of one, and she recently split with her baby daddy, Sean Austin.

Jenelle Evans, David Eason Show Up in Court Children Taken Away After Hearing

Jenelle Evans and her husband, David Eason, showed up in court Thursday to fight a judge's order that removed her 3 kids from the family home. About 15 minutes before Jenelle and David left, several kids with blankets over their heads were placed in a CPS vehicle and driven away.

Jenelle and David were in no mood to speak as they left the courthouse in Columbus County, North Carolina.


As we reported ... Ensley was the last of Jenelle's 3 kids to be removed from the home she shares with David. Ensley was removed just days after a judge ordered that 4-year-old Kaiser be removed from the home and 9-year-old Jace as well. Jenelle has visitation rights with Jace -- her mother, Barbara, has custody -- but the judge doesn't want Jace near Jenelle's home.


The removal came on the heels of CPS launching an investigation after David brutally killed their dog ... after it nipped at Ensley.

Our sources say as of Wednesday Jenelle was still living with David. She is not the target of the CPS probe ... it's all about David and his violent temper.

Farrah Abraham Topless on a Topiary ... Bottomless Too

Farrah Abraham's got down and dirty for her latest fashion photo shoot ... leaving little to the imagination.

The former 'Teen Mom' and 'Backdoor Teen Mom' star went all out by showing off her bare backside and front side in a series of racy pics for the fashion label, PrettyLittleThing.

Check it out -- Farrah's rocking several different looks ... all of them very naked.

It's hard to pick a favorite among the provocative shots ... but riding a sheep-shaped shrub without any sort of saddle underneath is definitely Farrah's most risqué (and risky).

Gotta admire her courage.

Question is ... does this top her poppy pose???

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Daughter Ensley Removed from House

11:36 AM PT -- A family source tells us Ensley is "out of the house."

Jenelle Evans and David Eason's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, is at risk ... at least that's how a North Carolina judge sees it, and has now taken action in the wake of David killing the family dog.

Law enforcement sources tell us the Dept. of Social Services -- which includes CPS -- served a judge's order Tuesday directed at Jenelle and David.

As we reported, CPS was in the process of removing Ensley from the family home -- and she might be gone already, but we haven't been able to confirm that.

This follows the stay-away orders imposed on two of Jenelle's other kids, 9-year-old Jace and 4-year-old Kaiser. Jace is currently with Jenelle's mom, Barbara ... while Kaiser is with his father's family.

CPS has had its concerns about all of the children ever since learning David brutally killed their dog when it nipped the little girl a couple of weeks ago.

There were delays in getting the children, though, because the agencies were afraid to go on Jenelle and David's property due to David's violent history.

Originally Published -- 11:10 AM PT

Jenelle Evans CPS Gunning to Take Her Daughter ... Over Dad's Dog Killing

Jenelle Evans is about to be an empty nester ... because Columbus County Child Protective Services are about to remove her 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, from the home ... more fallout from David Eason's dog killing.

Sources with knowledge say CPS is trying to locate Jenelle, David and Ensley ... and we're told authorities are fearful of entering their property because they believe David is extremely dangerous. There's a social media account claiming to be Jenelle's sister that just said CPS has made its move and taken Ensley ... but we haven't confirmed that -- however, we know that's the plan and it's imminent.

We're told CPS will take Ensley to Jenelle's mother's home and Barbara Evans will care for the child, at least temporarily.

As we reported ... CPS is ordering Jenelle's 9-year-old son, Jace -- who she had with Andrew Lewis -- to stay away from the home. Jenelle's 4-year-old son, Kaiser, was removed from the home Friday and he's currently living with his daddy, Nathan Griffith, and Nathan's mother.


Remember ... Ensley was sitting on the couch with the family's French bulldog, Nugget, when the puppy nipped at her and sent her father into a rage. David admits he shot and killed the dog because it snapped at his daughter.

Photos of Ensley's face after the incident revealed a noticeable red mark, but it didn't appear the dog bite broke her skin.

Now, Jenelle is about to lose all of her kids, plus her beloved pup ... and she'll be alone in the home with David.

Jenelle Evans Fallout from Dog Killing ... Jace and Kaiser Removed from Home

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, has alarmed Columbus County Child Protective Services to the point of 2 of the kids who were living in their house are now out ... TMZ has learned.

Our sources say Jenelle's 9-year-old child, Jace -- who she had with Andrew Lewis -- cannot come back to Jenelle's home to visit, per orders of CPS ... sources connected to Jenelle tell TMZ. Jenelle's mother has custody of Jace and Jenelle has visitation rights, but we're told CPS has put the brakes on visits to Jenelle's home because of the dog-killing incident earlier this month.

We're told CPS will not allow visits until its investigation is completed.

We've also confirmed Jenelle's 4-year-old son, Kaiser, was removed from the home Friday and is currently staying with his father, Nathan Griffith, and Nathan's mom. By the way, Kaiser was in the house when David beat and then shot the family dog, killing it.

As for David and Jenelle's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley ... we're told she's still in the home, and partly because authorities believe it's treacherous to enter the property given David's temper combined with his firepower.

David Eason Faces More Legal Drama ... For 2018 Truck-Towing Stunt

David Eason is quickly learning when it rains it pours ... 'cause in the wake of an animal cruelty investigation and child support case, TMZ's learned there's a looming court date over a stunt he pulled last year.

First, a little backstory ... Jenelle Evans' dangerous spouse got in hot water last December after the ex-"Teen Mom 2" star illegally towed a man's truck. The incident actually went down in June 2018 but, amazingly, cops weren't made aware until Eason uploaded a video of the incident on his YouTube page ... on Jenelle's 27th birthday, no less.

Eason captioned the video, "Learn the right way to deal with a$$holes who think it's cool to block you in a parking space." In the video, you hear Jenelle in the background laughing and egging him on.

The truck owner ultimately pressed charges, and Eason was charged with tampering with a vehicle and injury to personal property. He's due back in New Hanover County, North Carolina court June 3.

It's just the latest controversy that's practically forced Eason to have his lawyer on speed dial. As we reported ... the Columbus County Sheriff and Animal Control have launched a joint investigation into allegations of animal cruelty against him for shooting their family dog to death.

Eason, of course, also owed back child support to his baby mama, Olivia Leedham. He ultimately paid up but the hits kept coming as Jenelle proved to be collateral damage after she was fired from "Teen Mom 2" ... a spin-off show she'd been on since she was 19. She was first casted on "16 & Pregnant."

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