Mark Zuckerberg Tears ACL Sparring ... Has Surgery To Repair

This never happened coding ... Mark Zuckerberg tore his ACL training MMA, and was forced to go under the knife, delaying a real deal fight Zuck had scheduled for early next year!

The Facebook founder shared several photos from his hospital bed Friday afternoon ... announcing he's suffered a serious injury to his left leg.

"Tore my ACL sparring and just got out of surgery to replace it. Grateful for the doctors and team taking care of me. I was training for a competitive MMA fight early next year, but now that's delayed a bit. Still looking forward to doing it after I recover. Thanks to everyone for the love and support," 39-year-old Zuck wrote on Instagram.

The bit about the upcoming fight is news, too. No one ever publicly announced Mark scheduled a mixed martial arts bout.

A bunch of MMA stars wished Zuck well after hearing about his injury, including former UFC champ-champ Henry Cejudo, who wrote ...  "Speedy recovery Mark! 🙏"

Through training, Zuckerberg has befriended many of the world's top fighters like Israel Adesanya and Alex Volkanovski.

FYI, the ACL, or the anterior cruciate ligament, is a band of tissue that connects your thigh and shinbones together and is a common injury among athletes.

Of course, Zuckerberg and Elon Musk spent months negotiating terms for an MMA fight, though it never came to fruition. The billionaires blamed each other for the breakdown.

Earlier this week Musk went on Joe Rogan's podcast and again reiterated that he would fight Zuckerberg "anytime, anywhere, any place."

ACL recovery typically takes around 9 months, give or take, to return to competition post-surgery.

Until then, Mark's likely not fighting anyone.

Get well soon!!!

Selena Gomez Dice que va a borrar su cuenta de Instagram... Tras ola de críticas por un post sobre Palestina e Israel

Selena Gomez dice que necesita un descanso de Instagram y va a eliminar su cuenta después de ser criticada por sus comentarios sobre el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina.

Selena publicó y luego borró una historia de Instagram el jueves, donde reveló sus planes de salirse de la red, explicando: "Estoy harta de esto. No apoyo nada de lo que está pasando".

La decisión se produjo solo unos días después de que Selena publicara un post sobre la guerra en Gaza y luego fuera aplastada por los usuarios.

Sintiendo la presión

Como informamos, Selena se refirió este lunes a la guerra en Medio Oriente, condenando el asesinato y la tortura y diciendo: "Eso es lo que me enferma. Me gustaría poder cambiar el mundo. Pero un post no lo hará".

El post de Selena sobre Israel-Palestina fue recibido con toneladas de odio en la red, con la gente acusándola de no hacer todo lo posible por ayudar a los más necesitados, por tratar de hacerse la víctima y criticándola por decir que su plataforma es inútil.

Como hemos informado, otras celebridades han enfrentado reacciones negativas por sus opiniones sobre el conflicto en curso. La ex estrella del cine para adultos Mia Khalifa perdió su trabajo con Playboy después de defender a Hamás, mientras que toda la familia Hadid está recibiendo amenazas de muerte por sus comentarios.

Pero Selena parece ser la única que amenaza con borrar su cuenta.

Selena Gomez Says She's Deleting Her Instagram ... After Taking Heat For Israel-Palestine Post

Selena Gomez says she needs a break from Instagram and is going to delete her account ... after being blasted for her comments about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Selena posted and then deleted an IG story Thursday where she revealed her plans to get off IG, explaining ... "I'm done. I do not support any of what's going on."

The decision came only days after Selena posted about the Gaza war and then got dragged.


As we reported ... Selena spoke out Monday about the war in the Middle East, condemning murder and torture and saying, "That's what makes me sick. I wish I could change the world. But a post won't."

Selena's Israel-Palestine post was met with tons of hate online ... with folks accusing her of not doing all she can to help those in need, dragging her for trying to be a victim and blasting her for claiming her platform was useless.

As we've reported ... other celebs have faced backlash for their takes on the ongoing conflict ... former adult film star Mia Khalifa lost her gig with Playboy after defending Hamas, and the entire Hadid family is getting death threats.

