Dana Carvey Gives Thanks to Supporters ... After Son's 'Accidental Overdose' Death

Dana Carvey is showing his gratitude to everyone who's been reaching out to support his family after his son Dex's fatal OD.

The actor and comedian thanked his well-wishers Saturday on Instagram, saying he and his wife, Paula, were overwhelmed by their love, compassion and personal stories they shared.

Dana wrote, "We received so many beautiful messages from people who knew Dex. These touched us more than we could ever express in words."

He went on to say he would be taking a break from work and social media during the grieving process as he, Paula and their other son, Thomas, figure out "what life looks like now that we are a family of 3."

Dana vowed to "heal the best we can and carry on" because their "darling Dex would have wanted it that way."

TMZ broke the story ... Dex passed away Wednesday after his girlfriend called 911, and first responders found him unresponsive in the bathroom of an L.A. home. Paramedics tried unsuccessfully to bring him back to life.

On Thursday, Dana said Dex died of an accidental drug overdose. He also wrote an emotional tribute to his son, praising his musical talents and calling him a "beautiful person."

The L.A. Coroner is awaiting the results of toxicology tests to determine his official cause of death.

Taylor Swift Postpones 2nd Brazil Show ... Amid Fan Death, High Temp

Taylor Swift is postponing her second show in Brazil this weekend after a fan died the day prior and amid scorching temperatures there in the city that she deems too dangerous.

The pop star announced the decision Saturday, not long before she was scheduled to take the stage there at Rio de Janeiro's Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos -- where she had just performed Friday ... and where a young fan lost her life ahead of curtain call.

Taylor says she's hitting pause for her performance tonight -- which would've marked night #2 of a 3-show stop there in Brazil -- and says her fans' safety comes first before anything.

She says, "I'm writing this from my dressing room in the stadium. The decision has been made to postpone tonight's show due to the extreme temperatures in Rio. The safety and well-being of my fans, fellow performers, and crew has to and always will come first."

No word on whether she's going to proceed with Sunday's show -- for now, it looks like Rio's expecting a high of 84 degrees ... whereas it's in the 90s today, and hit 88 with high humidity yesterday.

Of course, she's being praised for this move ... as many were wondering how she could possibly go forward after the tragedy from Friday night, which Taylor obviously addressed as well. She said she was heartbroken over it, but also said she wouldn't talk about it onstage.

The fact that she was apparently just going to proceed with her regular show and not address the fan's death in person -- despite already having done so online -- didn't sit well with some -- and it seems Taylor/her team realized that ... wisely opting to stop down.

It appears that even before Taylor became aware of the fan's death -- which has been speculated to be over a heatstroke of some sort -- she already suspected something was wrong. There's footage of her at Friday's show demanding that the fans be handed water.


Time will tell if Sunday's concert is a go or not -- we imagine those talks are happening right now.

Taylor Swift Pospone su segundo concierto en Brasil...

Taylor Swift pospuso su segundo show en Brasil este fin de semana después de que un fan muriera el día anterior. Todo ello, en medio de temperaturas demasiado abrasadoras, que ella considera son muy peligrosas.

La estrella del pop anunció la decisión el sábado, no mucho de que se subiera al escenario del Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos de Río de Janeiro, donde actuó el viernes y una admiradora perdió la vida antes de la apertura del telón.

Taylor dice que está haciendo una pausa para su actuación de esta noche, la segunda de las tres paradas que tiene programadas en Brasil, y dice que la seguridad de sus fans es lo primero.

Ella dice: "Estoy escribiendo esto desde mi camerino en el estadio. Se ha tomado la decisión de posponer el espectáculo de esta noche debido a las temperaturas extremas de Río. La seguridad y el bienestar de mis fans, mis compañeros de actuación y equipo tiene que ser y siempre será lo primero".

No se sabe si la estrella del pop seguirá adelante con el show del domingo. Se espera que Río alcance una temperatura máxima de 84 grados (F), comparados con los 90 (F) de hoy. Ayer llegó a 88 con alta humedad.

Por supuesto, Taylor está siendo elogiada por esta decisión, ya que muchos se preguntaban cómo podría seguir adelante después de la tragedia de ayer viernes que también abordó con una sentida carta. Dijo que tenía el corazón roto, pero también que no hablaría de ello sobre el escenario.

