Meghan King Defiende a Olivia Rodrigo por repartir sus Plan B ... Bien por ella!!!

Los anticonceptivos no eran tan obvios

A Meghan King no le quita el sueño que Olivia Rodrigo haya repartido condones y cajitas de Plan B en un concierto al que llevó a su hija, en cambio, la personalidad televisiva está aplaudiendo a la joven estrella del pop.

La ex participante de "Real Housewives of Orange County" dice que llevó a su hija Aspen, de 7 años, al concierto de Rodrigo en St. Louis, una de las paradas de su gira mundial "GUTS", y vio de primera mano cómo Olivia estaba repartiendo anticonceptivos a sus fans.

Como dice Meghan, los condones gratis y las cajas Plan B ni siquiera se notaron mucho durante el evento. De hecho, dice que solo se dio cuenta de la mesa de anticonceptivos porque se estaban entregando pegatinas de "votar" allí también.

Como a Aspen le faltan más de 10 años para votar, Meghan dice que se alejaron sin mirar.

Sin embargo, después del concierto se dio cuenta de que estaban ofreciendo algo más que pegatinas, pero dice que podría haber pasado fácilmente desapercibido para la mayoría de la gente. Meghan añade que el Plan B estaba siendo repartido bajo el nombre "Julie".

Hay mucho doble estándar

Ella admite que la situación fue un poco "discordante" para ella, sobre todo porque su hija es tan pequeña, pero no cree que los padres deban molestarse por estos anticonceptivos gratuitos.

Meghan incluso llama a los críticos de Olivia como ignorantes e hipócritas.

Dice que si Justin Bieber estuviera haciendo algo parecido con los preservativos, probablemente el cantante no estaría causando las mismas reacciones, insinuando que la misoginia podría estar alimentando la reacción en contra de Olivia.

031324-olivia-rodrigo-kal FEBRUARY 2024
Apoyando los derechos reproductivos

Meghan entiende la misión de la superestrella del pop, que solo pone de manifiesto lo rápido que están creciendo los niños ahora y la necesidad de que reciban educación sexual.

Y tiene una recomendación para la cantante, que la entrega de artículos para promover la salud menstrual podría ser más útil para sus fans más jóvenes.

Sin embargo, en general, Meghan aplaude a Olivia por apoyar los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y sugiere que si alguien tiene un problema con ello, simplemente puede saltarse la gira "GUTS".

BRIAN PECK CARTAS DE MARSDEN, KILLAM & THICKE Apoyando al abusador de Drake Bell

El abusador de Drake Bell -Brian Peck- tuvo un ejército de apoyo de parte de las celebridades durante su sentencia de 2004, y tenemos un montón de cartas que todos escribieron, incluyendo las de James Marsden, Taran Killam y Alan Thicke, quien habló elogiosamente sobre el tipo.

TMZ ha obtenido un total de 41 cartas escritas al juez en el caso penal de Peck, y mientras había decenas de tipos de Hollywood prestando sus voces en apoyo del pederasta condenado -todos defendiendo su carácter y pidiendo clemencia- estos tres son los nombres más grandes.

La carta de Marsden es la más larga, y detalla su extensa historia personal y amistad con Peck, diciendo que lo conocía desde hace 14 años (ten en cuenta que escribió esto en 2004, por lo que aparentemente se remontan a mucho tiempo atrás) y en general respondiendo por su carácter.

Escribe: "Me llamo James Marsden, y estoy muy orgulloso de decir que soy amigo íntimo de Brian Peck desde hace unos 14 años. Soy originario de Oklahoma y conocí a Brian a través de un amigo actor. Brian creyó en mi talento como actor y alentó mi decisión de mudarme a Los Ángeles y perseguir este sueño que tenía".

Marsden continúa diciendo que él y Brian se mantuvieron cerca los últimos años, diciendo que Brian fue un mentor y lo entrenó -todo de forma gratuita- y que formaron un vínculo muy estrecho, con Brian sirviendo como un modelo a seguir y la inculcación de rasgos de carácter íntegro.

