K.C. Chiefs Parade Shooting 3 Men Charged W/ Federal Gun Crimes ... Investigation Uncovered Alleged Illegal Gun Ring

Three men are facing federal gun charges in connection with the Chiefs Super Bowl parade shooting after the U.S. Attorney in Missouri says the investigation turned up an illegal gun operation.

The defendants, 22-year-old Fedo Manning, 21-year-old Ronnel Williams Jr., and 19-year-old Chaelyn Groves are not accused of opening fire at the parade ... but instead, prosecutors believe they were part of "illegal firearms trafficking and straw purchases of firearms."

During their investigation into the shooting, police recovered multiple firearms at the scene ... at least two of which they were able to trace back to the alleged illegal gun ring.

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One of the weapons, an Anderson Manufacturing AM-15 .223-caliber pistol, was allegedly bought by Manning from a gun store in 2022. He's accused of illegally trafficking dozens of guns.

The second weapon was a Stag Arms 300-caliber pistol was allegedly purchased by Williams for Groves at a gun show in 2023 ... as the latter was too young at the time.

In total, Manning is facing 12 federal charges, while Williams Jr. and Groves were both hit with 4 charges.

None of the men are charged with shooting anyone ... though officials aren't ruling out the possibility that the illegal guns were fired.

In fact, according to court docs, 12 people brandished firearms, and at least 6 fired their weapons during the parade.

"Stopping straw buyers and preventing illegal firearms trafficking is our first line of defense against gun violence," U.S. Attorney Teresa Moore said.

"At least two of the firearms recovered from the scene of the mass shooting at Union Station were illegally purchased or trafficked. We work diligently with our law enforcement partners to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals by investigating and prosecuting those who illegally buy and sell dangerous weapons."

FYI, a straw gun sale is when someone purchases a weapon for another individual.

Aside from the federal charges relating to the alleged gun ring, several individuals have been charged in connection with the shooting which left one woman dead and over 20 people, mostly children, injured.

Tom Brady Bawled To Team Over Deflategate ... Darrelle Revis Says

Tom's Tough Time
Apple TV+

Tom Brady was an emotional wreck over the infamous Deflategate scandal ... with former Patriots players revealing just how hard the quarterback took the allegations following the AFC Championship Game in 2014.

Hall of Famer Darrelle Revis -- who played for the Pats for one season -- says a visibly upset Brady spoke with his teammates at some point prior to Super Bowl XLIX ... and he burst into tears as he denied any wrongdoing.

"When Deflategate happened and Tom was the headliner of the whole situation, he addressed us as a team," Revis said in the "The Dynasty: New England Patriots" documentary on Apple TV+. "You could tell he was distraught."

"He was actually bawling his eyes out in front of us."

According to Revis, Brady explained he would not ruin the season for his teammates ... and all the claims were false.

Pats owner Robert Kraft also weighed in on the challenging time for the face of the franchise ... saying the two weeks between the AFC title game and Super Bowl were "very difficult on Tommy."

Brady was accused of asking team managers to release pressure in the game balls below the league requirement for the Pats' win over the Indianapolis Colts ... which eventually led to a four-game suspension.

Danny Amendola added the whole scandal took a toll on Brady ... especially because his kids dealt with hecklers at school over it all.

The next two episodes of the popular doc air on Friday.


Antes de que esta pequeña adorable se convirtiera en una popular cantante e intérprete, de niña ya cantaba y tocaba el piano en Houston, Texas, junto a su famosa amiga.

Esta chica talentosa ha tenido motivación desde el primer día, y realmente despuntó a finales de los 90 y principios de los 2000 con su grupo femenino. A lo largo de los años ha dejado algunos temazos, y subió al escenario para cantar "Single Ladies" durante el espectáculo del Super Bowl.

¡Es una superviviente!

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Dressy Up Kid Turned Into!

