FAMOSO TATUADOR SE ASOCIA CON UN ROBOT Es casi imposible notar la diferencia

Los robots están ocupando cada vez más puestos de trabajo tradicionalmente desempeñados por humanos... y más vale que los artistas también se cuiden las espaldas, porque las máquinas pueden tatuar tan bien como los artistas de carne y hueso.

Dillon Forte, un tatuador de Texas con clientes famosos, ha trabajado en un nuevo tatuaje junto a Blackdot, una empresa tecnológica que ha creado la primera máquina de tatuar automática del mundo.

un nuevo tatuaje
Dillon Forte & Blackdot

Tienes que ver al robot en acción... el cliente tiene su brazo atado a una mesa mientras la máquina gigante va trabajando en la extremidad, utilizando mecanismos muy rápido.

Forte y Blackdot asumieron cada uno una parte distinta en el proyecto conjunto, cortando la responsabilidad directamente por la mitad, 50-50, y haciendo un diseño inspirado en la NASA y el libro de ciencia ficción "La Guía del Autoestopista Galáctico".

Échale un vistazo a las fotos, hay una serie de símbolos y referencias espaciales, además de muchas imágenes que aparecen en el Voyager de la NASA Golden Record enviado en 1977 para darle cierto realismo al trabajo. Es muy difícil distinguir la parte entintada por Forte de la de Blackdot.

Nos dicen que Blackdot ha tatuado la parte media, mientras que Forte hizo los contornos... añadiendo su propio toque personal en la parte superior e inferior. La diferencia es muy pequeña, y definitivamente te hace pensar en el futuro de los artistas del tatuaje.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Forte es un nombre bastante grande en el mundo del tatuaje, y que ha entintado a grandes celebridades como Usher, Kat Von D, y Chris Hemsworth, aunque nos atreveríamos a decir que esto podría haber sido su experiencia más extraña hasta la fecha.

Todos hemos oído hablar de robots que se revelan, pero quién sabe, ¡quizá sigan el ejemplo de Blackdot y se dediquen al arte!


ajedrez mental
X / @neuralink

Elon Musk finalmente ha decidido mostrar lo que Neuralink ha estado haciendo. Resulta que han mostrado al primer sujeto utilizando su tecnología... y es increíble.

El jefe de Tesla -que también dirige Neuralink- publicó un video de cerca de 9 minutos mostrando por primera vez a alguien usando su tecnología. Hablamos del testimonio de un tipo llamado Noland Arbaugh, un tetrapléjico de 29 años de edad que pasó por el quirófano para poder usar Neuralink.

Dice que tuvo un extraño accidente de buceo hace unos 8 años que lo dejó paralizado de los hombros para abajo, y tras enterarse de lo que Neuralink podía hacer, se inscribió.

El video muestra cómo funciona exactamente esta tecnología, y efectivamente, se puede ver a Noland utilizando su mente para mover el cursor de un ordenador portátil que tiene delante en el que está jugando al ajedrez. Se ve bastante fluido, ¡y lo tiene dominado!

Noland es capaz de mover las piezas de ajedrez en la pantalla e incluso bajar el volumen de la música, todo con solo pensarlo. Se complica un poco al describir cómo lo hace exactamente, diciendo que está implementando algo llamado "movimiento imaginado", y utilizando el "poder de la mente".

Como hemos dicho, parece tenerlo todo bajo control, y es aún más sorprendente lo bien que se encuentra luego de la cirugía. Otro tema que toca en el video.

X / @neuralink

Noland respalda a Neuralink y reconoce que todavía hay mucho trabajo que hacer para perfeccionarlo, pero asegura que el progreso que han hecho hasta ahora es prometedor. Afirma que el número de personas a las que podría ayudar es asombroso, y se alegra de ser el paciente número 1.

Es bastante sorprendente, y puedes imaginar que habrá muchos que querrán prestarse como conejillos de indias, sobre todo viendo lo bien que ha resultado hasta ahora.

