Kenan Thompson Addresses 'Quiet on Set' Doc ... It Never Happened to Me

Kenan Thompson says he feels for those who were mistreated while working as child stars at Nickelodeon back in the day -- but he also makes clear ... he just wasn't one of them.

The comedian hopped on the 'Tamron Hall Show' Wednesday, where he was plugging his "Good Burger 2" movie -- which, ironically, is a Nickelodeon production -- and he was asked point blank what he made of all the horror stories that surfaced in 'Quiet on Set.'

Kenan says, "It’s a tough subject because, it’s tough for me because I can’t really speak on things that I’ve never witnessed ... Because all these things happened after I left, basically, and Dan [Schneider] wasn’t really on 'Kenan & Kel' like that."

Josh Peck Rompe el silencio sobre "Quiet On Set"... Pide un cambio en la industria

Josh Peck está hablando sobre las acusaciones relatadas en el documental sobre los niños actores de Nickelodeon y está diciendo que las cosas tienen que cambiar para mejor.

La ex estrella de Nick rompió su silencio sobre "Quiet on Set" el jueves, esto en medio de la creciente presión de los fans, quienes lo estaban empujando para que dijera algo mientras seguía publicando cosas en sus redes sociales sin abordar el tema.

Josh escribe: "Terminé el documental "Quiet on Set" y me tomé unos días para procesarlo. Me puse en contacto con Drake en privado, pero quiero brindarle mi apoyo a los supervivientes que fueron lo suficientemente valientes como para compartir sus historias de abuso emocional y físico en los platós de Nickelodeon con el mundo".

Y continúa: "Los niños deben ser protegidos. Revivir esto públicamente es increíblemente difícil, pero espero que pueda traer sanación para las víctimas y sus familias, así como un necesario cambio en nuestra industria".

El mensaje de Josh llega en el momento justo. Su nombre ha sido tendencia toda la semana tras la emisión del documental y mucha gente quería saber si iba a decir algo o cuándo iba a hacerlo. Josh, obviamente, no apareció en el documental, pero era una de las mayores estrellas de Nick en ese entonces.

Por supuesto, su conexión con Drake Bell, con quien protagonizó un enorme programa "Drake & Josh" no pasó desapercibida para nadie, especialmente después de que Drake revelara que fue abusado cuando era adolescente.

La única cosa que Josh no precisa en su declaración es si alguna vez experimentó algo indecoroso él mismo, o si estaba al tanto de lo que estaba pasando con Drake en el momento, pero de acuerdo a sus palabras, parece seguro suponer que probablemente no sabía nada al respecto.

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No sean duros con Josh!!!

Como informamos, Drake salió a defender a Josh el miércoles en medio de la reacción violenta de los fans, diciéndole al público que su co-estrella ya se había acercado a él y le pidió a la gente que dejara de echar humo.

A estas alturas, solo hay otra persona de la cual la gente querría saber... Amanda Bynes.

Josh Peck Breaks Silence on 'Quiet on Set' ... Calls on Industry Change

Josh Peck is speaking out on all the claims and horror stories chronicled in the documentary about Nickelodeon child actors ... and he says things have gotta change for the better.

The former Nick star broke his silence Thursday over 'Quiet on Set' -- this amid mounting pressure from fans, who were very vocally calling on him to say something as he continued to post things on social media without addressing it.

Josh writes, "I finished the Quiet on Set documentary and took a few days to process it. I reached out to Drake privately, but want to give my support for the survivors who were brave enough to share their stories of emotional and physical abuse on Nickelodeon sets with the world."

He continues, "Children should be protected. Reliving this publicly is incredibly difficult, but I hope it can bring healing for the victims and their families as well as necessary change to our industry."

Josh's post is coming at just the right time ... his name has been trending all week in the wake of the doc airing -- with lots of people wondering if/when he was ever going to speak. Josh obviously wasn't featured in 'QOS,' but he was one of the biggest Nick stars back then.

Of course, his connection to Drake Bell -- with whom he starred on a massive show in "Drake & Josh" -- wasn't lost on anyone ... especially after Drake revealed he was abused as a teen.

The one thing Josh doesn't pinpoint in his statement is whether he ever experienced anything unseemly himself -- or if he was privy to what was going on with Drake at the time -- but based on his words, it seems safe to presume he was probably in the dark about it.

