MATT RIFE Exploring Legal Action ... After Fellatio Allegation

Matt Rife seems ready to take a "comedian" to court who accused him of performing a sex act to gain success -- as Matt feels his rep's been harmed ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Matt and his team have been reaching out to various litigators to see what his best option might be to deal with the salacious claim made by entrepreneur Nima Yamini this week -- including potentially filing a lawsuit against him.


ICYMI ... Nima -- a self-described comedian -- alleged he and Matt were once both brought into a room with two Hollywood execs and promised fame and fortune if they'd perform fellatio on them ... which Nima said he refused, but alleged Matt stayed behind and did the deed.

Matt's name started to trend as a result of this allegation -- and now, we're hearing he feels he's been defamed ... and appears inclined on taking some form of legal action here.

We're told Matt's sick of people using his name to gain clout -- which is obviously how he feels about Nima here, who appears to have no serious track record in comedy -- and our sources say Matt wants to stand up for himself ... especially against something as outlandish as this. BTW, this isn't the first time someone's name-dropped him to spark controversy.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Remember, TikToker Bunny Hedaya had her 6-year-old son blast Rife, saying he was "mean to girls" in response to his standup special ... and Rife clapped back with, "your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans."

He caught some flak for that ... and in the end, dropped the back and forth. Here, though, our sources say he wants to regain control of the narrative -- because this claim of Nima's is categorically false ... and he doesn't wanna let this guy get away with floating it unchecked.

Nima, FWIW, did not name the two supposed execs that were allegedly in the mix of the scenario he describes -- which is why a lot of people have been calling BS on his story.

Matt thinks it's horse crap too ... but in this case, he doesn't seem inclined to let it slide.

Drake Bell Alleged Abuser Seen for First Time Since Documentary Claims

Drake Bell's alleged abuser, Brian Peck, was seen for the first time in public since an explosive documentary trailer suggested he'll be accused of molesting the ex-child star.

Brian -- who worked as Drake's dialogue coach on "Drake & Josh" in the early '00s, and who's worked on countless children's shows through the years -- surfaced this week in L.A. as he tried covering up from the rain, using a blue puffer jacket while exiting a vehicle.

The showbiz veteran kept the jacket over his head as he made his way inside his home. Looks like he wanted to make it inside pretty quickly -- as he carried his keys in his mouth and darted into the house.

This would mark the first sighting of the guy since Drake revealed he'll tell his story on the ID doc 'Quiet on Set' ... in which he's expected to claim he was a victim in Peck's criminal case from 2004, when he was convicted of performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

Unclear if Drake will allege both of these counts pertained to him ... or if someone else was in the mix. In any case -- this will be the first time Drake has spoken about this publicly.

Brian was sentenced to 16 months in prison and had to register as a sex offender. He's continued to work in Hollywood since that whole ordeal ... with a crap ton of credits under his name post-2004, including recognizable shows and movies.

Drake isn't the only former child star to speak out against Brian ... "Boy Meets World" alum Maitland Ward even told TMZ in February that she was always suspicious of him when he worked on her show, which also starred Rider Strong and Will Friedle.

Rider and Will acknowledged their relationship with Brian was odd -- sharing that they previously came to his defense because they believed his story about falling victim to "jail bait." Worth noting, they never alleged he'd done anything inappropriate with them.

It'll be interesting to see who else speaks, and what else might be said about Brian. He hasn't addressed all the buzz himself ... we've tried reaching out to him without any luck.

Paula Abdul Fires Back at Nigel ... I Got Receipts of Sexual Harassment

It's an all-out war between Paula Abdul and former "American Idol" executive producer Nigel Lythgoe ... and now she's producing alleged texts from him, which she says show some of the ways he sexually harassed her.

Paula's attorney, Melissa Eubanks, tells TMZ ... Nigel is victim-shaming Paula and is cherry-picking from years of communications between them as he tries to discredit the allegations she brought against him in her sexual assault lawsuit in December.

