Britney Spears Sin faltarte el respeto J, pero... Llorabas cuando te di una paliza de baloncesto!!!

Britney Spears está disparando contra Justin Timberlake y lo que ella considera su falta de habilidades en el baloncesto, afirmando que era un mal perdedor cuando ella lo derribaba en la cancha.

La estrella del pop usó su Instagram el viernes para molestar un poco al cantante de "Suit & Tie". Sin dar nombres, dijo: "Nunca mencioné cómo le gané en el baloncesto 🏀 y él lloraba... sin faltar el respeto 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ !!!"

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'Cry him a river'
TikTok / @Chynnatok

La frase de Britney no es una coincidencia. Como recordarán, Justin abordó la controversia que lo rodea a partir del libro de memorias de Britney, "The Woman In Me", durante su actuación en Las Vegas el miércoles por la noche.

Justo antes de cantar "Cry Me a River" Justin miró a la multitud y dijo: "Sin faltar el respeto", y la canción había sido criticada por Britney por estar relacionada a su fallida relación. Se piensa que Justin la escribió después de descubrir que Britney lo engañaba.

Así que sí, Brit hablando de Justin llorando después de perder un juego, dos días después de que él interpretara "Cry Me a River". El enigma está prácticamente escrito en la pared.

Por cierto, Britney estaba en el equipo de baloncesto cuando iba a la escuela y ha demostrado sus habilidades antes, por lo que es posible que Justin haya perdido contra ella durante su tiempo en las canchas.

Britney Spears No Disrespect to JT, But ... He'd Cry When I Whooped Him On The B-Ball Court!!!

Britney Spears is firing a shot at Justin Timberlake and what she considers his lack of basketball skills, claiming he was a sore loser when she'd take him down on the court.

The pop star took to Instagram Friday to throw some shade at the "Suit & Tie" singer ... without naming names, she writes, "I never mentioned how I beat him in basketball 🏀 and he would cry … no disrespect 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ !!!"

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Cry Him A River
TikTok / @Chynnatok

Britney's phrasing is no coincidence ... you'll recall, Justin addressed the controversy surrounding him and Britney's memoir, "The Woman In Me," during his performance in Las Vegas Wednesday night.

Right before singing, "Cry Me a River," JT looked to the crowd and said, "No disrespect" ... and the song was one Britney slammed for the connection to their broken relationship. It was alleged Justin wrote it after he had caught Britney cheating.

So yea ... Brit talking about Justin crying after losing a game, two days after Justin performed "Cry Me a River" -- the writing's practically on the wall.

BTW, Britney was on the basketball team in high school and has shown off her skills before ... so it's possible JT took a few Ls during their time on the court together.

Cardi B Offset's 'Doing Me Dirty' Amid Split ... Unloads In Emotional Rant

Cardi B is unloading on Offset in an emotionally charged video rant amid their nasty split ... calling him out and accusing him of treating her badly.

It's the first time we've seen Cardi get this emotional since she announced she ended things with her estranged husband ... she says he's ungrateful and she's tired of his behavior.

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Instagram / @iamcardib

Cardi's pain is coming through clearly here ... it's evident in her voice, as she says she's done a lot for Offset over the years, only for him to play games with her when she's at her most vulnerable. She's also taking shots at him with social media posts.

As we reported ... Cardi announced she was single earlier this month after they both unfollowed each other on social media, revealing they had been broken up for a while before she went public.

There's been plenty of drama and cheating rumors between Cardi and Offset over the years ... but they've split and gotten back together before, and now they have two kids together.


Cardi says she's helped Offset out for years without so much as a "thank you" from him ... and it sounds like he wasn't taking their issues seriously leading up to and after the split, at least from her perspective.

Meanwhile, Offset celebrated his birthday last night in Miami ... in a club packed with women and his guy friends.

Cardi B Se descarga en furioso video contra Offset Me trataste mal...

Cardi B se está descargando contra Offset en un video muy emocional en medio de su desagradable separación, y lo está acusando de tratarla mal.

Esta es la primera vez que vemos a Cardi así de emotiva desde que anunció que terminó con su marido. Dice que él es un desagradecido y está cansada de su comportamiento.

