Millie Bobby Brown Cannolis and Shopping In NYC ... V-Day With Jake Bongiovi

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Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi enjoyed a low-key Valentine's Day in New York City ... doing some window shopping and chowing down on pastries.

The "Stranger Things" star and her fiancé strolled arm in arm through Chinatown on Wednesday night, stopping to browse around a few shops ... including a fun-looking arcade.


Millie and Jake, the son of Jon Bon Jovi, bundled up with jackets and a colorful scarf ... but she still got cold ... and Millie ended up buying a pair of gloves.

After walking around Chinatown, the couple hoofed it over to Little Italy and picked up a box of cannolis from Ferrara Bakery. Millie smiled before taking a bite, and Jake captured her excitement with a selfie. We gotta say, it looks pretty damn yummy.

Millie and Jake have been engaged almost a year now -- and their romance reportedly first popped off sometime in 2021, when they first started posting pics together.

Cannolis go great with coffee, and these longtime lovebirds ordered some java and then hopped in a cab. Simple, yet effective ... and definitely romantic, no doubt.

TMZ Studios

Check out the gallery ... Millie and Jake don't need anything fancy to enjoy their V-Day.

'Stranger Things' MILLIE, FINN, WINONA Y DAVID REUNIDOS ... Listos para la última temporada

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El rodaje de "Stranger Things" se está poniendo en marcha y las figuras más notables de su elenco están reunidas para grabar algunas de las escenas finales, y se ve muy emotivo.

Tenemos fotos de la pandilla en el set, tomadas este jueves en Atlanta, y aunque se pueden distinguir las figuras de David Harbour y Winona Ryder llegando al set, son los niños los que se roban toda la atención, a pesar de que definitivamente ya no son niños.

Miren esto, Millie Bobby Brown y Finn Wolfhard, quienes interpretan a los dos tortolitos en la serie, están filmando una escena en la cima de la colina. Todo parece tranquilo y emocional, no como la trepidante acción que caracteriza al show.

Pero, hablando de emociones, ¿será un grito intenso de Millie Bobby Brown lo que ella está preparando en esta escena? Eso es algo que su personaje Eleven ha hecho muchas veces durante las primeras 4 temporadas de la serie.

Por cierto, esta escena tiene lugar en una estación de radio, aunque no creemos que Eleven y Mike estén grabando una mixtape en la temporada 5, pero bueno, la música los salvó en la temporada anterior, ¿cierto?

Algo importante que remarcar... Los chicos han crecido.

Millie tiene 19 años y está comprometida con el hijo de Jon Bon Jovi y Finn tiene 21, edad suficiente como para tomar una refrescante lata de cerveza después de un largo rodaje.

Esto se está convirtiendo en una tendencia para el elenco de "Stranger Things". Recordemos que vimos a Gaten en el set la semana pasada en Georgia, y no se parecía en nada al niño de 13 años que aparecía en el primer episodio de la serie allá por 2016.

Todavía no hay fecha de estreno de la nueva temporada de "Stranger Things", pero con tantos rodajes por estos días, es probable que la última entrega llegue muy pronto.

'Stranger Things' Millie, Finn, Winona and David Reunited ... Ready For Last Hurrah


"Stranger Things" filming is kicking into high gear ... notable cast members are getting together to shoot some of their final scenes -- and it's looking hella emotional.

We got pics of the gang on set, shot Thursday in Atlanta, and while you can make out the figures of David Harbour and Winona Ryder coming to set -- it's the kids who take center stage ... though they definitely aren't kids anymore.

Check it out -- Millie Bobby Brown and Finn Wolfhard, who play love interests on the show, are filming a scene at the top of the hill ... it seems quiet and emotional, not like the rip-roaring action the show also features.

But, speaking of emotional -- is that an intense scream we can see MBB ready to make ... something her character Eleven's done quite a few times during the show's first 4 seasons?

BTW this scene takes place on a radio station set ... we don't think Eleven and Mike are recording a fire mixtape in season 5 -- but hey, music did save the day last season.

Big takeaway ... the kids are all grown up.

Millie's 19 and engaged to Jon Bon Jovi's son and FH is 21 -- old enough to crack open a cold one at the end of a long shoot.

This is becoming a trend for the "Stranger Things" cast ... remember, we saw Gaten on set last week in Georgia, and he didn't look anything like the 13-year-old he was when the first episode dropped back in 2016.

