'Teen Mom 2' Star I Got JUMPED By 3 Violent Chicks

"Teen Mom 2" star Leah Messer was brutally attacked by 3 women outside of a movie theater in West Virginia this weekend ... multiple sources tell TMZ.

19-year-old Leah is telling friends and family ... she had just left the theater with her fiance Sunday night when an older woman began following her and calling her names.

We're told Leah insists she tried to tell the woman to leave her alone ... when 2 other girls appeared out of nowhere and the three chicks opened a can of whoopass all over Leah's face.

Sources say Leah's fiance, and a security guard, managed to pull the three women off the MTV star ... and got out of the area.

TMZ obtained a photo of Leah's face following the brawl ... which shows a swollen cheek and redness on her neck and chest.

We're told Leah did not recognize any of her attackers ... but Leah's mother has since gone to Twitter in an effort to try and identify the assailants.

Sources say Leah plans to follow up with police later today to file a report.

Stay tuned ...

Amber Portwood Judge Deals Crushing Blow to 'Teen Mom' Career

Amber Portwood's "Teen Mom" career is teetering on the edge of extinction ... because an Indiana judge has imposed a sentence that makes it next to impossible for Amber to appear on the MTV show anytime soon.

Portwood was in court yesterday to deal with the fallout of a recent drug arrest -- and hammered out details in a plea deal that will keep her out of the slammer ... as long as she doesn't screw up.

According to law enforcement sources ... Amber has been ordered to live in a halfway house for up to 3 years and get a court approved 9-to-5 job that she must attend at least 5 days a week.

We're told "Teen Mom" will NOT count as a job. PLUS, the judge has banned Portwood from taping any MTV project while staying at the halfway house, working her job or appearing in court. Doesn't leave Amber much room for reality TV.

Also, Amber is not allowed to tape anything while hanging out with any other girls who also live at the halfway house.

We're told the judge reached out to MTV ... and the network assured the court it would not sue Amber for breaking her contract with the show because of the sentencing ... a sure sign they are planning on moving on from her story.

Amber Portwood Allegedly Evicted For Conning the Government

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood was tossed out of her Indiana home last month for scamming the government and mooching off taxpayer money -- this according to law enforcement sources.

Here's how it breaks down -- according to Amber's lease agreement, obtained by TMZ, the house she was renting in Anderson, Indiana had been subsidized by the state's "Low Income Rental Housing Tax Credit Program."

Problem is, in order to enroll in the program -- a prerequisite for moving in -- the reality star claimed she made roughly $10,000 a year ... MUCH less than what she actually earned in 2010 ... $280,000.

According to sources, Amber's massive income rendered her ineligible for subsidized housing -- no duh -- and that's the reason her landlords evicted her.

It doesn't really matter though -- Amber's still locked up in jail, awaiting final approval to enter a court-appointed drug rehab program.

Judge to Amber Portwood Get Your Ass in Rehab

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood won't be heading to prison ... yet -- because a judge just gave the MTV reality star one last chance to clear her name ... by entering rehab.

TMZ broke the story ... Amber struck a plea deal with prosecutors in her drug case last month -- a deal that would allow Amber to avoid a 5-year prison sentence by completing a court-mandated drug rehabilitation program. An Indiana judge approved the deal today.

If Amber successfully completes the Madison County Drug Court program, her drug case will be entirely dismissed -- but if she screws up, she'll be thrown in the slammer.

As we first reported, Amber was arrested in December for drug possession and failing to provide a urine sample (a stipulation of her probation).

Amber will remain in custody pending a full evaluation by the Drug Court team -- which we're told could take up to two weeks. Once accepted into the program, the judge will release her.

Amber Portwood Strikes Plea Deal in Drug Case 5 Years in Prison, BUT ...

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood has struck a plea deal after her drug arrest last month -- requiring her to serve a 5-year prison sentence -- but TMZ has learned, there's still a way for her to keep her freedom.

According to the deal, law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Amber can stay out of the big house ... provided she completes a court-mandated drug rehabilitation program.

As part of the deal, Amber pled guilty to one count of possession of a controlled substance and one count of probation violation.

The entire case will be dismissed if Portwood successfully graduates from the Madison County Drug Court program -- but we're told, if she screws up ... she'll be tossed in the pokey immediately, no questions asked.