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Go Easy On Josh!

As we reported ... Drake came out Wednesday to defend Josh amid the backlash, notifying the public that his one-time costar had already reached out, and told people to lay off.

At this point, there's only one other person people really wanna hear from ... Amanda Bynes.

Drake Bell Guys, Josh Has Reached Out to Me ... Please Lay Off!!!

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Go Easy On Josh!

Drake Bell is coming to Josh Peck's defense after fans blasted his former costar for staying mum amid his sexual abuse story ... basically telling everyone to stand down.

The former Nick star hopped online Wednesday to clear the air on where he stands with Josh ... and he confirmed that JP has, in fact, reached out to him after his appearance on 'Quiet on the Set' -- even though just about everybody assumed he hadn't.

Drake -- who opened up about being molested as a teen by former Nickelodeon dialogue coach Brian Peck in the docuseries -- says he noticed the hate comments flooding Josh's social media accounts these past several days ... which he says are unwarranted.

As Drake puts it ... Josh has been supportive in the aftermath of the doc. Josh's reach-out hasn't been made public until now because of the delicate nature of the situation -- so things are clearly going on behind the scenes that not everyone can see.

Drake says that he's been going through an emotional time in processing everything that has happened ... which is why certain things have been kept out of the public eye.

His update comes amid accusations that JP was purposefully ignoring the damning doc about their former network. The comment section of Josh's TikTok account even featured countless fans demanding that he say something in support of DB, instead of making silly uploads.

Of course, Drake and Josh have a rocky relationship of late. The two found themselves publicly beefing after Drake griped about not being invited to Josh's wedding.

ignoring the doc

The two actors eventually hugged it out at the 2017 VMAs -- but even after that ... it didn't seem they were particularly close.

Still, we're happy to hear that Josh has rallied around Drake right now ... and here's hoping people heed Drake's request to lay off his old bud.

The TMZ Podcast: Trump Defends Kate's Photoshop Fail But Hints At Deporting Prince Harry ... Again

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Former President Donald Trump is coming to the defense of Kate Middleton over the drama that's ensued following her Mother's Day Photoshop scandal.

However, the former Prez is once again hinting that he may deport Prince Harry if he's re-elected after the Duke of Sussex admitted to using drugs in his tell-all.

Speaking of the Princess of Wales ... TMZ spoke to professional Kate Middleton look-alike Heidi Agan, who says that the woman in the new footage in Windsor is 100% Kate and NOT her!

Kanye West and his wife Bianca Censori have been business as usual, running errands around Los Angeles, with Bianca strolling around half naked.

Plus, Scheana Shay hinted on the recent "Vanderpump Rules" episode that she had an orgy with John Mayer.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Wyld Young & Melanie Miller



Scheana Shay está sugiriendo que se acostó con John Mayer... y parece que no estaban solos en la cama.

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" hizo la confesión durante el episodio del martes, donde compartió durante un juego llamado "Never Have I Ever", que participó en una orgía mucho antes de conocer a su marido Brock Davies.

En una confesión para "VPR", profundizó un poco más, confirmando que su compañero de orgía era una celebridad muy conocida. Luego dejó caer una pista no tan sutil insinuando la identidad de John, cuando dijo que su cuerpo era un país de las maravillas en aquel entonces.

Esta no es la primera vez que Scheana ha hablado sobre su pasado romance con John -que es el mejor amigo de Andy Cohen. Recordemos que Scheana comentó en el pódcast "Flashbacks" en 2020 que conoció a John cuando todavía estaba saliendo con Jennifer Aniston.

Al parecer, el trío salió de fiesta en Beverly Hills, pero nada íntimo sucedió entonces. Después de que John y Jen terminaron, según la historia, el cantante llamó a Scheana, quien dijo que terminó en una pareja con John y la veterana de "Hills" Stacie Adams (AKA la chica que agitó las aguas en la relación de Spencer Pratt y Heidi Montag).

El romance duró solo seis meses, ya que Scheana afirmó que se alejó de la pareja  luego de luchar con los celos. Aunque la amistad de Scheana y Stacie sobrevivió al drama, Stacie notablemente sirvió como dama de honor en la primera boda de Scheana con su ex Mike Shay.

