Mark Zuckerberg le pide disculpas a las víctimas de explotación sexual infantil En D.C.

metí la pata

Mark Zuckerberg está sintiendo la presión en una audiencia del Senado sobre la crisis de la explotación sexual infantil en Internet, levantándose de su asiento para pedirle disculpas a las familias de las víctimas.

El CEO de Meta estaba en medio de su testimonio el miércoles cuando comenzó a ser interrogado por el senador Josh Hawley, que bombardeó Zuck con preguntas muy certeras.

Zuckerberg apenas puede articular una palabra cuando Hawley le pregunta sobre la respuesta de Meta -o la supuesta falta de ella- a la explotación sexual de menores en Internet... y se ve obligado a dar media vuelta y disculparse.

Levantándose de su silla, Zuck hace un giro de 180 grados y se enfrenta a la audiencia, la cual está llena de padres que sostienen fotos de sus hijos que fueron víctimas de los depredadores que utilizan las redes sociales.

Zuckerberg indica que es la primera vez que se disculpa por este tipo de problemas que ocurren en Facebook e Instagram y dice que Meta está tomando medidas para proteger a los niños.

Otros ejecutivos de medios sociales están testificando también, incluyendo a Evan Spiegel de Snapchat, Shou Zi Chew de TikTok, Linda Yaccarino de X y Jason Citron de Discord, pero los momentos más interesantes han sido reservados para Zuck.

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Sin lugar a dudas es un día difícil para el fundador de Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg Grilled By Senators ... Apologizes to Child Sex Exploitation Victims

I Zucked Up

Mark Zuckerberg is being roasted at a Senate hearing on the online child sexual exploitation crisis ... getting up from his hot seat to apologize to victims' families.

The Meta CEO was in the middle of his testimony Wednesday on Capital Hill when he started getting grilled by Sen. Josh Hawley, who bombarded Zuck with questions.

Zuckerberg can barely get a word in as Hawley badgers him on Meta's response, or alleged lack thereof, to kids being sexually exploited online ... and he's pretty much forced to turn around and apologize.

Standing up from his chair, Zuck does a 180 and faces the audience ... which is filled with parents holding up photos of their kids who fell victim to predators using social media.

Zuckerberg indicates it's the first time he's apologized for these sorts of issues happening on Facebook and Instagram ... and he says Meta is taking steps to protect kids.

Other social media executives are testifying too ... including Snapchat's Evan Spiegel, TikTok's Shou Zi Chew, X's Linda Yaccarino and Discord's Jason Citron ... but the most interesting moments have been reserved for Zuck.

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Tough day for the Facebook founder -- he's in the hot seat and then some here.

Florence Pugh The Camera Broke ... In 'Oppenheimer' Sex Scene!!!

Florence Pugh got caught in a vulnerable state while shooting "Oppenheimer" -- namely, when she and Cillian Murphy were naked ... during which cameras weren't rolling.

The actress shared this cringeworthy story at a recent screening of the blockbuster, where there was a Q&A ... and where FP revealed there were some technical difficulties at one point in the production, and it came at the worst time ... during a sex scene.

Universal Pictures

If you've seen the movie ... you know there's at least 3 sex scenes where Florence and Cillian are nude -- so it's unclear which one exactly this happened for, but it sounds awkward.

Apparently, while they were filming this intimate scene, one of the main cameras broke ... and the whole crew had to hit pause while they worked on it to fix the problem. That left Florence and Cillian standing by (naked) as they waited for the issue to be resolved.

Luckily, FP had a good attitude about it all -- her whole point here is that 'Oppenheimer' was very much like an old-school Hollywood production ... and she's talking about how in awe she was by everyone and how they handled their craft. Even during this stop-down, she says she found stuff to appreciate ... and learned a thing or two about the equipment, etc.

Her point about the set being like a classic Hollywood movie isn't lost on us either -- considering Christopher Nolan's rep for wanting his cast/crew to be in the moment (and, allegedly, not to sit down either) ... this kinda makes sense that Florence and Cillian stuck around during this.

You'd figure the stars of a major film like this could head back to their trailers during this in-between time ... not so for a CN flick though, apparently! On his set, you see it through.

Anyway, sticking with it for these inconveniences clearly paid off for Florence and Co. -- 'Oppenheimer' is an Oscar darling this year, and is primed to win a bunch of awards.

