Timothee Chalamet Celebrates 'SNL' Hosting Gig at After-Party GF Kylie By His Side

Timothée Chalamet took on hosting duties on 'SNL' Saturday night, and GF Kylie Jenner was front and center supporting him.

Kylie was at the show and the after-party at STK in NYC.

Other stars who showed up ... Dakota Johnson, Phoebe Bridgers, Sophie Turner, Bo Burnham, Jon Hamm, Anna Osceola and others.

Timothee's monologue was pretty funny ... celebrating the end of the SAG-AFTRA strike and the ability to hawk his wares to the public.

And then a pretty hilarious rap song about people -- yeah, TC, you -- who have baby faces. Timothee has some chops, and got assists from Marcello Hernández, Keenan Thompson, and Punkie Johnson channeling her inner Nicki Minaj.

This is Timothée's second run as host of "SNL," and he did a sequel to his 2020 skit with Pete Davidson, playing "$mokeCheddaDaAssGetta" as he celebrates 50 years of hip hop.

Kim Kardashian Shows Off Secret Tattoo ... On Private Hidden Spot!!!

bumper sticker on a bentley

Kim Kardashian once vowed she'd never get a tattoo, but as they say ... never say never, especially if you can stash that ink away in a super-hidden place on your body.

KK dropped the tat bomb on Thursday's episode of "The Kardashians" while chatting with her hairstylist, Chris Appleton, about his desire to get matching tattoos for his Las Vegas wedding with Lukas Gage ... and Kim didn't seem down to participate.

Chris then points out the tat she has inside her lower lip, prompting her to flash the small infinity symbol to the camera -- as she put it, "Here's something you don't know about me."

Kim says she her friends all got the symbol in 2021 when Kim was hosting 'SNL,' and she actually agreed to get one, too ... as long as it was someplace the public couldn't see!

Kim and Chris even say she finally "put a bumper sticker on a Bentley" -- a reference to something she told Wendy Williams back in 2009 when asked if she'd ever get some artwork on her body.

Obviously, she changed her tune once, so ya gotta wonder if she'd do it again ... on the DL, of course!!!


Kim Kardashian Muestra un tatuaje secreto... En un lugar privado y oculto!!

Pegatina en el labio

Kim Kardashian una vez juró que nunca se haría un tatuaje, pero como dice el dicho, nunca digas nunca, sobre todo si puedes esconderlo en un lugar súper oculto en tu cuerpo.

Kim dejó caer la bomba en el episodio del jueves de "The Kardashians", mientras charlaba con su peluquero, Chris Appleton, sobre su deseo de hacerse tatuajes a juego para su boda en Las Vegas con Lukas Gage, y Kim no parecía muy entusiasmada en participar.

Chris entonces señaló el tatuaje que Kim tiene dentro de su labio inferior, lo que provocó que ella mostrara el pequeño símbolo de infinito en cámara y dijera: "Aquí hay algo que no sabes de mí".

Kim dijo que ella y todas sus amigas se hicieron el símbolo el año 2021, cuando fue anfitriona de Saturday Night Live (SNL). Ella estuvo de acuerdo en hacerlo también, ¡siempre y cuando fuera en un lugar que el público no pudiera ver!

Kim y Chris incluso dijeron que finalmente ella decidió "ponerle una calcomanía a un Bentley", una referencia a algo que Kim le dijo a Wendy Williams en 2009 cuando le preguntaron si alguna vez tendría alguna obra de arte en su cuerpo.

¡¡¡Obviamente, ya cambió de opinión una vez, así que habría que preguntarse si lo haría de nuevo ... en un lugar discreto, por supuesto!!!


Kevin Brennan  —un ex escritor de "SNL" y comediante— se está refiriendo a la muerte de Matthew Perry con muy mal gusto. Esto podría explicar por qué no tiene más éxito en el mundo del espectáculo.

Kevin  —quien estuvo un período de dos años escribiendo para el famoso programa de sketches de comedia en el pasado y que alguna vez fue un cómico en ascenso— tomó Tuiter este fin de semana después de la noticia de la muerte de Perry y publicó un mensaje increíblemente insensible burlándose del difunto actor de "Friends".

Escribió: "SE AHOGÓ EN UNA TINA CALIENTE. HAHAHAHA"... mientras enlazaba a nuestra historia.

El tuit no fue visto por mucha gente —Brennan solo tiene alrededor de 5.900 seguidores más o menos— pero sin duda dejó un mal sabor en la boca de la gente que lo vio, con muchas personas furiosas en los comentarios y condenándolo por hacer una broma de tan mal gusto.

