Ian Ziering se deja ver por primera vez desde la pelea con motociclistas

Ian Ziering está repartiendo un poco de "Good Vibes", ya que fue visto por primera vez desde su encuentro aterrador con una turba de motociclistas despiadados en NYE.

La estrella de "Beverly Hills, 90210" parecía relajado durante un almuerzo en Bristol Farms el martes por la tarde, vistiendo una gorra de béisbol con el mensaje zen de positividad.

Sin embargo, su paz fue sacudida el domingo y TMZ publicó la historia... fue asaltado por un grupo de motociclistas cuando golpearon su carro mientras zigzagueaba a través del tráfico en Hollywood Blvd.

Las imágenes que obtuvimos muestran a los ciclistas dando violentas patadas y golpeando sus cascos contra el carro de Ian, todo mientras su hija de 10 años de edad, Penna, estaba sola en el interior mientras Ian peleaba al otro lado de la calle.

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pelea con pandilla de motociclistas

La experiencia fue bastante aterradora para los espectadores, por no hablar de la pequeña Penna, que fue vista llorando y siendo consolada por su padre poco después.

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ataque en grupo

Afortunadamente, el dúo padre e hija salió ileso del ataque. Ian apareció por Instagram el lunes para instar a las autoridades locales a tomar medidas contra la creciente ola de "vandalismo" en Los Ángeles.


Ian Ziering's trying his best to keep a positive attitude on the heels of his terrifying encounter with a mob of ruthless bikers in Hollywood ... as he gets out and about again for the first time since the street brawl.

The "Beverly Hills, 90210" star looked relaxed during a lunch outing at Bristol Farms Tuesday afternoon in WeHo ... donning a baseball cap branded with the oh-so zen message of "Good Vibes."

TMZ broke the story ... Ian's peace was massively interrupted Saturday as he ended up going toe-to-toe with a group of bikers, who he claims sideswiped his car while weaving through traffic on Hollywood Blvd.

Video footage we obtained shows the bikers violently kicking and pounding their helmets on Ian's car ... all while his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, was alone inside as Ian fought off others across the street.

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The ordeal was frightening enough for onlookers ... let alone little Penna, who was seen weeping, and was consoled by her dad shortly after.

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Luckily, the father and daughter duo emerged unscathed from the attack -- with Ian taking to IG Monday to urge L.A. officials to take action against what he sees as a rising tide of "hooliganism" in the city.

Un terremoto sacude Los Ángeles en Año Nuevo

Los angelinos se están tirando de los pelos, porque un terremoto de magnitud 4.1 acaba de sacudir la ciudad.

El epicentro del terremoto golpeó justo al lado de la costa de Palos Verdes a las 8:27 AM PT de hoy, pero la gente que vive entre Hollywood y Pasadena sintió un poco del temblor.

Al igual que con la mayoría de los terremotos, se detuvo tan rápido como empezó. Sin duda una manera singular de despertar luego de una noche de juerga.

no es ninguna broma
Colin Hoag

Enormes olas han sido vistas en Ventura la semana pasada, hiriendo a ocho personas y causando que decenas tengan que huir.

No está clara la magnitud de los daños, pero no fue nada en comparación a los devastadores terremotos que se sintieron en Japón el día de ayer.

Tres potentes y sucesivos terremotos sacudieron el país isleño en Nochevieja, alcanzando el mayor de ellos una magnitud de 7.6.

Carreteras y puentes sufrieron importantes daños y el gobierno emitió rápidamente alertas de tsunami. Más de 97.000 personas se vieron obligadas a evacuar, según Reuters.

Muchos terremotos en los últimos dos días, esperemos que las cosas se calmen el resto del 2024.

Los Angeles New Year Off To A Shaky Start ... 4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits!

Superstitious Los Angelenos are pulling out their hair right now ... because a 4.1 magnitude earthquake just rocked the city.

The quake's epicenter hit just off the coast of Palos Verdes at 8:27 AM PT today, but folks all the way up in H'Wood and Pasadena felt a bit of shaking.

As with most earthquakes, it stopped as quickly as it started, but it's a jarring way to wake up people sleeping off late-night revelry.

Colin Hoag

Some wild natural occurrences have battered SoCal recently with huge waves bouncing over a seawall in Ventura last week, injuring eight and causing dozens to flee.

Unclear how much, if any damage, was done by our New Year's tremor, but it was nothing compared to the devastating quakes felt by Japan yesterday.

Three powerful, successive earthquakes hit the island nation on New Year's Eve with the biggest reaching a 7.6 magnitude.

Roads and bridges sustained major damage while tsunami warnings were quickly issued by the government. More than 97,000 people were forced to evacuate according to Reuters.

