Patrick & Brittany Mahomes Visit Children's Hospital After Shooting ... Sit With Victims

Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, are helping put a smile on some faces following Wednesday's tragic parade shooting ... the two were seen paying a visit to a local hospital on Thursday, lifting some wounded kids' spirits.

The duo of Mahomeses specifically went to rooms belonging to an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old, who were both shot after gunfire erupted following the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration at Union Station.

The girls, part of the Reyes family, were hit in the legs ... and needed surgery a short time later to fix their ailments.

But, when Patrick and Brittany pulled up -- it wasn't hard to see the little ones were overjoyed ... as they both had big grins on their faces while they posed for pics.

It seems the Kansas City star and his wife brought gifts too, as two girls were holding miniature Chiefs helmets.

The Reyes family -- who's reportedly related to the woman who tragically lost her life in Wednesday's shooting -- were grateful the two stopped by ... writing in a statement, "We want to give a personal thank you to the staff of Children’s Mercy Hospital and Patrick & Brittany Mahomes for their outpouring care, love, and support."

A GoFundMe set up to help the girls and their family in their recovery, meanwhile, has already raised $54,000.

In total, 23 people were struck by bullets just after Mahomes had delivered a speech at the rally. Authorities said at least half of the victims were under the age of 16 years old.

Two juveniles have been hit with criminal charges in connection with the shooting ... but officials say more charges could be forthcoming.

Kansas City Suspects in Shooting Criminally Charged ... Two Juveniles Only

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Jeremy Scherle

Criminal charges are being handed down in the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs rally -- and we're now learning that, for now, two juveniles stand accused of being responsible.

Prosecutors hit two individuals -- described as minors -- with gun-related charges and for resisting arrest ... but nothing yet pertaining to any actual deaths. Officials in Kansas City say more charges are likely coming.

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Because they're minors, court hearings and criminal proceedings related to this case will not be open to the public. Both suspects are being held in a juvenile detention center.

As we reported ... 22 people were shot and one person died in Wednesday's shooting, which broke out after the Chiefs wrapped up their championship parade. The shooting caused a mass panic, and ended up with multiple people being hospitalized, including children.

Cops detained 3 people at the scene ... however, only 2 people now are facing criminal prosecution -- unclear what might've happened with the third person who was detained.

Witnesses and gunshot victims have described the chaotic scene that erupted after shots rang out in K.C. ... one survivor said the gunman spun around in a circle as he fired multiple shots into the large crowd that was gathered.

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Another Chiefs fan was among the people who subdued an armed person in the crowd ... tackling the guy to the ground before police got to him. It's unclear if the person who got tackled is one of the people who's now charged. The identities of the suspects are unknown.

Police aren't calling the shooting an act of terrorism ... instead, they claim it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated to gun violence.

New images are surfacing daily that show the carnage from the scene -- including these new pictures and videos from photographer Jeremy Scherle who was there in K.C. Wednesday.


Take a look at these photos showing the immediate aftermath ... including a gun that may have been used in the shooting ... not to mention pools of blood around it. Clearly, officers wanted to secure this scene right after it happened -- and that's what you're seeing here.

Of the 22 people who were shot and injured, at least half are under 16 years old. There have been a lot of unanswered questions about what happened here -- and even now with two people being held responsible ... we still don't know very much.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Story developing ...

Kansas City Sospechosos del tiroteo son acusados penalmente ... Solo dos menores

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Las caóticas secuelas
Jeremy Scherle

Dos personas están siendo acusadas con cargos criminales por el tiroteo masivo en Kansas City en medio de las celebraciones por el Super Bowl, y ahora nos estamos enterando de que, por ahora, solo hay dos menores de edad acusados como responsables.

Los fiscales imputaron a dos individuos, descritos como menores de edad, con cargos relacionados con el uso de armas y resistencia a la autoridad, aunque aún no hay nada relacionado con las muertes. Funcionarios de Kansas City dicen que es probable que se vengan más cargos.

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Caos total

Debido a que son menores de edad, las audiencias judiciales y los procedimientos penales relacionados con el caso no estarán abiertos al público. Ambos sospechosos están detenidos en un centro de detención de menores.

Como informamos, 22 personas fueron heridas de bala y una persona murió en el tiroteo del miércoles, que estalló después de que los Chiefs terminaran su desfile por el campeonato. El tiroteo causó pánico y terminó con varias personas hospitalizadas, incluidos niños.