El hecho de que procediera con su show y no abordara la muerte de su fan,  a pesar de que ya lo había hecho en línea, no le sentó bien a algunos y parece Taylor y su equipo se dieron cuenta, optando sabiamente por posponer.

Parece que incluso antes de que Taylor se enterara de la muerte del fan -que se ha especulado que fue por un golpe de calor de algún tipo- ya se sospechaba que algo andaba mal. Hay imágenes de ella en el show del viernes exigiendo que les dieran agua a los fans.

Ángel protector

El tiempo dirá si el concierto del domingo se realizará o no. Nos imaginamos que las conversaciones están sucediendo en este momento.

Elon Musk See Ya In Court, Media Matters ... W/ a 'Thermonuclear' Suit

Elon Musk says he's suing a media watchdog over a report he says is misleading advertisers to flee X ... and it sounds like he'll try taking 'em for every penny they're worth.

Here's the deal ... Elon and his new social media company have been in the crosshairs of controversy over the past few days -- and it mostly has to do with a story Media Matters published that suggested pro-Nazi ads were running alongside organic content from users.

Of course, that sounds scandalous ... and it dovetails with accusations of antisemitism that Elon himself faced this exact same week -- this after a Twitter response he fired off.

The Media Matters thing, though, is what EM is now squarely focused on in this epic warning. He took to X Friday night to announce he was hitting the courthouse first thing Monday morning in a plan to sue Media Matters over what he claims is misleading reporting.

Elon says, "The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company." He added, "Their board, their donors, their network of dark money, all of them."

There was also an attached explanation to Media Matters' report -- which, again, suggested Nazi propaganda was somehow popping up on X ... and which seems to have spurred HUGE companies to either pause or outright suspend X advertising over the last 24 hours.

Those brands include Apple, Disney, WB, IBM, Lionsgate and others ... and that, of course, hurts Elon and X's bottom line. So, he's trying to rectify it all now with what he says is forthcoming legal action.

It's been a bumpy week for the guy ... but hey, at least his SpaceX Starship rocket got successfully launched today. That is, before it self-destructed after about 10 minutes or so.


Back to the drawing board on that front ... and on to the judge's bench in another, it seems.

Elon Musk Nos vemos en tribunales Media Matters Demanda termonuclear

Elon Musk dice que va a demandar a una empresa de medios por un informe que, a su juicio, está engañando a los anunciantes para que huyan de su plataforma X y suena como que irá por cada centavo que valga.

Este es lo que pasó, Elon y su nueva compañía de redes sociales han estado en medio de la controversia en los últimos días, y todo tiene que ver con una historia que publicó Media Matters que sugiere que se están colando anuncios pro-nazis junto con el contenido orgánico de los usuarios.

Por supuesto, suena escandaloso y calza con las acusaciones de antisemitismo que el propio Elon ha estado enfrentando esta misma semana, después de uno de sus comentarios en un tuit encendiera las alarmas.

Su advertencia, sin embargo, se centra principalmente en lo de Media Matters. El viernes por la noche apareció en X para anunciar que a primera hora del lunes iría a los tribunales para demandar a Media Matters por lo que considera información engañosa.

Elon dice: "En la fracción de segundo que el tribunal abra el lunes, X Corp presentará una demanda termonuclear contra Media Matters y TODOS los que se confabularon en este ataque fraudulento contra nuestra empresa". Y añade: "Su junta, sus donantes, su red de dinero oscuro, todos ellos".

También había una explicación adjunta al informe de Media Matters que, de nuevo, sugería que está apareciendo propaganda nazi de alguna manera en X y parece estar causando que grandes empresas pausen o directamente suspendan la publicidad en X en las últimas 24 horas.

Esas marcas incluyen Apple, Disney, WB, IBM, Lionsgate y otros, lo que por supuesto perjudica a Elon y a X en general. Así que ahora está tratando de rectificarlo todo con estas próximas acciones legales.

Ha sido una semana agitada para el tipo, pero bueno, al menos su cohete SpaceX Starship fue lanzado con éxito hoy. Es decir, antes de que se autodestruyera después de unos diez minutos más o menos.


Volver a la mesa de trabajo en ese frente y al banco del juez en otro, parece.

