George Lucas Meets Baby Yoda!!! Looks Like Proud Grandpa

George Lucas gently cradling Baby Yoda is already the best thing to happen in 2020 -- and if you're not feeling that ... ya might be dead inside.

The 'Star Wars' creator finally met arguably the most popular character to come outta the Disney+ series, "The Mandalorian." He's, for sure, the most meme'd! Jon Favreau, executive producer of the show, shared the pic of George and Baby Yoda on set while shooting for season 2.

BTW ... Baby Yoda's more of an Internet handle. The character simply goes by The Child on the show -- but it's easy to see how the nickname caught fire.

Of course, George created Jedi Master Yoda for his 1980 film "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" (aka the Star Wars G.O.A.T.). Baby Yoda, who is 50 years old in the series, has been all the craze and Disney's about to cash in by dropping tons of merch in March -- but knock-offs are everywhere already.

Fittingly, Favreau captioned the meeting ... "Proud grandpa."

John Boyega Pisses Off 'Star Wars' Fans With 'Laying Pipe' Joke About Rey

John Boyega is leaving 2019 in a blaze of glory ... defending himself to the death after he was accused of being sexist over a joke he cracked about his female costar, Daisy Ridley.

The 'Star Wars' actor responded to a ton of mega fans Tuesday after a screenshot of a comment he recently left on someone's Instagram post went viral -- which shows him saying, "it's not about who she kisses but who eventually lays the pipe. You are a genius."

His comment was in response to some rando who made light of the fact John's character, Finn, doesn't get the girl at the end of 'Rise of Skywalker.' If you haven't seen it, this is a spoiler ... Rey kisses/falls for Kylo Ren and Finn's apparent love for her goes unrequited.

After his pipe joke, JB got blown up (metaphorically speaking) on Twitter, with people calling him misogynistic, sexist and bitter over Finn's fate and the end of the franchise. He's been hitting back, though, making fun of everyone who's taking it so damn seriously.

He even put up a meme mocking Rey and Kylo Ren's "romance," which mostly shows them fighting and Rey in complete distress. It appears to be in good fun, but folks are still coming for him over what many perceive to be a remark made in bad taste and harmful.

Still, he kinda doubled down on his pipe line, but later suggested he was just talking about the characters in a joking manner, and didn't mean for it to translate to real life. In response to one user, he wrote ... "i was talking about Rey from Star Wars. When did I speak about women in general? Where did I even mention holes? ... Bye now."

People have noted John doesn't have any more 'Star Wars' obligations, and that might be why he's speaking so freely. Either way ... the guy obviously doesn't care about Reylo shippers, or those easily offended as the decade comes to an end.

Let 'em have it, John. The sassy comebacks, that is.

Pete Wentz Thumbs-Up for 'Star Wars,' But ... Let the Complaints Begin!!!

Pete Wentz gives the third in the 'Star Wars' trilogy his stamp of approval, but after a 42-year journey amassing millions of fans and billions of dollars ... he doesn't expect everyone to agree.

Pete Wentz gives the third in the 'Star Wars' trilogy his stamp of approval, but after a 42-year journey amassing millions of fans and billions of dollars ... he doesn't expect everyone to agree.

The Fall Out Boy bassist was out in Studio City, and we got him shortly after he took in 'The Rise of Skywalker' ... which he tells us he liked a lot, and calls "an amazing fairy tale."

Pete does admit there were some parts of the film he wasn't totally into, but settles on it being "pretty darn good" ... which is much better than what many folks felt about 'The Last Jedi.'

Wentz addresses that too, telling us "spoiled" fans should consider themselves lucky to be debating the quality of new 'Star Wars' projects -- and whether the partnership with Disney helped or hurt them -- because when he was a kid ... all of this seemed unimaginable.

He also urges fans to have fun while debating the films with each other online and elsewhere, and if there are disagreements ... just be respectful.

Of course, disagreements don't seem to apply to one aspect of the 'Star Wars' universe ... Pete says he's witnessed its unifying awesomeness firsthand.

Carrie Fisher Family Woulda Been Fine With Full-Blown CGI Leia in 'Skywalker'

Carrie Fisher shows up in the new 'Star Wars' movie in the flesh -- without much digital magic -- but her fam says they would've signed off on a complete CGI Princess Leia ... if it was needed.

The late actress's brother, Todd Fisher, tells TMZ ... while director J.J. Abrams and co. told them ahead of time they'd mostly be using old footage of Carrie for Leia's final appearances in 'Rise of Skywalker,' he says he wouldn't have minded a full computer-generated recreation for action sequences.

