Shohei Ohtani Free Sandwiches And Shop Namesake ... If He Signs With Giants!!!


2:53 PM -- TMZ Sports spoke with Ike about his big pitch to Shohei Ohtani ... and while he hasn't heard from the athlete just yet, he said he's been getting a ton of positive feedback from Giants fans for his efforts.


Ike says if he really does sign with S.F., he's fully willing to change EVERY Ike's location in America in honor of the Shohei ... which he estimates would cost him around $500k, but would be totally worth it.

Ike also spoke more about Kevin Durant's current status with his chain ... and he said the Phoenix Suns hooper STILL gets free sandwiches to this day even though he no longer plays for the Warriors -- so keep that in mind, Shohei!!

San Francisco fans are desperate to get Shohei Ohtani to sign with their beloved team ... with one supporter going as far as offering the MLB superstar free sandwiches for life AND a complete rebranding of his shop if he joins the Giants in free agency!!

Ike Shehadeh -- diehard Giants fan and founder of the Ike's Love & Sandwiches chain -- laid out his terms in a social media post this week ... saying if the two-time MVP ditches the Los Angeles Angels for S.F. this offseason, he'll hook him up with unlimited grub and his own signature menu item.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Ike -- who made similar offers to guys like Kevin Durant and Aaron Judge in the past -- took it one step further for the Japanese sensation ... saying he will also change the naming rights of his establishment to "Shohei's Love & Sandwiches" if he takes his talents to the Bay Area.

The sandwich guru even started the brainstorming process on what Ohtani's own item would look like ... taking inspiration from the Giants' orange and black colors to create a tasty steak and barbeque combo.

The Giants are among the possible realistic landing spots for Ohtani ... with the Dodgers, Mets, Cubs, Rangers and pretty much any other team that can afford him expected to enter the race.

Ohtani is reportedly slated to get at least half a billion dollars with his new deal, so he may not be worried too much about the sandwich offer ... but hey, ya can't knock the dude for trying!!

Originally Published -- 9:15 AM PT

NHL's Corey Perry I Didn't Sleep With Bedard's Mom Getting Treatment For Mental, Alcohol Issues

Ex-Chicago Blackhawks player Corey Perry is breaking his silence ... apologizing for his actions and adamantly denying the reason he got kicked off the team had anything to do with Connor Bedard's mother.

The 38-year-old Canadian had his contract terminated earlier this week ... after the team said he violated the Blackhawks' internal policies over "conduct that is unacceptable."

The move came days after folks on social media spread a rumor that Perry hooked up with Bedard's mom, Melanie ... and the chatter got so loud, Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson had to address the "wildly inaccurate" and "disgusting" claims.

Now, Perry is also speaking out on the situation ... and he, too, is confronting the false narrative head-on.

"As a result of my actions, there has been speculation and rumors," Perry said in a statement. "I am sickened by the impact this has had on others, and I want to make it clear that in no way did this situation involve any of my teammates or their families."

"Most importantly, I want to directly apologize to those who have been negatively affected and I am sorry for the additional impact to others it has created. My behavior was inappropriate and wrong."

While details surrounding the specific incident have not been disclosed, Perry was reportedly involved in an "alcohol-infused incident" with team staffers and corporate sponsors prior to getting cut.

Perry said he is now seeking mental health and alcohol treatment ... in hopes he doesn't repeat his actions moving forward.

"I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career," he added.

"Once again, I am deeply sorry."

Jenna Ortega 'Likes' Barrera Palestine Post ... Amid Sudden 'Scream' Exit

Jenna Ortega apparently liked a post reporting on Melissa Barrera doubling down on her pro-Palestine stance amid her recent firing -- that is, if these screenshots are to be believed.

Here's the deal ... in the days since news broke that Jenna was also exiting the 'Scream' franchise -- this amid Melissa's tumultuous firing over her Palestine rhetoric -- there's been a lot of speculation that JO actually sides with her costar, but distanced herself publicly.

That hunch was only further fueled when fans noticed that Jenna recently seemed to like an IG post from an account documenting celeb activity on Palestine ... which recapped MB defending her position post-firing ... news to which Jenna supposedly hit the like button.

Of course, if you go to this same IG page now ... Jenna's alleged "like" is nowhere to be found, and her own Insta page is also *mostly* free of any Palestine content -- as is her Twitter account, which has been deactivated. Old alleged tweets of hers, though, have been circulating ... and people are claiming she used to post pro-Palestine sentiments as well.