Paula Jai Parker on Cassie Questions Diddy Abuse Claims ... Getting Dragged Online

Paula Jai Parker is questioning Cassie's sexual abuse allegations against Diddy ... and now she's getting tons of backlash for doing so.

The actress shared her 2 cents on Cassie's explosive lawsuit with a series of tweets ... and at one point said, "I'm sorry but I don't get it, I used to be 19 and I was in the industry and I was quite capable of saying no."

As you know ... Cassie is accusing Diddy of rape and human trafficking, among several other claims, in a federal suit ... and a lot of folks are already taking her side.

But, Paula's taking a more skeptical stance. She says she's sexual abuse survivor and adds ... "By 19 we're all strong enough to make choices that affect the rest of our lives. If you can't say no you're not built for it. Take that midnight train now before you get yourself in trouble."

She also says ... "I'm trying so hard to see the victim here, but do sex slaves usually get to pick their sex partners in 5⭐ hotels?😩🤷🏽‍♂️."

On social media, folks are ripping Paula for "victim blaming" ... and people are throwing out alleged NDAs, threats and fear as potential reasons why it took Cassie so long to speak out.


For her part, Paula is standing by her comments ... she has yet to delete any of her tweets about Cassie and Diddy.


Balenciaga está recibiendo críticas por el nuevo artículo de diseño que la compañía está vendiendo, una falda hecha de una toalla de algodón por la módica suma de $925.

La gente en redes sociales ha hecho y desecho con la peculiar prenda.

La falda/toalla de $925 es parte de la colección Primavera 2024 de la marca Balenciaga. La empresa comenzó a tomar pedidos por adelantado el martes y mucha gente se pregunta qué diablos está pasando.

Algunos tuits dice: "¿No es Balenciaga una falda toalla? 😭 ¿Quién es el director creativo de allí?" y "Balenciaga está vendiendo una toalla envuelta alrededor de la cintura de alguien como una falda por $925 😂😂😂 por favor váyanse a la mier...".

Balenciaga dice que la falda/toalla de 925 dólares se sujeta con dos botones en el interior de la cintura y un cinturón ajustable con una hebilla en el interior hecha en Italia y tiene que ser limpiada en seco.

El modelo en el sitio web de Balenciaga lleva la falda de toalla sobre un par de pantalones de carga de $1.950 y una sudadera con capucha con cremallera de $1.000.

Naturalmente, algunos usuarios de las redes sociales dicen que pueden lograr el mismo look por mucho menos, como una toalla de $5 en el Target.

El precio de 925 dólares parece ser la principal queja aquí, pero una mujer dice ... ¿"UNA FALDA TOALLA COMO UNA DECLARACIÓN DE MODA"?  Por favor THATS SO UGLY 😭 why balenciaga ?????".

Mientras tanto, otros se preguntan si Balenciaga está jugando algún tipo de broma.

Balenciaga Slammed for $925 Towel Skirt ... 'Please Be F****** For Real'

Balenciaga is being hung out to dry for a new designer item the company is selling ... a skirt made from a cotton towel with a whopping $925 price tag.

The high fashion house is being dragged online for its pricy new towel skirt, with folks on social media having a field day at Balenciaga's expense.

The $925 towel skirt is part of the brand's Spring 2024 Collection, Balenciaga started taking preorders Tuesday and lots of folks are wondering what the heck is going on.

Among the mean tweets ... "Nah Balenciaga a towel skirt? 😭 who the f*** is the creative director over there" and "Balenciaga is selling a towel wrapped around somebody’s waist as a skirt for $925 😂😂😂 please be f****** for real."

Balenciaga says the $925 towel skirt is held up by 2 buttons inside the waistline and an adjustable belt with a buckle inside ... and it's made in Italy and has to be dry cleaned.

The model on the Balenciaga website is wearing the towel skirt over a pair of $1,950 cargo pants and a $1,000 zip-up hoodie.

Naturally, some social media users say they can achieve the same look for way less ... like a $5 towel from Target.

The $925 price tag seems to be the main gripe here, but one woman says ... "A TOWEL SKIRT AS A FASHION STATEMENT?!?!  Please THATS SO UGLY 😭 why balenciaga ?????"

Meanwhile, others are wondering if Balenciaga is playing some kind of joke here.