Aunque Kevin no es tan relevante como lo fue en los años 90 / principios de 2000, todavía tiene una famosa conexión con Hollywood a través de su hermano menor Neal Brennan, de quien está distanciado. Neal, por supuesto, es el cocreador y guionista de "Chappelle's Show".

Neal y Kevin se pelearon hace años y el hermano pequeño se forjó un sólido camino. Neal ha escrito para un montón de programas, e incluso tiene su propio especial de comedia en Netflix, mientras que Kevin presenta un podcast bastante oscuro y hace actuaciones aquí y allá.

Vale la pena repetir que Neal NO es cercano a Kevin y basándonos en las entrevistas que ha hecho últimamente, se puede decir que es un tema delicado. Podemos notar rápidamtene que sus personalidades son muy diferentes.

Por supuesto, los comentarios groseros de Kevin no son en absoluto un reflejo de Neal. Podemos notar que se ocupa de sus asuntos y se centra en su trabajo y que no ha hablado de Perry o "Friends" en lo absoluto públicamente.

Kevin parece que todavía se imagina a sí mismo en un stand-up, y se la pasa haciendo comentarios acerca de los comediantes con los que sin duda alguna vez se ceodeó. Sin embargo sus últimos comentarios están lejos de ser un asunto de risa. Neal no parece haber reaccionado al post de su hermano.

Hemos llegado a él para hacer comentarios; sin embargo, no hay respuesta

Kevin Brennan Ex-'SNL' Writer Mocks Perry Death ... 'HAHAHAHA'

Kevin Brennan -- a former 'SNL' writer and comedian -- is making light of Matthew Perry's passing in a real ugly way ... which may speak to why he isn't more successful in showbiz.

Kevin -- who had a 2-year stint writing for the famed sketch comedy show way back when, and who was once a rising comic -- took to Twitter this weekend after news of Perry's death broke ... and posted an incredibly insensitive message mocking the late 'Friends' actor.

He wrote, "DROWNED IN A HOT TUB. HAHAHAHA" ... this while linking back to our story.

The tweet wasn't viewed by very many people -- KB only has about 5,900 followers or so anyway -- but it certainly left a bad taste in the mouths of folks who did see it ... with many people calling him out in the comments and bashing him for making a joke out of it.

While Kevin isn't nearly as relevant as he was in the '90s/early 2000s ... he still has a famous connection to mainstream Hollywood through his younger brother Neal Brennan -- from whom he's estranged. Neal, of course, is the co-creator/writer of 'Chappelle's Show.'

Neal and Kevin had a falling out years ago -- and the younger sibling went on to forge a solid path for himself. Neal's written for tons of shows, and even has his own Netflix comedy special now ... whereas Kevin hosts a pretty obscure podcast, and does gigs here and there.

It bears repeating ... Neal is NOT close to Kevin -- and based on interviews NB has done of late, where he was asked about his relationship with Kevin ... you can tell it's a sensitive topic. Based on this reaction to Perry alone, you'll see their personalities are very different.

So, of course, Kevin's crude remarks here are in no way a reflection of Neal -- who, as far as we can tell, minds his business and focuses on his work ... and who doesn't seem to have talked about Perry or 'Friends,' for that matter, very much at all publicly.

Kevin appears to still fancy himself standup-adjacent -- regularly commenting on mainstream comedians that Neal undoubtedly rubs shoulders with ... although, what he pulled here is far from a laughing matter. Neal doesn't seem to have reacted to his brother's post.

We've reached out to him for comment, nonetheless ... so far, no word back.

Megan Fox Sticks It to SAG w/ Halloween 'Stume ... Well, Eh, Sorta-ish

Megan Fox stuck her tongue out at SAG-AFTRA this weekend with her Halloween costume -- or so she thinks anyway ... 'cause her movie-inspired costume is actually pretty old.

The actress made sure to call out her union Saturday by throwing up shots of her getup this year -- Gogo Yubari from Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" ... which came out way back in 2003. Naturally, alongside her was her BF Machine Gun Kelly dressed as Uma Thurman.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Megan apparently thought these costumes -- which are undoubtedly awesome -- were a big F-U to SAG ... evidenced in the fact that she tagged @sagaftra in her Instagram post.

Of course, she was calling out their strict rules that made the rounds a couple weeks ago -- which basically forbade union actors from rocking costumes from struck work ... all in an effort to show solidarity amid the ongoing strike, with negotiations actually underway right now.