Even crazier ... Todd tells us he doesn't think his sister would've cared about a CGI rendering either. If anything, he believes she would've given her full blessing, so long as it facilitated the story, and honored the legacy of the character. Todd says, "[B]etter that than nothing."

There's more evidence Carrie would've been on board with a CGI version of herself because one already exists. Princess Leia's young face was superimposed onto another actress in the prequel to 'A New Hope' in 'Rogue One,' which filmed before Carrie died in 2016.

'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Big Stars Storm Into Premiere ... Troopers, Droids, Chewie and More!!!

The world premiere of the ninth film in the main 'Star Wars' saga did not disappoint -- with epic entrances by everyone from Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley to Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill ... and, of course, their robotic and hairy friends.

Countless fans in cosplay lined up outside the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood Monday night as Stormtroopers marched into the 'Rise of Skywalker' event, followed by beloved droids C-3PO and R2-D2.

Star Wars

Not to be outdone ... BB-8 rolled in with franchise newcomer D-O, an excitable little droid who looked very happy to be there. Of course, Chewbacca always steals the show when he shows up.

John Boyega, director J.J. Abrams and Billy Dee Williams were also at the premiere -- 'cause it ain't a party until Lando shows up. As for how the finale of the franchise's third trilogy was received -- cheers reportedly erupted throughout the screening, and the audience rose to its feet for a standing ovation after the credits rolled.

As we reported ... 'Star Wars' enthusiasts have camped out for days in Hollywood in anticipation of the world premiere event and its arrival to theaters Friday.

From the looks of it ... we have a feeling this movie might make a few bucks.

'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Fans Camp Out ... Big Premiere Ahead!!!

'Star Wars' nerds are out in full force in anticipation of a new movie from a galaxy far, far away -- fans are setting up shop days before 'The Rise of Skywalker' drops in Hollywood -- in hopes of getting a glimpse of the stars at Monday's premiere.

Check out these pics of the huge line forming Monday morning outside the world-famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre ... there are children in line with their parents even though the movie doesn't come out until Thursday ... talk about dedication.

The fact moviegoers are lining up for the final film in this latest 'Star Wars' trilogy is pretty amazing ... not just because of the long, chilly wait they're in for -- you can see folks bundled up -- but also because the theater only offers reserved seating!!!

It's also possible the fans head home after Monday's premiere where celebs like Daisy Ridley, Billie Lourd, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Mark Hamill and more are slated to attend.

So, it's not like you actually need to get in line over 72 hours before 'Skywalker' drops to secure your seat inside Grauman's -- but these fans seem ready for the long haul, with chairs, blankets, and camping equipment balanced on all those famous concrete handprints.

We're guessing these nerds just like the idea of waiting around with their fellow 'Star Wars' fans and trying to be part of the historic release -- it's almost become a right of passage of sorts.

John Boyega

For their sake, we're hoping John Boyega keeps it together and doesn't spoil the ending!!!

Director Rian Johnson Nope, Haven't Seen 'Skywalker' Yet ... And About That Baby Yoda

Rian Johnson
first-time viewer

Rian Johnson is just like the rest of us when it comes to the new 'Star Wars' movie ... he hasn't seen it yet, despite him directing its predecessor in the series.

The filmmaker opened up to us this weekend in NYC about whether he'd gotten any sort of sneak peak ahead of 'The Rise of Skywalker' hitting theaters later this month. As it turns out ... he hasn't! No special treatment for the guy who manned 'The Last Jedi,' it seems.

It's NBD to Rian though -- he tells us he's looking forward to watching it in theaters for the first time like everyone else. Interestingly, he also says he hopes it's the best one ever.

Now, on to a much more serious topic we absolutely needed Rian to weigh in on ... is Baby Yoda actually cuter than those damn puppy-eyed Porgs??? John Boyega sure thought so.

Check out RJ's answer ... he's noncommittal at first on which one is truly more adorable -- almost like a parent who doesn't wanna compare their kids -- but he finally caves and chooses sides. His choice might not surprise you, or anyone who's watched 'Mandalorian.'

Guess everyone's over those Ewoks at this point then, huh?

John Boyega Losing 'Skywalker' Script's No Biggie ... J.J. Should Get Over It!!!

John Boyega

John Boyega's not dwelling on his epic screw-up that resulted in the "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" script landing on eBay -- and he's urging the film's director to let it go too.

We got John -- AKA Finn in the latest 'Star Wars' trilogy -- Wednesday outside ABC in NYC and he defended his confession about accidentally leaving his script behind at his apartment. His cleaning lady found it and eventually posted it on the auction site.

Boyega tells us it was an accident, and even though he knows J.J. Abrams is peeved about it ... John puts a positive spin on the snafu. He thinks Abrams should "get over it" because of the old adage -- there's no such thing as bad pub.