In other words, if Jenna did in fact like this IG post ... it would appear she's quietly cosigning Melissa's stance ... something just about everyone assumed was the case seeing how quickly she bowed out of "Scream VII" upon Melissa's ousting -- despite reports suggesting JO leaving had nothing to do with MB, and was more so due to scheduling conflicts.

Frankly, nobody buys that ... and depending on where you land on this issue, you're either celebrating Jenna or slamming her. In any case, the 'Scream' franchise is kinda screwed now.

Fact is ... Jenna and Melissa (but mostly Jenna) were far and away the biggest stars of the rebooted movies, and the whole story arc revolves around them. With both of them gone, there's only Mason Gooding and Jasmin Savoy Brown left from the new OG cast.

They're cool and all, but they're mostly afterthoughts ... and their characters carrying on the saga doesn't really make sense without MB and JO. So, on paper, it would seem the "Scream 7" writers might have to go in a completely different direction with completely new actors, etc. Plus, fans are promising to boycott this latest sequel if/when it comes out ... so there's likely to be an uphill battle in drumming up interest/making the studio big bucks.

The last two installments have been absolutely successful in turning a profit (and then some) -- but without the 2 fan fave stars in the driver's seat, the question remains ... is Ghostface, alone, enough to get asses in seats? Time will tell, we suppose. 😱

Jenna Ortega Parece gustarle un post de Melissa Barrera sobre Palestina

A Jenna Ortega aparentemente le gustó un post sobre Melissa Barrera en el que redobla su postura pro-Palestina en medio de su reciente despido. Esto es así, si le creemos a estas capturas de pantalla que están circulando.

La historia es así, días después de que se supiera la noticia de que Jenna también iba a salir de la franquicia "Scream", en medio del tumultuoso despido de Melissa por su retórica Palestina, ha habido mucha especulación de que Jenna Ortega en realidad está del lado de su coprotagonista, pero se distanció públicamente.

Esa corazonada fue alimentada aún más cuando los fans notaron que a Jenna pareció gustarle un post de una cuenta de Instagram que documenta la actividad de celebridades en Palestina y que recapitulaba el episodio de Melissa Barrera defendiendo su posición después del despido ... Noticia a la que Jenna supuestamente le puso "me gusta".

Por supuesto, si usted va a esta misma página de Instagram ahora, el supuesto "me gusta" de Jenna no se encuentra en ninguna parte, y su propia página de Instagram también está *casi* libre de cualquier contenido de Palestina, al igual que su cuenta de Twitter, que ha sido desactivada. Sin embargo, han estado circulando antiguos tuits suyos y la gente afirma que también solía publicar sentimientos pro-Palestina.

En otras palabras, si a Jenna de hecho le gusta este post de Instagram, parecería que está apoyando en silencio la postura de Melissa, algo que casi todo el mundo asumió que era el caso viendo lo rápido que se retiró de "Scream VII" tras el despido de Melissa. Esto, a pesar de los informes que sugieren que lo de Jenna no tuvo nada que ver y se debió más bien a conflictos de programación.

Francamente, nadie se lo cree y dependiendo de dónde te sitúes en este asunto, estarás celebrando a Jenna o criticándola. En cualquier caso, la franquicia "Scream" está un poco jodida en este momento.

El hecho es que Jenna y Melissa (pero sobre todo Jenna) eran por lejos las mayores estrellas de esta nueva edición de las películas, y todo el arco argumental gira en torno a ellas. Sin las actrices, solo quedan Mason Gooding y Jasmin Savoy Brown del reparto original.

Son buenísimos y todo eso, pero más que nada son una ocurrencia tardía y no tiene mucho sentido que sus personajes continúen en la saga sin Jenna y Melissa. Así que, sobre el papel, parece que los guionistas de "Scream 7" tendrán que tomar una dirección completamente distinta, con actores completamente nuevos, etc.

Además, los fans están prometiendo que van a boicotear esta última secuela si se estrena, así que probablemente será una batalla cuesta arriba para despertar el interés de las personas y hacer que el estudio gane dinero.

Las dos últimas entregas han sido todo un éxito en cuanto a ingresos (y algo más), pero sin las dos estrellas favoritas de los fans, la pregunta sigue siendo, ¿es Ghostface, por sí solo, suficiente para poner los culos en los asientos? El tiempo lo dirá, suponemos. 😱


Jack Harlow was responsible for Thanksgiving dinners going cold across the nation ... with the only thing drier than the turkey being his NFL halftime performance during the Lions-Packers game Thursday.