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A little sacrifice for art goes a long way ... something Florence is now very familiar with!

Florence Pugh La cámara se rompió... En la escena de sexo de "Oppenheimer"

Florence Pugh fue atrapada en un estado vulnerable durante el rodaje de "Oppenheimer", es decir, cuando ella y Cillian Murphy estaban desnudos, ¡y las cámaras no estaban grabando!

La actriz compartió esta historia en una reciente proyección de la superproducción, donde se realizó un Q&A y Florence Pugh relató algunas dificultades técnicas en un momento de la producción, las que llegaron en el peor momento, durante su escena de sexo.

No fue el mejor momento
Universal Pictures

Si han visto la película, sabrán que hay al menos tres escenas de sexo donde Florence y Cillian están desnudos, por lo que no está claro en cuál de ellas ocurrió esto exactamente, pero suena incómodo.

Al parecer, mientras estaban grabando esta escena, una de las cámaras principales se rompió y el equipo tuvo que hacer una pausa mientras solucionaban el problema. Eso dejó a Florence y Cillian de pie (desnudos) mientras esperaban a que se resolviera el asunto.

Afortunadamente, Florence se tomó las cosas con una buena actitud. Su punto aquí es que "Oppenheimer" fue muy parecida a una producción de Hollywood de la vieja escuela y está asombrada por cómo todos manejaban su oficio. Incluso durante esta pausa, dice que encontró cuestiones que apreciar y aprendió un par de cosas sobre el equipo, etc.

Tampoco se nos escapa su comentario de que el plató era como una película clásica de Hollywood, teniendo en cuenta la reputación de Christopher Nolan de querer que su reparto y su equipo estén presentes tiene sentido que Florence y Cillian se quedaran en el plató.

Uno se imagina que las estrellas de una película tan importante como ésta podrían haber vuelto a sus trailers durante este intermedio, ¡pero no fue así en esta película de Christopher Nolan, al parecer! En su plató, te quedas hasta el final.

En cualquier caso, Florence y compañía han sabido sobreponerse a estos inconvenientes: "Oppenheimer" es una de las favoritas a los Oscar de este año y está preparada para ganar un montón de premios.

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Un poco de sacrificio por el arte hace mucho, ¡algo con lo que Florence está muy familiarizada!

'Fifty Shades of Grey' Jamie Dornan I Went Into Hiding Over Bad Reviews!!!

Jamie Dornan says he hid out in the countryside after feeling ridiculed over some poor reviews for "Fifty Shades of Gray."

The actor, who played Christian Gray in the film adaption of the erotic novel, says he and his wife shut themselves off from the world when movie critics didn't like the flick.

Jamie told BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs he ended up hiding out at 'Fifty Shades' director Sam Taylor-Johnson's home way out in the boonies.

JD says the bad reviews hit hard because they came on the heels of earning "career-altering" award nominations for his work in BBC's "The Fall" ... basically, going from high praise to ridicule.

Despite hate from film critics, 'Fifty Shades' was a huge hit at the box office.

Jamie says the 2nd and 3rd movies were greenlit overnight, adding ... "It's a strange thing because there's a bit of ridicule here and I'm now contracted to do two more, knowing that there will be much more damnation to come."

He's gone on to act in a bunch of movies and TV shows since 'Fifty Shades' ... but Jamie says he can't escape his past. Even when he gets good reviews now, he says critics still reference his infamous role.

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Still, Jamie says he doesn't regret doing the 'Fifty Shades' trilogy.

Masuimi Max muere a los 45 años

Masuimi Max -una actriz y modelo que apareció en grandes publicaciones como Playboy y Maxim- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que recibieron una llamada justo antes de las 8:30 AM esta mañana y respondieron a la casa de Max en el área de Las Vegas, donde encontraron a Max. Nos dicen que una investigación a fondo se llevará a cabo.

No hay más detalles sobre las circunstancias de su muerte por el momento.

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Max comenzó a modelar el año 2000 según su LinkedIn, y a lo largo de los años apareció en numerosas publicaciones como Maxim, Alt Magazine, Bizarre Magazine y una serie de otros puntos de venta en los últimos años.

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Los aficionados pueden recordarla por las veces que posó para Playboy. Además participó en muchos eventos en la Mansión Playboy a finales de 2000 y principios de 2010.

