Garth Brooks To Travis Kelce Sing 'Friends In Low Places' At My Bar ... I'll Send A Plane!!!

Travis Kelce's got a chance to sing where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases ... 'cause Garth Brooks is personally inviting the Kansas City Chiefs superstar and his buddies to perform "Friends in Low Places" at his bar grand opening!!

The country music legend extended the offer on his "Inside Studio G" show Tuesday night ... after he praised the Super Bowl champ's attempt to cover his classic 1990 anthem at last week's festivities in Kansas City.


GB said he thought TK's rendition at the Chiefs' Super Bowl rally was "fantastic" ... adding it blew him away 'cause he was watching the whole moment unfold live.

Brooks was so moved by the gesture, he revealed he wants to send a private plane to Kelce, his brother, Jason, and all his boys to give the song another shot when his new watering hole -- fittingly named Friends in Low Places Bar and Honky Tonk -- officially opens its doors in Nashville in a couple weeks.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

"Big man, I'm just telling you this," Garth said on his show. "I will be at grand opening if you're there. I'll send a plane if you want another shot at the title. If you want to come sing that, I'll send a plane."

"So, yes, I'll be happy to send this invite out to you if you want to try a little 'Friends in Low Places' in Friends in Low Places."

TMZ Studios

Unclear if Travis will take Garth up on the offer -- he might be busy checking out Taylor Swift's "Eras" tour dates across the globe ... and also recently expressed his desire to help out his community following the tragic parade shooting.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Lyndell Mays admite haber hecho los primeros disparos ... dice la policía


2/21 5:51 AM -- Lyndell Mays fue dado de alta del hospital el martes por la noche y puesto bajo custodia, donde le tomaron una foto policial. Se puede ver que aún parecía tener un gran vendaje en la cara mientras pasaba por el proceso de registro.

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Caos total

Los oficiales de Kansas City aseguran que Lyndell Mays admitió haber disparado los primeros tiros en el desfile de los Chiefs tras su victoria en el Super Bowl la semana pasada, antes de supuestamente decir que "no debería haberlo hecho".

Según documentos judiciales, Mays hizo las sorprendentes declaraciones al Departamento de Policía de Kansas City el 16 de febrero, dos días después de que más de 20 personas fueran alcanzadas por los disparos mientras celebraban el último campeonato de Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce en Union Station.

En los documentos, un detective de KCPD escribió que Mays fue entrevistado en un hospital local después de sufrir una aparente herida de bala. Los documentos dicen que inicialmente le dijo a la policía que no le había disparado a nadie después de haber discutido con un grupo de individuos en el desfile. Aunque cuando fue confrontado por los oficiales con que tenían "videos de vigilancia del incidente", cambió su historia.

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Caóticas consecuencias
Jeremy Scherle

Según los policías, May les dijo que un grupo con el que estaba discutiendo le habría dicho: "Voy por ti", algo que aparentemente interpretó como: "Voy a matarte".

Mays les dijo entonces que disparó primero: "quizá dos veces". Sin embargo, según los documentos, dijo que inicialmente dudó en apretar el gatillo "porque sabía que había niños allí". Los docs también afirman que Mays no estaba apuntando específicamente a nadie cuando finalmente decidió disparar, porque "todos podrían haber tenido armas".

"Así que simplemente eligió al azar a qué individuo apuntar", escribieron los policías en los documentos. También señalaron que la persona a la que Mays finalmente le terminó disparando estaba huyendo de él.

"Cuando se le preguntó por qué Lyndell Mays avanzó sobre ellos para empezar, respondió: 'Stupid, man", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "'Saqué un arma y empecé a disparar. No debería haberlo hecho. Solo estaba siendo estúpido".

Los fiscales anunciaron el martes que después de las conversaciones con Mays, lo golpearon con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado, acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma.

Cargos presentados

Los fiscales también revelaron que un hombre llamado Dominic Miller había sido acusado con los mismos cargos.

De acuerdo con los documentos judiciales, las autoridades hablaron con Miller sobre su presunto papel en el tiroteo del 16 de febrero, después de que lo identificaran a través de declaraciones de video y declaraciones de testigos presenciales que estuvieron involucrados en la discusión que precedió a los disparos.