But, Selena seems to be the only one threatening to delete her account.

Britney Spears Impressive First Week of Book Sales ... Still Falls Short of Harry

Britney Spears memoir "The Woman in Me" has officially been out for just over a week, and while she moved an impressive number of copies, there's still one royal who's got her beat.

In a release Wednesday from Simon and Schuster's Gallery Books, Spears said, "I poured my heart and soul into my memoir, and I am grateful to my fans and readers around the world for their unwavering support."

The release reveals "The Woman in Me" sold 1.1 million copies in the United States -- that's including print, pre-sales, e-books and audibooks.

While Britney's figures may seem staggering, Prince Harry's book, "Spare" sold 1.6 million copies in the United States in the first week. Remember, it was release night when Britney took to social media to claim her book was "The highest selling celebrity memoir in history."

However, Britney barely did any press to promote her book ... so the number is impressive regardless.

As we reported, her email exchange interview with People Magazine was the only one-on-one she did about the book ... and the rest was up to her social media posts. We were also first to tell you that was a decision made by Britney ... she just didn't wanna do press.

The book itself came with plenty of headlines though, including bombshells about her relationship with Justin Timberlake -- and his pushing her to get an abortion -- as well as allegations about her family and her time in the conservatorship.


El libro de memorias de Britney Spears, "The Woman in Me" lleva una semana desde su lanzamiento, y aunque sigue moviendo un número impresionante de copias, todavía se queda corto si lo comparamos con las confesiones reales de Harry.

En un comunicado publicado el miércoles por Simon and Schuster's Gallery Books, Spears afirma: "He volcado mi corazón y mi alma en mis memorias, y estoy muy agradecida de mis fans y lectores de todo el mundo por su apoyo incondicional".

El comunicado revela que "The Woman in Me" ha vendido 1,1 millones de ejemplares en Estados Unidos, incluyendo copias impresas, preventas, libros electrónicos y audiolibros.

Aunque las cifras de Britney pueden parecer asombrosas, el libro del Príncipe Harry, "Spare", vendió 1,6 millones de copias en Estados Unidos en su primera semana. Recordemos que fue la noche del lanzamiento cuando Britney se lanzó a las redes sociales para afirmar que su libro era "el libro de memorias de famosos más vendido de la historia".

Sin embargo, Britney apenas hizo prensa para promocionar su libro, por lo que el número es impresionante a pesar de todo.

Como informamos, la entrevista a través de correo electrónico con la revista People fue el único intercambio uno a uno que hizo la estrella del pop sobre su libro. Todo el resto fue lo que ella misma publicó en sus redes. También fuimos los primeros en decir que fue su decisión el no hacer ningún tipo de prensa.

El libro en sí vino con un montón de titulares, incluyendo bombas sobre su relación con Justin Timberlake -y la presión que ejerció para que abortara-, así como acusaciones sobre su familia y su tiempo bajo tutela.

Matthew Perry Coroner at Death Scene ... Investigation Begins

The Matthew Perry death investigation is underway after the L.A. County Coroner arrived at his home to begin the autopsy process.

The coroner's large white van pulled up Saturday evening outside the Pacific Palisades home where Matthew was found dead earlier that day. Several members of the coroner's team rolled the body out on a stretcher and placed it in the van.

As TMZ first reported ... Matthew's assistant discovered him unresponsive in a hot tub, and our sources say the death appears to be the result of drowning. While there were no illicit drugs found on the scene, we're told there were some prescription drugs found in the house.

The coroner's office will perform toxicology testing, in addition to the autopsy, to determine cause of death, and if any substances were in Matthew's system at levels that could have harmed him.

In a grim scene ... Matthew's mother, father and stepfather were also at the house Saturday, a few hours after he passed.

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Perry shared a post less than a week prior to his death that raised no eyebrows at the time, but seems eerie now -- it's a Shot of himself sitting in the corner of the hot tub at night, looking out at the city lights.

He captioned the image ... "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Perry was 54.