The rapper's six-minute-long set was blasted as "low-budget" after he failed to elicit any enthusiasm while performing tunes such as "First Class," "Tyler Herro" and "WHATS POPPIN" ... and many even took offense to his amateurish igloo-design backdrop.

"They said Jack Harlow's halftime performance set looked like it was from Frozen and I'm CRYING!!!" one viewer mocked ... while another joked the budget for his show was $49.99.

Others already nursing wounds over Detroit trailing 23-6 at the break went as far as to dub it "the worst performance ever" ... urging the 25-year-old to rethink accepting a similar halftime show offer in the future.

The ridicule didn't end there ... with country icon Dolly Parton heralded as a better performer at age 77 -- and others claiming Jack's show was the sole reason their Thanksgiving was ruined.

Ouch ... looks like Jack missed the gravy train and got served a major dish of humble pie this year!

Keith Urban sobre Nicole Kidman El anuncio de AMC es un fenómeno cultural... Nunca lo esperamos!!!

Keith Urban dice que su esposa Nicole Kidman nunca pensó que su anuncio para los cines AMC se convertiría en un éxito tan grande ... y están contentos con el resultado.

Un éxito inesperado
Criss Angel’s Talking Junkies

El marido de Nicole estuvo en el podcast "Talking Junkies" de Criss Angel cuando Criss le preguntó sobre el anuncio, que ahora es un meme y parte de la cultura pop.

Keith dice que AMC le pidió a Nicole que hiciera el anuncio cuando los cines estaban volviendo a abrir durante la pandemia, y dice que ni en un millón de años esperaban que se convirtiera en el fenómeno cultural que es ahora.

La publicidad aún se reproduce antes de algunas proyecciones de AMC y a la gente le encanta publicar memes sobre él en las redes sociales.

Nicole rodó el anuncio en 2021 y ha tenido un impacto duradero.

Mejores como pareja
Criss Angel’s Talking Junkies

Keith también se deshizo en elogios hacia Nicole en el podcast, diciendo que ella es "una chica con los pies en la tierra, relajada, normal, que resulta ser famosa".

El episodio de Keith con Criss se estrena el viernes en y está disponible en su plataforma de streaming favorita.

Keith Urban on Nicole Kidman AMC Ad Is Cultural Phenomenon Now ... We Never Expected This!!!

Keith Urban says his wife Nicole Kidman never thought her commercial for AMC theaters would become such a big hit ... and they're pleased with the outcome.

Criss Angel’s Talking Junkies

Nicole's husband was on Criss Angel's "Talking Junkies" podcast when Criss asked him about her movie ad, which is now a meme and part of pop culture.

Keith says AMC asked Nicole to do the advertisement when theaters were reopening during the pandemic, and he says they never in a million years expected it would morph into a cultural phenomenon.

The ad still plays before some AMC movie screenings and folks love to post memes about it on social media.

Nicole filmed the ad in 2021 and it's got lasting impact.

Criss Angel’s Talking Junkies

Keith also gushed over Nicole on the podcast ... saying she's "an extremely down to earth, chill, laid back, regular girl who happens to be famous."

Keith's episode with Criss premieres Friday on and is available on your favorite streaming platform.

NYC Subway Thanksgiving Served On Train ... Passengers Enjoy Feast!!!

TikTok / @itgirljayda_

A New York City subway train saw a Thanksgiving meal served to hungry passengers ... with folks passing around plates and eating on their underground ride.

Ya gotta see the video ... there's a table full of Thanksgiving treats and drinks, and people are sharing food and laughs between stops.

Tons of passengers are packed on the train like sardines and friendly folks are making sure anyone who wants to eat is served. Some people are sitting and eating, others are chowing down while standing up and everyone looks happy.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

This looks to be turning into a bit of a Thanksgiving tradition in the Big Apple ... last year, a Turkey Day dinner was served to riders on the L Train ... with heaping plates of sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, turkey and green bean casserole.

Never change, New Yorkers!!!

Hall & Oates Restraining Order Muzzles Oates ... Hall Says Keep My Songs Out of Your Mouth!!!

Hall & Oates are on the outs over what songs John Oates is allowed to sing by himself ... sources familiar with the dispute tell TMZ.

As we reported, Daryl Hall got a restraining order against his longtime compadre last week, although the file has been sealed and no information is publicly available.

The 2 -- BTW, the most successful duo in music history -- have been in arbitration, we're told, trying to work out the ground rules of who can sing what as a solo artist, along with money issues of course ... so say our sources.