¡Bienvenido al futuro!

Elon Musk Shows Neuralink Subject on Vid ... Using Telekinetic Tech!!!

X / @neuralink

Elon Musk has finally pulled back the curtain on what Neuralink has been doing behind the scenes -- showing off their very first subject using their tech ... and it's incredible.

The Tesla chief -- who also heads Neuralink -- posted a link from his company that featured about 9 minutes of video from Neuralink ... and it's a full-blown testimonial from a guy named Noland Arbaugh -- a 29-year-old quadriplegic who went under the knife for this.

He says he was in a freak diving accident about 8 years ago, and it left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. After hearing about what Neuralink could do, however, he signed up.

The clip goes on to show how exactly the technology works -- and sure enough ... you can see Noland using his mind to move a mouse around on a laptop that's set up in front of him ... on which the guy's playing chess. It looks pretty seamless, and he's got it down pat!

Noland is able to move chess pieces on the screen and even turn down music -- all by simply thinking about where he wants the mouse to go. He gets into the weeds a bit in describing how exactly he does it ... saying he's implementing something called imagined movement, trying to pivot away from attempted movement with a whole lot of brain power.

Like we said ... he certainly seems to have a knack for it now -- and even more amazing is how well he appears to be doing post-surgery, something else he touches on in this video.

changed my life
X / @neuralink

Noland gives a ringing endorsement for Neuralink -- acknowledging there's still much work to do to perfect it ... but saying the progress they've made so far is promising. He says the number of people this could potentially help is staggering ... and he's happy to be patient #1.

It's pretty powerful visuals ... and you gotta imagine more folks are gonna put their names down to be guinea pigs for this effort -- especially seeing how well it's gone thus far.

Welcome to the future!

Don Lemon Elon Doesn't Answer to People ... Especially Ones Who Look Different

Don Lemon's not letting up on Elon Musk one bit ... hitting his new nemesis repeatedly in an explosive interview -- and making some pretty big insinuations.

The talk show host sat down with People in an interview published Sunday to promote his upcoming talk with Musk -- scheduled for release Monday -- and said he thinks Elon was put in a very unfamiliar position.

Among his comments, Lemon said this, "He's not used to being held to account. He's not used to having to answer to anyone, especially someone like me who doesn't share his worldview, who doesn't look like him. You know what I'm saying?"

Reading between the lines a bit here ... it seems Don's saying Elon's not used to answering to Black people -- instead usually dealing with white people who think the same as him -- a pretty huge implication if we're being honest.

And, it sorta falls in line with one of the questions Don asked Elon during their talk. He shared a clip while promoting the upcoming interview on "The View" where he asked Musk if he thought minority pilots were less qualified than their white male counterparts.


Lemon went after Elon a couple more times in the new interview ... he also called Musk naive if he thought questions about diversity wouldn't come up, and Don claimed he really believes in free speech -- while saying EM doesn't.

DL says Elon and his team wanted to see the interview before it aired BTW ... a request Don says he straight-up denied.

The name-calling's gone on for a few days now ... late Friday night, Elon compared Don to spoiled child Veruca Salt from "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" -- best known for repeatedly whining to her dad in the '71 flick.

In any case ... it seems the beef's getting more intense as the time to the interview's release ticks down -- just a few more hours left!

KATE MIDDLETON Mother's Day Pic ... Photoshop Fail More Likely Than AI

Kate Middleton's Mother's Day photo appears to be littered with Photoshop edits -- and upon closer inspection ... we think we've pinpointed all the major ones, and they're noticeable.

The Princess of Wales has already copped to altering the picture seen round-the-world -- but neither she nor Kensington Palace have clarified what exactly was doctored and how. According to Sky News ... metadata for the original photo -- which they seem to have obtained -- shows the picture was taken at their Adelaide Cottage home in Windsor.

