You Won't Get What You Want

Barbara Corcoran's dishing some no-nonsense advice for Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott over their desperate attempts to offload their uber-fancy Beverly Hills mansion.

We got the "Shark Tank" star out in L.A. earlier this week ... she tells us the exes slashing the price from $21.9M to under $18M ain't enough, and they need to quite simply be realistic when it comes to their asking price.

The real estate pro says it comes down to the L.A. luxury housing market not being the best right now, especially with that pesky new "mansion tax" in play -- which she's been vocal about ... previously telling us it was ridiculous.


BC also weighs in on Travis' other property, which sits atop a huge crack in a Brentwood hillside caused by recent record-breaking storms.

A precarious situation for sure, but Barbara says it's nothing to worry about.

As someone who's purchased a few oceanfront properties herself, Barbara says she's seen fellow seafront property owners have their pads washed out ... so, to her, a crack in the land ain't a big deal nor is it a bad investment, especially if Travis uses the property wisely.

Leave it to Barbara to put things in perspective!

So, as for Kylie and Travis, it looks like the exes need to go back to the drawing board and dip that price a little bit lower.

Daymond John le da crédito a Mark Cuban por salvar "Shark Tank"

adiós shark

Daymond John ha predicho que el éxito de "Shark Tank" continuará mucho después de la salida de su coprotagonista Mark Cuban, a quien atribuye el mérito de mantener la serie a flote.

El fundador de FUBU no tiene reparos en la decisión de Mark de salir, diciendo que ya ha hecho lo suficiente por hacer lo que ningún otro multimillonario conocido hizo... creer en el espectáculo, mientras que estaba al borde de la cancelación de tres temporadas.

Daymond dice que la devoción de Mark era profunda, permaneciendo en el programa durante tantos años, con su entrada jugando un papel importante en hacer de él el fenómeno cultural que es hoy.

Lo que quiere decir es que si alguna vez has tenido sueños de lanzar su sueño en "Shark Tank", eso es todo Mark.

Claramente, Daymond ha forjado un fuerte vínculo con Mark los últimos años, diciéndonos que le desea lo mejor y añadiendo que el equipo quiere seguir con su duro trabajo para darle su asiento a la próxima generación de empresarios.

¿Quién podría hacerse con el codiciado asiento? El propio Mark ha respaldado a la socia de las Kardashian Emma Grede como su sustituta, elogiando su experiencia y carisma televisivo.

¡feliz navidad!

Por ahora, no hay ninguna palabra sobre cuándo comenzarán las audiciones para encontrar a su sucesor.

DAYMOND JOHN Mark Cuban Rescued 'Shark Tank' from the Brink


Daymond John has predicted the success of "Shark Tank" will continue long after the departure of his costar Mark Cuban ... whom he credits for keeping the series afloat.

The FUBU founder has no qualms over Mark's decision to leave ... saying he's already done enough by doing what no other well-known billionaire did ... believe in the show while it was on the brink of cancelation three seasons in.

Daymond says Mark's devotion ran deep ... staying on the show for so many years with his input playing a significant part in making it the cultural phenomenon it is today.

What he means is that if you've ever had dreams of pitching your pipe dream on "Shark Tank" -- that's all Mark.

Clearly, Daymond has forged a strong bond with Mark over the years ... telling us he wishes him well and adding the 'ST' team wants to pay his hard work forward by giving his seat to the next generation of entrepreneurs.

As for who could potentially snag the coveted seat? Mark himself has endorsed Kardashian biz partner Emma Grede as his replacement ... gushing over her experience and TV charisma.


As for now, there's no word on when auditions to find his successor will begin ...


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Mark Cuban dice que no hay "ninguna posibilidad" de que esté tratando de hacer campaña para llegar a la Casa Blanca tras las especulaciones de que podría postularse para Presidente en 2024 después de vender una participación mayoritaria en los Dallas Mavericks de la NBA.

Comentarios de la supuesta jugada política inundaron X, aunque el multimillonario le dice a TMZ que una campaña presidencial para el próximo año no está en los planes y añade que "la familia me repudiaría".

Recordemos que después de años de construir su imperio, Mark está poniendo a la familia en primer lugar, anunciando en el podcast de Showtime "All The Smoke" el lunes, que dejaba "Shark Tank" después de 16 temporadas ya que entra en conflicto con su tiempo personal.