No release date on the new season of 'ST' yet ... but with so much film rolling this month ya gotta think the last lap's coming real soon.

Noah Schnapp Mis opiniones sobre Israel y Hamás han sido malinterpretadas

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Solo quiero paz
TikTok / @noahschnapp

Noah Schnapp dice que sus pensamientos sobre el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás se están tergiversando en línea, por lo que se tomó un par de minutos para reformular su posición sobre la violencia.

El actor ha atraído importantes reacciones desde que el conflicto comenzó en octubre de 2023, ya que la estrella de "Stranger Things" al parecer apoyó las acciones violentas de Hamás en un video ahora borrado, mientras que otro registro visual lo mostraba con pegatinas que decían "El sionismo es sexy" (Zionism is sexy).

Noah intentó aclarar el asunto el lunes en TikTok, afirmando que lo que realmente quiere es paz, seguridad y protección para todas las personas inocentes afectadas por el conflicto.

Añade que ha aprendido mucho después de tener discusiones abiertas y esenciales con sus amigos palestinos. Ambas partes están unidas en su esperanza de que los inocentes rehenes retenidos en Gaza sean devueltos a sus familias, y también en que la matanza de palestinos inocentes termine.

Noah también dijo que espera más comprensión y compasión, independientemente de la raza, etnia, origen y sexualidad, concluyendo: "Todos somos humanos y todos somos iguales, y todos debemos amarnos unos a otros por eso y apoyarnos unos a otros y unirnos. Y permanecer unidos por la humanidad y por la paz".

La reacción a la opinión de Noah sobre la guerra ha tenido a la gente pidiendo un boicot a "Stranger Things" desde hace un tiempo, por lo que muchos en línea simplemente piensan que está dando marcha atrás para hacer control de daños a medida que comienza la producción de la 5ª temporada de la serie.

"Stranger Things" ha batido récords de Netflix con sus temporadas anteriores, así que será interesante ver cómo afecta esta controversia a los índices de audiencia.


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TikTok / @noahschnapp

Noah Schnapp says his thoughts on the conflict between Israel and Hamas are getting twisted online ... so, he took a couple minutes to restate his position on the violence.

The actor, who is Jewish, has drawn significant backlash since the conflict began in October 2023 ... as he, at least, appeared to support Hamas' violent actions in a now-deleted video while another showed him with "Zionism is sexy" stickers.

He tried to clarify Monday on TikTok, stating what he really wants is peace, safety, and security for all innocent people affected by the conflict.

He adds he's learned a lot after having open and essential discussions with his Palestinian friends ... both sides unified in their hope to have innocent hostages held in Gaza returned to their families, and also for the killing of innocent Palestinians to end.

Noah also said he hopes for more understanding and compassion regardless of race, ethnicity, background and sexuality, concluding ... "We are all human, and we're all the same, and we should all love each other for that and support each other and stand together. And stand together for humanity and for peace."

The backlash to Noah's view on the war has had people calling for a "Stranger Things" boycott for a while now -- so, many online think he's merely backpedaling to do damage control as production begins for the 5th season of his sci-fi show.


'ST' has regularly broken Netflix records with their previous seasons ... so it'll be interesting to see how this controversy affects ratings.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Gaten Matarazzo de "Stranger Things" luce mayor en el rodaje de la última temporada


La estrella de "Stranger Things" —Gaten Matarazzo fue visto filmando la temporada final del éxito de Netflix y hay que admitir que no parece un adolescente, a pesar de que tratan de mantener viva la ilusión.

Gaten estaba en el set el jueves en Georgia, charlando acerca de su escena entre tomas, con la camiseta icónica del Hellfire Club frente a una tumba de Eddie Munson, el inadaptado adorable interpretado por Joseph Quinn que murió la temporada pasada.

Eddie y el personaje de Gaten, Dustin Henderson, eran uña y carne en la serie, por cierto, puedes apostar a que será una escena muy emotiva y por otro lado, Gaten también se ha dejado crecer el pelo... muy a lo Eddie.

Ahora, abordando lo innegable, Gaten no se parece al niño que era cuando todo esto se estrenó en 2016... el tipo tiene 21 años ahora, por lo que mantenerlo como un adolescente en el programa es complicado y, sin embargo, eso es exactamente lo que están tratando de vender.

