Kevin James I'll Try to Be as Funny as My Viral Meme ... Come See Me On Tour!!!

Kevin James is looking to cash in on his new internet meme fame ... by using the viral image to promote his standup comedy act.

The actor and comedian posted "The King of Queens" meme on his social media Wednesday, much to the internet's delight ... using it to plug his new tour.

You've probably seen the meme pop up on your feed recently ... an old promotional headshot Kevin did for his TV sitcom 'King of Queens' back in the '90s, where he shrugs with both hands in his pockets and displays a sheepish grin.

Folks have been using the old pic to make tons of hilarious memes ... and the show's stars are taking notice. Leah Remini says she "absolutely loves" all the memes, and now Kevin's piggybacking.

In his post, Kevin says he's gearing up for his new "Double Hands In The Pocket" tour ... which he says is "sheepishly coming to a city near you."

Kevin's got upcoming shows in Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Florida and Las Vegas ... and it will be interesting to see if his meme gives him a ticket sales bump.

Kevin James Intentaré ser tan gracioso como mi meme viral Vengan a verme a la gira!!!

Kevin James está tratando de sacar provecho de su nueva fama en Internet, usando el meme que lo hizo famoso para promover su acto de comedia.

El actor y comediante publicó el meme "El Rey de Queens" en sus redes sociales el miércoles, para deleite de Internet, todo para enchufarlos en su nueva gira.

Probablemente han visto el meme en su feed recientemente. Se trata de un viejo headshot promocional que hizo para su comedia de televisión 'Rey de Queens' en los años 90, donde se encoge de hombros con las dos manos en los bolsillos y muestra una sonrisa tímida.

La gente ha estado utilizando la vieja foto para hacer un montón de memes hilarantes y las estrellas de la serie están tomando nota. Leah Remini dice que ella "ama absolutamente" todos los memes y ahora el de Kevin.

En su post, dice que se está preparando para su nueva gira "Double Hands In The Pocket", la que se está acercando "tímidamente a una ciudad cerca de ti".

Kevin tiene próximos shows en Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Nueva York, Florida y Las Vegas y será interesante ver si su meme le da un aumento en la venta de entradas.

Britney Spears ¡¡¡Quítenle los perros!!! Piden los fans luego del video con cuchillos

Britney Spears no solo representa un grave peligro para sí misma bailando con cuchillos afilados, sino que también para sus pequeños perros, según piensan sus seguidores, quienes creen que estos deberían ser rescatados.

Britney ha hecho que las personas comenten en Internet, después de poner su fascinación por los cuchillos en plena exhibición el lunes por la noche en un bizarro video donde aparece bailando, pinchando e incluso chocando los cuchillos entre sí.

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baile con cuchillos
Instagram / @britneyspears

A lo largo del video, se puede ver a los tres perros de Britney observando asustados, mientras ella da vueltas con los cuchillos afilados. De hecho, cuando Britney los choca, los perros corren a esconderse.

Los fans y críticos de Britney opinaron sobre los perritos en las redes sociales, escribiendo: "Esos pobres perros simplemente corrieron asustados necesitan ser rescatados y ella necesita AYUDA". Otro escribe: "¡¡¡Alguien por favor salve a estos cachorros!!!" y: "Ahora me preocupa que ella tenga perros y mucho menos cualquier animal después de este video".

Debemos señalar que el pie de foto original de Britney bailando decía: "Empecé a jugar en la cocina con cuchillos hoy". Aunque más tarde dijo que eran accesorios falsos de Halloween. Sin embargo, por el sonido, está bastante claro que eran de verdad.

Un fan lo señaló: "Los cuchillos hacían un ruido metálico. Son claramente reales. Lo suficientemente reales como para caer sobre uno de los pobres cachorros y matarlo".