Tiene algunos créditos en IMDb, aunque en su mayoría películas de serie B como "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" y "Giantess Battle Attack". Tuvo un papel no acreditado en "xXx: State of the Union" protagonizada por Samuel L. Jackson y Ice Cube donde interpretó a la novia de Zeke, el papel del rapero Xzibit en la película.

Los últimos años se ha dedicado sobre todo al modelaje alternativo... gravitando hacia espectáculos de terror/cabaret cargados de maquillaje y videos de YouTube. Había acumulado una sólida base de fans en línea, con más de 300k seguidores en Instagram.

Masuimi tenía 45 años.


Masuimi Max Playboy & Maxim Model Dead at 45

Masuimi Max -- an actress and model who appeared in big publications like Playboy and Maxim -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops got a call just before 8:30 AM PT this morning and responded to Max's Las Vegas-area home where they found Max. We're told no foul play is immediately suspected ... though a thorough investigation will be conducted.

No further details about the circumstances of her death were immediately available.

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Max started modeling back in 2000, according to her LinkedIn ... over the years she appeared in numerous publications like Maxim, Alt Magazine, Bizarre Magazine and a number of other outlets over the years.

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Fans may remember her from the times she posed for Playboy -- MM also hit up events at the Playboy Mansion throughout the late 2000s/early 2010s.

She's got some credits on IMDb ... though mostly B-movies like "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" and "Giantess Battle Attack." She did have an uncredited role in "xXx: State of the Union" starring Samuel L. Jackson and Ice Cube ... where she played the girlfriend of Zeke -- rapper Xzibit's role in the movie.

She's mostly been into alternative modeling in recent years ... gravitating toward make-up-heavy horror/cabaret shows and YouTube videos. She'd amassed a solid fanbase online, with more than 300k dedicated IG followers.

Masuimi was 45.


Vince McMahon es demandado por una ex empleada de la WWE Por tráfico sexual

Una ex empleada de la WWE está demandando a Vince McMahon, alegando que en repetidas ocasiones la asaltó sexualmente, la traficó sexualmente y luego le pagó para que guardara silencio.

Las inquietantes acusaciones fueron hechas por Janel Grant en una demanda presentada el jueves en un tribunal federal de Connecticut.

En la demanda, Grant dice que conoció a McMahon en 2019 en un momento en que estaba tocando fondo. Ella dice que sus padres acababan de morir y ella estaba luchando por encontrar trabajo.

Sin embargo, dice que después de ser presentada a McMahon a través de un amigo en común, él prometió conseguirle un trabajo en la WWE.

Según la demanda, mientras McMahon le estaba encontrando trabajo en su empresa, poco a poco comenzó a utilizar sus "promesas" para obligarla a actos sexuales.

Grant dice que justo después de que le dijeran que tenía un trabajo de "administradora-coordinadora legal" con un salario de 75.000 dólares dentro de la organización de lucha libre de McMahon, él la "atrapó". Ella alega que "temía una carrera adversa y consecuencias personales y represalias legales si declinaba sus avances sexuales" y comenzó a participar en lo que ella llamó actividad sexual no consentida con él.

Grant dijo en la demanda que el trabajo que le habían dado requería poco trabajo. De hecho, según la demanda, se le asignó un papel adicional en la XFL de McMahon para ayudar a llenar su tiempo.

Grant, sin embargo, afirma en su demandado —McMahon— de repente dejó de referirse a ella como una amiga y "en gran medida dejó de hablar con ella, limitándose al sexting y hablar de fantasías." Ella alega que la obligó a enviarle fotos explícitas, algunas de las cuales ella dice que él compartiría con otros miembros de la WWE. Poco tiempo después, ella dice que él reclutó a otros hombres y comenzó a traficarla sexualmente.

También dice que en mayo de 2020, McMahon organizó un trío con ella y su fisioterapeuta, diciéndole que "perdería una amistad si no seguía adelante". Ella afirma en la demanda que durante el encuentro, él defecó en su cabeza, pero la obligó a continuar realizando actos sexuales con los dos mientras estaba cubierta de heces. Alega que los días siguientes, él le envió un mensaje de texto: "Soy tu único dueño y controlo a quién quiero follarme".

Varios meses después, afirma que McMahon reclutó a John Laurinaitis —una ex superestrella de la WWE que era en ese momento un ejecutivo de alto rango en la empresa— "para unirse a ellos".