Lots of earthquakes in the past couple days ... hopefully the chaos dies down for the rest of 2024.

Monica Appears To Faint At Houston Concert

out cold!!!

Scary moment for singer-songwriter Monica on Saturday night ... the "So Gone" singer appeared to pass out during her show in Houston.


TMZ's obtained video from one concertgoer first showing Monica, bleach blonde hair cascading down her back, belting out "Angel of Mine."

Later, a figure with those same light locks appears passed out at the side of the stage with a member of the crew quickly carrying them away from the spotlight.

And, then there's this ... several fans took to social media and alluded to some kind of incident at Monica's show in The Bayou City.

One X user asked "What happened to Monica at the Houston concert??" while another added, "The Houston streets are talking! They’re saying Monica left in an ambulance after passing out by the stairs."

Monica is no stranger to health issues. She's often talked about her mitral valve prolapse, a heart condition she was diagnosed with at 18 which impedes the flap between the upper and lower chambers of her heart from closing properly.

She's also suffered from, and been hospitalized for, high blood pressure in the past, a condition she's said she's worked hard to control, and she's had multiple surgeries for endometriosis.

43-year-old Monica has several shows coming up in the American Southeast on her tour ... perhaps heaping extra stress on the star's plate.

We've reached out to Monica's reps for comment. Get well soon, Monica.

Britney Spears I Get Sentimental on NYE Over My Sons

Britney Spears decided imagery was more powerful than words ... so she posted a couple of pics of her 2 sons without saying anything.

Sean Preston and Jayden James were front and center on Britney's last Insta posts of the year. The pics go back to happier times ... Britney and her kids holding some pups and looking super happy.  And then 2 pics just showing them goofing around.

It's going on at least 2 years since Britney's even seen her sons. They made it clear a while ago, they did not want to see their mom while she was acting out on social media, because they found it embarrassing.

Britney went after them after they suggested she needed mental health treatment ... she essentially called them ungrateful freeloaders.

The kids left for Hawaii several months ago with their dad, Kevin Federline ... a move to which Britney did not object. We're told the kids now text her occasionally, but there has been no face-to-face contact for 2 years ... maybe longer.

Britney seems ready to repair at least a few of her relationships ... Lynne Spears has visited Britney a few times recently, and Brit's in contact with Jamie Lynn.

As for her dad, Jamie, Britney posted a throwback pic of him with the kids the day TMZ broke the story Jamie had one of his legs amputated because of a terrible infection, but our sources say she has not reached out to him.

New year, new beginnings?

El Presidente de Argentina se besa apasionadamente con su novia en el escenario

milei besando a su novia

El nuevo presidente de Argentina es un tipo duro, pero no tanto como su novia, con la que estuvo acariciándose y besándose en el escenario delante de todo el mundo... y todo quedó en video.

Javier Milei aterrizó el viernes en la ciudad de Mar de Plata para asistir a la obra de teatro en vivo de su novia, la actriz Fátima Flórez, que al parecer se llama como ella, "Fátima 100%". El presidente se subió al escenario mientras la gente estaba aplaudiendo y felicitó a la actriz él mismo.

Después de lanzar un discurso sobre los tiempos difíciles que Argentina está a punto de entrar en el arranque de su presidencia -que acaba de comenzar a finales de este año- besó Fátima apasionadamente.

Empezaron con un simple besito, pero rápidamente la cosa se puso caliente. La multitud podía verlo todo y los vitoreaba y silbaba. Una vez que terminaron, Fátima dijo unas palabras, agradeciendole a su novio para posteriormente salir con él del lugar.

No es la primera vez que la pareja se muestra así de cariñosa en público, de hecho suelen hacerlo siempre, lo que concuerda con la personalidad de Javier en general, un poco salvaje.

Su victoria presidencial fue vista como un cambio de juego, pero sobre todo porque es un poco como Donald Trump, en que su objetivo es desregular gran parte del gobierno de Argentina y el anillo en una nueva filosofía económica. Básicamente, él quiere hacer Argentina autosuficiente y magra.

Él cree que ya está en camino de hacer precisamente eso, hace unas semanas, devaluó la moneda de Argentina por la friolera de 50%... Javier dice que esto va a ayudar a estabilizar su economía a futuro.

Ha sido un mandato un poco torbellino hasta ahora y no ha hecho más que empezar. Abróchense los cinturones.

Argentina's Prez Javier Milei Steamy Make-Out Sesh with GF ... Onstage After Her Play!!!


Argentina's new president is a handful, but not nearly as much as his hot girlfriend -- who he was feeling up and locking lips with onstage in front of everyone ... and it's all on video.

