Travis Kelce Reaparece en Las Vegas de nuevo... Tras una abrumadora semana en Kansas City

Han circulado rumores en las últimas 24 horas de que Travis Kelce está en Las Vegas, y sí, parece que el tipo estaba allí y lo ha probado con una foto disfrutando de algunos R&R.

Un montón de testigos habían dicho que habían visto al jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs en la ciudad del pecado a principios de esta semana, quienes terminaron dando en el clavo, con una foto suya circulando por las redes sociales el martes donde aparece en un campo de golf en el Wynn Golf & County Club. Efectivamente, ahí estaba el homeboy.

Un par de buenos amigos de Travis, quienes constantemente están publicando y pasando el rato con él, también documentaron su tiempo en Las Vegas el lunes y parece que Travis estaba definitivamente disfrutando con sus amigos.

Fueron al restaurante Toca Madera y el DJ que estaba tocando en el lugar también mencionó que Trav había estado en casa en sus redes sociales.

El DJ Adam Daudier escribió: "Al parecer Travis Kelce estaba interesado en mi música en su sala privada anoche y me pidió que tocara en un evento privado de los Kansas City Chiefs este viernes".

Y añade: "*mi cerebro aún lo está procesando, esa frase ni siquiera se siente real".

Suponiendo que lo que el tipo dice es exacto, parece que los Chiefs podrían volver a Las Vegas para divertirse a finales de esta semana, lo que parece razonable después de todo lo que han pasado últimamente. Han sido unos días muy agitados.

Por supuesto, nos referimos al tiroteo de Kansas City que ocurrió el pasado miércoles durante la celebración por la victoria de los Chiefs en el Super Bowl. El fatal incidente cobró la vida de una mujer y dejó casi dos docenas de heridos.

Los queremos, reino de los Chiefs
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

La tragedia sacudió a la ciudad y al equipo. Travis y otros han donado mucho dinero a los afectados y justo el otro día él y su hermano Jason instaron a otros a ayudar aún más si podían, ya que todavía hay un montón de víctimas que están en plena recuperación.

Es seguro decir que es un momento estresante, y por su cara, puede ser que Travis estuviera en Las Vegas intentando botar un poco de estrés y, presumiblemente, tratando de mantener su mente fuera del caos de todo últimamente.

En cuanto a su novia Taylor Swift, ahora está en Sydney para continuar con su gira "Eras".

Sabemos que tiene a su telonera Sabrina Carpenter para hacerle compañía, pero sí, los Chiefs siguen siendo la mayor prioridad de Tay Tay, lo que quedó en evidencia cuando la vimos usando la ropa del equipo mientras volaba a la siguiente ciudad en Australia.

No está claro si Trav va a unirse a ella en algún momento. Sabemos que expresó su interés, pero por el momento no hay señales de ningún plan de viaje sólido.

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No se sabe si Travis está todavía en Las Vegas, pero suena como que puede estar de vuelta pronto.

Travis Kelce Surfaces in Vegas Again ... After Whirlwind Week in K.C.

Rumblings of Travis Kelce in Las Vegas have circulated for the past 24 hours -- and yeah, it looks like the dude was there ... now proven with a photo of him enjoying some R&R.

A bunch of eyewitness sightings claiming to have seen the Chiefs tight end in Sin City early this week ended up being spot on -- 'cause a shot of him on a golf course at the Wynn Golf & County Club popped up on social media Tuesday ... sure enough, there's the homeboy.

A couple good friends of Travis' -- who are constantly posting and hanging around him -- also documented their time in Vegas Monday ... and it appears TK was rolling with his buds.

They hit up this restaurant called Toca Madera -- and the DJ who plays there also name-dropped Trav on his social media ... saying he'd heard the guy was recently in the house.

The DJ, Adam Daudier, wrote ... "apparently Travis Kelce was getting down to my music in the private room last night & management asked me to play a private event for the Kansas City Chiefs this Friday."

He adds, "*brain is still processing, that sentence doesn't even feel real."

Assuming what this guy's saying is accurate ... it appears the Chiefs at large might be coming back to Vegas to enjoy themselves later this week -- which, after everything they've gone through of late, is probably well-deserved. It's been a hectic past several days.

Of course, we're referring to the Kansas City shooting that happened last Wednesday during the Chiefs victory rally ... which left one woman dead and nearly two dozen others injured.