Britney podría haber confirmado los temores de que estos eran reales, con el video que publicó el martes donde aparece con un corte en la pierna y un vendaje en el brazo.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los Servicios para Animales del Condado de Ventura, quienes nos dijeron que aún no habían recibido ninguna queja sobre la conducta de Britney. Sin embargo, el representante agregó: "Revisamos el video y aunque los perros parecían asustarse por el tintineo de los cuchillos, no sentimos que estuvieran en una situación en la que fuera necesario enviar a un oficial."

Britney Spears Take Dogs Away from Her!!! Fans Urge After Knife Vid

Britney Spears not only poses a serious danger to herself by dancing around with sharp knives, but onlookers believe her tiny dogs are also at risk ... and should be taken away.

Britney's got the internet talking after putting her fascination with knives on full display Monday night in a bizarre video where she danced with, jabbed and even clanged knives together.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Throughout the video, you can see 3 of Britney's dogs looking on in fear as she twirls around with the sharp tools. In fact, when Britney bangs the knives together, the dogs run for cover.

Britney fans and critics sounded off about the pooches on social media, writing, "Those poor dogs just ran scared they need to be rescued and she needs HELP." Another writes, "Someone please save this puppies!!" and, "I'm now concerned about her having dogs let alone any animals after this video."

We should note, Britney's original caption with the dancing video read, "I started playing in the kitchen with knives today," she later added to say they were fake Halloween props. However, it's pretty clear to tell from the sound, the knives are real.


One fan pointed this out, saying, "The knives made a clanking noises. They're clearly real. Real enough to fall on and kill one of those poor worried pups."

Britney may have confirmed her fans fears that the knives were real, posting a video of herself Tuesday where she appeared to have a cut on her leg and bandage on her arm.

We contacted Ventura County Animal Services who told us they hadn't yet received any complaints about Britney's conduct. However, the rep added, "We reviewed the video, and while the dogs appeared to be startled by the clinking of the knives, we didn’t feel they were in a situation where an officer needed to be dispatched."

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Should Britney Spears' dogs be taken away from her in light of the knife video? Vote below.

Tory Lanez Upbeat Message From Prison ... Gushes Over New Cell


Tory Lanez cleared up much of the speculation behind his recent inmate transfer, and just like we reported, he’s making the most of the situation!!!

Fans and haters alike were surprised Monday when Tory’s official social media accounts posted a pretty upbeat voice memo from jail where he sounded like he's free as a bird ... even though that's clearly not the case.

As we previously reported, Tory’s celebrity status has him holed up solo inside the Administrative Segregation at North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA … and the “Color Violent” rapper says he’s loving the extra legroom.

North Kern

Tory’s new facility isn’t without its issues -- several people have been killed within the prison this year alone -- but Tory says it’s better than the L.A. county jail where they had him on 24-hour lockdown and in his words, they were “hating” on a G.

Tory thanked his supporters for holding him down and expressed how the situation made him fearless.

He's gonna need that confidence ... Tory's just starting a 10-year sentence for shooting Megan Thee Stallion.

The Canadian native vowed fans would be hearing from him sooner than they think in the form of the "Alone At Prom" deluxe edition which he tucked away for future release.

'Bachelorette' Star Josh Seiter Checks into Mental Health Facility Month After Alleged Instagram Death Hoax

"Bachelorette" contestant Josh Seiter says he's getting much-needed help to get a handle on his mental health after receiving an onslaught of hate following claims his Instagram was hacked after a post announcing his death was published on the account.

Seiter made the announcement Monday, telling followers he's logging off social media for good -- and checking into a wellness facility to address his mental health struggles.

Seiter says, "For the last month I've received hundreds of hateful messages and unending harassment related to my account being hacked. I wish I was stronger but I can't take any more ..."

He continues, "I am losing my phone in the next hour. I love you all. To the people sending me death threats, you win."

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Instagram / @josh_seiter_official

It was August 28 when a post went live on Seiter's account announcing his death. Many believed the post to be true, and tons of media outlets published the story. It was more than 24 hours later when Josh announced he was actually alive and his account had been hacked.