Javier Milei touched down Friday in the city of Mar de Plata to catch his actress GF Fátima Flórez's live play -- which is apparently named after her, "Fatima 100%." Anyway, afterward ... the prez hopped onstage while people were applauding, and congratulated her himself.

After launching into a speech about the hard times Argentina is about to enter as he kicks off his presidency -- which just started late this year -- he smooched Fátima ... passionately.

They started with just a peck ... but quickly launched into full-blown tongue wars, showing off a ton of PDA to the crowd as they cheered and whistled. Once they were done, Fátima said a few words of her own, thanking her BF and then leaving with him shortly afterward.

This ain't the first time the couple has shown affection in public like this -- they actually tend to do it all the time ... which jibes with Javier's personality in general, AKA a lil' wild.

His presidential victory was seen as game-changing -- but mostly because he's a bit like Donald Trump, in that he's aiming to deregulate much of Argentina's government and ring in a new economic philosophy. Basically, he wants to make Argentina self-sufficient and lean.

He thinks he's already on course to do just that ... a few weeks ago, he devalued Argentina's currency by a whopping 50% -- which Javier says is going to help stabilize their economy.

It's been a bit of a whirlwind term thus far ... and he's just getting started. Buckle up!

Gypsy Rose acumula millones de seguidores en Instagram

Gypsy Rose Blanchard se ha convertido en una gigante de las redes sociales, acumulando millones de seguidores y posiblemente preparándose para hacer una fortuna.

Gypsy tiene ahora la friolera de 4.7 millones de seguidores en Instagram. Acaba de publicar sus cuentas de Snapchat y TikTok en su página de Instagram. Además, ella tiene 1.4 millones de fans TikTok.

Ella publicó esto: "Acabo de unirme a SnapChat, estos avatares son impresionantes!" También realizó un especial de Lifetime.

Ella tenía una página de Instagram, pero no era nada fuera de lo común. De eso a 1.2 millones hay mucha diferencia, y lo ha hecho en un período de tiempo muy corto.

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En cuanto al futuro... ella se está preparando para hacer un paquete en redes sociales, lo cual es interesante. Antes de que la encerraran casi nadie podía ganarse la vida en las redes sociales, pero los tiempos cambian.

También está trabajando en algún tipo de programa/documental/reality show para A&E.

Por ahora, Gypsy está disfrutando de las cosas simples de la libertad después de cumplir siete años entre las rejas por el asesinato de su madre. Se hace selfies y visita McDonalds y Burger King.

Ahora lo hace a su manera.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Insta Social Media Giant with Big $$$ Prospects!!!

​Gypsy Rose Blanchard has become an instant social media giant since her release ... amassing millions of followers and possibly setting herself up to make a fortune.

Gypsy now has an eye-popping 4.7 million followers on Instagram. She's just pushed both her Snapchat and TikTok accounts on her Insta page. BTW she has 1.4 million TikTok fans.

She posted this ... "Just joined SnapChat. These avatars are awesome!" Also – she pushed the Lifetime special on there yesterday as well.

She had an Instagram page, but it was static at 1.2M upon her release, so she's gained millions in a super-compressed period of time.

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As for the future ... she's setting herself up to make a bundle on social media, which is interesting. When she was locked up, almost no one could make a living on social, but times change.

In the money department, she's also working on some kind of show/documentary/reality show for A&E.

For now, Gypsy is enjoying the simple things of freedom after serving 7 years behind bars for the murder of her mother. She's trying her hand at selfies, and hitting up McDonalds and Burger King.

She's having it her way now.

'Survivor' Champs Parvati & Erika Come Out As Members of LGBTQ Community

A couple of "Survivor" fan favorites gave show loyalists an update on their personal lives ... and whether it was a coincidence or not, both announcements came on the same day.

Parvati Shallow, considered one of the all-time best to hit the Survivor islands and winner of Survivor: Micronesia back in 2008, posted a set of cute pics of herself with comedian Mae Martin Saturday with the caption, "We’re here. We’re queer. Happy new year," followed by several emojis including a rainbow.

It's seemingly the first time there's been any indication the two were an item ... Parvati was previously married to Survivor contestant, John Fincher, but they separated in 2021. The two have one child together.

A few hours before Pavarti's post went up, Erika Casupanan, winner of Survivor 41 made a special announcement of her own thanks to a funny TikTok video.

In the video, Erika joked she attempted to do a viral challenge of eating grapes under a table in hopes of scoring a boyfriend, but instead chugged a bottle of wine ... leading her to realize she was a lesbian.

Both announcements have been getting a ton of love and support from Survivor fans ... and both contestants seem super happy.

Here's to new beginnings for both in 2024!!!

Selena Gomez What About My Relationship with Benny Don't You Understand?

Selena Gomez is making sure everyone who's a little slow on the uptake understands ... she's with Benny so get used to it.