Hall ran to court on November 16, asking for a restraining order against Oates ... and the judge granted that order the next day.

It's no coincidence ... Oates had a slew of concerts scheduled for this month -- November 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10. The November 9 and 10 concerts were postponed until next year, although no reason was given. This aligns with Hall going to court just days later for the restraining order.

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Club Random with Bill Maher

Hall appeared on Bill Maher's "Club Random" podcast last year and made it clear ... something bad was going on in the group. Bill asked about his "partner" John Oates, and Hall fired back Oates was not his partner creatively ... they were just business partners.  Translation ... them's my songs, not his.

As for what songs are on the table, well, there are a lot, including, "Kiss On My List," "Rich Girl," "Maneater," "You Make My Dreams," "One on One," "Out of Touch," "You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling," and "Private Eyes."

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Instagram / @realdarylhall

Hall had a concert Thursday in Tokyo, where he played the duo's hits to a huge crowd. Looks like Oates can't do the same, at least for now.

MELISSA BARRERA responde al despido de "Scream" "el silencio no es una opción"

Melissa Barrera dice que su despido de la franquicia 'Scream' no la silenciará y dice que no es antisemita.

La actriz respondió a su expulsión de "Scream 7" con una declaración en su historia de Instagram, explicando por qué ha dado demasiadas opiniones sobre la guerra en el Oriente Medio.

Por supuesto, fueron las historias de Instagram de Melissa las que la echaron de la película en primer lugar, después de que la productora detrás de "Scream 7" considerara sus comentarios incitadores al odio y antisemitas.

En respuesta, Melissa dice ... "El silencio no es una opción para mí".

Ella comienza condenando el antisemitismo y la islamofobia y habla en contra del odio y los prejuicios contra todas las personas.

Melissa dice que su herencia mexicana le hace sentir la responsabilidad de utilizar su plataforma para "concienciar sobre temas que me preocupan y prestar mi voz a los necesitados".

Y añade: "Creo que un grupo de personas NO son su liderazgo, y que ningún órgano de gobierno debe estar por encima de la crítica".

Recordemos que Melissa fue despedida de "Scream 7" por sus posts sobre Israel y Palestina, incluyendo uno en el que aparentemente aludía a un viejo texto sobre la gente judía que controla los medios de comunicación. En otro post, Melissa comparó Gaza con un campo de concentración.

Spyglass Media Group, la productora detrás de su despido, dice que le mostró la puerta porque: "Tenemos tolerancia cero con el antisemitismo o la incitación al odio en cualquiera de sus formas, incluidas las referencias falsas al genocidio, la limpieza étnica, la distorsión del Holocausto o cualquier cosa que cruce flagrantemente la línea de la incitación al odio".

Melissa dice que no estaba siendo antisemita y parece que no va a sentarse y callarse ahora que ha perdido un lucrativo papel en una película por sus opiniones.

Melissa Barrera 'Scream' Firing Response ... I Won't Be Silent On Israel-Hamas War!!!

Melissa Barrera says her firing from the 'Scream' franchise won't silence her ... and she says she's not antisemitic.

The actress responded to her "Scream 7" ouster with a statement on her Instagram story, explaining why she's been so vocal about the war in the Middle East.

Of course, it was Melissa's IG stories that got her booted from the movie in the first place ... after the production company behind "Scream 7" deemed her comments hate-inciting and antisemitic.

In response, Melissa says ... "Silence is not an option for me."

She starts out by condemning antisemitism and Islamaphobia ... and speaks out against hate and prejudice against all people.

Melissa says her Mexican heritage makes her feel a responsibility to use her platform to "raise awareness about issues I care about and to lend my voice to those in need."

She adds ... "I believe a group of people are NOT their leadership, and that no governing body should be above criticism."

Remember ... Melissa got fired from "Scream 7" for her posts about Israel and Palestine, including one where she seemingly alluded to a long-standing trope about Jewish people controlling the media. In another post, Melissa compared Gaza to a concentration camp.

Spyglass Media Group, the production company behind her firing, says it showed her the door because ... "We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech."

Melissa says she wasn't being antisemitic ... and it sounds like she won't sit back and shut up now that she's lost a lucrative movie role over her views.

Martin Scorsese Celebrates 81st Bday ... W/ Viral TikTok-Inspired Cake!!!


Martin Scorsese has become a TikTok sensation in recent months -- and it looks like his family wanted to highlight that for his birthday ... with a sweet treat that's totally lit.

