Megan Thee Stallion Snake Venom for Pardi??? 🐍 Hints He Cheated On 'Cobra'

Megan Thee Stallion has a lot of baggage to unpack from this year -- and the load appears to be aimed at her ex-boyfriend/collaborator Pardison Fontaine!!!

On "Cobra," her first solo track of 2023, Meg delivers on her promise to bring "raw topics" to the forefront ... addressing her haters while also speaking on depression and even ideas of suicide.

Many fans were also left with the impression Meg takes a huge bite into Pardi when she raps ... "Man, I miss my parents, way too anxious, always cancel my plans/Pulled up, caught him cheating/Getting his d*** sucked in the same spot I'm sleeping!!!"

Pardi has yet to respond to Meg’s cheating accusations … but he did turn off his IG comments -- yeah, Meg’s Hotties were big mad!!!

The two rappers emerged as a couple in 2021 and were lovebirds for 2 years, but things looked shaky when Pardi took on poetry for the first time ... with a cryptic message that pointed to the split.

The end of their relationship was confirmed when Megan was spotted at a wedding with soccer star Romelu Lukaku in May ... and entered her new era, stepping out in a fully see-through bodysuit, shortly after Tory Lanez was found guilty of shooting her.

Pardi’s moved on himself -- he sent flowers to dancehall singer Jada Kingdom shortly after Meg's song dropped, something she proudly posted on social media.

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Pardi and Jada have been linked since September ... and some fans think she's the woman he was with when Meg allegedly caught him.

Breakups happen, but rap's biggest critic Joe Budden thinks Meg and Pardi should work out their differences ... for the sake of her music's quality.

In other words, JB thinks Meg needs Pardi's pen, but now folks can decide for themselves if they like her new solo stuff.

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'Boy Meets World' Maitland Ward I'm Backing Ben's Run for Congress ... Rest of Cast Should Too!!!


Maitland Ward might as well be an unofficial member of Ben Savage's congressional campaign team ... she's coming out strong to support him, and bashing other ex-costars who aren't doing the same.

We got Maitland in Beverly Hills, where she was rocking a "Savage For Congress" shirt, and our photog asked why Ben's got her vote ... and why other "Boy Meets World" stars aren't banging the drum for him.

The former teen TV star-turned-porn star says Ben's a good man who deeply cares about his community -- he's running for CA's 30th district, which includes parts of Los Angeles and its northern suburbs -- and she says she likes his forward-thinking.

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Remember, Maitland's been on Ben's side since he filed back in January to begin his run for Congress. To her point about their other 'BMW' costars ... Rider Strong says he's not going to endorse Ben just because they starred on a TV show together as teenagers.

Rider made his feelings known on the podcast he hosts with other "Boy Meets World" stars Danielle Fishel and Will Friedle ... and Maitland thinks they're just bitter Ben didn't want to cohost the pod, and they're holding it against him.


Don't worry Ben, you've got Maitland's vote!!!

Lizzo Tour Staff Claps Back At Ex-Dancers ... They Liked the Banana Sex Show!!!

Lizzo's tour staffers have her back in the sexual harassment lawsuit leveled against the singer by some former dancers ... saying Lizzo promoted a positive environment and never forced anyone to go to sex shows they didn't want to attend.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, 18 independent members of Lizzo's touring company wrote declarations standing with Lizzo and disputing the claims made against her by three of her former dancers ... Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez.

Kiara Mooring, a dancer on the tour, is pushing back against claims there was an unspoken rule about facing punishment for not going out with Lizzo when invited -- as the dancers claim in their suit.

She says, "This claim also makes no sense because plenty of the dancers (myself included) did not go to Bananenbar that night and we still have our job dancing with Lizzo."

Remember ... Bananenbar hosts Amsterdam's famed banana sex show, and it's where the dancers suing Lizzo claim she sexually denigrated them by allegedly forcing them to touch the nude performers.

Melissa Locke, another dancer, says she remembers talking with two of Lizzo's accusers, Davis and Rodriguez, the morning after the Bananenbar outing. She says, "They never said they felt uncomfortable or pressured. They were very enthusiastic about what a great night out they had."

Melissa adds ... "I remember telling them, 'That sounds like so much fun, I wish you had woken me up to go with you.' They agreed that it was a fun night and told me that they went out in the Red Light District after. They did not complain or sound upset in any way."