As we first told you, Nigel's legal response to Paula's suit included alleged emails she sent him ... with Nigel claiming the emails gave off a friendly and loving vibe between them ... after the time Paula alleged he sexually assaulted her

Now, Paula's firing back ... as her attorney says Nigel's response fails to appreciate the power dynamic in their relationship, where Lythgoe was a powerful exec/her boss and Paula worked under him as a judge on the reality competition shows he executive produced.

Abdul's attorney says ... "He held the cards to her career in his hand and he knew it." The lawyer also goes on to call Nigel's tactic classic victim shaming.

What's more, Paula's legal team says those emails Nigel referenced in his docs were just Paula placating his ego with "positive messaging and seeming adoration ... defenses that many women like Ms. Abdul had to adopt to deal with men who abuse their power."

Paula claims to have some receipts from Nigel too ... saying she has text messages from him showing numerous instances of overt sexual harassment.

Abdul's camp claims Nigel texted her on March 8, 2014, writing ... "When you get back to LA will you please make love to me! Slowly and lovingly!" Paula says she didn't respond and Nigel double texted, "I'll take that as a YES then!"

Another alleged text, from April, 10, 2014, is a response to a message Paula sent Nigel about "So You Think You Can Dance" auditions in Las Vegas ... to which Nigel allegedly responded, "I'll come if you promise a big wet kiss! With tongues! Is a small grope of the ass asking too much?"

A few months later, in July 2014, Paula claims Nigel acknowledged he was being inappropriate when he allegedly texted her ... "You love me like a relation I love you like a girlfriend. I could easily be your f****** cousin? Ha Ha."

Remember ... Paula claims Nigel sexually assaulted her twice -- the first time during "one of Idol's initial sessions" in the early 2000s, and again at some point during her 2 seasons on 'SYTYCD' ... a gig she started in 2015.

Paula's attorney also claims Nigel verbally assaulted Adbul on multiple occasions as well ... which she says "are evidence of the frequent abusive behavior that Ms. Abdul was subjected to during her time on American Idol and SYTYCD."


Nigel's team has not responded to our request for comment.

Drake Bell Denunciará abuso infantil en un nuevo documental de Nickelodeon

Drake Bell se está abriendo sobre las afirmaciones que dicen que fue abusado por un entrenador que trabajó con él cuando era un adolescente en Nickelodeon.

El martes se dio a conocer que el actor será una de las ex estrellas infantiles que hablará en el próximo documental "Quiet on Set", que se emite el 17 y 18 de marzo. En el teaser del documental, Drake aparece al final, confirmando que va a compartir su historia.

Drake no dice nada en la promo, pero es seguro que hablará del tema cuando el documental se libere en su totalidad. En un comunicado de ID, dicen que Drake está listo para hacer las denuncias en contra de Brian Peck, un hombre con el que trabajó mientras estaba en "Drake & Josh" a principios de los 2000.

En 2004, Peck se declaró inocente de realizar un acto lascivo con un adolescente de 14 o 15 años y sexo oral con un menor de 16 años.

No está claro si las afirmaciones de Drake influyeron en el caso penal contra Peck, pero en cualquier caso, es una noticia importante, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta lo turbulenta que ha sido su propia vida.

Recuerde, el propio Drake terminó siendo condenado por poner en peligro a los niños cuando ya era un adulto y en los últimos años ha hablado abiertamente de contemplar el suicidio. Por un tiempo, también desapareció brevemente.

En cuanto a Peck, recientemente fue señalado por otras ex estrellas infantiles: los chicos de "Boy Meets World" dijeron que estaba en su mundo por ese entonces, y mirando en retrospectiva, lamentan su afiliación con él en su momento. Vale la pena señalar que no alegan ningún delito contra Peck explícitamente.

Se espera que otras estrellas infantiles hablen en este documental, pero por ahora Drake es uno de los más grandes en hacer acusaciones. Se dice que va a identificarse como una de las víctimas en el caso de Peck de 2004, pero queda por ver qué es lo que dirá exactamente.

Los compañeros de reparto de Drake de entonces no han abordado esta noticia.

Drake Bell Comes Forward to Claim Child Molestation ... In New Nickelodeon Doc

Drake Bell is breaking his silence on claims he was molested by a dialogue coach who worked with him when he was a teen on Nickelodeon.