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

The tragedy rocked the city, and the team as well ... Travis and others have donated a lot of money in the aftermath, and just the other day -- he and his brother, Jason, urged others to chip in even more if they could ... as there's still a lot of victims recovering at this time.

Safe to say, it's a stressful time ... and on its face, Travis was out there in Vegas blowing off some steam -- and presumably trying to keep his mind off the chaos of everything lately.

As for his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, she's now in Sydney to continue on with her 'Eras' tour.

We know she's got her show opener, Sabrina Carpenter, there to keep her company currently -- but yes, the Chiefs are still very much so top of mind for Tay Tay too ... evidenced in the fact she was rockin' their gear the other day as she flew into the next Australian city.

Unclear if Trav is gonna join her out there at some point -- we know he expressed an interest ahead of his Super Bowl ... but at the moment, no sign of any solid travel plans.

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No word on whether Travis is still in Vegas ... but it sounds like he may be back soon.


The college student who got a cease and desist from Taylor Swift for tracking her private jet ain't sweating a legal battle with her, 'cause he thinks she'll balk ... so says his attorney.

James Slater, the lawyer for Jack Sweeney, tells TMZ ... he and his partners don't see any realistic legal path for T-Swift and her attorneys to take if they wanna press this jet issue.

Now, Slater does say if there was any movement from Taylor's side -- namely, a lawsuit of some sort -- Sweeney's team would immediately respond with an anti-SLAPP motion ... a law that provides defendants a way to dismiss meritless lawsuits quickly.

JS adds to us the letter from Tay Tay's attorney, Kate Wright Morrone, had little legal substance, from his POV, and her assertation Jack committed stalking and harassing behavior by showing TS's flight path to the world was totally unfounded in the eyes of the law.

He basically blasts the whole thing as a big scare tactic ... asserting everything that needed to be addressed was written in the letter he sent to Swift's team -- and that nothing else really needs to be mentioned to make their point. Bottom line ... Sweeney ain't scared!

Quick recap ... things took off when TS' attorneys issued a legal threat to Sweeney in December, warning him that if he didn't stop putting their famous client's safety in imminent danger, he'd be subject to further legal action.

But Slater retaliated last month ... saying Taylor's camp cited no law supporting the cease and desist -- while also rebuffing the stalking claims ... saying it doesn't apply to his client whatsoever since Sweeney has never made a "credible threat" against Taylor through his words or actions.

He also pointed out the obvious ... Sweeney simply uploaded publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration to track Taylor's plane movements -- a point backed by aviation attorney Tim Loranger of Wisner Baum, who tells us this has been a longtime hobby for aviation buffs ... insisting there's no there-there to threaten a lawsuit or any legal action.

Loranger tells TMZ that whether aircraft owners like it or not ... their planes and jets have to be registered with the FAA and their registration numbers are displayed on their aircraft's side ...  making it pretty easy to be followed on flight tracking services.

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We spoke to some more legal experts who weighed in on Swift vs. Sweeney -- and not everyone thinks he's in the clear. Civil attorney Tre Lovell of The Lovell Firm tells us that unless Sweeney can clearly describe the purpose for his actions ... he'd suggest Sweeney treads very carefully moving forward.

In contrast, Camron Dowlatshahi of Mills Sadat Dowlat LLP says TS has no legal standing in this matter -- but the one thing she's got is a whole lotta $$$ to bury JS in legal fees -- so, bottom line, he should probably watch his back.

Bottom line ... more people seem to think Jack's A-OK to keep tracking ... ball's in his court.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

The TMZ Podcast: Bryce Hall Claps Back at Billie Eilish 👏 & Travis Kelce Wants To Go Hollywood?

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

The controversial college student who was tracking Taylor Swift's private jet posted a lengthy letter to social media that his lawyers sent to her, claiming he's done "nothing unlawful."

Travis Kelce is reportedly eager to get involved in more avenues of entertainment, as the NFL star met with some top-level Hollywood executives about some potential projects in the reality scene.

Bryce Hall is clapping back at Billie Eilish after she was heard shading the TikTokers in attendance at the People's Choice Awards.

Plus, actor Frankie Muniz wrecked out in his first Daytona 500 race Monday night.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Derek Kaufman

Bryce Hall To Billie Eilish Sorry I Didn't Bow Down To You at PCAs ... Response To TikTok Diss

Bryce Hall is clapping back at Billie Eilish after she was heard wondering why a bunch of TikTok stars were at the People's Choice Awards ... sarcastically apologizing for her disgust.

