Amber Portwood Overdose Attempt Drove Me to Prison


"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood had become so depressed in her rehab program she tried to overdose on pills -- and that's what drove her to quit drug treatment entirely ... entering prison instead.

A shackled Amber spoke with "Good Morning America" ... claiming, "I had taken 30 Suboxone [a drug used to treat opioid addictions] within 3 days. The depression took over. I would take 4 or 5 at a time."

Amber said, "I felt like I'd rather do my time and get it over with, and make the best of a situation that's been handed to me." Amber was sentenced to five years earlier this week.

She added, "I'm not just going to sit. I'm going to do substance abuse classes. I'm going to get my GED."

Still doesn't make any sense -- Amber had been given the opportunity to receive out-patient drug treatment ... WITHOUT PRISON ... but she chose prison anyway.

Amber Portwood Sentenced to 5 Years In Prison ... Again

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood has been sentenced to five long years in the big house ... again -- after asking an Indiana judge to reimpose her sentence, stemming from a December drug arrest.

Portwood was in court this morning when the judge reimposed the sentence. Her attorney asked for leniency, but the judge was unmoved ... insisting he had no choice but to enforce the terms of Amber's plea agreement.

Portwood's five-year prison sentence was previously stayed on the condition she complete a drug rehabilitation program -- but as we first reported, Portwood gave up on the program ... and asked to go to prison instead.

The judge said he would refer Amber to the Indiana Department of Corrections therapeutic community program -- an incarceration-based treatment program.

Portwood will be given credit for time served in jail.

'Teen Mom' Amber Portwood I Need Prison to SAVE MY LIFE!

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood thinks prison is the only way to save her life from a brutal drug addiction, TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us, immediately following the reality TV star's incarceration, her last drug test came back positive for the opiate-based drug Suboxone ... a highly addictive drug similar to Morphine.

Law enforcement sources tell us, Portwood admitted she can't control herself around the drug -- even buying it off the street during her court-ordered drug program.

We're told Amber believes prison is the only way to get clean because it will force her to kick the addiction cold turkey.

Portwood is currently locked up and a judge will decide her sentence in the next couple of weeks.

Amber Portwood The NEW Mug Shot

TMZ has obtained Amber Portwood's newest mug shot ... taken moments after she surrendered to police in Indiana yesterday.

We broke the story ... the MTV "Teen Mom" star was taken into custody after she told the judge she would rather serve hard time in prison than finish out the rest of her court-ordered drug rehab program.

Amber is currently at the Madison County jail ... where she will remain until a hearing is set. A judge will then decide how long Amber will stay behind bars.

Amber Portwood HANDCUFFED Final Moments of Freedom [PHOTOS]

"Teen Mom" train wreck Amber Portwood was handcuffed and taken into custody yesterday -- after asking a judge to lock her up in prison -- and TMZ has obtained photos of her final moments as a free woman.

Amber appeared emotionless on her way into an Indiana courtroom -- where she showed up for a weekly drug court hearing -- and as we reported, she threw in the towel on the entire rehab thing.

Amber told the judge she hadn't stayed clean since he sentenced her to the rehab program following her December drug arrest ... and will always be a "bad girl" -- so she'd rather just face the 5-year prison sentence the judge originally gave her.

It was shocking, but Amber left the judge with no choice -- so he remanded her into custody.

Amber will remain in custody until her sentencing in a few weeks.

Amber Portwood SEND ME TO PRISON!!!

After several months of unsuccessful drug treatment, "Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood has completely given up on herself -- and has now asked a judge to send her ass to prison ... once and for all ...TMZ has learned.

As we reported, Amber was sentenced to 5 years in the big house back in January for drug possession -- but the judge gave her a second chance, offering to vacate the sentence if she successfully completed a drug rehab program.

Amber has repeatedly struggled to meet the requirements of the program, and has now given up entirely -- straight up asking the judge to impose her original 5-year prison sentence.

Amber fessed up today in court, telling the judge she hasn't stayed clean since starting the program -- and will always be a "bad girl." Amber's lawyer stood by in shock as this unfolded, shaking his head the entire hearing.

Amber said she couldn't stand the drug court program and wanted out ASAP -- leaving herself one alternative ... prison.

Amber's currently on her way to Madison County jail in Indiana, where she'll remain until her sentencing in a few weeks.

Amber Portwood Released from Jail

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood has been released from jail -- again -- after a judge gave her a 10 millionth chance.

As we reported, Amber was arrested and thrown in the slammer in Madison County, Indiana last week for skipping a drug court appointment -- and allegedly lying about it.

But sources tell TMZ, the judge took pity on her Thursday -- and decided to release her back to home detention.

The judge told Amber he wants her to continue drug rehab treatment and find a real job.

But if Amber screws up again, she could be thrown out of the drug court program entirely -- at which point she'll face her original prison sentence stemming from her December drug arrest ... a terrifying 5 years behind bars.

The choice is hers.

Amber Portwood New Mug Shot's on the Blink

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood's arrest last week wasn't the eye-opening experience we were hoping for -- just take a look at her mug shot, obtained by TMZ.

As we previously reported, Amber was tossed back in the pokey last week in Indiana -- for the gazillionth time -- after bailing on a mandatory drug court appointment.

Amber had told officials she had to miss the appointment because she was on doctor-ordered bed rest following laparoscopic gallbladder surgery -- but her doctor said she was lying ... so they hauled her back to jail.

Amber's still in custody -- and is expected to stay behind bars for a couple more weeks, until a judge decides what to do with her.