Los policías dicen que Miller, que también estaba en un hospital local recuperándose de aparentes heridas de bala, inicialmente les dijo que corrió tras escuchar los disparos y fue golpeado en el abdomen mientras trataba de irse lejos. Sin embargo, los documentos afirman que cuando las autoridades les dijeron que sus acciones habían sido grabadas en video, admitió haber disparado su pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm durante el altercado.

Según los documentos, Miller les dijo que después de escuchar los disparos, "observó a un hombre negro con rastas armado con un arma de fuego negro disparando contra él".

"Miller declaró que devolvió el fuego con su propia arma de fuego", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "Miller estimó que disparó 4-5 tiros y no estaba seguro de si golpeó al individuo al que estaba disparando".

Según los documentos, se recuperó una bala de calibre 38 del cuerpo de Lisa López-Galván, quien murió en medio del tiroteo. Los policías dicen que los detectives descubrieron que la bala fue disparada por la pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm en posesión de Miller.

Tanto Miller como Mays, que tienen 23 años o menos, están actualmente detenidos bajo una fianza de un millón de dólares.

Anteriormente, los fiscales acusaron a dos menores de edad con otros cargos por su conexión con el tiroteo.

Tanto Kelce y Mahomes, por su parte, han ofrecido sus oraciones por las víctimas del incidente. Ambos han donado miles de dólares para ayudar en sus esfuerzos de recuperación.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Connects With K.C. Shooting Victim's Family ... Gives Jersey For Burial

The woman who lost her life in the Super Bowl parade shooting last week will be laid to rest in a Harrison Butker jersey that the Chiefs star personally gave to her family himself.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan had considered the kicker her favorite player ... and when she was tragically shot and killed while celebrating his most recent championship at Kansas City's title parade on Feb. 14, she was actually wearing his white No. 7 uniform.

Her family said on social media they wanted to bury her in a new Butker jersey to pay homage to her fandom ... although they were apparently having some trouble finding the item ahead of her funeral services on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24.

Turns out, though, as soon as Butker was made aware of their request ... he jumped into action and got a fresh uniform delivered their way.

In a statement following his kind gesture, he said he was heartbroken over the situation ... and praying for her grieving family.

"Murder is a sin that cries out to God for vengeance and I pray the men involved in this tragedy will be brought to justice," said Butker, who made four key field goals in the Chiefs' Super Bowl win over the 49ers on Feb. 11.

"Hearing that she was a fan of my outspokenness for our shared Catholic Faith makes this even more personal. I am honored to provide a jersey to the family for her to wear. While the family is mourning their loss and grappling with their numerous injuries, I will continue to pray for their healing and the repose of Lisa's soul."

According to officials, Galvan was struck by stray gunfire after a violent argument between several groups of people broke out near where she was celebrating. Prosecutors have charged two adult males with murder in connection with her death.

She was just 43 years old.

Super Bowl Parade Shooting Lyndell Mays Admitted To Firing First Shots ... Cops Say


2/21 -- 5:51 AM PT -- Lyndell Mays was released from the hospital Tuesday evening and taken into custody ... where he took a mug shot. You can see he appeared to still have a large bandage on his face as he went through the booking process.

Police officers in Kansas City claim Lyndell Mays admitted he fired the first shots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week ... before he allegedly said he "shouldn't have done that."

According to court documents, Mays made the stunning admissions to the Kansas City Police Department on Feb. 16 -- two days after more than 20 people were struck by gunfire while celebrating Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce's latest championship at Union Station.

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In the docs, a KCPD detective wrote that Mays was interviewed at a local hospital after suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Initially, the docs state Mays told police he didn't shoot at anyone following a dispute with a group of individuals at the parade -- although when "Mays was confronted that we had surveillance video of the incident, he then changed his story."

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Jeremy Scherle

Mays, according to cops, said a group he was quarreling with had told him, "I'm going to get you" ... something that Mays apparently believed meant, "I'm going to kill you."

Cops say Mays then told them he shot first -- "maybe two times." However, according to the docs, Mays said he initially hesitated to pull the trigger "because he knew there were kids there." The docs also state Mays wasn't specifically targeting anyone when he ultimately decided to fire, because "they all could have had guns."

"So he just randomly picked one of the individuals to target," cops wrote in the documents.

Cops also noted in the docs that the person Mays ended up shooting at was actually running away from him.