Grant afirma que McMahon la presionó para que le enviara fotos explícitas a Laurinaitis. En diciembre de 2020, ella dice que McMahon arregló para que ella también tuviera un trío con Laurinaitis.

Ella dice que los meses posteriores fue trasladada al departamento de relaciones de talentos de la WWE, donde le informaron a Laurinaitis. Una vez que se produjo ese traslado, declaró en su demanda que tanto McMahon como Laurinaitis esperaban "que se comprometiera sexualmente con Laurinaitis, tanto físicamente como con contenido explícito".

En su demanda, Grant afirma que le ordenaron "servirse a sí misma como desayuno para Laurinaitis", en un hotel cercano antes del comienzo de su jornada laboral. Ella también afirma que McMahon le envió mensajes de texto, "Los días en que él esté en la ciudad, quiero que te lo folles cada mañana y más tarde en su oficina también".

Ella dice que los acuerdos la dejaron "miserable y enfurecida", pero "en sus años de experiencia con McMahon, sabía que sus peticiones de parar serían ignoradas en el mejor de los casos o utilizadas para destruir su carrera y reputación en el peor."

Grant declaró en su demanda que en junio de 2021, McMahon y Laurinaitis la violaron en la oficina de Laurinaitis. Ella dice que al comienzo del encuentro, les dijo "No, no, no" y "Por favor, detente", pero afirma que McMahon le dijo: "Tómalo, perra".

Grant dice que una semana más tarde, McMahon la forzó de nuevo sobre una mesa de masaje en la sede de la WWE ... antes de darle 15.000 dólares en tarjetas de regalo de Bloomingdales.

Grant también alegó en su demanda que McMahon la utilizó para ayudarle a fichar a una superestrella de la WWE. La demanda describe el talento como "un atleta de fama mundial y ex campeón de peso pesado de la UFC". El Wall Street Journal informó el jueves que se trataba de Brock Lesnar.

En la demanda, Grant afirma que McMahon le ordenó crear "contenido sexual personalizado" para la superestrella de la WWE. También afirma que él anunció "un encuentro sexual con ella" al luchador mientras intentaba negociar un nuevo contrato.

En última instancia, Grant afirma en su demanda que McMahon se distanció de ella en enero de 2022, alegando que su esposa, Linda McMahon, se había enterado de su relación. Grant dice que todo llevó a McMahon a pedirle que firmara un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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En la demanda, Grant dice que aceptó que le pagaran $3 millones para firmar el NDA, pero afirma que después de recibir $1 millón, McMahon no hizo más pagos.

Grant dice que ha quedado traumatizada por todo el calvario y ahora está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados, así como para que un juez invalide su NDA.

Mientras tanto, McMahon, la WWE y Laurinaitis aún no han hecho comentarios sobre la demanda.

Vince McMahon Sued Ex-WWE Employee Claims He Sex Trafficked Her


2:22 PM PT -- TKO released a statement on the matter ... saying, "Mr. McMahon does not control TKO nor does he oversee the day-to-day operations of WWE."

"While this matter predates our TKO executive team’s tenure at the company, we take Ms. Grant’s horrific allegations very seriously and are addressing this matter internally."

A former WWE employee is suing Vince McMahon ... claiming he repeatedly sexually assaulted her, sex trafficked her -- and then paid her off to stay quiet about it all.

The disturbing allegations were made by Janel Grant in a lawsuit filed on Thursday in a federal court in Connecticut.

In the suit, Grant says she met McMahon back in 2019 ... at a time when she was at rock bottom. She says her parents had just died ... and she was struggling to find work.

However, she says after being introduced to McMahon through a mutual friend, he promised to get her a gig in the WWE.

But, according to the suit, as McMahon was finding her an entry-level role in his company ... he slowly began to use his "life-changing promises" to coerce her into sexual acts.

Grant says just after she was told she had a "legal administrator-coordinator" job with a salary of $75,000 inside McMahon's wrestling org. ... he "trapped her in an impossible situation." She alleges she "feared adverse career and personal consequences and legal retaliation if she declined his advances" -- and began to engage in what she called nonconsensual sexual activity with him.

Grant said in the suit the job she had been given required little work. In fact, according to the lawsuit, she was assigned an additional role in McMahon's XFL to help fill her time.