The reality contestant's story raised a lot of eyebrows, with many wondering why it took him so long to change the narrative and announce he was OK.

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We had Josh on TMZ Live who told us he prioritized getting his Instagram account back over letting the public know he was alive. The explanation didn't sit right with a lot of people, and clearly, they continued to let him hear it.

Donald Trump Jr. Twitter Hacked ... Announces Death of Donald Trump

Donald Trump Jr. might wanna get Elon Musk on the horn -- cuz he just got his X (formerly Twitter) account hacked -- sending out tweets about Biden, North Korea and the false news his father died.

Trump Jr.'s account came under attack Wednesday morning, users on the social media app became alarmed when the account wrote, "I'm sad to announce, my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024."

Of course, there were almost immediately skeptics, as the message itself seemed off ... but the next string of tweets really proved there was a hack.

The account wrote, "This just in: North Korea is about to get smoked" as well as "Some interesting messages with Jeffrey Epstein" and "F*** Joe Biden Stupid Ass N****."

The folks over at X took care of the issue quickly, pulling the phony tweets and seemingly getting the account back to its rightful owner. Trump Jr. has not yet addressed the hack.

Donald Trump Jr. Hackean su cuenta de Twitter Y anuncian la muerte de su padre!!!

Donald Trump Jr. querrá comunicarse inmediatamente con Elon Musk, porque su cuenta en X (antes Twitter) acaba de ser hackeada y, quien tomó el control escribió varios tweets sobre Biden, Corea del Norte e incluso la falsa noticia de que su padre había muerto.

La cuenta de Trump Jr. fue atacada el miércoles por la mañana. Los usuarios de la aplicación se alarmaron cuando la cuenta escribió: "Me entristece anunciar que mi padre Donald Trump ha fallecido. Me presentaré a presidente en 2024".

Por supuesto, hubo escépticos inmediatamente, ya que el mensaje en sí parecía fuera de lugar, pero la siguiente cadena de tweets realmente demostró que había un hackeo.

La cuenta escribió: "Esto acaba de llegar: Corea del Norte está a punto de ser derrotada", así como "Algunos mensajes interesantes con Jeffrey Epstein" y "F*** Joe Biden Stupid Ass N****".

La gente de X se ocupó rápidamente del asunto, retirando los tuits falsos y devolviendo  la cuenta a su legítimo propietario. Trump Jr. aún no se ha pronunciado sobre el hackeo.

'Vanderpump Rules' Sandoval Confronts Angry Man During Wrap Party ... Wine Hurled, Tug-of-War Over Chair

TikTok / @themeganplays

Tom Sandoval got in the middle of a tug-of-war during the wrap party for "Vanderpump Rules" season 11, after a man hurled a glass of wine at a security guard.

The man -- not sure who he is -- just launched as he hijacked the party. After throwing the wine, the dude picked up a chair. You see Tom run into frame trying to calm things down, as another security guard restrains the guy by grabbing his arms. An aggressive tug-of-war then begins.

The TikToker who shot the video says the dude is not a cast member and was not going after Tom. The TikToker said, “We were just sitting at a table and this random guy came and he grabbed the centerpiece [of a] flower vase [and] chucked it at the security guard.”

Well, since Rachel Leviss isn't there to bring the heat, someone else tried to help.

Burning Man One Man Dead After Heavy Rains Hit Venue

Burning Man has been calamitous this year ... leading to a death.

The Pershing County Sheriff's Office confirms ... they are investigating a death that occurred as rain poured down over the venue. The Sheriff has not gone into detail, but by the description, it might be rain-related.

As we reported, the event -- which was being held in the Nevada desert -- was flooded Saturday, causing cars and campers to become immobilized. It got so bad, concertgoers were told to shelter in place.


Diplo and Chris Rock fled the event on the back of a truck. Diplo said he walked 5 miles to get the hell out.