They also report that the metadata shows it was taken with a DSLR camera ... and more importantly, it was apparently saved twice in Photoshop on an Apple MacBook -- once on Friday night and again on Saturday morning before it was released to the public by the Palace.

Remember, when it first went up on social media -- Prince William was credited as the photog -- and they said this snap was taken last week sometime ahead of Mother's Day.

Now, though, in light of the photo being reported to be manipulated -- and Kate falling on the sword as the one to blame -- everyone is picking this photo apart and analyzing it to see exactly how it may have been tweaked ... and we actually have some ideas of our own.

Take a look at what graphic designers in our own building say are apparent Photoshop edits ... or more accurately, Photoshop fails. The big red flag everyone has been pointing out is Princess Charlotte's hand overlapping with Kate's left hand ... where you see a blur.

Our own experts say this seems to be a bad use of the stamp tool in Photoshop ... that, or a possible flub in duplicating layers of two different images and not lining them up correctly.

In terms of Kate missing her wedding ring -- we know magazines are notorious for editing stuff like that, including copying/pasting body parts ... and our team here says that may well have been what happened with Kate's hand here. Basically, that whole section looks edited.

There's also the issue of Prince Louie's sweater pattern not lining up -- something our team noticed -- and Kate's jacket zipper seemingly disappearing and reappearing in the shot.

Even Kate and Charlotte's awkwardly overlapping appears to be a Photoshop mistake ... that's our own team's take anyway. It's just a handful of apparent mistakes we honed in on -- but there are certainly more others have picked up on ... and the conspiracies are flying.

Some are suggesting that Kate's face here is actually cropped from a Vogue cover -- but according to our graphic designers ... that doesn't seem likely since the lighting is all off.

The Palace isn't explaining itself here ... at least not fully. We've reached out to them for further explanation on what exactly was changed here -- but haven't heard back yet.

There's more intrigue ... with a new photo of Kate riding with Prince William as they drove to a private appointment -- and here, too, she's heavily obscured ... shying away from cameras.

It's the latest shot paps have gotten of her outside of Windsor ... but it's hard to really see her.


At this point ... people are calling for Kate to just come out and address the public -- because anything short of that won't appease everyone's curiosity or suspicions. With the fake photo being put out ... it's quite clear that Kensington Palace was okay with trying to pull a fast one -- or at the very least, wanted to make her seem like she's doing better than she is.

One last thing ... a lot of people have suggested AI is afoot in this Mother's Day pic -- but we talked to AI expert Paul Dawes -- CEO of More.Ai -- and he tells TMZ ... this photo appears to be more Photoshopped than AI-generated ... although it's possible it could be.

Dawes says an AI tool may have been used to edit real photos -- but this image does appear to be thrown together with actual photographs of real people ... that's his take.

Ditto for AI expert Mike Gioia of Pickaxe, who says this picture is likely more Photoshopped than tinkered with AI. He tells us the teeth, hands and eyes all seem fairly normal (or human) ... and he would know, as those are telltale signs of whether AI created it, or if it's the real McCoy. In this case, he says he thinks these features look more authentic than not.

Gioia does say this might've been created with the help of something in Photoshop these days called Generative Fill ... which uses AI to pop in generic images. It's just hard to tell.

Bottom line ... this is a bad Photoshop job -- but the question remains ... WHY??? Kensington Palace has been tight-lipped ... and they're letting Kate herself take the heat.

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Elon Musk and Steve Jobs' signatures are a holy grail of sorts for tech enthusiasts ... and if you're willing to splash some serious cash, you might just get lucky and score one of their elusive autographs.

Talk about a coveted piece of history ... a bidding war is on over at RR Auction for a movie ticket stub signed by Jobs -- and there's also the super rare SpaceX business card signed by Musk himself!!

As you can see, Steve's signature is on the back of a movie ticket from 2003's "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" at Century Cinema 16 in Mountain View, CA.