"When asked why Lyndell Mays advanced on them to begin with, he replied, 'Stupid, man,'" cops wrote in the documents. "'Just pulled a gun out and started shooting. I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid.'"

Prosecutors announced Tuesday that following officers' talks with Mays, they hit him with charges of murder in the second degree, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon.


Prosecutors also revealed Tuesday a man named Dominic Miller had been hit with the same charges as well.

According to court documents, authorities spoke with Miller over his alleged role in the shooting on Feb. 16 after they say they identified through video and eyewitness statements that he was involved in the argument that preceded the gunfire.

Cops say Miller -- who was also at a local hospital recovering from apparent gunshot wounds -- initially told them he ran after hearing gunshots, and was struck in the abdomen as he was trying to hightail it away from the area. However, the docs state when authorities told them his actions were filmed on video -- he admitted to firing his Taurus G3 9mm handgun during the altercation.

According to the docs, Miller told them that after he heard gunshots, "he observed a black male with dreads armed with a black handgun shooting at him."

"Miller stated he returned fire with his own firearm," cops wrote in the docs. "Miller estimated he fired 4-5 shots and was uncertain if he struck the individual he was shooting at."

According to the docs, a .38 caliber class bullet was recovered from the body of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who died amid the shooting. Cops say detectives later discovered the bullet was fired from the Taurus G3 9mm gun that Miller had acknowledged that he possessed and shot.

Both Miller and Mays -- who are 23 years old or younger -- are now currently being held on a $1 million bond.

Previously, prosecutors hit two juveniles with charges over their connection to the shooting as well.

Both Kelce and Mahomes, meanwhile, have offered their prayers for the victims of the shooting ... with each donating thousands to help in recovery efforts.

Originally Published -- 2/20 -- 2:29 PM PT

Super Bowl LVIII Game-Used OT Flip Coin Hits Auction!!!

The coin that helped determine the fate of Super Bowl LVIII can now be all yours ... 'cause the NFL has just put the one-of-a-kind piece up for auction!!

There are currently 19 bids for the relic ... with the highest being for $10,000 -- but given how historic the item is, it's expected it will go for far more when the gavel finally comes down in March.

It, of course, was used by Fred Warner and Patrick Mahomes to figure out which team would start overtime with the ball during the 49ers game against the Chiefs at Allegiant Stadium back on Feb. 11.

San Francisco ultimately won the toss with a tails call ... and went on to kick a field goal on the ensuing possession. When the Chiefs got the ball back, they subsequently scored a touchdown -- locking up their third title in the last five years.

The extra period marked the first time the NFL's new postseason overtime rules were put into play ... and also given how controversial it was that Warner and the Niners chose to receive instead of kick, the coin certainly has a ton of value.

It's also got a sleek look to it -- on one side it has the two teams' names and logos ... and on the other, it has the Super Bowl LVIII emblem with Roger Goodell's signature etched into it. The piece is marked "00002."

The league said profits from the auction will go toward Luna Strong's Maui Relief Efforts.

Bidding formally ends on March 4 ... good luck!!!

Travis y Jason Kelce hablan del tiroteo de Kansas City E instan a los aficionados a hacer donaciones

"amamos a la familia de los chiefs"
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis y Jason Kelce se tomaron un descanso de sus habituales bromas para opinar sobre el trágico tiroteo de Kansas City esta semana, agradeciendo a los primeros en responder por entrar en acción y prometiendo ayudar a los afectados.

Los dos hermanos de la NFL dejaron caer un video sorpresa antes del episodio del pódcast "New Heights" del miércoles, con Travis explicando que "no se sentía bien" seguir adelante con el programa pregrabado sin abordar primero el incidente después del desfile de los Chiefs en el Super Bowl el 14 de febrero que dejó a un muerto y más de 20 heridos.

Jason dijo que sus pensamientos están con todas las víctimas, sus familias y el Reino Chiefs, también compartió su gratitud con los agentes del orden locales y todos aquellos dispuestos a cooperar durante el desafortunado evento.

El centro de las Águilas habló desde el corazón: "Una de las cosas que es evidente es lo mucho que Kansas City se está uniendo en torno a las personas que han sido afectadas por esto".

