Elon Musk ¡¡Paciente con implante cerebral puede controlar el ratón con sus pensamientos!!

Va evolucionando bien

El primer ser humano en recibir un chip cerebral de Neuralink ya puede mover el ratón del computador solo con el pensamiento, según revela el propio multimillonario Elon Musk.

El paciente, que recibió el implante el mes pasado, es parte del primer grupo de prueba en humanos de la startup neurotecnológica y Musk le dijo a la periodista Katherine Brodsky en un evento de X Spaces que se ha recuperado bien y el progreso ha sido "bueno."

Añade que el paciente no está sufriendo "ningún efecto nocivo" que la compañía tenga conocimiento y aparentemente puede mover el ratón hacia arriba y hacia abajo para arrastrar los elementos de la pantalla solo con el pensamiento.

Dr. Marcello Ienca SEPTEMBER 2023
Acceso a los pensamientos

El chip cerebral se llama Telepathy y según ha explicado Elon anteriormente permite controlar el teléfono, el computador o "cualquier dispositivo, solo con el pensamiento".

El dispositivo consiste en un electrodo con más de 1.000 conductores flexibles que pueden grabarse en la corteza cerebral de las personas mediante un robot quirúrgico. ¡Los electrodos están programados para registrar los pensamientos relacionados con el movimiento con una tecnología verdaderamente innovadora y, por ahora, parece que está haciendo su trabajo!

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El primer ensayo en humanos de Neuralink se realizó con una persona que perdió el uso de sus extremidades, después de que la FDA despejara el camino para el ensayo en mayo de 2023.

MMA Champ Johnny Eblen Prank Nearly Turns Violent ... 'I'll F*** You Up!'

Say Something Disrespectful
ImReddttv Redd

Johnny Eblen's next fight nearly came sooner than expected ... the Bellator champ found himself squarely in the sights of a popular prankster, and things got heated!

32-year-old Eblen was shopping at a local Home Depot in Florida recently when a social media prankster named ImReddttv approached Johnny and his lady friend wearing the Apple Vision Pro, and things almost instantly got off to a bad start.

"I'll tell you right now, I'm pretty sure I can bag her," Redd said, standing in front of the couple.

Credit to Johnny's spidey senses ... he seemed to instantly feel something was off, and even pointed out a guy in the cut who was surreptitiously holding a camera.

Redd brushed off the dude filming, and carried on with the prank, saying ... "What's up little man?" to the MMA champion.

He continued ... "Sweetheart, you need to be with a real big man like me," before asking Eblen if the woman was "his girl."

That's about when Johnny's patience wore out (he lasted a lot longer than most would've), saying, "If you say something disrespectful I'll f*** you up!"

Eblen and the woman started walking away, and Redd followed. Johnny then stopped and began walking toward the prankster ... and you get the feeling it was about to turn bad for the social media star.

That's when Redd revealed he'd been sent by Brian Butler-Au, Johnny's manager, to troll the fighter. Tension was instantly broken, and Johnny had a good laugh.

Some Big Fights On This Card

Not too long after the prank, Johnny hopped aboard a jet and flew across the world to Saudi Arabia ... where the Bellator middleweight champ is fighting PFL light heavyweight champ Impa Kasanganay on February 24 in Riyadh.

We hadn't yet gotten the hardware store prank video when we talked to Eblen, so we didn't ask him about it ... but there's a bunch on his big title fight!

Neuralink de Elon Musk Implantan primer chip cerebral en un ser humano

Elon Musk y Neuralink han hecho historia... el multimillonario dice por primera vez hay un ser humano equipado con el chip cerebral de la startup neurotecnológica.

Elon hizo el gran anuncio el lunes en su plataforma de redes sociales X, antes Twitter, afirmando que los primeros resultados se ven bien.

Musk dice que el paciente, parte del primer grupo de prueba humano de Neuralink, recibió el implante el domingo y se está recuperando bien.

Añade: "Los resultados iniciales muestran una prometedora detección de picos neuronales".