RFK Jr. Played Footsie with First-Class Floor ... On American Flight to Dallas

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. let it all hang out during a flight nearly two weeks ago -- and by that, we mean from the ankles down ... where he got very acquainted with a messy aisle floor.

The presidential candidate -- who's running as an independent -- was on an American Airlines plane on Nov. 2 ... where we're told he was traveling from Portland to Dallas for what appears to have been official political business, during which this eye-popping pic was snapped by conservative commentator Justin Haskins.

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In The Tank

Haskins -- who works for a think tank called The Heartland Institute -- took this photo of RFK Jr. getting up and walking to the bathroom ... only he did it completely barefoot!

Indeed ... it's a bit surprising, considering the ground he's treading on isn't all the clean -- at least that's what Haskins said when he and his buddies talked about this on their "In The Tank" pod on Friday. According to him, there was a bunch of food and debris down there.

Listen to how Haskins puts it ... sounds like he was pretty surprised to see Bobby pull this as nonchalantly as he did, and he jokes this might even torpedo his campaign prospects.


Time will tell on that front, we suppose ... but man, talk about getting comfy, huh? 😅

SELENA GOMEZ A 'COWARD,' SAYS JEWISH ORG ... 'Demonizes Israel To Save Business!'

Selena Gomez has been branded a "coward" by a Jewish organization ... after embroiling herself in controversy over the Israel-Hamas war.

Speaking to TMZ, Mitchell Bard for the Jewish organization American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) lambasted Selena for falling victim to the intense pressure put on celebs to boycott and demonize Israel.


He tells us instead of speaking on the massacre of 1,400 Israelis and the taking of 240 hostages, including the elderly, disabled, women and children as young as 9 months ... Selena's priority lies with her business, which was threatened after the Rare Beauty's CEO followed pro-Israel accounts.

The org also details its disappointment over her choosing to "pacify bullies" hoping to boycott Rare Beauty by "taking the popular position that Palestinians who have been sacrificed by Hamas are the victims" ... with a pro-Palestine-leaning statement shared to RB's IG.

In stark contrast ... the very same IG post delights Alia Malak, a founding member of the Palestinian organization, Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), who tells TMZ, "Selena Gomez is one of many thousands of artists and cultural figures worldwide calling for ceasefire, justice and accountability, joining Hollywood figures, leading Black scholars and artists, Jewish writers and artists, prominent authors, visual artists, and many others."

They add, "When UN experts and others are warning of an Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, these artists are on the right side of history. Palestinians call on artists and arts organizations to speak out loudly for a ceasefire, and for an end to oppression, as many had done against apartheid South Africa, to contribute to freedom, justice, and equality."

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This comes after Rare Beauty's statement on IG acknowledged the slaughter of 1,400 Israelis ... saying that attacks on civilians are wrong ... but alluding their main concern was "protecting Palestine civilians."

The brand has since shared several resources on the humanitarian crisis ... while also reminding everyone to be kind in troubling times, of course.

Nicki Minaj Social Media's Full of False Realities ... Gen Z's Glued to Their Phones!!!

Nicki Minaj is very leery of social media these days and says her heart breaks for the younger generation because their entire lives revolve around being online!!!

The "Pink Friday 2" rapper got into detail about her postpartum life after having her son a few years ago, and admits she sought out other moms through social media for parenting tips ... but, overall, she still thinks the future looks bleak for folks who live on apps.

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Nicki told Vogue, "It’s gotten so easy to be alone physically, where young people spend 12, 16 hours a day in their rooms on their phones, looking at these false realities, comparing themselves."

She went on to mourn some of the younger generation's late rappers ... "I’ve seen artists gone way too soon, and I wonder if that could have been avoided if they’d just had the chance to talk about what they were going through."

Gen Z has seen the deaths of Juice Wrld, Big Scarr and Mac Miller to drug overdoses in the past few years, in addition to losing Pop Smoke, XXXTentacion and King Von to gun violence, and the effects have taken their toll on the culture as it tries to push forward.

Instagram / @souljaboy

Nicki interjected in a big social media blowup this week when she convinced Soulja Boy to stop flipping out over J. Cole ... instructing the "Crank Dat" rapper to log off and woosah!!!

A rule she's applies to her own life as well, especially when it comes to politics.