SG posted another photo of her and Benny Blanco, snuggling and looking very much in love as they pose in front of an ocean. Not sure where they are, but it looks beautiful.

Selena has been taking fire from fans who think Benny's a downgrade from Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner, The Weeknd and Nick Jonas -- all her exes.

Selena's response ... she will never date "a f*** boy again."

Gomez and Blanco have been dating for a while now ... at least since her birthday in late July, although they didn't go public until early this month.

Benny's been treated unfairly, if you ask us. He's a successful music producer with credits that include "Moves Like Jagger" and Rihanna's "Diamonds," not to mention Katy Perry's "Teenage Dreams."

She's clearly into him, so her fans might do well to back off.

Cardi B 2024 Will Be a Toxic-Free Zone!!!

Cardi B seems a little annoyed by her fans ... many of whom don't believe her when she says she's moving on -- presumably from Offset.

Cardi tweeted, "I must be a lil toxic cuz I enjoyed cursing ya out today… but we not taking that into 2024. Now have a good day. No make it a bad day!"

It's actually mild compared to the video she posted on social, telling her legion of fans to "shut the f*** up" about her relationship status.

Fans started questioning her after Cardi and Offset were seen together on Xmas day ... unfair, because they spent it with the kids, and that doesn't mean she's backing down.


Cardi said as much, when she liked a post essentially saying people were making up stories about a reconciliation.

Thing is ... AFTER Xmas, they were spotted in the same store in NYC, which led some fans to double down, suggesting Cardi was fully back with her hubby.

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Instagram / @iamcardib

We will see, but she's been sending the same message now for a month ... seems it's over.

Jeremy Renner I Came Back to Thank You!!! One Year After Near-Fatal Snowplow Accident

Jeremy Renner marked a near-fatal anniversary with a return trip to the hospital and medical staff that saved his life.

Jeremy showed up Friday at the Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno ... nearly a year to the day after he was crushed by a snowplow. As you know, Jeremy actually jumped on the runaway plow to stop it, fearing it would run over his nephew. Jeremy fell off and was run over himself.

The 52-year-old actor thanked the doctors, nurses and others who cared for him ... taking photos and shaking lots of hands.

Renner also showed up at the local fire dept. to thank some of the first responders who rescued him.

Jeremy's injuries were gruesome ... more than 30 broken bones, a punctured liver, and one of his eyes popped out of his skill. Just horrific.


His recovery has been remarkable, and at least from the outside, Jeremy appears to be back to his normal self.


An anniversary to celebrate, for sure.

Trina Beyoncé's the Queen Of Rap ... She Dusts All Competition!!!


1:00 PM PT -- Just in case you didn't catch it first time, Trina is doubling down for all the "dusty crusty" types ... Beyoncé is her rap GOAT and there isn't a woman walking the earth who's gonna force her to change her opinion!!!

Trina is crowning Beyoncé as the best female rapper in Hip Hop's 50th year ... while acknowledging the "Renaissance" singer only raps in her spare time.

The bold pick came at this year's OneMusicFest in Atlanta when Trina credited Beyoncé for "opening the landscape" for female rapper's success in recent years.

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Trina says Beyonce's rap alter-ego birthed inspiration for future female rappers around the globe and she gushed over Mrs. Carter's bars and rhymes.

Beyoncé has been known to bust a flow over the years ... she and her hubs Jay-Z released a joint album in 2018 and snagged a Grammy nomination for their single "Apeshit."

Trina's praise of Beyoncé didn't end with her mic skills ... the Miami rapper mourned the end of the Renaissance Tour and stated everything from the rap girlies has been basic ever since.

Let's hope Beyoncé has a big 2024 planned so Trina doesn't feel the void in the female rap scene much longer!!!

Originally Published -- 8:10 AM PT

Sephora Customer Claims Body Butter Is Crack For Spiders

A Sephora customer has untangled a mysterious web ... why spiders can't get enough of their body butter.

A review on Sephora's site for Sol De Janeiro Body Butter set the internet wild, warning folks who are scared of wolf spiders not to butter their bodies, claiming the product is a magnet for the pesky insects.

The customer claims the bugs have appeared every day since using the lotion, adding, "one time, the spider wanted to eat whatever ingredient it is so bad that it chased me. I swear on everything. I'd run left, it ran left."

The bizarre review spun quite the web on the web, with a deep dive on Reddit ... where someone discovered a combination of farnesyl acetate and hexadecyl acetate often attracts male spiders.

The 2 chemicals are often used in skincare products, including body butter and lotion ... although it's not entirely clear if these are included in Sephora's product.

Maybe stay away from the lotion for a bit ... unless you're a fan of creepy crawlies.