A Star is Born Gaga Piano'd to Fame ... Here's Your Key(s) to Success!!!

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At least half of Lady Gaga's fame can be attributed to her killer piano-playing skills -- ditto for a zillion other big shots throughout the centuries -- and now ... it's time to join the ranks.

The moment has arrived for you to stunt on the world -- and on your friends -- with some new expertise under your belt once you come out of quarantine ... and it's one that could take you places too, if you play your cards right. Yes, we're talking about learning how to play the piano.

Right now, we got an offer on the table we like to call Pianoforall -- a step-by-step online guide that'll show you the ropes on how to jam out Gaga-style ... eventually (gotta practice).

While we can't guarantee the spirit of Beethoven will take you over, we DO promise you'll graduate from being a beginner to an intermediate piano player ... all for just $20. And hey, if Ludwig ain't your thing ... no worries, there are different styles here that run the gamut.

Here's what you get with our deal ... 204 lectures and 10 hours of content where you learn to read music, write, and play by ear -- with lifetime access. A triple threat, no doubt.

The days of playing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" can be retired once you cop this.


Stack Your Skills All-in-One Deep Well of Knowledge Learn to (Fill in the Blank)

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If there was ever a time to cram your brain full of useful info that you can unleash when this pandemic's over, it's now ... and we got the soil to help ya plant seeds of wisdom.

Welcome to our catch-all offer for a digital tool belt that'll give you expertise and prowess on everything from cryptocurrency tracking to iOS development and graphic design to business management ... all for a one-time payment of less than $60. Really??? Yes, really!

We call this massive bundle StackSkills Unlimited, and it's about as straightforward as it sounds. You'll get instant access to over 1,000 online courses -- several of which are taught by experts in the field ... while new lessons are added each month. Sweet deal, we know.

Just a taste of some of the diverse courses ... Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography, Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals, Filmmaking Hacks, WordPress ... and LOTS more.

While it might sound overwhelming -- sure, it low-key is -- the good news is you can comb through all this stuff at your own pace, find something unique to you ... and have at it for as long as you'd like. Yep -- the $59 price gives you access to all this know-how for life.

We know ... you're welcome.

Workplace Shot-Calling Get S*** Done, Control the Flow ... Project Managing 101

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Ready to be a boss without necessarily being THE boss??? Good, 'cause we're ready to help you get there with a little how-to on workplace shot-calling.

The gig we're hyping is the coveted one of project manager, and just about every legit organization has one ... either officially or not. With the Premium 2020 Project & Quality Management Certification Bundle, you can slide on into the role at your own company.

The online training offers thorough tutorials on essential project managing skills and curriculums, like Scrum certification, risk management and certified information systems.

Sounds fancy, and that's because it is -- with these lesson plans ... you can actually go and get certified in project managing, which is gonna make your resume impossible to ignore when you hit the job market. At the very least, you'll practically be guaranteed a callback.

It's pretty simple -- if you're gunning to boost your organizational and leadership skills while learning some neat tips to navigate corporate America along the way, this deal's for you.

And, it's all yours for just $46. No better time to level up your professional game ... jump on it.

Become a Dog Whisperer Teach a New Pup Old Tricks ... With This Crash Course!!!

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Sit! Stay ... good, now listen. You just got a new doggo, right? Perfect, then this is for you ... 'cause that little rascal ain't gonna train itself -- but this crash course will help!

Now that you've got your little angel by your side, let's make sure they stay good boys and girls with the proper training. Enter, the Complete Guide to Puppy & Dog Training Bundle.

The bundle comes with 8 courses that have the power to transform your pooch from a mutt with no manners to the next competitor in the National Dog Show. Not just that, but you'll get insight into all the natural remedies and diets a dog could ever need to make you into one cool dog parent. Of course, they'll learn "sit" as well -- that's step 1!

Other lessons include ... how to get your dog to stop barking, proper leash restraint, and even how to start your own dog training business -- should it be your heart's desire, that is.

Considering how pricey private dog trainers and puppy schools cost just to teach 'em to obey a command, we think a measly $30 is well worth it. Minimal damage to your slippers, maximum TLC from man's best friend -- that's what we're offering here.

Again, it's all online ... and pretty dang cheap too. Interested? We know you are ... hop on over and bring your furry friend with you while you're at it. 😍

Coding 101 Learn How to Speak 'Computer' ... Save Time, Earn Ca$$$h

We've all been there -- the laptop freezes, goes to black and not even 'esc' can save you. Now, instead of relying on the IT guy to bail ya out ... here's they key to help yourself.

Yes, folks -- we're talking computer coding here. It's that thing you always thought would be nifty to pick up and learn, but never actually rolled up your sleeves and did it. Welp, it's time ... 'cause we're gonna help you learn this advanced language for practically nothing.

Here's your jumping-off point. It's called The 2020 Premium Learn to Code Certification Bundle and, through us, it's available now for just $39. The 10-course program can get you going on a lucrative new career, or just help you out of a digital jam. Either way, peep ...