Añadió que los Kelces están actualmente averiguando qué pueden hacer para involucrarse en el proceso de recuperación ... pero mientras tanto, espera que sus fans hagan lo que puedan donando al fondo de los Chiefs para las víctimas.

Travis terminó el clip diciendo: "92%ers, te apreciamos. Kansas City y el Reino de los Chiefs, los queremos. Estamos con ustedes y los veremos pronto".

Como informamos anteriormente, dos menores van a ser acusados como resultado del tiroteo, incluyendo cargos relacionados con armas de fuego y resistencia a la autoridad.

Travis, así como su novia, Taylor Swift, cada uno donó $100k a las víctimas del tiroteo y Patrick y Brittany Mahomes también contribuyeron con $50k a la campaña del equipo.

Travis And Jason Kelce Address Kansas City Parade Shooting ... Urge Fans To Donate

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis and Jason Kelce took a break from their usual lighthearted banter to weigh in on the tragic Kansas City shooting this week ... thanking the first responders for springing into action and vowing to help those affected.

The two NFL brothers dropped a surprise video ahead of Wednesday's "New Heights" podcast episode ... with Travis explaining it "didn't feel right" to move forward with the pre-taped show without first addressing the incident after the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade on Feb. 14 that left one dead and more than 20 others injured.

Jason said their thoughts go out to all the victims, their families and Chiefs Kingdom ... also sharing his gratitude for local law enforcement officials and all those willing to step up during the unfortunate event.

The Eagles center spoke from the heart ... saying, "One of the things that's evident is how much Kansas City is coming together and rallying around the people that have been affected by this."

He added the Kelces are currently figuring out what they can do to get involved in the recovery process ... but in the meantime, he's hoping their fans will do what they can by donating to the Chiefs' fund for victims.

Travis ended the clip ... saying, "92%ers, we appreciate you. Kansas City and Chiefs Kingdom, we love you guys. We're with you guys and we'll see you guys soon."

As we previously reported, two juveniles are going to be charged as a result of the shooting ... including gun-related charges and resisting arrest.

Travis -- as well as his girlfriend, Taylor Swift -- each donated $100k to victims of the shooting ... and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes also contributed $50k to the team's campaign.

Usher refuta la falta de respeto de Alicia Keys y lamenta haberle dado una nalgada A Nicki Minaj

El show de Usher en el medio tiempo del Super Bowl tuvo a mucha gente levantando las cejas sobre su momento con Alicia Keys, algo de lo que no se arrepiente, pero se disculpa por algo más antiguo.

El lunes, Usher estuvo en The Breakfast Club para abordar su polémica con Alicia Keys en el Super Bpwl, pero también se sinceró sobre su actuación en los VMA 2014 con Nicki Minaj.

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En aquella ocasión, Usher le dio varias nalgadas a Nicki en el escenario. En aquel momento no llamó la atención, pero es algo que ha estado resurgiendo últimamente, con muchos acusándolo de haberse pasado de la raya.

Usher explicó a Charlamagne Tha God que los bailes en la cultura jamaicana por lo general implican que la gente se manosee, pero admite que fue pasado dela raya, y parece que se siente un poco mal al respecto ahora en 2024.

En cuanto a abrazar a Alicia por detrás -cosa por la que también recibió algunas críticas- Usher no da paso atrás, diciendo que era solo parte de la rutina.

También fue interrogado acerca de la vez que se le hizo referencia en un episodio de "The Boondocks", donde una mujer casada y se convirtió en groupie de Usher delante de su marido, todo basado en la experiencia de la vida real del productor Carl Jones y su ex esposa.

Usher deijo que las transgresiones de la mujer fueron debido al "Efecto Usher", pero algo de esto tuviera algo que ver con la sensual performance con Alicia frente a millones de espectadores en el Super Bowl.

El marido de Alicia -Swizz Beatz- se rió de inmediato y Usher dijo a 'TBC' que también tuvo una dura discusión con la pareja sobre los diversos memes. En resumen, él y Alicia (y Swizz) están bien. Pero, dicho esto, también podría ser más consciente en el futuro.

De cualquier manera, el Internet será mantener un ojo vigilante sobre él. 👀

Usher I Shouldn't Have Smacked Nicki's 🍑 ... But Alicia Hug Was OK!!!