El chip cerebral, explica Elon, se llama Telepatía y dice que "permite controlar tu teléfono u ordenador, y a través de ellos, casi cualquier dispositivo, solo con el pensamiento".

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Dicho de otra manera, Elon dice: "Imagínese si Stephen Hawking podría haberse comunicado más rápido que un mecanógrafo o un subastador. Ese es el objetivo".

El primer ensayo en humanos de Neuralink involucra a personas que han perdido el uso de sus extremidades.

La empresa de Elon está probando la seguridad del implante y del robot quirúrgico que inserta el chip en el cerebro. Neuralink dice que también quiere ver cómo funciona la futurista tecnología en el mundo real.

La FDA despejó el camino para este ensayo en mayo, y es solo un paso en un largo proceso hacia la aprobación final de la FDA.

Aun así, es un gran paso para Elon, su empresa ... Y la humanidad.

Elon Musk's Neuralink First Brain Chip Implanted in Human

History for Elon Musk and Neuralink ... the billionaire says there's now a human being fitted with the neurotech startup's brain chip for the first time.

Elon made the big announcement Monday on his social media platform X, formerly Twitter, claiming the early results are looking good.

Musk says the patient, part of Neuralink's first human test group, received the implant Sunday and is recovering well.

Elon adds ... "Initial results show promising neuron spike detection."

The brain chip, Elon explains, is called Telepathy ... and he says it "enables control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking."

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Put another way, Elon says ... "Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."

Neuralink's first human trial involves people who have lost the use of their limbs.

Dr. Marcello Ienca SEPTEMBER 2023

Elon's company is testing the safety of the implant and the surgical robot that inserts the chip in the brain. Neuralink says it also wants to see how the futuristic tech works in the real world.

The FDA cleared the way for this trial back in May, and this is just one step in a long process toward final FDA approval.

Still, it's a big step for Elon, his company ... and humanity.

Sharon Stone Looking For Love on Tinder, Apps ... Dates w/ Duds, Not Studs

Sharon Stone's looking for love online, and she's finding out a lesson lots of millennials already know ... many people don't live up to their profile hype.

The superstar actress opened up about her online dating trials and tribulations in an interview with The Times Friday ... with Stone saying she's hoping 2024 will be her year to find true love.

So far though ... SS says it's leading to dates with lots of real sketchy dudes instead -- a fact not totally surprising to anyone who's used the apps over the years.

Stone's dates sound a heck of a lot worse than your average "guy lied about his height or job" catfishing ... Sharon actually seems to be attracted to some real stinkers.

073023-sharon-stone-kal July 2023

For example, Sharon pulled one dude who she later found out was a convicted felon -- and another who she said was "clearly 20,000 heroin injections later than the picture he sent me" ... definitely not hubby material.

And, as for her good matches ... they happened during the pandemic, and Sharon said she never actually met the dudes IRL. Basically, Stone says she mainly acted as a "therapist" of sorts to a recent divorcee and another man who'd been through a breakup after his GF had an abortion -- conversations SS called "rewarding."

One big challenge ... the 65-year-old says she's not on dating apps like Bumble to hook up -- adding she thinks men will basically get it on with anything, like a "warm can of beans," so she doesn't really need to try for sex.

Instead, she's looking for a partner -- Sharon says she doesn't have a set list of criteria, but basically, she'll know it when she feels it. She's not rushing into love -- she's been married twice and has three kids to think of as well -- so she says she's gonna take her time with it.

Well, good luck to you, Sharon ... just be wary of wardrobe malfunctions on the first date -- especially with the matches you've been getting!


George Carlin's estate is getting the law involved over the AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead" ... suing the creators for the "bastardization of Carlin's real work and legacy."

The copyright infringement lawsuit, filed Thursday in a California federal court, is accusing media company Dudesy of condensing 5 decades worth of the influential comic's standup routines to train an AI chatbot ... mimicking his voice and humor for the special -- without consent or compensation.