Marsden dice que "no podía respirar" cuando los cargos cayeron. Él dice que vivió en su casa durante meses y compartieron habitaciones de hotel, y dice que nunca se sintió incómodo o comprometido estando cerca.

Y termina escribiendo: "Brian es una buena persona con un miedo y un respeto muy sanos por la ley, y les aseguro que lo que Brian ha pasado en el último año es el sufrimiento de cien hombres. No quiero victimizar a Brian, ni él lo desearía nunca, pero sí me siento obligado a arrojar luz sobre el hecho de que él ha aprendido la lección".

Taran -que trabajó en "The Amanda Show" y que también conocía muy bien a Brian- fue igualmente elogioso en su propia carta de apoyo al juez que preside el caso, llamándolo su "compañero de trabajo y amigo" y diciendo que no es alguien que deba estar en la cárcel.

Escribe: "Cuando me enteré de la detención de Brian me sorprendí mucho. Brian es la última persona que esperaría que fuera acusada de actividades delictivas. Lo primero que pensé fue 'esto es un error'. Sé que muchos de nuestros amigos comunes tuvieron pensamientos similares. Está demasiado fuera de lugar".

Por último, está el difunto Thicke, cuya carta era mucho más corta, y apoya a Brian comentando sus días juntos en "Growing Pains", un período en el que Alan dice que Brian era un "mentor altamente profesional y nutritivo de los jóvenes en nuestro set de televisión". Thicke dice que Brian nunca fue inapropiado.

Hay docenas de otras cartas de personas que fueron a batear a favor de Brian, incluyendo a las estrellas de "Boy Meets World" -Will Friedle y Rider Strong-, la estrella de "Growing Pains" -Joanna Kerns-, y los directores de "Suite Life" -Rich y Beth Correll-, show en el que Brian trabajó brevemente después de la condena.

Usted puede ver sus cartas aquí en su totalidad también ... pero hay aún más, presentada por actores como Ron Meléndez, James Marshall, Kimmy Robertson y otros actores del mundo del espectáculo.

Como hemos informado, Drake se establece para detallar exactamente lo que dice Brian le hizo antes de que él tuviera su propio show en Nickelodeon en el nuevo documental "Quiet on Set". "Quiet on Set" se estrena durante 2 noches en ID, a partir de las 9 PM el 17 y 18 de marzo.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con los representantes de Marsden y Killam, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Brian Peck Marsden, Killam & Thicke's Letters ... Praise Drake Bell's Abuser

Drake Bell's abuser, Brian Peck, had an army of A-list support behind him during his 2004 sentencing -- and we got a hold of the letters they all wrote, including ones from James Marsden, Taran Killam and Alan Thicke ... who spoke glowingly about the guy.

TMZ has obtained a total of 41 letters written to the judge in Peck's criminal case, and while there were scores of Hollywood types lending their voices in support of the convicted child molester -- all defending his character and asking for leniency -- these 3 are the biggest names.

Marsden's letter is the longest, and he details his extensive personal history and friendship with Peck, saying he'd known him for 14 years (mind you, he wrote this in '04, so they go way back apparently) and generally vouching for his character.

JM writes, "My name is James Marsden and i am very proud to say that i've been a close friend of Brian Peck's for about 14 years now. I am from Oklahoma originally and i met Brian through an actor friend ... Brian believed in my talent as an actor and encouraged my decision to move to Los Angeles and pursue this dream i had."

Marsden goes on to say he and Brian remained close over the years, saying BP mentored and coached him -- all free of charge -- and that they formed a very close bond, with Brian serving as a role model and instilling upstanding character traits.

Marsden says based on what he knows about Brian, he "couldn't breathe" when the charges came down. He says he had lived at his house for months and had shared hotel rooms with Brian -- and he says he never felt uncomfortable or compromised being around him.

He finishes by writing, "Brian is a good person with a very healthy fear and respect for the law and, i assure you, what Brian has been through in the last year is the suffering of a hundred men. I don't want to victimize Brian, nor would he ever wish that, but i do feel compelled to shed light on the fact that (he) has learned his lesson."