Los policías detuvieron a tres personas en la escena. Sin embargo, solo 2 personas se enfrentan a un proceso penal. No está claro lo que puede haber pasado con la tercera persona que había sido detenida.

Los testigos y las víctimas de los disparos han descrito la caótica escena: un sobreviviente dijo que el pistolero giró en círculos mientras disparaba tiros hacia la gran multitud.

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Estallan los disparos

Otro fan de los Chiefs contuvo a una persona armada en la multitud, abordando al tipo en el suelo antes de que la policía llegara por él. No está claro si la persona que fue abordada es uno de los acusados. Se desconoce la identidad de los sospechosos.

La policía ha dicho que los disparos no corresponden a un acto terrorista, en cambio, dicen que fue una disputa entre varias partes que se intensificó con la violencia armada.

Han surgido nuevas imágenes que muestran la tragedia en la escena, incluyendo estas nuevas fotos y videos del fotógrafo Jeremy Scherle que estaba allí el miércoles.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos que muestran las consecuencias del fatal incidente. Se ve un arma que puede ser la que se utilizó en el tiroteo, por no hablar de los charcos de sangre a su alrededor. Claramente, los oficiales querían resguardar esta escena justo después de que ocurrió y eso es lo que se ve aquí.

De las 22 personas que fueron baleadas y heridas, al menos la mitad son menores de 16 años. Ha habido un montón de preguntas sin respuesta sobre lo que pasó aquí e incluso ahora que hay dos personas consideradas responsables. Todavía no sabemos mucho.

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Comenzó como una disputa...
Fox 49 Ozarks

Historia en desarrollo ...

Travis Kelce, Brittany Mahomes Pictured at Private Dinner ... After Kansas City Shooting

Travis Kelce and Brittany Mahomes showed up in the same photograph that shows exactly who was in attendance for the private dinner after the Kansas City shooting this week.

Chiefs tight end Matt Bushman's wife, Emily, proudly posted the pic Thursday on her social media account -- owning the fact that she and her hubby were among the people there ... which, as it turns out, was a lot smaller than anyone previously thought.

Emily included the snap as part of a collage of photos she uploaded -- which showed her and Matt enjoying the parade earlier in the day ... and eventually landing at the Granfalloon.

She wrote in her caption, "Yesterday was tough. Not going to allow evil to take away all the happiness and memories of the day. The team and city deserved to celebrate and what a fun parade we had!"

Emily goes on to say ... "I’ll never forget the chaos and fear that followed the parade. Our family will be continuing to pray for the victims of the shooting. We love KC!"

In her picture, you can see Matt, Travis, Brittany, fellow Chiefs teammates Creed Humphrey, Tommy Townsend and some others were in the mix as well. All in all, about 14 people.

No sign of Patrick in this photo -- although we know he was among the people there -- and presumably ... he's the one handling camera duties here. Neither he nor Travis have addressed the fact they were at the restaurant and continued on with their plan to celebrate.

Just about all the Chiefs players, however, expressed their condolences in the wake of the shooting.

It's interesting ... Emily seems to be telegraphing how the group at large might feel about the backlash they're getting right now. On its face, you could argue she's totally owning it.

Patrick Mahomes asistió a una fiesta con Travis Kelce En un restaurante tras el tiroteo

Travis Kelce solo estaba jugando a seguir al líder cuando entró a un restaurante para seguir celebrando después del tiroteo de Kansas City, porque ahora sabemos que Patrick Mahomes planeó todo el asunto, y también estaba ahí.

Múltiples fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que la reunión en el Granfalloon Restaurant And Bar el miércoles por la noche fue encabezada por el quarterback de los Chiefs y según nuestras fuentes, tuvo la idea poco después de la victoria en el Super Bowl.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Nos dicen que Pat fue el que alquiló el lugar y había policías para controlar a la multitud. Travis accedió cuando varios policías le pidieron selfies.

Mientras que solo tenemos fotos de Travis en el establecimiento horas después del tiroteo, nuestras fuentes nos dicen Patrick también estuvo presente, al igual que otros jugadores de los Chiefs.

No está claro quién más estaba allí en el Granfalloon, pero hablamos con el dueño del restaurante y dijo que algunos otros jugadores habían ingresado y que era un evento privado. No está claro exactamente lo que los chicos estaban haciendo en el interior... presumiblemente comer, beber, etc.