Despite a little tear made by the usher before he signed it, the signature remains intact and in good condition.

It also comes with a detailed letter of provenance from the OG recipient, who says being a big Apple fan and suddenly spotting Steve and his fam at the cinema was a major deal.

The fan waited until the end of the movie to ask for his autograph -- and the wait paid off 'cause Steve dug out his own cinema ticket to sign as they didn't have a piece of paper.

Meanwhile, EM's signature on a SpaceX business card -- signed in black felt tip -- is like a piece of history from the forefront of space exploration.

RR Auctions estimated Steve's would go for at least $8k, and Elon's for $2,500 or more -- but the Tesla founder's card already topped that number. Bidding continues through March 21.

Travis Kelce Swifties Defend Him .... After He's Seen Texting At Her Show

Swifties are coming to Travis Kelce's defense after he was caught texting during Taylor Swift's recent "Eras" tour concert ... with the message being, give the guy a break!

Check out the video ... you see the Chiefs tight end being filmed by a fellow concertgoer at the Singapore show he went to this week -- and while Taylor was belting out "I Knew You Were Trouble" ... TK was checking his phone, right at the peak of the song.

Supporting Swift

The person who filmed this seemed to be throwing some shade Travis's way -- by suggesting he wasn't being attentive enough .... with a caption, reading "It's giving supporting bf."

Despite what the TikToker might've been trying to imply here -- T-Swift's legion wasn't biting ... with a ton of people jumping to speak up for Travis ... and rightly pointing out how ridiculous any type of scrutiny or criticism over this really is. Dude's just checking his phone!

A few Swifties even noted that this is the first time that Travis has ever been seen looking at his phone while cheering on his sweetheart.

Besides, we know Travis is a supportive boyfriend -- evidenced by the fact that he's literally there in Singapore right now. As we reported earlier today, Trav was having a great time at the concert -- he was even caught dancing his tail off to Taylor's jams.

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Kelce At The Concert

There's no denying he's a true fan of the Grammy winner ... remember, Travis attended the "Eras" tour before he and the pop star even got together. And, since getting with her -- he's made a huge effort to be at some of her international tours ... including in Australia.

Clearly, he's a supportive significant other ... and it seems her fans know that quite well. Here's hoping Trav can shake off the shade ... because it really ain't all that deep.

The guy's allowed to look away for a moment, y'all ... it should go without saying.

We're covering all things Taylor on the new Swift-Tea Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

1° robot hombre de Arabia Saudita Actúa como un idiota... Toca el trasero de una mujer!!!

El robot se propasa
Jam Press

El primer robot humanoide de Arabia Saudita, en su forma masculina, tocó de forma inapropiada el trasero de una reportera en un evento de presentación al mundo y la vergonzosa interacción está grabada en video.

El robot de inteligencia artificial, llamado Muhammad, fue grabado a principios de esta semana en Riad, en un evento llamado DeepFest, que es un encuentro de inteligencia artificial donde la gente se reúne para hablar de tecnología, IA y avances notables.

Se suponía que Muhammad iba a ser uno de los más destacados del acto, pero acabó causando sensación por las razones equivocadas. Como se puede ver, el robot intentó hacerse notar.

Estaba de pie en una plataforma detrás de la periodista de televisión Rawya Kassem, cuando movió lentamente su brazo derecho hacia ella, tratando de tocar su trasero en medio de su reporte, y aparentemente hizo contacto.

Rawya se da la vuelta y le hace un gesto al robot para que retroceda. También le lanza una mirada desagradable antes de continuar. El robot, de hecho, se ve súper real, vestido con una túnica blanca y un keffiyeh rojo y blanco, lo que hace que esto sea aún más extraño.

No parece que los responsables de Muhammad hayan respondido por esto. Curiosamente, algunos defendieron al robot, sugiriendo que se trataba de un fallo y no de una decisión consciente.

Saudi Arabia's First Male Robot Acting An Ass ... Touches Woman's Butt!!!