Taran -- who worked on the "The Amanda Show" and who also knew Brian very well -- was equally praising in his own letter of support to the judge presiding over the case, calling him his "co-worker, my friend" and saying he's not someone who belongs in jail.

TK writes, "When I found out about Brian being arrested I was shocked. Brian is the last person I would expect to be charged of criminal activities. My first thought was 'this is a mistake.' I know many of our mutual friends had similar thoughts. It is too out of character."

Finally, there's the late Thicke ... whose letter was much shorter but just as supportive of Brian, commenting on their days together on 'Growing Pains,' a period in which Alan says Brian was a "highly professional and nurturing mentor of the young people on our television set." Thicke says BP was never inappropriate.

There are dozens of other letters by people who went to bat for Brian -- including "Boy Meets World" stars Will Friedle and Rider Strong, "Growing Pains" star Joanna Kerns and 'Suite Life' directors Rich and Beth Correll ... whose show Brian worked on briefly, post-conviction.

You can see their letters here in full too ... but there are even more, filed by actors like Ron Melendez, James Marshall, Kimmy Robertson and other showbiz players.

As we reported ... Drake is set to detail exactly what he says Brian did to him before he got his own show on Nickelodeon on the new documentary 'Quiet on Set.' "Quiet on Set' premieres across 2 nights on ID, starting at 9 PM on March 17 and 18.

We've reached out to reps for Marsden and Killam ... so far, no word back.

'Leaving Neverland' Director Michael Jackson Biopic Ain't Honest ... Any Creative Freedom???

Michael Jackson's biopic is already causing controversy ... with the film's creators promising the uncensored truth and the "Leaving Neverland" director calling BS.

Here's the deal ... the new MJ film's reportedly been touted in multiple press releases as an honest portrayal of Michael Jackson's life with a focus on both his talent and his very human struggles.

Variety checked in with producer Graham King and screenwriter John Logan, who do put the abuse allegations into the film -- after all, Michael went through a very public criminal trial over them, so it would be hard not to -- but ultimately portray him through a lens of innocence since he wasn't convicted back then.

In a separate statement, Graham King said he didn't sanitize Michael's life one bit ... instead working hard to present an unbiased picture of the King of Pop.

Well, "Leaving Neverland" director Dan Reed's not buying that ... telling the outlet he's read a copy of the "Michael" screenplay -- and it's basically an ode to MJ.

Remember ... "Leaving Neverland" featured allegations of child sex abuse against Jackson by Wade Robson and James Safechuck -- their court case against Jackson's estate is still awaiting trial.

Reed says the movie goes out of its way to show Michael interacting with kids in a positive way ... and he even goes as far as to say it seems like Michael's former attorney John Branca -- an executive producer on the film -- sat the creative team down and straight up told them what to write.

We've shown you quite a few behind-the-scenes looks at the movie being made over the months -- catching Jaafar Jackson, Colman Domingo, Nia Long and more stars all dressed up and ready for the camera to roll.

Bottom line ... this biopic's already stirring the pot -- and it'll only get bigger when it hits theaters next year.

Ex-Disney Star Hutch Dano I Feel for Drake Bell ... Disney Protected Me, No Issues

While Drake Bell was living through a nightmare at Nickelodeon -- another fellow child star from a competing network says the Mouse House protected him during his own run.


Hutch Dano -- an actor who appeared in "The Suite Life on Deck" and "Zeke and Luther" in his youth -- sat down for an interview with TMZ Verified this week ... and he told us he never experienced any abuse while working for Disney, unlike Drake at Nick.

Dano says his heart goes out to the victims of abuse -- including Drake -- but he himself was never one of them ... something he says he'd absolutely admit if there was any truth to it.

HD described what his experience was like on set as a kid -- telling us he only worked with some of the best professionals in the biz on every project, adding he felt Disney did a good job keeping its actors safe. It's not a dig ... Dano's just recounting his own experience.