YouTuber Jack Doherty His Security Knocks a Dude Out ... Once Did Same for DaBaby

102823-jack-doherty-security-kal OCTOBER 2023
X / @dohertyjackk

A YouTuber's bodyguard punched a guy's lights out -- all of which was caught on video ... and which reeks of déjà vu considering he did this before while working for DaBaby.

We're talking about Jack Doherty, who's pretty famous among the Gen Z crowd ... and who posted a wild clip of a violent altercation that went down Friday night during what looks to be some sort of Halloween party here in L.A. alongside fellow YouTuber Corinna Kopf.

It looks like Jack was arguing with a couple guys who were rolling with Corinna and her crew -- all stemming from an apparent snub she dished out to Jack while at the party -- and they're all bickering back and forth for a while ... until this security dude rolls up.

Eventually, he confronts one of the fellas Jack's facing off with ... and they start to exchange words -- which ultimately ends with JD's hired muscle throwing a haymaker out of nowhere.

The guy who gets punched -- who's way smaller than the bodyguard -- falls straight to the ground ... and his friends (including Corinna) start to yell at the perpetrator, asking him why he did that. The bodyguard backs away and tries cussing them out in his defense.

Jack seemed happy to post the clip online, and he added "context" underneath ... writing, "they were pressing us," which seems to mean that the guys he was initially arguing with were threatening him. But based on the longer version of this incident ... that's iffy at best.

092919_dababy-kal_water SEPTEMBER 2019

Now, here's the kicker ... this bodyguard was actually wrapped up in something similar a few years back while working for DaBaby -- something the Internet was quick to remember.

We actually covered this at the time ... DB was performing in New Orleans, when he started getting swarmed by fans as he waded into the crowd -- at which point, this same man (who was working for DaBaby) threw a similar punch ... only then, he KO'd a freaking lady.

A closer look shows it is, indeed, the same man ... and we've figured out who the hell he is. He goes by Kane Kongg on social media. He's a content creator himself -- but obviously does bodyguard work on the side for the rich and famous.

Kane hasn't addressed this latest violent moment -- but when the DaBaby thing happened, he hopped online and tried clarifying what happened, chalking it up to him doing his job. Not sure that's gonna fly this time around though -- this hit looked completely unprovoked.


tiempo de intervenir

Meta de Mark Zuckerberg se aseguró de diseñar Facebook e Instagram para que sean muy difíciles de dejar y el resultado ha sido negativo para la sociedad, al menos esa es la alegación del Fiscal General de Tennessee y otros 41 estados.

Jonathan Skrmetti, el policía más importante del Estado de Voluntarios, se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" para exponer por qué 41 estados  —y Washington, DC— están demandando a Facebook y a la compañía matriz de Instagram por supuestamente perjudicar a la juventud de nuestra nación.

Alegan que las aplicaciones de redes sociales están diseñadas intencionalmente para aprovechar la forma en que todos estamos conectados, haciendo las plataformas extremadamente adictivas con características como el desplazamiento infinito, recordatorios y notificaciones, solo por nombrar algunas.

Skrmetti dice que Meta es plenamente consciente de que las aplicaciones son difíciles de dejar y lo malo que es para la gente. Dice que causan problemas de sueño, ansiedad, déficit de atención, depresión y suicidio potencial.

En sus ojos, solo hay mucho que los padres pueden hacer para detener a sus hijos de engancharse a las redes sociales, y es en un punto ahora donde el gobierno tiene que intervenir para hacer cambios.

que hay de los demás

Es bastante salvaje ... Skrmetti nos dice por qué las aplicaciones de medios sociales están a la par con las drogas adictivas y pareciera que más demandas vendrán contra otras plataformas de medios sociales.

TN Attorney General Meta's Apps Too Addictive for Teens ... We're Suing to Make Social Media Safer


Mark Zuckerberg's Meta made sure to design Facebook and Instagram so they are super hard to quit, and the result has been bad for society ... at least that's the allegation from Tennessee's Attorney General, and 41 other AGs.