Jam Press

Saudi Arabia's first humanoid male robot inappropriately touched a female reporter's butt at an event introducing him to the world ... and the cringe-y interaction is all on video.

The AI robot, named Muhammad, got caught on camera pulling a pretty pervy earlier this week in Riyadh, at something called DeepFest ... which is an AI get-together where people gather to talk tech, artificial intelligence and noteworthy breakthroughs.

Muhammad was supposed to be on the of standouts at this function -- but he ended up making a splash for all the wrong reasons. As you can see, the bot tried copping a feel.

It was standing on a platform behind TV journalist Rawya Kassem -- when it slowly moves its right arm towards her, attempting to touch her booty in the middle of her report ... and seemingly making contact.

Rawya turns back and motions at the robot to back off ... shooting the robot a nasty glare before continuing on with her report. The robot already looks super real, resembling a man wearing a long gown below a red and white keffiyeh ... making this all the more creepy.

Doesn't look like Muhammad's handlers answered for this in terms of the why. Funny enough -- some defended the bot, suggesting it was a glitch, and not a conscious decision.

ELON MUSK Demanda a OpenAI "¡Traicionaron mi idea original!"

Elon Musk está llevando a los tribunales a la empresa matriz de ChatGPT por lo que considera una traición a su acuerdo con el gigante de la IA. Según él, la compañía le ha dado la espalda a la humanidad... y todo en busca de dólares.

El multimillonario gigante de la tecnología acaba de presentar una demanda contra OpenAI, la empresa que ayudó a fundar y financió en 2015, alegando que el consejero delegado Sam Altman y el presidente Greg Brockman han tergiversado la misión humanitaria original de la organización para convertirla en una empresa con ánimo de lucro.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Musk dice que él, Altman, Brockman y otros, establecieron un acuerdo de fundación para OpenAI en su lanzamiento -una especie de constitución, si se quiere- en la cual Elon afirma explícitamente que estaban haciendo todo esto en beneficio de las personas, y no con fines de lucro.

También afirma que otro principio al que llegaron fue tener su código abierto y disponible para el público, para que la gente pudiera entender y colaborar en el desarrollo de la tecnología.

Elon dice en su demanda que este acuerdo de fundación que escribieron fue considerado como el principal impulso de su nueva compañía, pero el año pasado, él afirma que los encargados de OpenAI restantes rompieron su palabra cuando lanzaron su última versión de ChatGPT.

Por supuesto, se refiere a GPT-4. Elon y otros la han llamado la versión más inteligente de la IA hasta el momento, y Elon afirma que Microsoft pagó una tonelada de dinero para un acuerdo de licencia exclusiva con OpenAI para el uso de parte de la tecnología.

El problema, afirma Elon, es que han creado chat GPT-4 en secreto, y afirma que eso rompe el acuerdo de transparencia al público establecid en el acuerdo de fundación de hace casi 10 años.

Elon también señala que todo el episodio de expulsión de Altman de la junta de OpenAI y su reincorporación días después con miembros de la junta favorables a Microsoft, es una prueba más de que OpenAI se ha desviado claramente de su visión original... y ahora solo persigue beneficios.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Elon está demandando por incumplimiento de contrato -entre otras reclamaciones- y quiere una orden que le obligue a OpenAI a seguir el acuerdo de fundación original que mantenía la tecnología abierta al público, en lugar de perseguir ganancias financieras.

Elon Musk Sues ChatGPT's Parent Co. You Betrayed Our OG Mission!!!

Elon Musk is taking ChatGPT's parent company to court over what he claims is a betrayal of his deal with the AI giant -- which he claims has turned its back on humanity ... all in search of dollars.