HD says he considers himself lucky -- as others in his position were obviously subjugated to terrible things ... and big picture, he says he's happy this issue is being brought to the light.

As we reported Drake is set to recount what happened between him and his one-time dialogue coach Brian Peck ... who was convicted of molesting Drake in the early 2000s. The full interview sharing Drake's story will air in full later this weekend ... and it's apparently brutal.

As you may know, Peck pled no contest to performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a 16-year-old back in 2004 -- and Drake reveals the guy even had a lot of stars step up to bat for him and his character, both in person and in letters.

Our full convo with Hutch can be heard on TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms. The Nickelodeon doc 'Quiet On Set' premieres on ID from 9 PM to 11 PM ET/PT on March 17 and March 18.

Diddy La demanda de Rodney Jones no se ha resuelto...


12:09 PM PT -- Y así sin más, se ha borrado cualquier referencia a un acuerdo del expediente del caso de Diddy, por lo que parece que el tribunal federal en Nueva York se dio cuenta de que había cometido un error.

El caso de Diddy derivado de una demanda presentada por un productor que trabajó con el rapero y que parece haber sido resuelta en los tribunales, es un error total, pues el proceso no ha terminado todavía, según ha indagado TMZ.

El miércoles llegó una actualización oficial de la corte del caso Jones v. Combs en Nueva York, y sugiere que Diddy y Rodney Jones (el tipo que lo demanda) habían llegado a un acuerdo para resolver las cosas.

Por el expediente judicial sabemos que se celebró una conferencia de acuerdo el miércoles, y al parecer se reveló que Diddy y Rodney no solo llegaron a un acuerdo, sino que las dos partes presentarían un borrador de este trato la próxima semana.

La actualización del expediente también dice que las partes se presentaron a la conferencia del miércoles por video.

Sin embargo, resulta que esto NO es cierto en absoluto. Fuentes con conocimiento directo de ambas partes del caso le dicen a TMZ que la demanda aún sigue en curso y que no se ha llegado a un acuerdo. Nos dicen que el personal de la corte parece haber metido la pata.

Una forma de saber que se trata de un error administrativo es que el juez que aparece en el expediente del caso no es el que ha estado presidiendo hasta ahora. Se trata de un juez completamente diferente de White Plains, Nueva York, y lo más importante, no es el juez que ha sido asignado aquí.

Cuento corto, se trata de una falsa alarma y según nos han contado Diddy planea luchar contra este caso. Recuerden que ha negado todas las acusaciones de Rodney, las que cubren una amplia gama de temas picantes.

El único caso que Diddy ha resuelto hasta ahora es el de la demanda contra Cassie el año pasado. En este frente, sin embargo, parece dispuesto a ir a juicio si es necesario y Rodney no está cediendo tampoco.

Diddy Rodney Jones Lawsuit Not Settled ... Despite Docket Update


12:09 PM PT -- And just like that, the court docket for Diddy's case has been wiped of any word of a settlement -- so it seems the federal court there in NY realized they'd made a mistake.

Diddy's case stemming from a lawsuit filed by a producer he worked with appears to have been settled in court -- but it's a total mistake, and this ain't over yet ... TMZ has learned.

An official court docket update came through Wednesday on the Jones v. Combs case out of NYC -- and it suggests Diddy and Rodney Jones (the guy suing him) have come to terms and reached a settlement agreement.

Per the court docket ... a settlement conference was held Wednesday, and it was apparently revealed that Diddy and Rodney not only reached a settlement, but that the two parties would submit a draft of their agreement by next week.

The docket update also says the parties appeared for the Wednesday conference by video.

However, as it turns out ... this is NOT true whatsoever. Sources with direct knowledge -- from both sides of the case -- tell TMZ this lawsuit is still very much on, and that no settlement has been reached. We're told the court staff there seems to have screwed up.

One way you know this was a clerical error is that the judge listed on the docket for this case is not the one that's been presiding thus far -- it's a completely different judge from White Plains, NY ... and more importantly, they're not the judge who's been assigned here.