Jonathan Skrmetti, the Volunteer State's top cop, joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to lay out why 41 states -- and Washington, DC -- are suing Facebook and Instagram's parent company for allegedly harming our nation's youth.

He says the social media apps are intentionally designed to take advantage of the way we're all wired -- making the platforms extremely addicting with features like infinite scrolling, reminders and notifications, just to name a few.

Skrmetti says Meta is fully aware the apps are hard to quit and bad for folks -- he says they cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, ADD, depression and potential suicide.

In his eyes, there's only so much parents can do to stop their kids from getting hooked on social media, and it's at a point now where the government needs to step in to make changes.


It's pretty wild ... Skrmetti tells us why social media apps are on par with addictive drugs, and it sounds like more lawsuits will be coming against other social media platforms.

Jake Paul I'm Not A Cokehead!!!

No, Jake Paul was NOT doing bumps of cocaine in the ring after his brother Logan's boxing match last weekend ... so says the Problem Child himself, who's combating the allegations with comedy.

The 26-year-old internet superstar and pugilist was spotted on camera touching his nose as he stood behind his older bro following his win over Dillon Danis in Manchester ... with many going to social media to accuse him of sniffing the booger sugar in plain sight.

Paul addressed it all in his most recent YouTube video ... poking fun at the wild claims by surrounding himself with Coca-Cola cans and tossing a white powder in the air like LeBron James.

"Y'all want some Coke?" Paul asked his friends as he pretended to be drugged out.

After laughing it off, Paul got serious ... saying his gesture was the result of being a sweaty guy -- even zooming in on his nose to show how moist his skin gets from "five minutes of existing."

On top of that, his involvement in the post-fight scuffle certainly didn't help his perspiration problem.

"This is the thing, is I go to brawl in the ring to save my f***ing brother," Paul added. "Forty grown men around me, everyone's huffing and puffing, I'm yelling, 'You bitch, you're lucky I didn't kill you.' and I'm literally drenched in sweat."

"I come out, everyone knows I'm the most sweatiest person in the world. So I get into the ring to like, go be there for my brother and s***, and I put my hat on and I'm literally sweating down my face, so I'm just like this, trying to get the sweat off of my f***ing face."

Paul's girlfriend, Jutta Leerdam, backed her man ... saying she's seen first-hand how seriously he takes care of his body -- and all the haters need to quit trying to create a false image of him.

Ultimately, Paul said he's more of a mushroom and wine type of guy ... so you won't see him hitting the slopes anytime soon.

YouTuber Eugenia Cooney Cops Flooded with Calls Over Skinny & Frail Appearance

Influencer Eugenia Cooney's very thin physique has resulted in her local police getting bombarded with calls and emails ... but we're told the YouTuber isn't in any sort of danger.

Concern for Eugenia's well-being ramped up in recent weeks after she posted TikToks of her dancing -- with many in the comments focusing less on the moves and more on her appearance.


A story also came out about her, sparking even more concern -- Greenwich Police Sergeant Brent Reeves tells TMZ ... calls and emails have been coming into his department about Eugenia from all over the world -- even getting people calling from as far away as Egypt and New Zealand.

We're told the callers are looking to make sure she's doing okay and isn't being forced by her mom to make content and keep up her appearance -- a couple of things that Sgt. Reeves says are untrue.

Sgt. Reeves says he's known Eugenia for more than a decade and they have a good relationship ... they even have a special code. She puts a certain object in her videos so he knows everything is alright.

If that object isn't there, however, he'll know to get her help.

The Sarge says Eugenia has always been skinny ... adding they can't really make her eat more if she's at the size that makes her comfortable. He says she's of sound mind and always has a bubbly personality when he chats with her.

Other agencies have checked on her in the past, but we're told she's never met the criteria to force her to get any kind of help.

This isn't the first time fans have been asking Eugenia to get help -- people have reached out over the years, notably in 2019 when YouTube star PewDiePie asked his followers to send her words of positivity.