The famed director -- who's as old school as it gets -- hit the big 8-1 Friday ... and his loved ones threw him a little shindig to celebrate -- complete with a cake, of course, that was intricately decked out to reflect his viral stardom.

Check it out ... his 24-year-old daughter, Francesca, got some video of her dad's born-day pastry -- and it's full of Gen Z lingo that Marty's apparently pretty keen on.

The big icing writing across reads, "We Slay Birthdays" ... and other hip phrases like "Tea," "Slept On," "Throw Shade" and "Ick" are stenciled on all sides -- with a giant TikTok logo on top, of course.

Tik Tok/@francescascorsese

Francesca certainly seemed impressed by the job that their cake decorator did on this ... and for good reason -- it's pretty freaking awesome. Papa Bear himself also looked pleased.

If you're unaware of what this is all about ... Francesca's been featuring MS on her TikTok videos lately -- and she's been having him use all the fun features, like voice-changers, and having him play viral games that all the young'ns are into ... including movie rankings.

Dude's already a legend in film ... and now, on social media too. King s***, dead ass.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Le dijo a su entrenador Que ver cuerpos troceados en una película eran demasiado para él

Sam Haskell Jr. aparentemente no pudo soportar el horror representado en una película de terror, algo que le dijo a un amigo a principios de este año, a pesar de estar acusado exactamente por el mismo motivo.

TMZ obtuvo mensajes privados de Instagram, de mayo de 2023, en los que Samuel, el hijo del agente de Hollywood Samuel Haskell Sr., le dice a su ex entrenador personal Troy Piedade que la película "The Forever Purge", le dio náuseas a "causa de los cuerpos desmembrados".

Echa un vistazo a la conversación por ti mismo. Es bastante reveladora.

Como se puede ver, Sam trae a colación el filme de terror y escribe: "Forever Purge fue un poco diferente, personas realmente siendo descuartizadas en México, de verdad, es difícil para mí disfrutar de una película sobre eso, prefiero Purge 2 Anarchy". Luego continúa diciendo que quiere hacer una película con Troy.

Hablamos con Troy, que nos dice que en el transcurso de los 14 años en los que conoció a Sam sintió algo un poco raro cuando empezó a entrenarlo en 2009 en Bally's en Encino.

Dice que siente que Sam era muy problemático y que el tipo se metía con la gente del gimnasio porque sabía que él lo protegería.

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¿La prueba irrefutable?

A pesar de su extraño comportamiento, Troy dice que nunca pensó que su ex cliente llegaría tan lejos, al punto de cometer un asesinato, algo que las autoridades del condado de Los Ángeles han alegado contra Sam.

Troy dice que él y Sam se mantuvieron en contacto a través de Instagram después de que dejara el gimnasio, en donde regularmente discutían sobre películas de terror y fitness, incluyendo esta breve charla sobre cuerpos descuartizados. Lo que es importante aquí es que las fuentes policiales de Los Ángeles nos dicen que eran conscientes del interés de Sam en las películas de terror y que están revisando eso para este caso.

El lunes, el fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, George Gascón, anunció que Haskell Jr. fue imputado con tres cargos de asesinato por la muerte de su esposa de 37 años, Mei, y sus padres Gaoshan Li, de 72, y Yanxiang Wang, de 64.

Esto se produjo después de que publicáramos un video que parece mostrar a Sam tirando lo que bien podría ser un cuerpo. Una persona viviendo en la calle encontró un torso humano en el mismo contenedor de basura al día siguiente.

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Captado en Cámara

Hay más videos que parecen mostrar a Sam dando y/o recibiendo otras bolsas, que los jornaleros alegaron contenían restos humanos.

Parece que la policía les creyó. Si es condenado, Haskell Jr. podría enfrentarse a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional.

DANA CARVEY le AGRADECE A SUS SEGUIDORES Tras sobredosis accidental de su hijo

Dana Carvey le está mostrando su gratitud a todos los que le han estado tendiendo la mano para apoyar a su familia después de la fatal sobredosis de su hijo Dex.

El actor y comediante agradeció a sus simpatizantes el sábado en Instagram, diciendo que él y su esposa, Paula, estaban abrumados por el amor, la compasión y las historias personales que compartieron.

Dana escribió: "Hemos recibido tantos mensajes hermosos de personas que conocían a Dex. Estos nos tocaron más de lo que podríamos expresar con palabras".

Continuó diciendo que se tomaría un descanso del trabajo y de las redes sociales durante el proceso de duelo mientras él, Paula y su otro hijo, Thomas, averiguan "cómo es la vida ahora que somos una familia de 3".