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Descargándose sobre Offset
Instagram / @iamcardib

La pena de Cardi es evidente aquí, se nota en su voz y cuando dice que ha hecho mucho por Offset a lo largo de los años para que él juegue con ella cuando está en su momento más vulnerable. También lo está apuntando con algunos mensajes en las redes sociales.

Como hemos informado, Cardi anunció que estaba soltera a principios de este mes después de que ambos se dejaran de seguir en las redes sociales, revelando que habían estado separados por un tiempo antes de que ella lo hiciera público.

Ha habido mucho drama y rumores de engaño entre Cardi y Offset a lo largo de los años. Pero se han separado y han vuelto a estar juntos antes, y ahora tienen dos hijos.

Tiempo de seguir adelante

Cardi dice que ha ayudado por años a Offset sin mucho más de vuelta que un "gracias" de él, y parece que él no se estaba tomando en serio sus problemas antes y después de la separación, al menos desde su perspectiva.

Mientras tanto, Offset celebró su cumpleaños anoche en Miami, en un club lleno de mujeres y sus amigos hombres.

Suge Knight I've Been Hacked!!! Says X & FB Pages Are Fake

Suge Knight says he's got nothing to do with the recent string of social media posts drumming up Tupac conspiracy theories and old beefs with Snoop Dogg and Diddy … because he has no access to those accounts.

Suge tells TMZ Hip Hop ... someone is out to destroy his reputation by hacking into his Twitter and FB accounts. He says the hacker is attempting to come off as the real deal by posting clips from Suge's “Collect Call” podcast and old photos.


The incarcerated music mogul says he has no issues standing on anything he's ever said, on the podcast or otherwise, but he can't condone the activity on the social accounts ... which created Daz Dillinger's current rift with Snoop.

Suge's currently serving a 28-year prison sentence and tells us the errant posts have caused him a ton of unnecessary stress -- and he wants Twitter and FB to boot the hacker.

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He's adamant he wouldn't invite such negative energy to his situation, and says his only official account is his Instagram page.

Suges' podcast is already spicy enough -- no need to over-season on social media!!!

Shohei Ohtani Reveals Dog's Name ... It's Not Dodger!!!

Los Angeles Dodgers

After a ton of speculation, Shohei Ohtani is finally spilling the beans on what he named his dog ... and as it turns out, it has nothing to do with his new team, the Los Angeles Dodgers.

His name is Decoy!!

The 29-year-old Japanese superstar met with the media as a Dodger for the very first time just minutes ago ... where he talked all about topics like his decision to take his talents to L.A., winning aspirations and recent surgery.

But the one question everyone wanted the answer to -- what the heck is your dog's name, dude?!?!

Of course, the phenomenon started after Ohtani accepted his 2023 MVP award ... when reporters claimed Shotime's team refused to disclose any information about the four-legged friend who made an appearance with him in a video interview.

The secrecy led to a bunch of rumors -- and some even claimed it was because Ohtani chose a namesake related to his next destination.

But the two-way athlete put an end to all that talk on Thusday ... saying he decided on Decoy -- or the Japanese version, Dekopin.

As for when he knew he would be a Dodger, Shohei said he came to the decision the night before he announced his next move on Instagram.

Welcome to L.A.!!

Selena Gomez Defiende su relación con Benny Blanco ... Destroza a sus críticos!!!

Selena Gomez está persiguiendo a aquellos que piensan que su relación con Benny Blanco no es la mejor jugada, defendiendo a su hombre y su relación.

La cantante y actriz ha estado respondiendo a la gente en línea acerca de su relación con el productor musical, declarando: "Él es absolutamente todo en mi corazón".

Pero no se detuvo allí. Selena se tomó el tiempo para responder a los comentarios menos positivos de la gente sobre su noviazgo, diciéndoles que él es "lo mejor que le ha pasado", y que es "mejor que nadie con quien haya estado. Hechos"

También le respondió a otro hater: "Nunca permitiré que tus palabras guíen mi vida. Si no puedes aceptarme cuando estoy más feliz entonces no estés en [mi] vida en absoluto".

Aunque la mayor parte de la controversia ha sido borrada desde entonces, la gente le estaba reclamando que Benny era un downgrade o retroceso en términos de pretendientes para Selena. Usted recordarán, que la cantante y actriz ha sido vinculada a chicos como Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner y Nick Jonas.