Usher's Super Bowl halftime show had a lot of people raising eyebrows over his Alicia Keys moment -- something he's not sorry about ... but he is apologizing over something older.

On Monday, Usher zoomed in to The Breakfast Club to address his PDA with Alicia Keys at the SB but also came clean about the internet resurfacing his 2014 VMA performance with Nicki Minaj.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

During their set at the time, Usher bumped and grinded on Nicki's booty onstage -- and then smacked it with his hand. It got overlooked back then ... but it's been resurfacing lately, with many accusing him of being out of pocket and inappropriate, similar to how he handled AK.

Usher explained to Charlamagne Tha God that dances in Jamaican culture generally involve people getting handsy -- but does admit he was wildin' a bit when he put his handprint on Nicki's Pinkprint, and he seems to feel somewhat about it in 2024.

On the issue of hugging Alicia from behind, though -- which also caught some backlash -- Usher isn't bending the proverbial knee ... saying it was just part of their routine for 'My Boo.'

The R&B powerhouse was also quizzed about the time he was referenced in an episode of "The Boondocks" where a married woman fanned out and turned into an Usher groupie in front of her husband ... all based on the real-life experience of producer Carl Jones and his ex-wife.

Usher blamed the woman's transgressions on the "Usher Effect" but denied any sorcery of the kind contributed to his sexified duet with Alicia as millions watched on in speculation.


Alicia's husband Swizz Beatz immediately laughed it off and Usher tells 'TBC' he also had a hardy har with the couple over the various memes. Long story short, he and Alicia (and Swizz) are all good. But, with that said, he might also be more mindful going forward.

Either way, the Internet will be keeping a watchful eye on him. 👀

NFL's Breece Hall Confronted By Angry Fan ... Carl Banks Intervenes



10:45 AM PT -- Breece Hall is breaking his silence on the incident ... saying, "If you know me you know I always show love!!! There’s a time and a place for everything but harassing me at baggage claim ain’t the time or place💯."

Breece also thanked Carl and "my guy Joe" for getting involved ... adding their presence helped keep the peace.

Breece Hall came face-to-face with an overzealous autograph seeker when he touched down in Jersey after a week of partying in Vegas at the Super Bowl ... and things got so tense, NY Giants legend Carl Banks stepped in to prevent things from escalating!

The incident went down last Sunday at Newark Airport just a few minutes after the 22-year-old got off his flight, while he was waiting at baggage claim ... when a fan *attempted* to get Breece's John Hancock.

For whatever reason, Hall, one of the best running backs in the NFL, didn't want to sign, so he declined ... and that's when things went south.

A witness heard the commotion and whipped out his phone and started rolling.

It's unclear exactly what was said/done to kick things off, but the fan was heard telling Hall, "So, be a man. If you're gonna slap me, slap me!"

61-year-old Banks, the 2x Super Bowl-winning Giants linebacker intervened, putting his 6'4" frame in between the fan and Breece, while encouraging the guy to keep it moving.

But, the guy wasn't done ... he continued jawing at Hall, who seemed to keep his cool despite the stressful situation.

At one point, another witness off-camera is heard warning the angry man, "It's a federal crime if you get in a fight at the airport."

Seemingly taking the advice, the man finally walks off ... but not before hurling one last insult at the NFL star.

"Get the f*** out of here, p****!"

As for why Banks assisted Hall, we asked Carl ... #58 said he wasn't going to stand by and let his buddy get screwed with.

Who says the Giants and Jets are rivals?

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

La estrella de la NFL Breece Hall Se enfrenta a un fan enfadado



10:45 AM PT -- Breece Hall rompe su silencio sobre el incidente: "Si me conoces sabes que siempre muestro amor. Hay un momento y un lugar para todo, pero acosarme en la recogida de equipajes no es el momento ni el lugar💯".

Breece también agradeció a Carl y a "mi chico Joe" por involucrarse, añadiendo que su presencia ayudó a mantener la paz.

Breece Hall se encontró cara a cara con un buscador de autógrafos demasiado entusiasta cuando aterrizó en Jersey después de una semana de fiesta en Las Vegas por el Super Bowl, y las cosas se pusieron tan tensas, ¡que la leyenda de los NY Giants, Carl Banks, intervino para evitar que las cosas pasaran a mayores!