Grant, though, claims in her suit McMahon suddenly stopped referring to her as a friend ... and "largely stopped talking to [her] outside of sexting and fantasy talk." She alleges he forced her to send him explicit pictures, some of which she says he would share with others in the WWE. A short time later, she says he recruited other men and began sex trafficking her.

She says in May 2020, McMahon organized a threesome with her and her physical therapist ... telling her "he would lose a friendship if she did not go through with it." She claims in the suit that during the encounter, he defecated on her head but made her continue to perform sex acts with the two while she was covered in feces. She alleges in the days following, he texted her "i'm the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f*** U."

Several months later, the suit states, McMahon recruited John Laurinaitis -- a former WWE superstar who was at the time a high-ranking exec in the company -- "to join them."

Grant claims McMahon pressed her to send explicit pictures to Laurinaitis. In December 2020, she says McMahon arranged for her to have a threesome with Laurinaitis as well.

She says in the months afterward, she was moved to the WWE's talent relations department, where she reported to Laurinaitis. Once that move happened, she stated in her suit that there was an expectation from both McMahon and Laurinaitis "that she engage with Laurinaitis sexually, both physically and with explicit content."

In her suit, Grant says she was directed to "serve herself to [Laurinaitis] as 'breakfast'" at a nearby hotel before the start of their work day. She also claims McMahon texted her, "On days when he's in town, I want him to f*** U every morning and later In the office too."

She says the arrangements left her "miserable and enraged," but "in her years of experience with McMahon, she knew her requests to stop would be ignored at best or used to destroy her career and reputation at worst."

Grant stated in her suit that in June 2021, McMahon and Laurinaitis raped her in Laurinaitis' office. She says at the outset of the encounter, she told them "No, no, no" and "Please stop," but claims McMahon told her, "Take it, bitch."

Grant says a week later, McMahon forced himself on her again over a massage table at WWE's headquarters ... before giving her $15,000 in Bloomingdale's gift cards.

Grant also alleged in her suit that McMahon used her to help him sign a WWE Superstar. The suit describes the talent as "a world-famous athlete and former UFC Heavyweight Champion." The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday this was Brock Lesnar.

In the suit, Grant claims McMahon ordered her to create "personalized sexual content" for the WWE Superstar. She also says he advertised "a sexual encounter with her" to the wrestler while trying to negotiate a new booking contract.

Ultimately, Grant claims in her suit McMahon distanced himself from her in January 2022 ... claiming his wife, Linda McMahon, had found out about their relationship. Grant says it all led to McMahon's request that she sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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In the lawsuit, Grant says she agreed to be paid $3 million to sign the NDA ... but she claims that after receiving $1 million, McMahon didn't make further payments.

Grant says she's been traumatized from the whole ordeal and is now seeking unspecified damages ... as well as for a judge to invalidate her NDA.

Meanwhile, McMahon, the WWE and Laurinaitis have not yet publicly commented on the suit.

'WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE' No Reboot Invite for DAN BENSON!!! Says Porn Career to Blame


"Wizards of Waverly Place" alum Dan Benson knows he's being cut out of the Disney Channel show's upcoming reboot and says it's upsetting, but not shocking ... due to to his very adult career choices.

Dan tells TMZ ... he's disappointed over being unable to reprise the role of Zeke Beakerman, and also acknowledges he didn't really leave the show's bosses any real option to include him -- having gone from child star to OnlyFans porn star.

He totally sees things from their point of view ... telling us it'd be unreasonable to bring back his wholesome character, while he's also publicizing all his risqué personal life decisions.


Dan even imagines how discussions of his return went down in the reboot's first meeting ... wondering if some Disney exec Googled him to see what he's doing, only to learn he's been posting adults-only content since 2022.

BTW, Selena Gomez is an executive producer, which has Dan wondering just how much of his "body" of work his old costar's come across.

While he's sad his career choices affected his chance to be back on screen, he tells us he actually would've said no if the reboot bosses asked him back.

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The reason being that life after the show got really hard for him, as he struggled to land another mainstream acting gig.

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Now, Dan's over being dependent on someone else for opportunities ... something he doesn't have to worry about now cause he's his own boss and makes it happen for himself.

Yes, he's moved on -- but he's also still nostalgic for 'Waverly.'