Además que convertirse en Presidente —posiblemente el trabajo más ocupado en el mundo— no haría mucho para despejar su agenda.

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Sin embargo, ha entretenido la idea antes, divulgando a Harvey en "OBJECTified" en 2017 que se postularía como republicano para desafiar a Donald Trump. En 2019, Mark nos dijo que su familia "votó en contra" de su serio deseo de postularse a la presidencia en 2020.

La renovada charla política ganó tracción después de que TMZ Sports confirmara que Mark estaba vendiendo su participación mayoritaria, supuestamente valorada en $3.5B, a Miriam Adelson, obteniendo un retorno masivo de la inversión después de comprar el equipo en 2000 por $285 millones.

Él conservará algunas acciones y ser el líder de la toma de decisiones cuando se trata de operaciones de baloncesto, pero la viuda/heredera multimillonaria Adelson, tiene algunos planes propios para los Mavs. Principalmente la construcción de un nuevo estadio y casino, y un proyecto de ley de juego pasa en Texas.

En cuanto a Mark, tendrá mucho más tiempo libre y quién sabe, tal vez el Despacho Oval esté llamando su nombre en 2028.



Mark Cuban says there's "no chance" he's trying to campaign his way into the White House ... following speculation he might run for President in 2024 after selling a majority stake in the NBA's Dallas Mavericks.

Comments of the supposed political move flooded in on X ... though the billionaire tells TMZ that a presidential campaign trail for next year was "galaxies off" and adding, "family would disown me."

Remember ... after years of building his empire, Mark is putting family first -- announcing on the Showtime podcast "All The Smoke" Monday he was leaving "Shark Tank" after 16 seasons as it conflicts with his personal time.

And of course ... becoming President -- arguably the busiest job in the world -- wouldn't do a whole lot to clear up his schedule.

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However, he's entertained the idea before, divulging to Harvey on "OBJECTified" in 2017 that he'd run as a Republican to challenge Donald Trump. In 2019, Mark told us his family "voted down" his serious desire to run for President in 2020.

The renewed political chat gained traction after TMZ Sports confirmed Mark was selling his majority stake, reportedly valued at $3.5B, to Miriam Adelson ... getting a massive return on the investment after buying the team in 2000 for $285 million.

He'll retain some shares and be the lead decision-maker when it comes to basketball ops -- but billionaire widow/heiress Adelson has some plans of her own for the Mavs ... mainly building a new arena and casino -- if a gambling bill passes in Texas.

As for Mark ... he'll have a lot more free time on his hands ... and who knows, maybe the Oval Office will be calling his name in 2028 ...

MARK CUBAN EYES UP 'SHARK TANK' REPLACEMENT 'Kardashian Biz Partner Emma Grede Is Brilliant!'

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Mark Cuban is bidding farewell to "Shark Tank" after 16 seasons ... and he's already circling the waters for his ideal successor.

The billionaire businessman tells TMZ that Emma Grede -- the co-founder of the Kardashians' fashion empires SKIMS and Good American - would be "insanely good" as a full-time Shark ... having guest-starred on the show before.

Mark heralds the 41-year-old as a brilliant entrepreneur ... with an extraordinary knack for helping companies grow with her experience.

What's more ... he's impressed with her natural ability to connect with others ... and says her television charisma also makes waves -- though, as of yet, auditions to find his replacement haven't begun.

Mark also gives us a splash of context on departing 'ST' -- which he first announced on the Showtime podcast "All The Smoke" Monday ... telling us his decision is rooted in wanting to hang out with his brood as he usually films every summer during family vacation.

He says at 14, 17, and 20, it's not long before they leave the nest ... so it's understandable he's cutting back.

As we previously reported ... Mark's also selling his majority stake in the NBA's Dallas Mavericks after buying the team in 2000 and overseeing the franchise's most successful run and only NBA title ... so the 'Tank' isn't the only thing Cuban's leaving behind.

Despite "Shark Tank" nibbling away at his personal time, he's cherished every aspect of the show ... from what it represents to the impact it's had on the next generation of entrepreneurs.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.



Mark Cuban se despide de "Shark Tank" después de 16 temporadas y ya está pensando en quién podría ser su sucesor ideal.

El empresario multimillonario y dueño de los Mavs, le dice a TMZ que Emma Grede— la co-fundadora de los imperios de moda de las Kardashians SKIMS y Good American— sería "increíblemente buena" como un tiburón a tiempo completo después de haber sido estrella invitada en el programa antes.