The internet superstar responded to Billie on, where else, TikTok ... jokingly saying he was sorry for not acknowledging her greatness or bowing down to her at the award show they both attended.

TikTok / @brycehall

As we reported ... Billie was filmed chatting with fellow singer Kylie Minogue at Sunday's People's Choice Awards when cameras caught her pointing out that there was a bunch of TikTokers in the house.

Billie was clearly not a fan of the TikTok contingent ... which included Bryce, Tana Mongeau, Chris Olsen, Gigi Gorgeous, Alix Earle and James Charles ... among others.


Bryce says he and the rest of his TikTok pals were invited ... so Billie should direct her anger at the folks running the PCAs instead of the TikTok generation.

The response is dripping with sarcasm ... he also wipes away a fake tear and bows to Billie.

What's more, Bryce says he was a huge Billie supporter ... but now the incident has him rethinking his fandom, and he says he's not going to be posting TikToks with her music anymore.


Billie might be OK with that, though ... but it's pretty fascinating to see mainstream celebs and TikTok personalities clashing.

UFC's Merab Dvalishvili Zuck Told Me He Was Coming To My Fight ... Hoping To Train Together In The Future!

Good Positive Energy

UFC fans might've been shocked to see Mark Zuckerberg Octagon-side at UFC 298, but Merab Dvalishvili wasn't ... 'cause the Facebook founder shot the star bantamweight fighter a text a few days before telling him he'd be in the building for the event!

One of the most memorable moments of the entire card was Merab picking up opponent Henry Cejudo and slamming him to the canvas near where Zuck was sitting, before engaging in a conversation with the billionaire.

TMZ Sports asked the 33-year-old contender about Mark's presence.

"We are following each other on Instagram, and he did text me before the fight that he was coming. He told me 'Don't tell no one.' I can keep a secret, of course," Dvalishvili told us, adding, "I knew he was there, and once I was walking out I saw him, of course, I said hello to him in person."

Although Zuck wasn't technically Merab's corner like he (momentarily) was for Alex Volkanovski, that's not to say Mark didn't share some of his BJJ expertise.

"I had a 4th corner that night. [Zuck] was giving me some tips when I was fighting," Merab said with a laugh.

Remember, Zuck has trained with the likes of Volk, Israel Adesanya, Mikey Musumeci and other top fighters.

Dvalishvili also revealed he was supposed to train with Zuckerberg before the FB exec injured his ACL last year. The men plan to get together once MZ's healed up.

Billionaire tech geniuses aside, there's a bunch more with Merab ... who many fans assume will get the next crack at a title after "Suga" Sean O'Malley and Marlon "Chito" Vera fight at UFC 299 next month.

We asked Merab if the UFC has informed him that he will fight the winner. Merab also tells us who he would prefer to fight, and why.

As for his 298 opp, we also asked Dvalishvili if 37-year-old Cejudo should retire after his second straight defeat.

His answer may surprise you!

Anthony Rendon Fans Drag MLB Star After He Admits Baseball's Not 'A Top Priority For Me'

Los Angeles Angels star Anthony Rendon is currently being pummeled by fans on social media ... and it's all 'cause he basically admitted on Monday he really can't stand baseball.

The third baseman got candid with reporters during a Q&A out at spring training practice in Arizona ... revealing the game that's made him over $160 million the past 13 years has "never been a top priority for me."

Rendon explained he views the sport as "a job," and not much more than that.

"I do this to make a living," he said. "My faith, my family come first before this job."

Of course, seamheads all over haven't taken lightly to his comments ... firing away on him on X for the remarks.

There were Spiderman memes of people who also claimed to hate their professions ... and others who compared his feelings on baseball to the way his teammate, Mike Trout, absolutely loves it.

But, if you think that's going to sway Rendon's opinion ... it almost certainly won't -- as he's been critical of the sport for a long time now.

In fact, back in January he said he wished the season would be considerably shorter ... saying, "It's too many dang games."

FYI, Rendon -- who signed a seven-year, $245,000,000 contract back in 2019 -- has not played more than 58 games in a season since joining LA ... something his fans have made him plenty aware of in the wake of all his recent comments.