In MF's mind ... this was a way to protest that, we suppose -- even though she kinda misses the mark here. Fact is, 'Kill Bill' is ancient at this point ... and no one's going around promoting it in 2023 and making Miramax money as a result (the studio that distributed it).

What SAG was getting at with their "guidance" was obviously aimed at big blockbusters that were released this year ... and which stars might be inclined to mimic for spooky season.

"Barbie" is the big one that immediately comes to mind ... but there are other hits this year that were on the table as potential go-to 'stumes. Interestingly enough, however, it doesn't appear that Hollywood, at large, bucked SAG's guidelines ... from what we can see, people weren't really dressed as characters from movies/TV shows that might make the guild frown.

The costumes that were on display all weekend amounted to a random mishmash of pop culture references and classic ghouls/monsters -- with celebs seemingly standing firm.

Now, that's not to say SAG's memo to their members didn't piss some people off ... it certainly did. Not only did Megan bristle -- but Ryan Reynolds and Mandy Moore did too.

Funny enough, this topic actually served as the premise for a sketch on 'SNL' last night ... with Sarah Sherman playing SAG union Prez Fran Drescher -- and pooh-poohing little kids in film-esque outfits. 😅

In any case, all's well that ends well ... here's hoping the strike is over sooner than later.

And yes, Happy Halloween!

SNL BAD BUNNY PRESENTA ¡con la ayuda de Mick Jagger, Pedro Pascal y Lady Gaga!

Bad Bunny se hizo cargo de "SNL" el sábado por la noche a lo grande, como anfitrión y como invitado musical, compartiendo escenario con otras grandes celebridades.

Su monólogo de apertura fue hilarante; Pedro Pascal sirvió de "traductor" para Bad Bunny, quien, fiel a su estilo, pronunció su monólogo en español. Bad Bunny ha dicho en repetidas ocasiones, que no le gusta complacer al público angloparlante, ya que piensa en español, come en español y canta en español.

Todo fue muy gracioso, Pedro le pidió a Bad Bunny que mostrara una foto vergonzosa de él, pero el rapero respondió: "No se pudo encontrar nada".

Y luego hubo invitados sorpresa, como Lady Gaga y Mick Jagger. Mick no aparece en el programa desde 2012. Se desataron varias situaciones muy cómicas... Bunny y Marcello Hernández, de 'SNL', protagonizaron un gracioso sketch basado en las telenovelas en el que Mick hace una graciosa aparición al final (todos hablando español).

'SNL' Bad Bunny Hosts, Performs ... With Assists from Mick Jagger, Pedro Pascal and Lady Gaga!!!

Bad Bunny took over 'SNL' Saturday night in a big way, hosting AND performing as the musical guest, with lots of celeb firepower behind him.

His opening monologue was hilarious ... Pedro Pascal served as a "translator" for BB, who, true to form, delivered his monologue en Español. Bad Bunny has said repeatedly, he does not pander to English audiences. He says he thinks in Spanish, eats in Spanish and sings in Spanish.

Pretty funny ... Pedro asked Bad Bunny to show an embarrassing pic of him but BB replied, "Nothing could be found."

And then there were surprise guests ... huge guests, as in Lady Gaga and Mick Jagger. Mick hasn't appeared on the show since 2012. Again, pretty funny -- Bunny and 'SNL's Marcello Hernandez are in an emotional Spanish-language soap. Mick ends up backhanding Bunny and Marcello.

'SNL' After-party GF Kendall Jenner Supports Bad Bunny Lady Gaga and Old Flame Hit up Bash

Bad Bunny brought his GF, Kendall Jenner, to 'SNL' .... she didn't appear on the show, but they were super tight during the after-party.

BB, Kendall and the cast, along with guest stars Pedro Pascal, Mick Jagger and Lady Gaga, all hit up L'Avenue in NYC after the show.

Bad Bunny and Kendall were dressed casually... she was wearing a leather jacket and boots as they walked hand in hand into the bash.

Gaga's entrance was revelatory. She was also hand in hand with her ex, Michael Polansky. The 2 have been spotted together recently but it seems pretty clear ... they're giving it another try.

Bad Bunny was pretty hilarious on the show hosting and performing .... he was also the featured musical act.


Bad Bunny trajo a su novia, Kendall Jenner, a 'SNL'. Ella no apareció en el show, pero estuvieron muy cariñosos durante el afterparty.

Bad Bunny, Kendall y el elenco; junto con las estrellas invitadas Pedro Pascal, Mick Jagger y Lady Gaga, todos fueron a Le'Avenue en Nueva York después del show.

Bad Bunny y Kendall iban vestidos de manera informal. Ella llevaba una chaqueta de cuero y botas mientras caminaban de la mano en la fiesta.