La pregunta es... ¿Por qué Pat, Travis y otros compañeros de equipo estaban en público y pasándola bien después de una tragedia masiva?

Es algo que muchos se han estado preguntando desde que publicamos la historia de Travis asistiendo a esta fiesta con una cerveza en la mano.

Como hemos informado, el tiroteo dejó a una persona muerta y otros 22 heridos de bala. La policía ha dicho que esto no parecía ser un ataque terrorista, sino más bien una disputa entre fanáticos.

Ahora que sabemos que Patrick estuvo en la fiesta, nos preguntamos en qué estaban pensando al seguir adelante con la fiesta, sobre todo porque todos eran muy conscientes de los disparos.

tmz investiga
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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Patrick, así como los propios Chiefs, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Patrick Mahomes Attended Private Party with Travis Kelce at Restaurant Other Teammates Also Attend Post-Shooting

Travis Kelce was only playing follow-the-leader when he walked into a restaurant to keep on celebrating after the Kansas City shooting -- 'cause we've now learned Patrick Mahomes planned the whole thing, and was there as well.

Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell us the get-together at the Granfalloon Restaurant And Bar in K.C. Wednesday evening was actually spearheaded by the Chiefs QB -- and, according to our sources, he had the idea shortly after the Super Bowl win.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

We're told Pat was the one who rented the place out. Cops were on hand for crowd control. Travis obliged when several cops asked him for selfies.

While we only got pics of Travis rolling into the establishment hours after the shooting ... our sources tell us Patrick was also in attendance, as were other Chiefs players.

Unclear who else was there at the Granfalloon -- but we spoke to the restaurant owner ... and he said a few other players had rolled in, and that it was a private event. Unclear exactly what the guys were doing inside -- presumably, eating, drinking, etc.

The question, of course ... why would Pat, Travis and other teammates go out in public and keep their good time rolling after a massive tragedy?

It's something many have been wondering since we broke the story of Travis attending this gathering ... with a beer in hand.

As we reported ... the shooting left one person dead, and 22 others injured with gunshot wounds. Cops have said this didn't appear to be a terror attack -- but rather a dispute between parties.

Now that we're learning Patrick was in the mix for this party -- it makes ya wonder what sort of thought process went into their decision to go through with the party ... especially since they were all well aware of the shooting.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Patrick's team, as well as the Chiefs themselves ... so far, no word back.

El tiroteo no fue un acto terrorista Sino una disputa entre fanáticos

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comenzó como una disputa
Fox 49 Ozarks

La policía dice que el tiroteo en el desfile del Super Bowl del miércoles no parece haber sido un acto de terrorismo, en cambio, las autoridades creen que fue simplemente una disputa entre varias partes que se intensificó.

El Jefe del Departamento de Policía de Kansas City Stacey Graves, hizo la revelación en una conferencia de prensa el jueves por la mañana, explicando que no han obtenido ninguna evidencia que demuestre que el tiroteo fue premeditado.

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el momento del caos

"Esto parecía ser una disputa entre varias personas que terminó en disparos", dijo.

Graves también reveló que 23 personas en total fueron alcanzadas por las balas durante el incidente. Se ha confirmado la muerte de una de ellas, Elizabeth Galvan, de 43 años. Otros ocho se encuentran actualmente en estado crítico.

Graves también dijo que de las 22 víctimas que todavía están luchando para recuperarse, al menos la mitad eran menores de 16 años de edad. La más joven de las víctimas, dijo, tenía 8 años.

Dos de las personas detenidas en relación con el tiroteo son menores de edad, agregó Graves.

Como informamos anteriormente, los disparos estallaron pocos minutos después de que Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce concluyeran sus discursos en un mitin tras recorrer en autobús las calles de Kansas City.

Ambas estrellas y sus organizaciones emitieron declaraciones tras la tragedia, expresando sus pensamientos y oraciones por las víctimas.

Taylor Swift Celebra a Travis Kelce después del Super Bowl ... "Eres tan mágico"

"Eres tan mágico"
The CW / Inside The NFL

Taylor Swift fue absolutamente efusiva con Travis Kelce en el campo después de que ganaran el Super Bowl el domingo. En un momento hasta le dijo: "¡¡¡Eres tan mágico!!!"