The billionaire tech giant just filed suit against OpenAI -- the company he helped start/finance back in 2015 -- alleging CEO Sam Altman and President Greg Brockman have twisted the org's original mission of humanitarianism into nothing but a profit-seeking venture.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Musk says he, Altman, Brockman, and others established a founding agreement for OpenAI at its launch -- a constitution of sorts, if you will -- which EM claims explicitly stated they were doing all this for the benefit of all people ... not for profit.

He also claims that another principle they came to was having their code open and available to the public ... so people could understand and collaborate on the development of the technology.

Elon says in his suit that this founding agreement they wrote out was actually memorialized as the north star of their new company -- but last year, he claims the remaining OpenAI honchos torched when they rolled out their latest version of ChatGPT.

Of course, he's referring to GPT-4 ... which Elon and others have called the smartest iteration of AI yet -- and Elon claims Microsoft even paid a ton of money for an exclusive licensing agreement with OpenAI for the use of some of the technology.

The problem, Elon claims, is that the guts of how GPT-4 came together were completely hidden ... which he says is a gross departure from the commitment to openness and transparency to the public laid out in the founding agreement almost 10 years ago.

Elon also points to the whole episode of Altman getting booted from the OpenAI board and then brought back in days later with Microsoft-friendly board members as more proof that OpenAI has clearly bucked its original mission ... and is now simply chasing profit.

TMZ Studios

Elon is suing for breach of contract, among other claims -- and he wants an order requiring OpenAI to follow the original founding deal that kept the technology open to the public, rather than chasing financial gains.

Kara Swisher La IA no se va a ir a ninguna parte... Necesita alguna regulación, ¡¡no zero!!

Hay que regularlo ya

Kara Swisher es realista sobre la inevitabilidad de la inteligencia artificial y está ofreciendo consejos francos sobre cómo debemos navegar por esta tecnología en constante evolución.

La famosa periodista de tecnología, que acaba de publicar su nuevo libro "Burn Book: A Tech Love Story", se unió a "TMZ Live" el martes, donde dio una advertencia sobre lo que está por venir en el terreno de la inteligencia artificial.

Kara nos dice que la inteligencia artificial no se irá a ninguna parte y aunque siempre ha habido propaganda falsa, la IA está haciendo casi imposible distinguir lo falso de lo real.

Por eso cree que el gobierno debe entablar un diálogo con las empresas tecnológicas sobre algún tipo de regulación, algo que ya hace con otras industrias.

A Kara no le entusiasma la idea de que todas las creaciones de inteligencia artificial estén amparadas por la libertad de expresión y todas las protecciones que conlleva. En cambio, le gustaría ver a más gente siendo demandada por daños.

Por ejemplo, Taylor Swift fue víctima hace poco de la aparición de imágenes falsas de ella en Internet en lo que podría ser calificado como contenido porno, y si demandara a los creadores, Kara dice que eso podría disuadir a futuros actores.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Su mensaje es bastante claro: sin directrices, la IA se irá de las manos, ¡y rápido!

Kara Swisher AI Isn't Going Anywhere ... It Needs SOME Regulation, Not Zero!!!


Kara Swisher is getting real about the unavoidability of artificial intelligence ... offering up candid advice on how we should navigate the ever-evolving technology in the future.

We got the famed tech journalist -- who just released her new book, "Burn Book: A Tech Love Story" -- Tuesday on "TMZ Live," where she issued a warning about what's to come for AI.

Kara tells us artificial intelligence isn't going anywhere -- and while fake propaganda's always been around, AI is making it almost impossible to distinguish phony info from the real thing.

Which is why she thinks the government needs to start a dialogue with tech companies about regulation ... something it does with other industries.

One thing Kara's not keen on is the notion all AI creations fall under free speech, and all the protections that come with that tag -- instead, she'd like to see more people sue for damages.

For example, Taylor Swift was recently victimized when phony X-rated/NSFW AI images of her surfaced online -- and if she were to sue the creators, Kara says that might deter future bad actors.

TMZ Studios

Her message is pretty clear ... without guidelines, AI will get outta hand, and fast!