A hearing is set for February 6th -- when the judge will decide whether to approve the deal.

TMZ broke the story -- Amber was arrested on December 19 for drug possession and failing to provide a urine sample (a stipulation of her probation). She is still in custody.

'Teen Mom' Star Jenelle Evans Shackles and Stripes in Court

With shackles around her ankles ... "Teen Mom 2" star Jenelle Evans shuffled her way into a North Carolina courtroom wearing a lovely black and white striped ensemble provided by the Brunswick County Jail.

As we previously reported, Evans was arrested yesterday for violating a domestic violence protective order. Jenelle's lawyer tells us the allegation is that Evans' ex-roommate received a text from Jenelle ... despite an order prohibiting contact.

Jenelle's lawyer says the MTV star denies any wrongdoing.

Despite her smiling mug shot from Monday evening ... Evans appeared pretty upset during today's appearance. Evans was released from custody after posting $1,000 bond. She's due back in court on Feb. 6th.

Last week, the 20-year-old was arrested for allegedly making harassing phone calls and threatening her ex-roommate. On top of all that, Jenelle is still on probation for beating up some chick last year.

Jenelle's two-year-old son is currently in the custody of her mother.

1:25 PM PST -- According to the warrant for Jenelle's arrest, the alleged victim -- Hannah Inman -- claims Evans also went to her own fan site, and posted a link to nude photos of Hannah.

'Teen Mom' Star Jenelle Evans Arrested ... Again

"Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans has just been arrested ... for the second time in a week, TMZ has learned.

A rep for the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office tells TMZ, she was arrested moments ago in North Carolina for violating a domestic violence protective order. She is still in custody.

Details surrounding the arrest are unclear -- though as we previously reported, Jenelle was busted just last week for allegedly making harassing phone calls and threatening her ex-roommate.

Jenelle's still on probation for beating up some chick in a nasty street fight last year -- so this arrest could mean even more serious trouble.

'Teen Mom' Star Jenelle Evans Arrested for Harassment

"Teen Mom 2" star Jenelle Evans was arrested in North Carolina Tuesday after allegedly making harassing phone calls and threatening an unidentified person.

The 20-year-old MTV reality star was booked into the Brunswick County Jail and later released after posting $1,000 bond.

She later tweeted, "I'm free as a biiirrrrddddd :D."

The arrest could mean serious trouble for Evans -- who's still on probation for beating the living crap out of another woman during a street fight last year.

9:15 AM PT: Janelle posted a long message to her Facebook account after getting out of jail, claiming the person who accused her of harassment is her old roommate ... who's out to settle the score in some ongoing feud -- though details are unclear.

Jenelle's lawyer tells TMZ, "The charges against Jenelle are completely absurd and retaliatory in nature."

Amber Portwood Jailhouse Letter to Brother: Cops Are Afraid I'll Shiv Someone

Police don't even trust Amber Portwood with a pen -- this according to a letter the "Teen Mom" wrote from inside jail, claiming cops are only willing to give her a special flexible writing utensil ... designed to prevent stabbings.

Prisoner-proof pens are pretty standard issue inside the clink ... but according to Amber's letter -- obtained by TMZ -- she's still freaked out people think she's a danger to society ... and she'll end up in prison.

Amber writes, "I don't think I'll ever take this sh*t for granted. I'm really scared I'm going to prison ... All I think about is Leah and how she needs a ro-model (sic)."

She adds, "I am a good person and I pray that I can change my life."

Amber wrote the letter to her brother last month -- after she was thrown in an Indiana jail for drug possession and failing to provide a urine test (a stipulation of her probation).

She's scheduled to appear in court on January 27 for her probation violation hearing. She faces two years behind bars.

Casey Anthony Is a 'Teen Mom'?

Here's Casey Anthony in her new video diary entry on the Internet (left) -- and "Teen Mom 2" Jenelle Evans in a pic she posted on her Facebook profile (right).

One currently does not have custody of her two-year-old child.

We're just sayin'.

Amber Portwood Happy New Year ... You're HOMELESS!!

Amber Portwood's landlord is tossing her out in the street -- a fact the "Teen Mom" star might care more about ... if she hadn't been cooling her ass in jail for the last 17 days.

The company that owns Amber's rented home in Anderson, Indiana filed notice with the court yesterday that it wants her out ASAP.