Ever since the White House scolded her for claiming COVID-19 vaccines make your balls blow up, she won't be making any campaign endorsements anytime soon!!!

Nicki Minaj Las redes sociales están repletas de falsas realidades Gen Z pegada a sus teléfonos...

¡¡¡Nicki Minaj está muy recelosa de las redes sociales en estos días y dice que su corazón se rompe por la generación más joven, ya que toda su vida gira en torno a estar en línea!!!

La rapera de "Pink Friday 2" entró en detalles sobre su vida después de tener a su hijo hace unos años, y aunque admite que buscó a otras madres a través de las redes sociales para obtener consejos sobre cómo criar a los hijos... en general, piensa que el futuro se ve sombrío para la gente que vive en esas aplicaciones.

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Nicki le dijo a Vogue: "Se ha vuelto tan fácil estar solo físicamente, los jóvenes pasan 12, 16 horas al día en sus habitaciones, en sus teléfonos, mirando todas esas falsas realidades, comparándose".

Continuó lamentándose por algunos de los últimos raperos de la generación más joven: "He visto artistas que se han ido demasiado pronto, y me pregunto si eso se podría haber evitado si hubieran tenido la oportunidad de hablar de lo que estaban viviendo".

Juice Wrld, Big Scarr y Mac Miller son algunos de los raperos de la generación Z, que han fallecido en los últimos años por sobredosis de drogas, además de Pop Smoke, XXXTentacion y King Von a causa de la violencia armada... y sus consecuencias han pesado en la cultura y sociedad, que intenta seguir adelante.

Crisis superada
Instagram / @souljaboy

Nicki intervino en una gran trifulca en las redes sociales esta semana cuando convenció a Soulja Boy para que dejara de pelear con J. Cole, instruyendo al rapero de "Crank Dat" que se desconectara.

Una regla que ella aplica a su propia vida también, sobre todo cuando se trata de política.

Desde que la Casa Blanca la regañó por afirmar que las vacunas COVID-19 hacen que te exploten las pelotas, ¡¡¡no va a hacer ninguna campaña electoral a corto plazo!!!


Internet está en un frenesí en este momento sobre lo que parece ser una nueva noticia sobre "Shrek". Un interno accidentalmente filtró la fecha de lanzamiento de la quinta película.

Esta la cosa, "Shrek 5" es tendencia, y todo por una captura de pantalla de un supuesto curriculum vitae de LinkedIn de una joven que recientemente trabajó en NBCUniversal, que ahora es la empresa matriz de DreamWorks, el estudio de animación famoso detrás de la película.

Suponiendo que esta captura de pantalla es legítima, ciertamente parece ser un error por parte de esta pobre chica, ya que está exagerando el hecho de que trabajó en "Shrek 5" este año. Ella dice que el estreno está programado para salir en 2025.

En cuanto a lo que ella dice que estaba haciendo en relación con la película... trabajo en productos de consumo, es decir, averiguando la manera de meter sutilmente las marcas en la película para hacer que los espectadores quieran comprar.

Desde que esto se publicó y fue ampliamente compartido, el perfil de la chica ha sido modificado, con la mención "Shrek" borrada. NBCU aún no ha anunciado oficialmente "Shrek 5", pero sí que lo ha insinuado en las últimas películas relacionadas con Shrek.

Obviamente, hay una ENORME base de fans de "Shrek" y la gente ha estado esperando durante mucho tiempo la próxima entrega, esto luego de que las dos últimas no tuvieran el éxito esperado.

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NBCU no ha comentado nada sobre la supuesta filtración, pero la gente ya lo da por hecho y creen que se anunciará pronto ya que "puede" que ya se sepa.

Por cierto, hablando de "Shrek", han aparecido otras noticias relacionadas, como la de Rita Ora vistiéndose como la princesa Fiona (versión ogro) y visitando la nueva casa del pantano de Shrek que AirBnB ha promocionado recientemente. Ella estuvo en el célebre pantano este fin de semana y parecía impresionante.

En cuanto al próximo capítulo de "Shrek", suponemos que habrá que esperar dos años.

'Shrek 5' Release Date Leak ... Thru NBCU Intern Resume!!!