The actor was revealed to be one of the former child stars who's going to speak on the forthcoming ID documentary 'Quiet on Set,' which airs on March 17 and 18. A teaser for the doc went up Tuesday ... and Drake steps in at the end, confirming he'll share his story.

Drake doesn't say anything in the promo ... but it's safe to say, he'll talk more when the doc gets released in full. In a release from ID, they say Drake is set to make claims against Brian Peck -- a man he worked with while he was on 'Drake & Josh' in the early 2000s.

Back in 2004, Peck pled no contest to performing a lewd act with a 14- or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a minor under 16.

It's unclear if Drake's claims factored into the criminal case against Peck ... but in any case, it's major news -- especially when you consider how turbulent his own life has been.

Remember, Drake himself ended up being convicted of child endangerment as an adult -- and in recent years ... he's talked openly about contemplating suicide, and briefly went missing for a while too.

As for Peck ... he was recently named by other ex-child stars -- the guys from "Boy Meets World" said he was in their world as well back in the day ... and in hindsight, regretted their affiliation with him at the time. Worth noting ... they didn't allege any wrongdoing against Peck explicitly.

There are more child stars that are expected to speak in this doc ... but Drake is now coming out as the first big one to make allegations. Word is ... he's going to identify himself as one of the victims in Peck's 2004 case -- but it remains to be seen what exactly he'll say.

Other costars of Drake's from back then haven't addressed this latest development.

Prostitutas en Tailandia Riña en Bangkok por "guerra de territorios" Policías implicados y detenidos...

Riña en Bangkok
Viral Press

Unas prostitutas tailandesas de Bangkok se enzarzaron en una pelea en el Barrio Rojo por una supuesta "guerra territorial" que involucró a la policía, ¡y las imágenes de la riña son absolutamente salvajes!

Echa un vistazo a este video que captura algunos momentos de la pelea del lunes, cuando se informó que un puñado de trabajadores sexuales de Filipinas estaba utilizando un popular hotel en la calle Sukhumvit, y al parecer, otras prostitutas querían proteger su territorio.

Los policías llegaron a la escena por una disputa con algunas de las trabajadoras filipinas, quienes fueron aparentemente acusadas de robarle clientes a las prostitutas tailandesas de la zona y cuando los policías las escoltaron fuera del edificio y hacia la calle, había una gran multitud esperando por ellas.

Ahí fue cuando empezó el alboroto: las prostitutas y los policías se enfrentaron y se lanzaron puñetazos unos con otros. Francamente, es difícil saber quién es quién aquí, pero en cualquier caso, un montón de personas recibieron golpes.

Honestamente, esto parece salido de una película. Fue un caos total.

Al final, los oficiales fueron capaces de llevar a las trabajadoras sexuales que estaban allí a la estación de policía, pero parece que todas estaban bastante maltratadas cuando entraron.

Al parecer, fueron detenidas por trabajar en la zona sin la documentación necesaria.

Thai Prostitutes Brawl in Bangkok Over 'Turf War' ... Cops Involved, Arrests Made

Viral Press

Thai prostitutes in Bangkok got into an all-out brawl in the Red Light District over a reported turf war that roped cops into the melee ... and the footage of all this is absolutely wild!

Check out this video that captures some of the highlights from Monday, where a handful of sex workers from the Philippines are reported to have been using a popular hotel on the busy Sukhumvit Road ... and, apparently, other prostitutes felt protective of their territory.

Officers were called over a dispute between some of the Filipino sex workers -- reportedly accused of stealing customers from a Thai prostitute in the area -- and as the cops escorted them out of the building and into the street ... there was a huge crowd waiting for them.

That's when the bruhaha started ... with prostitutes and cops clashing, and fists being thrown. Frankly, it's hard to tell who's who here -- but in any case, a lot of ass was kicked.

This honestly looks like something out of a movie scene ... it was that nuts and chaotic.

In the end ... the officers were able to bring the sex workers they were originally there for to the police station -- but it looks like they were all fairly roughed up as they went inside.

They were reportedly arrested for working in the area without the necessary paperwork.