Amber Portwood Back to Jail

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood is back in an Indiana jail cell ... after prosecutors claimed she LIED about having a medical condition to get out of her weekly drug court appointment.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Portwood was a no-show at drug court last week ... after telling officials she was on doctor-ordered bed rest following laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Our sources say Amber's attorney told the court she was ordered to remain in bed for 2-3 weeks.

But here's the rub -- we're told Amber's case manager didn't want to take Amber's word for it ... and spoke to the doctor directly ... who called B.S. on the reality star and insisted she WAS well enough to attend her court obligations.

Amber was immediately hauled back to jail for missing the appointment -- and we're told she's expected to stay behind bars for a couple of weeks ... until a judge decides what to do with her.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Check Out My New Twins!

"Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans took time out from getting arrested to show off her new pride and joy ... her brand new boobs.

After going under the knife just last week, the 20-year-old flaunted her new buxom figure in a well endowed pink bikini on the beach in North Carolina this weekend.

While her mother is taking care of her son Jace, let's hope Jenelle can retain custody of her new girls.

'Teen Mom' Amber Portwood Ordered to Pay Up After Mooching Off Poor People

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood has been ordered by a judge to pony up some cash to the rental home company who was suing to evict her ... after the reality star was caught free-loading off government housing.

As TMZ first reported, while Portwood was still rotting in jail, a rental company sued her for eviction after they discovered she lied about her "low-income" (she made $280K in 2010) ... which disqualified her from their subsidized government housing.

An Indiana judge ruled this month in the rental company's favor after Amber never even bothered to respond to the suit. Portwood must pay the company $673 within 30 days or risk further legal action.

Of course if she can't find the cash ... jail is free.

Amber Portwood Dodges Prison After Drug Test Violation

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood will NOT be heading back to the big house after failing to take a required drug test this week ... TMZ has learned -- but the judge didn't let her off the hook either.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the judge ordered Amber to submit to an extra 30 DAYS of daily drug testing for failing to procure a urine sample on Monday -- an automatic "fail" when it comes to drug testing.

And there's more -- we're told Amber didn't just botch a drug test, she also missed an AA meeting recently ... another big no-no, according to the terms of her release.

As punishment for playing hooky, Amber is also required to re-read the drug court handbook and write a 500-word report on her responsibilities as a drug court participant.


Amber Portwood Drug Test Violator

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood done screwed up again -- TMZ has learned, she failed to take a required drug test ... and could face the 5-year prison sentence she narrowly dodged in January.

TMZ broke the story ... Amber was sentenced to 5 years in prison after her December drug arrest -- but the judge promised to dismiss the entire case if she completes a drug program ... a stipulation that includes daily drug testing.

Amber's been doing great -- but on Monday, she torpedoed all her progress ... by failing to provide a urine sample during a routine drug test while she serves time on home detention.

Sources tell TMZ, Amber failed to provide a urine sample because she simply couldn't go at the time -- but life's not fair ... and no pee counts as a failed test ... no matter what.

Amber's due in court Thursday for a weekly check-up with the judge -- and she'll have to answer for the failed test. If he wants, the judge is within his power to throw the book at her ... locking her up for her original 5-year sentence.

Jenelle Evans Arrested AGAIN ... For Stalking

Call her DMX ... because "Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans' mug shot collection nearly rivals the rapper's -- after the 20-year-old was arrested AGAIN today in North Carolina ... for stalking.

A rep for the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office claims Evans was arrested as a result of an outstanding warrant against her for cyberstalking. We're told Evans turned herself in to authorities after learning about the warrant.

It's unclear who Jenelle was allegedly harassing on the Internet -- but sources tell TMZ, the charge stems from an ongoing feud between Jenelle and her old roommate, who has previously accused Jenelle of harassment.

Jenelle was booked on misdemeanor stalking in Bolivia, NC. She has since been released on $1,000 bond.

Calls to Jenelle's camp were not immediately returned.

Amber Portwood STRICT Home Detention Rules

Amber Portwood's home detention rules are so strict -- HOW STRICT ARE THEY??? -- not only is she barred from drinking alcohol ... but she can't even use mouthwash that contains alcohol or eat foods containing alcohol. Kiss that rum cake goodbye!

As TMZ first reported, the "Teen Mom" star was denied entry into a halfway house because they thought she'd be a bad influence on the other residents. So now Amber is on home detention with her grandparents until a new drug treatment program accepts her.

But this isn't your typical trip to grandma's house. According to the rules laid out by the Madison County courts ... Amber, since she is without a job, must remain inside the home at ALL TIMES unless she gets prior authorization (even then it has to be for things like AA meetings or attorney appointments).

The rules dictate she can't consume alcohol or illicit drugs, but the no-no list also includes non-alcoholic beer, any medications containing alcohol (R.I.P. NyQuil) and the aforementioned mouthwash or foods that contain alcohol.

Amber also has to have a working phone at all times and she has to be the one who answers, should the home detention people come calling.

If she violates any of the rules ... it's back to jail for her.

Amber Portwood To Be Released from Jail ... TODAY

It's been over two months since "Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood was locked up for drug possession -- but TMZ has learned, she's set to be released from jail TODAY ... though it's not exactly a good thing.

Law enforcement sources tell us, the Indiana judge in her drug case is going to release Amber today for one reason and one reason only -- the halfway house where Amber was supposed to complete a drug treatment program has refused to accept her.

According to sources, people at the transitional home -- called Sister 2 Sister Ministries -- felt Portwood is too much of a handful and embodies too much negative energy to benefit from its program.

Since no one else wants her -- the judge decided to release her today ... with an electronic monitoring bracelet.

But Amber's not out of the woods -- we're told the judge will still require her to apply for residency at another home ... but that process could take months.

Amber will remain on home detention until a different drug treatment program accepts her.

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