Chrisean Rock Responds to Alleged Assault Lawsuit ... With Expletive-Laden Tweet

Chrisean Rock seems to be responding to a lawsuit on social media ... penning an angry tweet calling out an unnamed person for wasting money on a lawyer.

The rapper took to X to vent her frustration in an expletive-laden tweet calling out a "big back bitch n****" for going after her money -- and saying this person's not getting a cent.

Now, Chrisean didn't say exactly to whom she was referring ... but we do know she's involved in one major lawsuit right now over an alleged assault at Tamar Braxton's show back in November.

As we reported ... TV personality James Wright is suing Chrisean for allegedly assaulting him backstage at Braxton's concert. He claims she left him with multiple face lacerations and two broken teeth.

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Wright was reportedly hospitalized after the show in Downtown Los Angeles ... and Tamar later opened up about the alleged incident during an emotional Instagram Live.

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We also got video of Chrisean breaking up a prayer circle before the concert ... but sources told us this had no bearing on the alleged incident -- and everyone laughed off the moment.

Despite the lawsuit, Chrisean seems pretty committed to keeping her money where it is ... at least if her tweet is any indication.

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Only time will tell if she's gonna stick to her guns.

YouTuber muere a los 23 años Se investiga una posible sobredosis

Muudea Sedik -un popular YouTuber- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que la personalidad de Internet -que tiene millones de seguidores a través de sus diversos canales- fue encontrado inconsciente la noche del martes en su casa de Los Ángeles, esto después de que alguien llamara a los médicos.

Nos informan que el chico estaba desaparecido e incluso faltó a algunas citas. Como resultado, la policía fue a verificar a su casa y fue entonces cuando encontraron su cuerpo, aunque no está claro cuánto tiempo había estado en ese estado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que había parafernalia de drogas en la escena y el caso está siendo investigado como una posible sobredosis.

Twomad había causado preocupación entre su base de fans las últimas semanas, incluyendo algunos tuits extraños que publicó la semana pasada, por no hablar de un montón de fotos de armas de fuego.

El tipo era un personaje interesante... además de sketches, comentarios sobre videojuegos y retransmisiones en directo, estaba muy metido en la cultura de Internet y tenía una base masiva de fans. Como hemos dicho, millones de seguidores y sus videos también recibían un número significativo de visitas.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Un meme, en particular, que se le atribuye es el llamado "Goodnight Girl, I'll See You Tomorrow". En él aparece un Twomad sin camiseta caminando hacia la cámara y diciéndole a una chica imaginaria que la verá mañana... solo para resbalar y caer de forma caricaturesca.

También hizo una colaboración con la modelo Belle Delphine OnlyFans.

tmz investiga
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Twomad se había visto envuelto en una polémica los últimos meses y parece haber estado fuera del radar el úlltimo tiempo, sin publicar contenido. Su último video en sus 3 canales fue hace 5 meses y ciertamente parecía estar de buen humor en él.

Solo tenía 23 años.


YouTuber Twomad Dead at 23 ... Investigated as Possible OD


2:07 PM PT -- An eerie fact about one of the last things Twomad appears to have been doing before he passed -- according to his Discord page, he was playing 'Overwatch' ... and seems to have not changed his active status for nearly a week.

Twomad was an avid gamer, and on the platform ... you can let people know what you're up to and what you're actively playing -- in the wake of his death, people quickly noticed he's still showing up as playing the game. Even now, it pops up as him still playing.

Muudea Sedik -- a popular YouTuber who goes by Twomad online -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the internet personality -- who has millions of followers across his various YT channels and social pages -- was found unresponsive Tuesday night at his Los Angeles-area home ... this after somebody called in to ask for a welfare check.

We're told Twomad hadn't been heard from in several days by concerned parties -- and he even missed some appointments. As a result, the LADP was sent to check on him ... and that's when they found his body, although it's unclear how long he'd been in that state.

Our sources say there was drug paraphernalia found on the scene, and at this point ... we're told this is being investigated as a possible overdose. No foul play is suspected in the death.

Twomad had caused concern among his fanbase in recent weeks -- including some strange, one-off tweets he was posting last week ... not to mention a bunch of photos of firearms.

The guy was an interesting character ... in addition to skits, gaming commentary, and live streams, he was just very into internet culture -- and had a massive fan base. Like we said, millions of followers ... but his videos would also get a significant number of views.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

One meme, in particular, that he's credited with is the one called "Goodnight Girl, I'll See You Tomorrow." It features a shirtless Twomad walking up to the camera and telling some imaginary chick that he'll see her tomorrow ... only to slip and fall in cartoonish fashion.