Humpback Whales 2 Males Caught Having Sex ... 1st Ones Pictured Bangin'

Two humpback whales got caught on-camera engaging in some very adult activities, the first photos of their kind featuring the species ... and it turns out both the whales were dudes!

Here's the deal ... a just-published study in Marine Mammal Science features pics documenting a sexual encounter between a pair of humpback whales off the coast of Hawaii, reportedly the first photographs of two humpbacks ever having penetrative sex. History!

After further examination, the photographers who took the pics -- which the journal says were taken back in 2022 -- found out they'd actually captured two male whales going at it ... checking another first off the list in one fell swoop.

As it turns out, this attempted banging might not have been romantic in nature at all ... 'cause researchers are saying the receiving whale was either sick or injured, and it seems the other whale came along and penetrated him as a show of force -- using his fins to keep him from running off.

The scientists say they're not sure if the top whale was mistakenly trying to knock him up or just establishing dominance. The researchers admit this same-sex session could theoretically go down with two healthy whales, but that just hasn't been documented yet.

BTW ... it's super rare to see a humpback whale penis 'cause it's usually sheathed, so this photo's really got everything going for it. The last attempted humpback whale sex sesh was photographed in '98 ... and that one, too, was male on male -- albeit, dead vs. alive.

In that instance, a male whale tried having sex with a separate dead male whale -- not exactly a match made in heaven. It also doesn't sound like that one was caught on camera.

Anyway, this recent encounter reportedly lasted 30 minutes -- a very respectable time, if we do say so ourselves -- and occurred just about 15 feet below the ocean's surface.

TMZ Studios

Next time you're on a boat in the ocean, remember ... you never know what animals are doing down below. Now, we know -- they might be getting it on ... males or otherwise!


Dos ballenas jorobadas fueron captadas en cámara realizando actividades muy adultas, las primeras fotos de este tipo en las que aparece la especie... ¡Y resulta que ambas ballenas eran machos!

Así es la cosa, un estudio recién publicado en Marine Mammal Science, muestra fotos que documentan un encuentro sexual entre un par de ballenas jorobadas frente a la costa de Hawai, al parecer las primeras fotografías de dos ballenas jorobadas apareándose con penetración... Historico.

Luego de examinar más detenidamente, los fotógrafos que tomaron las fotos -en la revista dice que fueron tomadas en 2022- descubrieron que en realidad habían capturado a dos ballenas macho haciéndolo... consiguiendo así dos hitos de una.

Resulta que este intento de sexo podría no haber sido romántico en absoluto... porque los investigadores dicen que la ballena receptora estaba enferma o herida, y parece que la otra ballena llegó y le penetró como una demostración de fuerza, usando sus aletas para evitar que huyera.

Los científicos dicen que no están seguros de si la ballena superior estaba erróneamente tratando de dejarlo preñado o simplemente estableciendo dominancia. Los investigadores admiten que esta sesión del mismo sexo teóricamente podría ocurrir con dos ballenas sanas, pero eso no ha sido documentado todavía.

Por cierto, es muy raro ver un pene de ballena jorobada porque normalmente está enfundado, así que esta foto lo tiene todo a su favor. El último intento de sexo con una ballena jorobada fue fotografiado en el 98 y ese, también, fue de macho con macho, aunque era uno estaba muerto.

En ese caso, una ballena macho trató de tener relaciones sexuales con otra ballena macho muerta, algo bastante sórdido. Tampoco fue registrado en cámara.

De todos modos, este reciente encuentro duró 30 minutos, un tiempo muy respetable, y se produjo a unos 15 pies bajo la superficie del océano.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

La próxima vez que estés en un barco en el océano, recuerda, nunca se sabe lo que los animales están haciendo abajo.

Adam22 I Think Drake's 🍆 Vid Is Dope ... But He's Not Happy It's Out

I Saw It Before Everyone Else

Adam22 is declaring himself and Wack100 as hip hop's de facto d*** pic raters ... and according to his expertise, Drake and his schlong are a gift to the rap game!!!

The "No Jumper" boss recently linked with TMZ Hip Hop and he has the utmost confidence the viral video purported to be Drake is 100% real.