Debemos tener en cuenta que todo el elenco parece mucho mayor que las edades de sus personajes y los fans han estado quejándose por un tiempo, pero no está claro si esta temporada final implicará un salto en el tiempo de algún tipo o continuará donde la temporada 4. Definitivamente el salto en el tiempo ayudaría a hacerlo todo más creíble.

Por cierto, Gaten se ha hecho un nombre tras su irrupción en la serie, participó en la película "Honor Society", apareció en Broadway en espectáculos como "Dear Evan Hansen" y "Sweeny Todd", y fue presentador y productor ejecutivo de la serie de Netflix "Prank Encounters".

No está claro qué le espera al bueno de Dustin cuando termine la serie... pero suponemos que tendrá papeles más adultos. El tiempo vuela, ¿verdad?

'Stranger Things' Gaten Matarazzo Filming Final Season ... Lookin' Like An Old Teen!!!

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"Stranger Things" star Gaten Matarazzo was spotted filming the final season of the Netflix hit ... and ya gotta admit, he's sure as hell not looking like a teenager anymore -- despite them trying to keep the illusion alive.

Gaten was on set Thursday in Georgia, chatting it up -- seemingly about his scene -- in between takes ... wearing the iconic Hellfire Club shirt in front of a grave for Eddie Munson, the loveable misfit played by Joseph Quinn who died last season.

Eddie and Gaten's character Dustin Henderson were thick as thieves in the show, BTW ... so you can bet this will be a pretty emotional scene -- and on another note, GM's grown his hair out too ... very Eddie-like.

Now, addressing the elephant in the room ... Gaten doesn't look like the kid he was when this whole thing premiered in 2016 ... the dude's 21 now, so keeping him as a teenager on the show is tricky -- and yet, that's exactly what they're trying to sell here.

We should note ... the entire cast looks much older than their character's ages -- and fans have been pointing that out for a while ... but it's unclear if this final season will involve a time jump of some sort, or will pick up where season 4 left off. Time jump would help make this go down easier in terms of buying the characters' matured appearances.

BTW, Gaten's made a huge name for himself following his 'ST' breakout -- he was in the movie "Honor Society," appeared on Broadway in shows like "Dear Evan Hansen" and "Sweeny Todd," and hosted/executive produced the Netflix series, "Prank Encounters."


Unclear what's next for good ol' Dustin after the show wraps ... we're assuming he'll be getting more grown-up roles though. Boy, time sure does fly, doesn't it?

'Stranger Things' Catfish Woman Sent $10k To Fake Actor ... That Wasn't Billy!!!

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A woman's life turned upside-down when she sent a bunch of money to one of the stars from "Stranger Things" ... and even divorced her husband because the "actor" told her to.

McKayla, a single mom from Kentucky, claims she was catfished and scammed out of $10k by someone who claimed to be Dacre Montgomery -- known for playing heartthrob-turned-villain, Billy Hargrove, in the Netflix series.

She shared her wild experience on the YouTube channel, Catfished, saying the 2 met on an online forum and chatted for a year before he asked her to be his girlfriend -- for reference, McKayla was still married, but claimed her relationship with her husband was toxic.

BTW, the real Dacre has been dating model Liv Pollock since 2017, but that bit of crucial info didn't seem to stop McKayla from thinking this was legit. He told her to choose between her husband and him ... and shockingly enough, she ditched her husband!

He also told her he couldn't access any of his bank accounts, saying they were all controlled by Liv ... which led to her sending the $10k of gift cards, crypto, and cash through payment apps over time.

For those unaware, this type of thing is often referred to as a "romance scam" -- finding someone emotionally vulnerable and gaining their trust, getting them to send money through unconventional ways like gift cards, often to hide a paper trail.

Millie Bobby Brown & Jake Bongiovi Time to Celebrate Our Engagement!!!

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Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi aren't walking down the aisle yet, but they're partying like they are ... going all out commemorate their engagement with family members.

The "Stranger Things" star made sure to snap several photos Thursday with her fiancé, Jake -- Bon Jovi's 21-year-old son -- during the private party. And, the couple couldn't look happier, as they posed in front of a sign reading "Mr and Mrs Bongiovi."

19-year-old Millie donned a bridal lace co-ord set -- and Jake was suited and booted in green.