The docs also make it clear they're not happy with George's voice/likeness used for promo purposes -- rubbishing the special as a "piece of computer-generated click-bait which detracts from the value of Carlin's comedic works and harms his reputation."

They're asking for an immediate removal of the special and destruction of all copies as well as unspecified damages.

The hour-long special featuring a robot version of George doing standup has been available on YouTube since January 9th -- and the late icon's daughter Kelly Carlin-McCall has been the biggest denouncer of the project ... releasing a statement stating no technology could replicate her father's genius.


On "TMZ Live," she echoed the same sentiments ... telling us the AI program had her dad's name, but that's about where the comparisons end ... adding the computer botched her dad's comedic cadence and just didn't capture the magic like he once did.

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Kelly's wish to have it removed could likely be granted if Tom Brady's recent legal win is anything to go by. The athlete successfully got his own AI-generated comedy special from the same platform removed from the internet.

It'll be interesting to see how long Dudesy stays in business if celebs keep coming for them!!

Ryan Leslie ¡¡Prepárense para el regreso de Cassie!!

Lo último que escuché de Cassie fue que preparaba una gira

El exnovio y ex colaborador de Cassie, Ryan Leslie, dice que están a punto de reanudar su relación en el frente musical, mientras ella se prepara para salir de gira.

TMZ Hip Hop se puso al día con RLes el martes en Nueva York y le preguntamos si había visto algo en el pasado que pudiera corroborar las acusaciones de Cassie en la demanda contra Diddy, que se resolvió recientemente a través de un acuerdo.

Ryan y Cassie salieron a mediados de la década de los 2000 y trabajaron juntos en la música en ese entonces, pero nos dice que sus interacciones con Diddy se produjeron más adelante, cuando él ya no estaba cerca.

Ryan dice que él y Cassie volvieron a conectar a finales del 2017, cuando falleció su ex mánager Ed Woods. Y está claro que han seguido en contacto desde entonces. Ryan Leslie nos dio una gran actualización, revelando que ella está planeando regresar a la música con una gira, lo que también podría significar el lanzamiento de nueva música en el horizonte.

RLes es un productor polifacético que ha incursionado en la tecnología a lo largo de los años y aunque está prestando mucha atención a la inteligencia artificial, dice que está realmente centrado en ayudar a los artistas a asegurar su futuro financiero.

También se rio de las comparaciones vocales entre él y el rapero y cantante de Los Ángeles Blxst. Ryan dice que lo conoce bien a él y al equipo de Evgle y que ¡¡¡todo es amor!!!

Ryan Leslie I Help Artists Get the Bag 💰 Get Ready For a Cassie Comeback!!!


Cassie's ex-boyfriend and former collaborator Ryan Leslie says they're about to resume their relationship on the music front, as she prepares to hit the road.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with RLes Tuesday in NYC, and we asked if he'd seen anything in the past that would corroborate the allegations in Cassie's lawsuit against Diddy, which they recently settled.

Ryan and Cassie dated in the mid-2000s, and worked on music together at the time, but he tells us her interactions with Diddy came later, when he wasn't around.

Ryan says he and Cassie reconnected at the end of 2017 when their ex-manager Ed Woods died and it's clear they've stayed in touch since then. He gave us a big update, revealing she's planning on making a music comeback in the form of a tour, which could also mean there's new music on the horizon.

RLes is a multifaceted producer who's been known to dabble in technology over the years, and while he's paying close attention to the AI movement, he says he's really focused on helping artists secure their financial futures.

He also laughed off the vocal comparisons between himself and L.A. rapper/singer Blxst. Ryan says he knows him and the Evgle team well and says it's all love!!!

Elon Musk See Ya In Court, Media Matters ... W/ a 'Thermonuclear' Suit

Elon Musk says he's suing a media watchdog over a report he says is misleading advertisers to flee X ... and it sounds like he'll try taking 'em for every penny they're worth.

Here's the deal ... Elon and his new social media company have been in the crosshairs of controversy over the past few days -- and it mostly has to do with a story Media Matters published that suggested pro-Nazi ads were running alongside organic content from users.