Eminem Screw Fancy Schmancy Smartphones ... Loyal To My BlackBerry!!!

Eminem posts to social media on rare occasions and there now appears to be a clear-cut explanation ... Slim Shady still uses his freakin' BlackBerry!!!

On Thursday, DJ Whoo Kid posted a flick of him, Em and D12's Mr. Porter inside an L.A. dressing room, exposing Em's favoritism towards the outdated tech in the process.

The rap G.O.A.T. was also rocking a shirt with Too Short's classic "Short Dog's in the House" album ... ever the avid hip hop head!!!

The 3 amigos were slyly promoting Em's "Mom's Spaghetti" after a viral negative review knocked the restaurant, with the Shade 45 host joking like he swindled Em's last box of pasta.

Earlier this week, a food critic named Mr. Chimetime declared "Mom's Spaghetti" as the worst dish he's ever had because it tasted stale ... which is the exact basis of the restaurant's existence -- to recreate the satisfaction of a leftover, microwaved meal after a Midwestern hard day's work.

We're not sure how well he's maneuvering on his company's website though ... BlackBerry shut down its network in January 2022 -- it has super limited functionality!!!

AT&T, Verizon & T-Mobile Cell Phone Outage Nightmare ... Tons Of Customers Pissed

A multitude of AT&T customers are probably yanking out their hair after the company announced their network crashed, killing cell phone usage in many areas around the country.

Upwards of 73,000 AT&T clients were cut off from making mobile calls and sending text messages following the nationwide outages that began Thursday around 5 AM ET. This comes on the heels of AT&T's temporary outages over the last few days, including a 911 blackout in some parts of the southeastern United States.

Verizon and T-Mobile customers were also hit with service interruptions, but not as hard as AT&T. About 4,000 customers reported cell phone outages for Verizon, while around 1,900 T-Mobile customers reported a lack of service.

People started reporting the outages on the website, "DownDetector," which tracks telecommunication issues throughout the U.S. Initially, the number of reported AT&T outages fell during the 5 AM hour, only to spike again in the 7 AM hour.

In San Francisco, the Department of Emergency Management issued a public announcement, saying that its 911 center was functioning.

However, in their statement posted to X, the officials suggested that AT&T customers use a landline or a rival phone service to get through to them if the mobile network was down.

They also wrote, “We are aware of an issue impacting AT&T wireless customers from making and receiving any phone calls (including to 911). We are actively engaged and monitoring this.”

People online are making comparisons to Julia Roberts' Netflix film "Leave The World Behind," which follows a family dealing with the reality of a country-wide blackout crisis.

So far, AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile have not officially commented on what triggered the outages ... but AT&T says they're currently working on customer complaints.

TMZ Studios

One thing's for sure ... Americans won't stand for no cell phone service. Get that s*** up and running, pronto!

ELON MUSK Patient with Implanted Brain Chip Controls Mouse with Thought!!!


The first-ever human to be fitted with Neuralink's brain chip can now move a computer mouse with thought alone -- this according to the tech billionaire Elon Musk himself.

The patient was part of the neurotech startup's first human test group and received the implant last month -- with Musk telling journalist Katherine Brodsky in an X Spaces event Monday they've recovered well and the progress on what they set out to achieve "is good."

He adds the patient is suffering "no ill effects" the company is aware of ...and can apparently move the mouse up and down to drag boxes on the screen just by thinking.

Dr. Marcello Ienca SEPTEMBER 2023

The brain chip is called Telepathy ... and Elon previously explained it "enables control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking."

The device consists of an electrode with more than 1,000 flexible conductors that can be etched into peoples' cerebral cortexes via a surgical robot. The electrodes are programmed to register thoughts related to motion in the truly groundbreaking technology -- and so far, it looks like it's doing its job!

TMZ Studios

Neuralink's first human trial involved a person who lost the use of his limbs ... after the FDA cleared the way for this trial back in May 2023.

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