Everyone's seen "the video" and Adam claims he was privy to a peek at Drake's scepter months ago after a mutual friend of theirs showed him pics.

Many speculated it was a sleazy leak to build buzz for Drake's tour ... but Adam says Drake told him personally he wasn't responsible for unleashing the clip, because that's not on brand for OVO!!!

Adam speculates Drake was getting blackmailed for money, and the vid was posted as payback for a failed shakedown ... but Adam says there's no reason for Drizzy to be ashamed.

TMZ Studios

He's slapping a fat 8/10 on Drake's meat, just south of the perfect score many pornstars get ... and keep in mind they swing theirs for a living!!!

#1 Penis Expert

We also discussed his blushing bride Lena The Plug, and despite their very open sex lives, he clarified she's not just a hot prize to be passed around to the next horndog ... something he says NLE Choppa, clearly, doesn't understand.

Adam recently gave the thumbs up to NLE's package deal, but says the Memphis rapper pushed his luck by pushing up on Lena.

That being said, Adam says a threesome still isn't out of the question -- but cautions, it would be a pro shoot, so NLE better bring his A-game!

Meek Mill Repeatedly Insists He's Not Gay ... Reacts to Reckless Diddy Rumors

Meek Mill is now roped into the latest Diddy lawsuit drama -- quite salaciously and carelessly, we might add -- and yet, he's taking the bait and publicly responding with a rant about being straight as an arrow.

The Philly rapper's been on a wild tweet storm since Wednesday in response to a number of users who were posting memes and jokes after Meek was obliquely referenced in Rodney Jones' suit against Diddy. The docs don't name Meek, but very clearly allude to him.

Youtube / King Akademiks

The lawsuit includes a footnote addressing a redacted name, and it describes the identity of that person as "a Philadelphia Rapper who dated Nicki Minaj."

Long story short ... Rodney alleges Diddy once told him he'd slept with big-time male celebs in the music biz, including Meek.

Folks online had a field day with this once the docs were published, and Meek ended up going on the attack ... firing off several different tweets to deny he's gay, or that he was involved in any romantic way with Diddy -- as it was recklessly suggested in the wild legal claim.

We'll let you read Meek's tweets for yourself -- but let's just say ... he goes a little over the top here to hit the point home that he's not into dudes, and to some, it comes across as a bit homophobic.

Meek uses some fairly graphic and sexual terms to describe how much he's into women -- and while he might think he's setting the record straight, some are taking his fervent tweetstorm the opposite way.

He also goes after DJ Akademiks here, who's the one who highlighted Meek was alluded to in the suit -- and the 2 of them have been going back and forth nonstop since yesterday.

In any case, it's all very icky, which is why it's strange that Meek is so publicly leaning into it.

Other famous people have also been referenced in Rodney's lawsuit -- who were not named -- and they've kept quiet, refusing to give the allegations any oxygen.

Of course, Diddy himself has utterly denied any and all of Rodney's claims -- and some of them, as we've pointed out, are already starting to fall apart at the seams.

TMZ Studios

Meanwhile, Meek keeps speaking his piece. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Brazilian Soccer Journalist Accuses Mascot Of Sexual Harassment ... At Huge Rivalry Game

A soccer reporter who was covering a famed rivalry game in Brazil over the weekend says she was forced to go to cops following the conclusion of the match ... after she claims one of the team's mascots sexually harassed her.

Canal Monumental journalist Gisele Kumpel alleged the misconduct happened while she was on the sidelines of Sunday's Grêmio vs. Sport Club Internacional tilt -- which soccer aficionados call "Gre-Nal."

Kumpel said in an interview with GloboEsporte that at several points during the match, Internacional's masked cheerleader, known as Saci, began making gestures at her ... before he bent over and looked down at her phone.

Then, according to Kumpel, following a big goal by Internacional in the second half ... Saci grabbed her and made kissing noises.

"He stopped next to me and simply hugged me," she told GE. "He hugged me. Even with the mask on, he pushed my head and made to kiss me. I could hear the kiss crack and I felt his sweat."

Kumpel went on to say she was the only female reporter in attendance ... and the only one who Saci embraced.