La entrada de Gaga fue reveladora. Ella también estaba de la mano con su ex, Michael Polansky. Los 2 han sido vistos juntos recientemente, pero parece bastante claro que están dándose otra oportunidad.

Bad Bunny fue bastante hilarante en el show de hosting y también fue el acto musical principal.

TAYLOR Y TRAVIS ¡De la mano en Nobu! ¿novios?

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce han decidido eliminar cualquier duda de los escépticos, porque se mostraron muy enamorados el sábado por la noche y todo el mundo pudo verlo.

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la pareja más hot

Es la primera vez que los hemos visto así en público, tomados de la mano mientras se dirigían a Nobu, antes de dirigirse a 30 Rock para aparecer en "Saturday Night Live".

La aparición de Taylor fue una gran sorpresa, ella solo pronunció 4 palabras, pero la gente en la multitud se volvió loca cuando presentó a Ice Spice.

travis es mi novio

Después del show, Travis y Taylor fueron a Catch Steak para el afterparty de "SNL".

Llevamos semanas diciendo que son pareja. De hecho, nuestras fuentes nos han dicho que han estado saliendo desde hace varios meses, pero esto pone un clavo en el ataúd a los teóricos de la conspiración, aunque probablemente no sea el caso.

El clima no era perfecto, pero eso no les impidió salir por la ciudad.

Taylor ha estado en el aire mucho esta semana, volar desde Nueva York a Kansas City para ver el juego de su novio, luego volar a Los Ángeles para el estreno de su nueva película, y luego volar de regreso a Nueva York con Travis para "SNL".

Suponemos que ambos se alojarán en casa de Taylor.

Pete Davidson on 'SNL' I Understand the Terrorist Attack in Israel ... My Dad Died in One

Pete Davidson delivered a truly heartfelt display of his feelings about the war in Israel during the cold open of the show, and he has a rare perspective that makes everything he said compelling.

Pete, at first he was a good person to talk about the inhumane Hamas terrorist attack and the ensuing war. As you know, Pete's dad, a NYC firefighter, died during 9/11 when Pete was only 7, so he knows what a terrorist attack can do on the surviving family, especially kids.

His heart breaks for all the death of innocent people, especially both Israeli and Palestinian children. He told the audience, no one deserves to suffer like this, especially kids.

He goes on to say his heart breaks for everyone whose lives were destroyed.

His opening monologue was raunchy. Pete says he and his sister have nothing in common, so they decided to bond by watching "Game of Thrones," and the whole incest thing came up which made things super uncomfortable! And then he gets even wilder.

He was super good ... especially in the cold open.

As we told you, both Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce made cameos on the show and hit the town hand-in-hand.

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They chowed down at Nobu in NYC before the show.


After the show was wrapped, they joined the cast for an after-party at Catch Steak.

Taylor and Travis So Now Do You Believe We're a Thing??? Hand-in-Hand at Nobu

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have clearly decided to remove any doubt from the doubters, because they were all loved up Saturday night, showing the world what's up with their romance.

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It's the first time we've seen them show PDA ... holding hands as they headed into Nobu before heading over to 30 Rock to appear on "Saturday Night Live."

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Taylor's appearance was a big surprise ... she only uttered 4 words but people in the crowd went nuts when she introduced Ice Spice.

After the show, both Travis and Taylor hit up Catch Steak for the 'SNL' after-party. An eyewitness tells TMZ the 2 were kissing at Catch and Travis' arm was firmly planted around Taylor's waist. They stayed until 4 AM.


We've been telling you for weeks they're a couple. In fact, our sources have told us they've been dating for several months now, but this kinda puts a nail in the coffin of the conspiracy theorists, although that probably won't be the case.

The weather was crappy, but it didn't stop them from hitting the town.

Taylor's been in the air a lot this week ... flying from NYC to Kansas City to watch her BF's game, then flying to L.A. for the premiere of her new movie, and then flying back to NYC with Travis for "SNL."

We're assuming they're both staying at Taylor's place in the City.

Taylor Swift Makes Cameo On 'SNL,' Says 4 Words Travis Kelce Makes Cameo

Taylor Swift is so popular right now she can just say a few syllables -- and everyone goes completely nuts!!

Case in point ... Taylor made a brief -- and we mean very brief -- appearance on Saturday Night Live to introduce Ice Spice for her second performance of the evening, featuring the song, "Pretty Girl."

After a commercial break, Taylor popped up on screen and gave a four-word introduction to her music collaborator on the remix of her tune, "Karma." Taylor said, "Once Again, Ice Spice."