Davis claims Lizzo body-shamed her for gaining weight and used an admission of an eating disorder to justify firing her, but two other dancers say they aren't buying it.

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Alaini Walker, who started dancing on tour after the accusers were out, says ... "In my experience, there was absolutely no body shaming on tour. I have experienced racial discrimination, sexual harassment and body shaming in this industry, but never while working with Lizzo. In fact, Lizzo’s tour felt like the opposite of many negative experiences I have had as a dancer."

Asia Banks backs up Alaini, saying ... "I was the biggest dancer on the tour. Lizzo always went out of her way to make me feel secure and confident in my body, including by making sure I was comfortable in every single costume for the show."

Zuri Appleby, the bass player, says Davis was never fat-shamed ... "To the contrary, everyone on the tour was genuinely concerned about Davis, not because she had gained weight, but because she was lax about her performances, her hygiene and her health."

Chawnta Van, a dancer, says she never experienced or witnessed racism on tour. She says Lizzo supports and empowers Black women and "would never tolerate any racism on tour."

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Lizzo's accusers claim they had to turn down other dancing gigs during pauses on tour ... but Chawnta says the dancers had a retainer where they would be paid a percentage of their weekly rate when the tour was paused, and could still book other gigs when Lizzo didn't have a show.

Remember ... Noelle claims she feared Lizzo was going to physically attack her during a May 3 meeting where she resigned, but another dancer who says she was there claims, "Lizzo never got near Rodriguez or in her face."

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Youtube / @3FMGemist

The assistant tour manager, Molly Gordon, says Crystal was fired for performance, tardiness and budget restrictions ... and she says Crystal begged to hang around on tour after being given the boot.

The declarations are part of a motion filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court by Lizzo’s attorneys seeking to dismiss most if not all of the claims.

Lizzo Personal de la gira responde a ex bailarinas ¡¡Les gustó el show sexual al que fueron!!

El personal de la gira de Lizzo está saliendo en defensa de ella en la demanda por acoso sexual presentada por algunas de sus ex bailarinas, diciendo que Lizzo promovió un ambiente positivo y nunca obligó a nadie a ir a shows sexuales a los que no querían asistir.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, 18 miembros independientes de la compañía de Lizzo escribieron declaraciones de apoyo a la cantante y están contradiciendo las afirmaciones hechas por tres de sus ex bailarinas contra ella. Las demandantes son Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams y Noelle Rodriguez.

Kiara Mooring, una bailarina de la gira, se está oponiendo a las afirmaciones de que había una regla tácita que castigaba a quien no quisiera salir con Lizzo cuando se le invitaba, como afirman las bailarinas en su demanda.

Dice: "Esta afirmación tampoco tiene sentido porque muchas bailarinas (yo incluida) no fuimos a Bananenbar esa noche y seguimos teniendo nuestro trabajo con Lizzo".

Recuerden, Bananenbar acoge un famoso espectáculo de sexo con plátanos en Ámsterdam, y es donde las bailarinas que demandan a Lizzo afirman que las denigró sexualmente al supuestamente obligarlas a tocar a artistas desnudos.

Melissa Locke, otra bailarina, dice que recuerda haber hablado con dos de las denunciantes, Davis y Rodríguez, a la mañana siguiente del show y "nunca dijeron que se sintieron incómodas o presionadas. Estaban muy entusiasmadas por la gran noche que pasaron".

Melissa añade: "Recuerdo haberles dicho: 'Eso suena muy divertido, ojalá me hubieras despertado para ir contigo'. Estuvieron de acuerdo en que fue una noche divertida y me contaron que después salieron por el Barrio Rojo. No se quejaron ni parecían molestas".

Davis afirma que Lizzo la avergonzó por ganar peso y utilizó el diagnóstico de un trastorno alimentario para justificar su despido, pero otras dos bailarinas dicen que no se lo creen.

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Cariño para Lizzo

Alaini Walker, quien comenzó a bailar en la gira después de que las denunciantes se fueron, dice: "En mi experiencia, no hubo absolutamente ningún body shaming (avergonzar el cuerpo de otro) en la gira. He sufrido discriminación racial, acoso sexual e humillación por mi cuerpo en esta industria, pero nunca mientras trabajaba con Lizzo. De hecho, su gira me pareció lo contrario de muchas experiencias negativas que he tenido como bailarina."