Mark dice que Emma (de 41 años de edad) es una empresaria brillante, con un extraordinario don para ayudar a las empresas a crecer con su experiencia.

Es más, está impresionado con su capacidad natural para conectar con los demás y dice que su carisma televisivo también hace olas. Aunque, hasta el momento, las audiciones para encontrar su reemplazo no han comenzado.

Mark también nos da un poco de contexto sobre la salida del show —que anunció por primera vez en el podcast de Showtime "All The Smoke" el lunes— diciéndonos que su decisión se basa en querer pasar el rato con su familia, ya que suele filmar todos los veranos durante las vacaciones.

Dice que sus hijos de 14, 17 y 20 años no tardarán en abandonar el nido, así que es comprensible que reduzca gastos.

Como informamos anteriormente ... Mark también está vendiendo su participación mayoritaria en los Dallas Mavericks de la NBA después de comprar el equipo en 2000 y supervisar la carrera más exitosa de la franquicia y el único título de la NBA, por lo que el "Tanque" no es lo único que Cuban está dejando atrás".

A pesar de "Shark Tank" mordisqueando su tiempo personal, ha apreciado todos los aspectos del espectáculo, de lo que representa para el impacto que ha tenido en la próxima generación de empresarios.

Mark Cuban Sells Majority Stake In NBA Team ... Keeps Control of Mavs' Basketball Ops

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Big news out of Big D ... Mark Cuban is selling his majority stake in the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, while still holding onto the reigns in basketball operations.

The billionaire is selling his majority stake to Miriam Adelson ... TMZ Sports has confirmed.

While Mark is selling a stake reportedly valued at $3.5 billion, he will retain some shares in the team and be the lead decision-maker when it comes to basketball ops.

Cuban bought the team in 2000 for $285 million, so he’s getting a huge return on investment!

Miriam is the billionaire widow and heiress of Sheldon Adelson and his Las Vegas casino empire ... Forbes has her net worth at $32.3 billion, making her the fifth richest woman in the world.

Our sources say Adelson has plans to build a new arena for the Mavs, and, if a gambling bill passes in Texas, we’re told she might also build a casino in Dallas.

Miriam is reportedly selling $2 billion of her shares in Las Vegas Sands Group to make the Mavs purchase.

Under Cuban, the Mavericks have been perennial contenders in the NBA's Western Conference, winning the franchise's first and only NBA championship in 2011, defeating LeBron James and the Miami Heat.

Earlier this week, Cuban revealed he's leaving ABC's "Shark Tank" after the upcoming 16th season.

Lots going on in Mark’s world … including cohosting “TMZ’s Merry Elfin’ Christmas” special, premiering Dec. 5 in primetime on Fox!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Mark Cuban Vende su participación mayoritaria en equipo de la NBA

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Grandes noticias de Big D... Mark Cuban está vendiendo su participación mayoritaria en los Dallas Mavericks de la NBA, aunque todavía se aferra a las operaciones de baloncesto.

El multimillonario está vendiendo su participación mayoritaria a Miriam Adelson, según ha confirmado TMZ Sports.

Aunque Mark está vendiendo su participación supuestamente valorada en $3,5 mil millones, conservará algunas acciones en el equipo y será el principal responsable de la toma de decisiones cuando se trate de las operaciones relacionadas al baloncesto.

Cuban compró el equipo en 2000 por 285 millones de dólares, ¡así que está obteniendo grandes ganancias de su inversión!

Miriam es la multimillonaria viuda de Sheldon Adelson y heredera de su imperio de casinos en Las Vegas. Según Forbes, su patrimonio neto asciende a 32.300 millones de dólares, lo que la convierte en la quinta mujer más rica del mundo.

Según nuestras fuentes, Adelson planea construir un nuevo estadio para los Mavs y, si se aprueba una ley sobre el juego en Texas, también podría construir un casino en Dallas.

Al parecer, Miriam está vendiendo 2.000 millones de dólares de sus acciones en Las Vegas Sands Group para realizar la compra de los Mavs.

Bajo Cuban, los Mavericks han sido contendientes perennes en la Conferencia Oeste de la NBA, ganando el primer y único campeonato de la NBA de la franquicia en 2011, derrotando a LeBron James y los Miami Heat.