Before this cute kid in her fancy dress turned into a popular singer and performer, she was just putting her vocals on full display as a child and playing the piano while growing up in Houston, Texas alongside her famous bestie.

This talented gal has had motivation since day one, and she really popped off in the late 90s - early 2000s with her all-girl group. She's definitely dropped some bangers through the years and was iconically brought on stage to slay some Single Ladies during the Super Bowl halftime show.

She's a survivor!

Can you guess who she is?


Travis Kelce y Christian McCaffrey no están dejando que los resultados del Super Bowl les impida salir a divertirse.

Las dos superestrellas de la NFL -que se enfrentaron en Las Vegas hace unas semanas, con el equipo de Travis saliendo victorioso de nuevo- fueron vistos disfrutando de la compañía del otro en Nobu en Malibú el miércoles.

El ala cerrada de los Kansas City Chiefs está claramente ocupado mientras Taylor Swift hace lo suyo en Singapur, la próxima parada de su gira internacional. Nos dicen que se presentó en el famoso lugar de moda alrededor de las 8 PM, justo cuando CMC y su prometida, Olivia Culpo, llegaron.

Parece que McCaffrey y Culpo estaban allí para un evento de productos Dolce Glow, porque un puñado de influencers y celebridades como Becky G, Chrissy Teigen y las dos hermanas de Olivia también estaban presentes. No está claro por qué Kelce estaba ahí pero en cualquier caso, estaba rodando con la tripulación.

Nos dicen que los deportistas se metieron en carros separados al salir del restaurante, pero Kelce realmente estaba empeñado en evitar a los paparazzi (aprendiendo de Taylor, ¿eh?)

Travis se abrió paso a través de la cocina para salir del lugar, mientras que la pareja comprometida eligió la ruta estándar y no les importaba ser fotografiados. Por alguna razón, Travis se ha vuelto tímido ante las cámaras.

En cuanto a Kelce y McCaffrey, no parece que hayan estado juntos por mucho tiempo -el corredor de los 49ers dijo en noviembre que conoció a Travis por primera vez durante la temporada baja de 2023. Y, sin embargo, están compartiendo poco después del Super Bowl.

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McCaffrey y Culpo se van a casar pronto, así que tal vez Kelce recibió algunos consejos de como dar el siguiente paso...

Algunos piensan que Travis y Taylor van a casarse eventualmente. De todos modos, Travis está haciendo lo suyo y sigue moviéndose por todo el país mientras disfruta de la temporada baja.

Travis Kelce Hangs W/ McCaffrey, Culpo At Nobu ... Not Lonely Without Tay


3:39 PM -- TMZ Sports got some more intel on what went down inside the restaurant ... and as it turns out, Travis and Christian never crossed paths.

In fact, we're told McCaffrey had no idea Kelce was also there Wednesday night ... and only found out after the fact.

Travis Kelce and Christian McCaffrey aren't letting the Super Bowl results keep them from bro-ing down in Malibu -- 'cause that's exactly what they were doing on Hump Day.

The two dueling NFL superstars -- who faced off in Vegas a few weeks ago, with TK's team emerging victorious (again) -- were spotted enjoying each other's company at Nobu in Malibu on Wednesday.

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end is clearly staying busy while Taylor Swift does her thing in Singapore -- the next stop on her international tour. We're told he showed up at the famous hot spot around 8 PM, right around when CMC and his fiancée, Olivia Culpo, arrived.

It appears McCaffrey and Culpo were there for a Dolce Glow product event ... 'cause a handful of influencers and celebs like Becky G, Chrissy Teigen and Olivia's two sisters were also present. Unclear why Kelce was there ... but in any case, he was rolling with the crew.

We're told the two jocks got in separate cars as they left the restaurant ... but Kelce was trying like hell to avoid the paps on the scene (Taylor's really rubbing off on him, huh?)

In fact, Travis made his way through the kitchen to ultimately make his exit around midnight -- the same time as the engaged couple, who elected the standard route and didn't mind being photographed. For whatever reason, Travis has become camera-shy.