Long story short, it's a false alarm, as we're told Diddy plans to fight this case -- remember, he's denied all of Rodney's claims ... which covered a wide range of salacious topics.

The only case Diddy has settled thus far is from the Cassie lawsuit last year. On this front, though, he seems ready to go to trial if he needs to ... and Rodney's not relenting either.

Originally Published -- 11:25 AM PT

Drake Detalla el abuso... Celebridades escribieron cartas de apoyo a Brian Peck

Drake Bell finalmente está contando su historia sobre cómo Brian Peck abusó de él cuando era un adolescente, un periodo durante el cual las celebridades salieron a apoyar a Peck.

El nuevo documental de ID "Quiet on Set" levantó su embargo a los medios de comunicación, y las personas que lo han visto, incluidos nosotros, están detallando lo que Drake está diciendo exactamente aquí y es bastante difícil de ver.

Drake cuenta paso a paso todo lo que sucedió entre él y su ex entrenador de diálogo, diciendo que Brian indujo una grieta entre él y su padre en ese entonces, quien estaba trabajando como gerente de Drake y al parecer sospechaba de Brian.

En términos de cómo comenzó el abuso, Drake dice que Brian lo aisló mucho mientras trabajaba para Nickelodeon, y que a menudo terminaba en su casa después de las audiciones y que se quedó a dormir muchas veces allí. Un día, después de quedarse dormido en su sofá, Drake dice que se despertó y encontró a Brian abusando de él.

A partir de ahí, Drake dice que las cosas empeoraron y los abusos se volvieron más repetitivos. Dice que se sintió atrapado por este oscuro secreto. Finalmente, se derrumbó y le confesó todo a su madre. Cuando ella se enteró, involucraron a la policía y Drake les contó todo. También dice que consiguió que Brian confesara a la policía en una llamada telefónica grabada.

Finalmente, Brian fue detenido por varios cargos, pero se declaró no culpable de solo dos: realizar un acto lascivo con un adolescente de 14 o 15 años de edad y tener sexo oral con un menor de 16 años.

Una de las revelaciones más sorprendentes del documental es que cuando Brian estaba a punto de ser condenado, un montón de famosos y amigos aparecieron en la corte en su nombre, y no solo eso, varias estrellas escribieron cartas de apoyo para Brian Peck, incluyendo algunos grandes nombres.

USado y abusado
Pod Meets World

James Marsden escribió una, al igual que Taran Killam, por no hablar de las estrellas de "Boy Meets World", Rider Strong y Will Friedle, quienes ya han expresado su pesar por todo esto en las últimas semanas.

La estrella de "Growing Pains" Joanna Kerns también escribió una carta para Brian, pero se presentó en el documental para decir que solo lo hizo sobre información errónea. El fallecido Alan Thicke también escribió una carta de apoyo, así como Rich y Beth Correll, directores de "Suite Life of Zach & Cody".

Peck trabajó brevemente en "Suite Life" después de cumplir una condena de 16 meses tras las rejas. Contactamos a Marsden y Killam, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

"Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" se estrena en dos noches en ID, de 21:00 a 23:00 ET/PT, los días 17 y 18 de marzo.

Drake Bell Details Molestation ... Celebs Wrote Support Letters for Brian Peck

Drake Bell is finally telling his story on how Brian Peck molested him as a teen -- detailing the case at the time ... a period during which celebs came forward to support his abuser.

The new ID doc 'Quiet on Set' had its media embargo lifted, and people who've seen an early screener -- including us -- are detailing what exactly Drake says here ... and it's pretty hard to watch.

Drake gives the blow-by-blow of what happened between him and his former dialogue coach -- saying Brian drove a wedge between him and his father back then, who was working as Drake's manager ... and who was apparently suspicious of Brian.

In terms of how the abuse started, Drake says Brian isolated him a lot while working on Nickelodeon shows -- and he'd often end up hanging out with Brian outside of the set including at Brian's home, and had spent the night there many times. One morning after sleeping on his couch, Drake says he woke up to find Brian sexually assaulting him.