En cuanto a sus relaciones anteriores, Selena simplemente le dijo a un comentarista: "No voy a estar con un chico de mie*** nunca más".

No, no especificó a quién se refería con ese comentario.

Selena ha estado compartiendo algunas fotos de ella y Benny desde que confirmó su relación y es obvio que no va a dejar que unos cuantos troles apaguen su nuevo romance.

Selena Gomez Defends Benny Blanco Relationship ... Blasts Their Haters!!!

Selena Gomez is comin' after those who think her relationship with Benny Blanco isn't the right move ... by defending her man and their status.

The singer/actress has been responding to folks online about her relationship with the music producer ... and declaring, "He is my absolute everything in my heart."

She didn't stop there ... Selena took time to reply to people's less-than-positive comments about her dating choice -- saying he's "the best thing that's ever happened to me," and adds he's "better than anyone I've ever been with. Facts."


Selena clapped back at another hater with, "I will never allow your words to guide my life ... If you can't accept me at my happiest then don't be in [my] life at all."

While most of the back and forth has since been deleted, people were claiming Benny was a downgrade in terms of BF material for Selena. You'll recall, she's been linked to guys like Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner and Nick Jonas.

In terms of her previous relationships, Selena simply told one commenter, "I'm not going to be with a f***boy ever again."

No, she was not specific as to whom she was referring with that remark.

She's been sharing some pics online of her and Benny together since confirming things ... and it's obvious she isn't gonna let a bit of troll talk shut down their budding romance.

Aaron Rodgers Gets Second Tattoo ... Dragon With Nod To Jets Jersey

Aaron Rodgers just got tattooed again ... this time he had a dragon featuring a nod to his Jets' jersey put down on his left arm.

The New York quarterback's tattoo artist, Balazs Bercsenyi, revealed the new artwork on his Instagram page on Thursday afternoon ... showing Rodgers got the piece put right in the middle of his bicep.

It's unclear why Rodgers chose the creature -- or what the significance of the lettering around it is -- but Bercsenyi explained the positioning of the dragon's body was no accident.

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"Second tattoo for the 🐐 himself @aaronrodgers12," the artist said in a caption on the photos of the ink, "with a subtle hint for Aaron’s new jersey number #8."

The 40-year-old signal-caller was clearly thrilled with how it all came out ... writing in a comment on the artist's page, "Happy Birthday brother! So thankful for you and your mastery."

The tat is the second Rodgers has ever gotten ... he previously had a pair of lions and an eyeball put on his left forearm.

Of course, Rodgers has plenty of time to sit in the tattoo chair these days -- he's been on injured reserve since he blew out his Achilles during NY's first game of the season.

And, while he's made a valiant effort to get back to the Jets this season ... with their 4-8 record, it seems likely we won't see him -- or his new tat -- under center on gamedays 'til 2024.

Mariah Carey le envía flores a Brenda Lee por su número uno

Mariah Carey puede ser la reina de la Navidad, pero también tiene impecables modales. Supimos que le ha enviado flores a Brenda Lee después de que la cantante encabezara las listas con su éxito navideño 65 años después de que se grabara.

Brenda, conocida por su clásico tema navideño, "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree", compartió el gesto de Mariah en Instagram el jueves, mostrando un ramo con una nota escrita a mano por Mariah - una que le desea una Feliz Navidad y una gran felicitación por su "histórico # 1".

Como informamos, la melodía navideña de Brenda se convirtió en una estrella en la parte superior de la lista Hot 100 de Billboard el lunes, siendo esta la primera vez que ha tenido el honor desde su lanzamiento allá por 1958. Sorprendentemente, Brenda solo tenía 13 años cuando grabó el éxito.

La canción se ha ido abriendo camino los últimos años y la cantante de 78 años de edad, finalmente sacó un video musical largamente esperado para la canción el mes pasado.

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También cantó su canción mientras surcaba los cielos, ¡para deleite de sus compañeros de avión!

Como ustedes saben, "All I Want For Christmas Is You" de Mariah a menudo domina cada temporada de vacaciones, pero parece que ella no tiene ningún problema en compartir el escenario este año.

Mariah Carey Sends Flowers To Brenda Lee ... Congrats On #1 Christmas Hit 65 Years Later!!!

Mariah Carey might be the queen of Christmas, but she's still a good sport ... sending Brenda Lee flowers after the singer topped the chats with her holiday hit, 65 years after it was recorded.