Los fans ya están pidiendo a gritos que Andy tenga a John en "Watch What Happens Live" para contar su versión de la historia de la orgía. Y, honestamente, ¡también nos gustaría saber más!

'VPR' Star Scheana Shay Suggests She Had Orgy w/ John Mayer


Scheana Shay seems to be suggesting she banged John Mayer -- but more than just that ... there appears to have been other people in the bedroom too.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star made the confession during Tuesday's episode ... where she shared during a game of "Never Have I Ever" that she partook in an orgy long before meeting husband Brock Davies.

In a confessional for 'VPR,' SS elaborated a bit more ... confirming her orgy partner was an A-list celeb. She then dropped a not-so-subtle clue hinting at John's identity ... as she said her body was a wonderland at the time.

This isn't the first time Scheana has spilled on her past fling with John -- who is notably BFFs with Bravo bigwig Andy Cohen. Remember, Scheana shared on the "Flashbacks" podcast in 2020 that she first met John when he was still dating Jennifer Aniston.

Apparently, the trio partied together at a bash in Beverly Hills ... but nothing intimate happened then. After John and Jen called it quits, as the story goes, the singer called up Scheana ... who said she ended up in a throuple with John and "Hills" vet Stacie Adams (AKA the girl who stirred the pot in Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag's relationship).

The romance lasted only six months, as Scheana claimed she bounced from the throuple after struggling with jealousy. Though Scheana and Stacie's friendship made it through the drama -- Stacie notably served as a bridesmaid in Scheana's first wedding to ex Mike Shay.

Fans are already clamoring for Andy to have John on "Watch What Happens Live" to tell his side of the orgy story. And, FWIW ... we too would like to know more!


Drake Bell está atacando a otras estrellas infantiles de Nickelodeon por sacar a la luz su abuso. Resulta que el equipo de "Ned's Declassified" parece encontrar algo de comedia en todo esto.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw y otros que solían trabajar en su antiguo programa de Nick, estaban grabando un TikTok Live el lunes -esto mientras la segunda mitad de "Quiet on Set" salía al aire en ID- y parecían estar haciendo bromas a expensas de Drake y otros.


Devon y compañía discutieron el documental y personificaron a un tirano, presumiblemente Dan Schneider, diciendo "dame tus agujeros".

Devon reconoce justo después de que no deberían bromear al respecto y Drake ciertamente está de acuerdo. Drake tuiteó el video añadiendo: "Ned's Declassless... esto es salvaje... ríanse chicos... ríanse... Dame tus agujeros" ¡¿En serio?!"

Devon intenta ser serio por un momento en su IG Live, señalando que lo que le pasó a Drake es terrible y agregando que es una locura que lo haya tenido en secreto durante tanto tiempo.

También dice que equipo de '"ND" no era como se describe en el documental de los niños bajo la mirada de Schneider. Aun así, siguió riéndose con sus antiguos compañeros de reparto, lo que no le sentó bien a Drake, y definitivamente a la gente en línea.

Es comprensible que el equipo de "Ned" esté siendo destrozado en este momento, francamente, lo que Drake y compañía revelaron es extremadamente grave, por no decir inquietante.

Además de los abusos de Drake a manos de Brian Peck, varias otras ex estrellas infantiles afirmaron que fueron maltratadas mientras trabajaban en Nick, y otros sugirieron que los showrunners y los escritores a menudo intentaban sexualizar a muchos de los niños de maneras no tan sutiles.

Hay un montón de sketches y disfraces, por no hablar de los gags de baba -lo cuales están volviendo demostrando ser terriblemente inapropiados- a pesar de que Dan Shneider ha negado haber acutado mal.

Nickelodeon comentó: "Aunque no podemos corroborar o negar las acusaciones de comportamientos de producciones de hace décadas, Nickelodeon como una cuestión de política, investiga todas las quejas formales como parte de nuestro compromiso de fomentar un ambiente de trabajo seguro y profesional libre de acoso u otros tipos de conducta inapropiada".

Y añaden: "Nuestras máximas prioridades son el bienestar y los mejores intereses. No solo de nuestros empleados, elencos y equipo, sino de todos los niños, y hemos adoptado diferentes métodos a lo largo de los años para ayudar a garantizar que estamos a la altura de nuestros propios altos estándares y las expectativas de nuestra audiencia".