From there, Drake says things got worse ... and the abuse became more repetitive -- and he says he felt trapped by a dark secret. Eventually, he broke down and confessed to his mom. Once his mother became aware, they got cops involved -- and Drake says he told them everything. He also claims he got Brian to confess to the police on a recorded phone call.

Eventually, Brian was arrested on multiple counts ... but he pled no contest to just two -- performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

One of the more startling revelations in the doc is that as Brian was set to be sentenced, he had a crap ton of famous people and friends show up on his behalf in court ... and not just that, but several stars had written character letters on his behalf, including some big names.

Pod Meets World

James Marsden wrote one, as did Taran Killam ... not to mention "Boy Meets World" stars Rider Strong and Will Friedle -- who've already expressed regret over this in recent weeks.

"Growing Pains" star Joanna Kerns also wrote a letter for Brian, but came forward in the doc to say she only did so based on misinformation. The late Alan Thicke also wrote a letter in support ... and so did "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody" directors Rich and Beth Correll.

Peck briefly went on to work on the 'Suite Life' after he served his 16-month prison sentence post-conviction. We've reached out to Marsden, Killam and the Corrells ... no word back yet.

"Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" premieres across two nights on ID from 9 PM to 11 PM ET/PT on March 17 and March 18.


Billy Baldwin dice que las afirmaciones de Sharon Stone de que un productor de cine le instó a dormir con él mientras trabajaban en una película juntos son falsas.

El actor salió el martes a desmentir una afirmación que Sharon hizo recientemente en un pódcast, donde alegó que el productor Robert Evans le dijo que debería acostarse con Billy para obtener una mejor actuación de él en "Sliver" de 1993, en la que ella actuó junto a Billy.

"mi trabajo es actuar"
The Louis Theroux Podcast

En respuesta a eso, Billy escribió: "¿No estoy seguro de por qué Sharon Stone sigue hablando de mí todos estos años después? ¿Sigue enamorada de mí o sigue dolida después de todos estos años porque rechacé sus insinuaciones?".

Billy continúa afirmando que Sharon le confió a su amiga, Janice Dickinson, que iba a "hacer que se enamorara tanto de mí que le daría vueltas la cabeza". Básicamente, está haciendo parecer que Sharon realmente quería estar con él mientras rodaban.

Billy hace otra alegación sorprendente, escribiendo: "La historia de la reunión que tuve con Bob Evans implorándole que me permitiera "coreografiar" la escena de sexo final en la foto de abajo para no tener que besar a Sharon es una leyenda absoluta".

Sharon sale con esta historia después de años de estar lista para revelar la identidad de un productor que ella dice que era escoria, y ahora, ella está denunciando que Evans fue ese tipo.

Sharon continuó explicando que le dijeron que había problemas de actuación en la película y la estaban culpando a ella, todo porque se negó a dormir con Billy, y agrega que Evans aparentemente pensó que teniendo sexo iban a "salvar" la escena y la película.

Ella dice que había sugerido otros actores además de Billy -como Michael Douglas- a quien ella dice que considera un profesional, así que sí, ella está destrozando Billy.

Por cierto, ya que Billy invocó el nombre de Janice, ella salió el miércoles y dijo que no recordaba de lo que él estaba hablando.


Billy Baldwin is calling BS on Sharon Stone's allegations that a film producer urged her to sleep with Billy while working on a movie together ... suggesting she was actually into him.

The actor came out swinging Tuesday to deny a claim Sharon recently floated on a podcast -- where she alleged late producer Robert Evans told her she should bang Billy to get a better performance out of him in 1993's 'Sliver,' in which she starred opposite Billy.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

In response to that, Billy wrote ... "Not sure why Sharon Stone keep talking about me all these years later? Does she still have a crush on me or is she still hurt after all these years because I shunned her advances?"

Billy goes on to claim that Sharon confided with her friend, Janice Dickinson, that she was going to "make him fall so hard for me, it's gonna make his head spin." Basically, he's making it seem like Sharon actually wanted to get with him while they were shooting.