This bundle includes all the technical lessons you'd find in a beginner's guide to code, including a web development boot camp. You'll get a ton of instruction on creating, not just websites, but games and mobile apps, so you'll be able to code literally anything into existence by the time you're done. Think about it ... that's power.

You'll also learn computer applications like JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Flutter and Dart, and Python. By IT industry standards, this is all must-know stuff -- and you'll master it here.

Look, if you thought the MySpace HTML coding you did back in 2007 was tricky, strap in for some hardcore coding lessons ... 'cause that was child's play compared to this.

Get started on your sick new coding career now. Click here, sign up ... do it!!!

Become The Next Wolf Master Wall Street Own the Stock Trading Game!!!

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Do you wanna start making quick money? Like, penthouse, music mogul money?? Like Jordan Belfort STACKS of *clean* money??? Great, we wanna help you do that too 😁

If your eyes glaze over whenever someone mentions the stock market ... you're not alone. But, go ahead and un-glaze those orbs for a hot sec and listen up, 'cause we're gonna teach you a thing or two about how to achieve rich-person levels of wealth. Listening? Good.

Allow us to introduce The Wall Street Survival & Stock Trading Guide Bundle. This deal comes with 8 courses covering everything you need to start analyzing the stock market, monitoring trends and making big money investments that'll bring you sweet returns.

No, you don't need to know literally anything about stocks to get started -- these courses were created for the most clueless among us. As the lesson plan moves along, things get more advanced ... which means more insight, more tricks of the trade and more knowledge.

Oh, and FYI ... usually this program would cost you somewhere around $1,600 to snap up and download, but you can grab it for just $30 right now. No bull ...

With this program, you'll learn from the pros, whenever, and for however long you want. Basically, if you saw 'Wolf of Wall Street' and thought to yourself, "I can do that," (minus the fraud and arrests) well, here's your chance to prove it. Click the link and sign up, breh.

Master Marketing Build a Brand, Reach the Masses It's Easy as 1, 2 ...

If you have a business, but no way to tell anyone about it digitally ... do you actually have anything valuable on your hands??? Probably not, but don't trip ... we have a solution!

Welcome to your gateway to modern-day marketing heaven, and with this new offer ... we're basically handing you the keys to the kingdom. It's called The 2020 Full Stack Digital Marketing Certification Bundle, and yes ... it'll help you master a much-needed skillset.

This multi-course boot camp on digital marketing 101 covers A LOT of the essential platforms and tools you need to know frontward and backward if you wanna get your biz, your brand and, more importantly, your MESSAGE out to the public effectively and efficiently.

Here's what a one-time payment of less than $40 gets you ...

Full rundowns on Google analytics and ads, push notifications, YouTube strategy, Facebook management, SEO best practices and yes ... even MailChimp. Email marketing lives!!!!

If any of that sounds foreign to you now, it'll be a second language by the time you finish this. In short, the training shows you how to create a commercial identity AND take it to the next level online. You can get lifetime access to the entire bundle for $39 -- which, BTW, is down 98% from the combined cost of these individual classes practically anywhere else.

So, it's like we're giving this thing to you for free ... you're welcome.

Animal Crossing Create the Next Gaming Wave ... We'll Teach You How!!!

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We know you've been spending this quarantine at home on your Switch, working on your island and crosspollinating your flowers and all that. No doubt, Animal Crossing's the S***.

Now, hear us out -- why not use some of this endless downtime to actually learn how to create your own bomb, best-selling game??? Because through us, you absolutely can.

Seriously, if you're even a little bit tech-savvy, you're gonna wanna jump on this subscription to the School of Game Design and learn how to profit off of other people's digital addictions. Right now, a lifetime membership is only $49, which is honestly CHUMP change compared to the bills you'll be rolling in after you create the next Fortnite.

Even if you're a total n00b when it comes to computer stuff, this bundle will walk you through the motions. It gives you access to courses that'll help you learn how to code AND boost your artistry skills to make 2D and 3D games that you can publish anywhere and start playing pretty much ASAP. You'll even get thousands of dollars of game art and textures, so you'll have all the tools you need to get started right away.

Oh, and you don't have to go in on this alone (TBH, we'd all give up so fast). Instead, you'll get guidance from instructors and actual game industry pros with over 16 years of experience throughout your journey, so you'll be cranking out virtual realities in a jiff.

Do something, ya know, actually productive with your indoorsy free time and pick up this dope training here today.

Podcasts for Dummies Mic Check 1, 2 ... Get Your Bright Idea on Audio, Deal?

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Starting a podcast is WAY more than hitting record and talking -- it's an art ... and fortunately for you, we got a way to help ya turn into a Michelangelo of audio.

While it might seem everyone and their grandmother has a podcast these days, that doesn't mean all of them are good. And, you definitely don't have to fall in that category if you wanna start one, 'cause we got an offer that'll elevate yours above the competition.