Brenda, known for her classic Christmas track, "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree," shared Mariah's gesture on Instagram Thursday, showing off a bouquet with a handwritten note from Mariah -- one that wishes her a Merry Christmas and a big congrats for her "historic #1."

As we reported, Brenda's holiday tune became a star on the top of Billboard's Hot 100 list Monday -- the first time it's had the honor since its release back in 1958. Shockingly, Brenda was only 13 when she recorded the hit.

The song has been creeping its way up to the top in recent years ... and the 78-year-old singer finally put out a long-overdue music video for the song last month.

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She also sang her track while taking to the skies -- much to the delight of her fellow airplane passengers!

As you know, Mariah's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" often dominates every holiday season ... but it looks like she's got no problem sharing the stage this year.

KISS We're Gonna Tour Forever W/ Digital Avatars After Final Show!!!


KISS might be done performing in person, but they're going to keep on rocking out as digital pixels for years to come ... something they just announced at their last show this weekend.

The legendary band played their last gig Saturday night at Madison Square Garden -- this as part of their 'End of the Road' farewell tour ... which marked their final live performance ever. Or so everybody thought, anyway -- 'cause they say they're keeping the party going.

Rather than continue to sing and dance themselves, Gene Simmons and co. are gonna let their AI counterparts do it for them ... in the form of computerized avatars that can keep on playing shows quite literally forever. It's called KISS Online ... and it marks their new era.

The whole thing might sound goofy, but it's actually a trend that legacy bands are starting to embrace more and more -- including ABBA, which has recently trotted out their own digital avatars in full concert ... and playing to packed crowds, no less.

The guys simply put on motion capture suits and recorded a full-blown concert of theirs ... which can then be repurposed and re-aired for years to come ... with cool effects and stunts they wouldn't normally be able to do on their own (especially at their age).

The KISS avatars actually came out onstage Saturday during an encore ... and performed "God Gave Rock and Roll to You" ... but they only did so onscreen, as opposed to appearing as full-blown life-size holograms. Time will tell if those holograms will debut at some point.

Anyway, it's certainly the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. As you can imagine -- there are mixed reactions to the news ... some hate it, others are fine with digital KISS.

It also serves as yet another reminder that we are very much living in the future right now ... with the way tech/AI is going -- more and more stuff like this is going to be introduced.

Welcome to the new world ... where you can rock and roll all nite and everyday, 'til the end of time.

KISS anuncia su plan de hacer una gira eterna con avatares digitales tras su último concierto

una nueva era comienza

KISS puede haber terminado de actuar en persona, pero van a seguir rockeando como píxeles digitales durante los próximos años, algo que acaban de anunciar en su último concierto este fin de semana.

La legendaria banda dio su último concierto el sábado por la noche en el Madison Square Garden, como parte de su gira de despedida "End of the Road", que supuso su última actuación en directo. O eso pensaba todo el mundo, porque dicen que la fiesta continuará.

En lugar de seguir cantando y bailando ellos mismos, Gene Simmons y compañía van a dejar que sus homólogos de IA lo hagan por ellos, en forma de avatares computarizados que pueden seguir tocando espectáculos literalmente para siempre. Se llama KISS Online y marca el comienzo de una era.

Todo el asunto puede sonar tonto, pero en realidad es una tendencia que las bandas de legado están empezando a abrazar más y más - incluyendo ABBA, que recientemente mostró sus propios avatares digitales en pleno concierto ante miles de personas.

Los chicos simplemente se pusieron trajes de captura de movimiento y grabaron un concierto en toda regla, el cual puede ser reutilizado y re emitido durante los próximos años, con efectos frescos y acrobacias que normalmente no serían capaces de hacer por su cuenta (especialmente a su edad).

Los avatares de KISS salieron al escenario el sábado durante un bis e interpretaron "God Gave Rock and Roll to You", pero solo lo hicieron en pantalla, en lugar de aparecer como hologramas de tamaño real. El tiempo dirá si esos hologramas debutarán en algún momento.

En cualquier caso, es el fin de una era y el comienzo de otra. Como puedes imaginar, hay reacciones encontradas a la noticia, algunos la odian, otros están de acuerdo con el KISS digital.