Asia Banks respalda a Alaini, diciendo: "Yo era la mejor bailarina de la gira. Lizzo siempre hizo todo lo posible para que me sintiera segura y confiada con mi cuerpo, incluso asegurándose de que me sintiera cómoda en cada uno de los trajes del espectáculo".

Zuri Appleby, el bajista, dice que Davis nunca se avergonzó de la gordura: "Al contrario, todo el mundo en la gira estaba genuinamente preocupado por Davis, no porque hubiera engordado, sino porque era poco estricta con sus actuaciones, su higiene y su salud."

Chawnta Van, bailarina, dice que nunca experimentó ni presenció racismo en la gira. Dice que Lizzo apoya y empodera a las mujeres negras y "nunca toleraría ningún racismo en su gira".

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Esto es por lo que pasamos

Las demandantes de Lizzo afirman que tuvieron que rechazar otras actuaciones de baile durante las pausas de la gira, pero Chawnta dice que los bailarines tenían un "retenedor" que les permitía acceder a un porcentaje de su tarifa semanal cuando la gira estaba en pausa, y que se podían agendar otros conciertos cuando Lizzo no tenía un show.

Recuerden, Noelle afirma que temía que Lizzo fuera a agredirla físicamente durante una reunión el 3 de mayo en la que dimitió, pero otra bailarina que dice haber estado allí afirma: "Lizzo nunca se acercó a Rodriguez ni la miró a la cara."

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Amando Ámsterdam
Youtube / @3FMGemist

Una asistente de la gira, Molly Gordon, dice que Crystal fue despedida por rendimiento, tardanza y restricciones presupuestarias. Asegura que Crystal le suplicó que la dejaran quedarse después de que le dieron la patada.

Las declaraciones forman parte de una moción presentada en el Tribunal Superior del Condado de Los Ángeles por los abogados de Lizzo para desestimar la mayoría de las demandas, si no todas.

John Stamos Ex Denies Cheating On Him With Danza ... We Were Broken Up!!!

John Stamos claims he once caught a girlfriend of his in the '80s cheating on him with Tony Danza ... but the woman says John's got it all wrong.

Teri Copley, the ex-gf John's accused of an alleged affair, denies cheating on him ... she says they were already broken up when Stamos found her in bed with Danza.

The model/actress confirms part of John's story ... that he came over to her place to find her naked in bed next to a passed-out Tony ... but she told People she and John had already ended their relationship.

Teri told the outlet, "I wondered, 'What was John doing there?' because we had broken up. He just looked at me and shook his head, and walked away."

As we reported ... John reveals the alleged affair in his upcoming memoir, "If You Would Have Told Me," claiming he also peeked into Tony's Porsche, which was parked at Teri's place, and saw an autographed poster of her half-naked with a note that read ... "My Dear Tony, I'll love you forever. XO, Teri."

John said he was madly in love with Teri at the time ... but it sounds like she didn't feel the same way.

For his part, Tony has yet to respond to John's claims.

Britney Spears Biggest Memoir Bombshells So Far

Britney Spears has revealed a lot ahead of her new memoir's release -- so, just to get you ready for its Tuesday release ... here's a look at her biggest bombshells, so far.

Of course, the biggest truth dropped in "The Woman in Me" is the fact Brit had an abortion in the early 2000s while dating Justin Timberlake -- something she seems to mostly pin on him, saying JT "didn’t want to be a father" and he "wasn't happy about the pregnancy."

Britney says she regrets giving up the baby, in hindsight. She says having the abortion devastated her, at the time ... and she says Justin tried to soothe her during the process by strumming a guitar.

There are more JT claims she's making in the book ... including the allegation he cheated on her with an unnamed celebrity. Britney also acknowledges she cheated on Justin with Wade Robson, but insists it was just a kiss. However, one of Britney's writing partners tells us the Wade relationship was much more than that.

Brit also addressed other elements of her private life, including the fact she'd started having sex at 14 -- with a friend of her older brother -- and that her drug of choice in her heyday was Adderall ... which she says helped make her feel less depressed.

Speaking of doing the dirty ... Britney says she had a hot fling with Colin Farrell back in 2003, where they were banging as if they were fighting, at least that's how she puts it.

Britney also reflected on her brief acting career ... saying her starring role in "Crossroads" was fun and all, but noting she didn't like the experience of having to pretend to be someone else. In that same breath, Britney also claims she almost snagged a HUGE role.