It's called The Start-to-Finish Guide to Launching a Successful Podcast Bundle -- and through us, the complete 9-course online plan will cost you just a smidge below $50.

This bundle includes all the technical lessons you'd expect from a beginner's guide, like basics of audio engineering (including how to integrate audio plugins to mix voiceovers), as well as creating intros and outros, and what equipment you'll need to buy/software to use.

There's more ... the crash course entails specific lessons like "Putting Yourself Out There" -- to put your own spin and personality to best use -- and it'll also give you a rundown on social media marketing, so you can blast your podcast out effectively on the web.

Long story short ... this deal will make you go from novice to expert in the world of podcasts, and it'll show how and where to put your new project for maximum results.

Also, you'll have access to it literally forever. Sold yet? Think it over here, get back us ...

Real-Life Guitar Hero 101 You Bring the Instrument ... And We'll Drop the Knowledge!!!

Time to put that dusty guitar you bought YEARS ago (but never bothered to play) to some actual use now that you're stuck at home ... and don't worry, we got you with the how-to.

TMZ's got guitar lessons up for grabs for anyone interested -- even for those who don't have a musical bone in their body, but were always curious about picking it up for funsies (or realsies), this is for you. Even better ... it probably costs less than your next tank of gas.

This little gem is called The Ultimate Beginner to Expert Guitar Lessons Bundle and yes, the keyword here is ... BEGINNER! Not to say we won't take intermediate folks or pros (we will), but this is really aimed at newbies to the guitar game who wanna dive in.

Here's what our deal gets you ... 9 online courses covering the basics, the beyond-basics and even a bit of the advanced down the line, all being taught from a top-of-the-line musician by the name of Dan Dresnok. He's done this for a while, so he knows a thing or two.

Dan teaches you the fundamentals -- strumming technique, basic chords, etc. -- and as you move along, you'll also pick up some music theory and learn to read tablature as well ... which will help you identify pitches, understand the harmonics and eventually ... jam out on full-blown arpeggios. Of course, you control the tempo here ... so play at your own speed.

There's also breakout sessions that let you dabble in a bunch of different musical styles, like jazz, bluegrass, blues ... all to hone your guitar chops and help find your niche.

So ... if you wanna come out of quarantine with a new talent in hand, hop aboard. The bundle pack runs just $29, and it won't last either. (Singing lessons not included, BTW 😅)

Marshmello Makes Music w/ Ableton Ain't That Hard, Ain't That Pricey

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Help us with this math. Marshmello + Ableton Live = ... great success. Now, plug yourself in as a new variable -- YOU + Ableton Live = ... we'll let you answer that. But, first, listen up.

Just about every major big-shot DJ uses some type of software to crank out their beats and tunes -- and, believe it or not, a lot of 'em use Ableton Live ... including our boy Marshmello. Now, any Tom, Dick and Harry can download it ... but not every TDH knows how to use it.

That doesn't have to be you anymore if you wanna learn the craft of music-making on Ableton, 'cause we got a little bone we're gonna throw you for pretty damn cheap too.

Here's the deal ... it's called the Ableton Music Production Mastery Bundle, and it's on the table here for a measly $29. And, you'd be getting your money's worth if you threw down, BTW, 'cause the package is literally a full-course buffet on creating tracks from start to finish.

There are 7 installments, and you can run through them at your leisure. In all, you're getting 28 hours of training and resources to master the trade ... covering everything from adding drum samples, programming synths and designing live effects for an actual in-club setting. Hell, DJ James Patrick will even walk you through that last part first-hand. On us!

If you're interested, go here, throw it in the cart and get to work. It's easy, doable and more important ... A-FREAKIN'-FFORDABLE!!! Hop to it, breh.

Adobe Creative Cloud Suite Not a Photoshop Wiz Yet, Eh??? Master It, On the Cheap!!!

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Most Gen Zers seem to have been born as Photoshop experts -- not to mention all the other fancy Adobe apps -- but now ... you can be born again too, for a bargain.

It's true ... we got a way to learn just about ALL the programs in Adobe's precious Creative Cloud Suite without having to break the bank, or sit through aimless YouTube tutorials that don't actually teach ya a damn thing. And, get this ... the deal costs less than $35.

It's called the All-in-One Adobe Creative Cloud Suite Certification Course Bundle. Pretty self-explanatory, we know, but allow us to elaborate. This is actually worth a glance.

The package comes with 8 full courses covering everything from After Effects to Illustrator, as well as Premiere Pro and Lightroom ... and pretty much everything else in between. Basically, it's what you'll need to become a bad-ass graphic designer and/or video editor. Whatever tickles your fancy!!! Learn from the pros, go at your own pace ... easy, right?

It really is. Just go here, sign up ... and take it from there. Oh, and BTW -- shelling out this one time will give you access to these deep wells of knowledge for life. Wait, what???

You heard right ... FOR LIFE!!! Yep, you're welcome 😁