Devon apareció en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Verified Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Drake Bell Slams 'Ned's Declassified' Crew Over 'Quiet on Set' Jokes

Drake Bell is blasting other Nickelodeon child stars for making light of his abuse -- specifically, going after the 'Ned's Declassified' crew ... who seem to find some humor in it.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw and others who used to work on their old Nick show were recording a TikTok Live Monday -- this as the second half of the 'Quiet on Set' doc aired on ID -- and they appeared to be cracking jokes at Drake and others' expense.

Dan's Declassified

One of the jabs Devon and co. dropped while discussing the 'QOS' doc included him impersonating a tyrant, presumably Dan Schneider, saying "give me your holes."

Devon acknowledges right after that they shouldn't joke about the topic -- and DB himself certainly agreed ... taking to X to call him out. Drake quote-tweeted the vid, adding ... "Ned’s Declassless…this is wild…laugh it up guys…laugh it up…”Give me your h*les?!!” Really?!"

Devon does attempt to be serious at one point in his IG Live ... noting that what happened to Drake is terrible -- acknowledging it's crazy it stayed under wraps for as long as it did.

He also says that their set from 'ND' was not in any way like what was described in the doc from child actors who worked under Schneider's reign. Still, he continued to giggle with his old costars ... which didn't sit well with Drake, and definitely not with others online.

It's understandable that the 'Ned's' camp is getting trashed right now ... frankly, what Drake and co. revealed on the doc is extremely serious -- not to mention downright disturbing.

In addition to Drake's abuse at the hands of Brian Peck -- several other former child stars claimed they were mistreated while working at Nick ... and others suggested the showrunners and writers were often attempting to sexualize a lot of the kids in not-so-subtle ways.

There are a lot of sketches and costumes -- not to mention slime gags -- that are resurfacing now that come across as wildly inappropriate ... even though DS has denied wrongdoing.

Nickelodeon commented, saying ... "Though we cannot corroborate or negate allegations of behaviors from productions decades ago, Nickelodeon as a matter of policy investigates all formal complaints as part of our commitment to fostering a safe and professional workplace environment free of harassment or other kinds of inappropriate conduct."

They add, "Our highest priorities are the well-being and best interests not just of our employees, casts and crew, but of all children, and we have adopted numerous safeguards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience."

Devon appeared on a recent episode of The TMZ Verified Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Couples Therapy' DR. JENN HURLEY CROSSING BOUNDARIES W/ SON Don't Strip In Front Of Him!

Dr. Jenn Mann has advice for Elizabeth Hurley -- keep your clothes on around your grown son ... 'cause it goes beyond the pale of what she considers a healthy parent-child dynamic.

The "Couples Therapy" doc tells TMZ ... even though the actress' 21-year-old son Damian is a consenting adult, the fact that he's directing his mom's sex scenes is a major boundary breach between parent and child -- at least from her POV, anyway.

With two best-selling parenting books under her belt -- "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start In the First 3 Years" and "The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids" -- the renowned psychotherapist is speaking from experience when she advises against simulating sex in front of your kid. In her eyes, it's just not the best way to operate.

Jenn does acknowledge that this is a Hollywood thing -- calling out the biz for its lack of boundaries ... noting that Damian directing his mom's sex scene for her upcoming erotic thriller "Strictly Confidential" really blurs the lines ... presumably between voyeurism and art.

She also tells us she finds it downright bizarre that Hurley felt liberated by her son witnessing her being intimate on-camera ... adding the only reason she'd understand EH's empowerment is if she was merely boosting his directing career. Aside from that ... she doesn't get it.

Jenn's not shy in pointing out that Liz and Damian's relationship seems to push boundaries that might be crossing into taboo territory, violating cultural norms ... and she gets why others, like herself, would have a negative reaction to the whole situation.

JM says she thinks Liz and Damian might be best suited for therapy -- and lucky for them, she's a wiz in that field.

As we reported ... EH told Access Hollywood her son Damian made her comfortable during an intimate scene where she wears some seriously skimpy clothing while getting steamy with another woman.

While most others would recoil at the idea of seeing their parents in such a scene ... Liz says she enjoyed it so much, she'd be totally down for a little more mother-son collaboration in the future.

Jenn's hoping they don't, though.

'24 Paris Olympics Lift Intimacy Ban ... 300k Condoms Available!