Billy makes another startling allegation, writing ... "The story of the meeting I had with Bob Evans imploring him allow me to choreograph the final sex scene in the photo below so I wouldn't have to kiss Sharon is absolute legend." He teases spilling some tea one day.

Sharon coming out with this story follows years of her teasing being ready to reveal the identity of a producer she says was scummy -- and now, she's naming Evans as that guy.

Sharon went on to explain that she'd been told the acting issues with the movie at the time were being blamed on her ... all because she refused to sleep with Billy, which she says Evans apparently thought would make their chemistry better and "save" the flick.

She says she'd suggested other actors besides Billy -- like Michael Douglas -- whom she says she considers a professional ... so yeah, she's kinda trashing BB here too.

BTW, since Billy invoked Janice's name here -- she came out Wednesday and said she had no recollection of what he was talking about.

Glen 'Big Baby' Davis Apologizes For Resurfaced Sexual Assault Joke

I'm Sorry

Glen "Big Baby" Davis just issued an apology to sexual assault victims ... this after a video of him making a joke about nonconsensual sex resurfaced on Tuesday morning.

The clip was offensive to say the least ... it showed the former NBA star walking out of an elevator and insisting a woman smelled so good, it "almost made me r*** you, girl."

It's unclear when the video was shot ... but in a mea culpa released on his Instagram page on Tuesday afternoon, Davis seemed to imply it was quite some time ago.

In Poor Taste

"First of all, I want to say I'm sorry to all r*** victims -- anybody that felt any type of way about what I said," the 38-year-old said of the clip. "I am a stand-up comedian, I do comedy and sometimes I might say stuff a little bit wrong."

"And I did."

Davis went on to say he hoped no one would be offended by his words ... before he chastised those on social media for bringing the old vid back to light.

"I took that down a long time ago off my page," he said. "Y'all kept that and just decided to use it today. That's ridiculous."

"But I didn't mean no harm," he continued. "I am so sorry if I offended anybody."

Amanda Bynes Wigs Out With New Blue, Blonde 'Do ... Amid Drake Bell Nick Claims

Amanda Bynes surfaced for the first time in public following Drake Bell's child molestation claims against a former professional mentor ... and she's got quite the new look.

The ex-Nickelodeon child star emerged Friday for the first time since her former 'Amanda Show' costar set the stage to level some serious allegations against Brian Peck, in a new documentary that'll air his story for the first time ever.

People have wondered whether Amanda herself would be part of this doc -- "Quiet on Set" -- since it touches on a lot of former child stars during Nickelodeon's heyday ... which is why this sighting of her out and about in L.A. is so interesting.

As you can see ... Amanda's sporting a colorful hairdo here -- namely, blonde on top with blue extensions. It's certainly a unique style -- and kinda in line with how she's rockin' lately.

Amanda has obviously been out of the spotlight for years now -- although these days, she's shown signs of putting herself out there again ... through podcasts and other ventures. Of course, with this Nickelodeon doc coming out ... many have wondered if she'd come forward to make allegations of her own, but so far -- there's no indication she's set to speak out.

Drake, on the other hand, is prepared to break his silence ... which is huge in itself.

Remember, he starred on "The Amanda Show" from 1999 to 2002 before getting his own Nickelodeon show in 2004 ... and he's among the former child stars who are going to speak out in the doc.

The network says Drake will make claims against Peck, who worked on "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh" as a dialogue coach.

Peck pled no contest in 2004 to performing a lewd act with a 14- or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a minor under 16 ... and when the doc comes out later this month, Drake is expected to allege he was one of Peck's victims from that case.

Drake remained anonymous for decades ... but now he, and others, are speaking out about the bad things that allegedly happened during their Nickelodeon days.

Peck's worked on countless children's shows through the years -- including Amanda's, BTW -- and recently, some "Boy Meets World" stars said in hindsight they regret their affiliation with him back in the day. Yes, he was hobnobbing with kid actors in those days too.