Dan Benson no vuelve a "Los magos de Waverly Place" Por el porno

no espero ninguna llamada

El actor de "Los Hechiceros de Waverly Place" —Dan Benson— sabe que está siendo cortado de la próxima serie de Disney Channel y dice que es molesto, pero no le sorprende demasiado.

Dan le dice a TMZ que está decepcionado por no poder repetir el papel de Zeke Beakerman, y también reconoce que los jefes de la serie no le dieron ninguna opción real para incluirlo, después de haber pasado de estrella infantil a estrella porno de OnlyFans.

Él ve las cosas desde su punto de vista, diciéndonos que no sería razonable traer de vuelta a su personaje, mientras que él también está haciendo públicas todas sus arriesgadas decisiones en su vida personal.

hay que seguir adelante

Dan incluso se imagina cómo fueron las discusiones sobre su regreso en la primera reunión del reinicio, preguntándose si algún ejecutivo de Disney lo buscó en Google para ver lo que está haciendo, solo para enterarse de que ha estado publicando contenido para adultos desde 2022.

Por cierto, Selena Gomez es productora ejecutiva, lo que hace que Dan se pregunte qué parte de su trabajo ha visto su antigua compañera.

Mientras que él está triste porque su nueva carrera afectó su oportunidad de estar de vuelta en la pantalla, nos dice que en realidad habría dicho que no si los jefes de reinicio le preguntaran de nuevo.

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La razón es que la vida después de la serie fue muy dura para él, ya que luchó por conseguir otro trabajo como actor.

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Ahora, Dan ha dejado de depender de otra persona para tener oportunidades, algo de lo que no tiene qué preocuparse ahora, porque es su propio jefe.

Sí, él ha seguido adelante, pero también nos da mucha nostalgia que no aparezca en "Waverly".

TMZ TV Recap Armie Hammer's Biting Thing ... Hillary❤️'Barbie,' Tyreek Married

We're just past the mid-way point in the week, and we are rolling at TMZ when it comes to our television shows ... 'cause now, we're talking biting fetishes, and Hillary Clinton!!!

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Let's begin with Armie Hammer -- who's bedroom fetishes and kinks got put on blast by a former flame who says they hooked up last year ... during which, he supposedly explained the whole "cannibalism" thing that consumed his rep for much of 2021 and beyond.

Check out the segment to see what she had to say about it ... and what he's (allegedly) into.



On the 'TMZ on TV' side of things ... we were back to talking 'Barbie,' but this time -- with a new voice chiming in on the all the indignation over the perceived snubs against Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig ... and that would be ... Hillary Clinton. Yes, the one and only.

Harvey had some hot takes about whether this is actually all about patriarchy or not -- in his mind, it's more like ... hey, sometimes you lose, kid -- guy or gal! He might have a point.

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Over at 'TMZ Sports' ... Babcock and Mojo talked about Tyreek Hill and the fact that he says he's still married ... even though he and his wife have technically filed for divorce. Hmm ...

Lots of opinions and takes with this one -- take a look for yourself and see where you land.

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This is The Worst Podcast / Just Media House

Armie Hammer's recent fling has given us a glimpse into his bedroom "cannibalism" kinks -- you know, the ones that landed him in the center of sexual abuse allegations.

Comedian Brittany Schmitt makes it clear to her pal Brittany Furlan on "This is The Worst Podcast" that while things beneath the sheets were consensual between them, she's absolutely not negating the other accuser's experiences -- cause she, too, was disturbed by his actions.

She claims she met Armie this past August through sober friends in L.A. and they had a brief fling. She says straight off the bat Armie was open about the cannibalism claims levied at him -- explaining it to her as a "cycle of completion" and "I'm inside of you, so I want you to be inside of me" sorta thing.

Mind you, Schmitt doesn't sound bent outta shape about the biting at all, and according to her Armie was so into it, he'd push the limit sometimes -- but, she's clear, when she asked him to stop, he would.

Interestingly, she notes she was lucky to have a different experience from what his sexual assault accusers say they went through. Schmitt actually reiterates she's not shading them or questioning their experiences.

The Brittanys also had a good laugh about the fact Schmitt was down for Armie branding her ... on their first date. She says he gave her a hand tattoo, and put a matching one on himself.


Brittany says he also inked others, and even jokingly referred to his tattoo "artist" gig as "Cannibal-ink." Yes, you heard that right.