"Another day of women wanting to do their job in football and suffering for it with some idiots who are criminals," she wrote in a post on X ... while adding photos of her reporting the incident to local authorities. "I'm going to the end so that no other woman goes through this."

Internacional officials said in a statement to the U.S. Sun that they've suspended the person in the Saci costume as they and law enforcement continue to investigate the allegations.

Kumpel, meanwhile, said she's doing OK despite the incident ... writing on her social media page, "Everything is fine."

"Taking away the fear, trembling, crying and disbelief of the moment," she said, "I did what I could do, since eliminating the fact is impossible."

Diddy Accuser Started Lawsuit GFM Weeks Ago ... No Mention Of SA Claims 🤔

Instagram / @lilrodmadeit

Diddy's former producer -- and latest accuser -- filed a lawsuit with damning sexual misconduct allegations ... but just a few weeks ago, he fundraised for this same suit, and made no mention of the alleged sexual assault he detailed in his complaint.

Back on February 7 ... Rodney Jones -- aka, Lil Rodmadeit -- posted an IG confessional that flew under the radar before his very public lawsuit hit the press Monday, and the video is an attempt to raise money from his followers to pay for a suit against Diddy.

In the video, Jones lamented over not being able to revel in Diddy's 'LOVE' album's Grammy nominations -- because he claimed he'd been screwed in royalties and publishing ... and alleged that Diddy had refused to pay him what he says was owed.

He goes on to indicate that he plans to launch a legal battle against Puff, and notes that he'll need funds to fight him in court -- and that's where his GoFundMe comes into play.

Two days before this video went up, Rodney had started a GFM campaign -- the title of which reads ... "Help Me Sue Sean 'Diddy' Combs" and it had a $50k goal. In both the description of his GoFundMe and in his clip, he makes no mention of the alleged sexual assault he claims he endured at the hands of Diddy/his associates while working for him.

It's all interesting in hindsight ... ya gotta wonder why he might not have addressed these claims of his a few weeks ago ... when he was literally trying to raise cash for this lawsuit.

As we reported ... Rodney claims Diddy forced him to sleep with sex workers and watch gay porn -- and even floats the possibility that he was drugged at one point ... but the bulk of the complaints online earlier this month were geared towards his business dealings with Diddy.

At the time of this writing, his GFM has only raised $1,500 of his $50,000 goal.

TMZ Studios

Unclear how Jones was able to pay for his legal counsel but obviously -- the suit was filed.

Diddy has denied all of Rodney's allegations ... as have some others who were named.


muy confiada
No Jumper

Sean Evans no tiene ninguna razón para ser tímido acerca de su virilidad, esto de acuerdo a su ex novia, que resulta, es la estrella porno; Melissa Stratton.

Melissa, que empezó a salir con el presentador de "Hot Ones" el otoño pasado antes de su rápida separación el Día de San Valentín, dio una visión sincera de su romance relámpago mientras aparecía en el pódcast "No Jumper" esta semana.

Melissa se mantuvo en silencio cuando le preguntaron acerca del "tamaño de Sean"... ella se aseguró de hacer hincapié en que había una buena razón por la que le gustaba pasar tiempo con él.

La estrella de cine para adultos llegó a dar crédito a sus signos del zodiaco -ella es Virgo y él es Tauro- según ella, esto significa que son el uno para el otro. Es por eso que su abrupto final fue un fastidio para ella, algo que nos enfatizó la semana pasada durante una entrevista.

Sobre la cuestión de cómo se conocieron... Melissa también se explaya. Nos dice que Sean le envió un mensaje en noviembre, el cual era una broma que resulto funcionar.

"¡fue por mi trabajo!"

Pasaron a reunirse en persona a finales de 2023, pasando a llevar su romance a Los Ángeles y Chicago. El dúo hizo pública su relación en el Super Bowl de este año en Las Vegas, pero Sean terminó las cosas días más tarde.

Como hemos informado, Melissa dijo que sentía que su profesión como estrella porno fue la razón Sean terminó las cosas, a pesar de que insiste en que estaba bien con él desde el principio.