El adorable comentario fue captado por un micrófono mientras ambos se abrazaban en el estadio Allegiant de Las Vegas tras la victoria de los Chiefs por 25-22 sobre los 49ers.

También se pudo escuchar a Swift en el audio, que acaba de ser publicado por la NFL, diciéndole a Kelce: "Nunca he estado tan orgullosa en mi vida."

"No puedo creerlo", añadió. "¿Cómo lo lograste? ¿Cómo lo hiciste?".

Kelce le devolvió los cumplidos a Swift, elogiándola por aparecer totalmente normal a pesar de haber tomado un largo vuelo de Tokio a Los Ángeles para llegar al Gran Juego.

"¿Cómo no tienes jet lag en este momento?", le dijo, antes de que ella respondiera: "El jet lag es una elección".

Los dos, por supuesto, se fueron de fiesta toda la noche por varios clubes de Las Vegas.

TMZ investiga
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De hecho, fueron vistos acurrucándose tan fuerte el uno contra el otro que el hermano mayor de Travis, Jason Kelce, los llamó "dos enamorados".

Swift ahora está en Australia preparándose para su próxima tanda de conciertos de la gira "Eras", pero algo nos dice que Kelce no estará muy lejos.

Cops: SB Parade Shooting Not Act Of Terrorism ... Likely 'Dispute Between Several People'

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting at Wednesday's Super Bowl parade does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe it was simply a dispute between multiple parties that escalated.

Kansas City Police Department Chief Stacey Graves made the revelation at a news conference with reporters Thursday morning ... explaining detectives have obtained no evidence that shows the gunfire at Union Station was a planned attack.

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"This appeared to be a dispute between several people that ended in gunfire," she said.

Graves also revealed that 23 people in total were struck by bullets during the incident. One, 43-year-old Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan, has been confirmed dead. Eight others, law enforcement added at the news conference, are currently in critical condition.

Graves also said that of the 22 victims who are still fighting to recover ... at least half were under the age of 16 years old. The youngest of the victims, she said, was 8 years old.

Two of the people detained in connection with the shooting are juveniles, Graves added.

As we previously reported, the gunshots erupted just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce wrapped up speeches at a rally following bus rides through Kansas City streets.

Both stars -- and their org. -- released statements following the tragedy ... expressing their thoughts and prayers for the victims.

Megan Fox enfada a las ucranianas Con su respuesta a la foto con Taylor y Travis

Se podría pensar que Megan Fox es Vladimir Putin por la forma en que los ucranianos se enojaron con ella. Resulta que están molestos por un comentario autocrítico, y Megan piensa que todo el mundo debería relajarse.

Megan decidió responder al torrente de comentarios en redes sociales sobre una foto que ella y MGK se tomaron el domingo por la noche en Las Vegas con Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce. Los haters la hicieron estallar con afirmaciones de que había alterado quirúrgicamente su cara, a lo que ella respondió publicando un ángulo diferente e insistió en que no se veía tan diferente.

Ella bromeó en su pie de foto: "resulta que era solo una foto rápida tomada con el teléfono y  parezco una muñeca inflable ucraniana, cuando en realidad me veo una de esas muñecas de silicona súper caras de sexo real que solo se pueden obtener en Japón".

La broma de Megan no le gusto a miles de ucranianos, que han dejado comentarios como: "Soy de Ucrania... ¿Parezco una muñeca inflable?"... "Supongo que la xenofobia hacia los europeos del Este sigue siendo cosa de Hollywood" y "Ucrania está siendo aniquilada en una guerra no provocada. Por favor, podemos centrarnos en eso".

Megan ya que ha respondido a algunos de los comentarios y claramente quiere que la gente sepa que entiendieron todo mal. Escribió: "Dios mío, no es lo que quería decir. mujeres ucranianas son muy hot y en miimaginación lo son las muñecas inflabvles. Dejen que una chica haga una broma por el amor de Dios".

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

La buena noticia para Megan es que aún no ha recibido mensajes de japoneses enojados.

Taylor Swift Gushed Over Kelce After Super Bowl ... 'You Are So Magical!!!'

Kansas City Magic
The CW / Inside The NFL

Taylor Swift absolutely gushed over Travis Kelce down on the field after the Super Bowl on Sunday ... at one point telling him, "You are so magical!!"

The adorable comment was picked up on a hot mic as the two embraced at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas following the Chiefs' 25-22 win over the 49ers.