A principios de esta semana, Cuban reveló que dejará "Shark Tank" de ABC después de la próxima temporada 16.

Muchas cosas están pasando en el mundo de Mark, incluyendo el hecho de que será co-anfitrión del especial "TMZ's Merry Elfin' Christmas", que se estrena el 5 de diciembre en horario estelar en Fox.

Mark Cuban I Missed Out on Billions from Uber Passed On Early Investment

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"Shark Tank" star Mark Cuban has a ton of money, but his wealth could've actually grown by a couple more BILLION if he would've taken an early opportunity to invest in Uber ... a move he's regretting to this day.

The billionaire investor and entrepreneur talked about the deal that got away on an episode last month of Kevin Hart's "Hart to Heart," saying he was offered the opportunity to put some dough into the company in 2009 -- years before the ridesharing game took off.

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Mark says it was a $250k investment at a $10M valuation -- for the "Shark Tank" fans doing the math, that would've given him 2.5 percent of the company. While the other sharks might've laughed that valuation off, Mark's $250k would've been $2.25 BILLION today.

Mark says he offered to give the cash if the company was valued at $5 million, but he claims he never heard anything back ... and they eventually got someone else to fill his spot. As you can guess, he's vowing to never make a mistake like that again.

Kevin says he also had the chance to put $50k down on the brand years ago ... but thought the idea of strangers driving each other around sounded like "Murderville."

BTW, Cuban had previously invested in Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick's startup, Red Swoosh, but the stars didn't align on this one ... and it sounds like he's kicking himself over it pretty hard!

Barbara Corcoran Nice S.I. Cover, Martha ... I Can Be A Swimsuit Model, Too!!!


Anything Martha Stewart can do, Barbara Corcoran can do just as well ... 'cause the "Shark Tank" star just had her own makeshift Sports Illustrated swimsuit photo shoot -- and she looks fantastic!!

The 74-year-old real estate mogul and businesswoman threw on a white one-piece suit and orange cover-up to recreate her friend's new S.I. cover that was revealed this week ... captioning the pic, "I can’t cook, but I sure can swim. @si_swimsuit @marthastewart48."

The responses have been nothing but positive ... with huge names like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Chrishell Stause and Martha herself all showing love in the comments.

"Looking great barbara Corcoran!!!!!" Stewart, 81, said.

There was one troll, however ... and anyone who's familiar with the Sharks will not be surprised one bit that "Mr. Wonderful" had something to say.

"I've reported this to Instagram," Kevin O'Leary said ... to which Barb responded, "Ok hater."

Barb's post was all for fun -- earlier this week, she even joked with us that she wouldn't buy the mag if Martha looked too good.


The magazine is now on sale ... and unfortunately for Barb fans, she won't be in it -- but at least they can enjoy her own take on the cover!!

Jimmie Allen Ice Cream Collab Seemingly Dropped ... After Rape Allegations


Jimmie Allen's sweet deal with a "Shark Tank" powered ice cream company is apparently out the window ... this following recent rape allegations made against him.

Here's the deal -- it was announced back in March that the country singer was partnering up with The Frozen Farmer, a farm-fresh ice cream company backed by Lori Greiner and featured on the deal-making series.

Jimmie collabed with the biz and came up with Miss Angie's Peach Cobbler Frobert, inspired by a recipe from his mom of the same name ... but if you check out the company's page, the dessert is nowhere to be found and the social media posts promoting it have been deleted.

The pints were jam-packed with references to Jimmie's background, like a pic of him and his mom on the cover or the number 15 on the lid -- the number his dad wore when he played baseball. However, it looks like it's simply in his rearview mirror at this point.

As we reported, Jimmie's being sued by his alleged former business manager, who claims he raped her while she was working for him.

She says he continued to amp up the sexual harassment during her 18 months on the job ... before ultimately being fired from the company that employed her.

Jimmie told us the woman's claims have "no truth to them whatsoever" and alleges she hired a lawyer to ask him for money only after their 2-year consensual sexual relationship ended.

We've reached out to The Frozen Farmer and Jimmie's rep for comment ... so far, no word back.

Daymond John Private 'Avatar 2' Screening for Holiday Party Ice T, CoCo & Others Attend


Daymond John knows how to throw a holiday party ... treating his employees, fellow sharks and even celeb friends to a private screening of the biggest movie on the planet.