El incidente tuvo lugar el pasado domingo en el aeropuerto de Newark, solo unos minutos después de que el joven de 22 años bajara de su vuelo, mientras esperaba en la recogida de equipajes. Fue entonces cuando un fan comenzó a pedirle un autógrafo.

Por alguna razón, Hall -uno de los mejores corredores de la NFL- no quería firmar, por lo que declinó, y ahí es cuando las cosas se pusieron feas..

Un testigo escuchó la conmoción y sacó su teléfono para grabar.

No está claro exactamente lo que se dijeron o lo que pasó en un comienzo, pero el fan le dijo a Hall: "Sé un hombre. Si vas a abofetearme, abofetéame".

Banks, de 61 años de edad, intervino, poniendole fin al problema, mientras animaba al chico a seguir adelante.

Pero, el tipo no había terminado, continuó molestando a Hall, que parecía mantener la calma a pesar de la situación estresante.

En un momento dado, otro testigo fuera de cámara se escucha advirtiéndole al hombre enojado, "Es un delito federal si te metes en una pelea en el aeropuerto".

Aparentemente, siguiendo el consejo, el hombre finalmente se marcha, pero no sin antes lanzar un último insulto a la estrella de la NFL.

"¡Lárgate de aquí, p***, ****!".

En cuanto a por qué Banks ayudó a Hall, le preguntamos y dijo que no iba a quedarse de brazos cruzados mientras molestaban a su amigo.

¿Quién dice que los Giants y los Jets son rivales?

Publicado originalmente -- 12:30 AM PT

Usher I Beat Timberlake in a Bidding War ... Won Justin Bieber!!!

Usher and Justin Timberlake draw a lot of comparisons ... but Usher says he's got a leg up on his counterpart -- 'cause he beat him in a Justin Bieber bidding war.

The singer-songwriter revealed in an interview with People that, way back in 2008, he met Bieber and Scooter Braun and offered to bring JB onto his record label ... but first, he said he had to pull out a thicker wad of cash than Timberlake.

Usher said he also used Timberlake's name against him, telling Justin that -- if he went with Usher -- he'd be the only Justin around.

Seems like the war didn't get too contentious ... Usher doesn't say anything negative about Timberlake in the interview -- and actually compliments the guy tons.

Usher said he and Justin are both unique artists, and he loves the producers Timberlake chooses to work with ... adding he even wants to collaborate on an album with the former *NSYNC star.

He finished off by saying he's motivated by people like Timberlake who "should be recognized for who he is and what his contribution has been."

Of course, Usher was recognized for his contribution to music by headlining the Super Bowl Halftime show ... one which his protege decided to skip out on.

We broke the story ... Usher reached out to Bieber directly to get him to join him for his big performance -- but, while Alicia Keys, Ludacris and Lil Jon all hopped onstage with him, Justin decided to sit in his suite and spectate.

No bad blood between the two though ... 'cause Usher said in an interview earlier this week that "he's just wanting to tell a different story right now, and I understand that."

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... Usher won the biggest auction of his life -- and ya gotta wonder how Justin Timberlake feels about it.

Travis Kelce Hanging Out Stateside ... While Taylor Tours Australia

Travis Kelce's got a ton of free time until next year's NFL season starts ... but, he's still hanging around K.C. instead of jetting off to see his lady love down undah.

The three-time Super Bowl champ was photographed by Daily Mail hitting up one of his fav restaurants in Kansas City with a to-go bag in hand ... Taylor Swift was not by his side obviously since she's down in Australia on tour.

Travis looks relaxed in the DM pics ... having a grand ol' time while hanging out with a pal in the hot Missouri sun -- which might be surprising to fans who thought he'd be down in Australia already.

TK did a bunch of press leading up to the Super Bowl BTW ... including one interview where he said he would love to experience "Down Under" -- so him not already being down there's definitely raising some eyebrows.

Remember ... Swift performed a string of shows in Melbourne this past weekend -- including one right on the heels of the death of a fan who was headed to see her.

Storytime With Swift
X / @rwylnich

It's been an emotional weekend to say the least -- Taylor also opened up about feeling "lonely" during the pandemic ... which some people are seeing as a pretty clear shot at her ex Joe Alwyn.

Of course, Travis has been on his own emotional rollercoaster recently. The high of winning the Super Bowl was followed almost immediately by the tragic shooting at the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City.