Brittany says they stopped talking the next month... admitting the brief fling started because she was in a dark place.

As for Armie ... the DA's office said in May 2023 he wouldn't be charged with rape because they couldn't "prove a non-consensual, forcible sexual encounter" in the Feb 2021 claims made by his ex, Effie Angelova.

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Armie shared a statement soon after ... saying he was looking forward to putting his life back together now that his name had been cleared.

Jacob Elordi bromea en 'SNL' sobre la escena de sexo En la tumba de "Saltburn"

Jacob Elordi tomó las riendas de 'SNL' el sábado por la noche y su monólogo, como era de esperar, comenzó con LA escena de sexo de "Saltburn".

SPOILER: El personaje de Jacob, Felix, muere y el personaje de Barry Keoghan tiene sexo en su tumba.

Jacob fue directo al grano: "Si viste la película, gracias. Si viste la película con tus padres, lo siento. Si viste la película con tu novia, de nada".

prueba esto

El actor australiano, que dio el puntapié inicial al primer "SNL" del año, respondió a las preguntas del público/cast, incluida una en la que le preguntaron por esa escena "asquerosa" de su película. El pobre Jacob pensó que se refería a "Saltburn", pero en realidad se refería a "The Kissing Booth".

No hay rastro de Olivia Jade durante el show, pero fue vista en un afterparty. Los dos han estado saliendo desde finales de 2021 y alla estuvo allí durante los ensayos.

Jacob está de buena racha, aparte de "Saltburn" y "Kissing Booth", protagonizó "Priscilla" el año pasado. También protagoniza "He Went That Way", que fue lanzado a principios de este mes.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

No está mal para un tipo que solo ha estado actuando durante 7 años

Jacob Elordi Host 'SNL' That 'Saltburn' Sex Scene on My Grave is Super Hot!!!

Jacob Elordi took over the reins at 'SNL' Saturday night, and his monologue predictably began with THAT "Saltburn" sex scene.

SPOILER -- Jacob's character, Felix, dies and Barry Keoghan's character has sex on his grave.

Jacob got straight to the point ... "If you saw the movie, thank you. If you saw the movie with your parents, I'm sorry. If you saw the movie with your girlfriend, you're welcome."


The Aussie actor, who kicked off the first "SNL" of the year, took questions from the audience/cast, including one where he was asked about that "gross" scene in his movie. Poor Jacob thought it was about "Saltburn," but she was actually referring to "The Kissing Booth."

No sign of Olivia Jade during the show ... but she was spotted at an afterparty ... the two've been dating since the end of 2021. She was there during rehearsals.

Jacob's on quite the run ... aside from "Saltburn" and "Kissing Booth," he starred in "Priscilla" last year. He also stars in "He Went That Way," which was released earlier this month.

TMZ Studios

Not bad for a dude who's only been acting for 7 years.

Jane Seymour Cuenta detalles de su vida sexual a los 72 años 'Es mejor que nunca'

Jane Seymour está follando a los 72 años y teniendo el mejor sexo de su vida con su novio, John Zambetti y echando por tierra las suposiciones de que la posibilidad de echarse un polvo se acaba después de cierta edad.

La ex chica Bond dice que las cosas entre las sábanas son más apasionadas de lo que puede recordar porque ahora se basan en la confianza, el amor y la experiencia, a diferencia de tener relaciones primero y luego conocer a la persona, la forma en que las generaciones más jóvenes lo hacen, según ella.

En un ensayo sex-positive para Cosmopolitan, Jane dice que tener relaciones no tiene por qué terminar a los 60, porque al final del día, "todo el mundo está buscando algo que ponga la sangre en ciertas áreas".

Jane entiende su cuerpo ahora y puede conectar sexualmente con su pareja de 73 años sobre sus alegrías, tristezas, pasiones mutuas y deseos.

Jane bromea diciendo que una de las ventajas de tener sexo a una edad avanzada es que no puedes quedarte embarazada, un incentivo que claramente la mantiene ocupada en el dormitorio.

En última instancia, dice que tuvo que estar soltera después de sus 4 matrimonios fallidos para aprender que no tiene que "desaparecer para que el sexo y el romance calcen".

¡Es bueno saber que el sexo está vivo en la tercera edad y Jane lo está liderando!