As for Kelce and McCaffrey ... it doesn't seem like they've been tight for very long -- the 49ers running back said back in November he met Travis for the first time during the 2023 offseason. And yet, they're hanging together shortly after the SB.

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McCaffrey and Culpo are getting married soon ... so maybe Kelce asked for some pointers on how to pop the question??

Some think Travis and Taylor are gonna marry eventually ... so that'd track. Anyway, Travis is doing his thing and continues to bounce around the country as he enjoys the off-season.

Taylor Swift Made Pop-Tarts For Chiefs O-Line!!! ... Andy Reid Missed Out

Taylor Swift really knew how to win over Travis Kelce's teammates ... 'cause Kansas City head coach Andy Reid just revealed she baked homemade Pop-Tarts for the Chiefs' offensive linemen -- and they were so good, he couldn't get his hands on one!!

Big Red shared the interesting anecdote at the NFL Combine on Tuesday ... when he was asked about the pop superstar's presence around the team.

NBC Sports

As it turns out, it was certainly a sweet experience for many ... 'cause Reid said the big boys up front felt the love in the form of some pastries at some point during their championship season.

Big Red explained to "PFT Live" the gesture might have been an attempt to fit in with Kelce's friends ... and he thinks she sincerely enjoyed the "escape" football provided her this season.

Reid -- who pointed out he's known the Swift family for years -- praised how grounded Taylor's continued to be throughout her career ... even though she's the most famous woman on the planet (in his opinion).

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Of course, Taylor was present at the majority of Kelce's games this season ... including the Super Bowl, which was a great night for her man's team, and all the postgame celebrations that went down in Vegas.

Back to the Pop-Tarts -- Reid said he missed out on the treats ... as Taylor's gift went right to the linemen, who devoured every last one.

Andy Reid Honors K.C. Shooting Victim Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... 'Very Good Human Being'


Chiefs head coach Andy Reid gave a brief eulogy for the woman who lost her life in the Kansas City parade shooting on Tuesday ... praising Lisa Lopez-Galvan as someone who had a positive impact on so many people.

The three-time Super Bowl-winning coach met with the media at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis minutes ago ... but before he started talking football, he wanted to address the tragedy that resulted in the local DJ's death -- and injuries to 22 others.

"I want to share my condolences for the Galvan and Lopez family for their loss of Lisa, and for the people of Kansas City," Reid told reporters.

"She was a personality there, and a very good human being, first of all. We'll all miss her, as I know her family will."

Reid said the shooting is not what Kansas City stands for as a whole ... and he called on the next generation to take action and be a part of the solution.

"You're our future," he added, "and as great as we can make this place, we want to do that. So we can turn this, which was a negative, into a real positive. With just a little togetherness and love we can fix a lot of problems."

As we previously reported, the Chiefs launched a fundraiser for those affected by the incident ... with Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes donating to the cause.

Harrison Butker -- whose jersey Lopez-Galvan was wearing at the celebration -- also donated one of his own tops to the family for her funeral services.

Two men -- Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller -- currently face charges for their involvement in the shooting.

Joe Biden Will Taylor Swift Endorse Me In 2024? ... That's Classified!!!

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It's Classified

President Joe Biden was out on the campaign trail Monday, sitting down for an interview with Seth Meyers – and joking about potentially getting Taylor Swift's "classified" endorsement.

The 46th U.S. President sported his signature Aviator glasses while parked on a couch next to comedian Amy Poehler during his visit to "Late Night With Seth Meyers."  Of course, Seth was seated at his desk in front of Joe and the two covered a wide range of mostly political issues.

At one point, Seth told Joe that 18 percent of Americans believe he's working in "cahoots" with Taylor to reelect him in the 2024 presidential race against the Republican nominee, likely Donald Trump.

Seth showed a message Joe posted on the social media app, "X," after the Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers 25-22 to win this year's Super Bowl. The one-liner read, "Just like we drew it up."