The crowd went absolutely crazy, screaming with applause!!!

Travis Kelce also made a cameo ... after Keenan Thompson joked that he was done with the NFL talking about Taylor's romance and wanted to hear from someone who actually talked football. Travis suddenly appeared and quipped, "Yes, me!."

And that was that. Taylor and her new beau, Travis Kelce, didn't stick around to hit the stage with the SNL cast at the end of the show, but host Pete Davidson thanked them for coming.

Of course, Taylor and Travis were in town making other big news, enjoying an intimate sushi dinner that turned into a media frenzy at Nobu in Manhattan Saturday night.

Check out video of the couple strolling hand-in-hand past the sushi bar as Travis acknowledged the chefs, one of whom waved hello to him.

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An eyewitness tells us Taylor and Travis sat down next to each other and were cuddling throughout the meal.


This is the first time we've seen the two show such outward signs of affection in public. Looks like their new relationship is fast becoming serious.

TAYLOR SWIFT DICE 4 PALABRAS y la gente se vuelve loca Travis Kelce hace un cameo

Taylor Swift es tan popular en este momento que solo basta que diga unas pocas sílabas para que todo el mundo se vuelva completamente loco.

Taylor hizo una breve (muy breve) aparición en Saturday Night Live para presentar la segunda actuación de la noche de Ice Spice, cantando la canción, "Pretty Girl".

Después de una pausa comercial, Taylor apareció en pantalla y dio una introducción de cuatro palabras: "Una vez más, Ice Spice".

¡La multitud se volvió absolutamente loca!

Travis Kelce también hizo un cameo luego de que Keenan Thompson bromeara con que estaba harto de la NFL. Habló sobre el romance de Taylor y dijo que quería escuchar a alguien que realmente hable de fútbol. Travis apareció de repente y bromeó: "¡Sí, yo!".

Y eso fue todo. Taylor y su nuevo galán, Travis Kelce, no se quedaron para subir al escenario con el elenco de SNL al final del programa, pero el presentador Pete Davidson les agradeció su presencia.

Por supuesto, Taylor y Travis estaban en la ciudad haciendo noticia, disfrutando de una cena íntima de sushi que se convirtió en un frenesí mediático en Nobu en Manhattan el sábado por la noche.

Échale un vistazo al video de la pareja paseando de la mano por delante de la barra de sushi mientras Travis reconocía a los chefs, uno de los cuales le saludó con la mano.

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pondiendose serios

Un testigo nos dice que Taylor y Travis se sentaron uno al lado del otro y se abrazaron durante toda la comida.


Esta es la primera vez que los vemos mostrando tales signos de afecto en público. Parece que su nueva relación se está convirtiendo rápidamente en algo serio.

PETE DAVIDSON Compró cientos de videos en VHS ... Estaba volado, pero puedo hacer una fortuna

Listo para hacer negocios

Pete Davidson estaba en las nubes cuando se le ocurrió un negocio potencialmente lucrativo, que implicaba comprar miles de cintas VHS con la esperanza de ganar dinero.

El exalumno de Saturday Night Live y próximo anfitrión compartió su teoría en el episodio del martes de "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", diciendo que se voló muchísimo una noche y compró entre 3.000 a 5.000 cintas selladas que todavía están ahí.

La audiencia de Jimmy se rio con Pete afirmando que todos sonaban como a su mamá, pero su jugada podría ser prometedora, pues señaló que en 2026 se cumplirán 20 años desde que se hizo el último VHS, y las modas retro casi siempre vuelven a ser rentables.

Eso no es todo. Pete dijo copias como las suyas están haciendo hasta $30k últimamente, y una rara edición de "Rocky", en VHS, anotó $27.500 a principios de este año en una subasta, por lo que si la demanda sube, el comediante estará en una posición privilegiada.

Aparte del monopolio de Pete sobre los VHS, también está programado su participación para el estreno de la temporada 49 de "Saturday Night Live" este fin de semana. Se trata del primer programa de vuelta desde que se acabó la huelga de guionistas.

Pete se reunió con sus amigos de 'SNL' para cenar el martes por la noche antes del show del sábado. Estuvo comiendo con Kenan Thompson, Colin Jost, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, Punkie Johnson e incluso el jefe, Lorne Michaels.

¡Por cierto, la noche del martes suele ser la noche de escritura para el equipo de 'SNL', por lo que la comida de la noche podría haber sido después de horas de trabajo de guion, pero aun así se dieron el tiempo para tomar algunas fotos con sus fans!

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