Swift also could be heard in the audio -- which was just released by the NFL -- telling Kelce, "I've never been so proud in my life."

"I can't believe you," she added. "How did you do that? How did you do it?"

Kelce then returned the compliments Swift's way ... praising her for somehow appearing totally normal despite taking a lengthy flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles in order to make it to the Big Game.

"How do you not have jet lag right now?" he said ... before she responded, "Jet lag is a choice."


The two, of course, then partied the night away ... hitting multiple clubs in Vegas throughout the night.

TMZ Studios

In fact, they were seen nuzzling up against each other so tightly at one of the postgame events ... Travis' big bro, Jason Kelce, called them "two people in love."

Swift is now in Australia gearing up for her next batch of "Eras" tour shows ... but something tells us Kelce won't be too far behind.

Megan Fox I'm No Ukrainian Blowup Doll!!! Dragged for Joke About Pic with Taylor & Travis

You'd think Megan Fox is Vladimir Putin the way Ukrainians are comin' for her -- they're pissed off about a self-deprecating comment she made, but Megan thinks everyone just needs to lighten the hell up!

Megan decided to respond to the torrent of social media comments on a pic she and MGK took Sunday night in Vegas with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Haters blew her up with claims she'd surgically altered her face, so she fired back by posting a different angle of the foursome, and insisted she didn't look all that different.

She quipped in her caption, "turns out it was just a shadowy cell phone pic of me looking like a ukrainian blowup doll. when in REALITY i look one of those super expensive silicone real sex dolls you can only get in japan."

Welp ... Megan's "joke" didn't land with thousands of Ukrainians, who've left comments like, "Wtf? I'm from Ukrainian ...Am I looking like a blow up doll?" ... "I guess xenophobia towards Eastern European is still a thing in Hollywood" and "Ukraine is being annihilated in a war unprovoked. Pls can we just focus on that."

Megan's not taking the backlash quietly, as she's responded to a few of the comments, and clearly wants people to know they've got it all twisted -- she wrote, "dear god. that is NOT what i meant. ukrainian women are hot af and so in my imagination the blowup dolls would also be hot. let a girl make a joke for f***s sake."

TMZ Studios

The only good news for Megan is ... she's yet to hear from pissed off Japanese people. Wait for it.

Jackson Mahomes Caught Up in K.C. Shooting ... Helped Out Child, Says Eyewitness

Jackson Mahomes was caught up in the chaos during the Kansas City parade shooting -- at least according to one eyewitness ... who says she saw him going above and beyond.

A woman named Jess revealed on X Wednesday that Patrick Mahomes' little brother had actually stuck around in the aftermath of the Chiefs parade -- and was apparently on the scene when shots rang out and people started panicking.

She writes, "I don’t care what anyone says but I have found a new found respect for Jackson Mahomes, Ana and I were stuck hiding with him at union station by the trains and he was taking care of a child who lost his parents and helping him calm down."

Her tweet has since gone viral ... and while she didn't elaborate beyond that, the story about Jackson is being praised and shared -- with many expressing shock Jackson was there.

The Chiefs players/staff had already left by the time gunfire erupted ... so it's shocking to hear JM may have still been around. According to Jess ... not only was he on the scene, but he was helping others -- including the most vulnerable people who were scared/distressed.

What Jess goes on to describe about the moment is absolutely horrifying -- and if she's saying Jackson was right there with her ... then he was experiencing the exact same thing.

She says, "We heard pops and then we saw everyone rushing running crying headed towards where I was standing in panic and we had to jump over the gates by the stage and entrance of union station running for our lives in union station hearing gunshots seeing people HIDING IN OVENS!"

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The Chiefs org itself said afterward that all players, coaches and staff members were safe and accounted for -- but on its face, it doesn't sound like that applied to Jackson ... that is, if what this eyewitness is describing is accurate ... though, she seems quite sure.

As we reported ... at least one person was left dead from the shooting, and 22 other suffered gunshot wounds of varying degrees. A few people were detained, but no arrests have been announced just yet ... and police say they're still investigating what exactly happened.

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Video of a man being tackled by bystanders appears to show someone picking up a rifle of some sort and tossing it aside -- although, it's unclear what the motive for the shooting was.

The most tragic part about this is that several of the victims are children, nearly a dozen.