TMZ Studios

Both Taylor and Travis have donated thousands in the aftermath of the shooting ... so, clearly the tragedy is still weighing on both of their minds.

Don't worry too much Swifties ... 'cause Taylor's got a few more shows in Australia next weekend, moving on from Melbourne to Sydney. So, Travis has plenty of time to meet up with T-Swift.

Kansas City Magic
The CW / Inside The NFL

Swift's also got dates in Singapore in March ... chance for a romantic Southeast Asia vacation perhaps???

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden behind this big brown-eyed celebrity is a gal who loves fitness -- she's even completed a triathlon -- and she once turned a plunging green dress into a fashion history moment! Sweet and hot like Dunkin'  ... see if you can guess the hot wifey behind the edit!

Usher may have rocked this year's Super Bowl, but this shining star showed up, showed out, and got LOUD when it was her turn on the stage!

A true brunette-baddie from the block, she just dropped her 9th studio album earlier this week!

Can you guess who's behind the mashed-up madness?

Maxx Crosby DPOY Snub Motivates Me ... 'Exactly What I Needed!!!'


Maxx Crosby might be bummed he didn't win NFL Defensive Player of the Year honors this season ... but the Raiders star tells TMZ Sports he's planning on using the snub as motivation to whoop some ass next season.

ICYMI, Cleveland Browns defensive end Myles Garrett edged out Crosby -- and other finalists T.J. Watt, Micah Parsons and DaRon Bland -- for the big award at the NFL Honors ceremony on Feb. 8 ... which many felt Crosby deserved.

After all, Myles had 14 sacks and four forced fumbles on the year ... while Crosby totaled 14.5 sacks and two forced fumbles.

So, when we got the Las Vegas pass rusher out at Super Bowl week, we had to ask the three-time Pro Bowler how he was taking it ... and it's clear, he's using it as fuel for this offseason's workouts.

"I mean, it's exactly what I needed," he said. "I know I'm going in the right direction. I know what I'm capable of. It's just the beginning."

"People haven't seen anything yet," he added.


Before he embarks on the road to dominance in '24, though, Crosby had a little fun in Vegas ahead of Super Bowl LVIII ... horsin' around on a red carpet with none other than Tom Brady.

Watch the clip of the guys, it's hilarious ... and we guess you could say Maxx narrowly added another QB takedown to his total this year!!

Patrick y Brittany Mahomes Visitan el hospital infantil tras el tiroteo y se sientan con las víctimas

Patrick Mahomes y su esposa Brittany están intentando alegrar algunos rostros después del trágico tiroteo del miércoles en el desfile de los Chiefs: los dos fueron vistos haciendo una visita al hospital local el jueves y levantando el ánimo de algunos niños heridos.

Los Mahomeses fueron específicamente a las habitaciones de una niña de 8 años y a otra de 10 años, ambas heridas de bala después de que se produjera un tiroteo tras la celebración de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl en Union Station.

Las niñas, parte de la familia Reyes, fueron alcanzadas en las piernas por las balas y necesitaron cirugía poco tiempo después para curar sus dolencias.

Pero cuando Patrick y Brittany pasaron a saludar no fue difícil ver a los pequeños muy felices, ambos tenían grandes sonrisas mientras posaban para las fotos.

Parece que la estrella de Kansas City y su esposa también trajeron regalos, ya que las niñas llevaban cascos en miniatura de los Chiefs.

La familia Reyes -que al parecer está relacionada con la mujer que trágicamente perdió la vida en el tiroteo- estaba agradecida de que los dos fueran a visitarlos y escribieron un comunicado: "Queremos dar un agradecimiento personal al equipo del Hospital Children's Mercy y a Patrick y Brittany Mahomes por su efusivo cuidado, amor y apoyo."

Por su parte, se creó un GoFundMe para ayudar a las niñas y a su familia en su recuperación y ya han recaudado 54.000 dólares.

En total, 23 personas fueron alcanzadas por las balas justo después de que Mahomes pronunciara un discurso en el mitin. Según las autoridades, al menos la mitad de las víctimas eran menores de 16 años.

Dos menores han sido acusados de delitos penales en relación con el tiroteo, pero las autoridades dicen que podrían presentarse más cargos.

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