(And, for the concerned fans out there, don't worry -- Disney execs noticed the listing of the script and got it removed from eBay.)

John also weighed in on the current debate over who's cuter in the 'Star Wars' universe -- Baby Yoda from "The Mandalorian" ... or the Porgs from 'The Last Jedi.'

Finn's pretty emphatic about his decision ... check it out.

Disney+ Launches Ya Gotta See the Baby Yoda!!! (That's If Ya Can Connect)

If you've lost one or more friends down the Disney+ wormhole today, here's why -- how freakin' adorable is baby Yoda??? Or terrifying ... depends on your perspective.

Yes, the infant/future Jedi master ... is just one of the 'Star Wars' characters introduced in "The Mandalorian," the new Jon Favreau directed series that debuted when Disney launched its stupidly hyped streaming service at midnight.

Look around you ... more people out "sick" from work? Here's why -- the service gives fans instant access to, not only 'Mandalorian,' but ALL VII 'Star Wars' episodes, ALL the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and TV shows today, and of course ALL of Disney and Pixar's smash hit animated movies.

That's right ... now you can hear "Let It Go" on repeat for $6.99/month. Sorry.

Of course, that all assumes you can login to the service. Disney+ soft-launched in the U.S., Canada and The Netherlands ... but many users (check your social media) are complaining about connectivity issues.

Bummer for Ralph of "Wreck-It Ralph" fame -- he pulled the short straw to get the honor of greeting users who couldn't log in to the service.

Still, the positive buzz is definitely outweighing the negative, so far.

Just ask longtime character actor Brian Posehn (you know that face) who totally geeked out binging 'Mandalorian' overnight. Looks like he scored an uncredited cameo in it, too! The Force is strong with this one.

Missile-Firing Boba Fett Rarest 'Star Wars' Toy Ever ... Hits Auction Block!

If you're rich and a huge 'Star Wars' nerd ... GET YOUR WALLET READY!!!

The most-rare, sought-after, expensive 'Star Wars' collectible ever is about to hit the auction block -- a missile-firing Boba Fett action figure ... and it could fetch around $500,000!!!!

It's called the "Boba Fett J-Slot Rocket-Firing Prototype" -- it was debuted at the 1979 New York Toy Fair ... but never released to the public because officials at Kenner worried the "missile" could be a choking hazard for kids.

A revised version of the Boba Fett figure was released, but without the missile-firing function. Still cool, but not as fun! And, not nearly as valuable.

There are reportedly only around 25 of the rare J-Slot Fett's (with the rocket) in existence -- most of which are in bad shape -- and the good ones rarely go up for auction.

But, one has made its way to Hake's Auctions in New York where it's officially on the auction block ... and fans are FREAKING THE HELL OUT!

There have already been 13 bids on the item and the current price is $133k -- but the auction doesn't close until Nov. 7 and officials are expecting a bidding war to drive the price way up in the final days/hours.

In the past, rare Fetts have fetched anywhere between $80k and $150k -- and a similar piece was featured on "Pawn Stars" a few years back.

But, on the new auction site, Hake's estimates the value could reach $500,000 ... which is only slightly less than the $650k Mark Hamill was reportedly paid for starring in the original 'Star Wars' movie!

May the force be with you ...

Darth Vader The Imperial Flight ... Hot Air Balloon Soars Over England

The Empire is striking back again, but not in a galaxy far, far away ... Darth Vader's in action high above the Clifton Suspension Bridge in the UK.

The hot air balloon is repping the Dark Side on the first day of the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta in Bristol, England. The event is Europe's largest annual gathering of the big-ass gasbags, attracting more than 130 hot air balloons from around the world.

Clearly, Vader stands out among the pack ... and has us clamoring for many more 'Star Wars'-themed balloons to battle it out in the sky.

It looks like that's not going to happen, though ... so we'll settle for the other cool hot air balloons in the shape of bears, owls, and koalas.

But, we all know who their father is ... and Mark Hamill agrees.

Carrie Fisher WOF Star Won't Replace Trump ... Despite New Push From Mark Hamill

Carrie Fisher is still years away from getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame despite a massive push from Mark Hamill and "Star Wars" fans ... but when she does, she won't be replacing Donald Trump's star.

Mark ignited the movement to get Carrie a star to replace Trump's ... tweeting Wednesday morning in favor of the West Hollywood City Council approving a proposal calling for the removal of the President's star.

Luke Skywalker's stance quickly gained traction, but we're told Carrie finally getting a star is still gonna take some time.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce tells TMZ ... they would love to consider Carrie for a star on the Walk of Fame, but because it didn't happen before her death ... the process is a little complicated.