According to the docs, Portwood somehow violated her lease agreement -- no specifics are listed -- and the landlord delivered a "notice to vacate" on Dec. 20 ... the day AFTER Amber got hauled off to jail for alleged probation violations.

Portwood's attorney tells TMZ he didn't know about the notice, so couldn't comment. If Amber misses a Jan. 25 court date she could be evicted immediately.

2012 ... not looking up for Amber.

'Teen Mom' Amber Portwood Worst New Year's Eve EVER!

There were no streamers, no confetti and no countdown to midnight for "Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood this year -- because TMZ has learned the jail she's currently in didn't celebrate New Year's Eve ... at all.

According to law enforcement sources, Madison County Jail in Indiana did not do anything to mark the New Year. We're told visiting hours on Saturday were only from 7:00-7:30 PM, but Portwood had no visitors on the schedule.

But don't worry, Amber wasn't alone. Our sources tell us that due to overcrowding, Amber has been transferred out of the cell she shared with one other inmate ... and into a room with several other inmates -- whose convictions range from probation violation to dealing a controlled substance.

And if you think Amber just put her head down and caught some shut eye on NYE, think again -- as part of moving into that large room, instead of a bed ... she slept on a vinyl mattress that sits on a concrete floor.

2012 can only be an improvement.

Amber Portwood New Year's Eve Lunch ... OH YEAH!!!

Amber Portwood's second-to-last meal of 2011 won't be leaving her with fond memories ... but at least there will be KOOL-AID!!!

The "Teen Mom" star is currently behind bars at Madison County Jail in Indiana, awaiting her late January court date on possible probation violations.

According to our sources, Portwood's lunch today will consist of a turkey sandwich on white bread with American cheese, fruit cocktail, and Kool-Aid to drink.

Portwood's Xmas dinner wasn't much better -- she dined on turkey sausage pizza, a side of carrots (cold, not steamed), peas and some pineapple.

If the food doesn't scare her straight, nothing will.

Amber Portwood Police Report Reveals A Slew of Prescription Pills

TMZ has obtained a police report that reveals new details about Amber Portwood's arrest last week -- turns out the controlled substances she was busted for were a variety of prescription pills ... most of which she couldn't produce prescriptions for.

As TMZ first reported, the "Teen Mom" star was popped back on December 19 on the possession charge as well as failing to provide a urine sample (which is part of her probation).

According to an affidavit given by Sgt. John Branson of the Anderson Police Department, the probation department visited Amber's home on December 16 because she had missed her probation appointment that day. Sgt. Branson says the probation officers found Portwood to be "very groggy."

Sgt. Branson goes on to explain the probation officers found a number of prescription pills (all mixed together in one bottle) and Portwood could not provide a script for majority of them ... at one point saying "her housekeeper throws all that kind of stuff away."

The officers later determined Portwood had 32 Hydrocodone pills, 6 Soma pills, 2 of another muscle relaxer, 3 of a different kind of Hyrdocodone, and then 1 pill they were unable to identify.

Portwood has been in jail since December 19 and is due to face a judge on January 13.

Amber Portwood Jailhouse Xmas Eve Dinner Sounds TERRIBLE!!!

Amber Portwood is firmly entrenched on Santa's naughty list -- not only will she be spending the holidays behind bars, but her Xmas Eve meal sounds worse than eating a lump of coal.

Amber was tossed in the slammer earlier this week and will remain there until a court date in January.

According to the folks at the Madison County Jail in Indiana, inmates will be dining this evening on turkey sausage pizza (which was described to us as "a meat-like substance on top of the pizza"), a side of carrots (cold, not steamed), peas and some pineapple.

Amber will not be having dessert.

Sometimes people really do get what they deserve at the holidays.

'Teen Mom' Star Dude, Where's My Urine Sample?

"Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood just left an Indiana courtroom ... where she was accused of violating her probation ... and TMZ has learned it all has to do with drugs and TWO no-shows for urine tests.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Portwood was popped on Dec. 16 for possession of a controlled substance. It's unclear what the substance was.

Sources also tell us Portwood "failed to provide urine drug screen on Dec. 16 and Dec. 19."

Portwood is also on the hook for various other alleged violations -- including failure to complete an anger management class and failure to set up a college fund for her daughter.

Today, Amber was ordered to remain in custody until her next hearing in late January.

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