Hairstylist Pete Burkill shared several photos from the celebration, congratulating the young couple and showing off their hair for the event.

As we reported, Millie announced her engagement back in April ... sharing a photo of Jake hugging her, and flaunting her stunning diamond ring.

She captioned the photo with a quote from Taylor Swift's song "Lovers" -- "I've loved you 3 summers now, honey, I want 'em all."

Jake also shared the special moment on his page, posting photos with the caption, "forever."

Millie and Jake have been together since 2021, after initially connecting on social media.

Millie Bobby Brown I'm Engaged!!!

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Millie Bobby Brown and her boyfriend Jake Bongiovi are officially taking things to the next level ... the young couple's announcing their engagement.

The "Stranger Things" star shared her big news Tuesday morning by posting a pic of Jake -- the 20-year-old son of Jon Bon Jovi -- hugging her. It looks like the shot was taken moments after he popped the question, because his now fiancée is rocking a stunning diamond ring on her left ring finger.

19-year-old Millie's caption for the engagement post included a quote from Taylor Swift's song "Lovers" -- "I've loved you 3 summers now, honey, I want 'em all".

Jake and Millie have been together since 2021 when they initially met on IG. They became friends IRL, and have been inseparable since.

JB, who happens to be the spitting image of his pops, also made sure to share the special moment with his followers -- the caption on his 2 photos simply read, "Forever 🤍".

It's unclear when exactly the engagement went down ... there had been recent speculation because Millie was seen potentially wearing the diamond ring in another photo, not too long ago.

Well, turns out that rumor is true. Congrats!

Fun fact: Neither Millie nor Jake used to work on the docks (IYKYK).

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms!

'Stranger Things' Noah Schnapp Shows Off Spider-Man Moves At Ivy League School ... Climbs To Roof Of Frat House

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noah frat party

Noah Schnapp showed he was the life of the party on St. Paddy's Day at the University of Pennsylvania -- and he did a little Spider-Man routine to prove it.

The "Stranger Things" star was caught on video climbing up to the top of the PIKE fraternity house at the Ivy League school in which he's enrolled as a freshman ... studying business.

The footage, obtained by TMZ, started off with Noah scurrying on his hands and knees along the edge of a brick wall leading to the roof.

Noah then jumped to his feet and went into Spider-Man mode, scaling a portion of the façade before his buddies grabbed him and hoisted him to safety onto the roof. Once there, Noah cracked a big smile as he apparently beckoned someone to follow his lead.

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He's obviously having a blast at college. You may recall, we also got video of Noah at a bar with a dirty swimming pool after he first arrived at the university in September. He was seen jumping into the pool filled with beer cans and cigarettes. All of his friends loved it and went totally nuts.

But don't have too much fun, Noah. Make sure you do some homework!

Noah Schnapp 'Stranger Things' Star Comes Out as Gay

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"Stranger Things" star Noah Schnapp has come out as gay.

The 18-year-old made the announcement Thursday on TikTok with a video of himself and text that reads, "When I finally told my friends and family I was gay after being scared in the closet for 18 years and all they said was 'we know.'"

noah schnapp
Tik Tok / @noahschnapp

Interestingly enough, he also included the caption, "I guess I'm more similar to will than I thought."

Schnapp plays Will Byers on "Stranger Things" and fan speculation over the years has been that the character is gay, as it's clear he has a thing for Mike Wheeler on the show ... so it seems Schnapp is also confirming the fan theory.

Schnapp and his "Stranger Things" costar Millie Bobby Brown are super close -- the two hang out all the time and have appeared on late-night talk shows together over the years.

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As we reported, Schnapp recently started his freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania  -- where he's made quite the splash -- we even got vid of him jumping into a pool at a party earlier this year.


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The infamous Creel House from "Stranger Things" is changing hands ... TMZ has learned the owners of the home already have a buyer.

Our real estate sources tell us the homeowners accepted an offer Wednesday -- the last day for bids to be submitted for the Georgia estate -- and the home is under contract. The place went on the market with a $1.5 million asking price just over a month ago. The agents are being tight-lipped on the buyer's identity.

The Victorian-style "haunted house" is featured in "Stranger Things" season 4 as the Creel family home and Vecna's lair in the Upside Down ... and it was originally built way back in 1882, but it's undergone extensive renovations.