As it turns out ... Brit had actually auditioned for the lead female role in "The Notebook," opposite Ryan Gosling, and it sounds like she was in the running for a good while. In the end, though, she lost out to Rachel McAdams -- something BS says she's happy about.

There've been countless other revelations that have leaked out thus far -- including the fact Britney says she posts so many nude photos of herself as an act of liberation ... this after being under the constraints and control of a conservatorship for so many years.

Britney has also spoken at length about that conservatorship in her book ... and one of the latest nuggets she opened up about, as it pertains to the legal apparatus, is that she only "went along" with it as a way to get back to her children -- whom she'd lost custody of in 2007.


There's been much more that's been exposed, but we're going to get the full story from Britney herself in about 24 hours. "The Woman in Me" will be for sale starting Tuesday.

BRITNEY SPEARS Las revelaciones más polémicas de sus memorias hasta ahora...

Britney Spears ha revelado muchas cosas antes del lanzamiento de su nuevo libro de memorias, así que solo para prepararte para su lanzamiento (el martes), le echamos un vistazo a sus mayores polémicas hasta el momento.

Por supuesto, la mayor verdad que se deja caer en "The Woman in Me" es el hecho de que Brit tuvo un aborto a principios de 2000 mientras salía con Justin Timberlake. Ella parece culparlo sobre todo a él, diciendo que Justin: "no quería ser padre" y que "no estaba contento con el embarazo".

Britney dice que se arrepiente de haber renunciado al bebé. Dice que tener el aborto la devastó en su momento y que Justin trató de calmarla durante el proceso tocando la guitarra.

En el libro, Britney también acusa a Timberlake de engañarla con una celebridad sin nombre. Britney también reconoce que engañó a Justin con Wade Robson, pero insiste en que solo fue un beso. Sin embargo, uno de los compañeros de escritura de Britney nos dice que la relación Wade era mucho más que eso.

Britney también abordó otros aspectos de su vida privada, incluyendo el hecho de que había comenzado a tener relaciones sexuales a los 14 con un amigo de su hermano mayor y que su droga de elección en su apogeo fue Adderall, la cual dice que le ayudó a hacer que se sienta menos deprimida.

Hablando de sexo, Britney dice que tuvo una aventura con Colin Farrell en 2003, y las cosas fueron bastante rudas y sucias, al menos eso es lo que ella dice.

Britney también reflexionó sobre su breve carrera como actriz, diciendo que su papel protagonista en "Crossroads" fue divertido y todo, pero que no le gustaba la experiencia de tener que fingir ser otra persona. En ese mismo aliento, Britney también afirma que casi consiguió un papel ENORME.

Resulta que Britney había hecho una audición para el papel principal femenino en "The Notebook", junto a Ryan Gosling, y parece que fue la primera opsión durante un tiempo. Sin embargo, perdió ante Rachel McAdams, algo con lo que Britney dice estar feliz.

Ha habido un sinnúmero de otras revelaciones que se han filtrado hasta ahora, incluyendo el hecho de que Britney dice que publica tantas fotos de ella desnuda como un acto de liberación, esto después de estar bajo las limitaciones y el control de una tutela durante tantos años.

Britney también ha hablado largo y tendido sobre la tutela en su libro y una de las últimas pepitas que soltó sobre el proceso legal es que ella sólo "siguió adelante" como una manera de volver a sus hijos, de quienes había perdido la custodia en 2007.

Ha habido mucho más que se ha expuesto, pero vamos a obtener la historia completa de la propia Britney en unas 24 horas. "The Woman in Me" estará a la venta a partir del martes.

actitud nudista

Italian Prime Minister Breaks Up with Partner Who Wanted a 3-Some ... Mused, 'Can I touch my balls while I talk to you?'

The Prime Minister of Italy is pretty clearly not into threesomes, because she just broke up with the father of her child after he apparently floated the idea to another woman.

PM Giorgia Meloni said she was dunzo with Andrea Giambruno, her partner of 10 years, writing on Instagram ... "I thank him for the splendid years we spent together, for the difficulties we went through, and for giving me the most important thing in my life, which is our daughter Ginevra."

Giambruno was involved in numerous shenanigans, reportedly musing about having a "threesome, even a foursome."

He also reportedly asked a colleague of his, "Can I touch my balls while I talk to you?"

And, according to Italian media, he was caught on a hot mic asking a woman, not his partner, for sex.