The "Shark Tank" star hosted his annual Shark Group holiday party this week in the Big Apple  ... complete with a private screening of "Avatar: The Way of Water."

We're told Daymond wanted to make sure everyone on his team had a good night, inviting their family and friends as well.

Daymond's celeb pals, including Ice-T, Coco and Molly Burnett were all in attendance. Daymond's fellow sharks Kevin O’Leary and Barbara Corcoran also made it to the screening.

Also super noticeable in the pics is Daymond's weight loss -- he's lost 40 lbs since the summer and is clearly having a fun time showing it off.

Commanders' Brian Robinson 'Big Hat' Sales Skyrocket 2,000 Percent Increase!!!

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Washington Commanders star Brian Robinson's big hat resulted in some BIG sales for the company behind the massive lid ... 'cause TMZ Sports is told their business saw a whopping 2,000% increase in orders!!

Robinson's hat quickly went viral after Sunday's 19-13 win over the Atlanta Falcons ... and the running back hilariously told reporters -- "If you want a big hat, let me know."

Noggin Boss -- the company that sells big hats starting at $75 -- tells us the impact was immediate ... with Monday being one of the biggest days in the brand's history.

As it turns out, NB says a bunch of major television networks hit them up to get Noggins for their on-air talent following Robinson's appearance ... but ESPN's Scott Van Pelt was one of the lucky ones who got one "years ago" -- and he wore it on "SportsCenter" Monday night!!

If the look seems familiar, Noggin Boss co-founders Gabe Cooper and Sean Starner appeared on "Shark Tank" earlier this year. The guys were seeking $50k for 25% of the company ... and ended up sealing the deal with Daymond John for 30%!!

Robinson's hat -- customized with the Commanders' logo -- was a gift from a family friend ... and the dude almost certainly started a trend in the sports world, with teams even photoshopping big hats onto their players.

NB tells us there's no official partnership with Brian ... but there are some "pretty huge" endorsement deals in the works.

Daymond John Offers Financial Help For Family of Slain Buffalo Security Guard


Daymond John is offering financial aid to the family of the security guard killed in the Buffalo shooting ... reaching out after discovering the guy was a big fan of his.

The son of Aaron Salter Jr., the retired police officer who was working security at the supermarket where the tragic shooting happened, tells TMZ ... Daymond recently called him and struck up a conversation, getting emotional and offering to help with funeral expenses and other bills.

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Daymond told Aaron Salter III he saw some photos online of the guy's dad posing with cardboard cutouts of the "Shark Tank" star ... and it turns out watching "Shark Tank" was a family affair in the Salter house.

Aaron, who is being hailed a hero for likely saving the lives of others in the attack, was also an inventor like Daymond ... and his son says DJ told the family his heart goes out to them and he wants to help in any way possible.

When Aaron's son relayed funeral details, Daymond offered to help cover the cost and told the family someone from his camp would be in touch.

We're told Daymond got emotional as the conversation continued ... Aaron's son could hear the pain in Daymond's voice, and towards the end of their talk Daymond offered to help the family with anything they need in the future, urging them not to hesitate.

Aaron's son says his dad was a huge fan of Daymond's and is looking down now, super proud.

Daymond's offer to the family is in addition to a visit from President Biden ... we're told POTUS spoke individually with 9 family members, shaking hands and expressing condolences.

The family is also crowdfunding to set up a non-profit dedicated to Aaron ... with their GoFundMe reaching over $30,000 and counting.

Daymond John Biden Exec Order Means Crypto here to stay!!!


President Biden's latest executive order is a big "W" for those in the crypto world, and a clear indicator everyone should, if nothing else, start learning what it's all about ... according to Daymond John.

The "Shark Tank" star joined us Friday on "TMZ Live" for his "Follow the Money" segment ... giving us his take on Biden's greenlight for feds to study risks and benefits of cryptocurrency. Daymond says the bottom line is ... it's really good news.

He says the news legitimizes crypto, and should get more people to invest. Even further, he believes Biden's interest in creating a digital U.S. dollar will protect all Americans.

Although, the prez did not announce any regulations of cryptocurrency ... Daymond says they'll be necessary to prevent investors from getting hurt or scammed.

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Already, 16% of Americans have invested in crypto, and he says that number will increase greatly in the next 10 years.

BTW ... some crypto coins, like Bitcoin, soared 5-8% after Biden's order.