Amanda's been mum on the whole subject thus far ... and it's unclear what message she's trying to send with this fashion statement, if any.

From the outside looking in, she seems to be telegraphing ... don't mind me, I'm sitting this one out.

Viral NBA Fan Bombarded With Luxury GF Inquiries ... Charging $1.5k an Hour

The woman who went viral after attending the Warriors game this week has experienced an insane surge of interest in her luxury girlfriend services ... and it's gotten so out of hand, she's had to nearly double her hourly rate.

Katherine Taylor caught the eye of many NBA fans after she was spotted cheering on the action during Wednesday's matchup between the Dubs and Milwaukee Bucks at the Chase Center ... largely in part thanks to her wardrobe choice.

TMZ Sports caught up with the stunning blonde following her newfound fame ... and she says being in the spotlight has resulted in some serious interest in her side hustle.

Taylor -- who offers her company for compensation -- tells us she can barely keep up with all the inquiries that have piled in over the past two days ... and her website crashed due to the increase in traffic.

Prior to her appearance at the game, Taylor (who's actually a Sacramento Kings fan) was charging 900 bucks an hour for her services ... but now, it'll set ya back $1,500/hr. Ya know, supply and demand.

It's not just potential customers hitting her up -- Taylor says there are several professional athletes who have slid into her DMs ... although she wouldn't give out any names.

Forever in Your Mind Singer Ricky Garcia Wins Rape Case ... Ex-Manager Found Liable

An L.A. jury says Ricky Garcia, from the boy band Forever in Your Mind, was indeed sexually abused by his former manager back when the singer was a teenager ... TMZ has learned.

The jury returned the verdict Friday, finding Joby Harte liable for childhood sexual abuse, gender violence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The jury also hit Harte with an 7-figure judgment -- awarding Ricky $5.5 million in compensatory damages, and another $1 mil in punitive damages.

The verdict brings an end to a lengthy case for Ricky, who was 20 years old back in 2019 when he filed the lawsuit against Harte ... alleging he had groomed and assaulted him for several years, starting when Ricky was just 12.

Ricky joined Forever in Your Mind after auditioning for season 3 of "The X Factor" -- he impressed Simon Cowell enough to get an invitation to join the group. He was also a child actor, co-starring in more than 30 episodes of the Disney Channel show, "Best Friends Whenever."

But, in his lawsuit, Ricky said show biz took a dark turn for him when Harte took the band on trips he described as songwriting sessions. The singer says Harte got him drunk and he woke up naked on Harte's bed.

On other occasions, Ricky says Harte forced him to perform sex acts while he was under the age of 18. He said he was afraid he'd lose his career, so he remained silent for years ... until he and his mother confronted Harte, and then filed the lawsuit against him.

During the legal battle, Ricky was represented by Dan Tapetillo from from Geragos & Geragos, and Amanda Brookhyser from Zumpano Patricios and Popok.

Matt Rife Nima Withdraws Oral Sex Story ... It Was Always Satirical!!!


The self-described comedian who accused Matt Rife of performing oral sex to get ahead in Hollywood is walking back his salacious claim -- Nima Yamini says he was just joking.

In a video posted Friday, Nima says he was just doing a parody bit when he alleged Matt performed fellatio on a couple of Hollywood execs who promised fame in exchange.


TMZ broke the story ... Matt's considering legal action over the claim, and, interestingly, Nima didn't clarify the whole casting couch tale until after we posted about Matt's intentions.

However, Nima says that's not why he's walking it back ... instead, he says he's pissed at a conspiracy-pushing social media account that reposted his original video -- without his permission -- and made it seem like a serious allegation.

He insists that was never his intention.

Nima says the whole thing was meant as satire, and he doesn't know Matt personally and has never met him -- let alone ever being in the same room as him with Hollywood honchos.

What's more, Nima says the "joke" should not discredit Matt or how hard he's worked to become a famous comedian.

With Nima doing some serious backpedaling here, it will be interesting to see if Matt follows through with his legal threats.

Stay tuned ...