También sirve como otro recordatorio de que estamos viviendo en el futuro en este momento, con la forma en que la tecnología avanza, más y más cosas como esta van a seguir ocurriendo.

Bienvenido al nuevo mundo ¡Donde se puede rockear toda la noche y todos los días hasta el fin de los tiempos!

estrella de "Supernatural" vuelve a la vida tras 6 infartos mortales

La estrella de "Supernatural", Mark Sheppard, estuvo a un paso de la muerte el viernes, luego de sufrir no uno, sino SEIS ataques al corazón. Los paramédicos tuvieron que traerlo de vuelta a la vida.

Mark dice que estaba en su cocina el viernes cuando se desplomó. Fue entonces cuando sufrió una serie de "infartos masivos". Los paramédicos tuvieron que traerlo de vuelta a la vida cuatro veces.

Según Mark, tenía una obstrucción del 100% en su arteria descendente anterior izquierda (LAD). Eso también se llama un "widowmaker", y casi le hizo honor a ese nombre.

Mark atribuye su supervivencia a su esposa y al equipo del Hospital St. Joseph y afirma que sin ellos "no estaría escribiendo esto. Mis posibilidades de sobrevivir eran prácticamente nulas".

En cuanto a su estado, otro susto... "Me siento muy bien. Humillado una vez más. Mañana en casa!"

En cuanto a la reacción, su coprotagonista en "Supernatural" Misha Collins dijo: "¡Mark! ¡No tienes por qué ser tan intenso! ¿6 infartos? 2 o 3 habría sido suficiente. Nos has impresionado, vale. Ahora déjate de sustos y vuelve a la carretera con nosotros. Te quiero, amigo".

Un final feliz después de todo.

Mark Sheppard 'Supernatural' Star Brought Back to Life ... After 6 Deadly Heart Attacks

"Supernatural" star Mark Sheppard was at death's door Friday, after suffering not one, but SIX heart attacks, and EMTs had to bring him back to life.

Mark says he was in his kitchen Friday when he collapsed. That's when he suffered a series of what he says were "massive heart attacks." EMTs had to bring him back to life 4 separate times -- it was that touch and go.

According to Mark, he had a 100% blockage in his left anterior descending artery -- his LAD. That's also called a "widowmaker," and it was almost true to that name.

He credits his wife and the team at St. Joseph's Hospital with his survival, saying without them, "I wouldn't be writing this. My chances of survival were virtually nil."

As for his condition, another shock ... "I feel great. Humbled once more. Home tomorrow!"

As for reaction, his "Supernatural" costar Misha Collins said this -- "Mark! You don't need to do the most and biggest every time! 6 heart attacks? 2 or 3 would have been impressive enough. You've impressed us, okay. Now stop with this heal up and get back on the road with us. Love you, pal."

Close call with a happy ending.

Connor Bedard Corey Perry Didn't Sleep With My Mom ... 'Bunch Of BS'

Connor Bedard is now weighing in on the unfounded rumors that his former teammate, Corey Perry, slept with his mom ... and he was adamant on Friday they're straight up "BS."

The Blackhawks superstar didn't mince words when a reporter asked him about the crass gossip that's surrounded Chicago's hockey team for the past few days ahead of their Saturday game against the Jets in Winnipeg.

"It's just a bunch of BS on the internet," Bedard said, before admitting, "It's of course been an effect on myself and my family."

"And that's not fair," he continued, according to Blackhawks beat reporter Ben Pope. "But it's out of our control. It's all just fake, made-up stuff."

Bedard is now the third person to deny the baseless allegations that first formulated on X late last month ... joining Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson and Perry himself.

It seems he'll likely be the last, too, because according to hockey reporter Jacob Stoller, Bedard "became annoyed as the questions" about the Perry rumors continued during his Friday meeting with the media.

"I don't need to answer anymore questions about this stuff," Bedard said.

Perry was cut by the Blackhawks on Tuesday -- and while a specific reason for his departure was never given by the team ... it reportedly all had to do with an "alcohol-infused incident" with team staffers and corporate sponsors.

In a statement Perry released on Thursday, the 38-year-old apologized for his "inappropriate and wrong" behavior.

"I have started working with experts in the mental health and substance abuse fields to discuss my struggles with alcohol and I will take whatever steps necessary to ensure this never happens again," Perry said. "I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career."

Old news is old news!
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