He also made a splash by once collaborating with OnlyFans model Belle Delphine.

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Twomad was embroiled in controversy of late -- and he seems to have been off the radar in recent months when it came to his content creation. His last video across all 3 of his channels was 5 months ago ... and he certainly seemed to be in good spirits in it.

He was only 23.


For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 2:07 PM PT

Selma Blair Sorry For My Islamophobic Comment ... I'll Do Better Next Time!!!

Selma Blair is apologizing for an Islamophobic comment she made on social media ... and she's promising to do better.

Here's the deal ... Selma went viral last week and started catching tons of flak after commenting on an Instagram post about Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush voting against a measure banning Hamas terrorists from immigrating to the U.S.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In her since-deleted comment, Selma wrote ... "Deport all these terrorist supporting goons. Islam has destroyed Muslim countries and then they come here and destroy minds. They know they are liars. Twisted justifications. May they meet their fate."

Selma took a ton of heat from folks who said she was a raging, Islamophobic bigot.

In an apology shared Tuesday on IG, Selma says ... "I mistakenly and inadvertently conflated Muslims with Radical Islamists and fundamentalists, a terrible err in my words, and resulted in hurting countless people I never meant to, and I deeply regret this."

Selma says she deleted her comment after she realized she was amplifying hate and misinformation ... and says she now understands why she upset the Muslim community.

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Despite the poor choice of words, Selma says she's "dedicated to tolerance and peace for all who want it -- not hate."

LeBron James Loses Mind Rapping To GloRilla ... Knows A Few Words?!?

Instagram / @kingjames

LeBron James simply couldn't contain himself while jamming out to GloRilla's new song in the gym ... dancing along and reciting the very few words he knew.

The Los Angeles Lakers superstar -- who's no stranger to documenting his favorite tracks in the rap game on social media -- was back at it with his usual antics on Tuesday ... this time, showing love for the Memphis artist's "Yeah Glo!"

We're not gonna fault the guy for not knowing all the lyrics, considering the song just came out last week ... but damn, does he really try to push his way through it nonetheless.

Of course, King James isn't believed to be a frequent visitor of -- he's known for taking some creative liberties whenever he throws his background vocals during his music sessions ... like his notorious "yabba dabba doo I don't know Old Navy" while singing along to 6LACK's "hoppin' out the car, no photos, baby" line in "Stay Down."

Either way, it's a drastic improvement for the four-time NBA champ ... he really has come so far.

Also -- shoutout to the guy standing behind Bron for keeping it together while the whole dance sesh unfolded.

Selena Gomez & Benny Blanco Snuggle Up In New PDA Photos ... Benny Grabs a Handful!!!

Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco are laying it on thick as their romance progresses ... they're packing on a ton of PDA, only here -- it's Ben who can't keep his hands to himself.

The singer just posted some new shots with her music producer boyfriend, and they're completely boo'd up and snuggling together in just about all the pics. One photo, in particular, is eye-popping ... you see Benny boy grabbing a hold of her breast.

This was among the 4 new photos with Benny she shared on Instagram, captioning the post ... "My bes fwend." Of course, it's very clear -- they are much more than just pals.

Besides Benny's boob grab ... there are images of them hugging in a kitchen and being goofy together. On its face, they make a really cute couple -- and seem head over heels.

Selena and Benny clearly aren't shy ... in the last photo, they're kissing in front of a couple friends of theirs, including "The Bear" star Matty Matheson. This is just the latest example of them leaning into their love fest, BTW ... in fact, they're kinda giving Taylor and Travis a run for their money these days!

Bottom line -- they look genuinely happy together ... especially Selena, which is great to see.

The last time we saw these two lovebirds out in public, they were on a date at Disney California Adventure in Anaheim, CA ... holding on to each other tightly as they waited for a ride. She's been bringing Benny along to more events lately ... including award shows.

At first, some believed this relationship was fake as can be -- incredulous, almost -- but nah, they're for realsies ... which is becoming more and more evident with each new photo dump.

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As for the firm grasp Benny has here ... hey, hold on to what you got, we suppose.

Selena Gomez y Benny Blanco Se acurrucan en nuevas fotos juntos... Benny agarra algo más!!!