He's made many outrageous comments, including a warning to women not to get drunk if they wanted to avoid rape. BTW ... the PM co-signed on that thought.

As for Meloni ... she said, "I will defend what we were, I will defend our friendship, and I will defend, at all costs, a seven-year-old girl who loves her mother and loves her father, as I was unable to love mine."

Different strokes.

Primera ministra italiana Termina con la pareja que quería tener un trío... Y que murmuró, ¿puedo tocarme las bolas mientras hablo contigo?

Está claro que a la Primera Ministra de Italia no le gustan los tríos, porque acaba de terminar con el padre de su hijo después de que, supuestamente, este le propusiera la idea a otra mujer.

La primera ministra Giorgia Meloni dijo que ya no está interesada en Andrea Giambruno, su pareja desde hace 10 años, en un post de Instagram que dice: "Le doy las gracias por los espléndidos años que pasamos juntos, por las dificultades que atravesamos y por darme lo más importante de mi vida, que es nuestra hija Ginevra".

Giambruno estuvo involucrado en numerosas travesuras, al parecer musitando sobre tener un "trío, incluso un cuarteto".

También le habría preguntado a un colega suyo: "¿Puedo tocarme los huevos mientras hablo contigo?".

Y, según medios italianos, fue pillado pidiendo sexo a una mujer, no a su pareja.

Ha hecho, además, muchos comentarios escandalosos, incluida una advertencia a las mujeres para que no se emborrachen si quieren evitar una violación. Por cierto, la Primera Ministra también estuvo de acuerdo en este pensamiento.

En cuanto a Meloni, agregó: "Voy a defender lo que éramos, voy a defender nuestra amistad y voy a defender a toda costa a una niña de siete años que ama a su madre y ama a su padre, como yo no pude amar a la mía".

Britney Spears Asegura que tuvo sexo salvaje con Colin Farrell... En nuevo libro de memorias

Britney Spears está hablando de lo que ella asegura fue un romance caliente de dos semanas con Colin Farrell hace años, el que comparó con una "pelea callejera".

La estrella del pop escribió acerca de su aventura con Colin en su nuevo libro de memorias, "The Woman In Me", que se publicará el próximo martes.

En un nuevo extracto del libro obtenido por TIME, Britney dice que conoció a Colin por primera vez a través de un promotor en el set de su película "S.W.A.T." de 2003.

Britney dice que las chispas saltaron de inmediato y las estrellas terminaron teniendo un montón de sexo apasionado, que ella describió como una "pelea de dos semanas."

Añadió que "trifulca es la única palabra para describirlo: estábamos el uno encima del otro, forcejeando tan apasionadamente que era como si estuviéramos en una pelea callejera".

Britney también dice que su revolcón con el actor nominado al Oscar se produjo después de que su entonces novio Justin Timberlake terminara con ella en 2002.

Ella admite que no había "superado a Justin" cuando apareció junto a Colin en el estreno de su película "The Recruit", de 2003. Aún se sentía vulnerable tras la ruptura con Justin, pero intentó convencerse de que "no era para tanto" y que "sólo se estaba divirtiendo" con Colin.

En el estreno, Colin le dijo a los medios que "no estaba saliendo" con Britney, pero se refirió a ella como "una chica dulce, dulce."

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Juntos en la alfombra roja

Ese mismo año, Britney le contó a "W Magazine" que besó a Colin y pensó que era la "cosa más tierna y sexy del mundo", pero que su relación no era "nada serio".

En sus memorias, la cantante no cuenta lo que llevó al final de su fugaz relación con Colin, pero en su lugar dice: "Por un breve momento, pensé que podía haber algo ahí. Las decepciones en mi vida sentimental eran sólo una parte de lo aislada que me sentía. Me sentía tan incómoda todo el tiempo".

Varios extractos del libro de Britney ya se han filtrado a los medios. Esta semana, TMZ dio la noticia de que Britney y Justin habían tomado la difícil decisión de abortar a su bebé, mientras salían a principios de la década de los 2000.

Britney Spears Claims She Had Brawling Sex With Colin Farrell ... In New Memoir

Britney Spears is dishing on what she claims was a two-week hot romance she had with Colin Farrell years ago -- comparing their quickie affair to a "street fight."

The pop star wrote about her fling with Colin in her new memoir, "The Woman In Me," which is set to be released next Tuesday.