The Internet is in a frenzy right now over what looks like big 'Shrek' news -- the apparent leaking of the release date for the 5th movie ... courtesy of an intern, of all people.

Here's the deal ... "Shrek 5" is trending, and it all has to do with a screengrab of an alleged LinkedIn resume from a young woman who claims to have recently worked at NBCUniversal -- the parent company of the green guy's studio, DreamWorks.

If the screenshot is legit, the woman made a big blunder ... because she's hyping the fact she worked on 'Shrek 5' this year, which she says is set to come out in 2025.

As far as what she says she was doing on the film -- she says consumer product work ... aka, figuring out how to subtly shove brands into the movie, or product integration, if you will.

Since it was posted and widely shared ... the woman's profile's been tweaked, with the 'Shrek' mention scrubbed. NBCU hasn't officially announced a 'Shrek 5' just yet, but has certainly teased it in recent 'Shrek'-adjacent films.

Obviously, there's a HUGE fanbase for 'Shrek' ... and folks have long been waiting for the next installment -- even though the last 2 had less than great reception.

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NBCU hasn't commented on the purported leak ... but some people think this will force an official announcement to come soon.

BTW, speaking of 'Shrek' ... there were some other related updates that surfaced, including Rita Ora dressing up as Princess Fiona (ogre version) and cruising the new Shrek swamp house that AirBnB was plugging recently. She did a weekend stay, and it looked awesome.

As for the next 'Shrek' chapter ... whenever it comes out, be on the lookout for product placement -- it seems it's top of mind for the Peacock and its interns.



Montana Tucker dice que no se siente segura como una persona judía en los Estados Unidos y teme que el odio hacia los judíos en línea sea parte de un problema mayor.

La cantante se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el lunes y nos dijo que sus populares mensajes de TikTok son ahora pozos negros de comentarios antisemitas y solo está empeorando.

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Montana, que tuvo familiares que murieron en el Holocausto, dice que la gente se siente envalentonada para vomitar odio contra los judíos, no solo en las redes sociales, sino también en la vida real.

Para Montana, su contenido de canto y baile ahora está plagado de comentarios de odio de antisemitas que le dicen que merece morir simplemente porque es judía e incluso hay algunos negadores del Holocausto.

Montana dice que el hate es realmente intenso en estos momentos como resultado de la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, pero ella dice que se ha estado gestando desde hace un tiempo, primero se agudizó el año pasado cuando publicó una docuserie sobre Auschwitz, donde su familia murió en campos de concentración.

Las cosas están tan mal para los creadores judíos en TikTok, Montana nos dice que ella y otros no se sienten seguros, y dice que está liderando un grupo de celebridades que están presionando la plataforma para tomar medidas enérgicas contra el antisemitismo.

Montana también dice que muchas personas que vienen después de ella en los comentarios están apoyando a Hamás a pesar de que es una organización terrorista conocida por su terrible tratamiento de las personas LGBTQ + y las mujeres.

Es una conversación intensa y Montana establece comparaciones entre el clima actual y los inicios del Holocausto.

SINGER MONTANA TUCKER Doesn't Feel Safe To Be Jewish ... Online, And In Real Life!!!


Montana Tucker says she doesn't feel safe as a Jewish person in America ... and she fears the hate towards Jewish people online is part of a larger problem.

The singer joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday and told us her popular TikTok posts are now cesspools for antisemitic comments ... and it's only getting worse.

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Montana, who had family members die in the Holocaust, says people feel emboldened to spew hate against Jews ... not only on social media but also in real life.

For Montana, her singing and dancing content is now littered with hateful comments from antisemites telling her she deserves to die simply because she's Jewish ... and there are even a few Holocaust deniers.

Montana says the hate is really bad right now as a result of the Israel-Hamas war ... but she says it's been brewing for a while, first ratcheting up last year when she posted a docuseries about Auschwitz, where her family died in concentration camps.

Things are so bad for Jewish creators on TikTok, Montana tells us she and others don't feel safe ... and she's leading a group of celebs pressuring the platform to crack down on antisemitism.

Montana also says lots of people coming after her in the comments are supporting Hamas ... even though it's a terrorist organization known for its awful treatment of LGBTQ+ people and women.

It's a powerful conversation ... and Montana is drawing comparisons between the current climate and the beginnings of the Holocaust.

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