We've reached out to Jackson's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Nuevo video muestra el momento del tiroteo

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Caos total

Un nuevo video muestra el momento en que se inicia el horrible tiroteo en la celebración de los Kansas City por su victoria en el Super Bowl, y este metraje muestra gráficamente cuando algunas personas heridas caen al suelo y la multitud se dispersa.

El video es de la cámara de vigilancia de un apartamento cercano. En este se ve a la multitud dando vueltas después de que termina el desfile hasta que de repente se escucha una ráfaga de disparos sonando.

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Cuando estallan los disparos

Además de registrar a varias personas cayendo al suelo, presumiblemente heridas, se puede ver dónde se disparó el arma en función de hacia dónde se dispersa la multitud.

También se ve a los policías corriendo a la zona donde el pistolero inició el fuego.

A metros del ataque

Como informamos, un hombre que recibió un disparo dice que su esposa y su hija escucharon a una mujer diciéndole a un hombre en la multitud "no lo hagas. No aquí. Esto es estúpido", poco antes de que se escucharan los disparos.

Varios asistentes al desfile abordaron a un hombre armado poco después del tiroteo. La policía se abalanzó sobre él y lo detuvo. Al menos tres personas han sido detenidas en relación con el ataque.

Una persona falleció y otras 22 han resultado heridas, entre ellas al menos 11 niños de entre 6 y 15 años.

Kansas City Super Bowl Shooting New Video Shows Moment of Shooting, Injured Falling to Ground

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New video shows the horrific shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl parade ... and this footage graphically shows injured people falling to the ground and the crowd scattering.

The video is from a nearby apartment surveillance camera. You see the crowd milling around after the parade ended, and then suddenly a flurry of shots ring out.

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As several people fall to the ground, presumably injured, you see where the gun was fired based on where the crowd disburses.

You also see cops rushing toward the area where the gunman appears to have fired.


As we reported, a man who was shot says his wife and daughter heard a woman tell a man in the crowd, "Don't do it. Not here. This is stupid," shortly before shots rang out.

Several parade-goers tackled a man carrying a gun shortly after the shooting. Police swooped in and took him into custody. At least 3 people have been detained in connection to the shooting.

One person is dead and 22 others wounded, including at least 11 children between the ages of 6 and 15.

Travis Kelce Se toma una foto con un policía de camino a un restaurante

Travis Kelce entró a un restaurante unas horas después del tiroteo en Kansas City, esto de acuerdo a nuevas fotos obtenidas por TMZ.

Conseguimos 3 fotos que muestran al jugador ofensivo de los KC Chiefs caminando hacia el Granfalloon Restaurant and Bar el miércoles por la noche, y como se puede ver, fue visto por algunos agentes policiales que querían sacarse una selfie con él.

Travis estuvo obligado a hacerlo y otros testigos nos dicen que luego entró al restaurante y se unió a otros compañeros de equipo. Parece que tenía una cerveza en la mano.

También nos cuentan que las fotos fueron tomadas un poco antes de las 7 PM CT, que hemos confirmado por nuestra parte también, así como por la comprobación de los metadatos, lo que habría sido varias horas después de que estallaron los disparos cerca de Union Station justo antes ese mismo día, en medio de la celebración de los Chiefs.

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Una vida de fiesta
Fox 4 Kansas City

Travis estuvo cantando melodías de Garth Brooks durante la celebración, antes de que las cosas se volvieran siniestras. Alguien (o más de uno) abrió fuego cerca de la multitud que merodeaba la zona, causando la muerte de 1 persona y 22 heridos de bala.

Travis se refirió al tiroteo en X: "Tengo el corazón destrozado por la tragedia que ha tenido lugar hoy. Mi corazón está con todos los que vinieron a celebrar con nosotros y se han visto afectados. Kansas City, significas el mundo para mí".

Su equipo también se refirió al tiroteo, diciendo: "Estamos verdaderamente entristecidos por el acto de violencia sin sentido que ocurrió afuera de Union Station al final del desfile de hoy. Nuestros corazones están con las víctimas, sus familias y todo Kansas City".

Señalaron que todos los jugadores, entrenadores y personal estaban a salvo.

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Estallan disparos

La mayoría de los jugadores de los Chiefs también se han pronunciado sobre el tiroteo. En cuanto a quién más podría haber estado en el Granfalloon con Travis ... poco se sabe.

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Hemos contactado a la gente de Travis y el Granfalloon, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

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