In a new excerpt from the book, obtained by TIME, Britney says she first met Colin through a club promoter on the set of his 2003 film "S.W.A.T."

Britney says the sparks flew immediately and the stars wound up having a lot of rough sex, describing it as a "two-week brawl."

She added that "brawl is the only word for it -- we were all over each other, grappling so passionately it was like we were in a street fight."

Britney also says her bedroom romp with the Oscar-nominated actor came after then-boyfriend Justin Timberlake broke up with her in 2002.

She admits she wasn't "over Justin" when she appeared alongside Colin at the opening of his 2003 movie, "The Recruit." She says she was vulnerable after the split with Justin, but tried to convince herself "it was not a big deal" and she was "just having fun" with Colin.

At the premiere, Colin told the media he was "not dating" Britney, but referred to her as "a sweet, sweet girl."

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That same year, Britney told "W Magazine" she kissed Colin and thought he was the "cutest, hottest thing in the world," but their relationship was "nothing serious."

In her memoir, Britney doesn't get into what led to the end of her sexual liaison with Colin, but she offers this instead ... "For a brief moment in time, I did think there could be something there. The disappointments in my romantic life were just one part of how isolated I became. I felt so awkward all the time."

Several excerpts from Britney's book have already leaked to the media. This week, TMZ broke the story about her tell-all bombshell  ... Britney and Justin made the gut-wrenching decision to abort their unborn child while they were dating in the early 2000s.


Trey Songz Sued You Sexually Assaulted Us At House Party


7:00 PM PT -- Trey Songz's attorney, Michael Freedman, tells TMZ, "This is yet another example of nearly decade-old allegations being repurposed to take advantage of California's constitutionally questionable new look back window. We look forward to vindicating Trey on the merits in court."

Trey Songz is being sued by two women who claim they passed out at his house party only to wake up to him forcing himself on them with nonconsensual sex.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the women are accusing Trey of sexual assault and battery for an alleged 2015 incident at his Los Angeles-area estate.

In the docs, the women say they first met Trey in June 2015 when they went to his concert and got invited to an after-party he was hosting. They say subsequent interactions led them to be invited to his home in August for his birthday party.

The women claim they took an Uber to Trey's home and were forced to give a password and turn over the phones to gain admittance. Inside, they say it was mostly women and only a handful of men, and the ladies were pressured to drink alcohol from unsealed bottles.

In the suit, the women say they suddenly felt overwhelmingly intoxicated, despite drinking what they felt was a modest amount ... and believe they were drugged.

They claim they sat on a couch by the pool and that's when Trey swooped in and led them to an upstairs bedroom where they passed out with their clothes on.

The next morning, the women say the woke up naked ... with a naked Trey forcing himself on them.

One woman claims Trey was giving her nonconsensual oral sex. She says she tried to resist but he overpowered her.

The other woman claims she woke up to Trey biting her nipple and forcing his fingers inside her vagina.

In the suit, the women say Trey demanded they take a shower with him after the alleged sexual attacks ... but they say they refused and he became enraged, yelling at them ..."You are little f****** girls, get the f*** out of my house."

The women say they grabbed their clothes and tried to leave, but Trey refused to turn over their phones. Eventually, they say a security guard intervened, gave them their phones from a safe, and they called an Uber.

In their suit, the women say they've suffered lasting injuries from the alleged incident ... and they're going after Trey for damages.

We reached out to Trey's camp ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 6:40 PM PT

Myke Towers Sorry Ladies, I'm Loving All the 'LALA' ... Not Settling Down Yet!!!


Myke Towers isn't looking to follow in his fellow Puerto Rican trapper Bad Bunny's footsteps by locking down a celeb relationship -- a la Kendall Jenner -- instead, the "LALA" artist says he has options, and he's ready to explore 'em!!!

TMZ Hip Hop quizzed the Reggaeton megastar about his relationship status outside 'Jimmy Kimmel,' and while he played it coy, Myke ultimately told us the single life works best for him now.

He made it clear, he doesn't want to piss off his existing roster of women. Yeah, we know, first-world playboy problems!!!

It's not hard to see why Myke is iffy on tying down the right one, he's been crackin' since winning the "Best New Artist" at the Billboard Latin Music Awards a couple of years ago.

He dropped his recent album "La Vida Es Una" back in March ... and his track "LALA" has been racking up platinum plaques in the Latin market left and right.