Sex isn't prohibited at the Olympics this time around ... the intimacy ban has been lifted, and Olympic Village will be stocked with 300,000 condoms!!!

Remember, bangin' was banned at the Tokyo Olympics due to the COVID-19 pandemic where athletes had to practice social distancing -- and to enforce the rules, jimmy hats were provided, but they were told not to use them (and to keep them as souvenirs).

But, coronavirus regulations have largely been lifted, giving competitors the green light to get busy this summer.

"It is very important that the conviviality here is something big," village director Laurent Michaud said.

The village -- which will house 14,500 athletes and staff -- will give out 300k condoms ... enough for each person to have sex multiple times per day ... in addition to other amenities.

"Working with the athletes commission, we wanted to create some places where the athletes would feel very enthusiastic and comfortable," Michaud said.

With all the sex and competition, the village is making sure to provide beds that can support [550+ lbs.] and a lot of food.

Speaking of the grub, the Village director says they'll have near 400 yards of buffet, stocked with food from across the world.

"I'm sure that the athletes will be very happy to have some French specialties made over here," Laurent added.

"But the variety will first respond to the athletes' needs for their nutrition and their performance," the director said.

FYI, condoms have been given out at the Olympics since the 1988 Games in Seoul ... in an effort to raise awareness about HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Safety first!!!

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Elizabeth Hurley 'Liberated' in Sex Scenes ... Because of Son Behind Camera!!!

Elizabeth Hurley said her director put her totally at ease for a sex scene in her new flick ... and that director's also a member of her fam -- namely, her son Damian.

The mother-son duo sat down for an interview with Access Hollywood released Saturday when they were asked how it felt to work on a very intimate scene together as mother and son.

If you don't know ... Hurley stars in "Strictly Confidential," an erotic thriller not only directed but also written by her son. In the flick, EH reportedly wears a lot of skimpy clothing -- and, gets hot and heavy with another woman.

Obviously, Damian's got a job to do -- directing all this action -- but, Hurley said it actually made her feel more at ease rather than uncomfortable for her son to be right there on set.

The way Elizabeth explains it, it's nice to have a person behind the camera who has your best interests at heart -- and who will look out for you more than family?

Hurley says that familiarity allowed to her feel more open during those scenes ... calling the whole experience liberating -- probably a bit of a shock for other people who might be mortified of their child seeing them naked.

In fact, Hurley says she had such a great time working with Damian that she may just do it again ... perhaps a little mother-son bonding via some intense sex scenes.

As for the 21-year-old, Damian says there was no awkwardness in directing his mom -- 'cause they're showbusiness people, and that's just the world they signed up for.

"Strictly Confidential" is set for release later this year ... and it sounds like everything between the mother and son will be just fine when the movie drops.

Drake Bell Blasts 'Boy Meets World' Guys ... Over Brian Peck Defense

Drake Bell is putting Will Friedle and Rider Strong on blast for their prior defense of sex offender Brian Peck ... slamming them for what he claims is a lack of an apology.

The former Nickelodeon star -- who recently came forward with sexual abuse allegations against his ex-dialogue coach -- called out the "Boy Meets World" alums on Instagram Thursday as fans began suggesting Will and Rider were victims too in all this.

While some defended that Will and Rider were manipulated by Brian into defending him --remember, they'd each written letters on Peck's behalf in his criminal case from 2004 -- Drake wasn't ready to let them off the hook.

As Drake put it ... Will and Rider weren't minors at the time of the case. Apparently, the two TV stars were 27 and 24 when this all happened ... and DB claims Brian even told them what he had done when he was enlisting their help.

Drake also alleged Will never said a word about the letter he wrote for Brian when they worked together on the Disney XD show, "Ultimate Spider-Man," years later.

Drake alleged that Will and Rider's recent comments about the situation on their podcast were just their way of trying to get ahead of the story. He added ... "Everyone thought the letters would be sealed forever and no one would ever see them."

Will and Rider paint a different picture, of course ... previously claiming on a February episode of "Pod Meets World" that they regretted their involvement in the case. They claimed that they didn't know the full extent of the allegations made against Brian -- which included performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

Brian was eventually sentenced to 16 months in prison and ordered to register as a sex offender.

Kanye West Quiso hacer un trío con Nicki y Amber... ¡¡Así que le preguntó a Safaree!!