Of course, that sounds scandalous ... and it dovetails with accusations of antisemitism that Elon himself faced this exact same week -- this after a Twitter response he fired off.

The Media Matters thing, though, is what EM is now squarely focused on in this epic warning. He took to X Friday night to announce he was hitting the courthouse first thing Monday morning in a plan to sue Media Matters over what he claims is misleading reporting.

Elon says, "The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company." He added, "Their board, their donors, their network of dark money, all of them."

There was also an attached explanation to Media Matters' report -- which, again, suggested Nazi propaganda was somehow popping up on X ... and which seems to have spurred HUGE companies to either pause or outright suspend X advertising over the last 24 hours.

Those brands include Apple, Disney, WB, IBM, Lionsgate and others ... and that, of course, hurts Elon and X's bottom line. So, he's trying to rectify it all now with what he says is forthcoming legal action.

It's been a bumpy week for the guy ... but hey, at least his SpaceX Starship rocket got successfully launched today. That is, before it self-destructed after about 10 minutes or so.


Back to the drawing board on that front ... and on to the judge's bench in another, it seems.

Elon Musk Nos vemos en tribunales Media Matters Demanda termonuclear

Elon Musk dice que va a demandar a una empresa de medios por un informe que, a su juicio, está engañando a los anunciantes para que huyan de su plataforma X y suena como que irá por cada centavo que valga.

Este es lo que pasó, Elon y su nueva compañía de redes sociales han estado en medio de la controversia en los últimos días, y todo tiene que ver con una historia que publicó Media Matters que sugiere que se están colando anuncios pro-nazis junto con el contenido orgánico de los usuarios.

Por supuesto, suena escandaloso y calza con las acusaciones de antisemitismo que el propio Elon ha estado enfrentando esta misma semana, después de uno de sus comentarios en un tuit encendiera las alarmas.

Su advertencia, sin embargo, se centra principalmente en lo de Media Matters. El viernes por la noche apareció en X para anunciar que a primera hora del lunes iría a los tribunales para demandar a Media Matters por lo que considera información engañosa.

Elon dice: "En la fracción de segundo que el tribunal abra el lunes, X Corp presentará una demanda termonuclear contra Media Matters y TODOS los que se confabularon en este ataque fraudulento contra nuestra empresa". Y añade: "Su junta, sus donantes, su red de dinero oscuro, todos ellos".

También había una explicación adjunta al informe de Media Matters que, de nuevo, sugería que está apareciendo propaganda nazi de alguna manera en X y parece estar causando que grandes empresas pausen o directamente suspendan la publicidad en X en las últimas 24 horas.

Esas marcas incluyen Apple, Disney, WB, IBM, Lionsgate y otros, lo que por supuesto perjudica a Elon y a X en general. Así que ahora está tratando de rectificarlo todo con estas próximas acciones legales.

Ha sido una semana agitada para el tipo, pero bueno, al menos su cohete SpaceX Starship fue lanzado con éxito hoy. Es decir, antes de que se autodestruyera después de unos diez minutos más o menos.


Volver a la mesa de trabajo en ese frente y al banco del juez en otro, parece.

will.i.am & Van Jones Tech 4 The People!!! ✊🏾✊🏽 Host Summit, Ashton Kutcher, Tiffany Haddish, More Support


will.i.am and Van Jones want minorities to be at the forefront of tech space -- so they hosted a full-blown summit in L.A. to raise awareness for its future leaders.

The shindig was billed "Make Wakanda Real" -- like bringing the gadgets found in "Black Panther" to life -- and was held inside Will's FYI Campus Thursday night.

Tiffany Haddish, Ashton Kutcher, Jason Lee, and Quincy Jones III were just some of the supporting guests, as were dozens of innovators, tech experts and entrepreneurs.

Ashton helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars through his VC firm earlier in the year and stressed to the summit how he believes AI could help bridge the gap for underserved communities in the medical and legal realms.

LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, actor Boris Kodjoe, InfectionAI co-founder Mustafa Suleyman, Waye Talks founder Sinead Bovell, Black Ambition Opportunity Fund CEO Felecia Hatcher also tuned in virtually to lend their various expertise to the panels.

Naturally, the biggest topic of the evening was the boom of AI ... and the Black Eyed Peas frontman got a crash course during his panel with Van and 1500 Or Nothin' producer Larrance “Rance” Dopson debating with an AI bot!!!


Will was arguing the case that AI could end up sentient and conquering humans and exchanged in back-and-forth banter with the CPU.

Experts are confident they debunked the theory, a point the bot made as well, but the chat still felt real enough!!!

Nicki Minaj Social Media's Full of False Realities ... Gen Z's Glued to Their Phones!!!

Nicki Minaj is very leery of social media these days and says her heart breaks for the younger generation because their entire lives revolve around being online!!!

The "Pink Friday 2" rapper got into detail about her postpartum life after having her son a few years ago, and admits she sought out other moms through social media for parenting tips ... but, overall, she still thinks the future looks bleak for folks who live on apps.

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Nicki told Vogue, "It’s gotten so easy to be alone physically, where young people spend 12, 16 hours a day in their rooms on their phones, looking at these false realities, comparing themselves."

She went on to mourn some of the younger generation's late rappers ... "I’ve seen artists gone way too soon, and I wonder if that could have been avoided if they’d just had the chance to talk about what they were going through."

Gen Z has seen the deaths of Juice Wrld, Big Scarr and Mac Miller to drug overdoses in the past few years, in addition to losing Pop Smoke, XXXTentacion and King Von to gun violence, and the effects have taken their toll on the culture as it tries to push forward.

Instagram / @souljaboy

Nicki interjected in a big social media blowup this week when she convinced Soulja Boy to stop flipping out over J. Cole ... instructing the "Crank Dat" rapper to log off and woosah!!!

A rule she's applies to her own life as well, especially when it comes to politics.

Ever since the White House scolded her for claiming COVID-19 vaccines make your balls blow up, she won't be making any campaign endorsements anytime soon!!!

Nicki Minaj Las redes sociales están repletas de falsas realidades Gen Z pegada a sus teléfonos...

¡¡¡Nicki Minaj está muy recelosa de las redes sociales en estos días y dice que su corazón se rompe por la generación más joven, ya que toda su vida gira en torno a estar en línea!!!

La rapera de "Pink Friday 2" entró en detalles sobre su vida después de tener a su hijo hace unos años, y aunque admite que buscó a otras madres a través de las redes sociales para obtener consejos sobre cómo criar a los hijos... en general, piensa que el futuro se ve sombrío para la gente que vive en esas aplicaciones.

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Nicki le dijo a Vogue: "Se ha vuelto tan fácil estar solo físicamente, los jóvenes pasan 12, 16 horas al día en sus habitaciones, en sus teléfonos, mirando todas esas falsas realidades, comparándose".

Continuó lamentándose por algunos de los últimos raperos de la generación más joven: "He visto artistas que se han ido demasiado pronto, y me pregunto si eso se podría haber evitado si hubieran tenido la oportunidad de hablar de lo que estaban viviendo".

Juice Wrld, Big Scarr y Mac Miller son algunos de los raperos de la generación Z, que han fallecido en los últimos años por sobredosis de drogas, además de Pop Smoke, XXXTentacion y King Von a causa de la violencia armada... y sus consecuencias han pesado en la cultura y sociedad, que intenta seguir adelante.

Crisis superada
Instagram / @souljaboy

Nicki intervino en una gran trifulca en las redes sociales esta semana cuando convenció a Soulja Boy para que dejara de pelear con J. Cole, instruyendo al rapero de "Crank Dat" que se desconectara.

Una regla que ella aplica a su propia vida también, sobre todo cuando se trata de política.

Desde que la Casa Blanca la regañó por afirmar que las vacunas COVID-19 hacen que te exploten las pelotas, ¡¡¡no va a hacer ninguna campaña electoral a corto plazo!!!

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