The host then asked Joe, "Now, can you confirm or deny that there is an active conspiracy here between you and Ms. Swift?"

Joe went along with the joke, replying, "Where are you getting this information? It's classified. But I will tell you she did endorse me in 2020."

Seth agreed, asking if Taylor would support Joe this time around. But Joe wouldn't give an inch, repeating, "I told you. It's classified."

TMZ Studios

Fun stuff from Commander in Chief.

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cantando en el club

Travis Kelce podría haber estado sin Taylor Swift este fin de semana mientras celebraba con sus compañeros de equipo en Las Vegas (de nuevo), pero claramente la tenía en su mente...

Videos de la estrella de la NFL cantando "Love Story" en el XS Nightclub de Las Vegas están circulando por redes sociales, y teniendo en cuenta su entusiasmo por un clásico de Taylor, podemos afirmar que la echaban de menos.

"all night long"
XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas

Estos clips capturan solo un momento de la noche de Travis. Él no solo cantó canciones de Taylor, también gozó un montón de otras melodías de diversos estilos.

Ha habido algo de crítica swiftie, ya que Travis se rodeó de un montón de mujeres atractivas durante su noche en Las Vegas, pero Tay Tay parece ser la que ocupa su mente.

En cuanto al resto de la celebración, bueno, ya lo cubrimos bastante bien. Estuvo disfrutando junto a Patrick Mahomes y casi todos los demás jugadores de los Chiefs que ayudaron al equipo a ganar el Super Bowl hace unas semanas.

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amor en sydney

Travis estuvo en Sydney por un par de días con Taylor antes de volar de regreso a Las Vegas para la victoria con los chicos, y luego se fue de fiesta.

Taylor, mientras tanto, estaba ocupada terminando el resto de su estancia en Australia y pronto va a volar a Singapur para más espectáculos. No está claro si Travis está en los planes o no.

tmz investiga
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Mientras tanto... ¡Sigue festejando Trav!

Travis Kelce Sings Taylor Swift's 'Love Song' While Raging in Las Vegas


Travis Kelce might've been without Taylor Swift this weekend while raging with his teammates in Las Vegas (again) -- but he certainly had her on his mind ... take a look.

Videos of the NFL star belting out "Love Story" at XS Nightclub at the Wynn Las Vegas are circulating all over social media -- and considering his enthusiasm over a T-Swift classic, it's safe to say she was sorely missed for the good time he and the Chiefs were having here.

XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas

These clips capture just a snapshot of Travis' rager ... and he wasn't just singing Taylor tracks -- dude was out there screaming his lungs out to a ton of other tunes, celebratory and otherwise.


There's been a little criticism that TK surrounded himself with a bunch of hot women during his night out in Vegas with the boys -- but clearly ... Tay Tay is front and center in his heart.

As for the rest of the celebration ... well, we covered it pretty well already. He was enjoying himself next to Patrick Mahomes and just about every other Chiefs player who helped the team win the Super Bowl a few weeks ago ... with everyone coming back for round 2.

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Travis was only in Sydney for a couple days with Taylor before he hightailed it out of there and flew back to Vegas for yet another victory lap with the guys ... and they partied hard.

Taylor, meanwhile, was busy finishing out the rest of her Australia stint -- and soon, she'll be flying off to Singapore for more shows. Unclear if Travis is tagging along for that or not.

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In the meantime ... carry us out of here on a high note, Trav!

Travis Kelce Aterriza de nuevo en Las Vegas... Después de un viaje relámpago a Australia

Travis Kelce parece estar de vuelta en Estados Unidos, luego de aterrizar en Las Vegas el sábado por la mañana tras un fin de semana torbellino en Australia.