TikTok / @eugeniaxxcooney

She's also spoken out in the past about being put on a 5150 hold by her friends when she lived in California ... saying in 2020 she felt betrayed and ambushed.

Despite online speculation, Sgt. Reeves tells us Eugenia does eat -- he says she especially likes chicken sandwiches.


El delgadísimo aspecto de la influencer Eugenia Cooney ha hecho que la policía de su localidad reciba una avalancha de llamadas y correos electrónicos de preocupación por su salud, pero nos dicen que la YouTuber no corre ningún tipo de peligro.

La preocupación por el bienestar de Eugenia aumentó en las últimas semanas después de que publicara TikToks de su baile, con muchos de los comentarios centrándose en su apariencia más que en sus pasos de baile.

Preocupante aspecto

También se supo otra historia sobre ella, que provocó aún más preocupación, según cuenta el Sargento de la Policía de Greenwich, Brent Reeves, a TMZ. Su departamento ha estado recibiendo llamadas y correos sobre Eugenia de todo el mundo, incluso con personas llamando desde lugares tan lejanos como Egipto y Nueva Zelanda.

Nos dicen que las personas quieren asegurarse de que ella está bien y no esté siendo obligado por su madre a hacer el contenido y mantener su apariencia, cosas que el sargento Reeves dice que son falsas.

El oficial comenta que conoce a Eugenia desde hace más de una década y tienen una buena relación. Incluso tienen un código especial. Ella pone cierto objeto en sus videos para que él sepa que todo está bien.

Sin embargo, si ese objeto no está allí, él sabrá que debe pedirle ayuda.

El sargento dice que Eugenia siempre ha sido delgada y añade que en realidad no pueden hacerla comer más si tiene el tamaño que la hace sentir cómoda. También dice que está en su sano juicio y siempre ha tenido una personalidad chispeante cuando hablan.

Otras agencias la han examinado en el pasado, pero nos dicen que nunca ha cumplido los criterios para obligarla a recibir ningún tipo de ayuda.

Esta no es la primera vez que los fanáticos le piden a Eugenia que reciba ayuda. Los usuarios le han tendido la mano a lo largo de los años, en particular en 2019, cuando la estrella de YouTube PewDiePie le pidió a sus seguidores que le enviaran palabras positivas.

Más fotos de ella
TikTok / @eugeniaxxcooney

También habló en el pasado de que sus amigos la pusieron en retención, por el código 5150, mientras vivía en California, diciendo en 2020 que se sintió traicionada y emboscada.

A pesar de la especulación en las redes, el sargento Reeves nos dice que Eugenia come. Le gustan especialmente los sándwiches de pollo.

Emily Blunt Sorry for Calling Server 'Enormous' ... 11 Years Ago

Emily Blunt is apologizing for insulting an anonymous waitress on TV more than a decade ago -- this after social media resurfaced a clip of her mocking the woman's weight.

The actress issued a full-throated mea culpa to People Mag -- acknowledging a clip from an appearance she made on the 'Jonathan Ross Show' in 2012 ... when she was plugging "Looper" and yukking it up with the host.

so this one time at chili's ...

At one point, Ross jokes about Americans being "enormous" at Chili's ... citing the size of burgers they get served/eat. Emily laughs and adds her own anecdote to it -- saying a Chili's server who was waiting on her during the filming of "Looper" was, indeed, humongous.

EB recreates the convo, playing up the woman's Southern accent ... and noting that this lady actually recognized Emily. It was mostly light-hearted -- but Twitter wasn't having it. Countless users accused her of fat-shaming ... and, per usual, demanded accountability.

Of course, Emily caved ... saying, "I just need to address this head on as my jaw was on the floor watching this clip from 12-years ago. I’m appalled that I would say something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to whatever story I was trying to tell on a talk show."


She adds, "I’ve always considered myself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone so whatever possessed me to say anything like this in that moment is unrecognizable to me or anything I stand for. And yet it happened, and I said it and I’m so sorry for any hurt caused. I was absolutely old enough to know better."

It's just the latest example of this ... and more often than not, stars will do exactly what Emily did. Get those written statements ready, folks -- they're coming for all of us!