"Era su hombre"

Kanye West alguna vez intentó hacer realidad la letra de "Monster" de Nicki Minaj, concretamente donde dice que querría hacer un trío con él y su novia de entonces, Amber Rose.

Al final de la conversación de Ye y Ty Dolla $ign con Big Boy sobre "Vultures", el trío estaba discutiendo sobre letras de canciones cuando el locutor lanzó el nombre de Safaree, recordando la vez en que rapeó en "The Breakfast Club" y fue criticado por Charlamagne.

Ye en realidad defendió la pluma de Safaree, pero inmediatamente recordó cuando estaban en el estudio trabajando en su álbum de 2010 "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."

Dice que le pidió consejos a Safaree para sellar el acuerdo con Nicki, ¡¡¡pero dice que no tenía ni idea de que estaba saliendo con Nicki en ese momento!!!

En la pista, Nicki famosamente rapea, "Besides, Ye, they can't stand besides me I think me, you and Amb' should ménage Friday" y Ye pensó que podía tantear suerte.

No parece que haya funcionado, ¡¡¡Safaree saltó en los comentarios de Akademiks y recordó el momento con una risa, aunque probablemente no fue tan divertido entonces!!!

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El único
The Jason Lee Show

Amber probablemente también está poniendo los ojos en blanco con este flashback de Ye. Ella dice que él nunca se ha disculpado por destrozar su relación.

Kanye West I Wanted 3some w/Nicki & Amber ... So I Asked Safaree!!!

"It Was Her Man"

Kanye West once attempted to bring Nicki Minaj's "Monster" lyrics to life -- specifically the part about her wanting to have a threesome with him and his GF at the time, Amber Rose!!!

During the tail end of Ye and Ty Dolla $ign's "Vultures" chit-chat with Big Boy, the trio were discussing garbage rap bars when the L..A. radio host threw Safaree's name in the fire ... reminding everyone of the time his freestyle crashed and burned on "The Breakfast Club," leaving Charlamagne to disregard the ashes.

Ye actually defended Safaree's pen game, but immediately recalled the time they were in the studio working on his 2010 album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."

He pulled Safaree aside for advice on sealing the deal with Nicki, but says he had no clue Safaree was actually dating Nicki at the time!!!

On the track, Nicki famously rapped, "Besides, Ye, they can't stand besides me I think me, you and Amb' should ménage Friday" -- and Ye thought he could press his luck.

It doesn't seem like it went down ... Safaree hopped in Akademiks' comments and looked back at the moment with a laugh, though it probably wasn't that funny in real-time.

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The Jason Lee Show

Amber is likely rolling her eyes at Ye's flashback as well ... she says he's never apologized for wrecking their relationship.

Meghan King Defends Olivia Rodrigo's Plan B Handouts ... Good For Her!!!


Meghan King isn't losing sleep after taking her daughter to an Olivia Rodrigo concert where condoms and Plan B were being handed out ... instead, she's applauding the young pop star.

The "Real Housewives of Orange County" alum says she took her 7-year-old daughter Aspen to the St. Louis stop of the "GUTS" world tour, and saw firsthand how Olivia's doling out contraception to her fans.

As Meghan puts it ... the free condoms and Plan B weren't even very noticeable during the event. In fact, she says she only noticed the contraception table because "vote" stickers were being handed out there, too.

Since Aspen is still more than 10 years from being able to vote, Meghan says they walked away without taking a closer look.

However, she realized after the concert more than just stickers were being offered up, but it could've easily flown under the radar for most folks -- Meghan says the Plan B was being handed out under the codename "Julie."


She admits the situation was a little "jarring" for her, mostly because her daughter is so young ... but she also doesn't think parents should be angry over the free contraception.

Meghan even goes as far as calling Olivia's critics ignorant and hypocritical.

She defends that if Justin Bieber was doing something similar with condoms, the singer wouldn't likely face the same backlash -- hinting misogyny might be fueling the pushback against Olivia.

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Meghan understands OR's mission ... calling out how kids are growing up faster than ever and emphasizing the need for sex education.


She does have one recommendation for the singer -- handing out items promoting reproductive health might be more useful for her younger fans.

Still, overall, Meghan applauds Olivia for supporting women's reproductive rights -- and suggests if anyone has a problem with it, they can simply skip the "GUTS" tour.