El campeón del Super Bowl al parecer aterrizó en la Ciudad del Pecado alrededor de las 8:30 AM del sábado, según People y aparentemente confirmado por los registros de vuelo disponibles en Internet, dando por finalizadas una de las citas amorosas más rápidas en la memoria reciente.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que Travis despegó de Sydney el sábado por la tarde y aterrizó el sábado por la mañana en Las Vegas, por el cambio de hora.

Todo es bastante confuso, pero básicamente Travis estuvo unos dos días en Sydney. Aterrizó el miércoles antes de subirse de nuevo en un jet y despegar a Las Vegas para pasar el rato con sus compañeros de equipo en los Chiefs.

La razón para volver es que quiere celebrar con sus compañeros de equipo, luego de su tercera victoria en el Super Bowl en 5 años.

Los chicos de Kelce ya comenzaron la fiesta, por cierto, Patrick Mahomes y algunos de sus compañeros estuvieron en Zouk Nightclub el sábado por la noche.

Kelce hizo un montón de actividades en sus dos días con Taylor. La pareja estuvo en el zoológico de Sydney y luego Travis vio a su chica actuando en vivo en su concierto, donde los dos se abrazaron apasionadamente.

T-Swift también le demostró su cariño a su novio durante el show, cambiando nuevamente la letra de la canción "Karma" para incluir una referencia suya. No es la primera vez que lo hace. Hablando de metas de pareja.

En pocas palabras, a pesar de pasar algún tiempo separados, Traylor parece ir más en serio que nunca, lo que coincide con lo que escuchamos durante la investigación para nuestro nuevo documental sobre su historia de amor.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

"TMZ Investigates: Taylor & Travis: Ultimate Love Story" se estrena este lunes, 26 de febrero a las 9/8 central en FOX y se transmitirá al día siguiente en Hulu.

Travis Kelce Reportedly Lands Back in Las Vegas ... After Quick Australia Trip

Travis Kelce appears to be back stateside ... landing in Las Vegas early Saturday morning -- after a whirlwind weekend down under.

The Super Bowl champ reportedly touched down in Sin City around 8:30 AM Saturday according to People and seemingly confirmed by online flight records -- marking the end of one of the fastest lovers' liaisons in recent memory.

We broke the story ... sources told us Travis took off from Sydney on Saturday afternoon but he landed Saturday morning -- Vegas local time, 'cause of the time change.

It's all pretty confusing but basically, TK was in Syndey for about two days, landing Wednesday before hopping right back on a jet and taking off for Vegas to hang out with his Chiefs teammates.

His reason for jetting back ... he wants to celebrate with his K.C. teammates in the aftermath of their third Super Bowl win in 5 years, and he's heading back to the site of their most recent conquest to live it up.

Kelce's guys have already started the party BTW ... with Patrick Mahomes and some of his teammates partying at Zouk Nightclub Friday night.

Kelce packed a ton of activities into his two days with Taylor ... with the pair hitting the zoo down in Sydney before Travis watched his lady live in concert -- where the two engaged in some passionate PDA.

T-Swift also showed her man some love during the show when she changed up the lyrics of "Karma" again to include a reference to him. Not the first time she's done it during her tour either ... talk about couple goals.

Bottom line, despite spending some time apart ... Traylor seems stronger than ever which falls in line with what we heard while researching our new documentary on their love story.

TMZ Studios

"TMZ Investigates: Taylor & Travis: Ultimate Love Story" premieres this Monday, February 26 at 9/8 central on FOX and will stream the next day on Hulu.

Kendall Jenner y Devin Booker Se vuelven a ver... Lento, pero seguro gana la carrera

Kendall Jenner y Devin Booker están reavivando su relación, pero están tomando las cosas con calma y ni siquiera son exclusivos todavía, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que los ex tortolitos han estado pasando más tiempo juntos últimamente, algo que se hizo evidente durante el Super Bowl, cuando vimos a Devin Booker aparecer en la suite de las Kardashian al azar, aunque separado de Kendall.