It's not looking better for Sunday ... they're expecting even bigger storms with heavy rainfall and hail, as well as 40 mph wind gusts.

Unclear if the plug has been totally pulled ... the gates to Black Rock City are locked up tight. No one can drive in the area except emergency vehicles.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

TikTok's Pinkydoll Pushes Back on NPC Light Skin Critique ... I'm Proud to be Black!!!


The famous TikTok lady you see acting like computer game characters on "LIVE" says she isn't trying to trick anyone into thinking she isn't Black ... despite claims of critics and some visual evidence.

We got internet sensation Pinkydoll at LAX Tuesday, where we asked what she made of people being demonstrably shocked over her recent appearance onstage at the 2023 Streamy Awards ... where she did her whole "NPC" shtick while presenting an award.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

If you're unfamiliar ... it's a big fad on TikTok, and other live-streaming apps, where hosts repeat silly catchphrases and mimic a non-player character from video games -- something gamers apparently LOVE watching, so much so, they send her digital gifts and money!

Pinkydoll is easily the most recognizable face in that world lately ... but, as you can see here on camera, she's a dark-skinned African-American woman -- and looks quite different from how she usually does on her NPC livestreams, where her skin's much lighter.


Twitter was perplexed to see Pinkydoll is actually darker in the flesh ... and some accused her of trying to purposely bait people into thinking she's some race other than Black.

She's strongly denying that, though, telling our camera guy she's proud of her melanin -- and she offers an explanation for the obvious skin tone difference. Now, whether you buy it ... that's up to you.

One thing that isn't debatable is Pinkydoll's NPC personality is bleeding over into real life ... watch the video, 'cause it feels like we were talking to a bit of a robot in person.

With that said, she makes clear this profession is paying the bills and then some -- and she's gonna keep doing her thing, even though a ton of wannabes are hopping on her bandwagon.

Mmmm, ice cream ... thanks for the roses! 😋

For more influencer news, tune in to the TMZ Verified podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Jay-Z Back On IG 🤳🏽 ... Hey, I Got a Movie to Promote!!!

Jay-Z is back on his social media grind, but he's sticking to his pattern of only returning when he's got product to push ... this time it's his new feature film.

The elusive rap legend rebooted his account on Tuesday, revealing the official trailer for "The Book of Clarence" ... the upcoming theatrical release he produced, starring LaKeith Stanfield, Benedict Cumberbatch, Teyana Taylor and others.

Jay made a blip on IG back in November 2021 to promote the movie "The Harder They Fall" ... and then promptly fell back into social media obscurity. But, there's a chance he might stick around this time.

The 'BoC' trailer promises new music from Jay and director Jeymes Samuel ... which could range from a couple of tracks like he supplied for the 'THTF' soundtrack, or even a full-blown album like he did with the 2007 Denzel Washington film "American Gangster."

If he really wants the film to sell, he'll do a TikTok. C'mon, you know Jay on TikTok would be a vibe!!!

Just sayin' ...

Bryce Hall I Want To Avenge McBroom Loss ... After Shocking BKFC Win

TMZ Verified

Bryce Hall is riding high after his huge Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship victory earlier this month ... but there's one thing that's still leaving a bad taste in his mouth -- his loss to Austin McBroom.

The internet superstar joined Wyld and Stephanie on the "TMZ Verified" podcast this week ... and while he made it clear he wants to relax for a bit before getting back into fight talks, he said he has an idea of what he wants to do next.

"Austin McBroom again," Hall said. "Even though he doesn't have the draw. I would just say that for my own personal ... like, I know what I can do now."

Of course, Hall fell to McBroom via TKO at Social Gloves' YouTubers vs. TikTokers event back in 2021 ... with the former admitting after the bout that he wasn't much of a fighter.

Things are drastically different now -- Hall is fresh off beating Gee Perez via second-round TKO at BKFC 48 ... and it's safe to say he feels a rematch with McBroom would go in his favor a second time around.