Selena Gomez y Benny Blanco se están poniendo muy melosos en la medida que su romance progresa y están compartiendo un montón de fotos acurrucados, solo que en una Ben no pudo mantener sus manos lejos de ella.

La cantante acaba de publicar algunas fotos con su novio y productor musical, donde aparecen completamente acurrucados en casi todas las tomas. Una foto, en particular, es llamativa, pues se ve a Benny agarrando una parte de su pecho.

Esta fue una de las 4 fotos con Benny que Selena compartió en su Instagram con el comentario: "Mi mejor amigo". Desde luego, son mucho más que amigos.

Además de la cuestión del pecho, hay imágenes de ellos abrazados en una cocina y por u cara parece que están haciendo una pareja muy linda y que están muy enamorados.

Selena y Benny claramente no son tímidos. En la última foto, aparecen besándose delante de un par de amigos, incluyendo la estrella de "El Oso" Matty Matheson. ¡Esta es solo la última expresión de su festival del amor, y por cierto, parece que se la están poniendo un poco difícil a Travis y Taylor por estos días!

En palabras simples, se ven realmente felices juntos, especialmente Selena, lo que es genial ver.

La última vez que vimos a estos dos tortolitos en público fue en una cita en Disney California Adventure en Anaheim, donde anduvieron muy abrazados. Ella ha estado llevando a Benny a muchos eventos últimamente, incluyendo los premios.

Al principio, algunos creían que esta relación era falsa, pero se está volviendo más y más evidente con cada nueva foto que comparten.

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En cuanto al agarre que Benny, hey, aférrate a lo que tienes, suponemos.

Jermaine Dupri Super Bowl Socks Were LV Swaggy!!! Pharrell Can Vouch For Me

Jermaine Dupri's defending his right to dress up his ankles anyway he sees fit ... after his Super Bowl wardrobe turned into a trending topic coming out of Usher's Halftime show blowout.

Social media relentlessly ribbed JD for his schoolboy uniform getup, complete with the type of ruffled socks that resembled the kind kids wore back in the outhouse days. Some critics suggested all he was missing was an apple for the teacher!!!

On Monday, Jermaine posted proof his footies were certified haute couture ... revealing them to be Louis Vuitton pocket socks worth hundreds of bucks!

The "Money Ain't A Thang" rapper said he was too drunk to combat the jokes in the moment, but has time today ... and also called in for backup from Pharrell, LV's current men's creative director.

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The rich flex didn't help JD's case much -- fans are saying this designer drip should have stayed in the closet.

Usher can't relate to such problems, because his custom metallic Air Jordans won the internet!!!

Donald Trump I Helped Make Taylor Rich ... Travis Is OK For a Liberal!!!

Donald Trump says he'd be shocked if Taylor Swift endorsed President Joe Biden again ... 'cause Donald says he made her a ton of money -- and implied he expects some loyalty.

The former prez took to Truth Social early Sunday morning and addressed the world's biggest celebrity couple -- as well as rumblings that Taylor would endorse Biden again.

DT started by touting one of his legislative accomplishments ... passing the Music Modernization Act -- a law that basically changed the way songwriters and music publishers are paid certain royalties -- on the whole, it helps artists receive fairer compensation.

The MMA was signed into law in 2018, under 45 ... so he feels he helped make Swift some serious cash -- adding Joe Biden hasn't done "anything for Taylor, and never will."

He then invoked the word "disloyal" ... saying Swift could never turn against "the man who made her so much money."

Trump finished off his post with some complimentary words for Travis Kelce ... saying he quite likes the two-time Super Bowl champ -- even if he is a liberal!

While not outright complimentary of Swift, this seems like a shift away from his campaign's reported strategy regarding the world's biggest pop star.

Remember ... Rolling Stone reported the Trump campaign was preparing for a "holy war" against her. Unclear exactly what that means, but this isn't the blatant condemnation one would expect from holy warriors.

It does seem to draw a line in the sand though ... ex-POTUS expects loyalty -- and it seems like the situation could get messy if T-Swift doesn't kiss the ring.

Taylor endorsed Joe for his 2020 presidential run ... and it seems unlikely she'll back Trump this time, though we suppose anything is possible.

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Kickoff is just a few hours away ... but a much bigger battle seems to be brewing on the horizon.

Stay tuned ...