Aun así, fue curioso... y obviamente despertó nuevos rumores de romance entre ellos, esto después de pasar casi todo el 2023 separados.

Recuerden, ella estuvo saliendo con Bad Bunny en ese momento e iban bastante en serio.

De todos modos, nuestros ojos no nos engañaban y resulta que, de hecho, se están viendo nuevamente, pero nuestras fuentes enfatizan en que no quieren precipitar las cosas.

Testigos presenciales nos dicen que incluso han visto a Kendall aparecer en Dallas esta semana, mientras Devin estaba en la ciudad para el partido de los Mavs y los Suns el jueves, así que sí, ella está incluso viajando para estar con él últimamente.

Es interesante que estén pensando en volver a estar juntos. Primero se separaron a finales de 2022, y de acuerdo con los medios, fue principalmente por lo ocupados que estaban en ese entonces y la falta de tiempo en sus agendas para seguir como una pareja.

Teniendo en cuenta que ambos son casi tan famosos (si no más) como entonces, la justificación parece mentira. Devin sigue siendo un jugador de baloncesto profesional y ella sigue siendo un modelo exitosa.

TMZ investiga
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Y, sin embargo, de alguna manera están encontrando tiempo para verse en este momento. ¡Bienvenidos nuevamente!

Kendall Jenner & Devin Booker Seeing Each Other Again ... Slow & Steady Wins the Race!!!

Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker are rekindling their relationship, but they're taking things slow -- and they're not even exclusive just yet ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the former lovebirds have been spending more time together lately -- something that became evident during the Super Bowl ... when DB popped up in the Kardashian suite super randomly, albeit separated from Kendall.

Still, it was curious ... and obviously sparked new dating rumors about them -- this after spending just about all of 2023 apart.

Remember, she was dating Bad Bunny at the time ... and they were quite serious.

Anyway, our lying eyes weren't deceiving us -- as it turns out ... we're being told they are, in fact, seeing each other again -- but our sources emphasize they're not rushing into things.

Eyewitnesses tell us they've even seen Kendall pop up in Dallas this week while Devin was in town for the Mavs/Suns game Thursday -- so yeah, she's even traveling to be with him lately.

It's interesting that they're circling getting back together ... they first broke up at the end of 2022, and according to reports -- it was apparently all over how busy they were and not having time in their schedules to keep it going as a couple.

Considering they're both just as famous (if not more so) since then, that rationale sounds like BS -- Devin is still a pro basketball player, and she's still a super successful model.

TMZ Studios

And yet ... somehow they're finding time to hang/bang right now. Welcome back, y'all!

Lyndell Mays Alleged Parade Shooter ... Appears In Court In Shackles

Lyndell Mays -- the man who cops say fired the first gunshots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week -- appeared in a Missouri courtroom on Wednesday for the first time since he was hit with a murder charge over the shooting during the K.C. celebration.

Reporters inside of the courtroom say the 23-year-old showed up to the proceedings in an orange jumpsuit ... with shackles around his waist and feet. They added he also had a piece of white gauze taped to his face -- presumably covering wounds he suffered amid the chaos on Feb. 14 at Union Station.

Cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.

According to KHSB 41, Mays walked in front of the judge with his head dropped slightly ... although he did make eye contact with some who were present.

Mays did not enter a plea at the hearing ... and he's now due back in court for a bond review next Thursday. He remains in police custody on $1 million bail.

As we previously reported, Mays is facing one count of murder in the second degree, two counts of armed criminal action, and one count of unlawful use of a weapon ... after police say he admitted to firing his gun multiple times following a dispute with other people at the K.C. party.

Cops say Mays told them his actions were "stupid."

"Just pulled a gun out and started shooting," police said he told them. "I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid."

One other adult, Dominic Miller, and two juveniles have also been hit with criminal charges related to the shooting. It's unclear when their first court appearances will take place.

More than 20 people in total were shot after gunfire erupted at the rally ... and one -- 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan -- lost her life.

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