The main house has 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms ... and there's a separate guest house in the backyard of the one-acre lot.

Lucie Content / Toles, Temple & Wright, Inc

The property is in Rome, GA and it was once a very successful bed and breakfast before its Netflix fame.

Producers for "Stranger Things" used exterior shots of the home, plus some of the interior ... and the house was also recreated on a sound stage near Atlanta.

Jeb Arp, Katie Gettis Edwards and Mimi Richards of Toles, Temple & Wright Inc. hold the listing.

'Stranger Things' Creel House For Sale!!! Just Like the Show

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"Stranger Things" fans can now live out their worst nightmares -- the infamous Creel House in the hit series has hit the market.

The iconic haunted house, which is home to the Creel family and Vecna's lair in the Upside Down in Season 4, is now up for grabs in Rome, GA ... and it's listed for $1.5 million.

The home was purchased in 2019 for a mere $350k, but it's been restored to its original form and it has quite the history ... from the show and in real life.

The main house is 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and was originally built in 1882 ... that alone makes it a landmark. The estate was once a very successful bed and breakfast. There's a separate guest house in the backyard of the one-acre lot.

We're told producers of the show were looking for a Victorian-style "haunted house," and reached out to the owner in July 2019 to seal the deal for filming there.

They used exterior shots of the home and some of the interior ... but the house was also recreated on a sound stage near Atlanta.

We are told the owners of the home love it, but wanted to test the market for interest, considering all of the "Stranger Things" hype.

Jeb Arp, Katie Gettis Edwards and Mimi Richards of Toles, Temple & Wright Inc. hold the listing.

'Stranger Things' H'ween Display Goin' Back Up After Brief Shutdown ... Neighbor Can't Keep Max Down!!!

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The "Stranger Things" themed Halloween display taking the Internet by storm ... is also drawing too much attention for one neighbor -- that got it all shut down, but now the homeowners are striking back to turn it on again.

Aubrey Appel tells TMZ ... she and her husband, Dave, turned the lights off on their display Sunday, and took down the levitating Max figure after a neighbor called the police. However, no official complaint was filed.

For those unaware, the insane display in Plainfield, Illinois is highlighted by Max Mayfield from the Netflix series seemingly floating in midair ... a reference to the latest season of the show.

Their setup's gone viral during this Halloween season, apparently too viral for some! Aubrey says the neighbor in question called cops after someone pulled into their driveway and walked on their lawn to check out the Appels' home.

Aubrey and Dave tell us they had reached out to all their neighbors before putting up the 'ST' homage and had the neighborhoods' full support. After the one neighbor's complaint, they were planning on taking everything down this week -- but had a change of heart due to the overwhelming amount of support they were getting.

Dave met with City Manager James Capparelli Wednesday and was told they were doing nothing wrong and had nothing but support for their home haunt.

Moving forward, they'll only be in full operation on weekend nights ... people can still take a look during the day if they want, but the lights will be off. Max will be "levitating" as long as winds are below 10 MPH, otherwise she'll be at her stepbrother Billy's gravesite.

So, 'Stranger' fans can officially go runnin' up that hill again to check it out -- just stay off the neighbors' lawns!

'Stranger Things' Original Byers Home for Sale ... Low-Priced GA 'Fixer-Upper'

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Fans of "Stranger Things" could soon own an iconic piece of the show's history ... and it won't cost you a trip to the upside down to afford it, either.

The 1,846 square foot property, hitting the market with a $300K price tag, rests on 6 acres of land and was built way back in 1900.

The pad was listed on Monday and can be found in Fayetteville, GA -- nowhere near the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana.

The seller acknowledges it's a "fixer-upper" ... which probably explains why the price tag is so low for a property tied to such a hit show. The listing describes it as "a PERFECT Airbnb, short-term rental or personal residence for someone willing to take it on."

'ST' fans will remember the house from the first few seasons of the series, where Joyce Byers lived with her sons Will and Jonathan.

Joyce even used Christmas lights in her home to search for Will, who was stuck in the upside down -- arguably one of the most memorable scenes in the show's history.

The 7 siblings who own the home in a trust were approached by the Duffer brothers to film there in 2015. They now want to sell the property to someone with the means to restore it.

Michael Smith of EXP Realty in Georgia holds the listing. Demogorgons not included.