"I can take Austin McBroom again."

There's more -- Hall also revealed some big names hit him up in the DMs after his win over Perez ... including Jake Paul's most recent foe, Nate Diaz, who gave him props for beating a then-undefeated fighter.

Hall also said fellow internet star Deji has been in his DMs ... which is no surprise, 'cause he hasn't shied away from making his intentions known on social media.

But, don't expect his next event to get announced anytime soon -- Hall said he'd love to have a month to soak in his victory before entertaining the growing list of public callouts.

TikToker VonViddy Dead By Suicide ... Final Video Talked Achievements & Struggles

TikToker VonViddy has taken his own life ... and his final video to fans is haunting, all about the ups and downs of his life -- talking about how he hopes to be remembered.

Von, whose real name is Joe Muchlinski, died Monday after "losing his long battle to mental illness" ... according to his sister, Martha.

Tik Tok/@vonviddy

In his final video, posted Sunday, Joe talks about the type of guy he wants to be remembered as, citing his music and comedy as a couple of strong points in his life. He also highlights some of his struggles -- saying he doesn't want folks to remember him "as an addict and an alcoholic who put his family through hell."

He ends his final TikTok by saying how thankful he is for the opportunities he's had over the years ... noting he has an abundance of peace and love for his fans.

Folks in both Joe and Martha's comment sections are sharing their grief for the loss of Joe after Martha's sad news -- one wrote, "Von Viddy we love you. Thank you for all of the laughs. Truly heartbreaking 💔."

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Joe garnered over 170k followers and 8.7 million likes on TikTok, sharing his original music and comedy bits since 2020.

He was 32.


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GloRilla Ladies, Keep Toxic Behavior Going All Through Your 20s!!!

Instagram / @glorillapimp

GloRilla is pushing for all females to enjoy the "F.N.F." lifestyle all through their 20s, because ... YOLO!!!

The Grammy-nominated rapper put out the call Monday morning for women worldwide to display toxic behavior, and up their levels of delusion -- but only while they're in their early 20-somethings. Glo says, biologically speaking, they can't get that time back.

She also warned women not to wait until they're in their 30s to go on rampages -- such as slashing men's tires -- because that would make them old and toxic, instead of just toxic.

We wish she were joking, but Glo seems pretty serious.

Glo wasn't specific in what she considers toxic behavior, but on her last released single "Lick or Sum" ... she does brag about ghosting dudes and sneakily getting oral sex from their cousins. That would check ALL the bad dater boxes!!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Social media users and fans didn't exactly embrace Glo's words of wisdom and pushed back considerably.

Someone should've told Glo that salacious advice only works on rap songs. She went platinum when she told the girls to hang out the window with their ratchet-ass friends.

IShowSpeed Accidentally Flashes Junk During Stream

Popular gamer and internet personality IShowSpeed showed a lot more than speed during his recent YouTube live stream ... accidentally exposing his junk in front of thousands of viewers.

The super-famous streamer -- who has 19.4 million subscribers on the platform alone -- was playing "Five Nights at Freddy's," when he decided to stand up and thrust in front of the camera as the character "Chica" appeared on screen.

"Oh, Chica, I miss you," Speed -- real name Darren Watkins Jr. -- seemingly said during the stream. "I'm about to f*** you, Chica. Oh s***, this d*** up in you, baby."

But during his excitement, Speed's penis slipped through his shorts ... and he was immediately horrified.

"Oh my God, oh my God," Speed said before appearing to cut the stream short.

It could be bad news for Speed -- YouTube has strict guidelines regarding nudity ... and he could face banishment from the platform depending on how the company interprets the mishap.

As of this post, his account is still live ... but his stream was removed from his page.

The timing is pretty crazy -- Speed just made his big return to streaming after taking a few weeks off to deal with a medical emergency involving his eye.

We've reached out to Speed and YouTube for comment.

For more influencer news, tune in to TMZ Verified the podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.