Emily Blunt Se disculpa por llamar de enorme a una camarera ... Hace 11 años

Emily Blunt se disculpó por insultar a una camarera en televisión hace más de una década. Esto, después de que las redes sociales revivieran un clip de la actriz en el que se burla del peso de la mujer.

Emily realizó un mea culpa en People Mag, en donde se refirió al clip de "Jonathan Ross Show" de 2012, en donde se la ve haciendo chistes con el anfitrión, en medio de la promoción de su película "Looper".

Me pasé de la raya

En un momento dado, Ross se ríe sobre los estadounidenses que son "enormes" en Chili's, citando el tamaño de las hamburguesas que les sirven a sus comensales. Emily se rió y contó una anécdota que ella misma vivió, diciendo que una camarera de Chili's que la estaba atendiendo durante el rodaje de "Looper" era, de hecho, enorme.

Emily recrea la conversación, haciendo hincapié en el acento sureño de la mujer y señalando que la señora la reconoció. La conversación fue más bien desenfadada, pero Twitter no lo toleró. Innumerables usuarios la acusaron de avergonzar a los gordos y, como de costumbre, exigieron responsabilidades.

Por supuesto, Emily cedió diciendo: "Solo tengo que abordar esto de frente, me quedé boquiabierta viendo este clip de hace 12 años. Estoy horrorizada de haber dicho algo tan insensible, hiriente y sin relación con la historia que estaba tratando de contar en el programa de entrevistas".

Y añade: "Siempre me he considerado alguien a quien no se le ocurriría molestar a nadie, lo que me llevó a decir algo así en ese momento es irreconocible para mí y lo que represento. Sin embargo, pasó, lo dije y siento mucho el daño causado. Era lo suficientemente grande para saberlo".

Este es solo un ejemplo más... y, probablemente, más a menudo veremos a otras estrellas haciendo exactamente lo que hizo Emily. Preparen esas declaraciones escritas, amigos, ¡vienen por todos nosotros!

NLE Choppa Mom Worried for His Safety Begs Fans to Get in Touch

NLE Choppa's mom is worried sick for her son, saying she hasn't heard from him in hours ... and asking anyone who may have contact to get in touch with her ASAP.

Choppa's mom, Angela Potts, posted the concerning message Friday, writing, "Y’all help me pray over my child. He plans on moving back to Cottonwood where we worked hard to get out of just for a mixtape SMH! I ain’t talked to this boy in hours and he usually doesn’t do this. One thing I know about my son is that he doesn’t go ghost for any reason."

She continues with a message to her son, "Whatever your working on I pray GOD is guiding you. If y’all hear from him PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP ! To the fans he wants to please thanks a lot."

What's unclear is whether or not NLE gave Angela -- who is also his manager -- a reason to believe he could be in trouble, or if he's just faced a lot of pressure in keeping up with his own career.

We should note ... a message on NLE's Instagram story (posted by management) also encouraged fans to reach out to Angela if they see the rapper.

Story developing ...


Billie Eilish está mostrando la versión completa de su tatuaje en la espalda y los fans están bastante divididos en sus reacciones.

La cantante publicó una foto el miércoles. Aparece acostada sobre su estómago en lo que parece ser un estudio de tatuajes. Billie tiene su espalda desnuda expuesta, mostrando un diseño intrincado que atraviesa su columna vertebral y se ve recién hecho.

No está claro si se trata de una foto vieja. Hemos visto atisbos de este tatuaje antes, pero nunca completo. No sabemos si Billie está mostrando algún avance o simplemente es un recuerdo de la primera sesión.

En cualquier caso, el tatuaje luce un poco manchado e incompleto. Ha habido reacciones mixtas en línea, a algunos les gusta y a otros no son mucho.

Este es solo uno de varios tatuajes que tiene Billie. Tiene uno en el pecho que dice "Eilish", otro de un dragón en el muslo y otro que muestra las hadas en la mano.

Ahora está en el club de Ben Affleck, bienvenido a bordo.

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