We also inquired about Tekashi 6ix9ine's current standing amongst fans in P.R., especially in light of his recent legal drama in the Dominican Republic for alleged assault.

Myke didn't exactly give Tekashi a ringing endorsement -- but it is what it we guess.

Blueface Megan Thee Stallion? Been There, Done That You Want Me to Lie??? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Blueface pulled the ol' George Washington cherry tree defense when confronted about his mom wanting to set him up with Megan Thee Stallion -- and, in the process, seemingly let it slip they once were a thing.

Blue and Jaidyn Alexis were the latest guests on "The Jason Lee Show" when the Meg topic came up -- to which the "Thotiana" rapper blurted out he had "been there, done that."


Now, he wouldn't say if they slept together, but suggested they engaged in some thot s**t, and there were some oral sexual favors.

Blueface claims the Stallion tryst went down about 5 years ago when he and Meg were 2019 XXL Freshman together, and he seemed to be in disbelief Jason considered their alleged hookup a scoop.

Meanwhile, Jaidyn stared at her watch, uncomfortably ... as she had to sit through more than just the Megan convo.

Coi Leray's name also came up, and BF's response was the same ... been there, done that.

BF denied being a chatty Patty, and claimed he was just answering every question, even ancient ones, truthfully.

So much for gentlemen not kissing and telling. If nothing else, Megan will have plenty to rap about on her next project ... which she just announced will be done independently.

Scott Disick Car Crash Made Me 'Terrible' In Bed!!! Weight Gain, Back Pain Don't Help


Scott Disick is still suffering from his 2022 car crash in a bunch of different ways ... and it all adds up to making his sex life total crap.

Lord D opened up about the aftermath of his accident on Thursday's episode of "The Kardashians" as Khloé Kardashian took him to see a doctor for his back pain -- something he attributes to his Lamborghini rollover wreck last year near Calabasas.

The back pain isn't all Scott says he's still dealing with ... he also says the accident led to some weight gain and all of it is directly affecting his sex life.

When the doc asks Scott what he'd usually do for fun before the crash, he says sex but admits he's terrible at it now, thanks to a lack of mobility. Khloé's no doctor, but she's got some sorta bedside manner ... because she asks Scott if he'll be motivated to fix his pain so he can "get back on the wagon to f**k?"


Scott even jokingly suggests maybe once he's all healed up, he and Khloé could test out his new back in the sack! Not surprisingly ... Kourtney's sis refused to participate in that joke!

TMZ broke the story, Scott's accident was a scary one ... but thankfully, no one else was involved in the accident. Outwardly, he walked away with just a minor cut to his head, but obviously, there was more internal damage.

Scott later revealed he was going to pick up his son, Mason, when he turned the wheel a little too sharply and smacked into a pillar.

Scott Disick Soy terrible en la cama después del accidente de carro La subida de peso y el dolor de espalda no ayudan...

Disick en el doctor

Scott Disick todavía está sufriendo por su accidente de carro en 2022, de un montón de maneras diferentes, y todo eso está haciendo que su vida sexual sea una mierda total.

Lord D se abrió sobre las secuelas de su accidente en el episodio del jueves de "The Kardashians", mientras Khloé Kardashian lo llevaba a ver a un médico por su dolor de espalda, algo que él atribuye al accidente con su Lamborghini cerca de Calabasas.

El dolor de espalda no es lo único con lo que está lidiando, también dice que el accidente le provocó un aumento de peso y que ambas cosas afectan directamente su vida sexual.

Cuando el médico le pregunta a Scott lo que solía hacer para divertirse antes del accidente, él dice que tener sexo, pero admite que es terrible en eso ahora, debido a la falta de movilidad. Khloé no es doctora, pero tiene buenos modales porque le pregunta a Scott si estaría interesado en sanar su dolor y así poder "volver a follar".

Scott incluso sugiere en broma que tal vez cuando esté curado, él y Khloé podrían probar su nueva espalda en la cama. Como era de esperar, ¡la hermana de Kourtney se negó a participar en la broma!

TMZ dio la noticia, el accidente de Scott fue un susto, pero por suerte, nadie más estuvo involucrado en el accidente. Exteriormente, salió con solo un corte menor en la cabeza, pero obviamente hubo más daños internos.

Más tarde, Scott reveló que iba a recoger a su hijo Mason cuando giró el volante demasiado bruscamente y chocó contra un pilar.