Dana prometió "sanar lo mejor que podamos y seguir adelante" porque su "querido Dex lo habría querido así".

TMZ publicó la historia, Dex falleció el miércoles después de que su novia llamó al 911. Lo encontraron sin respuesta en el baño de una casa de Los Ángeles. Los paramédicos trataron sin éxito de traerlo de vuelta a la vida.

El jueves, Dana dijo que Dex murió de una sobredosis accidental de drogas. También escribió un emotivo homenaje a su hijo, alabando sus talentos musicales y llamándolo una "hermosa persona".

El forense de Los Ángeles está a la espera de los resultados de las pruebas toxicológicas para determinar la causa oficial de su muerte.

Ashlyn Harris I'm No Cheater!!! Defends Sophia Bush Relationship

Ashlyn Harris has a lot to say to internet trolls about what was happening behind the scenes when she and Ali Krieger broke up, and she started dating Sophia Bush -- and she says there was absolutely no cheating.

The former soccer star says she's tried to remain silent about the details, but Saturday -- due to the rumors of infidelity, she decided to share it all. She says, "Let me be clear: I did not step out on my marriage. I was always faithful in my marriage, if not always totally happy. Like in many partnerships, there was work and therapy and processing done."

In her Instagram post, Ashlyn added the split was well planned out -- "We spent the entire summer working to tackle the separation and divorce steps outlined for us by our therapists, lawyers, and our shared agency."

Ashlyn says they were betrayed by someone who leaked their breakup news before they intended to go public at the end of Ali's soccer season.

As we previously reported, Ashlyn started dating Sophia less than a month after filing for divorce from Ali in September. Krieger and Harris married in late 2019 in Miami.

Ali seemed to fuel the rumor about infidelity being the reason for their split when she wrote on Instagram, "Preparing for playoffs while in my Beyoncé Lemonade era" -- and, of course, the "Lemonade" album chronicles Bey and Jay-Z's relationship issues after she discovered he cheated on her.


While video showed Ashlyn and Sophia seemingly getting flirty during a June event in Cannes -- Ashlyn's new revelation makes it seem like she and Ali were done at that point ... just not publicly.

She says she and Ali are now focused on co-parenting their 2 young children.

Ashlyn turned off the comments in her post -- in which she details her mental health struggles after getting flooded with cheating accusations and worse. She captioned it with a single black heart.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Told Personal Trainer ... Chopped Up Bodies in Horror Movie Too Much for Me

Sam Haskell Jr. apparently couldn't stomach the gore depicted in a horror movie -- something he told a pal earlier this year ... even though he's accused of being a butcher.

TMZ has obtained IG DMs from May 2023 that Samuel -- the son of Hollywood super-agent Samuel Haskell Sr. -- sent to his ex-personal trainer Troy Piedade ... which touched "The Forever Purge," a flick that SHJ said made him queasy 'cause of the dismembered bodies.

Take a look at the back-and-forth between them yourself ... it's pretty eye-opening.

As you see, Sam brings up 'The Purge' and writes ... "Forever purge was a little different fools really be getting chopped up in Mexico for real it's hard for me to enjoy a movie about it, I'm down with purge 2 anarchy." He then goes on to say that he wants to make a movie with Troy.

We talked to Troy, who now tells us that over the course of the 14 years that he knew Sam ... he sensed something a bit off when he started actually training him in 2009 at Bally's in Encino.

Troy says that he feels Sam was very troubled, claiming that the guy would go out of his way to mess with people at the gym ... because he knew he (Troy) would protect him.

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Despite his odd behavior, though, Troy tells us he never thought his former client would go as far as murder ... something the authorities in L.A. County have alleged against Sam.

Troy says he and Sam kept in touch over IG after he left the gym, where they regularly discussed topics such as horror movies and fitness ... including this brief chat about chopped-up bodies, which Sam said were too much for him. FWIW, law enforcement sources tell us the LAPD is aware of Sam's interest in horror movies and they're looking into it.

On Monday, L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón announced that Haskell Jr. was hit with 3 counts of murder in the death of his 37-year-old wife, Mei, and her parents ... 72-year-old Gaoshan Li and 64-year-old Yanxiang Wang.

Of course, this came after we published video that appears to show Sam dumping what very well may have been a body. A homeless person found a human torso at the same dumpster the very next day.

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There's more video that appears to show Sam giving/receiving other bags ... which day laborers alleged contained human remains. Seems like the cops believed them.

If convicted, Haskell Jr. could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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