In most instances, a celeb can be nominated by anyone, but the application has to include a written statement from the celeb stating she or he wants the star and will attend the ceremony if approved.

But, in the case of a deceased celeb ... the Chamber of Commerce can only give out a star on the 5th anniversary of their passing, and with the written consent of their family members ... and only one deceased nominee gets approved each year.

Trump's star has been targeted by vandals time and time again ... being defaced by fake blood, a golden toilet and a pickax.


While some want Trump's star scrubbed forever ... the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce tells us that ain't happening ... and they say they would never replace any celeb's star in favor of someone else's.

Trump received his star in 2007 for his work producing beauty pageants ... and Hamill got his star last year, with Harrison Ford paying tribute to Carrie during the ceremony.

The Chamber of Commerce tells us they're still hoping Carrie's family will contact them during the 5th-anniversary of her death so she can finally get her star.

Katy Perry Goes Berserk in a Galaxy Far, Far Away ...

Katy Perry went into full geek mode at Disneyland ... just like the rest of the world visiting the park's newest attraction.

Katy and her fam hit up Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Tuesday and there was no shortage of fandom explosions. She was there with her fiance, Orlando Bloom, who challenged her to a lightsaber duel ... though Katy wanted no part of it cause she was in the middle of Instagramming the scene.


Check out the pics and vid ... you see Katy -- donning an orange jumpsuit and Mickey Mouse Nike hat -- doing a terrible job behind the Millennium Falcon. It's not us saying that. Her fam's the one busting her chops.

Pretty cool moment when they all made it to the famous watering hole, Oga's Cantina ... where they showed off their bubbly and foggy drinks. Bottoms up!!!

'Star Wars' Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge Launches with Hamill, Ford, Williams & Lucas!!!

Disneyland is bringing the galaxy far, far away closer than ever ... and Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian and Han Solo simply couldn't miss it.

The famed California theme park is launching a new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge attraction, and 3 of the biggest stars from the franchise -- Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Billy Dee Williams -- joined creator George Lucas to cut the ribbon on the hyped up fantasy world.

The 4 'Star Wars' legends took the stage together Wednesday to welcome the first guests to the planet Batuu ... with the Millennium Falcon as a fitting backdrop.

Disney CEO Bob Iger introduced Lucas first to speak to the crowd about Galaxy's Edge ... which he referred to as "Star Tours on steroids." Star Tours was the first 'Star Wars'-themed ride at the park -- it opened a long time ago ... in 1986.

Williams and Hamill spoke after that, with Mark saying this was the first time he's been to a grand opening event since Star Tours.

Then it was time to fire up the Falcon, but there were technical difficulties ... which was Ford's cue to enter. Harrison gave the space ship a couple hard whacks to get it going ... and gave a shout-out to the late Chewbacca actor, Peter Mayhew.

Phase One of Galaxy's Edge opens Friday -- which includes the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run ride and all the shops and restaurants. Another major ride, Rise of the Resistance, will open later in 2019 as part of Phase Two.

Disney World in Florida will launch its own Galaxy's Edge on August 29.

'Star Wars' Blueprints for Original Vehicles Hit Auction Block

George Lucas might wanna pay close attention to this -- original design blueprints for 3 major vehicles from his 1977 sci-fi classic are up for auction, and we know he's got a spot for 'em.

The folks over at RR Auction are handling the "Hollywood Auction" bids featuring blueprints for the iconic vehicles in "Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope." First up ... Luke Skywalker's X-34 Landspeeder.

The blueprint features the first design for the desert cruiser used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

There's also the super famous TIE fighter, the Imperial fleet's main ride. If you're more of a Rebel Alliance type ... they've got the Y-wing starfighter blueprint.

BTW ... the designs are the work of Steve Gawley, a model builder who worked on the film. Dude is super famous -- he went on to earn an Oscar nom for Best Visual Effects on "Back to the Future Part II."

The 'Star Wars' blueprints are pretty amazing, and super fans can place bids now. The auction ends May 23 ... long before Lucas' $1 billion museum in L.A. is completed.

The joint's slated to open in 2021 and will feature his personal Norman Rockwell art collection, as well as 'Star Wars' items like Darth Vader's original mask -- and maybe some original blueprints???

'Star Wars' Cast 'Memba Them?

It's 'Star Wars' day and there is no better way to honor the universal phenomenon than by journeying back into the galaxy!!!

Travel in time to see some of the faces you may not recognize today ... From Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul to young Boba Fett and C-3PO, there are plenty of characters from the franchise that have completely transformed over the years.

Take a good look at what the cast members looked like back in the day, and then cruise through our gallery of the some of the cast to see what they look like today!!!

May the fourth be with you ...

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