De todos modos, durante su reciente relación con Adán, Melissa compartió que Sean pidió que las cosas ean disretas, añadiendo que no han hablado desde entonces. En cuanto a Seaa, Melissa le aseguró a los fans que Sean es un buen tipo y no hay resentimientos.

Melissa ya tiene un montón de nuevos pretendientes, señalando que su bandeja de entrada explota de mensajes a diario, y que hay varios nombres notables circulando en su teléfono. Algo nos dice que ambos van a estar bien.

'Hot Ones' Host Sean Evans Has Every Reason To Be Confident in Bed ... So Says Porn Star Ex!!!

No Jumper

Sean Evans has no reason to be shy about his manhood ... this according to his porn star ex, Melissa Stratton.

Melissa -- who started dating the 'Hot Ones' host last fall before their quick split on Valentine's Day -- gave some candid insight into their whirlwind romance while appearing on the "No Jumper" podcast this week.

Melissa stayed tight-lipped when asked about Sean's, erm, size ... but she did make sure to emphasize -- there was a reason why she liked spending time with him!

The adult film star went on to credit their star signs -- she's a Virgo and he's a Taurus -- for their connection ... calling the pairing a total match. That's why their abrupt ending was such a bummer for her ... something she emphasized to us last week during an interview.

On the issue of how they first met ... Melissa gets into that too. She says Sean slid into her DMs in November -- shooting his shot with a bald head joke.


They went on to meet in person at the end of 2023 ... going on to bring their romance to L.A. and Chicago. The duo went public with their relationship at this year's Super Bowl in Las Vegas ... but Sean ended things days later when the cat was outta the bag.

As we reported ... Melissa said she felt her profession as a porn star was the reason Sean ended things -- even though she insists he was cool with it from the get-go.

Anyway, during her recent sit-down with Adam -- Melissa shared Sean called it quits over a brief and final conv ... adding that they haven't spoken since. As for Sean's V-Day dumping, Melissa assured fans that Sean is, in fact, a good guy ... and there's no hard feelings.

Melissa already has plenty of new suitors, BTW -- noting her DMs are getting flooded with several notable names. Something tells us they'll both be just fine.


Brandi Glanville is laying into Andy Cohen for his apology over her sexual harassment claims -- saying he hasn't really made it right with the one person who matters ... her!

The ex-'Real Housewives' star hopped on X Monday to slam the Bravo honcho -- who oversees all things 'Housewives -- over his tweet last week that addressed her allegations of once sending her an inappropriate video ... which he characterized as just a joke.

She wrote ... "I have not received a personal apology from anyone. I saw an apology that Andy posted TO HIS FANS for his mistreatment of me and inappropriateness."

You'll recall ... last week we revealed Brandi's lawyers had sent a demand letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit on her behalf after claiming they mistreated her. In the doc, Brandi made some serious claims against Andy ... saying he was straight-up boasting about plans to hook up with another Bravo star in 2022 while inviting her to watch the whole thing via FaceTime.

Andy promptly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X it was a joke that she'd blown out of proportion. He even stated Brandi's initial response seemed like she was in on the joke, but he still went on to say sorry for the whole thing being inappropriate.

Meanwhile, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Brandi's attacks against Andy seem to be coming out of the blue -- as she hadn't said anything for 2 whole years. We're told that it was only when she found herself caught up in harassment accusations from Caroline Manzo that she seems to have flipped the script on Andy ... almost out of nowhere.

We're told there are many in the Bravo world who feel like Brandi's whole case against Andy is a personal vendetta ... especially since not too long ago she was singing his praises in public interviews. That's the feeling by some, anyway.

Of course, the drama all goes back to the infamous "Girls Trip: Morocco" debacle ... which was the primary basis of Brandi's demand letter written up by Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- some of Hollywood's biggest hotshot lawyers.

Brandi's lawyers didn't hold back ... spelling out exactly why she was considering taking legal action -- saying she's been nothing but loyal to NBCU, but in return, claiming all she's received in return is mistreatment.

TMZ Studios

Basically, Brandi's ready to fight tooth and nail to set the record straight ... and the escalating tensions between herself and her former network might turn into a very messy legal battle.